def net_from_chkpt_(self): def map_location(storage, _): return storage.cuda() if self.cuda else storage.cpu() # chkpt = torch.load(self.checkpoint, map_location=map_location) num_classes = len(self.dataset['common']['classes']) net = UNet(num_classes).to(self.device) net = nn.DataParallel(net) if self.cuda: torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True net.load_state_dict(chkpt) net.eval() return net
def main(args): model = load_config(args.model) dataset = load_config(args.dataset) cuda = model["common"]["cuda"] device = torch.device("cuda" if cuda else "cpu") def map_location(storage, _): return storage.cuda() if cuda else storage.cpu() if cuda and not torch.cuda.is_available(): sys.exit("Error: CUDA requested but not available") num_classes = len(dataset["common"]["classes"]) # chkpt = torch.load(args.checkpoint, map_location=map_location) net = UNet(num_classes).to(device) net = nn.DataParallel(net) if cuda: torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True net.load_state_dict(chkpt["state_dict"]) net.eval() mean, std = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225] transform = Compose([ ConvertImageMode(mode="RGB"), ImageToTensor(), Normalize(mean=mean, std=std) ]) directory = BufferedSlippyMapDirectory(args.tiles, transform=transform, size=args.tile_size, overlap=args.overlap) loader = DataLoader(directory, batch_size=args.batch_size, num_workers=args.workers) # don't track tensors with autograd during prediction with torch.no_grad(): for images, tiles in tqdm(loader, desc="Eval", unit="batch", ascii=True): images = outputs = net(images) # manually compute segmentation mask class probabilities per pixel probs = nn.functional.softmax(outputs, dim=1).data.cpu().numpy() for tile, prob in zip(tiles, probs): x, y, z = list(map(int, tile)) # we predicted on buffered tiles; now get back probs for original image prob = directory.unbuffer(prob) # Quantize the floating point probabilities in [0,1] to [0,255] and store # a single-channel `.png` file with a continuous color palette attached. assert prob.shape[ 0] == 2, "single channel requires binary model" assert np.allclose( np.sum(prob, axis=0), 1. ), "single channel requires probabilities to sum up to one" foreground = prob[1:, :, :] anchors = np.linspace(0, 1, 256) quantized = np.digitize(foreground, anchors).astype(np.uint8) palette = continuous_palette_for_color("pink", 256) out = Image.fromarray(quantized.squeeze(), mode="P") out.putpalette(palette) os.makedirs(os.path.join(args.probs, str(z), str(x)), exist_ok=True) path = os.path.join(args.probs, str(z), str(x), str(y) + ".png"), optimize=True)
def main(args): model = load_config(args.model) dataset = load_config(args.dataset) cuda = model['common']['cuda'] device = torch.device('cuda' if cuda else 'cpu') def map_location(storage, _): return storage.cuda() if cuda else storage.cpu() if cuda and not torch.cuda.is_available(): sys.exit('Error: CUDA requested but not available') num_classes = len(dataset['common']['classes']) # chkpt = torch.load(args.checkpoint, map_location=map_location) net = UNet(num_classes).to(device) net = nn.DataParallel(net) if cuda: torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True net.load_state_dict(chkpt) net.eval() transform = Compose([ ConvertImageMode(mode='RGB'), ImageToTensor(), Normalize(mean=dataset['stats']['mean'], std=dataset['stats']['std']) ]) directory = BufferedSlippyMapDirectory(args.tiles, transform=transform, size=args.tile_size, overlap=args.overlap) loader = DataLoader(directory, batch_size=args.batch_size) # don't track tensors with autograd during prediction with torch.no_grad(): for images, tiles in tqdm(loader, desc='Eval', unit='batch', ascii=True): images = outputs = net(images) # manually compute segmentation mask class probabilities per pixel probs = nn.functional.softmax(outputs, dim=1).data.cpu().numpy() for tile, prob in zip(tiles, probs): x, y, z = list(map(int, tile)) # we predicted on buffered tiles; now get back probs for original image prob = directory.unbuffer(prob) # Quantize the floating point probabilities in [0,1] to [0,255] and store # a single-channel `.png` file with a continuous color palette attached. assert prob.shape[0] == 2, 'single channel requires binary model' assert np.allclose(np.sum(prob, axis=0), 1.), 'single channel requires probabilities to sum up to one' foreground = prob[1:, :, :] anchors = np.linspace(0, 1, 256) quantized = np.digitize(foreground, anchors).astype(np.uint8) palette = continuous_palette_for_color('pink', 256) out = Image.fromarray(quantized.squeeze(), mode='P') out.putpalette(palette) os.makedirs(os.path.join(args.probs, str(z), str(x)), exist_ok=True) path = os.path.join(args.probs, str(z), str(x), str(y) + '.png'), optimize=True)
def main(args): config = load_config(args.config) num_classes = len(config["classes"]["titles"]) if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = torch.device("cuda") torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True else: device = torch.device("cpu") def map_location(storage, _): return storage.cuda() if torch.cuda.is_available() else storage.cpu() # chkpt = torch.load(args.checkpoint, map_location=map_location) net = UNet(num_classes).to(device) net = nn.DataParallel(net) net.load_state_dict(chkpt["state_dict"]) net.eval() mean, std = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225] transform = Compose([ImageToTensor(), Normalize(mean=mean, std=std)]) directory = BufferedSlippyMapDirectory(args.tiles, transform=transform, size=args.tile_size, overlap=args.overlap) loader = DataLoader(directory, batch_size=args.batch_size, num_workers=args.workers) if args.masks_output: palette = make_palette(config["classes"]["colors"][0], config["classes"]["colors"][1]) else: palette = continuous_palette_for_color("pink", 256) # don't track tensors with autograd during prediction with torch.no_grad(): for images, tiles in tqdm(loader, desc="Eval", unit="batch", ascii=True): images = outputs = net(images) # manually compute segmentation mask class probabilities per pixel probs = nn.functional.softmax(outputs, dim=1).data.cpu().numpy() for tile, prob in zip(tiles, probs): x, y, z = list(map(int, tile)) # we predicted on buffered tiles; now get back probs for original image prob = directory.unbuffer(prob) assert prob.shape[ 0] == 2, "single channel requires binary model" assert np.allclose( np.sum(prob, axis=0), 1.0 ), "single channel requires probabilities to sum up to one" if args.masks_output: image = np.around(prob[1:, :, :]).astype( np.uint8).squeeze() else: image = (prob[1:, :, :] * 255).astype(np.uint8).squeeze() out = Image.fromarray(image, mode="P") out.putpalette(palette) os.makedirs(os.path.join(args.probs, str(z), str(x)), exist_ok=True) path = os.path.join(args.probs, str(z), str(x), str(y) + ".png"), optimize=True) if args.web_ui: template = "leaflet.html" if not args.web_ui_template else args.web_ui_template tiles = [tile for tile, _ in tiles_from_slippy_map(args.tiles)] web_ui(args.probs, args.web_ui, tiles, tiles, "png", template)