def buildCorrectionHisto( hndRealDataCr, hndFakeDataLo, hndFakeDataHi, hndFakeMcLo, hndFakeMcHi, histoname="lep_corHFRate", nIter=1, verbose=False, plotdir=None, ): hRealEff = buildRatioHistogram(hndRealDataCr["num"], hndRealDataCr["den"], "real_eff") corrected = dict([(nd, hndFakeDataLo[nd].Clone("corrected_" + nd)) for nd in ["num", "den"]]) print "buildCorrectionHisto with nIter ", nIter can = r.TCanvas("c_" + histoname, "") can.Draw() hRealEff.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.0, 1.0) hRealEff.Draw("axis") tex = r.TLatex() tex.SetNDC(True) tex.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.915, histoname) can._tex = tex can._histos = [hRealEff] can._leg = r.TLegend(0.925, 0.25, 1.0, 0.9, "iter") can._leg.SetBorderSize(0) can._leg.SetFillColor(0) for iteration in range(nIter): print "iter ", iteration rate = buildRatioHistogram(corrected["num"], corrected["den"]) # temporary rate (?) if verbose: print "Iteration %d, corrected values:" % iteration print " num %s" % lf2s(getBinContents(corrected["num"])) print " den %s" % lf2s(getBinContents(corrected["den"])) print " ratio %s" % lf2s(getBinContents(rate)) dataNum, dataDen = hndFakeDataHi["num"], hndFakeDataHi["den"] for nd, tl in [("num", "tight"), ("den", "loose")]: corr, dataLow = corrected[nd], hndFakeDataLo[nd] mcLow, mcHi = hndFakeMcLo[nd], hndFakeMcHi[nd] corrFact = getCorrFactors(hRealEff, rate, dataNum, dataDen, mcHi, tl) corr = correctRate(corr, dataLow, mcLow, corrFact) rate.SetLineColor(20 + iteration) rate.SetMarkerColor(20 + iteration) rate.SetLineWidth(4) rate.SetMarkerStyle(r.kFullCross) can._histos.append(rate.DrawClone("el same")) can._leg.AddEntry(can._histos[-1], "%d" % iteration, "lp") ratio = buildRatioHistogram(corrected["num"], corrected["den"], histoname) can._leg.Draw() can.Update() if plotdir: can.SaveAs(plotdir + "/" + histoname + "_iterations.png") return ratio
def computeAndPlotHfSf2d(fileIter, fileHf, lepton, variable_name, outdir) : eff_da = fileIter.Get(lepton+'_corHFRate_eta') eff_mc = buildRate(fileHf, lepton+'_fakeHF_all_l_pt_eta') ratio = buildRatioHistogram(eff_da, eff_mc) ratio.Print() xAx, yAx = ratio.GetXaxis(), ratio.GetYaxis() print ratio.GetName(),": bins (%d, %d)"%(ratio.GetNbinsX(), ratio.GetNbinsY()) nEtaBins = yAx.GetNbins() print 'nEtaBins: ',nEtaBins xMin, xMax = xAx.GetXmin(), xAx.GetXmax() fitFunc = r.TF1('fit_func_const_'+ratio.GetName(), '[0]', xMin, xMax) etaBins = range(1, 1+nEtaBins) slices = [ratio.ProjectionX("%s_bin%d"%(ratio.GetName(), b), b, b, 'e') for b in etaBins] for b, s in zip(etaBins, slices) : s.SetTitle(lepton+" data/mc heavyflavor : eta bin %d"%b) s.Fit(fitFunc.GetName(), '0RQ') # do not draw, range, quiet p0, p0Err, chi2, ndf = fitResults(fitFunc) p0, p0Err = pdgRound(p0, p0Err) print "bin %d : %s +/- %s"%(b, p0, p0Err) can = r.TCanvas('') s.Draw('ep') fitFunc.Draw('same') tex = r.TLatex() tex.SetNDC(True) fitParLabel = "Const. fit : %s #pm %s"%(p0, p0Err) fitGoodLabel = "#chi^{2}/DOF : %.2f / %d"%(chi2, ndf) tex.SetTextSize(yAx.GetTitleSize()) tex.SetTextFont(yAx.GetTitleFont()) tex.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.45, s.GetTitle()) tex.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.40, "#splitline{%s}{%s}"%(fitParLabel, fitGoodLabel)) can.Update() for ext in ['eps','png'] : can.SaveAs(outdir+'/fit_'+lepton+"_heavyflavor_etabin%d.%s"%(b, ext)) return p0
def buildSideBandSubRate(file, lepton, variable_name): hZwindow = getNumDenHistos(file, lepton + '_realCR_' + variable_name) hSideLo = getNumDenHistos(file, lepton + '_realSideLow_' + variable_name) hSideHi = getNumDenHistos(file, lepton + '_realSideHigh_' + variable_name) def sbErr(el, ew, eh): "SidebandError; DG this doesn't make any sense to me; ask Matt" return sqrt(ew * ew - (el * el + eh * eh)) def be(h): return [h.GetBinError(b) for b in range(1, 1 + h.GetNbinsX())] errs = dict([(k, [ sbErr(l, w, h) for l, w, h in zip(be(hSideLo[k]), be(hZwindow[k]), be(hSideHi[k])) ]) for k in ['num', 'den']]) hSideLo['num'].Add(hSideHi['num']) hSideLo['den'].Add(hSideHi['den']) hZwindow['num'].Add(hSideLo['num'], -1) hZwindow['den'].Add(hSideLo['den'], -1) for nd in ['num', 'den']: h, err = hZwindow[nd], errs[nd] nbins = h.GetNbinsX() for i, b in zip(range(nbins), range(1, 1 + nbins)): h.SetBinError(b, err[i]) return buildRatioHistogram(hZwindow['num'], hZwindow['den'])
def computeAndPlotConvSf(fileData, fileMc, lepton, variable_name, outdir): "Electron conversion: simplest case, just data/mc" eff_da = buildRate(fileData, lepton + '_fakeConv_' + variable_name) eff_mc = buildRate(fileMc, lepton + '_fakeConv_' + variable_name) ratio = buildRatioHistogram(eff_da, eff_mc) fitFunc = fitWithConst(ratio) p0, p0Err, chi2, ndf = fitResults(fitFunc) p0, p0Err = pdgRound(p0, p0Err) print "SF for %s fake conv : %s +/- %s" % (lepton, p0, p0Err) graphics = { 'xtitle': xTitle(lepton, variable_name), 'ytitle': lepton + ' p(tight | fake conv)', 'colors': { 'data': r.kBlack, 'mc': mcColor(lepton) }, 'markers': { 'data': r.kFullCircle, 'mc': mcMarker(lepton) }, 'labels': { 'data': 'Data: Conversion CR', 'mc': 'MC Comb: Conv CR' } } plotHistRatioAndFit({ 'data': eff_da, 'mc': eff_mc }, ratio, fitFunc, outdir + lepton + '_fakeconv', graphics)
