def setUpModule(): """ A method that is run before the class. """ # set-up RMG object and get global rmg object in file # so methods can be tested global rmg rmg = RMG() inp.set_global_rmg(rmg)
def setUpClass(cls): """ A method that is run ONCE before all unit tests in this class. """ cls.dirname = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'temp')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(cls.dirname, 'pdep')) test_family = 'R_Recombination' cls.rmg = RMG() from rmgpy.rmg.input import set_global_rmg, pressure_dependence set_global_rmg(cls.rmg) pressure_dependence( method='modified strong collision', maximumGrainSize=(0.5, 'kcal/mol'), minimumNumberOfGrains=250, temperatures=(300, 2100, 'K', 8), pressures=(0.1, 100, 'bar', 5), interpolation=('Chebyshev', 6, 4), maximumAtoms=10, ) cls.rmg.output_directory = cls.rmg.pressure_dependence.output_file = cls.dirname cls.rmg.database = RMGDatabase() cls.rmg.database.load( path=settings[''], thermo_libraries=['primaryThermoLibrary'], kinetics_families=[test_family], reaction_libraries=[], ) cls.rmg.reaction_model = CoreEdgeReactionModel() cls.rmg.reaction_model.pressure_dependence = cls.rmg.pressure_dependence