def applyacc(wbin, q2bin, iedges, vedges, weights): # TODO: clone 2d hists to keep snapshots between steps of acceptance # corrections and zero-filling vals = ibins2vals(wbin, q2bin) (wval, wlo, whi) = (vals[0][0], vals[0][1], vals[0][2]) (q2val, q2lo, q2hi) = (vals[1][0], vals[1][1], vals[1][2]) h2s = (hexpsig, hexpsb, h2thr, h2acc) = h2costphis(wbin, q2bin, iedges) h2rec_acor = h2thr.Clone('h2r_acor') h2rec_acor.Multiply(h2acc) inth2r = h2rec_acor.Integral() # integral of reconstructed simulated events h2rec_acor.Divide(h2acc) # thrown events with acceptance holes h2thr.Add(h2rec_acor, -1) # thrown events IN acceptance holes [h2thr.SetBinError(i, j, sqrt(h2thr.GetBinContent(i, j))) for i in range(1, h2thr.GetNbinsX()) for j in range(1, h2thr.GetNbinsY())] hexpsb.Scale(weights[0]) # weightsb hexpsig.Add(hexpsb, -1) inth2e = hexpsig.Integral()/weights[1] # integral of signal region with 3-sigma cut correction hexpsig.Divide(h2acc) h2thr.Scale(inth2e/inth2r) hexpsig.Add(h2thr) cmmp = Canvas(name='hcostphi_%d_%d' % (round(1000*wval), round(1000*q2val)), title='Angular Distributions, W, Q2 = %.3f GeV,%.3f GeV2' % (wval, q2val)) cmmp.Divide(2, 2) for ipad, h2 in enumerate(h2s): r.gPad.Update() h2.Draw('colz') wait() return hexpsig
def testme(wbin=15, q2bin=5): sigsbparms = fitbin(wbin, q2bin) if sigsbparms: (haccdists, herrdists) = applythresholds(h4_a, 0.01) haccdists.Draw() wait() # virtual photon flux factors and cc-cut efficiency factors # already applied in h6maker.h! # ... but not in DH_H6Maker.h h2e = applyacc(wbin, q2bin, *sigsbparms) vals = ibins2vals(wbin, q2bin) (wval, wlo, whi) = (vals[0][0], vals[0][1], vals[0][2]) (q2val, q2lo, q2hi) = (vals[1][0], vals[1][1], vals[1][2]) d2wq2 = (whi-wlo)*(q2hi-q2lo) branch = 0.891 lum = 19.844*(1e6) h2e.Scale(1/(d2wq2*branch*lum)) h2e.Scale(1/vgflux(wval, q2val)) hcost = h2e.ProjectionY(str(h2e.GetName().replace('h2costphi', 'hcost')), 0, -1, 'e') hcost.Scale(1, 'width') h2e.Scale(1, 'width') hcost.SetDirectory(fout) errh2e = r.Double(0) inth2e = h2e.IntegralAndError(1, h2e.GetNbinsX(), 1, h2e.GetNbinsY(), errh2e, 'width') foutrecs.write(',%.0f,%.0f,%s\n' % (inth2e, errh2e, hcost.GetName())) foutrecs.close() fout.Write() fout.Close()
def luminosity_vs_time(timing_list, luminosity_list, style, run_name): ''' :param timing_list: Python list containing the timing data :param luminosity_list: Python list containing the luminosity data :param style: ROOT style in string, such as 'ATLAS' :return: ''' # Set ROOT graph style set_style(str(style)) # create graph graph = Graph(len(timing_list)) for i, (xx, yy) in enumerate(zip(timing_list, luminosity_list)): graph.SetPoint(i, xx, yy) # set visual attributes graph.markercolor = 'blue' graph.xaxis.SetTitle("Time") graph.yaxis.SetTitle("Luminosity") graph.xaxis.SetRangeUser(min(timing_list), max(timing_list)) graph.yaxis.SetRangeUser(min(luminosity_list), max(luminosity_list)) # plot with ROOT canvas = Canvas() graph.Draw("AP") label = ROOT.TText(0.8, 0.9, str(run_name)) label.SetTextFont(43) label.SetTextSize(25) label.SetNDC() label.Draw() canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() wait(True)
def extract_MET(f_tt, f_qcd, f_wjet): # get trees from files t_tt = f_tt.Get("Delphes") t_qcd = f_qcd.Get("Delphes") t_wjet = f_wjet.Get("Delphes") # get number of entries tt_n_entries = t_tt.GetEntries() qcd_n_entries = t_qcd.GetEntries() wjet_n_entries = t_wjet.GetEntries() # define leaves var_tt = "MissingET.MET" var_qcd = "MissingET.MET" var_wjet = "MissingET.MET" leaf_tt = t_tt.GetLeaf(var_tt) leaf_qcd = t_qcd.GetLeaf(var_qcd) leaf_wjet = t_wjet.GetLeaf(var_wjet) # create the histograms MET_tt = Hist(MET_NBINS, MET_NLO, MET_NHI, title='MET_tt', legendstyle='L') MET_qcd = Hist(MET_NBINS, MET_NLO, MET_NHI, title='MET_qcd', legendstyle='L') MET_wjet = Hist(MET_NBINS, MET_NLO, MET_NHI, title='MET_wjet', legendstyle='L') # FILLING THE TREE fill_MET_tree(tt_n_entries, t_tt, leaf_tt, MET_tt) fill_MET_tree(qcd_n_entries, t_qcd, leaf_qcd, MET_qcd) fill_MET_tree(wjet_n_entries, t_wjet, leaf_wjet, MET_wjet) #set line colors MET_tt.SetLineColor('blue') MET_qcd.SetLineColor('green') MET_wjet.SetLineColor('red') #begin drawing stuff c1 = Canvas() MET_qcd.SetStats(0) MET_qcd.Draw('HIST') MET_tt.Draw('HIST SAME') MET_wjet.Draw('HIST SAME') #make legend l1 = Legend([MET_tt, MET_qcd, MET_wjet], textfont=42, textsize=.03) l1.Draw() #save as pdf c1.SaveAs("../plots/MET_plots/MET.pdf") #make the plots wait on screen wait(True)
def draw_DR(DR_tt, DR_qcd, DR_wjet): #set line colors DR_tt.SetLineColor(4) DR_qcd.SetLineColor(8) DR_wjet.SetLineColor(2) DR_tt.legendstyle = 'L' DR_qcd.legendstyle = 'L' DR_wjet.legendstyle = 'L' #begin drawing stuff c1 = Canvas() DR_qcd.SetStats(0) DR_qcd.Draw('HIST') DR_tt.Draw('HIST SAME') DR_wjet.Draw('HIST SAME') #make legend l1 = Legend([DR_tt, DR_qcd, DR_wjet], textfont=42, textsize=.03) l1.Draw() #save as pdf c1.SaveAs("DeltaR.pdf") #make the plots wait on screen wait(True)
def plot_raw_detector_vs_detector(detector_one_data, detector_two_data, style, name): # Set ROOT graph style set_style(str(style)) detector_one_list = [] detector_two_list = [] for block in range(len(detector_one_data)): for bcid in range(len(detector_one_data[block])): detector_one_list.append(detector_one_data[block][bcid]) detector_two_list.append(detector_two_data[block][bcid]) # create graph graph = Graph(len(detector_one_list)) for i, (xx, yy) in enumerate(zip(detector_one_list, detector_two_list)): graph.SetPoint(i, float(xx), float(yy)) # set visual attributes graph.markercolor = 'blue' graph.xaxis.SetTitle("BCM V [Raw Rate]") graph.yaxis.SetTitle("LUCID BI [Raw Rate]") graph.xaxis.SetRangeUser(0, 1) graph.yaxis.SetRangeUser(0, 1) # plot with ROOT canvas = Canvas() graph.Draw("AP") label = ROOT.TText(0.6, 0.9, str(name)) label.SetTextFont(43) label.SetTextSize(25) label.SetNDC() label.Draw() canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() wait(True)
def plot_percent_luminosity_ratio(detector_one_data, detector_two_data, style, run_name): ''' :param detector_one_data: Data from one detector type, such as ATLAS' LUCID, in a list of lists, every entry is one luminsoity block, with the luminosity block being a list of BCID data, assumed to be same length as detector_two_data :param detector_two_data: Data from another detector type, such as ATLAS' LUCID, in a list of lists, every entry is one luminosity block, with the luminosity block being a list of BCID data, assumed to be same length as detector_one_data :param style: The ROOT style for the graph, generally 'ATLAS' :return: ROOT plots of the ratio of luminosities over the luminosity, as percetnage difference from first data point ''' # Set ROOT graph style set_style(str(style)) print("Number of Luminosity Blocks included: " + str(len(detector_one_data))) # Get ratio of the detectors luminosity_ratio = [] lumi_blocks = [] for block in range(len(detector_one_data)): for bcid in range(len(detector_one_data[block])): detector_one_point = detector_one_data[block][bcid] detector_two_point = detector_two_data[block][bcid] # Check if the blocks are zero if detector_one_point != 0.0 and detector_two_point != 0.0: ratio = -math.log(1 - detector_one_point) / -math.log(1 - detector_two_point) luminosity_ratio.append(ratio) lumi_blocks.append(block) # Get percentage difference based off the first block and BCID first_point = luminosity_ratio[0] for index in range(len(luminosity_ratio)): luminosity_ratio[index] = (luminosity_ratio[index] / first_point) - 1 # create graph graph = Graph(len(lumi_blocks), title=run_name) for i, (xx, yy) in enumerate(zip(lumi_blocks, luminosity_ratio)): graph.SetPoint(i, float(xx), float(yy)) # set visual attributes graph.markercolor = 'blue' graph.xaxis.SetTitle("Luminosity Block") graph.yaxis.SetTitle("Luminosity [Percent Ratio]") graph.xaxis.SetRangeUser(min(lumi_blocks), max(lumi_blocks)) graph.yaxis.SetRangeUser(min(luminosity_ratio), max(luminosity_ratio)) # plot with ROOT canvas = Canvas() graph.Draw("AP") label = ROOT.TText(0.8, 0.9, str(run_name)) label.SetTextFont(43) label.SetTextSize(25) label.SetNDC() label.Draw() canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() wait(True)
def do_stuff(file_name, plot=True): tiq_data = TIQData(file_name) NFRAMES = 100 LFRAMES = 1024, lframes=LFRAMES, sframes=1) center = # do fft ff, pp, _ = tiq_data.get_fft() freq_lower = center + ff[0] / 1e6 freq_upper = center + ff[-1] / 1e6 # create hist h1 = Hist(NFRAMES * LFRAMES, freq_lower, freq_upper, name='h1', title='Frequency Spectrum', drawstyle='hist', legendstyle='F', fillstyle='/', linecolor='green') for i in range(len(pp)): h1.set_bin_content(i, pp[i]) # set visual attributes h1.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Freuqency [MHz]') h1.linecolor = 'green' # h1.fillcolor = 'green' # h1.fillstyle = '/' if plot: # plot c = Canvas(name='c1', width=700, height=500) c.set_left_margin(0.15) c.set_bottom_margin(0.15) c.set_top_margin(0.10) c.set_right_margin(0.05) c.toggle_editor() c.toggle_event_status() c.toggle_tool_bar() # c.set_crosshair() h1.Draw() # create the legend legend = Legend([h1], pad=c, header='Header', leftmargin=0.05, rightmargin=0.5) legend.Draw() # wait for key press wait()