def computeAndPlotRealSf(file_data, file_mc, lepton, variable_name, outdir): "Scale factor from the real control region, Z tag and probe" eff_da = buildSideBandSubRate(file_data, lepton, variable_name) eff_mc = buildSideBandSubRate(file_mc, lepton, variable_name) ratio = buildRatioHistogram(eff_da, eff_mc) fitFunc = fitWithConst(ratio) p0, p0Err, chi2, ndf = fitResults(fitFunc) p0, p0Err = pdgRound(p0, p0Err) print "SF for %s real : %s +/- %s" % (lepton, p0, p0Err) graphics = { 'xtitle': xTitle(lepton, variable_name), 'ytitle': lepton + ' p(tight | real)', 'colors': { 'data': r.kBlack, 'mc': mcColor(lepton) }, 'markers': { 'data': r.kFullCircle, 'mc': mcMarker(lepton) }, 'labels': { 'data': 'Data: Z Tag and Probe', 'mc': 'MC Comb: Z Tag and Probe' } } plotHistRatioAndFit({ 'data': eff_da, 'mc': eff_mc }, ratio, fitFunc, outdir + lepton + '_real', graphics)
def drawBot(pad, histo_data, histo_mc, err_band_r, xaxis_title='') : pad.Draw() ratio = buildRatioHistogram(histo_data, histo_mc) yMin, yMax = 0.0, 2.0 ratio.SetMinimum(yMin) ratio.SetMaximum(yMax) ratio.SetStats(0) ratio.Draw('axis') x_lo, x_hi = getXrange(ratio) refLines = [referenceLine(x_lo, x_hi, y, y) for y in [0.5, 1.0, 1.5]] for l in refLines : l.Draw() err_band_r.Draw('E2 same') ratio.Draw('ep same') xA, yA = ratio.GetXaxis(), ratio.GetYaxis() textScaleUp = 1.0/pad.GetHNDC() if xaxis_title : xA.SetTitle(xaxis_title) yA.SetNdivisions(-104) yA.SetTitle('Data/SM') yA.CenterTitle() yA.SetTitleOffset(yA.GetTitleOffset()/textScaleUp) for a in [xA, yA] : a.SetLabelSize(a.GetLabelSize()*textScaleUp) a.SetTitleSize(a.GetTitleSize()*textScaleUp) pad._graphical_objects = [ratio, err_band_r] + refLines # avoid garbage collection pad.Update()
def computeAndPlotHfSf(fileIter, fileHf, lepton, variable_name, outdir): "HF tag and probe; in this case we need to subract out the contamination" eff_da = fileIter.Get(lepton + '_corHFRate') eff_mc = buildRate(fileHf, lepton + '_fakeHF_' + variable_name) ratio = buildRatioHistogram(eff_da, eff_mc) fitFunc = fitWithConst(ratio) p0, p0Err, chi2, ndf = fitResults(fitFunc) p0, p0Err = pdgRound(p0, p0Err) print "SF for %s fake HF : %s +/- %s" % (lepton, p0, p0Err) graphics = { 'xtitle': xTitle(lepton, variable_name), 'ytitle': lepton + ' p(tight | fake hf)', 'colors': { 'data': r.kBlack, 'mc': mcColor(lepton) }, 'markers': { 'data': r.kFullCircle, 'mc': mcMarker(lepton) }, 'labels': { 'data': 'Data HF Tag and Probe (Iterative Subtraction)', 'mc': 'b#bar{b}/c#bar{c} MC: HF Tag and Probe' } } plotHistRatioAndFit({ 'data': eff_da, 'mc': eff_mc }, ratio, fitFunc, outdir + lepton + '_fakehf', graphics)
def computeAndPlotRealSf(file_data, file_mc, lepton, variable_name, outdir) : "Scale factor from the real control region, Z tag and probe" eff_da = buildSideBandSubRate(file_data, lepton, variable_name) eff_mc = buildSideBandSubRate(file_mc, lepton, variable_name) ratio = buildRatioHistogram(eff_da, eff_mc) fitFunc = fitWithConst(ratio) p0, p0Err, chi2, ndf = fitResults(fitFunc) p0, p0Err = pdgRound(p0, p0Err) print "SF for %s real : %s +/- %s"%(lepton, p0, p0Err) graphics = {'xtitle' : xTitle(lepton, variable_name), 'ytitle' : lepton+' p(tight | real)', 'colors' : {'data' : r.kBlack, 'mc' : mcColor(lepton)}, 'markers': {'data' : r.kFullCircle, 'mc' : mcMarker(lepton)}, 'labels' : {'data' : 'Data: Z Tag and Probe', 'mc' : 'MC Comb: Z Tag and Probe'}} plotHistRatioAndFit({'data':eff_da, 'mc':eff_mc}, ratio, fitFunc, outdir+lepton+'_real', graphics)
def computeAndPlotConvSf(fileData, fileMc, lepton, variable_name, outdir) : "Electron conversion: simplest case, just data/mc" eff_da = buildRate(fileData, lepton+'_fakeConv_'+variable_name) eff_mc = buildRate(fileMc, lepton+'_fakeConv_'+variable_name) ratio = buildRatioHistogram(eff_da, eff_mc) fitFunc = fitWithConst(ratio) p0, p0Err, chi2, ndf = fitResults(fitFunc) p0, p0Err = pdgRound(p0, p0Err) print "SF for %s fake conv : %s +/- %s"%(lepton, p0, p0Err) graphics = {'xtitle' : xTitle(lepton, variable_name), 'ytitle' : lepton+' p(tight | fake conv)', 'colors' : {'data' : r.kBlack, 'mc' : mcColor(lepton)}, 'markers': {'data' : r.kFullCircle, 'mc' : mcMarker(lepton)}, 'labels' : {'data' : 'Data: Conversion CR', 'mc' : 'MC Comb: Conv CR'}} plotHistRatioAndFit({'data':eff_da, 'mc':eff_mc}, ratio, fitFunc, outdir+lepton+'_fakeconv', graphics)
def computeAndPlotHfSf(fileIter, fileHf, lepton, variable_name, outdir) : "HF tag and probe; in this case we need to subract out the contamination" eff_da = fileIter.Get(lepton+'_corHFRate') eff_mc = buildRate(fileHf, lepton+'_fakeHF_'+variable_name) ratio = buildRatioHistogram(eff_da, eff_mc) fitFunc = fitWithConst(ratio) p0, p0Err, chi2, ndf = fitResults(fitFunc) p0, p0Err = pdgRound(p0, p0Err) print "SF for %s fake HF : %s +/- %s"%(lepton, p0, p0Err) graphics = {'xtitle' : xTitle(lepton, variable_name), 'ytitle' : lepton+' p(tight | fake hf)', 'colors' : {'data' : r.kBlack, 'mc' : mcColor(lepton)}, 'markers': {'data' : r.kFullCircle, 'mc' : mcMarker(lepton)}, 'labels' : {'data' : 'Data HF Tag and Probe (Iterative Subtraction)', 'mc' : 'b#bar{b}/c#bar{c} MC: HF Tag and Probe'}} plotHistRatioAndFit({'data':eff_da, 'mc':eff_mc}, ratio, fitFunc, outdir+lepton+'_fakehf', graphics)
