def test_errorbar(): from rootpy.plotting import root2matplotlib as rplt h = Hist(100, -5, 5) h.FillRandom('gaus') g = Graph(h) rplt.errorbar(g) rplt.errorbar(h)
def draw_result(result, axes): graph = result["unfolded"] graph_with_systematics = result["unfolded_with_systematics"] madgraph = result["MADGRAPH"] powheg = result["POWHEG"] mcatnlo = result["MCATNLO"] # styles graph.markersize = 2 graph.marker = "o" graph_with_systematics.markersize = 2 graph_with_systematics.marker = "o" powheg.linestyle = "longdashdot" powheg.SetLineColor(kBlue) madgraph.linestyle = "solid" madgraph.SetLineColor(kRed + 1) mcatnlo.linestyle = "dotted" mcatnlo.SetLineColor(kMagenta + 3) rplt.errorbar(graph, xerr=False, emptybins=False, axes=axes, elinewidth=2, capsize=10, capthick=2, zorder=6) rplt.errorbar( graph_with_systematics, xerr=False, emptybins=False, axes=axes, elinewidth=2, capsize=0, zorder=5, label="unfolded data", ) rplt.hist(madgraph, axes=axes, label="MADGRAPH", zorder=1) rplt.hist(powheg, axes=axes, label="POWHEG", zorder=2) rplt.hist(mcatnlo, axes=axes, label="MCATNLO", zorder=3)
def plot_difference(difference, centre_of_mass, channel, variable, k_value, tau_value, output_folder, output_formats): stats = len(difference) values, errors = [], [] add_value = values.append add_error = errors.append for value, error in difference: add_value(value) add_error(error) min_x, max_x = min(values), max(values) abs_max = int(max(abs(min_x), max_x)) # n_x_bins = 2 * abs_max * 10 h_values = Hist(100, -abs_max, abs_max) fill_value = h_values.Fill for value in values: fill_value(value) plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16), dpi=200, facecolor="white") axes = plt.axes() h_values.SetMarkerSize(CMS.data_marker_size) rplt.errorbar(h_values, xerr=True, emptybins=True, axes=axes) channel_label = latex_labels.channel_latex[channel] var_label = latex_labels.variables_latex[variable] title_template = "SVD unfolding performance for unfolding of {variable}\n" title_template += "$\sqrt{{s}}$ = {com} TeV, {channel}, {value}" title = title_template.format( variable=var_label, com=centre_of_mass, channel=channel_label, value=get_value_title(k_value, tau_value) ) plt.xlabel("$\mathrm{unfolded} - \mathrm{true}$", CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel("number of toy experiments", CMS.y_axis_title) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) plt.title(title, CMS.title) plt.tight_layout() for save in output_formats: plt.savefig(output_folder + "difference." + save) min_x, max_x = min(errors), max(errors) h_errors = Hist(1000, min_x, max_x) fill_value = h_errors.Fill for error in errors: fill_value(error) plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16), dpi=200, facecolor="white") axes = plt.axes() h_errors.SetMarkerSize(CMS.data_marker_size) rplt.errorbar(h_errors, xerr=True, emptybins=True, axes=axes) plt.xlabel("$\sigma(\mathrm{unfolded} - \mathrm{true})$", CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel("number of toy experiments", CMS.y_axis_title) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) plt.title(title_template, CMS.title) plt.tight_layout() for save in output_formats: plt.savefig(output_folder + "difference_errors." + save)
def plot_h_pull(h_pull, centre_of_mass, channel, variable, k_value, tau_value, output_folder, output_formats, stats=19596500, name='pull_test'): h_pull.Fit('gaus', 'WWSQ') fit_pull = h_pull.GetFunction('gaus') fr = fitResults(fit_pull) mean = (fr.mean, fr.meanError) sigma = (fr.sigma, fr.sigmaError) print('Fit data for "' + name + '"') print(str(fr)) plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16), dpi=200, facecolor='white') axes = plt.axes() h_pull.SetMarkerSize(CMS.data_marker_size) rplt.errorbar(h_pull, xerr=True, emptybins=True, axes=axes) # *4 for a very smooth curve x = numpy.linspace( fit_pull.GetXmin(), fit_pull.GetXmax(), fit_pull.GetNpx() * 4) function_data = frompyfunc(fit_pull.Eval, 1, 1) plot(x, function_data(x), axes=axes, color='red', linewidth=2) plt.xlabel( '$\\frac{N^{\mathrm{unfolded}} - N^{\mathrm{true}}}{\sigma}$', CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel('number of toy experiments', CMS.y_axis_title) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) channel_label = latex_labels.channel_latex[channel] var_label = latex_labels.variables_latex[variable] title_template = 'Pull distribution for unfolding of {variable}\n' title_template += '$\sqrt{{s}}$ = {com} TeV, {channel}, {value}' title = title_template.format( variable=var_label, com=centre_of_mass, channel=channel_label, value=get_value_title(k_value, tau_value) ) plt.title(title, CMS.title) text_template = 'entries = {stats}\n' text_template += 'mean = ${mean} \pm {mean_error}$\n' text_template += '$\sigma = {sigma} \pm {sigma_error}$' text = text_template.format( stats=stats, mean=round(mean[0], 2), mean_error=round(mean[1], 2), sigma=round(sigma[0], 2), sigma_error=round(sigma[1], 2), ) axes.text(0.6, 0.8, text, verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='left', transform=axes.transAxes, color='black', fontsize=40, bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='none', alpha=0.5)) plt.tight_layout() for save in output_formats: plt.savefig(output_folder + name + '.' + save) return fr
def plot_difference(difference): global output_folder, output_formats stats = len(difference) values, errors = [],[] add_value = values.append add_error = errors.append for value, error in difference: add_value(value) add_error(error) min_x, max_x = min(values), max(values) abs_max = int(max(abs(min_x), max_x)) # n_x_bins = 2 * abs_max * 10 h_values = Hist(100, -abs_max, abs_max) fill_value = h_values.Fill for value in values: fill_value(value) plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16), dpi=200, facecolor='white') axes = plt.axes() h_values.SetMarkerSize(CMS.data_marker_size) rplt.errorbar(h_values, xerr=True, emptybins=True, axes=axes) channel_label = '' if channel == 'electron': channel_label = 'e+jets' else: channel_label = '$\mu$+jets' title_template = 'SVD unfolding performance for $%s$ \n $\sqrt{s}$ = %d TeV, %s, k value = %d' % ( latex_labels.variables_latex[variable], centre_of_mass, channel_label, k_value ) plt.xlabel('$\mathrm{unfolded} - \mathrm{true}$', CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel('number of toy experiments', CMS.y_axis_title) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) plt.title(title_template, CMS.title) plt.tight_layout() for save in output_formats: plt.savefig(output_folder + 'difference_stats_' + str(stats) + '.' + save) min_x, max_x = min(errors), max(errors) h_errors = Hist(1000, min_x, max_x) fill_value = h_errors.Fill for error in errors: fill_value(error) plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16), dpi=200, facecolor='white') axes = plt.axes() h_errors.SetMarkerSize(CMS.data_marker_size) rplt.errorbar(h_errors, xerr=True, emptybins=True, axes=axes) plt.xlabel('$\sigma(\mathrm{unfolded} - \mathrm{true})$', CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel('number of toy experiments', CMS.y_axis_title) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) plt.title(title_template, CMS.title) plt.tight_layout() for save in output_formats: plt.savefig(output_folder + 'difference_errors_stats_' + str(stats) + '.' + save)
def checkOnMC(unfolding, method): global bins, nbins RooUnfold.SVD_n_toy = 1000 pulls = [] for sub in range(1,9): inputFile2 = File('../data/unfolding_merged_sub%d.root' % sub, 'read') h_data = asrootpy(inputFile2.unfoldingAnalyserElectronChannel.measured.Rebin(nbins, 'measured', bins)) nEvents = inputFile2.EventFilter.EventCounter.GetBinContent(1) lumiweight = 164.5 * 5050 / nEvents # print sub, nEvents h_data.Scale(lumiweight) doUnfoldingSequence(unfolding, h_data, method, '_sub%d' %sub) pull = unfolding.pull_inputErrorOnly() # unfolding.printTable() pulls.append(pull) unfolding.Reset() allpulls = [] for pull in pulls: allpulls.extend(pull) h_allpulls = Hist(100,-30,30) filling = h_allpulls.Fill for entry in allpulls: filling(entry) fit = h_allpulls.Fit('gaus', 'WWS') h_fit = asrootpy(h_allpulls.GetFunction("gaus").GetHistogram()) canvas = Canvas(width=1600, height=1000) canvas.SetLeftMargin(0.15) canvas.SetBottomMargin(0.15) canvas.SetTopMargin(0.10) canvas.SetRightMargin(0.05) h_allpulls.Draw() fit.Draw('same') canvas.SaveAs('plots/Pull_allBins_withFit.png') plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10), dpi=100) rplt.errorbar(h_allpulls, label=r'Pull distribution for all bins', emptybins=False) rplt.hist(h_fit, label=r'fit') plt.xlabel('(unfolded-true)/error', CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel('entries', CMS.y_axis_title) plt.title('Pull distribution for all bins', CMS.title) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) plt.legend(numpoints=1) plt.savefig('plots/Pull_allBins.png') #individual bins for bin_i in range(nbins): h_pull = Hist(100,-30,30) for pull in pulls: h_pull.Fill(pull[bin_i]) plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10), dpi=100) rplt.errorbar(h_pull, label=r'Pull distribution for bin %d' % (bin_i + 1), emptybins=False) plt.xlabel('(unfolded-true)/error', CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel('entries', CMS.y_axis_title) plt.title('Pull distribution for bin %d' % (bin_i + 1), CMS.title) plt.savefig('Pull_bin_%d.png' % (bin_i + 1))