def test_cmstdr(): style = get_style('CMSTDR') with style: canvas = Canvas() hpx = Hist(100, -4, 4, name="hpx", title="This is the px distribution") ROOT.gRandom.SetSeed() for i in xrange(1000): hpx.Fill(ROOT.gRandom.Gaus()) hpx.GetXaxis().SetTitle("random variable [unit]") hpx.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#frac{dN}{dr} [unit^{-1}]") hpx.SetMaximum(100.) hpx.Draw() CMS_label("Testing 2050", sqrts=100) if INTERACTIVE: wait()
def test_lhcb(): style = get_style('LHCb') with style: canvas = Canvas() hpx = Hist(100, -4, 4, name="hpx", title="This is the px distribution") ROOT.gRandom.SetSeed() for i in xrange(1000): hpx.Fill(ROOT.gRandom.Gaus()) hpx.GetXaxis().SetTitle("random variable [unit]") hpx.GetYaxis().SetTitle("#frac{dN}{dr} [unit^{-1}]") hpx.SetMaximum(80.) hpx.Draw() LHCb_label("R", "preliminary") if INTERACTIVE: wait()
def drawxint(): df = pd.read_csv('out/ana_bd.dat') # dftmp = df[['W', 'Q2', 'xsect', 'err', 'fsigchi2']][ # (df['fsigchi2'] < 3) & (df['fsigchi2'] > 0) & (df['weightsb'] > 0) & (df['weight3s'] > 0)] q2groups = df[(df['fsigchi2'] < 3) & (df['fsigchi2'] > 0.5) & ( df['fsigstat'] == 'CONVERGED ') & (df['weightsb'] > 0) & (df['weight3s'] > 0) & (df['fsigpar2'] > 0.008) & (df['fsigpar2'] < 0.035)].groupby(df.Q2) # xerrs = np.array(48 * [0.0]) gtitle = '$Q^2 = %.3f$ $GeV^2$' for q2, grp in q2groups: fig = plt.figure() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax1.errorbar(grp.W, grp.xsect, grp.err, ls='none', marker='o', ms=4, color='black') ax1.set_ylim(-50, ax1.get_ylim()[1]) ax1.set_xlim((1.6, 3.0)) ax1.set_title(gtitle % q2, fontsize=20, y=1.025) ax1.set_xlabel('W (GeV)', fontsize=16) ax1.set_ylabel('$\sigma$ ($nb^{-1}$)', fontsize=20) plt.grid(b=True, which='major', color='black', ls='-') plt.grid(b=True, which='minor', color='black', ls='dotted') ax1.minorticks_on() plt.axhline(0, color='blue', ls='-', linewidth=1.25) ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.set_ylabel('$\~{\chi}^{2}$', color='r', fontsize=20) ax2.set_ylim(0, 3) ax2.plot(grp.W, grp.fsigchi2, marker='o', ms=4, ls='none', color='r') for tickl in ax2.get_yticklabels(): tickl.set_color('r') # ax2 = ax1.twinx() # ax2.set_ylabel('$\sigma_{g}$', color='r') # ax2.set_ylim(0.008, 0.035) # ax2.plot(grp.W, grp.fsigpar2, marker='o', ms=4, ls='none', color='r') # for tickl in ax2.get_yticklabels(): # tickl.set_color('r') # plt.tight_layout() wait()
def root_plot(hists, fitfuncs={}, outfile=None, title=''): if not hists: print_err('No hists to plot') return single = len(hists) is 1 ROOT.gROOT.Reset() c1 = ROOT.TCanvas('c1', str(title) , 200, 10, 700, 500 ) c1.SetGrid() legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.5, 0.8, 0.9,0.9) if not single: ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) # Hide statistics for idx, k in enumerate(sorted(hists)): hist = hists[k] hist_color = next(colors) hist.SetLineColor(hist_color); if idx == 0: hist.Draw('HIST') else: hist.Draw('HIST SAMES') legend.AddEntry(hist, str(k), "f") if k in fitfuncs: fitfunc = fitfuncs[k] fitfunc.SetLineColor(hist_color); fitfunc.Draw('same') if not single: legend.Draw() c1.Update() wait(True)
def root_plot(hists, fitfuncs={}, outfile=None, title=''): if not hists: print_err('No hists to plot') return single = len(hists) is 1 ROOT.gROOT.Reset() c1 = ROOT.TCanvas('c1', str(title), 200, 10, 700, 500) c1.SetGrid() legend = ROOT.TLegend(0.5, 0.8, 0.9, 0.9) if not single: ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) # Hide statistics for idx, k in enumerate(sorted(hists)): hist = hists[k] hist_color = next(colors) hist.SetLineColor(hist_color) if idx == 0: hist.Draw('HIST') else: hist.Draw('HIST SAMES') legend.AddEntry(hist, str(k), "f") if k in fitfuncs: fitfunc = fitfuncs[k] fitfunc.SetLineColor(hist_color) fitfunc.Draw('same') if not single: legend.Draw() c1.Update() wait(True)
def luminosity_block_log_time(luminosity_list, style): ''' :param timing_list: Python list containing the timing data :param luminosity_list: Python list containing the luminosity data :param style: ROOT style in string, such as 'ATLAS' :return: Graph of the luminosity over a single block ''' # Set ROOT graph style set_style(str(style)) luminosity_ratio = [] for bcid in range(len(luminosity_list)): detector_one_point = luminosity_list[bcid] # Check if the blocks are zero if detector_one_point != 0.0: ratio = -math.log(1 - detector_one_point) luminosity_ratio.append(ratio) # create graph graph = Graph(len(luminosity_ratio)) for i, (xx, yy) in enumerate(zip(range(len(luminosity_ratio)), luminosity_ratio)): graph.SetPoint(i, xx, yy) # set visual attributes graph.markercolor = 'blue' graph.xaxis.SetTitle("Time") graph.yaxis.SetTitle("-Ln(1 - Rate) [Single Detector]") graph.xaxis.SetRangeUser(0, 3564) graph.yaxis.SetRangeUser(min(luminosity_ratio), max(luminosity_ratio)) # plot with ROOT canvas = Canvas() graph.Draw("AP") wait(True)
hist2d_adc_sigma.SetTitle("ADC Sigma of 1600 Channels") hist2d_adc_sigma.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(40) hist2d_adc_sigma.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(40) for i in xrange(40): if (i % 8 == 0): hist2d_adc_sigma.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i + 1, "%02d" % i) hist2d_adc_sigma.GetYaxis().SetBinLabel(i + 1, "%02d" % i) ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) for i in xrange(25): for j in xrange(64): hist2d_adc_per_kev.SetBinContent( ijtox(i, j) + 1, ijtoy(i, j) + 1, adc_per_kev[i][j]) hist2d_adc_sigma.SetBinContent( ijtox(i, j) + 1, ijtoy(i, j) + 1, adc_sigma[i][j]) c1 = ROOT.TCanvas() c1.SetWindowSize(1600, 800) c1.Divide(2, 1) c1.GetPad(1).SetGrid() hist2d_adc_per_kev.Draw("COLZ") c1.GetPad(2).SetGrid() hist2d_adc_sigma.Draw("COLZ") wait(True)
mg[flv].GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.045) mg[flv].GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.) # line = TLine(0.,1.,1200.,1.); # line.Draw("same"); canvas[flv].Modified() canvas[flv].Update() resdir = './results' if not os.path.exists(resdir): os.makedirs(resdir) outfile = resdir + '/btag_eff_' + flv + 'jets_' + year1 + '_' + balgo1 + '_' + bwp1 + '_' + h_mu1 + '_' + trg1 if len(sys.argv) > 3: outfile += '_x_' + balgo2 + '_' + bwp2 + '_' + year2 + '_' + balgo2 + '_' + bwp2 + '_' + h_mu2 + '_' + trg2 outfile += '.png' canvas[flv].SaveAs(outfile) if flv == 'udsg': mg[flv].GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.005, 1.19) if bwp1 == 'tight' or bwp2 == 'tight': mg[flv].GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.0005, 1.19) canvas[flv].SetLogy() outfile = resdir + '/btag_eff_' + flv + 'jets_' + year1 + '_' + balgo1 + '_' + bwp1 + '_' + h_mu1 + '_' + trg1 if len(sys.argv) > 3: outfile += '_x_' + balgo2 + '_' + bwp2 + '_' + year2 + '_' + balgo2 + '_' + bwp2 + '_' + h_mu2 + '_' + trg2 outfile += '_log.png' canvas[flv].SaveAs(outfile) wait(True) # close with middle mouse button
def make1DLimitPlot(xtitle, xvals, obs, exp, exp1plus, exp1minus, exp2plus, exp2minus, theory): gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) axisTitleSize = 0.041 axisTitleOffset = 1.2 axisTitleSizeRatioX = 0.18 axisLabelSizeRatioX = 0.12 axisTitleOffsetRatioX = 0.94 axisTitleSizeRatioY = 0.15 axisLabelSizeRatioY = 0.108 axisTitleOffsetRatioY = 0.32 leftMargin = 0.15 rightMargin = 0.12 topMargin = 0.05 bottomMargin = 0.14 bottomMargin2 = 0.22 #c1 = TCanvas() #'c1', '', 200, 10, 700, 500 ) c1 = TCanvas( "c1", "c2", 200, 10, 700, 600 ) c1.SetHighLightColor(2) c1.SetFillColor(0) c1.SetBorderMode(0) c1.SetBorderSize(2) c1.SetLeftMargin(leftMargin) c1.SetRightMargin(rightMargin) c1.SetTopMargin(topMargin) c1.SetBottomMargin(bottomMargin) c1.SetFrameBorderMode(0) c1.SetFrameBorderMode(0) c1.SetLogy(1) #c1.SetLogx(1) c1.SetTickx(1) c1.SetTicky(1) #c1.SetGridx(True); #c1.SetGridy(True); if "c#tau" in xtitle: c1.SetLogx(1); exp2sigma_xsec = TGraphAsymmErrors(len(xvals), array('d', xvals), array('d', exp), \ array('d', [0]), array('d', [0]), array('d', exp2minus), array('d', exp2plus)) exp2sigma_xsec.Sort() exp2sigma_xsec.Draw('A3') exp2sigma_xsec.SetFillStyle(1001); exp2sigma_xsec.SetFillColor(kOrange); exp2sigma_xsec.SetLineColor(kOrange); exp2sigma_xsec.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.001,100); exp2sigma_xsec.GetXaxis().SetLimits(0.8*min(xvals),1.1*max(xvals)); #exp2sigma_xsec.GetXaxis().SetTitle('m_{1} [GeV]') #exp2sigma_xsec.GetXaxis().SetTitle('c#tau [cm]') exp2sigma_xsec.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xtitle) exp2sigma_xsec.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(axisTitleOffset) exp2sigma_xsec.GetYaxis().SetTitle('95% C.L. #sigma(pp #rightarrow #chi_{1} #chi_{1} #mu^{+} #mu^{-}) [pb]') exp2sigma_xsec.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(axisTitleOffset+0.1) exp1sigma_xsec = TGraphAsymmErrors(len(xvals), array('d', xvals), array('d', exp), \ array('d', [0]), array('d', [0]), array('d', exp1minus), array('d', exp1plus)) exp1sigma_xsec.Sort() exp1sigma_xsec.SetFillStyle(1001); exp1sigma_xsec.SetFillColor(kGreen+1); exp1sigma_xsec.SetLineColor(kGreen+1); exp1sigma_xsec.Draw('3 SAME') exp_xsec = TGraph(len(xvals), array('d', xvals), array('d', exp)) exp_xsec.Sort() exp_xsec.SetLineWidth(2) exp_xsec.SetLineStyle(1) exp_xsec.SetLineColor(kRed) exp_xsec.Draw('C SAME') obs_xsec = TGraph(len(xvals), array('d', xvals), array('d', obs)) obs_xsec.Sort() obs_xsec.SetLineWidth(3) obs_xsec.SetLineColor(kBlack) obs_xsec.SetMarkerColor(kBlack) obs_xsec.SetMarkerStyle(20) obs_xsec.SetMarkerSize(1) obs_xsec.Draw('PC SAME') theory_xsec = TGraph(len(xvals), array('d', xvals), array('d', theory)) theory_xsec.Sort() theory_xsec.SetLineWidth(2) theory_xsec.SetLineStyle(8) theory_xsec.SetLineColor(kBlue) theory_xsec.Draw('C SAME') leg = TLegend(0.50,0.70,0.8,0.90); leg.SetBorderSize(0); leg.SetFillStyle(0); leg.AddEntry(theory_xsec, "Theory", "l"); leg.AddEntry(obs_xsec, "Observed Limit", "pl"); leg.AddEntry(exp_xsec, "Expected Limit", "l"); leg.AddEntry(exp1sigma_xsec, "#pm 1 std. dev.", "f"); leg.AddEntry(exp2sigma_xsec, "#pm 2 std. dev.", "f"); leg.Draw() drawCMSLogo(c1, 13, 122450) # TCanvas.Update() draws the frame, after which one can change it # c1.Update() # c1.Modified() # c1.Update() c1.RedrawAxis() c1.Draw() wait(True)