def computeAndPlotConvSf2d(fileData, fileMc, lepton, variable_name, outdir) : "Electron conversion: simplest case, just data/mc" histoname = 'elec_fakeConv_all_l_pt_eta' eff_da = buildRate(fileData, histoname) eff_mc = buildRate(fileMc, histoname) print 'SF conversion: using histo ',histoname ratio = buildRatioHistogram(eff_da, eff_mc) ratio.Print() xAx, yAx = ratio.GetXaxis(), ratio.GetYaxis() #pt_eta : check that x is pt, y is eta nEtaBins = yAx.GetNbins() xMin, xMax = xAx.GetXmin(), xAx.GetXmax() fitFunc = r.TF1('fit_func_const_'+ratio.GetName(), '[0]', xMin, xMax) etaBins = range(1, 1+nEtaBins) slices = [ratio.ProjectionX("%s_bin%d"%(ratio.GetName(), b), b, b, 'e') for b in etaBins] for b, s in zip(etaBins, slices) : s.SetTitle("data/mc conversion : eta bin %d"%b) s.Fit(fitFunc.GetName(), '0RQ') # do not draw, range, quiet p0, p0Err, chi2, ndf = fitResults(fitFunc) p0, p0Err = pdgRound(p0, p0Err) print "bin %d : %s +/- %s"%(b, p0, p0Err) can = r.TCanvas('') s.Draw('ep') fitFunc.Draw('same') tex = r.TLatex() tex.SetNDC(True) fitParLabel = "Const. fit : %s #pm %s"%(p0, p0Err) fitGoodLabel = "#chi^{2}/DOF : %.2f / %d"%(chi2, ndf) tex.SetTextSize(yAx.GetTitleSize()) tex.SetTextFont(yAx.GetTitleFont()) tex.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.45, s.GetTitle()) tex.DrawLatex(0.15, 0.40, "#splitline{%s}{%s}"%(fitParLabel, fitGoodLabel)) can.Update() for ext in ['eps','png'] : can.SaveAs(outdir+"/fit_el_conv_etabin%d.%s"%(b, ext)) # graphics = {'xtitle' : xTitle(lepton, variable_name), # 'ytitle' : lepton+' p(tight | fake conv)', # 'colors' : {'data' : r.kBlack, 'mc' : mcColor(lepton)}, # 'markers': {'data' : r.kFullCircle, 'mc' : mcMarker(lepton)}, # 'labels' : {'data' : 'Data: Conversion CR', # 'mc' : 'MC Comb: Conv CR'}} # plotHistRatioAndFit({'data':eff_da, 'mc':eff_mc}, ratio, fitFunc, outdir+lepton+'_fakeconv', # graphics) return p0
def computeAndPlotConvSf(fileData, fileMc, lepton, variable_name, outdir, outfile=None) : "Electron conversion: simplest case, just data/mc" eff_da = buildRate(fileData, lepton+'_fakeConv_'+variable_name) eff_mc = buildRate(fileMc, lepton+'_fakeConv_'+variable_name) ratio = buildRatioHistogram(eff_da, eff_mc) print ratio.GetName(),' : ',["%.3f"%ratio.GetBinContent(b) for b in range(1, 1+ratio.GetNbinsX())] fitFunc = fitWithConst(ratio) p0, p0Err, chi2, ndf = fitResults(fitFunc) p0, p0Err = pdgRound(p0, p0Err) print "SF for %s fake conv : %s +/- %s"%(lepton, p0, p0Err) graphics = {'xtitle' : xTitle(lepton, variable_name), 'ytitle' : lepton+' p(tight | fake conv)', 'colors' : {'data' : r.kBlack, 'mc' : mcColor(lepton)}, 'markers': {'data' : r.kFullCircle, 'mc' : mcMarker(lepton)}, 'labels' : {'data' : 'Data: Conversion CR', 'mc' : 'MC Comb: Conv CR'}} plotHistRatioAndFit({'data':eff_da, 'mc':eff_mc}, ratio, fitFunc, outdir+'/fit_'+lepton+'_conv', graphics) if outfile : saveObject(outfile, ratio, 'elec_convSF_pt') return p0
def buildRatioHistos(histosNum={}, histosDen={}) : "assume that the histos are organized in two dict[vt][sample] provided by buildHistos" histosPerVtypePerSample = {} def sameLists(l1=[], l2=[]) : return len(l1)==len(l2) and sorted(l1)==sorted(l2) assert sameLists(histosNum.keys(), histosDen.keys()),"num and den w/ different vtype keys" result = {} for vt in histosDen.keys() : resultPerSample = {} hvn, hvd = histosNum[vt], histosDen[vt] assert sameLists(hvn.keys(), hvd.keys()),"num and den w/ different sample keys" for s in hvd.keys() : hnum, hden = hvn[s], hvd[s] hNames = [h.GetName() for h in hnum, hden] pre, suf = commonPrefix(hNames), commonSuffix(hNames) hName = pre+'_ratio_'+suf if len(pre) and len(suf) else '_over_'.join(hNames) h = buildRatioHistogram(hnum, hden, hName) resetErrors(h) resultPerSample[s] = h result[vt] = resultPerSample return result
def buildSideBandSubRate(file, lepton, variable_name) : hZwindow = getNumDenHistos(file, lepton+'_realCR_' +variable_name) hSideLo = getNumDenHistos(file, lepton+'_realSideLow_' +variable_name) hSideHi = getNumDenHistos(file, lepton+'_realSideHigh_'+variable_name) def sbErr(el, ew, eh) : "SidebandError; DG this doesn't make any sense to me; ask Matt" return sqrt(ew*ew - (el*el + eh*eh)) def be(h) : return [h.GetBinError(b) for b in range(1, 1+h.GetNbinsX())] errs = dict([(k, [sbErr(l,w,h) for l, w, h in zip(be(hSideLo[k]), be(hZwindow[k]), be(hSideHi[k]))]) for k in ['num','den']]) hSideLo ['num'].Add(hSideHi['num']) hSideLo ['den'].Add(hSideHi['den']) hZwindow['num'].Add(hSideLo['num'], -1) hZwindow['den'].Add(hSideLo['den'], -1) for nd in ['num', 'den'] : h, err = hZwindow[nd], errs[nd] nbins = h.GetNbinsX() for i, b in zip(range(nbins), range(1, 1+nbins)) : h.SetBinError(b, err[i]) return buildRatioHistogram(hZwindow['num'], hZwindow['den'])
def buildRatio(inputFile=None, histoBaseName='') : num, den = inputFile.Get(histoBaseName+'_num'), inputFile.Get(histoBaseName+'_den') return buildRatioHistogram(num, den, histoBaseName +'_rat')
def plotHistosRatio(histosPairs=[], canvasName='') : histosRatio = [buildRatioHistogram(hh['num'], hh['den']) for hh in histosPairs] plotHistos(histosRatio, canvasName)
def main() : parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option('-n', '--n_iter', type='int', default=8) parser.add_option('-m', '--input_mc') parser.add_option('-d', '--input_data') parser.add_option('-o', '--output') parser.add_option('-p', '--plot', help='plot inputs') # todo: implement sanity plot vs. n_iter parser.add_option('-v','--verbose', action='store_true', default=False) (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() requiredOptions = ['n_iter', 'input_mc', 'input_data', 'output'] otherOptions = ['plot', 'verbose'] allOptions = requiredOptions + otherOptions def optIsNotSpecified(o) : return not hasattr(opts, o) or getattr(opts,o) is None if any(optIsNotSpecified(o) for o in requiredOptions) : parser.error('Missing required option') nIter = opts.n_iter fnameInputMc = opts.input_mc