def i_get_the_first_search_record_containing_keyword( self, keyword ): assert isinstance( self.search_results_page, SearchResultsPage ), 'The search results page is displayed' bag_of_keywords = str.split( self.search_results_page.text_of_first_record.lower() ) if (bag_of_keywords[0] in keyword.lower()) or ( bag_of_keywords[-1] in keyword.lower() ): 'Succeed on searching keyword within', # html=True ) else: logger.error( '"{}" not in "{}"'.format( keyword, self.search_results_page.text_of_first_record ), html=True )
def reset_android(self, pro_alias=None, remote_url=None ): """重置android设备""" # 重启android设备 ret_reb = os.popen("adb shell reboot").read() is_null = (len(ret_reb) == 0) if is_null:": Succeed rebooting android device.", also_console=True) else: logger.error(ret_reb) return -1 # 等待android设备重新连接 ret_val = subprocess.Popen("adb wait-for-device", shell=True) ret_val.wait() if ret_val.stdout is None: ret_dev = os.popen('adb devices').read() + ": Android device named: "+ ret_dev.split('\n')[1].split('\t')[0] + " connected.", also_console=True) time.sleep(15) + ": Sleep 10 to wait return.", also_console=True) return None else: # logger.error(pro_alias + " "+ test_str(adbPid[4]) + " process fail to kill!") logger.error(self._getcurtm() + ": Android device connected timeout.") return -1
def image_self_check(self): if os.path.isfile(self.get_convert_path):"Convert file exits path, path used :" + self.get_convert_path) else: message = "Missing file convert.exe" raise AssertionError(message) if os.path.isfile(self.get_compare_path):"Compare file exits , path used :" + self.get_compare_path) else: message = "Missing file compare.exe" raise AssertionError(message) if os.path.isfile(self.get_identify_path):"Identify file exits, path used :" + self.get_identify_path) else: message = "Missing file identify.exe" raise AssertionError(message) argument_list = [self.get_convert_path, "--version"] try: procces = subprocess.Popen(argument_list, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # , shell=True procces.wait() output = procces.communicate()"returnCode \t:" + str(procces.returncode)) if procces.returncode != 0: message = "processing failed msg= %s" % str(output) raise AssertionError(message)"stdout \t:" + str(output[0]))"stderr \t:" + str(output[1])) except OSError as e: logger.error(e)
def ConfigureCollector(self): self.LoginTo(self.collector_ip)"Now installing rpms and configuring Collector on %s"%self.collector_ip, also_console=True) ssh.write("id") line = ssh.read_until_prompt() logger.console(line) ssh.write("yum install -y reflex-collector") output = ssh.read_until_prompt(loglevel="INFO") for line in output.splitlines(): line = line.strip(" ") if line.find("already installed and latest version") != -1: logger.console("reflex-collector already installed", newline="yes", stream="stdout") elif line.find("failed") != -1: logger.console("reflex-collector failed during installation", newline="yes", stream="stdout") logger.error("failure", html=True) elif line.find("Error: Package:") != -1: m1 ='Error: Package:\s.*\s\(') if m1: package = logger.console(line, newline="yes", stream="stdout") logger.error(package, html=True)"Reflex-collector installed successfully",also_console=True) #check reflex rpm also. Not remembered why ?? self.SwitchToReflex() self.ReflexKeysGeneration() self.cliPrompt() ssh.write("show pm process collector") output = ssh.read_until_prompt(loglevel="INFO") logger.console(output)
def _quit(self, driver, error): try: driver.quit() except Exception as exception: logger.error('When closing browser, received exception: %s' % exception) error = exception return error
def clico_boton_iniciar_sesion(self): """ Hace click sobre el botón 'Iniciar Sesion' ubicado en la cabecera de la página principal """ try: boton_sesion = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//span[@class='icono iniciarSesion']") except (TimeoutException, NoSuchElementException) as e: logger.error(ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND.format("Icono iniciar sesion")) raise Exception(e.msg)
def clico_sobre_boton_descargar(self): """ Clica directamente sobre el botón descargar """ try: area_detalle = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@class='listadoElementos programas grande']") except (TimeoutException, NoSuchElementException) as e: logger.error(ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND.format("Descargar")) raise Exception(e.msg)
def aparece_mensaje_texto_que_dice(self, texto): """ Busca una coincidencia con el mensaje que aparece justo después de la cabecera """ try: mensaje = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//h1") assert texto in mensaje.text, "'%s' no coincide con el texto encontrado '%s'" %(texto, mensaje) except (TimeoutException, NoSuchElementException) as e: logger.error(ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND.format('Texto: ' + texto)) raise Exception(e.msg)
def clico_sobre_link_con_texto(self, nombre_link): """ Clica sobre el link con el texto que indica el usuario """ try: enlace = self.driver.find_element_by_link_text(nombre_link) except (TimeoutException, NoSuchElementException) as e: logger.error(ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND.format('Link: ' + nombre_link)) raise Exception(e.msg)
def activo_el_check_con_nombre(self, nombre): """ Activa un check dado su nombre """ try: checkbox = self.driver.find_element_by_name(nombre) except (TimeoutException, NoSuchElementException) as e: logger.error(ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND.format('Name: ' + nombre)) raise Exception(e.msg)