def make2DLimitPlot(xtitle, xvals, yvals, obs, exp, exp1plus, exp1minus, exp2plus, exp2minus, theory, **kwargs): use_ctau = kwargs.pop('use_ctau', False) do_interpolation = kwargs.pop('do_interpolation', True) debug = kwargs.pop('debug', True) mass_splitting = kwargs.pop('mass_splitting', '0.1') gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) axisTitleSize = 0.041 axisTitleOffset = 1.2 leftMargin = 0.15 rightMargin = 0.18 topMargin = 0.06 bottomMargin = 0.14 c1 = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 200, 10, 700, 600) c1.SetHighLightColor(2) c1.SetFillColor(0) c1.SetBorderMode(0) c1.SetBorderSize(2) c1.SetLeftMargin(leftMargin) c1.SetRightMargin(rightMargin) c1.SetTopMargin(topMargin) c1.SetBottomMargin(bottomMargin) c1.SetFrameBorderMode(0) c1.SetLogy(1) c1.SetLogx(1) c1.SetLogz(1) c1.SetTickx(1) c1.SetTicky(1) stops = np.array([0.00, 0.34, 0.61, 0.84, 1.00]) red = np.array([0.50, 0.50, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00]) green = np.array([0.50, 1.00, 1.00, 0.60, 0.50]) blue = np.array([1.00, 1.00, 0.50, 0.40, 0.50]) TColor.CreateGradientColorTable(len(stops), stops, red, green, blue, 255) gStyle.SetNumberContours(255) if debug: print "list of m1s:", xvals print "list of ys: ", yvals print "list of obs limits: ", obs if do_interpolation: data = interpolateObsLimit(xvals, yvals, obs, debug=debug, mass_splitting=mass_splitting) else: data = np.array([xvals, yvals, obs]) widthx = sorted(data[0])[0] / 10 widthy = sorted(data[1])[0] / 10 lowXs = [xval - widthx / 2 for xval in data[0]] highXs = [xval + widthx / 2 for xval in data[0]] lowYs = [yval - widthy / 2 for yval in data[1]] highYs = [yval + widthy / 2 for yval in data[1]] binsX = sorted(list(dict.fromkeys(lowXs + highXs))) binsY = sorted(list(dict.fromkeys(lowYs + highYs))) binsX = [(binsX[i] + binsX[i + 1]) / 2 if i != len(binsX) - 1 else binsX[i] for i in range(1, len(binsX) - 1, 2)] binsY = [(binsY[i] + binsY[i + 1]) / 2 if i != len(binsY) - 1 else binsY[i] for i in range(1, len(binsY) - 1, 2)] binsX.insert(0, sorted(lowXs)[0]) binsX.insert(len(binsX), sorted(highXs)[-1]) binsY.insert(0, sorted(lowYs)[0]) binsY.insert(len(binsY), sorted(highYs)[-1]) if debug: print "binsX ", binsX print "binsY ", binsY obs_xsec = TH2D('', '', len(binsX) - 1, array('d', binsX), len(binsY) - 1, array('d', binsY)) obs_xsec.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(axisTitleSize) obs_xsec.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(axisTitleOffset - 0.3) obs_xsec.GetXaxis().SetTitle("m_{1} [GeV]") obs_xsec.GetXaxis().SetMoreLogLabels() obs_xsec.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(axisTitleSize) obs_xsec.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(axisTitleOffset + 0.1) if use_ctau: obs_xsec.GetYaxis().SetTitle("c#tau [cm]") else: obs_xsec.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "y = #epsilon^{2} #alpha_{D} (m_{1}/m_{A'})^{4}") obs_xsec.GetZaxis().SetTitleSize(axisTitleSize - 0.005) obs_xsec.GetZaxis().SetTitleOffset(axisTitleOffset + 0.1) obs_xsec.GetZaxis().SetTitle( "#sigma_{95% CL} Br(A' #rightarrow #mu#mu) [pb]") obs_xsec.FillN(len(data[0]), array('d', data[0]), array('d', data[1]), array('d', data[2])) obs_xsec.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(1e-4, 1e2) if do_interpolation: obs_xsec.Draw("COLZ") else: obs_xsec.Draw("COLZ TEXT") obs_mu = [x / y for x, y in zip(obs, theory)] plotLimitBoundary(c1, xvals, yvals, obs_mu, [1, kBlack], debug=debug, mass_splitting=mass_splitting) exp_mu = [x / y for x, y in zip(exp, theory)] plotLimitBoundary(c1, xvals, yvals, exp_mu, [2, kRed], debug=debug, mass_splitting=mass_splitting) CMS_lumi(c1, "137.2 fb^{-1} (13 TeV)", 0) c1.RedrawAxis() c1.Draw() wait(True)
def plot_percent_luminosity_ratio_sum(detector_one_data, detector_two_data, style, run_name): ''' :param detector_one_data: Data from one detector type, such as ATLAS' LUCID, in a list of lists, every entry is one luminsoity block, with the luminosity block being a list of BCID data, assumed to be same length as detector_two_data :param detector_two_data: Data from another detector type, such as ATLAS' LUCID, in a list of lists, every entry is one luminosity block, with the luminosity block being a list of BCID data, assumed to be same length as detector_one_data :param style: The ROOT style for the graph, generally 'ATLAS' :return: ROOT plots of the ratio of luminosity sums over the luminosity, as percentage difference from first data point ''' # Set ROOT graph style set_style(str(style)) print("Number of Luminosity Blocks included: " + str(len(detector_one_data))) # Get average value of the rate for each luminosity block temp_detector_one = [[] for _ in xrange(len(detector_one_data))] temp_detector_two = [[] for _ in xrange(len(detector_one_data))] for block in range(len(detector_one_data)): detector_one_avg = 0 one_count = 0 detector_two_avg = 0 two_count = 0 for bcid in range(len(detector_one_data[block])): detector_one_point = detector_one_data[block][bcid] detector_two_point = detector_two_data[block][bcid] detector_one_avg += detector_one_point one_count += 1 detector_two_avg += detector_two_point two_count += 1 if one_count != 0: detector_one_avg = detector_one_avg / one_count detector_two_avg = detector_two_avg / two_count temp_detector_one[block].append(detector_one_avg) temp_detector_two[block].append(detector_two_avg) # Reassign temp to the original lists detector_one_data = temp_detector_one detector_two_data = temp_detector_two # Get ratio of the detectors luminosity_ratio = [] lumi_blocks = [] for block in range(len(detector_one_data)): for bcid in range(len(detector_one_data[block])): detector_one_point = detector_one_data[block][bcid] detector_two_point = detector_two_data[block][bcid] # Check if the blocks are zero if detector_one_point != 0.0 and detector_two_point != 0.0: ratio = -math.log(1 - detector_one_point) / -math.log(1 - detector_two_point) luminosity_ratio.append(ratio) lumi_blocks.append(block) # Get percentage difference based off the first block and BCID first_point = luminosity_ratio[0] for index in range(len(luminosity_ratio)): luminosity_ratio[index] = (luminosity_ratio[index] / first_point) - 1 # Delete last point, when the beams are being shut down and there are massive spikes luminosity_ratio = luminosity_ratio[:-1] lumi_blocks = lumi_blocks[:-1] # create graph graph = Graph(len(lumi_blocks), title=run_name) for i, (xx, yy) in enumerate(zip(lumi_blocks, luminosity_ratio)): graph.SetPoint(i, float(xx), float(yy)) # set visual attributes graph.markercolor = 'blue' graph.xaxis.SetTitle("Luminosity Block") graph.yaxis.SetTitle("Luminosity [Average Percent Ratio]") graph.xaxis.SetRangeUser(min(lumi_blocks), max(lumi_blocks)) graph.yaxis.SetRangeUser(min(luminosity_ratio), max(luminosity_ratio)) # plot with ROOT canvas = Canvas() graph.Draw("AP") label = ROOT.TText(0.8, 0.9, str(run_name)) label.SetTextFont(43) label.SetTextSize(25) label.SetNDC() label.Draw() canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() wait(True)
def plot_all_luminosity_block_ratio(all_detector_one_data, all_detector_two_data, background_list, status_data, style, name, detector_one_calibration, detector_two_calibration): ''' :param all_detector_one_data: A dictionary of the run name to a list of lists of luminosity blocks :param all_detector_two_data: A dictionary of the run name to a list of lists of luminosity blocks :param style: a string corresponding to a ROOT graphing style, e.g. 