fnameInputDa = opts.input_data fnameOutput = opts.output plot = opts.plot verbose = opts.verbose if verbose : print ('\nUsing the following options:\n' +'\n'.join("%s : %s"%(o, str(getattr(opts, o))) for o in allOptions)) fileData = r.TFile.Open(fnameInputDa) fileMc = r.TFile.Open(fnameInputMc) assert fileData and fileMc, "Missing input files: data %s, mc %s"%(str(fileData), str(fileMc)) correctionHistos = {} for lep in ['muon', 'elec'] : if verbose : print "Lepton: %s"%lep hRealDataCr = getNumDenHistos(fileData, lep+'_realCR_all_l_pt') hFakeDataLo = getNumDenHistos(fileData, lep+'_fakeHF_all_l_pt') hFakeDataHi = getNumDenHistos(fileData, lep+'_fakeHF_high_all_l_pt') hFakeMcLo = getNumDenHistos(fileMc, lep+'_fakeHF_all_l_pt') hFakeMcHi = getNumDenHistos(fileMc, lep+'_fakeHF_high_all_l_pt') if plot : hNumDen = [hFakeDataLo, hFakeDataHi, hFakeMcLo, hFakeMcHi] for nd in ['num','den'] : plotHistos([h[nd] for h in hNumDen], 'c_'+lep+'_'+nd) plotHistosRatio(hNumDen, 'c_'+lep+'_ratio') def missingInputHisto(ndHistos) : return any(not h for h in ndHistos.values()) histoCollToBeChecked = ['hRealDataCr','hFakeDataLo','hFakeDataHi','hFakeMcLo','hFakeMcHi'] missingHistos = dict([(nhc,hp) for nhc,hp in [(hc, eval(hc)) for hc in histoCollToBeChecked] if missingInputHisto(hp)]) if len(missingHistos) : print (lep+' : missing histograms: \n' +'\n'.join(["%s: num %s den %s"%(k, v['num'], v['den']) for k,v in missingHistos.iteritems()])) continue hRealEff = buildRatioHistogram(hRealDataCr['num'], hRealDataCr['den'], 'real_eff') corrected = dict([(nd, hFakeDataLo[nd].Clone('corrected_'+nd)) for nd in ['num', 'den']]) for iteration in range(nIter) : rate = buildRatioHistogram(corrected['num'], corrected['den']) # temporary rate (?) if verbose : def lf2s(l) : return ', '.join(["%.3f"%e for e in l]) print "Iteration %d, corrected values:"%iteration print " num %s"%lf2s(binContents(corrected['num'])) print " den %s"%lf2s(binContents(corrected['den'])) print " ratio %s"%lf2s(binContents(rate)) dataNum, dataDen = hFakeDataHi['num'], hFakeDataHi['den'] for nd,tl in [('num','tight'), ('den','loose')] : corr, dataLow = corrected[nd], hFakeDataLo[nd] mcLow, mcHi = hFakeMcLo[nd], hFakeMcHi[nd] corrFact = getCorrFactors(hRealEff, rate, dataNum, dataDen, mcHi, tl) corr = correctRate(corr, dataLow, mcLow, corrFact) ratio = buildRatioHistogram(corrected['num'], corrected['den'], lep+'_corHFRate') correctionHistos[lep] = ratio if verbose : print "saving output to ",fnameOutput fileOut = r.TFile.Open(fnameOutput, 'recreate') for l,h in correctionHistos.iteritems() : if verbose : print "%s : writing %s\n%s"%(l, h.GetName(),histo1dToTxt(h)) h.Write() fileOut.Close()
def main() : parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, epilog=epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) add_arg = parser.add_argument add_arg('-o', '--output-dir', default="./") add_arg('-p', '--process', help='one physics process, eg. ttw') add_arg('-s', '--systematic', help='one of the systematic variations') add_arg('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true') add_arg('-d', '--debug', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() set_log(args.verbose, args.debug) outdir = args.output_dir process = args.process systematic = args.systematic available_processes = get_input_samples().keys() if process not in available_processes: raise StandardError("invalid process %s, should be one of %s"%(process, str(available_processes))) available_systematics = get_input_samples()[process].keys() if systematic not in available_systematics: raise StandardError("invalid systematic %s, should be one of %s"%(systematic, str(available_systematics))) file_label = process+'_sys_'+systematic plot_label = process+' sys. '+systematic normalize_to_unity = False # True luminosity = 1.0 combiner = HistogramCombiner() combiner.build_samples(process=process, systematic=systematic) histogram_names = ['h_meff', 'h_jetN', # 'h_electronPt', 'h_muonPt', # 'h_bjetEmulN', 'h_bjetN', # 'h_bjetEmulN_sr3b', 'h_bjetN_sr3b', # 'h_bjetEmulN_sr1b', 'h_bjetN_sr1b', # 'h_bjetEmulN_cr2bttV', 'h_bjetN_cr2bttV', # 'h_meff_sr3b', 'h_jetN_sr3b', 'h_met_sr3b', # 'h_meff_sr1b', 'h_jetN_sr1b', 'h_met_sr1b', # 'h_meff_sr0b5j', 'h_jetN_sr0b5j', 'h_met_sr0b5j', # 'h_meff_sr0b4j', 'h_jetN_sr0b4j', 'h_met_sr0b4j', # 'h_meff_sr0b3j', 'h_jetN_sr0b3j', 'h_met_sr0b3j', # 'h_meff_cr2bttV', 'h_jetN_cr2bttV', 'h_met_cr2bttV' ] combiner.compute_normalization_factors() output_pdf_name = outdir+'/'+file_label+'.pdf' c_summary = R.TCanvas('c_summary', 'plotExplicitSamples sampes summary ') combiner.print_sample_summary_to_pdf(c_summary, label="%s: nominal vs. %s systematic"%(process, systematic)) c_summary.SaveAs(output_pdf_name+'(') for histogram_name in histogram_names: rebin = 'meff' in histogram_name # and '_sr' in histogram_name # non-inclusive histos: low stats rebin_factor = (2 if 'meff' in histogram_name else 2 if 'jetN' in histogram_name else 1) if rebin else 1 histograms = combiner.get_histograms(histogram_name=histogram_name) h_nom = histograms['nominal'] h_up = histograms['up'] h_dn = histograms['down'] if 'h_jetFlavorMultiplicity' in histogram_name: h_nom = emulate_btag_multiplicity_from_truth_flavor(h_nom, 'nom') h_up = emulate_btag_multiplicity_from_truth_flavor(h_up, 'up') h_dn = emulate_btag_multiplicity_from_truth_flavor(h_dn, 'dn') histos = [h_nom, h_up, h_dn] for h in set(histos): # set: avoid rebinning twice when up==down h.Rebin(rebin_factor) h_nom.SetLineWidth(2*h_nom.GetLineWidth()) h_nom.SetLineColor(R.kBlack) h_up.SetLineColor(R.kBlue) h_dn.SetLineColor(R.kRed) pad_master = h_nom pad_master.SetMaximum(1.1*max([h.GetMaximum() for h in histos])) pad_master.SetMinimum(1.0*min([0.0]+[h.GetMinimum() for h in histos])) pad_master.