def check_if_key_not_exits(self, db_name, proto_id): global mom global proto db = db_name_convert(db_name) if mom[db_name].exists(db, proto[proto_id]) == 0: logger.error("Key " + proto_id + " exist in Redis.") raise AssertionError
def connect_to_database(self, dbServer, dbUser, dbPass, dbDatabase, dbPort=1433, dbQTimeout=0, dbLoginTimeout=60, charSet='UTF-8'): ''' Connect to database. Must be called before calling any query actions. ''' try: self._dbconnection = pymssql.connect(server=dbServer, user=dbUser, password=dbPass, database=dbDatabase, port=int(dbPort), timeout=int(dbQTimeout), login_timeout=int(dbLoginTimeout), charset=charSet, as_dict=False) return self._dbconnection except Exception as e: logger.error(e)
def clico_en_salir(self): """ Cierra sesión de usuario mediante URL """ try: url = '' self.driver.get(url) except (TimeoutException, NoSuchElementException) as e: logger.error(ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND.format(url)) raise Exception(e.msg)
def clico_sobre_icono_lupa(self): """ Clica sobre el botón con icono lupa """ try: form = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//form") barra_busqueda = form.find_element_by_xpath("//input[@class='botonBuscar busb']") except (TimeoutException, NoSuchElementException) as e: logger.error(ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND.format("Lupa/Buscar")) raise Exception(e.msg)
def compruebo_que_aparece_mensaje_despues_de_busqueda(self, mensaje): """ Localiza mensaje que aparece justo después de la barra de búsqueda sea igual al que buscamos """ try: # cabecera = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[contains(@class, 'grid_12 tituloSEO inner mini vertical')]/descendant::h1") cabecera = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@class='inner mini mobileMarginTop']/descendant::h1") assert mensaje.lower() in cabecera.text.lower(), ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND.format(mensaje) except (TimeoutException, NoSuchElementException) as e: logger.error(ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND.format(mensaje)) raise Exception(e.msg)
def compruebo_texto_registro_incorrecto(self): """ Localiza el cuadro de texto que aparece cuando se ha producido un registro correcto """ try: mensaje = 'No se encuentra cuadro de texto' cabecera = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[contains(@class, 'alert')]") assert cabecera.is_displayed(), ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND.format(mensaje) except (TimeoutException, NoSuchElementException) as e: logger.error(ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND.format(mensaje)) raise Exception(e.msg)
def sismember_to_redis(self, db_name, proto_id): global mom global proto db = db_name_convert(db_name) result = mom[db_name].sismember(db, proto[proto_id], 1) if result is None: logger.error(result) return result
def clico_boton_con_nombre(self, nombre_boton): """ Dado el nombre de un botón lo localiza y hace click sobre él """ try: boton = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//input[@value='" + nombre_boton + "']") boton.submit() time.sleep(1) except (TimeoutException, NoSuchElementException) as e: logger.error(ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND.format("Boton: " + nombre_boton)) raise Exception(e.msg)
def relleno_campo_busqueda_con_el_texto(self, texto): """ Rellena el campo de búsqueda con el texto dado """ try: form = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath('//form') campo_busqueda = form.find_element_by_xpath("//input[@id='busqueda']") campo_busqueda.clear() campo_busqueda.send_keys(str(texto)) except (TimeoutException, NoSuchElementException) as e: logger.error(FIELD_NOT_FOUND.format('Busqueda')) raise Exception(e.msg)
def hago_click_sobre_icono_seleccionar_plataforma(self): """ Hace click directamente sobre el icono de los sistemas operativos de la barra de búsqueda""" try: form = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//form") barra_busqueda = form.find_element_by_xpath( ".//input[@id='opcionMenuSelected_mac'] and //span[@class='icono verMas']" ) except TimeoutException as e: logger.error(PLATFORM_NOT_FOUND.format(str("Busqueda"))) raise Exception(e.msg)
def HAdoopShellCmds(cmd): #logger.warn(robo.get_library_instance('SSHLibrary')) #ssh = robo.get_library_instance('SSHLibrary') Login_To(NN_IP,un="admin",pw="admin@123") journalnodes = [] host_mapping = IpHostName() var = robo.get_variable_value("${shellPrompt}") ssh.set_client_configuration(prompt=var),also_console=True) pmxcmd = "pmx subshell hadoop_yarn %s"%cmd,also_console=True) ssh.write(pmxcmd) output = ssh.read_until_prompt() if pmxcmd.find("stop") != -1: for line in output.splitlines(): if line.find("Stopping JournalNode on Host:") != -1: match ='.*:\s(.*)$',line) if match: nodes = str( journalnodes.append(nodes) else: logger.error("Journal nodes cannt be stopped from Subshell commands") #logger.console(host_mapping) #logger.console(host_mapping["EIGHTY-DN82"])[journalnodes[0]], also_console = True) logger.console(journalnodes,stream='stdout') for i in journalnodes: output = executeRemote("ps -aef | grep -i journalnode | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2 \":\" $9 \":\" $12 \":\" $22}'", host_mapping[i]),also_console=True) for line in output.splitlines(): if line.find("Dproc_journalnode") != -1: logger.warn("Journal Nodes are still UP", html=True) return False elif pmxcmd.find("start") != -1: for line in output.splitlines(): if line.find("Starting JournalNode on Host:") != -1: match ='.*:\s(.*)$',line) if match: nodes = str( journalnodes.append(nodes) else: logger.error("Journal nodes cannot be stopped from Subshell commands") logger.console(journalnodes,stream='stdout') for i in journalnodes:,also_console=True)[i],also_console=True) output = executeRemote("ps -aef | grep -i journalnode | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2 \":\" $9 \":\" $12 \":\" $22}'", host_mapping[i]),also_console=True) for line in output.splitlines(): if line.find("Dproc_journalnode") != -1: logger.warn("Journal Nodes are Running", html=True) return True