def make_plots_matplotlib(histograms, category, output_folder, histname): global variable, variables_latex_matplotlib, measurements_latex_matplotlib, k_value channel = 'electron' if 'electron' in histname: channel = 'electron' elif 'muon' in histname: channel = 'muon' else: channel = 'combined' # plot with matplotlib hist_data = histograms['unfolded'] hist_measured = histograms['measured'] hist_data.markersize = 2 hist_measured.markersize = 2 hist_data.marker = 'o' hist_measured.marker = 'o' hist_measured.color = 'red' plt.figure(figsize=(14, 10), dpi=200, facecolor='white') axes = plt.axes() axes.minorticks_on() plt.xlabel('$%s$ [GeV]' % variables_latex_matplotlib[variable], CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel(r'$\frac{1}{\sigma} \times \frac{d\sigma}{d' + variables_latex_matplotlib[variable] + '} \left[\mathrm{GeV}^{-1}\\right]$', CMS.y_axis_title) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) rplt.errorbar(hist_data, axes=axes, label='unfolded', xerr=False) rplt.errorbar(hist_measured, axes=axes, label='measured', xerr=False) for key, hist in histograms.iteritems(): if not 'unfolded' in key and not 'measured' in key: hist.linestyle = 'dashed' hist.linewidth = 2 # hist.SetLineStyle(7) # hist.SetLineWidth(2) #setting colours if 'POWHEG' in key or 'matchingdown' in key: hist.SetLineColor(kBlue) elif 'MADGRAPH' in key or 'matchingup' in key: hist.SetLineColor(kRed + 1) elif 'MCATNLO' in key or 'scaleup' in key: hist.SetLineColor(kMagenta + 3) elif 'scaledown' in key: hist.SetLineColor(kGreen) rplt.hist(hist, axes=axes, label=measurements_latex_matplotlib[key]) plt.legend(numpoints=1, loc='upper right', prop=CMS.legend_properties) plt.title(get_cms_labels_matplotlib(channel), CMS.title) plt.tight_layout() path = output_folder + str(measurement_config.centre_of_mass) + 'TeV/' + variable + '/' + category make_folder_if_not_exists(path) for output_format in output_formats: plt.savefig(path + '/' + histname + '_kv' + str(k_value) + '.' + output_format)
def make_plot( histogram, histogram_label, histogram_properties = Histogram_properties(), save_folder = 'plots/', save_as = ['pdf', 'png'], normalise = False, draw_errorbar = False, draw_legend = True ): histogram.SetTitle( histogram_label ) # histogram.SetMarkerSize(CMS.data_marker_size) # to be changed histogram.fillcolor = '0.75' histogram.fillstyle = 'solid' if normalise: histogram.Scale( 1 / histogram.Integral() ) # plot with matplotlib plt.figure( figsize = CMS.figsize, dpi = CMS.dpi, facecolor = CMS.facecolor ) axes = plt.axes() if draw_errorbar: rplt.errorbar( histogram, xerr = False, emptybins = False, axes = axes, elinewidth = 2, capsize = 10, capthick = 2 ) else: rplt.hist( histogram ) if draw_legend: plt.legend( numpoints = 1, loc = histogram_properties.legend_location, prop = CMS.legend_properties ) adjust_axis_limits( axes, histogram_properties ) x_limits = histogram_properties.x_limits y_limits = histogram_properties.y_limits if len( x_limits ) == 2: axes.set_xlim( xmin = x_limits[0], xmax = x_limits[1] ) if len( y_limits ) == 2: axes.set_ylim( ymin = y_limits[0], ymax = y_limits[1] ) if histogram_properties.set_log_y: axes.set_yscale( 'log', nonposy = "clip" ) if not len( histogram_properties.y_limits ) == 2: # if not user set y-limits, calculate the limits from the tuple values value_range = sorted( list( histogram.y() ) ) for i, value in enumerate(value_range): if value == 0: del value_range[i] axes.set_ylim( ymin = min(value_range)/10, ymax = max(value_range)*10 ) set_labels( plt, histogram_properties ) if CMS.tight_layout: plt.tight_layout() for save in save_as: plt.savefig( save_folder + + '.' + save ) plt.close()
def plot_difference(difference): stats = len(difference) values, errors = [],[] add_value = values.append add_error = errors.append for value, error in difference: add_value(value) add_error(error) min_x, max_x = min(values), max(values) abs_max = int(max(abs(min_x), max_x)) # n_x_bins = 2 * abs_max * 10 h_values = Hist(100, -abs_max, abs_max) fill_value = h_values.Fill for value in values: fill_value(value) plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16), dpi=200, facecolor='white') axes = plt.axes() h_values.SetMarkerSize(CMS.data_marker_size) rplt.errorbar(h_values, xerr=True, emptybins=True, axes=axes) plt.xlabel('$\mathrm{unfolded} - \mathrm{true}$', CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel('number of toy experiments', CMS.y_axis_title) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) plt.title('SVD unfolding performance', CMS.title) plt.tight_layout() save_folder = 'plots/' save_as = ['png', 'pdf'] for save in save_as: plt.savefig(save_folder + 'difference_stats_' + str(stats) + '.' + save) min_x, max_x = min(errors), max(errors) h_errors = Hist(1000, min_x, max_x) fill_value = h_errors.Fill for error in errors: fill_value(error) plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16), dpi=200, facecolor='white') axes = plt.axes() h_errors.SetMarkerSize(CMS.data_marker_size) rplt.errorbar(h_errors, xerr=True, emptybins=True, axes=axes) plt.xlabel('$\sigma(\mathrm{unfolded} - \mathrm{true})$', CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel('number of toy experiments', CMS.y_axis_title) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) plt.title('SVD unfolding performance', CMS.title) plt.tight_layout() save_folder = 'plots/' save_as = ['png', 'pdf'] for save in save_as: plt.savefig(save_folder + 'difference_errors_stats_' + str(stats) + '.' + save)
def make_control_region_comparison(control_region_1, control_region_2, name_region_1, name_region_2, variable='mttbar', x_label=r'$m(\mathrm{t}\bar{\mathrm{t}})$ [GeV]', x_min=300, x_max=1800, y_label='arbitrary units/ 50 GeV', y_min = 0, y_max = 0.15): #make copies in order not to mess with existing histograms control_region_1 = deepcopy(control_region_1) control_region_2 = deepcopy(control_region_2) # normalise as we are comparing shapes control_region_1.Scale(1 / control_region_1.Integral()) control_region_2.Scale(1 / control_region_2.Integral()) ratio = control_region_1.Clone('ratio') ratio.Divide(control_region_2) ratio.SetMarkerSize(3) control_region_1.fillcolor = 'yellow' control_region_2.fillcolor = 'red' control_region_1.fillstyle = 'solid' control_region_2.fillstyle = 'solid' # plot with matplotlib plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16), dpi=200, facecolor='white') gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[5, 1]) ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0]) ax0.minorticks_on() rplt.hist(control_region_1, axes=ax0) rplt.hist(control_region_2, axes=ax0, alpha=0.5) plt.ylabel(y_label, CMS.y_axis_title) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) plt.title(get_title(variable), CMS.title) plt.legend([name_region_1 + ' (1)', name_region_2 + ' (2)'], numpoints=1, loc='upper right', prop=CMS.legend_properties) ax0.set_xlim(xmin=x_min, xmax=x_max) ax0.set_ylim(ymin=y_min, ymax=y_max) plt.setp(ax0.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1]) ax1.minorticks_on() ax1.grid(True, 'major', linewidth=1) ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(1.0)) ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(0.5)) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) plt.xlabel(x_label, CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel('(1)/(2)', CMS.y_axis_title) rplt.errorbar(ratio, xerr=True, emptybins=False, axes=ax1) ax1.set_xlim(xmin=x_min, xmax=x_max) ax1.set_ylim(ymin= -0.5, ymax=4) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(variable + '_shape_comparision.png') plt.savefig(variable + '_shape_comparision.pdf')
def draw(hist, ncols=1, nrows=1, cell=1, fig=None, figsize=(10, 5)): if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=100, facecolor='white') else: plt.figure(fig.number) subplot = fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, cell) subplot.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) if isinstance(hist, r.TH2): rplt.hist2d(hist, axes=subplot) else: rplt.errorbar([hist], xerr=False, emptybins=False) # return fig
def draw(hist, ncols=1, nrows=1, cell=1, fig=None, figsize=goldenaspect(3), **kwargs): if fig is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize, dpi=1200, facecolor="white") else: plt.figure(fig.number) subplot = fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, cell) # subplot.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) # subplot.ticklabel_format(scilimits=(0, 0)) if isinstance(hist, R.TH2): rplt.hist2d(hist, axes=subplot, **kwargs) else: rplt.errorbar([hist], xerr=False, emptybins=False, **kwargs) # return fig
def plot_central_and_systematics( channel, systematics, exclude = [], suffix = 'altogether' ): global variable, k_values, b_tag_bin, met_type plt.figure( figsize = ( 16, 16 ), dpi = 200, facecolor = 'white' ) axes = plt.axes() axes.minorticks_on() hist_data_central = read_xsection_measurement_results( 'central', channel )[0]['unfolded_with_systematics'] hist_data_central.markersize = 2 # points. Imagine, tangible units! hist_data_central.marker = 'o' plt.xlabel( '$%s$ [GeV]' % variables_latex[variable], CMS.x_axis_title ) plt.ylabel( r'$\frac{1}{\sigma} \frac{d\sigma}{d' + variables_latex[variable] + '} \left[\mathrm{GeV}^{-1}\\right]$', CMS.y_axis_title ) plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_major ) plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_minor ) rplt.errorbar( hist_data_central, axes = axes, label = 'data', xerr = True ) for systematic in sorted( systematics ): if systematic in exclude or systematic == 'central': continue hist_data_systematic = read_xsection_measurement_results( systematic, channel )[0]['unfolded'] hist_data_systematic.markersize = 2 hist_data_systematic.marker = 'o' colour_number = systematics.index( systematic ) + 2 if colour_number == 10: colour_number = 42 hist_data_systematic.SetMarkerColor( colour_number ) if 'PDF' in systematic: rplt.errorbar( hist_data_systematic, axes = axes, label = systematic.replace( 'Weights_', ' ' ), xerr = None ) elif met_type in systematic: rplt.errorbar( hist_data_systematic, axes = axes, label = met_systematics_latex[systematic.replace( met_type, '' )], xerr = None ) else: rplt.errorbar( hist_data_systematic, axes = axes, label = measurements_latex[systematic], xerr = None ) plt.legend( numpoints = 1, loc = 'center right', prop = {'size':25}, ncol = 2 ) label, channel_label = get_cms_labels( channel ) plt.title( label, CMS.title ) # CMS text # note: fontweight/weight does not change anything as we use Latex text!!! plt.text(0.95, 0.95, r"\textbf{CMS}", transform=axes.transAxes, fontsize=42, verticalalignment='top',horizontalalignment='right') # channel text axes.text(0.95, 0.90, r"\emph{%s}" %channel_label, transform=axes.transAxes, fontsize=40, verticalalignment='top',horizontalalignment='right') plt.tight_layout() path = output_folder + str( measurement_config.centre_of_mass_energy ) + 'TeV/' + variable make_folder_if_not_exists( path ) for output_format in output_formats: filename = path + '/normalised_xsection_' + channel + '_' + suffix + '_kv' + str( k_values[channel] ) + '.' + output_format if channel == 'combined': filename = filename.replace( '_kv' + str( k_values[channel] ), '' ) plt.savefig( filename ) plt.close() gc.collect()