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Arbitrary Units') pad_master.SetStats(0) can = R.TCanvas('c_ttV_syst_'+histogram_name, 'ttV explicit variations '+pad_master.GetTitle(), 700, 700) botPad, topPad = ru.buildBotTopPads(can, squeezeMargins=False) # top topPad.Draw() topPad._po = [pad_master] # persistent objects pad_master.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0) pad_master.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0) pad_master.Draw('axis') # ru.topRightLabel(topPad, pad_master.GetTitle(), xpos=0.5) ru.topRightLabel(topPad, "#bf{#it{ATLAS}} Simulation Preliminary", xpos=0.85, ypos=0.9) ru.topRightLabel(topPad, "#sqrt{s} = 13 TeV", xpos=0.85, ypos=0.8) leg = ru.topRightLegend(can, legWidth=0.225, legHeight=0.300, hShift=-0.10, vShift=-0.25) leg.SetBorderSize(0) # leg.SetHeader(plot_label+ ("(norm=1)" if normalize_to_unity else "(lumi %.1f)"%luminosity)) topPad._po.append(leg) def format_legend_label(h, l): return "{0}: {1:.2E} ({2:.0f})".format(l, h.Integral(), h.GetEntries()) def pretty_scale_legend_label(h, l): return ("nominal" if l is 'nom' else "#mu = 2.0 #mu_{0}" if l is 'up' else "#mu = 0.5 #mu_{0}" if l is 'dn' else 'unknown') for h,l in [(h_nom, 'nom'), (h_up, 'up'), (h_dn, 'dn')]: h.Draw('hist same') leg.AddEntry(h, pretty_scale_legend_label(h, l), 'l') topPad._po.append(h) leg.Draw('same') def integral_and_error(h): error = R.Double(0.0) integral = h.IntegralAndError(1, h.GetNbinsX()+1, error) return integral, error def ratio_and_error(ave=(1.0, 0.01), bve=(2.0, 0.001)): a, sa = ave b, sb = bve if a and b: r = a/b e = r * sqrt((sa/a)*(sa/a)+(sb/b)*(sb/b)) return r, e else: return 0.0, 0.0 print_normalization_summary = histogram_name.startswith('h_meff') if print_normalization_summary: nom_int = h_nom.Integral() up_int = h_up.Integral() dn_int = h_dn.Integral() nom_int, nom_err = integral_and_error(h_nom) up_int, up_err = integral_and_error(h_up) dn_int, dn_err = integral_and_error(h_dn) rup, rupe = ratio_and_error((up_int, up_err), (nom_int, nom_err)) rdn, rdne = ratio_and_error((dn_int, dn_err), (nom_int, nom_err)) # print ("normalization change: " # +"{} up {:.1%} down {:.1%} (nom {:.1f}, up {:.1f}, do {:.1f})".format(h_nom.GetName(), # 1.0-up_int/nom_int if nom_int else 1.0, # 1.0-dn_int/nom_int if nom_int else 1.0, # nom_int, # up_int, # dn_int)) print ("normalization change: " +"{} up {:.1%} +/- {:.1%} down {:.1%} +/- {:.1%} ".format(h_nom.GetName(), 1.0-rup, rupe, 1.0-rdn, rdne) +"(integral: " +"nom {:.2E} +/- {:.2E}, up {:.2E} +/- {:.2E}, do {:.2E} +/- {:.2E})".format(nom_int, nom_err, up_int, up_err, dn_int, dn_err) +" (entries nom {:.2E} up {:.2E} do {:.2E}".format(h_nom.GetEntries(), h_up.GetEntries(), h_dn.GetEntries())) print ("tex normalization change: " +"{} up ${:.1%} \pm {:.1%}$ down ${:.1%} \pm {:.1%}$ ".format(h_nom.GetName(), 1.0-rup, rupe, 1.0-rdn, rdne) ) def bc(h): return [h.GetBinContent(i) for i in range(1,1+h.GetNbinsX())] def max_frac_variation(h1, h2): "maximum bin-by-bin fractional variation; h1 is denominator, empty bins skipped" bc1 = bc(h1) bc2 = bc(h2) return max([abs(b2/b1) for b1, b2 in zip(bc1, bc2) if b1 and b2]) def max_frac_variation_within10(h1, h2): """maximum bin-by-bin fractional variation; h1 is denominator. Bins with <0.1*peak are skipped""" bc1 = bc(h1) bc2 = bc(h2) m1 = max(bc1) m2 = max(bc2) return max([abs(b2/b1) for b1, b2 in zip(bc1, bc2) if b1>0.1*m1 and b2>0.1*m2]) # print ("shape change: " # +"{} up {:.1%} down {:.1%} ".format(h_nom.GetName(), # 1.0-max_frac_variation_within10(h_up, h_nom), # 1.0-max_frac_variation_within10(h_dn, h_nom))) topPad.Update() # bottom botPad.SetTopMargin(1.25*botPad.GetTopMargin()) botPad.Draw() ratio_up = ru.buildRatioHistogram(h_up, h_nom) ratio_dn = ru.buildRatioHistogram(h_dn, h_nom) yMin, yMax = 0.5, 1.5 ratioPadMaster = pad_master.Clone(pad_master.GetName()+'_ratio') ratioPadMaster.SetMinimum(yMin) ratioPadMaster.SetMaximum(yMax) ratioPadMaster.SetStats(0) ratioPadMaster.Draw('axis') x_lo, x_hi = ru.getXrange(ratioPadMaster) refLines = [ru.referenceLine(x_lo, x_hi, y, y) for y in [0.5, 1.0, 1.5] if y>yMin and y<yMax] for l in refLines : l.Draw() ratio_up.Draw('same') ratio_dn.Draw('same') xA, yA = ratioPadMaster.GetXaxis(), ratioPadMaster.GetYaxis() textScaleUp = 0.75*1.0/botPad.GetHNDC() yA.SetNdivisions(-102) yA.SetTitle('Ratio') yA.CenterTitle() yA.SetTitleOffset(yA.GetTitleOffset()/textScaleUp) xA.SetTitleSize(yA.GetTitleSize()) # x- was set to 0 for padmaster, restore it xA.SetLabelSize(yA.GetLabelSize()) xA.SetTitle(prettify_title(xA.GetTitle())) for a in [xA, yA] : a.SetLabelSize(a.GetLabelSize()*textScaleUp) a.SetTitleSize(a.GetTitleSize()*textScaleUp) botPad._graphical_objects = [ratio_up, ratio_dn, ratioPadMaster] + refLines # avoid garbage collection botPad.Update() can.Update() first_histo = histogram_name is histogram_names[0] last_histo = histogram_name is histogram_names[-1] can.SaveAs(outdir+'/'+can.GetName()+'.png') can.SaveAs(outdir+'/'+can.GetName()+'.eps') can.SaveAs(output_pdf_name+ (')' if last_histo else ''))
def buildRate(file, histo_basename) : hs = getNumDenHistos(file, histo_basename) return buildRatioHistogram(hs['num'], hs['den'])