def aparece_mensaje_error_mail(self, texto_error): """ Localiza el mensaje de error que devuelve el campo del email""" try: label_error = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//p[@class='colorRojo']") assert texto_error in label_error.text, "Textos no coinciden %s != %s" % (texto_error, label_error.text) except (TimeoutException, NoSuchElementException) as e: fichero = 'email_incorrecto' + str(randint(0, 9999)) + '.png' self.driver.get_screenshot_as_file(fichero) # si hay algún error cerramos sesión del usuario logueado para que no afecte al resto de pruebas self.driver.get('') logger.error(ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND.format('class: colorRojo')) raise Exception('Compruebe captura pantalla con el error: ' + fichero)
def setup_dut(self, node): ssh = SSH() ssh.connect(node) ssh.scp('resources/libraries/bash/', '/tmp/') (ret_code, stdout, stderr) = \ ssh.exec_command('sudo -Sn bash /tmp/') logger.trace(stdout) if 0 != int(ret_code): logger.error('DUT {0} setup script failed: "{1}"'. format(node['host'], stdout + stderr)) raise Exception('DUT test setup script failed at node {}'. format(node['host']))
def __extract_tarball_at_node(self, tarball, node): logger.console('Extracting tarball to {0} on {1}'.format( con.REMOTE_FW_DIR, node['host'])) ssh = SSH() ssh.connect(node) cmd = 'rm -rf {1}; mkdir {1} ; sudo -Sn tar -zxf {0} -C {1};'.format( tarball, con.REMOTE_FW_DIR) (ret_code, stdout, stderr) = ssh.exec_command(cmd, timeout=30) if 0 != ret_code: logger.error('Unpack error: {0}'.format(stderr)) raise Exception('Failed to unpack {0} at node {1}'.format( tarball, node['host']))
def get_from_redis(self, db_name, proto_id, dict_fields): global mom global proto db = db_name_convert(db_name) result = mom[db_name].get(db, proto[proto_id], 1) GETPROTO[proto_id] = result if result is None: logger.error(result) return {} else: for field in dict_fields: dict_fields[field] = analyse_result(result, field, dict_fields) return dict_fields
def setup_xml(self, test_name="", user_pin="123456", so_pin="12345678", loop_times="", data_len=""): """ Setup the xml file:data.xml, config param include test_name, user_pin, so_pin, loop_times, data_len. example: | setup xml | test_name | user_pin | so_pin | loop_times | data_len | | setup xml | 101 | 123456 | 12345678 | 50 | 32 | """ if os.path.exists(PATH(r"../res/data.xml")): os.remove(PATH(r"../res/data.xml")) doc = minidom.Document() doc.standalone = True root_node = doc.createElement("root") doc.appendChild(root_node) test_node = doc.createElement("Test") # book_node.setAttribute("isbn", "34909023") root_node.appendChild(test_node) test_name_node = doc.createElement("Testname") user_pin_node = doc.createElement("Userpin") so_pin_node = doc.createElement('Sopin') loop_times_node = doc.createElement('Looptimes') data_len_node = doc.createElement('Datalen') test_node.appendChild(test_name_node) test_node.appendChild(user_pin_node) test_node.appendChild(so_pin_node) test_node.appendChild(loop_times_node) test_node.appendChild(data_len_node) test_name_text_node = doc.createTextNode(test_name) test_name_node.appendChild(test_name_text_node) user_pin_text_node = doc.createTextNode(user_pin) user_pin_node.appendChild(user_pin_text_node) so_pin_text_node = doc.createTextNode(so_pin) so_pin_node.appendChild(so_pin_text_node) loop_times_text_node = doc.createTextNode(loop_times) loop_times_node.appendChild(loop_times_text_node) data_len_text_node = doc.createTextNode(data_len) data_len_node.appendChild(data_len_text_node) # doc.writexml(f, "/t", "/t", "/n", "utf-8") f = open(PATH(r"../res/data.xml"), "w") test_node.toprettyxml(encoding="utf-8") doc.writexml(f, encoding="utf-8") f.close() if os.path.exists(PATH(r"../res/data.xml")):"Setup xml file successfully.") else: logger.error("Failed to setup xml file.") return -1
def ConfigureGMS(self): logger.console(self.configs["gms_ip"]) self.LoginTo(self.configs["gms_ip"]) #self.cleanRPMmachine()"Now installing rpms and configuring gms-server on %s"%self.gms_ip, also_console=True) ssh.write("id") line = ssh.read_until_prompt() #logger.console(line) ''' if line.find("402") != -1: logger.console("With reflex user") ssh.set_client_configuration(prompt="#") ssh.write("exit")"Exiting reflex-user",also_console=True) line = ssh.read_until_prompt() #ssh.write("yum install -y reflex-tm") #ssh.write("yum install -y reflex-gms") line = ssh.read_until_prompt(),also_console=True) else: ''' self.CreateReflexUser(self.gms_ip) ssh.write("yum install -y reflex-gms") output = ssh.read_until_prompt(loglevel="INFO") for line in output.splitlines(): line = line.strip(" ") if line.find("already installed and latest version") != -1: logger.console("reflex-gms already installed", newline="yes", stream="stdout") elif line.find("failed") != -1: logger.console("reflex-gms failed during installation", newline="yes", stream="stdout") logger.error("failure", html=True) elif line.find("Error: Package:") != -1: m1 ='Error: Package:\s.*\s\(') if m1: package = logger.console(line, newline="yes", stream="stdout") logger.error(package, html=True)"Reflex-GMS installed successfully",also_console=True)"Switching to reflex user on %s"%self.gms_ip, also_console=True) #check reflex rpm also. Not remembered why ?? ssh.write("service httpd restart") output = ssh.read_until_prompt(), html=True, also_console=False) self.SwitchToReflex() self.ReflexKeysGeneration() self.cliPrompt() ssh.write("pgsql mode external") ssh.write("pm process pgsqld restart") ssh.write("pm process gms_server restart")