'ATLAS' :return: Plot of all the detector data on a graph chronologically according to run number ''' # Set ROOT graph style set_style(str(style)) # Get average value of the rate for each luminosity block temp_detector_one = copy.deepcopy(all_detector_one_data) temp_detector_two = copy.deepcopy(all_detector_two_data) # print(sorted(all_detector_one_data.keys())) for run in sorted(all_detector_one_data.keys()): block_count = 0 print"Starting run", run for block in range(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run)) - 1): del temp_detector_one.get(run)[block][:] del temp_detector_two.get(run)[block][:] block_count += 1 detector_one_avg = 0 one_count = 0 detector_two_avg = 0 two_count = 0 for bcid in range(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block])): # Gets the previous BCID luminosity to subtract as the background if run in background_list: if status_data.get(run)[block][bcid - 1] <= 0.0: detector_one_point_background = all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid - 1] detector_two_point_background = all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid - 1] print("BCID [N-1] Stability: " + str(status_data.get(run)[block][bcid - 1])) else: print("No empty BCID to subtract background from") if all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid] < 1 and all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid] < 1: print("BCID [N] Stability: " + str(status_data.get(run)[block][bcid])) detector_one_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) \ + math.log(1 - detector_one_point_background) print("Detector 1 Point: " + str(detector_one_point)) detector_two_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) \ + math.log(1 - detector_two_point_background) print("Detector 2 Point: " + str(detector_two_point)) detector_one_avg += detector_one_point one_count += 1 detector_two_avg += detector_two_point two_count += 1 else: #print(" RUN: " + str(run) + " END") #print(all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) # Checking if the status is stable if 1 > all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid] > 0.0 and 1 > all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid] > 0.0\ and status_data.get(run)[block][bcid] > 0.0: #print("Value of Block, BCID: " + str(block) + " " + str(bcid) + " " + str(all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid])) detector_one_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) detector_two_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) detector_one_avg += detector_one_point one_count += 1 detector_two_avg += detector_two_point two_count += 1 if one_count != 0: detector_one_avg = detector_one_avg / one_count detector_two_avg = detector_two_avg / two_count if run == "286282": print("One Average: " + str(detector_one_avg)) temp_detector_one.get(run)[block_count - 1].append(detector_one_avg) temp_detector_two.get(run)[block_count - 1].append(detector_two_avg) # Remove the last luminosity block from each run, the one that generally spikes temp_detector_one[run] = temp_detector_one[run][:-10] temp_detector_two[run] = temp_detector_two[run][:-10] # Reassign temp to the original lists all_detector_one_data = temp_detector_one all_detector_two_data = temp_detector_two # Get ratio of the detectors luminosity_ratio = [] lumi_blocks = [] block_count1 = 0 for run in sorted(all_detector_one_data.keys()): for block in range(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run))): block_count1 += 1 for bcid in range(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block])): detector_one_point = all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid] detector_two_point = all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid] # Check if the blocks are zero if detector_one_point != 0.0 or detector_two_point != 0.0: ratio = detector_one_point / detector_two_point luminosity_ratio.append(ratio) lumi_blocks.append(block_count1) else: print("Run", str(run), " Block:", str(block), "One:", str(detector_one_point), "Two:", str(detector_two_point)) print("Length lumi_blocks: " + str(len(lumi_blocks))) print("length lumi_ratio: " + str((len(luminosity_ratio)))) # Get percentage difference based off the first block and BCID first_point = detector_one_calibration / detector_two_calibration for index in range(len(luminosity_ratio)): luminosity_ratio[index] = 100 * ((luminosity_ratio[index] / first_point) - 1) # create graph graph = Graph(len(lumi_blocks)) for i, (xx, yy) in enumerate(zip(lumi_blocks, luminosity_ratio)): #print (xx, yy) graph.SetPoint(i, float(xx), float(yy)) # set visual attributes graph.markercolor = 'blue' graph.xaxis.SetTitle("Luminosity Block") graph.yaxis.SetTitle("Luminosity [Average Percent Ratio]") graph.xaxis.SetRangeUser(min(lumi_blocks), max(lumi_blocks)) #graph.yaxis.SetRangeUser(min(luminosity_ratio), max(luminosity_ratio)) graph.yaxis.SetRangeUser(-5, 5) # plot with ROOT canvas = Canvas() graph.Draw("AP") # Draw lines for different runs run_length = 0 for run in sorted(all_detector_one_data.keys()): #print("Length of Run " + str(run) + ": " + str(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run)))) run_length += len(all_detector_one_data.get(run)) line = ROOT.TLine(run_length, -5, #min(luminosity_ratio), run_length, 5,) # max(luminosity_ratio)) line.Draw() line_label = ROOT.TText(run_length - 30, 5 -1.5, str(run)) #max(luminosity_ratio) - 1.5, str(run)) line_label.SetTextAngle(90) line_label.SetTextSize(18) line_label.SetTextFont(43) line_label.Draw() label = ROOT.TText(0.7, 0.8, str(name)) label.SetTextFont(43) label.SetTextSize(25) label.SetNDC() label.Draw() canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() wait(True)
axes.plot(x, y, 'o-', markeredgewidth=0) axes.set_xlabel(r"$E_T$ [GeV]", horizontalalignment="right", x=1, labelpad=20) axes.set_ylabel(r"$d\sigma_{jet}/dE_{T,jet}$ [fb/GeV]", horizontalalignment="right", y=1, labelpad=32) axes.set_xlim(0, 3500) axes.set_ylim(0, 1) return fig, axes # plot without style fig1, axes1 = plot_with_matplotlib() axes1.text(0.4, 0.8, 'matplotlib (no style)', verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center', transform=axes1.transAxes, fontsize=20) # plot with ATLAS style set_style('ATLAS', mpl=True) fig2, axes2 = plot_with_matplotlib() axes2.text(0.4, 0.8, 'matplotlib', verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center', transform=axes2.transAxes, fontsize=20) axes2.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) axes2.yaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) if not ROOT.gROOT.IsBatch(): # wait for you to close the canvas before exiting wait(True)
def plot_multiple_all_luminosity_block_ratio(all_detector_one_data, all_detector_two_data, all_detector_three_data, background_list, style, name): ''' :param all_detector_one_data: A dictionary of the run name to a list of lists of luminosity blocks :param all_detector_two_data: A dictionary of the run name to a list of lists of luminosity blocks :param style: a string corresponding to a ROOT graphing style, e.g. 'ATLAS' :return: Plot of all the detector data on a graph chronologically according to run number ''' # Set ROOT graph style set_style(str(style)) # Get average value of the rate for each luminosity block temp_detector_one = copy.deepcopy(all_detector_one_data) temp_detector_two = copy.deepcopy(all_detector_two_data) temp_detector_three = copy.deepcopy(all_detector_three_data) print(sorted(all_detector_one_data.keys())) for run in sorted(all_detector_one_data.keys()): block_count = 0 for block in range(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run)) - 1): del temp_detector_one.get(run)[block][:] del temp_detector_two.get(run)[block][:] del temp_detector_three.get(run)[block][:] block_count += 1 detector_one_avg = 0 one_count = 0 detector_two_avg = 0 two_count = 0 detector_three_avg = 0 three_count = 0 for bcid in range(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block])): # Gets the previous BCID luminosity to subtract as the background if run == "286282": detector_one_point_background = all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid - 1] detector_two_point_background = all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid - 1] detector_three_point_background = all_detector_three_data.get(run)[block][bcid - 1] print("BCID [N-1]: " + str(detector_one_point_background)) print("BCID [N]: " + str(all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid])) detector_one_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) \ + math.log(1 - detector_one_point_background) detector_three_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_three_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) \ + math.log(1 - detector_three_point_background) print("Detector 1 Point: " + str(detector_one_point)) detector_two_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) \ + math.log(1 - detector_two_point_background) detector_one_avg += detector_one_point one_count += 1 detector_two_avg += detector_two_point two_count += 1 detector_three_avg += detector_three_point three_count += 1 else: detector_one_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) detector_two_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) detector_three_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_three_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) detector_one_avg += detector_one_point one_count += 1 detector_two_avg += detector_two_point two_count += 1 detector_three_avg += detector_three_point three_count += 1 if one_count != 0: detector_one_avg = detector_one_avg / one_count detector_two_avg = detector_two_avg / two_count detector_three_avg = detector_three_avg / three_count temp_detector_one.get(run)[block_count - 1].append(detector_one_avg) temp_detector_two.get(run)[block_count - 1].append(detector_two_avg) temp_detector_three.get(run)[block_count - 1].append(detector_three_avg) # Remove the last luminosity block from each run, the one that generally spikes temp_detector_one[run] = temp_detector_one[run][:-10] temp_detector_two[run] = temp_detector_two[run][:-10] temp_detector_three[run] = temp_detector_three[run][:-10] # Reassign temp to the original lists all_detector_one_data = temp_detector_one all_detector_two_data = temp_detector_two all_detector_three_data = temp_detector_three # Get ratio of the detectors 1 and 2 luminosity_ratio = [] lumi_blocks = [] block_count1 = 0 for run in sorted(all_detector_one_data.keys()): for block in range(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run))): block_count1 += 1 for bcid in range(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block])): detector_one_point = all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid] detector_two_point = all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid] # Check if the blocks are zero if detector_one_point != 0.0 and detector_two_point != 0.0: ratio = detector_one_point / detector_two_point luminosity_ratio.append(ratio) lumi_blocks.append(block_count1) # Get ratio of the detectors 1 and 3 luminosity_ratio_1 = [] lumi_blocks_1 = [] block_count2 = 0 for run in sorted(all_detector_one_data.keys()): for block in range(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run))): block_count2 += 1 for bcid in range(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block])): detector_one_point = all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid] detector_three_point = all_detector_three_data.get(run)[block][bcid] # Check if the blocks are zero if detector_one_point != 0.0 and detector_three_point != 0.0: ratio = detector_one_point / detector_three_point luminosity_ratio_1.append(ratio) lumi_blocks_1.append(block_count2) # Get percentage difference based off the first block and BCID first_point = luminosity_ratio[0] first_point_1 = luminosity_ratio_1[0] for index in range(len(luminosity_ratio)): luminosity_ratio[index] = 100 * ((luminosity_ratio[index] / first_point) - 1) for index in range(len(luminosity_ratio_1)): luminosity_ratio_1[index] = 100 * ((luminosity_ratio_1[index] / first_point_1) - 1) # create graph graph = Graph(len(lumi_blocks)) for i, (xx, yy) in enumerate(zip(lumi_blocks, luminosity_ratio)): graph.SetPoint(i, float(xx), float(yy)) # set visual attributes graph.markercolor = 'blue' graph.xaxis.SetTitle("Luminosity Block") graph.yaxis.SetTitle("Luminosity [Average Percent Ratio]") graph.xaxis.SetRangeUser(min(lumi_blocks), max(lumi_blocks)) graph.yaxis.SetRangeUser(min(luminosity_ratio), max(luminosity_ratio)) # plot with ROOT canvas = Canvas() graph.Draw("AP") canvas.Update() # add points from detectors 1 and 3 # create graph graph1 = Graph(len(lumi_blocks_1)) for i, (xx, yy) in enumerate(zip(lumi_blocks_1, luminosity_ratio_1)): graph1.SetPoint(i, float(xx), float(yy)) # set visual attributes graph1.linecolor = 'white' # Hides the lines at this time graph1.markercolor = 'red' # graph1.xaxis.SetRangeUser(min(lumi_blocks_1), max(lumi_blocks_1)) # graph1.yaxis.SetRangeUser(min(luminosity_ratio_1), max(luminosity_ratio_1)) graph1.Draw("P") canvas.Update() # Draw lines for different runs run_length = 0 for run in sorted(all_detector_one_data.keys()): run_length += len(all_detector_one_data.get(run)) line = ROOT.TLine(run_length, min(luminosity_ratio), run_length, max(luminosity_ratio)) line.Draw() line_label = ROOT.TText(run_length - 30, max(luminosity_ratio) - 1.5, str(run)) line_label.SetTextAngle(90) line_label.SetTextSize(18) line_label.SetTextFont(43) line_label.Draw() label = ROOT.TText(0.7, 0.8, str(name)) label.SetTextFont(43) label.SetTextSize(25) label.SetNDC() label.Draw() canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() wait(True)
Hist(100, -5, 5, color='salmon', drawstyle='hist').FillRandom(F1('TMath::Gaus(x, 2, 1)'), 500)) stack.Add( Hist(100, -5, 5, color='powderblue', drawstyle='hist').FillRandom(F1('TMath::Gaus(x, 2, 0.6)'), 300)) objects.append(stack) # create some random histograms for i, (mu, sigma, n, c, s) in enumerate(zip(mus, sigmas, events, colors, styles)): hist = Hist(100, -5, 5, color=c, fillstyle=s, drawstyle='hist' if i % 2 == 0 else '') hist.FillRandom(F1('TMath::Gaus(x,{0},{1})'.format(mu, sigma)), n) objects.append(hist) # create a graph graph = Graph(10, drawstyle='P') for i in range(10): x = -2 + i * 4 / 10. graph.SetPoint(i, x, 40 + 10 * sin(x)) objects.append(graph) draw(objects, xtitle='Some Variable [Units]', ytitle='Events', ypadding=0.05) # see rootpy.plotting.utils.get_limits for details on what arguments are # supported for setting the axes ranges. wait()
def plot_normalized_luminosity_ratio(detector_one_data, detector_two_data, style, run_name): ''' :param detector_one_data: Data from one detector type, such as ATLAS' LUCID, in a list of lists, every entry is one luminsoity block, with the luminosity block being a list of BCID data, assumed to be same length as detector_two_data :param detector_two_data: Data from another detector type, such as ATLAS' LUCID, in a list of lists, every entry is one luminosity block, with the luminosity block being a list of BCID data, assumed to be same length as detector_one_data :param style: The ROOT style for the graph, generally 'ATLAS' :return: ROOT plots of the ratio of luminosities over the luminosity, normalized to one ''' # Set ROOT graph style set_style(str(style)) print("Number of Luminosity Blocks included: " + str(len(detector_one_data))) # Get ratio of the detectors luminosity_ratio = [] lumi_blocks = [] for block in range(len(detector_one_data)): for bcid in range(len(detector_one_data[block])): detector_one_point = detector_one_data[block][bcid] detector_two_point = detector_two_data[block][bcid] # Check if the blocks are zero if detector_one_point != 0.0 and detector_two_point != 0.0: ratio = -math.log(1 - detector_one_point) / -math.log(1 - detector_two_point) luminosity_ratio.append(ratio) lumi_blocks.append(block) # Normalize the ratios def normalize(x, x_min, x_max): top = x - x_min bottom = x_max - x_min return top / bottom max_ratio = max(luminosity_ratio) min_ratio = min(luminosity_ratio) print("Max ratio: " + str(max_ratio)) print("Min Ratio: " + str(min_ratio)) for ratio_entry in range(len(luminosity_ratio)): luminosity_ratio[ratio_entry] = normalize(luminosity_ratio[ratio_entry], x_max=max_ratio, x_min=min_ratio) # create graph graph = Graph(len(lumi_blocks), title=run_name) for i, (xx, yy) in enumerate(zip(lumi_blocks, luminosity_ratio)): graph.SetPoint(i, float(xx), float(yy)) # set visual attributes graph.markercolor = 'blue' graph.xaxis.SetTitle("Luminosity Block") graph.yaxis.SetTitle("Luminosity [Normalized Ratio]") graph.xaxis.SetRangeUser(min(lumi_blocks), max(lumi_blocks)) graph.yaxis.SetRangeUser(min(luminosity_ratio), max(luminosity_ratio)) # plot with ROOT canvas = Canvas() graph.Draw("AP") label = ROOT.TText(0.8, 0.9, str(run_name)) label.SetTextFont(43) label.SetTextSize(25) label.SetNDC() label.Draw() canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() wait(True)
def make2DLimitPlot(xtitle, xvals, yvals, obs, exp, exp1plus, exp1minus, exp2plus, exp2minus, theory): gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) axisTitleSize = 0.041 axisTitleOffset = 1.2 leftMargin = 0.15 rightMargin = 0.18 topMargin = 0.06 bottomMargin = 0.14 c1 = TCanvas("c1", "c1", 200, 10, 700, 600) c1.SetHighLightColor(2) c1.SetFillColor(0) c1.SetBorderMode(0) c1.SetBorderSize(2) c1.SetLeftMargin(leftMargin) c1.SetRightMargin(rightMargin) c1.SetTopMargin(topMargin) c1.SetBottomMargin(bottomMargin) c1.SetFrameBorderMode(0) c1.SetLogy(1) c1.SetLogx(0) c1.SetLogz(1) c1.SetTickx(1) c1.SetTicky(1) stops = np.array([0.00, 0.34, 0.61, 0.84, 1.00]) red = np.array([0.50, 0.50, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00]) green = np.array([0.50, 1.00, 1.00, 0.60, 0.50]) blue = np.array([1.00, 1.00, 0.50, 0.40, 0.50]) TColor.CreateGradientColorTable(len(stops), stops, red, green, blue, 255) gStyle.SetNumberContours(255) print "list of m1s:", xvals print "list of ys: ", yvals print "list of obs limits: ", obs widthx = sorted(xvals)[0] / 10 widthy = sorted(yvals)[0] / 10 lowXs = [xval - widthx / 2 for xval in xvals] highXs = [xval + widthx / 2 for xval in xvals] lowYs = [yval - widthy / 2 for yval in yvals] highYs = [yval + widthy / 2 for yval in yvals] binsX = sorted(list(dict.fromkeys(lowXs + highXs))) binsY = sorted(list(dict.fromkeys(lowYs + highYs))) binsX = [(binsX[i] + binsX[i + 1]) / 2 if i != len(binsX) - 1 else binsX[i] for i in range(1, len(binsX) - 1, 2)] binsY = [(binsY[i] + binsY[i + 1]) / 2 if i != len(binsY) - 1 else binsY[i] for i in range(1, len(binsY) - 1, 2)] binsX.insert(0, sorted(lowXs)[0]) binsX.insert(len(binsX), sorted(highXs)[-1]) binsY.insert(0, sorted(lowYs)[0]) binsY.insert(len(binsY), sorted(highYs)[-1]) print "binsX ", binsX print "binsY ", binsY obs_xsec = TH2D('', '', len(binsX) - 1, array('d', binsX), len(binsY) - 1, array('d', binsY)) obs_xsec.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(axisTitleSize) obs_xsec.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(axisTitleOffset - 0.2) obs_xsec.GetXaxis().SetTitle("m_{1} [GeV]") obs_xsec.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(axisTitleSize) obs_xsec.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(axisTitleOffset + 0.1) obs_xsec.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "y = #epsilon^{2} #alpha_{D} (m_{1}/m_{A'})^{4}") #obs_xsec.GetYaxis().SetTitle("c#tau [cm]") obs_xsec.GetZaxis().SetTitleSize(axisTitleSize - 0.005) obs_xsec.GetZaxis().SetTitleOffset(axisTitleOffset + 0.1) obs_xsec.GetZaxis().SetTitle("#sigma_{95% CL} [pb]") obs_xsec.FillN(len(xvals), array('d', xvals), array('d', yvals), array('d', obs)) obs_xsec.