def buildRatio(inputFile=None, histoBaseName=''): num, den = inputFile.Get(histoBaseName + '_num'), inputFile.Get(histoBaseName + '_den') return buildRatioHistogram(num, den, histoBaseName + '_rat')
def buildRate(file, histo_basename): hs = getNumDenHistos(file, histo_basename) return buildRatioHistogram(hs['num'], hs['den'])
def plotHistosRatio(histosPairs=[], canvasName=''): histosRatio = [ buildRatioHistogram(hh['num'], hh['den']) for hh in histosPairs ] plotHistos(histosRatio, canvasName)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=description, epilog=epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) add_arg = parser.add_argument add_arg('-o', '--output-dir', default="./") add_arg('-p', '--process', help='one physics process, eg. ttw') add_arg('-s', '--systematic', help='one of the systematic variations') add_arg('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true') add_arg('-d', '--debug', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() set_log(args.verbose, args.debug) outdir = args.output_dir process = args.process systematic = args.systematic available_processes = get_input_samples().keys() if process not in available_processes: raise StandardError("invalid process %s, should be one of %s" % (process, str(available_processes))) available_systematics = get_input_samples()[process].keys() if systematic not in available_systematics: raise StandardError("invalid systematic %s, should be one of %s" % (systematic, str(available_systematics))) file_label = process + '_sys_' + systematic plot_label = process + ' sys. ' + systematic normalize_to_unity = False # True luminosity = 1.0 combiner = HistogramCombiner() combiner.build_samples(process=process, systematic=systematic) histogram_names = [ 'h_meff', 'h_jetN', # 'h_electronPt', 'h_muonPt', # 'h_bjetEmulN', 'h_bjetN', # 'h_bjetEmulN_sr3b', 'h_bjetN_sr3b', # 'h_bjetEmulN_sr1b', 'h_bjetN_sr1b', # 'h_bjetEmulN_cr2bttV', 'h_bjetN_cr2bttV', # 'h_meff_sr3b', 'h_jetN_sr3b', 'h_met_sr3b', # 'h_meff_sr1b', 'h_jetN_sr1b', 'h_met_sr1b', # 'h_meff_sr0b5j', 'h_jetN_sr0b5j', 'h_met_sr0b5j', # 'h_meff_sr0b4j', 'h_jetN_sr0b4j', 'h_met_sr0b4j', # 'h_meff_sr0b3j', 'h_jetN_sr0b3j', 'h_met_sr0b3j', # 'h_meff_cr2bttV', 'h_jetN_cr2bttV', 'h_met_cr2bttV' ] combiner.compute_normalization_factors() output_pdf_name = outdir + '/' + file_label + '.pdf' c_summary = R.TCanvas('c_summary', 'plotExplicitSamples sampes summary ') combiner.print_sample_summary_to_pdf( c_summary, label="%s: nominal vs. %s systematic" % (process, systematic)) c_summary.SaveAs(output_pdf_name + '(') for histogram_name in histogram_names: rebin = 'meff' in histogram_name # and '_sr' in histogram_name # non-inclusive histos: low stats rebin_factor = (2 if 'meff' in histogram_name else 2 if 'jetN' in histogram_name else 1) if rebin else 1 histograms = combiner.get_histograms(histogram_name=histogram_name) h_nom = histograms['nominal'] h_up = histograms['up'] h_dn = histograms['down'] if 'h_jetFlavorMultiplicity' in histogram_name: h_nom = emulate_btag_multiplicity_from_truth_flavor(h_nom, 'nom') h_up = emulate_btag_multiplicity_from_truth_flavor(h_up, 'up') h_dn = emulate_btag_multiplicity_from_truth_flavor(h_dn, 'dn') histos = [h_nom, h_up, h_dn] for h in set(histos): # set: avoid rebinning twice when up==down h.Rebin(rebin_factor) h_nom.SetLineWidth(2 * h_nom.GetLineWidth()) h_nom.SetLineColor(R.kBlack) h_up.SetLineColor(R.kBlue) h_dn.SetLineColor(R.kRed) pad_master = h_nom pad_master.SetMaximum(1.1 * max([h.GetMaximum() for h in histos])) pad_master.SetMinimum(1.0 * min([0.0] + [h.GetMinimum() for h in histos])) pad_master.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Arbitrary Units') pad_master.SetStats(0) can = R.TCanvas('c_ttV_syst_' + histogram_name, 'ttV explicit variations ' + pad_master.GetTitle(), 700, 700) botPad, topPad = ru.buildBotTopPads(can, squeezeMargins=False) # top topPad.Draw() topPad._po = [pad_master] # persistent objects pad_master.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0) pad_master.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0) pad_master.Draw('axis') # ru.topRightLabel(topPad, pad_master.GetTitle(), xpos=0.5) ru.topRightLabel(topPad, "#bf{#it{ATLAS}} Simulation Preliminary", xpos=0.85, ypos=0.9) ru.topRightLabel(topPad, "#sqrt{s} = 13 TeV", xpos=0.85, ypos=0.8) leg = ru.topRightLegend(can, legWidth=0.225, legHeight=0.300, hShift=-0.10, vShift=-0.25) leg.SetBorderSize(0) # leg.SetHeader(plot_label+ ("(norm=1)" if normalize_to_unity else "(lumi %.1f)"%luminosity)) topPad._po.append(leg) def format_legend_label(h, l): return "{0}: {1:.2E} ({2:.0f})".format(l, h.Integral(), h.GetEntries()) def pretty_scale_legend_label(h, l): return ("nominal" if l is 'nom' else "#mu = 2.0 #mu_{0}" if l is 'up' else "#mu = 0.5 #mu_{0}" if l is 'dn' else 'unknown') for h, l in [(h_nom, 'nom'), (h_up, 'up'), (h_dn, 'dn')]: h.Draw('hist same') leg.AddEntry(h, pretty_scale_legend_label(h, l), 'l') topPad._po.append(h) leg.Draw('same') def integral_and_error(h): error = R.Double(0.0) integral = h.IntegralAndError(1, h.GetNbinsX() + 1, error) return integral, error def ratio_and_error(ave=(1.0, 0.01), bve=(2.0, 0.001)): a, sa = ave b, sb = bve if a and b: r = a / b e = r * sqrt((sa / a) * (sa / a) + (sb / b) * (sb / b)) return r, e else: return 0.0, 0.0 print_normalization_summary = histogram_name.startswith('h_meff') if print_normalization_summary: nom_int = h_nom.Integral() up_int = h_up.Integral() dn_int = h_dn.Integral() nom_int, nom_err = integral_and_error(h_nom) up_int, up_err = integral_and_error(h_up) dn_int, dn_err = integral_and_error(h_dn) rup, rupe = ratio_and_error((up_int, up_err), (nom_int, nom_err)) rdn, rdne = ratio_and_error((dn_int, dn_err), (nom_int, nom_err)) # print ("normalization change: " # +"{} up {:.1%} down {:.1%} (nom {:.1f}, up {:.1f}, do {:.1f})".format(h_nom.GetName(), # 1.0-up_int/nom_int if nom_int else 1.0, # 1.0-dn_int/nom_int if nom_int else 1.0, # nom_int, # up_int, # dn_int)) print( "normalization change: " + "{} up {:.1%} +/- {:.1%} down {:.1%} +/- {:.1%} ".format( h_nom.GetName(), 1.0 - rup, rupe, 1.0 - rdn, rdne) + "(integral: " + "nom {:.2E} +/- {:.2E}, up {:.2E} +/- {:.2E}, do {:.2E} +/- {:.2E})" .format(nom_int, nom_err, up_int, up_err, dn_int, dn_err) + " (entries nom {:.2E} up {:.2E} do {:.2E}".format( h_nom.GetEntries(), h_up.GetEntries(), h_dn.GetEntries())) print( "tex normalization change: " + "{} up ${:.1%} \pm {:.1%}$ down ${:.1%} \pm {:.1%}$ ".format( h_nom.GetName(), 1.0 - rup, rupe, 1.0 - rdn, rdne)) def bc(h): return [ h.GetBinContent(i) for i in range(1, 1 + h.GetNbinsX()) ] def max_frac_variation(h1, h2): "maximum bin-by-bin fractional variation; h1 is denominator, empty bins skipped" bc1 = bc(h1) bc2 = bc(h2) return max( [abs(b2 / b1) for b1, b2 in zip(bc1, bc2) if b1 and b2]) def max_frac_variation_within10(h1, h2): """maximum bin-by-bin fractional variation; h1 is denominator. Bins with <0.1*peak are skipped""" bc1 = bc(h1) bc2 = bc(h2) m1 = max(bc1) m2 = max(bc2) return max([ abs(b2 / b1) for b1, b2 in zip(bc1, bc2) if b1 > 0.1 * m1 and b2 > 0.1 * m2 ]) # print ("shape change: " # +"{} up {:.1%} down {:.1%} ".format(h_nom.GetName(), # 1.0-max_frac_variation_within10(h_up, h_nom), # 1.0-max_frac_variation_within10(h_dn, h_nom))) topPad.Update() # bottom botPad.SetTopMargin(1.25 * botPad.GetTopMargin()) botPad.Draw() ratio_up = ru.buildRatioHistogram(h_up, h_nom) ratio_dn = ru.buildRatioHistogram(h_dn, h_nom) yMin, yMax = 0.5, 1.5 ratioPadMaster = pad_master.Clone(pad_master.GetName() + '_ratio') ratioPadMaster.SetMinimum(yMin) ratioPadMaster.SetMaximum(yMax) ratioPadMaster.SetStats(0) ratioPadMaster.Draw('axis') x_lo, x_hi = ru.getXrange(ratioPadMaster) refLines = [ ru.referenceLine(x_lo, x_hi, y, y) for y in [0.5, 1.0, 1.5] if y > yMin and y < yMax ] for l in refLines: l.Draw() ratio_up.Draw('same') ratio_dn.Draw('same') xA, yA = ratioPadMaster.GetXaxis(), ratioPadMaster.GetYaxis() textScaleUp = 0.75 * 1.0 / botPad.GetHNDC() yA.SetNdivisions(-102) yA.SetTitle('Ratio') yA.CenterTitle() yA.SetTitleOffset(yA.GetTitleOffset() / textScaleUp) xA.SetTitleSize( yA.GetTitleSize()) # x- was set to 0 for padmaster, restore it xA.SetLabelSize(yA.GetLabelSize()) xA.SetTitle(prettify_title(xA.GetTitle())) for a in [xA, yA]: a.SetLabelSize(a.GetLabelSize() * textScaleUp) a.SetTitleSize(a.GetTitleSize() * textScaleUp) botPad._graphical_objects = [ratio_up, ratio_dn, ratioPadMaster ] + refLines # avoid garbage collection botPad.Update() can.Update() first_histo = histogram_name is histogram_names[0] last_histo = histogram_name is histogram_names[-1] can.SaveAs(outdir + '/' + can.GetName() + '.png') can.SaveAs(outdir + '/' + can.GetName() + '.eps') can.SaveAs(output_pdf_name + (')' if last_histo else ''))
def plotHistosRatio(histosPairs=[], canvasName="", outdir="./"): histosRatio = [buildRatioHistogram(hh["num"], hh["den"]) for hh in histosPairs] print histosRatio for h in histosRatio: h.SetTitle("ratio " + h.GetTitle()) plotHistos(histosRatio, canvasName, outdir)
def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option('-n', '--n_iter', type='int', default=8) parser.add_option('-m', '--input_mc') parser.add_option('-d', '--input_data') parser.add_option('-o', '--output') parser.add_option( '-p', '--plot', help='plot inputs') # todo: implement sanity plot vs. n_iter parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False) (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() requiredOptions = ['n_iter', 'input_mc', 'input_data', 'output'] otherOptions = ['plot', 'verbose'] allOptions = requiredOptions + otherOptions def optIsNotSpecified(o): return not hasattr(opts, o) or getattr(opts, o) is None if any(optIsNotSpecified(o) for o in requiredOptions): parser.error('Missing required option') nIter = opts.n_iter fnameInputMc = opts.input_mc fnameInputDa = opts.input_data fnameOutput = opts.output plot = opts.plot verbose = opts.verbose if verbose: print( '\nUsing the following options:\n' + '\n'.join("%s : %s" % (o, str(getattr(opts, o))) for o in allOptions)) fileData = r.TFile.Open(fnameInputDa) fileMc = r.TFile.Open(fnameInputMc) assert fileData and fileMc, "Missing input files: data %s, mc %s" % ( str(fileData), str(fileMc)) correctionHistos = {} for lep in ['muon', 'elec']: if verbose: print "Lepton: %s" % lep hRealDataCr = getNumDenHistos(fileData, lep + '_realCR_all_l_pt') hFakeDataLo = getNumDenHistos(fileData, lep + '_fakeHF_all_l_pt') hFakeDataHi = getNumDenHistos(fileData, lep + '_fakeHF_high_all_l_pt') hFakeMcLo = getNumDenHistos(fileMc, lep + '_fakeHF_all_l_pt') hFakeMcHi = getNumDenHistos(fileMc, lep + '_fakeHF_high_all_l_pt') if plot: hNumDen = [hFakeDataLo, hFakeDataHi, hFakeMcLo, hFakeMcHi] for nd in ['num', 'den']: plotHistos([h[nd] for h in hNumDen], 'c_' + lep + '_' + nd) plotHistosRatio(hNumDen, 'c_' + lep + '_ratio') def missingInputHisto(ndHistos): return