def connect_to_redis(self, db_name): global mom global glb try: if glb == None: glb = RgGlobal('RF_demo') db = db_name_convert(db_name) if glb.connect_sync(db) != 0: sys.exit() mom[db_name] = RgMomSync(glb) except Exception as ex: logger.error(str(ex)) raise Exception(str(ex))
def get_net_settings(self, port): if port.upper() == "LAN": s = elif port.upper() == "WAN": s = else: logger.error("port: %s not defined." % (port)) raise ValueError settings = super(APWL_PortalWebBase, self)._DS_Net_Settings( connection_status=s['connection_status'], ip_address=s['ip_address'], subnet_mask=s['subnet_mask'], mac_address=s['mac_address'], dns_server=s['dns_server']) return settings
def _get_info_for_image(self, file_name): argument_list = [self.get_identify_path, "-quiet", "-format", "%[fx:w]\\n%[fx:h]", file_name] try: procces = subprocess.Popen(argument_list, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # , shell=True procces.wait() output = procces.communicate() if procces.returncode != 0: message = "processing failed msg= %s" % str(output) raise AssertionError(message) #"file Name \t:" + file_name+str(output)) table_results = output[0].split() return table_results[0], table_results[1] except OSError as e: logger.error(e)
def scp_and_execute_script(self, vat_name, node, timeout=15, json_out=True): """Copy vat_name script to node, execute it and return result. :param vat_name: Name of the vat script file. Full path and name of the script is required. :param node: Node to execute the VAT script on. :param timeout: Seconds to allow the script to run. :param json_out: Require JSON output. :type vat_name: str :type node: dict :type timeout: int :type json_out: bool :returns: Status code, stdout and stderr of executed VAT script. :rtype: tuple :raises RuntimeError: If VAT script execution failed. """ ssh = SSH() try: ssh.connect(node) except: raise SSHException("Cannot open SSH connection to execute VAT " "command(s) from template {0}".format(vat_name)) ssh.scp(vat_name, vat_name) cmd = "sudo -S {vat} {json} in {input} script".format( json="json" if json_out is True else "", vat=Constants.VAT_BIN_NAME, input=vat_name) try: (ret_code, stdout, stderr) = ssh.exec_command(cmd, timeout) except SSHTimeout: logger.error("VAT script execution timeout: {0}".format(cmd)) raise except: raise RuntimeError("VAT script execution failed: {0}".format(cmd)) self._ret_code = ret_code self._stdout = stdout self._stderr = stderr self._delete_files(node, vat_name)
def exec_cmd(node, cmd, timeout=600, sudo=False, disconnect=False): """Convenience function to ssh/exec/return rc, out & err. Returns (rc, stdout, stderr). :param node: The node to execute command on. :param cmd: Command to execute. :param timeout: Timeout value in seconds. Default: 600. :param sudo: Sudo privilege execution flag. Default: False. :param disconnect: Close the opened SSH connection if True. :type node: dict :type cmd: str or OptionString :type timeout: int :type sudo: bool :type disconnect: bool :returns: RC, Stdout, Stderr. :rtype: tuple(int, str, str) """ if node is None: raise TypeError(u"Node parameter is None") if cmd is None: raise TypeError(u"Command parameter is None") if not cmd: raise ValueError(u"Empty command parameter") ssh = SSH() try: ssh.connect(node) except SSHException as err: logger.error(f"Failed to connect to node {node[u'host']}\n{err!r}") return None, None, None try: if not sudo: ret_code, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(cmd, timeout=timeout) else: ret_code, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command_sudo( cmd, timeout=timeout ) except SSHException as err: logger.error(repr(err)) return None, None, None finally: if disconnect: ssh.disconnect() return ret_code, stdout, stderr
def create_new_vulnerability(self, vul_dict): url = "{}/api/vulnerability/create".format(self.threatplaybook) if 'scan' not in vul_dict and 'name' not in vul_dict: raise Exception("Mandatory fields 'scan' and 'name' not in Result") vul_push = { "scan": vul_dict.get('scan'), "name": vul_dict.get('name'), "cwe": vul_dict.get('cwe', 0), "severity": int(vul_dict.get('severity', 0)), } if 'description' in vul_dict: vul_push['description'] = vul_dict.get('description') if 'observation' in vul_dict: vul_push['observation'] = vul_dict.get('observation') if 'remediation' in vul_dict: vul_push['remediation'] = vul_dict.get('remediation') evid = [] if 'evidences' in vul_dict: if not isinstance(vul_dict.get('evidences'), list): raise Exception("Evidences have to be list definition") else: for single_evid in vul_dict.get('evidences'): svid = { "url": single_evid.get('url', ''), } if 'param' in single_evid: svid['param'] = single_evid.get('param') if 'log' in single_evid: svid["log"] = b64encode( single_evid.get('log').encode()).decode() evid.append(svid) if evid: vul_push['evidences'] = evid resp =, json=vul_push, headers={"Authorization": self.token}) if resp.status_code != 200: logger.error(resp.content())"Successfully pushed Vulnerability Data")