def load_root_file_to_hists(root_filename): # with root_open(root_filename) as f: # tree = f.main_tree # for x in tree: # print x b = pickle.load( open("plot.p", "rb") ) print b.GetEntries() rplt.errorbar(b)
def make_jet_response_plot(input_file, response): global output_folder, output_formats, suffix jet_response_plot = asrootpy(input_file.Get(response)) x_limits = [0, 200] y_limits = [0.8, 1.2] if '_eta' in response: x_limits = [-3, 3] x_title = '$\eta$(reco jet)' else: x_title = '$p_{\mathrm{T}}$(reco jet) [GeV]' y_title = '$p_{\mathrm{T}}$(reco jet)/$p_{\mathrm{T}}$(HLT jet)' save_as_name = response plt.figure(figsize=(20, 16), dpi=200, facecolor='white') ax0 = plt.axes() ax0.minorticks_on() ax0.grid(True, 'major', linewidth=2) ax0.grid(True, 'minor') plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) ax0.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%d')) ax0.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.1f')) ax0.xaxis.labelpad = 12 ax0.yaxis.labelpad = 12 if '_prof' in response: rplt.errorbar(jet_response_plot, xerr=True, emptybins=True, axes=ax0) else: im = rplt.imshow(jet_response_plot, axes=ax0, cmap = cm.Blues) #plt.colorbar(im) ax0.set_xlim(x_limits) ax0.set_ylim(y_limits) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) plt.xlabel(x_title, CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel(y_title, CMS.y_axis_title) plt.title(r'e+jets, CMS Preliminary, $\sqrt{s}$ = 8 TeV', CMS.title) if '_prof' in response: plt.legend(['data'], numpoints=1, loc='lower right', prop=CMS.legend_properties) plt.tight_layout() for output_format in output_formats: plt.savefig(output_folder + save_as_name + '_' + suffix + '.' + output_format)
def saveUnfolding(unfolding, outputfile, **kwargs): if not unfolding.unfolded_data: print 'Run unfold function first' return setDrawStyles(unfolding) # TODO: change this to be more generic plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10), dpi=100) rplt.hist(unfolding.truth, label=r'SM $\mathrm{t}\bar{\mathrm{t}}$ truth', stacked=False) rplt.hist(, label=r'$\mathrm{t}\bar{\mathrm{t}}$ from fit', stacked=False) rplt.errorbar(unfolding.unfolded_data, label='unfolded') plt.xlabel('$E_{\mathrm{T}}^{miss}$') plt.ylabel('Events') plt.title('Unfolding') plt.legend() plt.savefig(outputfile)
def plot_h_pull(h_pull, centre_of_mass, channel, variable, k_value, output_folder, output_formats, stats = 19596500, name = 'pull_test'): h_pull.Fit('gaus', 'WWSQ') fit_pull = h_pull.GetFunction('gaus') mean = (fit_pull.GetParameter(1), fit_pull.GetParError(1)) sigma = (fit_pull.GetParameter(2), fit_pull.GetParError(2)) print 'Fit data for "' + name + '"' print 'A:', fit_pull.GetParameter(0), '+-', fit_pull.GetParError(0) print 'mean:', fit_pull.GetParameter(1), '+-', fit_pull.GetParError(1) print 'sigma:', fit_pull.GetParameter(2), '+-', fit_pull.GetParError(2) fr = fitResults( fit_pull.GetParameter(0), fit_pull.GetParError(0), fit_pull.GetParameter(1), fit_pull.GetParError(1), fit_pull.GetParameter(2), fit_pull.GetParError(2)) plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16), dpi=200, facecolor='white') axes = plt.axes() h_pull.SetMarkerSize(CMS.data_marker_size) rplt.errorbar(h_pull, xerr=True, emptybins=True, axes=axes) x = numpy.linspace(fit_pull.GetXmin(), fit_pull.GetXmax(), fit_pull.GetNpx()*4)#*4 for a very smooth curve function_data = frompyfunc(fit_pull.Eval, 1, 1) plot(x, function_data(x), axes=axes, color='red', linewidth=2) plt.xlabel('$\\frac{N^{\mathrm{unfolded}} - N^{\mathrm{true}}}{\sigma}$', CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel('number of toy experiments', CMS.y_axis_title) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) channel_label = '' if channel == 'electron': channel_label = 'e+jets' elif channel == 'muon': channel_label = '$\mu$+jets' else: channel_label = '$e/\mu$+jets combined' title_template = 'Pull distribution for unfolding of $%s$ \n $\sqrt{s}$ = %d TeV, %s, k value = %d' % ( latex_labels.variables_latex[variable], centre_of_mass, channel_label, k_value ) plt.title(title_template, CMS.title) text = 'entries = %d \n mean = $%.2f \pm %.2f$ \n $\sigma = %.2f \pm %.2f$' % (stats, mean[0], mean[1], sigma[0], sigma[1]) axes.text(0.6, 0.8, text, verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='left', transform=axes.transAxes, color='black', fontsize=40, bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='none', alpha=0.5)) plt.tight_layout() for save in output_formats: plt.savefig(output_folder + name + '.' + save) return fr
def saveClosureTest(unfolding, outputfile, **kwargs): if not unfolding.unfolded_closure: print 'Run closureTest function first' return setDrawStyles(unfolding) # TODO: change this to be more generic plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10), dpi=100) rplt.hist(unfolding.truth, label=r'truth', stacked=False) rplt.hist(unfolding.measured, label=r'measured', stacked=False) rplt.errorbar(unfolding.unfolded_closure, label='unfolded') plt.xlabel('$E_{\mathrm{T}}^{miss}$') plt.ylabel('Events') plt.title('Unfolding closure test') plt.legend() plt.savefig('Unfolding_' + unfolding.method + '_closureTest.png')
def _plot_x_projection(hist_2D, yrange_px, lable, ax, lns, exclude_peak, plot_fit, dphi_extra): #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() sub_px = extract_yield(hist_2D, exclude_peak)[0] sub_px.set_title(lable) if dphi_extra: dphi_extra.color = plt.rcParams.get('axes.color_cycle')[-1] lns.append(rplt.errorbar(dphi_extra, xerr=False, label=dphi_extra.title, marker='s', markersize=3)) lower = dphi_extra.FindBin(pi/2) upper = dphi_extra.FindBin(3*pi/2) x = list(dphi_extra.x())[lower-1:upper] # index != bin y1 = list(dphi_extra.y())[lower-1:upper] y2 = list(sub_px.y())[lower-1:upper] plt.fill_between(x, y1, y2, color='grey', alpha='0.5') diff_hist = asrootpy(sub_px - dphi_extra) err = Double() ryield = diff_hist.IntegralAndError(lower, upper, err, 'width') print 'excess ridge yield per rad: ', ryield, err lns.append(rplt.errorbar(sub_px, xerr=False, marker='d', markersize=4)) if plot_fit: s_cos = sub_px.GetFunction("cos") d_cos = sub_px.GetFunction("double_cos") if False: print 'Fit parameters:' print 'single cosine: ', s_cos.GetExpFormula() print 'normalized chi^2: ', s_cos.GetChisquare() / s_cos.GetNDF() print 'Parameters: ', s_cos.GetParameter(0), s_cos.GetParameter(1) print 'double cosine: ', d_cos.GetExpFormula() print 'normalized chi^2: ', d_cos.GetChisquare() / d_cos.GetNDF() print 'Parameters: ', d_cos.GetParameter(0), d_cos.GetParameter(1) xs = np.arange(list(sub_px.x())[0], list(sub_px.x())[-1], 0.05) lns.append( plt.plot(xs, [s_cos.Eval(x) for x in xs], label='single cosing',)[0]) lns.append( plt.plot(xs, [d_cos.Eval(x) for x in xs], label='double cosine')[0]) ax.set_ylabel( r'$\frac{1}{N_{tr}}\frac{dN_{as}}{d\Delta \varphi}$' '[rad$^{-1}$]') ax.yaxis.labelpad = -0 if isinstance(yrange_px, (list, tuple)): ax.set_ylim(yrange_px) else: ax.set_ylim(0.985*min(sub_px.y()), 1.015*max(sub_px.y()))
def make_control_region_data_mc_comparision(histograms, histogram_name, variable, x_label=r'$m(\mathrm{t}\bar{\mathrm{t}})$ [GeV]', x_min=300, x_max=1800, y_label='Events/50 GeV'): qcd = histograms['QCD'][histogram_name] ttjet = histograms['TTJet'][histogram_name] wjets = histograms['WJets'][histogram_name] zjets = histograms['ZJets'][histogram_name] single_top = histograms['SingleTop'][histogram_name] other = ttjet + wjets + zjets + single_top data = histograms['data'][histogram_name] data.SetMarkerSize(3) qcd.SetTitle('QCD from data') other.SetTitle('Combined other background') data.SetTitle('Data') qcd.fillcolor = 'yellow' other.fillcolor = 'red' qcd.fillstyle = 'solid' other.fillstyle = 'solid' stack = HistStack() stack.Add(other) stack.Add(qcd) # plot with matplotlib plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12), dpi=200, facecolor='white') axes = plt.axes() rplt.hist(stack, stacked=True, axes=axes) rplt.errorbar(data, xerr=False, emptybins=False, axes=axes) plt.xlabel(x_label, CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel(y_label, CMS.y_axis_title) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) plt.title(get_title(variable), CMS.title) plt.legend(numpoints=1, loc='upper right', prop=CMS.legend_properties) axes.set_xlim(xmin=x_min, xmax=x_max) axes.set_ylim(ymin=0) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(variable + '.png') plt.savefig(variable + '.pdf')
def draw_shape(f, samples, hn, **kwargs): rebin = kwargs.get("rebin", 1) hs = [] for s in samples: h = f.get(s[0] + hn).Clone() h.Scale(1.0 / h.Integral()) h.rebin(rebin) h.title = s[1] hs += [h] coloriter = iter(,1,len(hs)))) for h in hs: h.color = next(coloriter) errorbar(h) plt.legend() for h in hs: hist(h, lw=1, ls="-")
def plot_central_and_systematics_matplotlib(channel, systematics, exclude=[], suffix='altogether'): global variable, variables_latex_matplotlib, k_value, b_tag_bin plt.figure(figsize=(14, 10), dpi=200, facecolor='white') axes = plt.axes() axes.minorticks_on() hist_data_central = read_xsection_measurement_results('central', channel)[0]['unfolded'] hist_data_central.markersize = 2#points. Imagine, tangible units! hist_data_central.marker = 'o' plt.xlabel('$%s$ [GeV]' % variables_latex_matplotlib[variable], CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel(r'$\frac{1}{\sigma} \times \frac{d\sigma}{d' + variables_latex_matplotlib[variable] + '} \left[\mathrm{GeV}^{-1}\\right]$', CMS.y_axis_title) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) rplt.errorbar(hist_data_central, axes=axes, label='data',xerr=True) for systematic in systematics: if systematic in exclude or systematic == 'central': continue hist_data_systematic = read_xsection_measurement_results(systematic, channel)[0]['unfolded'] hist_data_systematic.markersize = 2 hist_data_systematic.marker = 'o' colour_number = systematics.index(systematic)+1 if colour_number == 10: colour_number = 42 hist_data_systematic.SetMarkerColor(colour_number) rplt.errorbar(hist_data_systematic, axes=axes, label=systematic.replace('_',' '), xerr=False) plt.legend(numpoints=1, loc='upper right', prop={'size': 24}, ncol = 2) plt.title(get_cms_labels_matplotlib(channel), CMS.title) plt.tight_layout() path = output_folder + str(measurement_config.centre_of_mass) + 'TeV/' + variable make_folder_if_not_exists(path) for output_format in output_formats: plt.savefig(path + '/normalised_xsection_' + channel + '_' + suffix + '_kv' + str(k_value) + '.' + output_format)
