def train_rls(): X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test = load_newsgroups() #CGRLS does not support multi-output learning, so we train #one classifier for the first column of Y. Multi-class learning #would be implemented by training one CGRLS for each column, and #taking the argmax of class predictions. predictions = [] rls = CGRLS(X_train, Y_train[:, 0], regparam=100.0) P = rls.predict(X_test) perf = auc(Y_test[:, 0], P) print("auc for task 1 %f" % perf)
def train_rls(): X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test = load_newsgroups() # CGRLS does not support multi-output learning, so we train # one classifier for the first column of Y. Multi-class learning # would be implemented by training one CGRLS for each column, and # taking the argmax of class predictions. predictions = [] rls = CGRLS(X_train, Y_train[:, 0], regparam=100.0) P = rls.predict(X_test) perf = auc(Y_test[:, 0], P) print("auc for task 1 %f" % perf)
def testCGRLS(self): m, n = 100, 300 for regparam in [0.00000001, 1, 100000000]: Xtrain = np.mat(np.random.rand(m, n)) Y = np.mat(np.random.rand(m, 1)) rpool = {} rpool["train_features"] = Xtrain rpool["train_labels"] = Y rpool["regparam"] = regparam rpool["bias"] = 1.0 rls = RLS.createLearner(**rpool) rls.solve(regparam) model = rls.getModel() W = model.W b = model.b rls = CGRLS.createLearner(**rpool) rls.train() model = rls.getModel() W2 = model.W b2 = model.b for i in range(W.shape[0]): # for j in range(W.shape[1]): # self.assertAlmostEqual(W[i,j],W2[i,j],places=5) self.assertAlmostEqual(W[i], W2[i], places=5) self.assertAlmostEqual(b, b2, places=5)
def testCGRLS(self): m, n = 100, 300 for regparam in [0.00000001, 1, 100000000]: Xtrain = np.mat(np.random.rand(m, n)) Y = np.mat(np.random.rand(m, 1)) rpool = {} rpool['train_features'] = Xtrain rpool['train_labels'] = Y rpool['regparam'] = regparam rpool["bias"] = 1.0 rls = RLS.createLearner(**rpool) rls.solve(regparam) model = rls.getModel() W = model.W b = model.b rls = CGRLS.createLearner(**rpool) rls.train() model = rls.getModel() W2 = model.W b2 = model.b for i in range(W.shape[0]): #for j in range(W.shape[1]): # self.assertAlmostEqual(W[i,j],W2[i,j],places=5) self.assertAlmostEqual(W[i], W2[i], places=5) self.assertAlmostEqual(b, b2, places=5)
def testCGRLS(self): m, n = 100, 300 for regparam in [0.00000001, 1, 100000000]: Xtrain = np.mat(np.random.rand(m, n)) Y = np.mat(np.random.rand(m, 1)) rpool = {} rpool['X'] = Xtrain rpool['Y'] = Y rpool['regparam'] = regparam rpool["bias"] = 2.0 rls = RLS(**rpool) rls.solve(regparam) model = rls.predictor W = model.W b = model.b rls = CGRLS(**rpool) model = rls.predictor W2 = model.W b2 = model.b for i in range(W.shape[0]): self.assertAlmostEqual(W[i], W2[i], places=5) self.assertAlmostEqual(b, b2, places=5)
def evaluate_topic(X_train, y_train, X_test, classifier): if classifier == 'svm': # Create a linear SVM classifier. Instead of subsampling I change the value of the 'class_weight' parameter to 'balanced' clf = svm.SVC(kernel='linear', class_weight=None, probability=True) # decision_function_shape='ovo', y_train) new_p, new_y_test_predict_log_proba = ([] for i in range(2)) #for val in clf.decision_function(X_test): # new_p.append(val - min(clf.decision_function(X_test))) for val in clf.predict_log_proba(X_test)[:, 1]: new_y_test_predict_log_proba.append(math.exp(val)) y_test = clf.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1] # The correct is with 1 apparently #y_test = clf.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 0] new_p = new_y_test_predict_log_proba return(y_test, new_p) elif classifier == 'lgb': regr = LGBMRegressor(boosting_type='gbdt'), y_train) y_test = regr.predict(X_test) ''' if you want to use LGBMClassifier ucomment the lines below ''' #train_data = lgb.Dataset(X_train, label=y_train) #clf = lgb.train(param, train_data) #y_test = clf.predict(X_test) #new_p = clf.predict_proba(X_test, num_iteration=clf.best_iteration_)[:, 1] # supported only for LGBMClassifier new_p = None return(y_test, new_p) elif classifier == 'lsvr': regr = LinearSVR(random_state=0, tol=1e-5), y_train) y_test = regr.predict(X_test) return(y_test, None) elif classifier == 'svr': #svr = SVR(kernel='rbf', C=math.pow(2,C), gamma=math.pow(2,gamma), cache_size=2000, verbose=False, max_iter=-1, shrinking=False) regr = svm.SVR(C=1.0, epsilon=0.2, probability=True), y_train) y_test = regr.predict(X_test) return(y_test, None) elif classifier == 'sgd': clf = SGDClassifier(loss='hinge', penalty='l2', alpha=1e-3, random_state=42, max_iter=5, tol=None), y_train) y_test = clf.predict(X_test) return(y_test, None) elif classifier == 'xgb': clf = XGBClassifier(), y_train) y_test = clf.predict(X_test) return(y_test, None) elif classifier == 'rls': #clf = CGRLS(X_train, Y_train[:, 0], regparam=100.0) clf = CGRLS(X_train, y_train, regparam=100.0) y_test = clf.predict(X_test) return(y_test, None) elif classifier == 'dtc': clf = DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=0), y_train) y_test = clf.predict(X_test) return(y_test, None) elif classifier == 'rfc': clf = RandomForestClassifier( n_estimators=100, max_depth=2, random_state=0), y_train) y_test = clf.predict(X_test) return(y_test, None) elif classifier == 'kne': clf = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=3) clf =, y_train) y_test = clf.predict(X_test) return(y_test, None) elif classifier == 'smote': smt = SMOTE() smt = SMOTE(sampling_strategy='auto') X_train_sampled, y_train_sampled = smt.fit_sample( X_train.toarray(), np.asarray(y_train)) clf = LinearSVC().fit(X_train_sampled, y_train_sampled) y_test = clf.predict(X_test) return(y_test, None) elif classifier == 'lr': clf = LogisticRegression(), y_train) y_test = clf.predict(X_test) return(y_test, None) else: raise Exception('Wrong classifier') return(y_test, None)