def check_service(self, pro_alias): adb_cmd = "adb shell \"ps | grep " + str(pro_alias) + "\"" print "adb_cmd: ", adb_cmd pro_details = os.popen(adb_cmd).read() print "pro_details: ", pro_details # print "proDetails: "+ proDetails #, also_console=True) is_null = (len(pro_details) == 0) if is_null: logger.error(pro_alias + " is not alive.") return -1 elif pro_details.endswith("./ServerCenter"): + " is alive.") else: return pro_details
def get_individual_response_field(self, field_to_get): """ Returns the specified data field from the first record on the response, if available. Otherwise, an error is thrown. """ if not self.response: logger.error("No data matching query conditions was returned.") raise AssertionError( "Failed to retrieve data required for this test.") try: data = self.response[field_to_get] except KeyError: raise AssertionError( "Field not found in response from {table}: {field}".format( table=self.query_table, field=field_to_get)) return data
def load_json_from_file(self, file_name): """Load JSON from file. Return json as a dictionary object. Arguments: - file_name: absolute json file name Return json object (list or dictionary) Examples: | ${result}= | Load Json From File | /path/to/file.json | """ logger.debug("Check if file exists") if os.path.isfile(file_name) is False: logger.error("JSON file: " + file_name + " not found") raise IOError with open(file_name) as json_file: data = json.load(json_file) return data
def _open_csv_file_for_write(filename, data, csv_writer=csv.writer, **kwargs): with open(filename, 'ab') as csv_handler: writer = csv_writer(csv_handler, **kwargs) try: if isinstance(writer, csv.DictWriter) and 'fieldnames' in list( kwargs.keys()): csv_handler.truncate() writer.writeheader() writer.writerows(data) except csv.Error as e: logger.error('file %s, line %d: %s' % (filename, writer.line_num, e))
def connect_to_redis_cluster(redis_host, redis_port): # pragma: no cover """Connect To Redis Cluster. Arguments: - redis_host: hostname or IP address of the Redis server. - redis_port: Redis port number (default=6379) Return redis connection object Examples: | ${redis_conn}= | Connect To Redis Cluster | | 6379 | """ startup_nodes = [{"host":redis_host, "port":redis_port}] try: redis_conn = redis.StrictRedisCluster(startup_nodes=startup_nodes, decode_responses=True, skip_full_coverage_check=True) except Exception as ex: logger.error(str(ex)) raise Exception(str(ex)) return redis_conn
def relleno_campo_texto_con_etiqueta_con_texto(self, etiqueta, texto): """ Rellena un campo de texto buscando su etiqueta como nombre """ try: # localizamos la etiqueta del text box que buscamos form = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath('//form') label = form.find_element_by_xpath('//*[contains(@class, "ocultarUsuarios")]' '//strong[normalize-space(text())="' + etiqueta + '"]') # después de localizar la etiqueta del text box buscamos su hermano más inmediato que es donde # se ubica el text box input textbox = label.find_element_by_xpath('./following::input') textbox.clear() textbox.send_keys(texto) except (TimeoutException, NoSuchElementException) as e: logger.error(FIELD_NOT_FOUND.format(etiqueta)) raise Exception(e.msg)
def wait_for_success(self): """ Summary: Waits for success message in the UI """ try: myElem = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 5).until( EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.XPATH, 'id("content")/div[2]/article[1]/div[1]'))) e = self.driver.find_element( By.XPATH, 'id("content")/div[2]/article[1]/div[1]') info = str(e.text) logger.console('{}'.format(info), newline=False) except: logger.error('ERROR')
def check_vdlog(self): if not TBoxCore.is_connected(): raise TBoxCoreError( "Exception on querying vdlog file(Please insert the ADB cable)" ) (status, output) = Utils.getstatusoutput("adb shell ls /data") try: if not status: vdlog = re.findall('vdlog', output)[0] + "vdlog is existed: True") except IndexError: logger.error(self._tag + "vdlog is existed: False") + "Creating vdlog file...") Utils.getstatusoutput('adb shell touch /data/vdlog') if not status: + "Succeed to create vdlog file")
def end_suite(data, result): """Called at the end of a test suite"""'Start of end_suite listener') try: json_data = '[' for item in SUITE_ANNOTATIONS: json_data = json_data + json.dumps(item.__dict__) + ',' json_data = json_data.rstrip(',') + ']' robot_out = os.environ.get('ROBOTOUT') file_path = os.path.join(robot_out, ANNOTATIONS_FILE) with open(file_path, 'w') as json_file: json_file.write(json_data)'Annotations file created at: %s' % file_path) except Exception as e: logger.error('Unable to generate annotations file') logger.error(e)
def reset_simulator_reading_count(): try:'▶ Reset simulator reading count.', also_console=True) conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(host=configuration.SIMULATOR_HOST, port=1503, timeout=10) conn.request(method="GET", url="/reading/count/reset") r = conn.getresponse() except Exception as e: logger.debug('▶ Fail to reset simulator reading count. {}'.format(e)) raise e if int(r.status) == 200:'▶ Reset simulator reading count to 0', also_console=True) else: logger.error('▶ Fail to reset simulator reading count.') raise Exception('Fail to reset simulator reading count.')