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(1e-4, 1e1) obs_xsec.Draw("COLZ") obs_xsec.Draw("TEXT SAME") obs_mu = [x / y for x, y in zip(obs, theory)] plotLimitBoundary(c1, xvals, yvals, obs_mu, [1, kBlack]) #obs_mu_cont = obs_xsec.Clone() #obs_mu_cont.Reset() #obs_mu_cont.FillN(len(xvals), array('d', xvals), array('d', yvals), array('d', obs_mu)) #obs_mu_cont.SetContour(1); #obs_mu_cont.SetContourLevel(0, 1); #obs_mu_cont.SetLineColor(kBlack); #obs_mu_cont.SetLineWidth(3); #obs_mu_cont.Draw("CONT3 SAME") exp_mu = [x / y for x, y in zip(exp, theory)] plotLimitBoundary(c1, xvals, yvals, exp_mu, [2, kRed]) #exp_mu_cont = obs_xsec.Clone() #exp_mu_cont.Reset() #exp_mu_cont.FillN(len(xvals), array('d', xvals), array('d', yvals), array('d', exp_mu)) #exp_mu_cont.SetContour(1); #exp_mu_cont.SetContourLevel(0, 1); #exp_mu_cont.SetLineColor(kRed); #exp_mu_cont.SetLineStyle(2); #exp_mu_cont.SetLineWidth(3); #exp_mu_cont.Draw("CONT3 SAME") CMS_lumi(c1, "106.71 fb^{-1} (13 TeV)", 0) #exp2sigma_xsec = TGraphAsymmErrors(len(xvals), array('d', xvals), array('d', exp), \ # array('d', [0]), array('d', [0]), array('d', exp2minus), array('d', exp2plus)) #exp2sigma_xsec.Sort() #exp2sigma_xsec.Draw('A3') #exp2sigma_xsec.SetFillStyle(1001); #exp2sigma_xsec.SetFillColor(kOrange); #exp2sigma_xsec.SetLineColor(kOrange); #exp2sigma_xsec.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0.001,100); #exp2sigma_xsec.GetXaxis().SetLimits(0.8*min(xvals),1.1*max(xvals)); ##exp2sigma_xsec.GetXaxis().SetTitle('m_{1} [GeV]') ##exp2sigma_xsec.GetXaxis().SetTitle('c#tau [cm]') #exp2sigma_xsec.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xtitle) #exp2sigma_xsec.GetYaxis().SetTitle('95% C.L. #sigma(pp #rightarrow #chi_{1} #chi_{1} #mu^{+} #mu_{-}) [pb]') #exp1sigma_xsec = TGraphAsymmErrors(len(xvals), array('d', xvals), array('d', exp), \ # array('d', [0]), array('d', [0]), array('d', exp1minus), array('d', exp1plus)) #exp1sigma_xsec.Sort() #exp1sigma_xsec.SetFillStyle(1001); #exp1sigma_xsec.SetFillColor(kGreen+1); #exp1sigma_xsec.SetLineColor(kGreen+1); #exp1sigma_xsec.Draw('3 SAME') #exp_xsec = TGraph(len(xvals), array('d', xvals), array('d', exp)) #exp_xsec.Sort() #exp_xsec.SetLineWidth(2) #exp_xsec.SetLineStyle(1) #exp_xsec.SetLineColor(kRed) #exp_xsec.Draw('C SAME') #obs_xsec = TGraph(len(xvals), array('d', xvals), array('d', obs)) #obs_xsec.Sort() #obs_xsec.SetLineWidth(2) #obs_xsec.SetLineColor(kBlack) #obs_xsec.SetMarkerColor(kBlack) #obs_xsec.SetMarkerStyle(20) #obs_xsec.SetMarkerSize(1) #obs_xsec.Draw('PC SAME') #theory_xsec = TGraph(len(xvals), array('d', xvals), array('d', theory)) #theory_xsec.Sort() #theory_xsec.SetLineWidth(2) #theory_xsec.SetLineStyle(8) #theory_xsec.SetLineColor(kBlue) #theory_xsec.Draw('C SAME') #leg = TLegend(0.50,0.65,0.8,0.85); #leg.SetBorderSize(0); #leg.SetFillStyle(0); #leg.AddEntry(theory_xsec, "Theory", "l"); #leg.AddEntry(obs_xsec, "Observed Limit", "pl"); #leg.AddEntry(exp_xsec, "Expected Limit", "l"); #leg.AddEntry(exp1sigma_xsec, "#pm 1 std. dev.", "f"); #leg.AddEntry(exp2sigma_xsec, "#pm 2 std. dev.", "f"); #leg.Draw() # TCanvas.Update() draws the frame, after which one can change it # c1.Update() # c1.Modified() # c1.Update() c1.RedrawAxis() c1.Draw() wait(True)
def plot_all_integrated_luminosity(all_detector_one_data, all_detector_two_data, all_detector_three_data, block_length, bcid_status, background_list, style, name, detector_one_calibration, detector_two_calibration, detector_three_calibration): ''' Take all the luminosity ratio for each luminosity block and multiply by the time to get the integrated luminosity :param all_detector_one_data: A dictionary of the run name to a list of lists of luminosity blocks :param all_detector_two_data: A dictionary of the run name to a list of lists of luminosity blocks :param block_length: A dictionary the same length as the detector arrays containing the luminosity block length (time) :param style: a string corresponding to a ROOT graphing style, e.g. 'ATLAS' :return: Plot of all the detector data on a graph chronologically according to run number ''' # Set ROOT graph style set_style(str(style)) # Get average value of the rate for each luminosity block temp_detector_one = copy.deepcopy(all_detector_one_data) temp_detector_two = copy.deepcopy(all_detector_two_data) temp_detector_three = copy.deepcopy(all_detector_three_data) print(sorted(all_detector_one_data.keys())) for run in sorted(all_detector_one_data.keys()): block_count = 0 for block in range(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run)) - 1): del temp_detector_one.get(run)[block][:] del temp_detector_two.get(run)[block][:] del temp_detector_three.get(run)[block][:] block_count += 1 detector_one_avg = 0 one_count = 0 detector_two_avg = 0 two_count = 0 detector_three_avg = 0 three_count = 0 for bcid in range(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block])): # Gets the previous BCID luminosity to subtract as the background if run in background_list: if bcid_status.get(run)[block][bcid - 1] == 0: detector_one_point_background = all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid - 1] detector_two_point_background = all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid - 1] detector_three_point_background = all_detector_three_data.get(run)[block][bcid - 1] print("BCID [N-1] Stability: " + str(bcid_status.get(run)[block][bcid - 1])) print("BCID [N] Stability: " + str(bcid_status.get(run)[block][bcid])) detector_one_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) \ + math.log(1 - detector_one_point_background) print("Detector 1 Point: " + str(detector_one_point)) detector_two_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) \ + math.log(1 - detector_two_point_background) print("Detector 2 Point: " + str(detector_two_point)) detector_three_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_three_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) \ + math.log(1 - detector_three_point_background) detector_one_avg += detector_one_point one_count += 1 detector_two_avg += detector_two_point two_count += 1 detector_three_avg += detector_three_point three_count += 1 else: print("No empty BCID to subtract background from") ''' print("BCID [N] Stability: " + str(bcid_status.get(run)[block][bcid])) detector_one_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) #\ #+ math.log(1 - detector_one_point_background) print("Detector 1 Point: " + str(detector_one_point)) detector_two_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) #\ #+ math.log(1 - detector_two_point_background) print("Detector 2 Point: " + str(detector_two_point)) detector_three_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_three_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) #\ #+ math.log(1 - detector_three_point_background) detector_one_avg += detector_one_point one_count += 1 detector_two_avg += detector_two_point two_count += 1 detector_three_avg += detector_three_point three_count += 1 ''' if bcid_status.get(run)[block][bcid] > 0.0: detector_one_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) detector_two_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) detector_three_point = -math.log(1 - all_detector_three_data.get(run)[block][bcid]) detector_one_avg += detector_one_point one_count += 1 detector_two_avg += detector_two_point two_count += 1 detector_three_avg += detector_three_point three_count += 1 if one_count != 0: detector_one_avg = detector_one_avg / one_count detector_two_avg = detector_two_avg / two_count detector_three_avg = detector_three_avg / three_count temp_detector_one.get(run)[block_count - 1].append(detector_one_avg) temp_detector_two.get(run)[block_count - 1].append(detector_two_avg) temp_detector_three.get(run)[block_count - 1].append(detector_three_avg) # Remove the last luminosity block from each run, the one that generally spikes temp_detector_one[run] = temp_detector_one[run][:-10] temp_detector_two[run] = temp_detector_two[run][:-10] temp_detector_three[run] = temp_detector_three[run][:-10] # Reassign temp to the original lists all_detector_one_data = temp_detector_one all_detector_two_data = temp_detector_two all_detector_three_data = temp_detector_three # Get integrated luminosity of the detectors integrated_luminosity_one = [] integrated_luminosity_two = [] integrated_luminosity_three = [] luminosity_ratio_two = [] luminosity_ratio_three = [] lumi_blocks = [] block_count1 = 0 lumi_total = 0 lumi_total_two = 0 lumi_total_three = 0 # To keep track of how long each run actually is when plotting run_length_dict = {} for run in sorted(all_detector_one_data.keys()): run_length_dict[run] = 0 for block in range(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run))): block_count1 += 1 for bcid in range(len(all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block])): detector_one_point = all_detector_one_data.get(run)[block][bcid] detector_two_point = all_detector_two_data.get(run)[block][bcid] detector_three_point = all_detector_three_data.get(run)[block][bcid] if detector_one_point != 0.0 and detector_two_point != 0.0 and detector_three_point != 0.0: # Use conversion factor converted_point_one = convert_to_raw_luminosity(11.245, 20.8, detector_one_point) converted_point_two = convert_to_raw_luminosity(11.245, 