def draw_pair(constructed, real, systematic): fig = plt.figure(figsize=CMS.figsize, dpi=CMS.dpi, facecolor=CMS.facecolor) axes = plt.axes([0.15, 0.15, 0.8, 0.8]) axes.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) axes.yaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) axes.tick_params(which='major', labelsize=15, length=8) axes.tick_params(which='minor', length=4) axes.set_xlim(xmin=0, xmax=250) constructed.markersize=1.2 constructed.markercolor = 'green' constructed.linecolor = 'green' real.linecolor = 'red' constructed.SetTitle('constructed') real.SetTitle('real') rplt.errorbar(constructed, xerr=False, emptybins=False, axes=axes) rplt.hist(real) plt.xlabel('MET [GeV]', CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel('normalised to unit area', CMS.y_axis_title) plt.legend(numpoints=1, prop=CMS.legend_properties) plt.savefig('validation_' + systematic + '.png')
def draw_result( result, axes ): graph = result['unfolded'] graph_with_systematics = result['unfolded_with_systematics'] madgraph = result['MADGRAPH'] powheg = result['POWHEG'] mcatnlo = result['MCATNLO'] # styles graph.markersize = 2 graph.marker = 'o' graph_with_systematics.markersize = 2 graph_with_systematics.marker = 'o' powheg.linestyle = 'longdashdot' powheg.SetLineColor( kBlue ) madgraph.linestyle = 'solid' madgraph.SetLineColor( kRed + 1 ) mcatnlo.linestyle = 'dotted' mcatnlo.SetLineColor( kMagenta + 3 ) rplt.errorbar( graph, xerr = None, emptybins = False, axes = axes, elinewidth = 2, capsize = 10, capthick = 2, zorder = 6) rplt.errorbar( graph_with_systematics, xerr = None, emptybins = False, axes = axes, elinewidth = 2, capsize = 0, zorder = 5, label = 'unfolded data') rplt.hist( madgraph, axes = axes, label = 'MADGRAPH', zorder = 1 ) rplt.hist( powheg, axes = axes, label = 'POWHEG', zorder = 2 ) rplt.hist( mcatnlo, axes = axes, label = 'MCATNLO', zorder = 3 )
def plot_h_pull(h_pull, stats = 19596500, name = 'pull_test'): h_pull.Fit('gaus', 'WWSQ') fit_pull = h_pull.GetFunction('gaus') mean = (fit_pull.GetParameter(1), fit_pull.GetParError(1)) sigma = (fit_pull.GetParameter(2), fit_pull.GetParError(2)) print 'Fit data for "' + name + '"' print 'A:', fit_pull.GetParameter(0), '+-', fit_pull.GetParError(0) print 'mean:', fit_pull.GetParameter(1), '+-', fit_pull.GetParError(1) print 'sigma:', fit_pull.GetParameter(2), '+-', fit_pull.GetParError(2) plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16), dpi=200, facecolor='white') axes = plt.axes() h_pull.SetMarkerSize(CMS.data_marker_size) rplt.errorbar(h_pull, xerr=True, emptybins=True, axes=axes) x = numpy.linspace(fit_pull.GetXmin(), fit_pull.GetXmax(), fit_pull.GetNpx()*4)#*4 for a very smooth curve function_data = frompyfunc(fit_pull.Eval, 1, 1) plot(x, function_data(x), axes=axes, color='red', linewidth=2) plt.xlabel('$\\frac{\mathrm{unfolded} - \mathrm{true}}{\sigma}$', CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel('number of toy experiments', CMS.y_axis_title) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) plt.title('Pull distribution for SVD unfolding', CMS.title) text = 'entries = %d \n mean = $%.2f \pm %.2f$ \n $\sigma = %.2f \pm %.2f$' % (stats, mean[0], mean[1], sigma[0], sigma[1]) axes.text(0.6, 0.8, text, verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='left', transform=axes.transAxes, color='black', fontsize=40, bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='none', alpha=0.5)) plt.tight_layout() save_folder = 'plots/' save_as = ['png', 'pdf'] for save in save_as: plt.savefig(save_folder + name + '.' + save)
def trigger_turn_on_curves_half1(): mod_hists = parsed_linear[0] print(mod_hists.keys()) colors = ["#999999", 'red', "#f781bf", "#a65628", "#99cc00", "#ff7f00", "#984ea3", "#4daf4a", "#377eb8", "#e41a1c",'#8da0cb', '#66c2a5', '#fc8d62'][:7] labels = [ '$ p_T^{\mathrm{Gen}} \in$ [15,30] GeV', '$ p_T^{\mathrm{Gen}} \in$ [30,50] GeV', '$ p_T^{\mathrm{Gen}} \in$ [50,80] GeV', '$ p_T^{\mathrm{Gen}} \in$ [80,120] GeV', '$ p_T^{\mathrm{Gen}} \in$ [120,170] GeV', '$ p_T^{\mathrm{Gen}} \in$ [170,300] GeV', '$ p_T^{\mathrm{Gen}} \in$ [300,470] GeV', '$ p_T^{\mathrm{Gen}} \in$ [470,600] GeV', '$ p_T^{\mathrm{Gen}} \in$ [600,800] GeV', '$ p_T^{\mathrm{Gen}} \in$ [800,1000] GeV', '$ p_T^{\mathrm{Gen}} \in$ [1000,1400] GeV', '$ p_T^{\mathrm{Gen}} \in$ [1400,1800] GeV', '$ p_T^{\mathrm{Gen}} \ge$ 1800 GeV'][:7] hist_labels = ['QCD_Pt-15to30_TuneZ2_7TeV_pythia6', 'QCD_Pt-30to50_TuneZ2_7TeV_pythia6', 'QCD_Pt-50to80_TuneZ2_7TeV_pythia6', 'QCD_Pt-80to120_TuneZ2_7TeV_pythia6', 'QCD_Pt-120to170_TuneZ2_7TeV_pythia6', 'QCD_Pt-170to300_TuneZ2_7TeV_pythia6', 'QCD_Pt-300to470_TuneZ2_7TeV_pythia6', 'QCD_Pt-470to600_TuneZ2_7TeV_pythia6', 'QCD_Pt-600to800_TuneZ2_7TeV_pythia6', 'QCD_Pt-800to1000_TuneZ2_7TeV_pythia6', 'QCD_Pt-1000to1400_TuneZ2_7TeV_pythia6', 'QCD_Pt-1400to1800_TuneZ2_7TeV_pythia6', 'QCD_Pt-1800_TuneZ2_7TeV_pythia6'][:7] colors.reverse() labels.reverse() hist_labels.reverse() print(len(colors), len(labels), len(hist_labels)) for i in range( len(hist_labels)): hist = normalize_hist( mod_hists[hist_labels[i]].hist() ) print(hist_labels[i]) #hist = mod_hists[hist_labels[i]].hist() n_bins = hist.nbins() #print(n_bins) # Loop through those bins. for j in range(n_bins): current_bin_x = hist.GetBinCenter(j) current_bin_y = hist.GetBinContent(j), #print(current_bin_x, current_bin_y) """ if current_bin_x < lower_pTs[i]: hist.SetBinContent(j, 0.) """ hist.SetColor(colors[i]) hist.SetTitle(labels[i]) rplt.errorbar(hist, zorder=range(len(hist_labels))[len(hist_labels) - i - 1], emptybins=False, xerr=1, yerr=1, ls='None', marker='o', markersize=10, pickradius=8, capthick=5, capsize=8, elinewidth=5, alpha=1.0) print(i) extra = Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc="w", fill=False, edgecolor='none', linewidth=0) handles = [extra] labels = ["Pythia 6 Tune Z2 (Simulated) \n" + "AK5; $\left| \eta \\right| < 2.4$"] info_legend = plt.gca().legend(handles, labels, loc=7, frameon=0, borderpad=0.1, fontsize=59, bbox_to_anchor=[0.52, 0.9]) plt.gca().add_artist(info_legend) plt.gca().set_xlabel("Hardest Jet $p_T$ [GeV]", fontsize=80, labelpad=50) plt.gca().set_ylabel("Cross Section [pb] ", fontsize=80, labelpad=25) plt.gca().add_artist(logo_box(0.12, 0.985)) plt.gca().xaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(10)) plt.gca().set_yscale('log') handles, labels = plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels() legend = plt.legend(handles[::-1], labels[::-1], frameon=0, fontsize=55, bbox_to_anchor=[0.99, 0.99]) ax = plt.gca().add_artist(legend) outside_text = plt.gca().legend( [extra], ["CMS 2011 Open Data"], frameon=0, borderpad=0, fontsize=55, bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.005), loc='lower right') plt.gca().add_artist(outside_text) plt.autoscale() plt.gca().set_ylim(1e-3, 1e9) plt.gca().set_xlim(0, 700) plt.tick_params(which='major', width=5, length=25, labelsize=70) plt.tick_params(which='minor', width=3, length=15) plt.gcf().set_size_inches(30, 30, forward=1) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(default_dir + "qcd_all_datasets_hardest_pT_half1.pdf") plt.clf()
def drawWithErrors2Combined(h, h_sys, h2, h2_sys, xlow, xhigh, logx, ylow, yhigh, ylog, xTitle, yTitle, title, comment, file, iS, ij, **kwargs): print("DrawWithErrors2Combined") ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlim([xlow, xhigh]) ax.set_ylim([ylow, yhigh]) ax.set_xlabel(xTitle, fontsize=labelsize) #Add x-axis labels for bottom row ax.set_ylabel(yTitle, fontsize=labelsize) #Add x-axis labels for bottom row h.SetMarkerColor('black') h.SetLineColor('black') if ('pythiaW' in kwargs): pythiaW = kwargs.get('pythiaW') for x, c, l in zip(pythiaW, ("black", "red", "blue", "green"), ('-', '--', '-.', ':')): hPythiaW = x[0] hPythiaW.SetMarkerColor(c) hPythiaW.SetLineColor(c) hPythiaW.SetMarkerStyle(25) print(x[1]) plot = rplt.errorbar(hPythiaW, xerr=False, yerr=False, emptybins=False, fillstyle='none', axes=ax) line1, = plt.plot([1, 2, 3], label=x[1], linestyle=l, color=c) line = plot.get_children()[0] line.set_markerfacecolor('none') line.set_markeredgecolor('none') line.set_drawstyle('default') line.set_linestyle(l) line.set_color(c) if ('pythiaN' in kwargs): pythiaN = kwargs.get('pythiaN') for x, c, l in zip(pythiaN, ("black", "red", "blue", "green"), ('-', '--', '-.', ':')): hPythiaN = x[0] hPythiaN.SetMarkerColor(c) hPythiaN.SetLineColor(c) hPythiaN.SetMarkerStyle(24) plot = rplt.errorbar(hPythiaN, xerr=False, yerr=False, emptybins=False, fillstyle='none', axes=ax, label="_{}".format(x[1])) line = plot.get_children()[0] line.set_markerfacecolor('none') line.set_markeredgecolor('none') line.set_drawstyle('default') line.set_linestyle(l) line.set_color(c) if ('pythiaN' in kwargs): h2.SetMarkerColor('red') h2.SetLineColor('red') h2.SetMarkerStyle(25) h.SetMarkerStyle(24) plot1 = rplt.errorbar(h2, xerr=False, emptybins=False, axes=ax, label='ALICE wide') plot2 = rplt.errorbar(h, xerr=False, emptybins=False, axes=ax, label='ALICE Narrow') line = plot1.get_children()[0] #line.set_markerfacecolor('none') line.set_markeredgecolor('red') line = plot2.get_children()[0] #line.set_markerfacecolor('none') line.set_markeredgecolor('black') elif ('jussiW' in kwargs): h2.SetMarkerColor('red') h2.SetLineColor('red') h2.SetMarkerStyle(25) h.SetMarkerStyle(24) plot1 = rplt.errorbar(h2, xerr=False, emptybins=False, axes=ax, label=r'Jet $j_\mathrm{T}$ Wide') plot2 = rplt.errorbar(h, xerr=False, emptybins=False, axes=ax, label=r'Jet $j_\mathrm{T}$ Narrow') line = plot1.get_children()[0] #line.set_markerfacecolor('none') line.set_markeredgecolor('red') line = plot2.get_children()[0] #line.set_markerfacecolor('none') line.set_markeredgecolor('black') else: h2.SetMarkerColor('red') h2.SetLineColor('red') h2.SetMarkerStyle(25) h.SetMarkerStyle(24) plot1 = rplt.errorbar(h2, xerr=False, emptybins=False, axes=ax, label='Wide') plot2 = rplt.errorbar(h, xerr=False, emptybins=False, axes=ax, label='Narrow') line = plot1.get_children()[0] #line.set_markerfacecolor('none') line.set_markeredgecolor('red') line = plot2.get_children()[0] #line.set_markerfacecolor('none') line.set_markeredgecolor('black') if ('jussiW' in kwargs): hJussiW = kwargs.get('jussiW') hJussiW.SetMarkerColor('red') hJussiW.SetLineColor('red') hJussiW.SetMarkerStyle(25) plot = rplt.errorbar(hJussiW, xerr=False, emptybins=False, fillstyle='none', axes=ax, label=r'Dihadron $j_\mathrm{T}$ Wide') line = plot.get_children()[0] line.set_markerfacecolor('none') line.set_markeredgecolor('red') if ('jussiN' in kwargs): hJussiN = kwargs.get('jussiN') hJussiN.SetMarkerColor('black') hJussiN.SetLineColor('black') hJussiN.SetMarkerStyle(24) plot = rplt.errorbar(hJussiN, xerr=False, emptybins=False, fillstyle='none', axes=ax, label=r'Dihadron $j_\mathrm{T}$ Narrow') line = plot.get_children()[0] line.set_markerfacecolor('none') line.set_markeredgecolor('black') print("Errorboxes") errorboxes = [] n = h_sys.GetN() xs = h_sys.GetX() ys = h_sys.GetY() xerrs = h_sys.GetEX() yerrs = h_sys.GetEY() for x in (xs, ys, xerrs, yerrs): x.SetSize(n) yeC = kwargs.get('narrowE', 0) for x, y, xe, ye in zip(xs, ys, xerrs, yerrs): if (yeC > 0): ye2 = yeC * y ye = math.sqrt(ye**2 + ye2**2) rect = Rectangle((x - boxwidth, y - ye), boxwidth * 2, ye * 2) errorboxes.append(rect) errorboxes2 = [] n = h2_sys.GetN() xs = h2_sys.GetX() ys = h2_sys.GetY() xerrs = h2_sys.GetEX() yerrs = h2_sys.GetEY() for x in (xs, ys, xerrs, yerrs): x.SetSize(n) yeC = kwargs.get('wideE', 0) for x, y, xe, ye in zip(xs, ys, xerrs, yerrs): if (yeC > 0): ye2 = yeC * y ye = math.sqrt(ye**2 + ye2**2) rect = Rectangle((x - boxwidth, y - ye), boxwidth * 2, ye * 2) errorboxes2.append(rect) pc = PatchCollection(errorboxes, facecolor='0.65', alpha=0.6, edgecolor='None') ax.add_collection(pc) pc2 = PatchCollection(errorboxes2, facecolor='0.65', alpha=0.6, edgecolor='None') ax.add_collection(pc2) print("({} - {})/9.0 + {} is {}".format(yhigh, ylow, ylow, (yhigh - ylow) / 9.0 + ylow)) if ('titleLoc' in kwargs): x_tit, y_tit = kwargs.get('titleLoc') ax.text(x_tit, y_tit, title + '\n' + d['system'] + '\n' + d['jettype'] + '\n' + d['jetalg'] + '\n' + d['cut'], fontsize=10) else: if ('jussiW' not in kwargs): ax.text((xhigh - xlow) * 0.1 + xlow, 4 * (yhigh - ylow) / 5.0 + ylow, d['system'] + '\n' + d['jettype'] + '\n' + d['jetalg'] + '\n' + d['cut'], fontsize=10) else: ax.text((xhigh - xlow) * 0.1 + xlow, 4 * (yhigh - ylow) / 5.0 + ylow, d['system'] + '\n' + d['jettype'] + '\n' + d['jetalg'] + '\n' + d['cut'], fontsize=10) handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() handles = [ container.ErrorbarContainer(h, has_xerr=False, has_yerr=True) if isinstance(h, container.ErrorbarContainer) else h for h in handles ] #ax.legend(handles,labels,loc = 'lower left',numpoints=1) if (len(labels) > 4): ax.legend(np.delete(handles, 4), np.delete(labels, 4), loc='upper left') ax.text((xhigh - xlow) * 0.09 + xlow, 0.57 * (yhigh - ylow) + ylow, "ALICE", weight='bold') else: ax.legend(handles, labels, loc='upper right') if (len(labels) > 2): ax.text((xhigh - xlow) * 0.770 + xlow, 0.66 * (yhigh - ylow) + ylow, "ALICE", weight='bold') else: ax.text((xhigh - xlow) * 0.770 + xlow, 0.80 * (yhigh - ylow) + ylow, "ALICE", weight='bold') #ax.legend(loc = 'upper left') ax.set_xlim([xlow, xhigh]) ax.set_ylim([ylow, yhigh]) ax.tick_params(which='both', direction='in') #Move ticks from outside to inside plt.savefig("{}.pdf".format(file), format='pdf') #Save figure #Draw figure on screen
bins = array('d', [0, 25, 45, 70, 100, 1000]) h_data = Hist(bins.tolist()) h_data.SetBinContent(1, 2146) h_data.SetBinError(1, 145) h_data.SetBinContent(2, 3399) h_data.SetBinError(2, 254) h_data.SetBinContent(3, 3723) h_data.SetBinError(3, 69) h_data.SetBinContent(4, 2256) h_data.SetBinError(4, 53) h_data.SetBinContent(5, 1722) h_data.SetBinError(5, 91) h_data.SetTitle('input distribution') h_new = generate_toy_MC_from_distribution(h_data) h_new.SetTitle('toy MC') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10), dpi=100, facecolor='white') axes = plt.axes([0.15, 0.15, 0.8, 0.8]) axes.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) axes.yaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) axes.tick_params(which='major', labelsize=15, length=8) axes.tick_params(which='minor', length=4) rplt.hist(h_new, axes=axes) rplt.errorbar(h_data, emptybins=False, axes=axes) plt.xlabel('Mass', position=(1., 0.), ha='right') plt.ylabel('Events', position=(0., 1.), va='top') plt.legend(numpoints=1) plt.savefig('toy_MC_test.png') print list( h_data.y() ) print list( h_new.y() )
def draw_data_mc(tf_prefit, tf_postfit, channel, hname, processes, signal_processes, **kwargs): # name (string) of the data process. # Example: "data" (real data), "data_obs" (fake data) #must exist in the input file dataname = kwargs.get("dataname", "data_obs") xlabel = kwargs.get("xlabel", escape_string(hname)) xunit = kwargs.get("xunit", "") ylabel = kwargs.get("ylabel", "auto") rebin = kwargs.get("rebin", 1) title_extended = kwargs.get("title_extended", "") #legend properties do_legend = kwargs.get("do_legend", True) legend_loc = kwargs.get("legend_loc", (1.1, 0.25)) legend_fontsize = kwargs.get("legend_fontsize", 15) #Dictionary of sample (string) -> color (tuple of floats) to use as colors #or "auto" to generate a sequence of colors colors = kwargs.get("colors", "auto") #True if you want to put the contents of the overflow bin into the last #visible bin of the histogram, False otherwise show_overflow = kwargs.get("show_overflow", False) #function f: TH1D -> TH1D to apply on data to blind it. blindFunc = kwargs.get("blindFunc", None) #array of up-down pairs for systematic names to use for the systematic band, #e.g.[("_CMS_scale_jUp", "_CMS_scale_jDown")] systematics = kwargs.get("systematics", []) print "..." histograms_nominal_prefit = getHistogramsPrefit(tf_prefit, processes, hname, channel) print histograms_nominal_prefit x_min = histograms_nominal_prefit["ttbarOther"].GetXaxis().GetXmin() x_max = histograms_nominal_prefit["ttbarOther"].GetXaxis().GetXmax() #"NONE/shapes_fit_s/s53_BDT_common5_input_all_sum_pt_with_met/ttbarOther histograms_nominal_postfit = getHistogramsPostfit(tf_postfit, processes, hname, channel, x_min, x_max) if len(histograms_nominal_prefit) == 0: raise KeyError("did not find any histograms for MC") histograms_systematic = OrderedDict() #get the systematically variated histograms for systUp, systDown in systematics: histograms_systematic[systUp] = getHistograms(tf, processes, hname + systUp) histograms_systematic[systDown] = getHistograms( tf, processes, hname + systDown) if len(histograms_systematic[systUp]) == 0 or len( histograms_systematic[systDown]) == 0: print "Could not read histograms for {0}".format(hname + systUp) processes_d = dict(processes) counts = {} for histo_dict in [histograms_nominal_prefit, histograms_nominal_postfit ] + histograms_systematic.values(): for (proc, h) in histo_dict.items(): h.title = processes_d[proc] + " ({0:.1f})".format(h.Integral()) counts[proc] = h.Integral() h.rebin(rebin) if show_overflow: fill_overflow(h) c = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 10)) #Create top panel a1 = plt.axes([0.0, 0.6, 1.0, 0.35]) #c.suptitle(r"$\textbf{CMS}$ preliminary $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV"+title_extended, # y=1.02, x=0.02, # horizontalalignment="left", verticalalignment="bottom", fontsize=16 #) stacked_hists = mc_stack(histograms_nominal_prefit.values(), histograms_systematic, systematics, colors=colors) histogram_total_mc = sum(histograms_nominal_prefit.values()) histogram_total_mc_postfit = sum(histograms_nominal_postfit.values()) #Create the normalized signal shape #histogram_signal = sum([histograms_nominal_prefit[sig] for sig in signal_processes]) #hsig.Rebin(2) #if histogram_signal.Integral()>0: # histogram_signal.Scale(0.2 * histogram_total_mc.Integral() / histogram_signal.Integral()) #histogram_signal.title = processes[0][1] + " norm" #histogram_signal.linewidth=2 #histogram_signal.fillstyle = None #draw the signal shape #hist([histogram_signal]) histogram_total_mc.title = "pseudodata" histogram_total_mc.color = "black" histogram_total_bkg = sum([ histograms_nominal_prefit[k] for k in histograms_nominal_prefit.keys() if k not in signal_processes ]) #Get the data histogram data = None if dataname != "": # SL # input #data = tf_prefit.get(dataname + "_inputVar_" + channel + "_" + hname) # final disc #data = tf_prefit.get(dataname + "_" + hname + "_" + channel) # DL data = tf_prefit.get(channel + "_" + hname + "/" + dataname) data.rebin(rebin) if blindFunc: data = blindFunc(data) if show_overflow: fill_overflow(data) data.title = "data ({0:.2f})".format(data.Integral()) #set data error to 0 in case no data (FIXME) for ibin in range(data.GetNbinsX()): if data.GetBinContent(ibin) == 0: data.SetBinError(ibin, 1) errorbar(data) if do_legend: #create nice filled legend patches for all the processes patches = [] if data: dataline = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='black', marker='o', label=data.title) patches += [dataline] for (line1, line2), h in zip(stacked_hists["hists"], histograms_nominal_prefit.values()): patch = mpatches.Patch(color=line1.get_color(), label=h.title) patches += [patch] #patches += [mpatches.Patch(facecolor="none", edgecolor="black", label="stat", hatch="////////")] #patches += [mpatches.Patch(facecolor="none", edgecolor="gray", label="stat+syst", hatch=r"\\\\")] plt.legend(handles=patches, loc=legend_loc, numpoints=1, prop={'size': legend_fontsize}, ncol=2, frameon=False) #create an automatic bin width label on the y axis if ylabel == "auto": ylabel = "events" # / {0:.2f} {1}".format(histogram_signal.get_bin_width(1), xunit) plt.ylabel(ylabel) #hide x ticks on main panel ticks = a1.get_xticks() a1.