def async_get(self, handle): """ Blocks until the thread created by async_run returns Use: Async get ${handle} """ assert handle in self._thread_pool, 'Invalid async call handle' try: result = self._thread_pool[handle].result_queue.get(True, timeout=15) except Empty: logger.error(f"Async get keyword didn't retrieve result") return del self._thread_pool[handle] return result
def manage_npmaudit_results(self, result_file): severity_dict = {'moderate': 2, 'low': 1, 'critical': 3, 'high': 3} url = "{}/api/vulnerability/create".format(self.threatplaybook) with open(result_file, 'r') as jfile: results = json.loads( if results: create_scan_query = self.create_scan("npmaudit") if 'data' in create_scan_query: scan = create_scan_query.get('data').get('name') if 'advisories' not in results:"No Advisories in report") pass else: for sl, vul_result in results.get('advisories').items(): vul_dict = { 'name': vul_result.get('title'), 'description': vul_result.get('overview', ''), 'scan': scan, 'cwe': int(vul_result.get('cwe').split('-')[1], 0), 'severity': int( severity_dict.get( vul_result.get('severity', 'low'))), } evidences = [] for finding in vul_result.get('findings'): evid = { "param": finding.get('version', '0.0'), "url": ":".join(finding.get('paths')) } evidences.append(evid) vul_dict['evidences'] = evidences resp = url, json=vul_dict, headers={"Authorization": self.token}) if resp.status_code != 200: raise Exception( "Unable to create NPM Audit Finding") else: logger.error("Unable to create scan for NPM Audit")
def get_attached_devices(self, band, iface_type): s = "" xpath = "table" if band == "wired": s = "Wired Devices" xpath = "div/" + xpath elif "2.4" in band: if iface_type == "guest": s = "2.4 GHz Guest Wireless Devices" else: s = "2.4 GHz Wireless Devices" elif "5" in band: if iface_type == "guest": s = "5 GHz Guest Wireless Devices" else: s = "5 GHz Wireless Devices" else: logger.error("Attached device for %s %s not exist" % (band, iface_type)) raise ValueError logger.debug("Checking attached devices\t on: %s" % (s)) self._linkElement("Status") time.sleep(2) self._linkElement("Attached Devices") time.sleep(15) msg = self._captureWebInfo( "//h4[contains(.,'%s')]/following-sibling::%s/tbody" % (s, xpath)) dl = msg.split("\n") list_info = [] if len(dl) <= 1: return None else: del dl[0] for d in dl: logger.debug("device:%s." % d) di = d.split(" ") info = { 'ip': str(di[1]), 'mac': str(di[2]), 'name': str(di[3]), 'alias': str(di[4]) } list_info.append(info) return list_info
def __init__(self, project_name, default_connection=True): ''' Initialize the ThreatPlaybook API By default, the param ``default_connection`` is set to true. This means that ThreatPlaybook will attempt to connect to the local MongoDB instance on DB ``threat_playbook`` with no authentication or other params If you want to connect to a mongoDB instance with authentication and other params, you need to enable Environment Variables: ``TP_MONGO_USER`` => Mongo Username ``TP_MONGO_PASS`` => Mongo Password ``TP_MONGO_HOST`` => Mongo Host IP ``TP_MONGO_PORT`` => Mongo Port All these params have to be set if the default_connection is initialized with `False` | ThreatPlaybook | project_name | default_connection=True/False | ''' try: if not default_connection: logger.warn( "Running MongoDB without Authentication. Highly recommend running MongoDB with Authentication" ) connect('threat_playbook') else: mongo_user = os.getenv("TP_MONGO_USER", None) mongo_pass = os.getenv("TP_MONGO_PASS", None) mongo_host = os.getenv("TP_MONGO_HOST", None) mongo_port = os.getenv("TP_MONGO_PORT", None) connect(db='threat_playbook', username=mongo_user, password=mongo_pass, host=mongo_host, port=mongo_port) except: logger.error("Unable to connect to DB. Disconnecting") exit(1) Project.objects(name=project_name).update_one(name=project_name, upsert=True) self.project = Project.objects.get(name=project_name) new_session = Session(project=self.project) self.session = new_session
def create_env_directory_at_node(node): """Create fresh virtualenv to a directory, install pip requirements.""" logger.console('Extracting virtualenv, installing requirements.txt ' 'on {0}'.format(node['host'])) ssh = SSH() ssh.connect(node) (ret_code, stdout, stderr) = ssh.exec_command( 'cd {0} && rm -rf env && ' 'virtualenv --system-site-packages --never-download env && ' '. env/bin/activate && ' 'pip install -r requirements.txt'.format(con.REMOTE_FW_DIR), timeout=100) if ret_code != 0: logger.error('Virtualenv creation error: {0}'.format(stdout + stderr)) raise Exception('Virtualenv setup failed') else: logger.console('Virtualenv created on {0}'.format(node['host']))
