    def take(self, candidate):

        # First check if has 3 letters
        if len(candidate) < 3:
            self.previous_guess = self.guess
            self.status = "Word is too short! " + f"({self.previous_guess})"
            self.guess = ''
            return None

        # Then check if a word
        if len(candidate) < 10:
            is_word = twl.check(candidate.lower())
            is_word = root.merriam_word_check(candidate)
        if not is_word:
            # self.__display_text("Not a word!", 200, 400)
            self.previous_guess = self.guess
            self.status = "Not a word! " + f"({self.previous_guess})"
            self.guess = ''
            return None

        error_trivial_extension = False
        error_tiles = False

        # Get the merriam stripped version of the guess (e.g. TRAINED --> TRAIN)
        merriam_candidate = root.merriam_strip(candidate)

        # Check if can take the other player's words (not checking middle steal)
        is_taken, event_type, taken_word, taken_i = self.__check_steal(
            candidate, merriam_candidate, self.player2words, True)

        if is_taken:
            # Get time of this steal
            self.last_update = datetime.datetime.now()

            if event_type == 'steal':  # in theory, this if statement is unnecessary since there are no middle steals
                # Make the candidate word into a list to remove individual letters.
                candidate_list = list(candidate)

                # Delete the taken word from opponent's list, add it to your own dictionary and corresponding list (list for ordering purposes)
                del self.player2words[taken_word]

                self.playerwords.update({candidate: merriam_candidate})

                # Figure out what tiles are used from the middle and remove those from self.current
                for letter in taken_word:

                for letter in candidate_list:
                self.previous_guess = self.guess
                self.status = "Success! " + f"({self.previous_guess})"
                self.fresh_take = True
                self.pre_take_word = taken_word
                self.middle_used = candidate_list

            # If no steal was triggered above, then couldn't steal opponent's words for one of the reasons below
            # (wait until you check whether you can take one of your own words to see if it was a failure overall)
            if event_type == 'trivial':
                error_trivial_extension = True
            elif event_type == 'tiles':
                error_tiles = True

        # if could not take the other player's words, check if can take one's own
        if not is_taken:
            self_is_taken, event_type, taken_word, taken_i = self.__check_steal(
                candidate, merriam_candidate, self.playerwords, False)

            if self_is_taken:
                self.last_update = datetime.datetime.now()
                self.updated = True
                if event_type == 'steal':
                    candidate_list = list(candidate)

                    del self.playerwords[taken_word]
                    self.playerwords.update({candidate: merriam_candidate})

                    self.playerwords_list[taken_i] = candidate

                    for letter in taken_word:
                    for letter in candidate_list:
                    self.previous_guess = self.guess
                    self.status = "Success! " + f"({self.previous_guess})"
                    self.fresh_take = True
                    self.pre_take_word = taken_word
                    self.middle_used = candidate_list

                elif event_type == 'middle':
                    candidate_list = list(candidate)

                    for letter in candidate_list:
                    self.playerwords.update({candidate: merriam_candidate})

                    self.previous_guess = self.guess
                    self.status = "Success! " + f"({self.previous_guess})"
                    self.fresh_take = True
                    self.pre_take_word = taken_word
                    self.middle_used = candidate_list

                elif error_trivial_extension:
                    self.previous_guess = self.guess
                    self.status = "Same root! " + f"({self.previous_guess})"
                elif error_tiles:
                    self.previous_guess = self.guess
                    self.status = "Tiles aren't there! " + f"({self.previous_guess})"
                    self.previous_guess = self.guess
                    self.status = "Tiles aren't there! " + f"({self.previous_guess})"
        self.guess = ''
    def take(self, candidate):

        # First check if has 3 letters
        if len(candidate) < 3:
            self.previous_guess = self.guess
            self.status = "Word is too short! " + f"({self.previous_guess})"
            self.guess = ''
            return None

        # Then check if a word
        if len(candidate) < 10:
            is_word = twl.check(candidate.lower())
            is_word = root.merriam_word_check(candidate)
        if not is_word:
            # self.__display_text("Not a word!", 200, 400)
            self.previous_guess = self.guess
            self.status = "Not a word! " + f"({self.previous_guess})"
            self.guess = ''
            return None

        error_trivial_extension = False
        error_tiles = False

        # Get the merriam stripped version of the guess (e.g. TRAINED --> TRAIN)
        self.merriam_candidate = root.merriam_strip(candidate)