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) a1.set_ylim(bottom=0, top=1.1 * a1.get_ylim()[1]) a1.grid(zorder=100000) plt.figtext(.73, .915, "Pre-Fit", fontsize=25) a3 = a1 plt.figtext(.73, 0.515, "Post-Fit", fontsize=25) a3 = plt.axes([0.0, 0.20, 1.0, 0.35], sharex=a1) stacked_hists = mc_stack(histograms_nominal_postfit.values(), histograms_systematic, systematics, colors=colors) #Get the data histogram data = None if dataname != "": # SL #input #data = tf_prefit.get(dataname + "_inputVar_" + channel + "_" + hname) # final disc #data = tf_prefit.get(dataname + "_" + hname + "_" + channel) # DL data = tf_prefit.get(channel + "_" + hname + "/" + dataname) data.rebin(rebin) if blindFunc: data = blindFunc(data) if show_overflow: fill_overflow(data) data.title = "data ({0:.2f})".format(data.Integral()) #set data error to 0 in case no data (FIXME) for ibin in range(data.GetNbinsX()): if data.GetBinContent(ibin) == 0: data.SetBinError(ibin, 1) errorbar(data) #create an automatic bin width label on the y axis if ylabel == "auto": ylabel = "events / {0:.2f} {1}".format( histogram_signal.get_bin_width(1), xunit) plt.ylabel(ylabel) if do_legend: #create nice filled legend patches for all the processes patches = [] if data: dataline = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='black', marker='o', label=data.title) patches += [dataline] for (line1, line2), h in zip(stacked_hists["hists"], histograms_nominal_postfit.values()): patch = mpatches.Patch(color=line1.get_color(), label=h.title) patches += [patch] #patches += [mpatches.Patch(facecolor="none", edgecolor="black", label="stat", hatch="////////")] #patches += [mpatches.Patch(facecolor="none", edgecolor="gray", label="stat+syst", hatch=r"\\\\")] plt.legend(handles=patches, loc=legend_loc, numpoints=1, prop={'size': legend_fontsize}, ncol=2, frameon=False) ticks = a3.get_xticks() a3.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) a3.grid(zorder=100000) #do ratio panel if data: a2 = plt.axes([0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.15], ) a2.set_autoscale_on(False) a2.set_xlim(-0.7, 0.8) a2.set_xbound(-0.7, 0.8) plt.xlabel(xlabel) a2.grid() data_ratio = data.Clone() data_ratio.Divide(histogram_total_mc) data_ratio_postfit = data.Clone() data_ratio_postfit.Divide(histogram_total_mc_postfit) #In case MC was empty, set data/mc ratio to 0 for ibin in range(data_ratio.GetNbinsX()): bc = histogram_total_mc.GetBinContent(ibin) if bc == 0: data_ratio.SetBinContent(ibin, 0) # #create also the variated band # bg_unc_u = stacked_hists["tot_u"] # bg_unc_d = stacked_hists["tot_d"] # # bg_unc_u.Divide(stacked_hists["tot"]) # bg_unc_d.Divide(stacked_hists["tot"]) # # bg_unc_usyst = stacked_hists["tot_usyst"] # bg_unc_dsyst = stacked_hists["tot_dsyst"] # # bg_unc_usyst.Divide(stacked_hists["tot"]) # bg_unc_dsyst.Divide(stacked_hists["tot"]) #blind the data also on the ratio if blindFunc: data_ratio = blindFunc(data_ratio) errorbar(data_ratio) errorbar(data_ratio_postfit, ecolor='red', c='red', markeredgecolor='red', color='red', markerfacecolor='red') # fill_between( # bg_unc_u, bg_unc_d, # color="black", hatch="////////", # alpha=1.0, linewidth=0, facecolor="none", edgecolor="black", zorder=10, # ) # # fill_between( # bg_unc_usyst, bg_unc_dsyst, # color="gray", hatch=r"\\\\", # alpha=1.0, linewidth=0, facecolor="none", edgecolor="gray", zorder=10, # ) # plt.title("data={0:.1f} pre-fit={1:.1f} post-fit={1:.1f}".format( # data.Integral(), # histogram_total_mc.Integral(), # histogram_total_mc_postfit.Integral() # ), x=1.1, y=0.8, fontsize=14, horizontalalignment="left" # ) plt.figtext(1.55, 0.095, "Data = {0:.1f}".format(data.Integral(), ), fontsize=14, horizontalalignment="left") plt.figtext(1.55, 0.07, "Pre-fit = {0:.1f}".format( histogram_total_mc.Integral(), ), fontsize=14, horizontalalignment="left") plt.figtext(1.55, 0.045, "Post-fit = {0:.1f}".format( histogram_total_mc_postfit.Integral()), fontsize=14, horizontalalignment="left") plt.ylabel(r"$\frac{\mathrm{data}}{\mathrm{pred.}}$", fontsize=32) plt.axhline(1.0, color="black") a2.set_ylim(0.5, 1.5) #hide last tick on ratio y axes a2.set_yticks(a2.get_yticks()[:-1]) #a2.set_xticks(0) ticks = a2.get_xticks() #a2.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) if do_legend: #create nice filled legend patches for all the processes line_prefit = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='black', marker='o', label="data/pre-fit") line_postfit = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='red', marker='o', label="data/post-fit") patches = [line_prefit, line_postfit] plt.legend(handles=patches, loc=legend_loc, numpoints=1, prop={'size': legend_fontsize}, ncol=1, frameon=False)
def make_jet_response_comparison_plot(input_files, response): global output_folder, output_formats, suffix if not '_prof' in response: print 'Can\'t make comparison scatter plots!' return jet_responses = {} for jet_response_name, file_name in input_files.iteritems(): jet_responses.update( {jet_response_name: asrootpy(file_name.Get(response))}) x_limits = [0, 200] y_limits = [0.7, 1.3] if '_eta' in response: x_limits = [-3, 3] x_title = '$\eta$(reco jet)' else: x_title = '$p_{\mathrm{T}}$(reco jet) [GeV]' y_title = '$p_{\mathrm{T}}$(reco jet)/$p_{\mathrm{T}}$(HLT jet)' save_as_name = response plt.figure(figsize=(20, 16), dpi=200, facecolor='white') ax0 = plt.axes() ax0.minorticks_on() ax0.grid(True, 'major', linewidth=2) ax0.grid(True, 'minor') plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) ax0.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%d')) ax0.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.1f')) ax0.xaxis.labelpad = 12 ax0.yaxis.labelpad = 12 jet_response_name_list = [] marker_face_colours = { 0: 'black', 1: 'red', 2: 'blue', 3: 'none', 4: 'yellow' } marker_edge_colours = { 0: 'black', 1: 'red', 2: 'blue', 3: 'green', 4: 'yellow' } markers = {0: 'o', 1: 'v', 2: '^', 3: 's', 4: '*'} fill_styles = {0: 'full', 1: 'full', 2: 'full', 3: 'none', 4: 'full'} counter = 0 for jet_response_name, jet_response in sorted(jet_responses.iteritems()): rplt.errorbar(jet_response, xerr=None, emptybins=True, axes=ax0, marker=markers[counter], fillstyle=fill_styles[counter], markerfacecolor=marker_face_colours[counter], markeredgecolor=marker_edge_colours[counter], ecolor=marker_edge_colours[counter], ms=15, mew=3, lw=2) jet_response_name_list.append(jet_response_name) counter += 1 ax0.set_xlim(x_limits) ax0.set_ylim(y_limits) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) plt.xlabel(x_title, CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel(y_title, CMS.y_axis_title) plt.title(r'e+jets, CMS Preliminary, $\sqrt{s}$ = 8 TeV', CMS.title) plt.legend(jet_response_name_list, numpoints=1, loc='lower right', prop=CMS.legend_properties) plt.tight_layout() for output_format in output_formats: plt.savefig(output_folder + save_as_name + '_' + suffix + '.' + output_format)
ax0 = plt.axes() ax0.minorticks_on() ax0.grid(True, 'major', linewidth=2) ax0.grid(True, 'minor') plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) ax0.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%d')) ax0.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.1f')) ax0.xaxis.labelpad = 11 #ax0.yaxis.labelpad = 20 rplt.errorbar(plot_efficiency, xerr=True, emptybins=True, axes=ax0, marker='o', ms=15, mew=3, lw=2) ax0.set_xlim(x_limits) ax0.set_ylim([0.0, 1.1]) #add fits x = numpy.linspace(fit_data.GetXmin(), fit_data.GetXmax(), fit_data.GetNpx()) function_data = frompyfunc(fit_data.Eval, 1, 1) plot(x, function_data(x), axes=ax0, color='red', linewidth=2) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor)
def plot_central_and_systematics( channel, systematics, exclude = [], suffix = 'altogether' ): global variable, b_tag_bin, met_type plt.figure( figsize = ( 16, 16 ), dpi = 200, facecolor = 'white' ) axes = plt.axes() if not variable in ['NJets']: axes.minorticks_on() hist_data_central = read_xsection_measurement_results( 'central', channel )[0]['unfolded_with_systematics'] hist_data_central.markersize = 2 # points. Imagine, tangible units! hist_data_central.marker = 'o' if variable in ['NJets', 'abs_lepton_eta', 'lepton_eta']: plt.xlabel( '$%s$' % variables_latex[variable], CMS.x_axis_title ) plt.ylabel( r'$\frac{1}{\sigma} \frac{d\sigma}{d' + variables_latex[variable] + '}$', CMS.y_axis_title ) else: plt.xlabel( '$%s$ [GeV]' % variables_latex[variable], CMS.x_axis_title ) plt.ylabel( r'$\frac{1}{\sigma} \frac{d\sigma}{d' + variables_latex[variable] + '} \left[\mathrm{GeV}^{-1}\\right]$', CMS.y_axis_title ) plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_major ) if not variable in ['NJets']: plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_minor ) rplt.errorbar( hist_data_central, axes = axes, label = 'data', xerr = True ) for systematic in sorted( systematics ): if systematic in exclude or systematic == 'central': continue hist_data_systematic = read_xsection_measurement_results( systematic, channel )[0]['unfolded'] hist_data_systematic.markersize = 2 hist_data_systematic.marker = 'o' colour_number = systematics.index( systematic ) + 2 if colour_number == 10: colour_number = 42 hist_data_systematic.SetMarkerColor( colour_number ) if 'PDF' in systematic: rplt.errorbar( hist_data_systematic, axes = axes, label = systematic.replace( 'Weights_', ' ' ), xerr = None ) elif met_type in systematic: rplt.errorbar( hist_data_systematic, axes = axes, label = measurements_latex[systematic.replace( met_type, '' )], xerr = None ) else: rplt.errorbar( hist_data_systematic, axes = axes, label = measurements_latex[systematic], xerr = None ) plt.legend( numpoints = 1, loc = 'center right', prop = {'size':25}, ncol = 2 ) label, channel_label = get_cms_labels( channel ) plt.title( label, CMS.title ) # CMS text # note: fontweight/weight does not change anything as we use Latex text!!! plt.text(0.95, 0.95, r"\textbf{CMS}", transform=axes.transAxes, fontsize=42, verticalalignment='top',horizontalalignment='right') # channel text axes.text(0.95, 0.90, r"\emph{%s}" %channel_label, transform=axes.transAxes, fontsize=40, verticalalignment='top',horizontalalignment='right') plt.tight_layout() path = output_folder + str( measurement_config.centre_of_mass_energy ) + 'TeV/' + variable make_folder_if_not_exists( path ) for output_format in output_formats: filename = path + '/normalised_xsection_' + channel + '_' + suffix + '.' + output_format plt.savefig( filename ) plt.close() gc.collect()