def __JsonList(self, Real_data, Expect_data): try: logger.debug('调用JsonList函数 实响应数据: %s 预期数据:%s' % (Real_data, Expect_data)) if len(Real_data) < len(Expect_data): return '0', 'List Values are not equal! ' + 'Real_data: ' + str( Real_data) + ' Expect_data: ' + str(Expect_data) for single_Real_data in Real_data: single_Real_data_index = Real_data.index(single_Real_data) if single_Real_data_index > len(Expect_data) - 1: return '0', str( single_Real_data) + ' in Expect_data not found!' single_Expect_data = Expect_data[ single_Real_data_index] # 期望返回的数据 logger.debug('实响应数据 %s' % single_Real_data) logger.debug('预期数据 %s' % single_Expect_data) if single_Expect_data != single_Real_data: # 如果列表的中字典不相同,则判断具体那里不同 if isinstance(single_Expect_data, dict) and isinstance( single_Real_data, dict): # 字典类型 State, Info = self.__JsonDict(single_Real_data, single_Expect_data) if State == '0':'数据匹配失败.详情:%s' % Info) return State, Info continue elif isinstance(single_Expect_data, list) and isinstance( single_Real_data, list): # 字典类型 State, Info = self.__JsonList(single_Real_data, single_Expect_data) if State == '0':'数据匹配失败.详情:%s' % Info) return State, Info continue else: # 判断普通类型 return '0', 'Values are not equal! Real: ' + str( single_Real_data) + ' Expect: ' + str( single_Expect_data) elif single_Expect_data == single_Real_data: logger.debug('匹对成功退出当次循环') continue else: return '0', 'unknown error' return '1', None # 数据正确 except KeyError, e: logger.error('发生异常!!!错误信息%s' % e) return '0', 'KeyError:' + e
def update_device_service_admin_state(admin_state): conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(host=SettingsInfo().constant.BASE_URL, port=59881, timeout=5) conn.request(method="PUT", url="/api/v1/deviceservice/name/{}/adminstate/{}".format( configuration.SERVICE_NAME, admin_state)) try: r1 = conn.getresponse() except Exception as e: raise e if int(r1.status) == 200: logger.debug( '▶ Update device service admin state to {}'.format(admin_state)) else: logger.error('▶ Fail to update the admin state.') raise Exception('Fail to update the admin state')
def execute_script(self, vat_name, node, timeout=15, json_out=True): """Copy local_path script to node, execute it and return result. :param vat_name: Name of the vat script file. Only the file name of the script is required, the resources path is prepended automatically. :param node: Node to execute the VAT script on. :param timeout: Seconds to allow the script to run. :param json_out: Require JSON output. :type vat_name: str :type node: dict :type timeout: int :type json_out: bool :returns: Status code, stdout and stderr of executed VAT script. :rtype: tuple :raises RuntimeError: If VAT script execution failed. """ ssh = SSH() try: ssh.connect(node) except: raise SSHException("Cannot open SSH connection to execute VAT " "command(s) from template {0}".format(vat_name)) remote_file_path = '{0}/{1}/{2}'.format(Constants.REMOTE_FW_DIR, Constants.RESOURCES_TPL_VAT, vat_name) # TODO this overwrites the output if the vat script has been used twice # remote_file_out = remote_file_path + ".out" cmd = "sudo -S {vat} {json} in {input} script".format( vat=Constants.VAT_BIN_NAME, json="json" if json_out is True else "", input=remote_file_path) try: (ret_code, stdout, stderr) = ssh.exec_command(cmd, timeout) except SSHTimeout: logger.error("VAT script execution timeout: {0}".format(cmd)) raise except: raise RuntimeError("VAT script execution failed: {0}".format(cmd)) self._ret_code = ret_code self._stdout = stdout self._stderr = stderr
def _acquire_value_set(self, *tags): if self._remotelib: try: while True: self._setname, self._valueset = self._remotelib.run_keyword('acquire_value_set', [self._my_id]+list(tags), {}) if self._setname:'Value set "%s" acquired' % self._setname) return self._setname time.sleep(PabotLib._pollingSeconds) if PabotLib._polling_logging: logger.debug('waiting for a value set') except RuntimeError as err: logger.error("RuntimeError catched in remote _acquire_value_set execution. Maybe there is no connection - is pabot called with --pabotlib option? ErrorDetails: {0}".format(repr(err))) self.__remotelib = None raise self._setname, self._valueset = _PabotLib.acquire_value_set(self, self._my_id, *tags) return self._setname
def acquire_lock(self, name): """ Wait for a lock with name. [|Open online docs.] """ if self._remotelib: try: while not self._remotelib.run_keyword('acquire_lock', [name, self._my_id], {}): time.sleep(PabotLib._pollingSeconds) if PabotLib._polling_logging: logger.debug('waiting for lock to release') return True except RuntimeError as err: logger.error("RuntimeError catched in remote acquire_lock execution. Maybe there is no connection - is pabot called with --pabotlib option? ErrorDetails: {0}".format(repr(err))) self.__remotelib = None raise return _PabotLib.acquire_lock(self, name, self._my_id)