        # Check if can take the other player's words (not checking middle steal)
        is_taken, event_type, taken_word, taken_i = self.__check_steal(
            candidate, self.merriam_candidate, self.player2words, True)
        self.event_type = event_type

        if is_taken:
            # Get time of this steal
            self.last_update = datetime.datetime.now()

            if self.event_type == 'opponent steal':  # in theory, this if statement is unnecessary since there are no middle steals
                # Get what letters were used in the middle
                candidate_list = list(candidate)
                for letter in taken_word:
                self.middle_used = candidate_list

                self.fresh_take = True
                self.pre_take_word = taken_word
                self.taken_i = taken_i

            # If no steal was triggered above, then couldn't steal opponent's words for one of the reasons below
            # (wait until you check whether you can take one of your own words to see if it was a failure overall)
            if self.event_type == 'trivial':
                error_trivial_extension = True
            elif self.event_type == 'tiles':
                error_tiles = True

        # if could not take the other player's words, check if can take one's own
        if not is_taken:
            self_is_taken, event_type, taken_word, taken_i = self.__check_steal(
                candidate, self.merriam_candidate, self.playerwords, False)
            self.event_type = event_type

            if self_is_taken:
                self.last_update = datetime.datetime.now()
                self.updated = True
                if self.event_type == 'self steal':
                    candidate_list = list(candidate)
                    for letter in taken_word:
                    self.middle_used = candidate_list

                    self.fresh_take = True
                    self.pre_take_word = taken_word
                    self.taken_i = taken_i

                elif self.event_type == 'middle':
                    candidate_list = list(candidate)
                    self.middle_used = candidate_list

                    self.fresh_take = True
                    self.pre_take_word = taken_word
                    self.taken_i = taken_i

            elif error_trivial_extension:
                self.previous_guess = self.guess
                self.status = "Same root! " + f"({self.previous_guess})"
            elif error_tiles:
                self.previous_guess = self.guess
                self.status = "Tiles aren't there! " + f"({self.previous_guess})"
                self.previous_guess = self.guess
                self.status = "Tiles aren't there! " + f"({self.previous_guess})"
        self.previous_guess = self.guess
        self.guess = ''
    def take(self, candidate):

        # First check if has 3 letters
        if len(candidate) < 3:
            print("Word is too short!")
            return None

        # First check if a word
        if len(candidate) < 10:
            is_word = twl.check(candidate.lower())
            is_word = merriam_word_check(candidate)
        if not is_word:
            print("Not a word!")
            return None

        error_trivial_extension = False
        error_tiles = False

        steal_type = None

        merriam_candidate = root.merriam_strip(candidate)

        for i, word in enumerate(self.playerwords):
            # First, check if candidate is a superset of the current word
            if self.__superset(candidate, word, strict=True):
                # root_candidate = self.__root(candidate)
                # root_word = self.__root(word)

                # Then, check if the tiles needed to make candidate are in the middle
                if not self.__superset(self.current,
                                       self.__subtract(candidate, word)):
                    error_tiles = True
                    merriam_word = self.playerwords[word]

                    root_candidate = root.lookup(merriam_candidate)
                    root_word = root.lookup(merriam_word)
                    # merriam_root_check = root.merriam_root_check(candidate, word)

                        root_overlap = any(x in root_candidate
                                           for x in root_word)
                    except TypeError:
                        root_overlap = False

                    if (root_candidate is None
                            or root_word is None) and (merriam_candidate
                                                       == merriam_word):
                        error_trivial_extension = True
                    elif root_overlap or (merriam_candidate == merriam_word):
                        error_trivial_extension = True
                        steal_type = 'steal'
                        taken_word = word

                # elif word in candidate and any(x in root.lookup(candidate) for x in root.lookup(word)):
                # error_trivial_extension = True

                # If all of those check out, then it's a steal and record which word is being stolen

        if steal_type is None:
            if self.__superset(self.current, candidate, strict=False):
                steal_type = 'middle'

        if steal_type == 'steal':
            candidate_list = list(candidate)

            del self.playerwords[taken_word]
            self.playerwords.update({candidate: merriam_candidate})

            for letter in taken_word:
            for letter in candidate_list:
        elif steal_type == 'middle':
            candidate_list = list(candidate)
            for letter in candidate_list:
            self.playerwords.update({candidate: merriam_candidate})
        elif error_trivial_extension:
            print("Same root!")
        elif error_tiles:
            print("Tiles aren't there!")
            print("Tiles aren't there!")