any(not h for h in ndHistos.values()) histoCollToBeChecked = [ 'hRealDataCr', 'hFakeDataLo', 'hFakeDataHi', 'hFakeMcLo', 'hFakeMcHi' ] missingHistos = dict([(nhc, hp) for nhc, hp in [(hc, eval(hc)) for hc in histoCollToBeChecked] if missingInputHisto(hp)]) if len(missingHistos): print( lep + ' : missing histograms: \n' + '\n'.join([ "%s: num %s den %s" % (k, v['num'], v['den']) for k, v in missingHistos.iteritems() ])) continue hRealEff = buildRatioHistogram(hRealDataCr['num'], hRealDataCr['den'], 'real_eff') corrected = dict([(nd, hFakeDataLo[nd].Clone('corrected_' + nd)) for nd in ['num', 'den']]) for iteration in range(nIter): rate = buildRatioHistogram(corrected['num'], corrected['den']) # temporary rate (?) if verbose: def lf2s(l): return ', '.join(["%.3f" % e for e in l]) print "Iteration %d, corrected values:" % iteration print " num %s" % lf2s(binContents(corrected['num'])) print " den %s" % lf2s(binContents(corrected['den'])) print " ratio %s" % lf2s(binContents(rate)) dataNum, dataDen = hFakeDataHi['num'], hFakeDataHi['den'] for nd, tl in [('num', 'tight'), ('den', 'loose')]: corr, dataLow = corrected[nd], hFakeDataLo[nd] mcLow, mcHi = hFakeMcLo[nd], hFakeMcHi[nd] corrFact = getCorrFactors(hRealEff, rate, dataNum, dataDen, mcHi, tl) corr = correctRate(corr, dataLow, mcLow, corrFact) ratio = buildRatioHistogram(corrected['num'], corrected['den'], lep + '_corHFRate') correctionHistos[lep] = ratio if verbose: print "saving output to ", fnameOutput fileOut = r.TFile.Open(fnameOutput, 'recreate') for l, h in correctionHistos.iteritems(): if verbose: print "%s : writing %s\n%s" % (l, h.GetName(), histo1dToTxt(h)) h.Write() fileOut.Close()
def plotIsoComparison(histosPerSource={}, outputDir='', region='', lepton='', verbose=False): """ plot a comparison of eff(T|L) for real and for fake leptons vs. pt, where the numerator is one of the tight definitions """ var = 'pt' sources = histosPerSource.keys() lOrTOrTs = first(first(histosPerSource)).keys() histosPtPerSource = dict((s, dict((lt, histosPerSource[s][var][lt]) for lt in lOrTOrTs)) for s in sources) def buildTotFakeHistos(): "add up all the non-real (fake) sources" notRealSources = [s for s in sources if s!='real'] aSource = first(notRealSources) totFakeHistos = dict() for lt in ['loose', 'tight', 'tight_std', 'tight_minden', 'tight_tight']: template = histosPtPerSource[aSource][lt] h = template.Clone(template.GetName().replace(aSource, 'fake')) h.Reset() for s in sources : h.Add(histosPtPerSource[s][lt]) totFakeHistos[lt] = h return totFakeHistos histosPtPerSource['fake'] = buildTotFakeHistos() effReal_wh = rootUtils.buildRatioHistogram(histosPtPerSource['real']['tight' ], histosPtPerSource['real']['loose']) effReal_std = rootUtils.buildRatioHistogram(histosPtPerSource['real']['tight_std' ], histosPtPerSource['real']['loose']) effReal_minden = rootUtils.buildRatioHistogram(histosPtPerSource['real']['tight_minden'], histosPtPerSource['real']['loose']) effReal_tight = rootUtils.buildRatioHistogram(histosPtPerSource['real']['tight_tight' ], histosPtPerSource['real']['loose']) effFake_wh = rootUtils.buildRatioHistogram(histosPtPerSource['fake']['tight' ], histosPtPerSource['fake']['loose']) effFake_std = rootUtils.buildRatioHistogram(histosPtPerSource['fake']['tight_std' ], histosPtPerSource['fake']['loose']) effFake_minden = rootUtils.buildRatioHistogram(histosPtPerSource['fake']['tight_minden'], histosPtPerSource['fake']['loose']) effFake_tight = rootUtils.buildRatioHistogram(histosPtPerSource['fake']['tight_tight' ], histosPtPerSource['fake']['loose']) frameName, frameTitle = region+'_'+lepton, "fake and real efficiencies for %s in %s"%(lepton, region) can = r.TCanvas('c_'+frameName, frameTitle, 800, 600) pm = effReal_wh pm.SetMinimum(0.0) pm.SetMaximum(1.1) pm.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#epsilon(T|L)") colorReal, colorFake = r.kBlue, r.kRed markerWh, markerStd, markerMinden, markerTight = r.kMultiply, r.kCircle, r.kOpenTriangleUp, r.kOpenSquare def setAttrs(h, mark, col): h.SetLineColor(col) h.SetMarkerColor(col) h.SetMarkerStyle(mark) setAttrs(effReal_wh, markerWh, colorReal) setAttrs(effReal_std, markerStd, colorReal) setAttrs(effReal_minden, markerMinden, colorReal) setAttrs(effReal_tight, markerTight, colorReal) setAttrs(effFake_wh, markerWh, colorFake) setAttrs(effFake_std, markerStd, colorFake) setAttrs(effFake_minden, markerMinden, colorFake) setAttrs(effFake_tight, markerTight, colorFake) pm.SetStats(0) pm.Draw('axis') #for h in [effReal_wh, effReal_std, effReal_tight, effFake_wh, effFake_std, effFake_tight]: for h in [effReal_wh, effReal_std, effReal_minden, effFake_wh, effFake_std, effFake_minden]: h.Draw('same') leg = rightLegend(can) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.AddEntry(r.TObject(), 'Real', '') leg.AddEntry(effReal_std, 'std iso', 'lp') #leg.AddEntry(effReal_tight, 'tight iso', 'lp') leg.AddEntry(effReal_minden,'minden iso', 'lp') leg.AddEntry(effReal_wh, 'wh iso', 'lp') leg.AddEntry(r.TObject(), 'Fake', '') leg.AddEntry(effFake_std, 'std iso', 'lp') #leg.AddEntry(effFake_tight, 'tight iso', 'lp') leg.AddEntry(effFake_minden,'minden iso', 'lp') leg.AddEntry(effFake_wh, ' wh iso', 'lp') leg.Draw() topRightLabel(can, "#splitline{%s}{%s}"%(lepton, region), xpos=0.125, align=13) can.RedrawAxis() can._histos = [effReal_wh, effReal_std, effFake_wh, effFake_std] can.Update() mkdirIfNeeded(outputDir) can.SaveAs(os.path.join(outputDir, frameTitle+'.png'))