def _validate_mandatory_values(self): """Validate that mandatory profile values satisfy their constraints :returns: whether mandatory values are acceptable :rtype: bool """ # Level 3: Mandatory params: Check if urls is a list: is_valid = True if not isinstance(self.traffic_profile[u"urls"], list): logger.error(u"The parameter 'urls' must be a list.") is_valid = False # Level 3: Mandatory params: Check if integers are not below minimum for param, minimum in self.INTEGER_PARAMS: if not self._validate_int_param(param, minimum): is_valid = False return is_valid
def new_proto_object(self, proto_id, proto_name, message, dict_fields): global proto proto[proto_id] = eval(proto_name + '.' + message + '()') for field in dict_fields: #logger.error(type(dict_fields[field])) if isinstance(dict_fields[field], list ): for i in range(len(dict_fields[field])): exec('proto[proto_id].'+ field + '.add()') if isinstance(dict_fields[field][i], (dict, type(DotDict))): for sub in dict_fields[field][i]: logger.error('proto[proto_id].' + field + '['+ str(i)+'].'+sub+' = ' + dict_fields[field][i][sub]) exec('proto[proto_id].' + field + '['+ str(i)+'].'+sub+' = ' + dict_fields[field][i][sub]) else: exec('proto[proto_id].'+ field +'['+ str(i)+']='+ str(dict_fields[field][i])) else: exec('proto[proto_id].' + field + ' = ' + dict_fields[field]) return proto[proto_id]
def _open_csv_file_for_read(filename, csv_reader=csv.reader, line_numbers=None, **kwargs): if line_numbers is not None and isinstance(line_numbers, list): line_numbers = map(int, line_numbers) with open(filename, 'r') as csv_handler: reader = csv_reader(csv_handler, **kwargs) try: for line_number, row in enumerate(reader): if line_numbers is None: yield row elif isinstance(line_numbers, list): if line_number in line_numbers: yield row line_numbers.remove(line_number) if len(line_numbers) == 0: break except csv.Error as e: logger.error('file %s, line %d: %s' % (filename, reader.line_num, e))
def raise_from(raising, excepted): """Function to be replaced by "raise from" in Python 3. Neither "six" nor "future" offer good enough implementation right now. Current implementation just logs excepted error, and raises the new one. :param raising: The exception to raise. :param excepted: The exception we excepted and want to log. :type raising: BaseException :type excepted: BaseException :raises: raising """ logger.error("Excepted: {exc!r}\nRaising: {rai!r}".format( exc=excepted, rai=raising)) raise raising
def decrypt_and_extract_the_dump_file(src_dir, decryptor_path): logger.console('Extracting the support dump file') i = 1 for filename in os.listdir(src_dir): while filename.endswith(".part"): logger.console("waiting %s seconds for the download to complete" % (i * 30)) time.sleep(30) i = i + 1 if i >= 240: logger.error("Took more than 2 hours to download , so failing the test case") if not os.path.isfile(src_dir + "//" + filename): logger.console("Download completed") break if (platform.system() == 'Windows'): decryptor_extractor(r"decrypt-support-dump.bat", src_dir, decryptor_path) else: # (platform.system() == 'Linux'): decryptor_extractor(r"", src_dir, decryptor_path, "linux")
def samba_download(self, usb_id, download_file): director = urllib2.build_opener(SMBHandler) fh = None # prevent reference before assignment try: fh ='smb://*****:*****@' + str(usb_id) + '/' + download_file) #feng add 20170126 time.sleep(10) except urllib2.URLError: logger.error("URLError in samba download, usb id: " + str(usb_id) + ", download file: " + str(download_file) + ". USB probably not detected correctly") if fh: print type(fh) save_file = open(download_file, 'w') save_file.write(fh) fh.close()
def upload_file_ftp(self, usb_id, filename, username, password): local_f = open(filename, 'rb') try: ftp = FTP(self.host_ip, username, password) ftp.cwd('usb-' + str(usb_id)) ftp.storbinary('STOR %s' % filename, local_f) except ftplib.error_perm: logger.error("550 Failed to change directory, usb id: " + str(usb_id) + " filename: " + str(filename) + " usr:pass: "******":" + password + ". USB probably not detected correctly") #--feng add 20170202 logger.console("550 Failed to change directory, usb id: " + str(usb_id) + " filename: " + str(filename) + " usr:pass: "******":" + password + ". USB probably not detected correctly") ftp.close()