def test_graph_serializer(): a = value.Value(value=1, name='val_a') b = value.Value(value=2, name='val_b') s = buffers.Buffer(name='buffer') g = graph.Graph('test', [a, b, s]) g.connect(s, a, 'val_a') g.connect(s, b, 'val_b') serialized = serializer.GraphSerializer.serialize(g) deserialized = serializer.GraphSerializer.deserialize(serialized) assert == assert g.nxgraph == g.nxgraph
def plot(): v1 = value.Value(value=[9, -3, 8.7], name='v1') v2 = value.Value(value=[86, -0.43], name='v2') s = maths.Sum(name='sum') m = maths.Product(name='product') b = buffers.Buffer(name='buffer') p = printer.ConsolePrinter(name='printer') g = graph.Graph('sum_and_product', [v1, v2, s, m, p, b]) g.connect(p, b, 'message') g.connect(b, s, 'sum of v1') g.connect(b, m, 'product of v2') g.connect(s, v1, 'argument') g.connect(m, v2, 'argument') plotter.show_plot(g)
def scraper_image(img_url, target_path): url = value.Value(value=img_url) client = http.Get(mime_type='image/png', ) writer = files.BinaryFileWriter(filepath=target_path) g = graph.Graph('scrape_image', [url, client, writer]) g.connect(writer, client, 'data') g.connect(client, url, 'url') return g
def replace_word(text): t = value.Value(value=text, name="text") s = branching.IfThenApply(condition=lambda x: "hello" in x, function_true=lambda x: x.replace("hello", "ciao"), function_false=lambda x: x.replace(" ", "_"), name="if") p = printer.ConsolePrinter() g = graph.Graph('replace_word', [t, s, p]) g.connect(p, s, 'message') g.connect(s, t, 'data') return g
def execution_stop(number): def stop_here(value): if value >= 0: raise exceptions.StopGraphExecutionSignal('arg is positive') raise exceptions.StopGraphExecutionSignal('arg is negative') v = value.Value(value=number) a = apply.Apply(function=stop_here) g = graph.Graph('execution_stop', [a, v]) g.connect(a, v, 'argument') return g
def sum_and_product(list_of_numbers): v = value.Value(value=list_of_numbers) s = apply.Apply(function=sum) m = apply.Apply(function=lambda c: reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, c)) b = buffers.Buffer() p = printer.ConsolePrinter() g = graph.Graph('sum_and_product', [v, s, m, p, b]) g.connect(p, b, 'message') g.connect(b, s, 'sum value') g.connect(b, m, 'product value') g.connect(s, v, 'argument') g.connect(m, v, 'argument') return g
def email_geolocated_ip(recipients_list, smtp_server_params, ip_addr): subject = value.Value(value='Test mail') smtp_server_params['sender'] = '*****@*****.**' smtp_server_params['mime_type'] = 'text/html' smtp_server_params['recipients_list'] = recipients_list sendmail = email.SmtpEmail(**smtp_server_params) http_params = dict(url=''+ip_addr, mime_type='application/json') geolocate = http.Get(**http_params) g = graph.Graph('email_geolocated_ip', [subject, geolocate, sendmail]) g.connect(sendmail, geolocate, 'body') g.connect(sendmail, subject, 'subject') return g
def logged_sum_and_product(list_of_numbers): v = value.Value(value=list_of_numbers) s = apply.Apply(function=sum) m = apply.Apply(function=lambda c: reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, c)) b = buffers.Buffer() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR) p = printer.LogPrinter(logger=logging.getLogger(__name__), loglevel=logging.ERROR) g = graph.Graph('logged_sum_and_product', [v, s, m, b, p]) g.connect(p, b, 'message') g.connect(b, s, 'sum value') g.connect(b, m, 'product value') g.connect(s, v, 'argument') g.connect(m, v, 'argument') return g
def delayed_sum_and_product(list_of_numbers, delay): val = value.Value(value=list_of_numbers) summer = apply.Apply(function=sum) multiplier = apply.Apply(function=lambda c: reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, c)) delayed_value_buffer = buffers.DelayedBuffer(seconds=delay) printout = printer.ConsolePrinter() g = graph.Graph('sum_and_product', [ val, summer, multiplier, printout, delayed_value_buffer, delayed_value_buffer ]) g.connect(printout, delayed_value_buffer, 'message') g.connect(delayed_value_buffer, summer, 'sum value') g.connect(delayed_value_buffer, multiplier, 'product value') g.connect(summer, val, 'argument') g.connect(multiplier, val, 'argument') return g
def test_input(): expected = '1234' instance = value.Value() instance.input(dict(value=expected)) instance.set_output_label('any') assert instance.output() == expected
def test_requirements(): expected = ['value'] instance = value.Value() assert instance.requirements == expected
def test_output(): expected = dict(expected='1234') instance = value.Value(value=expected) instance.set_output_label('any') assert instance.output() == expected