def main(): parser = OptionParser(__doc__) parser.add_option( "-v", "--variable", dest="variable", default='MET', help="set the variable to analyse (MET, HT, ST, MT, WPT)") parser.add_option( "-s", "--centre-of-mass-energy", dest="CoM", default=8, help="set the centre of mass energy for analysis. Default = 8 [TeV]", type=int) parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="output_folder", default='plots/unfolding_pulls', help="output folder for unfolding pull plots") parser.add_option("-c", "--channel", type='string', dest="channel", default='combined', help="channel to be analysed: electron|muon|combined") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) == 0: print('No input files specified.') print('Run script with "-h" for usage') sys.exit(-1) files = args centre_of_mass = options.CoM variable = options.variable channel = output_folder_base = options.output_folder + '/' + \ str(centre_of_mass) + 'TeV/' + variable + '/' + channel + '/' make_folder_if_not_exists(output_folder_base) output_formats = ['pdf'] bins = array('d', bin_edges[variable]) nbins = len(bins) - 1 kValues = sorted(getkValueRange(files)) sigmaForEachK = [] tau = -1 for k in kValues: if k is 1: continue output_folder = output_folder_base + '/kv' + str(k) + '/' make_folder_if_not_exists(output_folder) print( 'Producing unfolding pull plots for {0} variable, k-value of {1}, channel: {2}.' .format(variable, k, channel)) print('Output folder: {0}'.format(output_folder)) pulls = get_data(files, subset='pull') maxSigma = 0 minSigma = 100 for bin_i in range(0, nbins): fitResults = plot_pull(pulls, centre_of_mass, channel, variable, k, tau, output_folder, output_formats, bin_index=bin_i, n_bins=nbins) if fitResults.sigma > maxSigma: maxSigma = fitResults.sigma if fitResults.sigma < minSigma: minSigma = fitResults.sigma # plot all bins allBinsFitResults = plot_pull(pulls, centre_of_mass, channel, variable, k, tau, output_folder, output_formats) allBinsSigma = allBinsFitResults.sigma sigmaForEachK.append([k, allBinsSigma, maxSigma, minSigma]) print('All bins sigma :', allBinsFitResults.sigma) print('Max/min sigma :', maxSigma, minSigma) print('Spread :', maxSigma - minSigma) del pulls # deleting to make space in memory print() kValues = list(zip(*sigmaForEachK)[0]) kValuesup = [] kValuesdown = [] sigmas = list(zip(*sigmaForEachK)[1]) sigmaups = list(zip(*sigmaForEachK)[2]) sigmadowns = list(zip(*sigmaForEachK)[3]) spread = [] for i in range(0, len(sigmas)): spread.append((sigmaups[i] - sigmadowns[i]) / sigmas[i]) sigmaups[i] = sigmaups[i] - sigmas[i] sigmadowns[i] = sigmas[i] - sigmadowns[i] kValuesup.append(0.5) kValuesdown.append(0.5) print(spread) kValueChoice = spread.index(min(spread)) print(kValueChoice) graph = asrootpy( TGraphAsymmErrors(len(sigmas), array('d', kValues), array('d', sigmas), array('d', kValuesdown), array('d', kValuesup), array('d', sigmadowns), array('d', sigmaups))) graphSpread = asrootpy( TGraphAsymmErrors(len(sigmas), array('d', kValues), array('d', spread), array('d', kValuesdown), array('d', kValuesup), array('d', sigmadowns), array('d', sigmaups))) # plot with matplotlib plt.figure(figsize=(20, 16), dpi=200, facecolor='white') ax0 = plt.axes() ax0.minorticks_on() ax0.grid(True, 'major', linewidth=2) ax0.grid(True, 'minor') plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) ax0.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%d')) ax0.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.1f')) ax0.xaxis.labelpad = 11 rplt.errorbar(graph, xerr=True, emptybins=True, axes=ax0, marker='o', ms=15, mew=3, lw=2) rplt.errorbar(graphSpread, xerr=None, yerr=False, axes=ax0, linestyle='-', marker='s', ms=10, mew=1, lw=2) for output_format in output_formats: print(output_folder_base) plt.savefig(output_folder_base + '/TESTGRAPH' + '.' + output_format) print(kValues) print(kValuesup) print(kValuesdown) print(sigmas) print(sigmaups) print(sigmadowns) print(sigmaForEachK)
def main(): print('Number of arguments: ', len(sys.argv), 'arguments.') print('Argument list:', str(sys.argv)) filename = sys.argv[1] separate = int(sys.argv[2]) if (len(sys.argv) > 3): start = int(sys.argv[3]) end = int(sys.argv[4]) else: start = 1 end = 9 n_figs = end - start print("Number of figs: {}".format(n_figs)) print("Input file: ") print(filename) Mixed_FullJets_R04 = datasetMixed( "Full jets R=0.4", NFIN=0, range=(1, 5), filename=filename, directory='AliJJetJtTask/AliJJetJtHistManager', directory2='AliJJetJtTask_kEMCEJE/AliJJetJtHistManager', color=2, style=24, rebin=2) signal, jetPt = Mixed_FullJets_R04.getSubtracted('JetConeJtWeightBin', 'BgJtWeightBin', jetpt=True) if (False): if (separate > 0): fig = plt.figure(1) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.text(0.2, 0.0005, d['system'] + '\n' + d['jettype'] + '\n' + d['jetalg'] + '\n Jet Cone', fontsize=7) rplt.errorbar(signal[separate], xerr=False, emptybins=False, axes=ax,, fmt='o') #Plot jT histogram, ax.text( 0.3, 1e2, r'$p_{{T,\mathrm{{jet}}}}$:' '\n' r' {:02d}-{:02d} GeV'.format(jetPt[separate][0], jetPt[separate][1])) ax.set_xlim([0.1, 12]) ax.set_ylim([5e-6, 1.5e3]) ax.legend(loc='lower left') plt.savefig( "PythonFigures/MixedFullJetsR04JetConeJtSignalJetPt{0}.pdf". format(separate), format='pdf') #Save figure #Draw figure on screen else: n_rows = n_figs // 4 print(n_rows) fig, axs = defs.makegrid(4, n_figs // 4, xlog=True, ylog=True, d=d, shareY=True, figsize=(10, 2.5)) axs = axs.reshape(n_figs) axs[1].text(0.12, 0.002, d['system'] + '\n' + d['jettype'] + '\n' + d['jetalg'] + '\n Jet Cone', fontsize=7) for jT, pT, ax, i in zip(signal[start:], jetPt[start:], axs, range(0, 9)): plot = rplt.errorbar(jT, xerr=False, emptybins=False, axes=ax,, fmt='o', fillstyle='none', ecolor='blue') #Plot jT histogram, line = plot.get_children()[0] #line.set_markerfacecolor('none') #line.set_markeredgecolor('red') ax.text( 0.3, 1e2, r'$p_{{T,\mathrm{{jet}}}}$:' '\n' r' {:02d}-{:02d} GeV'.format(pT[0], pT[1])) ax.set_xlim([0.1, 22]) #Set x-axis limits ax.set_ylim([5e-4, 2e3]) #Set y-axis limits ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), horizontalalignment='left') #axs[0].legend(loc = 'lower left') plt.savefig( "PythonFigures/MixedFullJetsR04JetConeJtSignalPtFrom{}To{}.pdf" .format(start, end), format='pdf') #Save figure #Draw figure on screen fig, axs = defs.makeRatio(xlog=True, ylog=True, d=d, shareY=False, figsize=(10, 10)) axs = axs.reshape(2) ax = axs[0] for jT, pT, i in zip(signal[start:], jetPt[start:], range(0, 9)): h = jT.Clone() h.Scale(10**i) h.SetMarkerColor(i) label = r'${:02d}\:\mathrm{{GeV}} < p_{{T,\mathrm{{jet}}}} < {:02d}\:\mathrm{{GeV}} \left(\times 10^{:01d}\right)$'.format( pT[0], pT[1], i) plot = rplt.errorbar(h, xerr=False, emptybins=False, axes=ax, label=label, fmt='o', fillstyle='none') #Plot jT histogram, ax.set_xlim([0.1, 22]) ax.set_ylim([5e-4, 2e8]) ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), horizontalalignment='left') ax.legend(loc='lower left') #Draw figure on screen
def plot_difference(difference, centre_of_mass, channel, variable, k_value, tau_value, output_folder, output_formats): stats = len(difference) values, errors = [], [] add_value = values.append add_error = errors.append for value, error in difference: add_value(value) add_error(error) min_x, max_x = min(values), max(values) abs_max = int(max(abs(min_x), max_x)) # n_x_bins = 2 * abs_max * 10 h_values = Hist(100, -abs_max, abs_max) fill_value = h_values.Fill for value in values: fill_value(value) plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16), dpi=200, facecolor='white') axes = plt.axes() h_values.SetMarkerSize(CMS.data_marker_size) rplt.errorbar(h_values, xerr=True, emptybins=True, axes=axes) channel_label = latex_labels.channel_latex[channel] var_label = latex_labels.variables_latex[variable] title_template = 'SVD unfolding performance for unfolding of {variable}\n' title_template += '$\sqrt{{s}}$ = {com} TeV, {channel}, {value}' title = title_template.format(variable=var_label, com=centre_of_mass, channel=channel_label, value=get_value_title(k_value, tau_value)) plt.xlabel('$\mathrm{unfolded} - \mathrm{true}$', CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel('number of toy experiments', CMS.y_axis_title) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) plt.title(title, CMS.title) plt.tight_layout() for save in output_formats: plt.savefig(output_folder + 'difference_stats_' + str(stats) + '.' + save) min_x, max_x = min(errors), max(errors) h_errors = Hist(1000, min_x, max_x) fill_value = h_errors.Fill for error in errors: fill_value(error) plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16), dpi=200, facecolor='white') axes = plt.axes() h_errors.SetMarkerSize(CMS.data_marker_size) rplt.errorbar(h_errors, xerr=True, emptybins=True, axes=axes) plt.xlabel('$\sigma(\mathrm{unfolded} - \mathrm{true})$', CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel('number of toy experiments', CMS.y_axis_title) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) plt.title(title_template, CMS.title) plt.tight_layout() for save in output_formats: plt.savefig(output_folder + 'difference_errors_stats_' + str(stats) + '.' + save)