20.8, detector_two_point) converted_point_three = convert_to_raw_luminosity(11.245, 20.8, detector_three_point) ratio_one_two = converted_point_one / converted_point_two ratio_one_three = converted_point_one / converted_point_three luminosity_ratio_two.append(ratio_one_two) luminosity_ratio_three.append(ratio_one_three) length = block_length.get(run)[block][bcid] lumi_total += converted_point_one * length lumi_total_two += converted_point_two * length lumi_total_three += converted_point_three * length integrated_luminosity_one.append(lumi_total) integrated_luminosity_two.append(lumi_total_two) integrated_luminosity_three.append(lumi_total_three) lumi_blocks.append(block_count1) run_length_dict[run] += 1 # Get percentage difference based off the first block and BCID first_point = detector_one_calibration / detector_two_calibration third_point = detector_one_calibration / detector_three_calibration for index in range(len(integrated_luminosity_one)): luminosity_ratio_two[index] = 100 * ((luminosity_ratio_two[index] / first_point) - 1) luminosity_ratio_three[index] = 100 * ((luminosity_ratio_three[index] / third_point) - 1) # create graph graph = Graph(len(integrated_luminosity_one)) for i, (xx, yy) in enumerate(zip(integrated_luminosity_one, luminosity_ratio_two)): graph.SetPoint(i, float(xx), float(yy)) # set visual attributes # Set temp list for the min and max functions luminosity_ratio = luminosity_ratio_two + luminosity_ratio_three integrated_luminosity = integrated_luminosity_one #integrated_luminosity = lumi_blocks graph.markercolor = 'blue' graph.yaxis.SetTitle("Luminosity Ratio [Percent]") graph.xaxis.SetTitle("Luminosity [Integrated]") graph.yaxis.SetRangeUser(min(luminosity_ratio), max(luminosity_ratio)) graph.xaxis.SetRangeUser(min(integrated_luminosity), max(integrated_luminosity)) # plot with ROOT canvas = Canvas() graph.Draw("AP") canvas.Update() # add points from detectors 1 and 3 # create graph graph1 = Graph(len(integrated_luminosity)) for i, (xx, yy) in enumerate(zip(integrated_luminosity, luminosity_ratio_three)): graph1.SetPoint(i, float(xx), float(yy)) # set visual attributes graph1.linecolor = 'white' # Hides the lines at this time graph1.markercolor = 'red' graph1.Draw("P") canvas.Update() # Draw lines for different runs run_length = 0 total_length = 0 num_run = 0 print"Integrated Luminosity length: ",len(integrated_luminosity) for run in sorted(all_detector_one_data.keys()): print str(run) total_length += run_length_dict[run] print"Total Length: ",total_length #run_length = integrated_luminosity[total_length - 1] print"Run Length", run_length line = ROOT.TLine(run_length, min(luminosity_ratio), run_length, max(luminosity_ratio)) line.Draw() line_label = ROOT.TText(run_length - 30, max(luminosity_ratio) - 1.5, str(run)) line_label.SetTextAngle(90) line_label.SetTextSize(18) line_label.SetTextFont(43) line_label.Draw() label = ROOT.TText(0.2, 0.9, str(name)) label.SetTextFont(43) label.SetTextSize(25) label.SetNDC() label.Draw() canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() wait(True)
def extract_JetBTag(f_tt, f_qcd, f_wjet): # get trees from files t_tt = f_tt.Get("Delphes") t_qcd = f_qcd.Get("Delphes") t_wjet = f_wjet.Get("Delphes") # get number of entries tt_n_entries = t_tt.GetEntries() qcd_n_entries = t_qcd.GetEntries() wjet_n_entries = t_wjet.GetEntries() # define leaves var_tt = "Jet.BTag" var_qcd = "Jet.BTag" var_wjet = "Jet.BTag" leaf_tt = t_tt.GetLeaf(var_tt) leaf_qcd = t_qcd.GetLeaf(var_qcd) leaf_wjet = t_wjet.GetLeaf(var_wjet) # create the histograms loose_tt = Hist(NBINS, NLO, NHI, title='loose_tt', legendstyle='L') medium_tt = Hist(NBINS, NLO, NHI, title='medium_tt', legendstyle='L') tight_tt = Hist(NBINS, NLO, NHI, title='tight_tt', legendstyle='L') loose_qcd = Hist(NBINS, NLO, NHI, title='loose_qcd', legendstyle='L') medium_qcd = Hist(NBINS, NLO, NHI, title='medium_qcd', legendstyle='L') tight_qcd = Hist(NBINS, NLO, NHI, title='tight_qcd', legendstyle='L') loose_wjet = Hist(NBINS, NLO, NHI, title='loose_wjet', legendstyle='L') medium_wjet = Hist(NBINS, NLO, NHI, title='medium_wjet', legendstyle='L') tight_wjet = Hist(NBINS, NLO, NHI, title='tight_wjet', legendstyle='L') # FILLING THE TREE fill_JetBTag_tree(tt_n_entries, t_tt, leaf_tt, loose_tt, medium_tt, tight_tt) fill_JetBTag_tree(qcd_n_entries, t_qcd, leaf_qcd, loose_qcd, medium_qcd, tight_qcd) fill_JetBTag_tree(wjet_n_entries, t_wjet, leaf_wjet, loose_wjet, medium_wjet, tight_wjet) #set line colors loose_tt.SetLineColor('blue') medium_tt.SetLineColor('green') tight_tt.SetLineColor('red') loose_qcd.SetLineColor('blue') medium_qcd.SetLineColor('green') tight_qcd.SetLineColor('red') loose_wjet.SetLineColor('blue') medium_wjet.SetLineColor('green') tight_wjet.SetLineColor('red') #begin drawing stuff c1 = Canvas() tight_tt.SetStats(0) tight_tt.Draw('HIST') medium_tt.Draw('HIST SAME') loose_tt.Draw('HIST SAME') #make legend l1 = Legend([tight_tt, medium_tt, loose_tt], textfont=42, textsize=.03) l1.Draw() #save as pdf c1.SaveAs("../plots/JetBTag_plots/btag_tt.pdf") c2 = Canvas() tight_qcd.SetStats(0) tight_qcd.Draw('HIST') medium_qcd.Draw('HIST SAME') loose_qcd.Draw('HIST SAME') #make legend l2 = Legend([tight_qcd, medium_qcd, loose_qcd], textfont=42, textsize=.03) l2.Draw() #save as pdf c2.SaveAs("../plots/JetBTag_plots/btag_qcd.pdf") c3 = Canvas() tight_wjet.SetStats(0) tight_wjet.Draw('HIST') medium_wjet.Draw('HIST SAME') loose_wjet.Draw('HIST SAME') #make legend l3 = Legend([tight_wjet, medium_wjet, loose_wjet], textfont=42, textsize=.03) l3.Draw() #save as pdf c3.SaveAs("../plots/JetBTag_plots/btag_wjet.pdf") wait(True)
def make1DLimitPlot(xtitle, xvals, obs, exp, exp1plus, exp1minus, exp2plus, exp2minus, theory, alphaD, xvar): gStyle.SetOptTitle(0) axisTitleSize = 0.041 axisTitleOffset = 1.2 axisTitleSizeRatioX = 0.18 axisLabelSizeRatioX = 0.12 axisTitleOffsetRatioX = 0.94 axisTitleSizeRatioY = 0.15 axisLabelSizeRatioY = 0.108 axisTitleOffsetRatioY = 0.32 leftMargin = 0.15 rightMargin = 0.12 topMargin = 0.05 bottomMargin = 0.14 bottomMargin2 = 0.22 #c1 = TCanvas() #'c1', '', 200, 10, 700, 500 ) c1 = TCanvas("c1", "c2", 200, 10, 700, 600) c1.SetHighLightColor(2) c1.SetFillColor(0) c1.SetBorderMode(0) c1.SetBorderSize(2) c1.SetLeftMargin(leftMargin) c1.SetRightMargin(rightMargin) c1.SetTopMargin(topMargin) c1.SetBottomMargin(bottomMargin) c1.SetFrameBorderMode(0) c1.SetFrameBorderMode(0) c1.SetLogy(1) #c1.SetLogx(1) c1.SetTickx(1) c1.SetTicky(1) #c1.SetGridx(True); #c1.SetGridy(True); if "c#tau" in xtitle: c1.SetLogx(1) exp2sigma_xsec = TGraphAsymmErrors(len(xvals), array('d', xvals), array('d', exp), \ array('d', [0]), array('d', [0]), array('d', exp2minus), array('d', exp2plus)) exp2sigma_xsec.Sort() exp2sigma_xsec.Draw('A3') exp2sigma_xsec.SetFillStyle(1001) exp2sigma_xsec.SetFillColor(kOrange) exp2sigma_xsec.SetLineColor(kOrange) exp2sigma_xsec.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(1e-4, 1e3) if xvar == 'mass': exp2sigma_xsec.GetXaxis().SetLimits(1, 80) elif xvar == 'ctau': exp2sigma_xsec.GetXaxis().SetLimits(0.1, 100) else: exp2sigma_xsec.GetXaxis().SetLimits(0.8 * min(xvals), 1.1 * max(xvals)) #exp2sigma_xsec.GetXaxis().SetTitle('m_{1} [GeV]') #exp2sigma_xsec.GetXaxis().SetTitle('c#tau [cm]') exp2sigma_xsec.GetXaxis().SetTitle(xtitle) exp2sigma_xsec.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(axisTitleOffset) exp2sigma_xsec.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "#sigma_{95% CL} Br(A' #rightarrow #mu#mu) [pb]") exp2sigma_xsec.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(axisTitleOffset + 0.1) exp1sigma_xsec = TGraphAsymmErrors(len(xvals), array('d', xvals), array('d', exp), \ array('d', [0]), array('d', [0]), array('d', exp1minus), array('d', exp1plus)) exp1sigma_xsec.Sort() exp1sigma_xsec.SetFillStyle(1001) exp1sigma_xsec.SetFillColor(kGreen + 1) exp1sigma_xsec.SetLineColor(kGreen + 1) exp1sigma_xsec.Draw('3 SAME') exp_xsec = TGraph(len(xvals), array('d', xvals), array('d', exp)) exp_xsec.Sort() exp_xsec.SetLineWidth(2) exp_xsec.SetLineStyle(1) exp_xsec.SetLineColor(kRed) exp_xsec.Draw('C SAME') obs_xsec = TGraph(len(xvals), array('d', xvals), array('d', obs)) obs_xsec.Sort() obs_xsec.SetLineWidth(3) obs_xsec.SetLineColor(kBlack) obs_xsec.SetMarkerColor(kBlack) obs_xsec.SetMarkerStyle(20) obs_xsec.SetMarkerSize(1) obs_xsec.Draw('PC SAME') theory_xsec = TGraph(len(xvals), array('d', xvals), array('d', theory)) theory_xsec.Sort() theory_xsec.SetLineWidth(2) theory_xsec.SetLineStyle(8) theory_xsec.SetLineColor(kBlue) theory_xsec.Draw('C SAME') leg = TLegend(0.50, 0.70, 0.8, 0.90) leg.SetBorderSize(0) leg.SetFillStyle(0) leg.AddEntry(theory_xsec, "Theory", "l") leg.AddEntry(obs_xsec, "Observed Limit", "pl") leg.AddEntry(exp_xsec, "Expected Limit", "l") leg.AddEntry(exp1sigma_xsec, "#pm 1 std. dev.", "f") leg.AddEntry(exp2sigma_xsec, "#pm 2 std. dev.", "f") leg.Draw() drawCMSLogo(c1, 13, 122450) if alphaD != '': aDtext = TLatex() #baseSize = 25 aDtext.SetNDC() aDtext.SetTextAngle(0) aDtext.SetTextColor(1) #aDtext.SetTextFont(61) #aDtext.SetTextAlign(11) aDtext.SetTextSize(0.0375) aDtext.DrawLatex(0.7, 0.9, "#alpha_{D} = " + alphaD) # TCanvas.Update() draws the frame, after which one can change it # c1.Update() # c1.Modified() # c1.Update() c1.RedrawAxis() c1.Draw() wait(True)
