def test_jpl_horizons_ephemeris_function(self): from rockfinder import jpl_horizons_ephemeris this = jpl_horizons_ephemeris(log=log, objectId=1, mjd=57916., verbose=True) print this from rockfinder import jpl_horizons_ephemeris this = jpl_horizons_ephemeris(log=log, objectId=1, mjd=[57916., 57916.1, 57916.2]) print this
def test_jpl_horizons_ephemeris_function02(self): from rockfinder import jpl_horizons_ephemeris this = jpl_horizons_ephemeris(log=log, objectId=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], mjd=57916., verbose=True) print this
def test_jpl_horizons_ephemeris_function_exception(self): from rockfinder import jpl_horizons_ephemeris try: this = jpl_horizons_ephemeris(log=log, settings=settings, fakeKey="break the code") this.get() assert False except Exception as e: assert True print(str(e))
def main(arguments=None): """ *The main function used when ```` is run as a single script from the cl* """ # SETUP VARIABLES # MAKE SURE HEALPIX SMALL ENOUGH TO MATCH FOOTPRINTS CORRECTLY nside = 1024 pi = (4 * math.atan(1.0)) DEG_TO_RAD_FACTOR = pi / 180.0 RAD_TO_DEG_FACTOR = 180.0 / pi tileSide = 5.46 i = 0 outputList = [] rsyncContent = [] obscodes = {"02": "T05", "01": "T08"} # SETUP THE COMMAND-LINE UTIL SETTINGS su = tools(arguments=arguments, docString=__doc__, logLevel="WARNING", options_first=False, projectName=False) arguments, settings, log, dbConn = su.setup() # UNPACK REMAINING CL ARGUMENTS USING `EXEC` TO SETUP THE VARIABLE NAMES # AUTOMATICALLY for arg, val in arguments.iteritems(): if arg[0] == "-": varname = arg.replace("-", "") + "Flag" else: varname = arg.replace("<", "").replace(">", "") if isinstance(val, str) or isinstance(val, unicode): exec(varname + " = '%s'" % (val, )) else: exec(varname + " = %s" % (val, )) if arg == "--dbConn": dbConn = val log.debug('%s = %s' % ( varname, val, )) dbSettings = { 'host': '', 'user': '******', 'tunnel': { 'remote ip': '', 'remote datbase host': 'dormammu', 'remote user': '******', 'port': 5003 }, 'password': '******', 'db': 'atlas_moving_objects' } # SETUP DATABASE CONNECTIONS dbConn = database(log=log, dbSettings=dbSettings).connect() # GRAB THE EXPOSURE LISTING for expPrefix, obscode in obscodes.iteritems(): exposureList = [] mjds = [] sqlQuery = "select * from atlas_exposures where expname like '%(expPrefix)s%%'" % locals( ) connected = 0 while connected == 0: try: rows = readquery(log=log, sqlQuery=sqlQuery, dbConn=dbConn, quiet=False) connected = 1 except: # SETUP DATABASE CONNECTIONS dbConn = database(log=log, dbSettings=dbSettings).connect() print "Can't connect to DB - try again" time.sleep(2) t = len(rows) print "There are %(t)s '%(expPrefix)s' exposures to check - hang tight" % locals( ) for row in rows: row["mjd"] = row["mjd"] + row["exp_time"] / (2. * 60 * 60 * 24) exposureList.append(row) mjds.append(row["mjd"]) results = [] batchSize = 500 total = len(mjds[1:]) batches = int(total / batchSize) start = 0 end = 0 theseBatches = [] for i in range(batches + 1): end = end + batchSize start = i * batchSize thisBatch = mjds[start:end] theseBatches.append(thisBatch) i = 0 totalLen = len(theseBatches) index = 0 for batch in theseBatches: i += 1 if index > 1: # Cursor up one line and clear line sys.stdout.write("\x1b[1A\x1b[2K") print "Requesting batch %(i)04d/%(totalLen)s from JPL" % locals() index += 1 eph = jpl_horizons_ephemeris(log=log, objectId=[ssobject], mjd=batch, obscode=obscode, verbose=False) for b in batch: match = 0 # print b for row in eph: if math.floor(row["mjd"] * 10000 + 0.01) == math.floor(b * 10000 + 0.01): match = 1 results.append(row) if match == 0: for row in eph: if math.floor(row["mjd"] * 10000) == math.floor(b * 10000): match = 1 results.append(row) if match == 0: results.append(None) this = math.floor(b * 10000 + 0.01) print "MJD %(b)s (%(this)s) is missing" % locals() for row in eph: print math.floor(row["mjd"] * 10000 + 0.00001) print "" print "Finding the exopsures containing the SS object" for e, r in zip(exposureList, results): # CALCULATE SEPARATION IN ARCSEC if not r: continue calculator = separations( log=log, ra1=r["ra_deg"], dec1=r["dec_deg"], ra2=e["raDeg"], dec2=e["decDeg"], ) angularSeparation, north, east = calculator.get() sep = float(angularSeparation) / 3600. if sep < 5.: # THE SKY-LOCATION AS A HEALPIXEL ID pinpoint = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta=r["ra_deg"], phi=r["dec_deg"], lonlat=True) decCorners = (e["decDeg"] - tileSide / 2, e["decDeg"] + tileSide / 2) corners = [] for d in decCorners: if d > 90.: d = 180. - d elif d < -90.: d = -180 - d raCorners = ( e["raDeg"] - (tileSide / 2) / np.cos(d * DEG_TO_RAD_FACTOR), e["raDeg"] + (tileSide / 2) / np.cos(d * DEG_TO_RAD_FACTOR)) for rc in raCorners: if rc > 360.: rc = 720. - rc elif rc < 0.: rc = 360. + rc corners.append(hp.ang2vec(rc, d, lonlat=True)) # NEAR THE POLES RETURN SQUARE INTO TRIANGE - ALMOST DEGENERATE pole = False for d in decCorners: if d > 87.0 or d < -87.0: pole = True if pole == True: corners = corners[1:] else: # FLIP CORNERS 3 & 4 SO HEALPY UNDERSTANDS POLYGON SHAPE corners = [corners[0], corners[1], corners[3], corners[2]] # RETURN HEALPIXELS IN EXPOSURE AREA expPixels = hp.query_polygon(nside, np.array(corners)) if pinpoint in expPixels: outputList.append({ "obs": e["expname"], "mjd": e["mjd"], "raDeg": r["ra_deg"], "decDeg": r["dec_deg"], "mag": r["apparent_mag"], "sep": sep }) thisMjd = int(math.floor(e["mjd"])) expname = e["expname"] ssobject_ = ssobject.replace(" ", "_") raStr = r["ra_deg"] decStr = r["dec_deg"] rsyncContent.append( "rsync -av [email protected]:/atlas/red/%(expPrefix)sa/%(thisMjd)s/%(expname)s.fits.fz %(ssobject_)s_atlas_exposures/" % locals()) rsyncContent.append( "touch %(ssobject_)s_atlas_exposures/%(expname)s.location" % locals()) rsyncContent.append( 'echo "_RAJ2000,_DEJ2000,OBJECT\n%(raStr)s,%(decStr)s,%(ssobject)s" > %(ssobject_)s_atlas_exposures/%(expname)s.location' % locals()) dataSet = list_of_dictionaries( log=log, listOfDictionaries=outputList, # use re.compile('^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T') for mysql reDatetime=False) ssobject = ssobject.replace(" ", "_") csvData = dataSet.csv( filepath="./%(ssobject)s_atlas_exposure_matches.csv" % locals()) rsyncContent = ("\n").join(rsyncContent) pathToWriteFile = "./%(ssobject)" % locals() try: log.debug("attempting to open the file %s" % (pathToWriteFile, )) writeFile =, encoding='utf-8', mode='w') except IOError, e: message = 'could not open the file %s' % (pathToWriteFile, ) log.critical(message) raise IOError(message)
def main(arguments=None): """ *The main function used when ```` is run as a single script from the cl, or when installed as a cl command* """ # setup the command-line util settings su = tools( arguments=arguments, docString=__doc__, logLevel="WARNING", options_first=False, projectName="rockfinder", defaultSettingsFile=True ) arguments, settings, log, dbConn = su.setup() # unpack remaining cl arguments using `exec` to setup the variable names # automatically for arg, val in arguments.iteritems(): if arg[0] == "-": varname = arg.replace("-", "") + "Flag" else: varname = arg.replace("<", "").replace(">", "") if isinstance(val, str) or isinstance(val, unicode): exec(varname + " = '%s'" % (val,)) else: exec(varname + " = %s" % (val,)) if arg == "--dbConn": dbConn = val log.debug('%s = %s' % (varname, val,)) ## START LOGGING ## startTime = times.get_now_sql_datetime() '--- STARTING TO RUN THE AT %s' % (startTime,)) # CALL FUNCTIONS/OBJECTS if init: from os.path import expanduser home = expanduser("~") filepath = home + "/.config/rockfinder/rockfinder.yaml" cmd = """open %(filepath)s""" % locals() p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) try: cmd = """open %(filepath)s""" % locals() p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) except: pass try: cmd = """start %(filepath)s""" % locals() p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) except: pass return if where and orbfitFlag: from rockfinder import orbfit_ephemeris eph = orbfit_ephemeris( log=log, objectId=objectId, mjd=mjd, obscode=obscode, settings=settings, verbose=extraFlag ) else: from rockfinder import jpl_horizons_ephemeris eph = jpl_horizons_ephemeris( log=log, objectId=objectId, mjd=mjd, obscode=obscode, verbose=extraFlag ) dataSet = list_of_dictionaries( log=log, listOfDictionaries=eph ) # xfundamentals-render-list-of-dictionaries output = dataSet.table(filepath=None) if csv: output = dataSet.csv(filepath=None) elif json: output = dataSet.json(filepath=None) elif yaml: output = dataSet.yaml(filepath=None) elif md: output = dataSet.markdown(filepath=None) elif rst: output = dataSet.reST(filepath=None) print output if "dbConn" in locals() and dbConn: dbConn.commit() dbConn.close() ## FINISH LOGGING ## endTime = times.get_now_sql_datetime() runningTime = times.calculate_time_difference(startTime, endTime)'-- FINISHED ATTEMPT TO RUN THE AT %s (RUNTIME: %s) --' % (endTime, runningTime, )) return
def main(arguments=None): """ *The main function used when ```` is run as a single script from the cl, or when installed as a cl command* """ # setup the command-line util settings su = tools(arguments=arguments, docString=__doc__, logLevel="WARNING", options_first=False, projectName="rockfinder", defaultSettingsFile=True) arguments, settings, log, dbConn = su.setup() # unpack remaining cl arguments using `exec` to setup the variable names # automatically for arg, val in arguments.iteritems(): if arg[0] == "-": varname = arg.replace("-", "") + "Flag" else: varname = arg.replace("<", "").replace(">", "") if isinstance(val, str) or isinstance(val, unicode): exec(varname + " = '%s'" % (val, )) else: exec(varname + " = %s" % (val, )) if arg == "--dbConn": dbConn = val log.debug('%s = %s' % ( varname, val, )) ## START LOGGING ## startTime = times.get_now_sql_datetime()'--- STARTING TO RUN THE AT %s' % (startTime, )) # CALL FUNCTIONS/OBJECTS if init: from os.path import expanduser home = expanduser("~") filepath = home + "/.config/rockfinder/rockfinder.yaml" cmd = """open %(filepath)s""" % locals() p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) try: cmd = """open %(filepath)s""" % locals() p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) except: pass try: cmd = """start %(filepath)s""" % locals() p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True) except: pass return if where and orbfitFlag: from rockfinder import orbfit_ephemeris eph = orbfit_ephemeris(log=log, objectId=objectId, mjd=mjd, obscode=obscode, settings=settings, verbose=extraFlag) else: from rockfinder import jpl_horizons_ephemeris eph = jpl_horizons_ephemeris(log=log, objectId=objectId, mjd=mjd, obscode=obscode, verbose=extraFlag) dataSet = list_of_dictionaries(log=log, listOfDictionaries=eph) # xfundamentals-render-list-of-dictionaries output = dataSet.table(filepath=None) if csv: output = dataSet.csv(filepath=None) elif json: output = dataSet.json(filepath=None) elif yaml: output = dataSet.yaml(filepath=None) elif md: output = dataSet.markdown(filepath=None) elif rst: output = dataSet.reST(filepath=None) print(output) if "dbConn" in locals() and dbConn: dbConn.commit() dbConn.close() ## FINISH LOGGING ## endTime = times.get_now_sql_datetime() runningTime = times.calculate_time_difference(startTime, endTime) '-- FINISHED ATTEMPT TO RUN THE AT %s (RUNTIME: %s) --' % ( endTime, runningTime, )) return