def extract_Electron(f_tt, f_qcd, f_wjet): # get trees from files t_tt = f_tt.Get("Delphes") t_qcd = f_qcd.Get("Delphes") t_wjet = f_wjet.Get("Delphes") # get number of entries tt_n_entries = t_tt.GetEntries() qcd_n_entries = t_qcd.GetEntries() wjet_n_entries = t_wjet.GetEntries() # define leaves var_tt = "Electron.PT" var_qcd = "Electron.PT" var_wjet = "Electron.PT" leaf_tt = t_tt.GetLeaf(var_tt) leaf_qcd = t_qcd.GetLeaf(var_qcd) leaf_wjet = t_wjet.GetLeaf(var_wjet) # create the histograms numElectrons_tt = Hist(NBINS,NLO,NHI, title = 'numElectrons_tt', legendstyle = 'L') numElectrons_qcd = Hist(NBINS,NLO,NHI, title = 'numElectrons_qcd', legendstyle = 'L') numElectrons_wjet = Hist(NBINS,NLO,NHI, title = 'numElectrons_wjet', legendstyle = 'L') # interesting values to plot max_ept_per_event_tt = Hist(PT_NBINS,PT_NLO,PT_NHI, title = 'Max ElectronPT/Event tt', legendstyle = 'L') min_ept_per_event_tt = Hist(PT_NBINS,PT_NLO,PT_NHI, title = 'Min ElectronPT/Event tt', legendstyle = 'L') max_ept_per_event_qcd = Hist(PT_NBINS,PT_NLO,PT_NHI, title = 'Max ElectronPT/Event qcd', legendstyle = 'L') min_ept_per_event_qcd = Hist(PT_NBINS,PT_NLO,PT_NHI, title = 'Min ElectronPT/Event qcd', legendstyle = 'L') max_ept_per_event_wjet = Hist(PT_NBINS,PT_NLO,PT_NHI, title = 'Max ElectronPT/Event wjet', legendstyle = 'L') min_ept_per_event_wjet = Hist(PT_NBINS,PT_NLO,PT_NHI, title = 'Min ElectronPT/Event wjet', legendstyle = 'L') # FILLING THE TREE fill_Electron_tree(tt_n_entries, t_tt, leaf_tt, numElectrons_tt, min_ept_per_event_tt, max_ept_per_event_tt) fill_Electron_tree(qcd_n_entries, t_qcd, leaf_qcd, numElectrons_qcd, min_ept_per_event_qcd, max_ept_per_event_qcd) fill_Electron_tree(wjet_n_entries, t_wjet, leaf_wjet, numElectrons_wjet, min_ept_per_event_wjet, max_ept_per_event_wjet) #set line colors numElectrons_tt.SetLineColor('blue') numElectrons_qcd.SetLineColor('green') numElectrons_wjet.SetLineColor('red') #begin drawing stuff c1 = Canvas() numElectrons_wjet.SetStats(0) numElectrons_wjet.Draw('HIST') numElectrons_tt.Draw('HIST SAME') numElectrons_qcd.Draw('HIST SAME') #make legend l1 = Legend([numElectrons_tt, numElectrons_qcd, numElectrons_wjet], textfont = 42, textsize = .03) l1.Draw() #save as pdf c1.SaveAs("../plots/ElectronPT_plots/numElectrons.pdf"); ################ MIN MAX STUFF # TT #set line colors max_ept_per_event_tt.SetLineColor('blue') min_ept_per_event_tt.SetLineColor('green') #begin drawing stuff c2 = Canvas() min_ept_per_event_tt.SetStats(0) min_ept_per_event_tt.Draw('HIST') max_ept_per_event_tt.Draw('HIST SAME') #make legend l2 = Legend([min_ept_per_event_tt, max_ept_per_event_tt], textfont = 42, textsize = .03) l2.Draw() #save as pdf c2.SaveAs("../plots/ElectronPT_plots/e_maxminpt_tt.pdf") # QCD #set line colors max_ept_per_event_qcd.SetLineColor('blue') min_ept_per_event_qcd.SetLineColor('green') #begin drawing stuff c3 = Canvas() max_ept_per_event_qcd.SetStats(0) max_ept_per_event_qcd.Draw('HIST') min_ept_per_event_qcd.Draw('HIST SAME') #make legend l3 = Legend([min_ept_per_event_qcd, max_ept_per_event_qcd], textfont = 42, textsize = .03) l3.Draw() #save as pdf c3.SaveAs("../plots/ElectronPT_plots/e_maxminpt_qcd.pdf") #WJET #set line colors max_ept_per_event_wjet.SetLineColor('blue') min_ept_per_event_wjet.SetLineColor('green') #begin drawing stuff c4 = Canvas() min_ept_per_event_wjet.SetStats(0) min_ept_per_event_wjet.Draw('HIST') max_ept_per_event_wjet.Draw('HIST SAME') #make legend l4 = Legend([min_ept_per_event_wjet, max_ept_per_event_wjet], textfont = 42, textsize = .03) l4.Draw() #save as pdf c4.SaveAs("../plots/ElectronPT_plots/e_maxminpt_wjet.pdf") #make the plots wait on screen wait(True)
NModel = "CFG" #NModel = "CFGnBack" #NModel = "CFGnForward" nuFlux = "Ev from mcc6" #nuFlux = "monochromatic neutrino 300 MeV" Path = "/Users/erezcohen/Desktop/uboone/AnaFiles/" PpPmuMin = [0 , 400 , 600 , 800 ] PpPmuMax = [400 , 600 , 800 , 3000] hEflux = [] for i in range(0,len(PpPmuMin)): hEflux.append(analysis.GetHistoFromAFile("/Users/erezcohen/Desktop/uBoone/SpecialAttention/Data/MCC6recEventsEv.root" , "hEflux_%dPpPlusPmu%d"%(int(PpPmuMin[i]),int(PpPmuMax[i])))) OutFile = ROOT.TFile(Path+"CCinteractions"+NModel+"_%d_PpPmu_%d"%(int(PpPmuMin[i]),int(PpPmuMax[i]))+".root","recreate") OutTree = ROOT.TTree("anaTree","nu-n QE" + "("+NModel + ")" + ", " + "%.0f<p(p)+p(#mu)<%.0f MeV/c )"%(int(PpPmuMin[i]),int(PpPmuMax[i]))) nuNCC = EnuNCC( OutTree ) nuNCC.ImpXsecGraph("/Users/erezcohen/Desktop/uboone/SpecialAttention/Data/Xsec.dat" , 70 , DoDraw ) # v-n cross section [A. Schukraft] if (DoDraw) : wait() nuNCC.ImpMomentumDist( DoDraw ) # neutron momentum distribution if (DoDraw) : wait() nuNCC.ImpEfluxHisto( hEflux[i] , DoDraw) #nuNCC.ImpEfluxGraph( "/Users/erezcohen/Desktop/uboone/SpecialAttention/Data/Eflux.dat" , 166 , DoDraw ) # BNB energy flux at uboone if (DoDraw) : wait() nuNCC.RunInteractions( NModel , nuFlux , 100000 , False ) # run interactions and fill output tree print "done filling %d events " % OutTree.GetEntries() + "in " + OutTree.GetTitle() OutTree.Write() OutFile.Close()
import time ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0000) ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(1111) AnalysisType = "F1/F2 from paper" dirfmt = "~/Desktop/%4d-%02d-%02d" dirname = dirfmt % time.localtime()[0:3] try: os.makedirs(dirname) except OSError, e: if e.errno != 17: raise # This was not a "directory exist" error.. if AnalysisType == "F1/F2 from paper": anaF1 = TPlots("/Users/erezcohen/Desktop/MAINZ/Software/MediumModifications/F1P_Solid.root","ntuple","F1") anaF2 = TPlots("/Users/erezcohen/Desktop/MAINZ/Software/MediumModifications/F2P_Solid.root","ntuple","F2") c = anaF1.CreateCanvas("F1 and F2","Divide",2,1) hF1 = anaF1.H2("q2","f",ROOT.TCut(),"",100,0.1,0.9,100,0,2.0,"F1","Q^{2} (GeV/c) ^{2}","F _{1}") hF1.Fit("pol9","","R",0.133,0.88) hF2 = anaF2.H2("q2","f",ROOT.TCut(),"",100,0.1,0.9,100,0,2.0,"F2","Q^{2} (GeV/c) ^{2}","F _{2}") hF2.Fit("pol9","","R",0.2,0.88) c.Update() wait() c.SaveAs(dirname+"/F1F2.pdf")
def fitbin(wbin, q2bin): # get bin center and edges vals = ibins2vals(wbin, q2bin) (wval, wlo, whi) = (vals[0][0], vals[0][1], vals[0][2]) (q2val, q2lo, q2hi) = (vals[1][0], vals[1][1], vals[1][2]) record = {'W': wval, 'Wlo': wlo, 'Whi': whi, 'Wbin': wbin, 'Q2': q2val, 'Q2lo': q2lo, 'Q2hi': q2hi, 'Q2bin': q2bin} # get MMp mass distribution for current W/Q2 bin h = asrootpy(hmmp(wbin, q2bin, vals)) # fit the background fbg = fitbg(h) record['fbgstat'] = r.gMinuit.fCstatu for ipar in range(0, fbg.GetNpar()): record['fbgpar%d' % ipar] = fbg.GetParameter(ipar) # subtract background fit function hsig = asrootpy(h.Clone('%s_hsig' % h.GetName())) hsig.Add(fbg, -1) # fit signal fsig = fitsig(hsig) record['fsigstat'] = r.gMinuit.fCstatu for ipar in range(0, fsig.GetNpar()): record['fsigpar%d' % ipar] = fsig.GetParameter(ipar) # get signal boundaries and integral correction factor gm = fsig.GetParameter(1) gs = fsig.GetParameter(2) mmplo, mmphi = gm-cutsigma*gs, gm+cutsigma*gs mmpbinlo, mmpbinhi = h.FindBin(mmplo), h.FindBin(mmphi) mmplo, mmphi = h.GetBinLowEdge(mmpbinlo), h.GetBinLowEdge(mmpbinhi+1) intfull = fsig.Integral(*fitrange) int3s = fsig.Integral(mmplo, mmphi) hsigint = hsig.Integral(mmpbinlo, mmpbinhi) weight3s = int3s/intfull if intfull > 0 else -1 record['hsigint3s'] = hsigint record['weight3s'] = weight3s # define signal/sideband edges and sideband weight factor vedges = (fitrange[0], mmplo, mmphi, fitrange[1]) iedges = (1, mmpbinlo, mmpbinhi, h.GetNbinsX()) intsig = fbg.Integral(vedges[1], vedges[2]) intsb1 = h.Integral(iedges[0], iedges[1]-1, 'width') intsb2 = h.Integral(iedges[2]+1, iedges[3], 'width') weightsb = intsig/(intsb1+intsb2) if intsb1+intsb2 > 0 else -1 record['weightsb'] = weightsb # draw canvas cmmp = Canvas(name='bgsigfit_%d_%d' % (round(1000*wval), round(1000*q2val)), title='MMp Fits, W, Q2 = %.3f GeV,%.3f GeV2' % (wval, q2val)) hs = r.THStack('hs_%d_%d' % (round(1000*wval), round(1000*q2val)), hstitle % (wlo, whi, q2lo, q2hi)) hsig.SetColor('blue') hsig.GetListOfFunctions().FindObject('fsig').SetLineColor(r.kBlue) hs.Add(hsig) hs.Add(h) hs.Draw('nostack') r.gPad.Update() hs.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetTitle(h.GetXaxis().GetTitle()) hs.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitle('yield') chi2sig, ndfsig = fsig.GetChisquare(), fsig.GetNDF() rchi2sig = chi2sig/ndfsig if ndfsig > 0 else -1 record['fsigchi2'] = rchi2sig chi2bg, ndfbg = fbg.GetChisquare(), fbg.GetNDF() rchi2bg = chi2bg/ndfbg if ndfbg > 0 else -1 record['fbgchi2'] = rchi2bg ylo, yhi = r.gPad.GetUymin(), r.gPad.GetUymax() xlo, xhi = r.gPad.GetUxmin(), r.gPad.GetUxmax() for l in [r.TLine(mmplo, ylo, mmplo, yhi), r.TLine(mmphi, ylo, mmphi, yhi)]: hsig.GetListOfFunctions().Add(l) l.SetLineColor(r.kBlue) yscale = yhi-ylo xscale = xhi-xlo tchi2 = r.TLatex(xlo+tchi2posX*xscale, ylo+tchi2posY*yscale, tchi2str % (chi2sig, ndfsig, rchi2sig)) tchi2.Draw() r.gPad.Update() cmmp.SaveAs('out/%s.pdf' % cmmp.GetName()) # output for (k, v) in record.items(): if isinstance(v, float): record[k] = '%.5f' % v if k.startswith('fsig') else '%.3f' % v if isinstance(v, basestring): record[k] = '\"%s\"' % v for i, k in enumerate(keyorder): if i > 0: foutrecs.write(',') foutrecs.write(str(record[k])) wait() return (iedges, vedges, [weightsb, weight3s])