def main(): logjt_nmlla = [ -0.8375, -0.68327, -0.50528, -0.32737, -0.16131, -0.042676, 0.09963, 0.23006, 0.39612, 0.56213, 0.6451, 0.81108, 0.89409, 1.0956, 1.2022, 1.3089, 1.4274, 1.5103, 1.6169, 1.7117, 1.7945, 1.8774, 1.9601, 2.0192, 2.0901, 2.1372, 2.1723, 2.1957, 2.219, 2.2187 ] nmlla = [ 5.6912, 4.4526, 3.4842, 2.4101, 1.7369, 1.4155, 1.0199, 0.73479, 0.52954, 0.35149, 0.27483, 0.17508, 0.14264, 0.07711, 0.053306, 0.03685, 0.025477, 0.017609, 0.011212, 0.0074379, 0.004735, 0.0031408, 0.0017674, 0.0010796, 0.00060746, 0.00031475, 0.0001502, 0.000081077, 0.000043764, 0.00002672 ] jt_nmlla = [math.exp(logjt) for logjt in logjt_nmlla] nmlla = [y / x for x, y in zip(jt_nmlla, nmlla)] print(jt_nmlla) print('Number of arguments: ', len(sys.argv), 'arguments.') print('Argument list:', str(sys.argv)) filename = sys.argv[1] filename2 = sys.argv[2] print("Input file data: ") print(filename) print("Input NMLLA: ") print(filename2) #separate = 5 #bin 5: 60-80 Gev Mixed_FullJets_R04 = datasetMixed( "Full jets R=0.4", NFIN=0, range=5, filename=filename, directory='AliJJetJtTask/AliJJetJtHistManager', directory2='AliJJetJtTask_kEMCEJE/AliJJetJtHistManager', color=2, style=24, rebin=2) signal, jetPt = Mixed_FullJets_R04.getSubtracted('JetConeJtWeightBin', 'BgJtWeightBin', jetpt=True) for separate in range(2, 8): Qs = {5: 26, 4: 18, 6: 35, 7: 46, 3: 13, 2: 9} Q = Qs[separate] # 9, 13, 18, 26, 36, 46 #Jet Pt: 22.5, 32.5, 45.0, 65.0, 87.5, 115.0] f_nmlla = root_open(filename2, "open") nmlla_fromfile = f_nmlla.get('NMLLAQ{:02d}'.format(Q)) nmlla_gluon = f_nmlla.get('NMLLA_gluonQ{:02d}'.format(Q)) nmlla_quark = f_nmlla.get('NMLLA_quarkQ{:02d}'.format(Q)) scale = 1 / nmlla_fromfile.Eval(1) print("Scale by {}".format(scale)) nmlla_fromfile = scaleGraph(nmlla_fromfile, scale) nmlla_gluon = scaleGraph(nmlla_gluon, scale) nmlla_quark = scaleGraph(nmlla_quark, scale) nmlla_fromfile.SetMarkerColor(3) nmlla_quark.SetMarkerColor(2) nmlla_gluon.SetMarkerColor(3) nmlla_quark.SetLineColor(2) nmlla_gluon.SetLineColor(3) fit1, d1 = fitJtHisto(signal[separate], 1, separate) fit2, d2 = fitJtHisto(nmlla_fromfile, 1, separate) print(r'$p_{{T,\mathrm{{jet}}}}$:' '\n' r' {:02d}-{:02d} GeV'.format(jetPt[separate][0], jetPt[separate][1])) print('Data Wide RMS: {}, NMLLA Wide RMS: {}'.format( d1['gammaRMS'], d2['gammaRMS'])) fig = plt.figure(1) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.text(0.2, 0.0005, d['system'] + '\n' + d['jettype'] + '\n' + d['jetalg'] + '\n Jet Cone', fontsize=7) rplt.errorbar(signal[separate], xerr=False, emptybins=False, axes=ax,, fmt='o') #Plot jT histogram, rplt.errorbar(nmlla_fromfile, xerr=False, yerr=False, emptybins=False, axes=ax, label="NMLLA", fmt='r-', markersize=0) #rplt.errorbar(nmlla_gluon,xerr=False,yerr=False,emptybins=False,axes=ax,label="NMLLA Gluon",fmt='r-') #rplt.errorbar(nmlla_quark,xerr=False,yerr=False,emptybins=False,axes=ax,label="NMLLA Quark",fmt='b-') if (separate == 5): plt.plot(jt_nmlla, nmlla, axes=ax, label="NMLLA") ax.text( 0.3, 1e2, r'$p_{{T,\mathrm{{jet}}}}$:' '\n' r' {:02d}-{:02d} GeV'.format(jetPt[separate][0], jetPt[separate][1])) ax.set_xlim([0.1, 12]) ax.set_ylim([5e-6, 1.5e3]) ax.legend(loc='lower left') plt.savefig( "PythonFigures/MixedFullJetsR04JetConeJtSignalJetPt{0}WithNMLLA.pdf" .format(separate), format='pdf') #Save figure #Draw figure on screen
make_data_mc_comparison_plot([h3, h1, h2], ['data', 'background', 'signal'], ['black', 'green', 'red'], properties) += '_with_ratio' make_data_mc_comparison_plot([h3, h1, h2], ['data', 'background', 'signal'], ['black', 'green', 'red'], properties, show_ratio=True) = 'matplotlib_hist_comparison' properties.y_limits = [0, 0.4] make_control_region_comparison(h1, h2, 'background', 'signal', properties) else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 10), dpi=300) #, facecolor='white') axes = plt.axes() axes.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) axes.yaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) # axes.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(20)) axes.tick_params(which='major', labelsize=15, length=8) axes.tick_params(which='minor', length=4) rplt.errorbar(h3, xerr=False, emptybins=False, axes=axes, zorder=4) rplt.hist(stack, stacked=True, axes=axes, zorder=1) plt.xlabel('Mass', position=(1., 0.), ha='right') plt.ylabel('Events', position=(0., 1.), va='bottom', ha='right') plt.legend(numpoints=1) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('plots/matplotlib_hist.pdf')
label.SetTextFont(43) label.SetTextSize(25) label.SetNDC() label.Draw() canvas.Modified() canvas.Update() # plot with matplotlib set_style('ATLAS', mpl=True) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5), dpi=100) axes = plt.axes() axes.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) axes.yaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) axes.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(20)), stacked=True, axes=axes) rplt.errorbar(h3, xerr=False, emptybins=False, axes=axes) plt.xlabel('Mass', position=(1., 0.), va='bottom', ha='right') plt.ylabel('Events', position=(0., 1.), va='top', ha='right') axes.xaxis.set_label_coords(1., -0.20) axes.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.18, 1.) leg = plt.legend() axes.text(0.3, 0.8, 'matplotlib', verticalalignment='center', horizontalalignment='center', transform=axes.transAxes, fontsize=20) if not ROOT.gROOT.IsBatch():
def main(): JetPtBins = [5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, 100, 150, 500] jetPtBins2 = [(JetPtBins[i], JetPtBins[i + 1]) for i in range(8)] Njets = 8 topcomment = "_systematics_Triggered" finderName = [ "Full jets, Anti-k_\mathrm{T} R = 0.4", "Charged Jets, Anti-k_\mathrm{T} R = 0.4" ] finderType = ["Full", "Charged"] setTitle = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"] finderR = {4, 4} iC = 0 logx = 1 doWeight = 1 mSize = 0.3 iS = 0 start = 4 if (os.path.exists('RootFiles/Fig1.root')): inFile = "RootFiles/Fig1.root" inF = root_open(inFile, 'r') errGraph = [ inF.Get("jTSignalJetPt_Syst{:02d}".format(ij)) for ij in range(4) ] hJtSignalGraph = [ inF.Get("jTSignalJetPt_Stat{:02d}".format(ij)) for ij in range(4) ] else: f = root_open("errors_test.root", 'read') errGraph = [ f.Get('JetConeJtWeightBinNFin{:02d}JetPt{:02d}_Systematics'.format( iS, i)) for i in range(start, Njets) ] #Get jT histograms from file an array hJtSignalGraph = [ f.Get('JetConeJtWeightBinNFin{:02d}JetPt{:02d}_Statistics'.format( iS, i)) for i in range(start, Njets) ] #Get jT histograms from file an array outFile = "RootFiles/Fig1.root" outF = root_open(outFile, "w+") for err, signal, i in zip(errGraph, hJtSignalGraph, range(10)): err.SetName("jTSignalJetPt_Syst{:02d}".format(i)) err.Write() signal.SetName("jTSignalJetPt_Stat{:02d}".format(i)) signal.Write() outF.Close() scaleInterval = 1 ylow = 5e-6 yhigh = 5e2 * pow(10, 4 * scaleInterval) xlow = 0.1 xhigh = 4.5 #ax = plt.gca() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 8)) ax = plt.axes([0.2, 0.1, 0.75, 0.85]) ax.set_xlim([xlow, xhigh]) ax.set_ylim([ylow, yhigh]) for ij, h, h_sys, pT in zip(range(start, Njets), hJtSignalGraph[::-1], errGraph[::-1], jetPtBins2[Njets::-1]): print(ij) print("JetPt {}".format(pT)) power = scaleInterval * (7 - ij) scale = pow(10, power) h = defs.grrScale(h, scale) h.SetMarkerColor(colors[ij - start]) h.SetLineColor(colors[ij - start]) h.SetMarkerStyle(styles[ij - start]) label = r'${:02d}\: < p_{{\mathrm{{T,jet}}}} < {:02d}\:\mathrm{{GeV}}/c \left(\times 10^{}\right)$'.format( pT[0], pT[1], power) plot = rplt.errorbar(h, xerr=False, emptybins=False, axes=ax, label=label, fmt='+') #Plot jT histogram, line = plot.get_children()[0] if (styles[ij - 4] > 23): line.set_markerfacecolor('none') errorboxes = [] n = h_sys.GetN() xs = h_sys.GetX() ys = h_sys.GetY() xerrs = h_sys.GetEX() yerrs = h_sys.GetEY() for x in (xs, ys, xerrs, yerrs): x.SetSize(n) for x, y, xe, ye in zip(xs, ys, xerrs, yerrs): rect = Rectangle((x - xe, (y - ye) * scale), xe * 2, ye * 2 * scale) errorboxes.append(rect) pc = PatchCollection(errorboxes, facecolor=colorsBox[ij - 4], alpha=0.5, edgecolor='None') ax.add_collection(pc) #print("({} - {})/9.0 + {} is {}".format(yhigh,ylow,ylow,(yhigh-ylow)/9.0+ylow)) ax.text(1.3, 2e5, d['system'] + '\n' + d['jettype'] + '\n' + d['jetalg'] + '\n' + d['cut'], fontsize=10) handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() handles = [ container.ErrorbarContainer(h, has_xerr=False, has_yerr=True) if isinstance(h, container.ErrorbarContainer) else h for h in handles ] ax.legend(handles, labels, loc='lower left', numpoints=1) #ax.legend(loc = 'lower left') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('both') #Show ticks on left and right side ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('both') #Show ticks on bottom and top ax.tick_params(which='both', direction='in') #Move ticks from outside to inside ytitle = r'$\frac{1}{N_{jets}}\;\frac{1}{j_\mathrm{T}}\;\frac{\mathrm{d} N}{\mathrm{d} j_\mathrm{T}}$' xtitle = r'$j_\mathrm{T}\left(\mathrm{GeV}/c\right)$' ax.set_ylabel(ytitle, fontsize=16) ax.set_xlabel(xtitle, fontsize=16) ax.set_xlim([xlow, xhigh]) ax.set_ylim([ylow, yhigh]) ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') plt.savefig("PythonFigures/jTwithSystematics.pdf", format='pdf') #Save figure #Draw figure on screen
hTrue= Hist(40, -10.0, 10.0); hMeas= Hist(40, -10.0, 10.0); hTrue.SetLineColor('red') hMeas.SetLineColor('blue') # Test with a Gaussian, mean 0 and width 2. for i in xrange(10000): xt= gRandom.Gaus (0.0, 2.0) x= smear (xt); hTrue.Fill(xt); if x!=None: hMeas.Fill(x); print "==================================== UNFOLD ===================================" unfold= RooUnfoldBayes (response, hMeas, 4); # OR # unfold= RooUnfoldSvd (response, hMeas, 20); # OR # unfold= RooUnfoldTUnfold (response, hMeas); hReco= unfold.Hreco(); h_unfolded = asrootpy(hReco) unfold.PrintTable (cout, hTrue); plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12), dpi=100) rplt.hist(hTrue, label='truth', stacked=False) rplt.hist(hMeas, label='measured', stacked=False) rplt.errorbar(h_unfolded, label='unfolded') plt.xlabel('var') plt.ylabel('Events') plt.title('Unfolding') plt.legend() plt.savefig('plots/RooUnfoldBayesExample.png') print 'Done'
''' Created on 29 Oct 2012 @author: kreczko ''' from ROOT import TH1F from rootpy.plotting import Hist import rootpy.plotting.root2matplotlib as rplt import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #updated from bins = [0, 25, 45, 70, 100, 2000] nbins = len(bins) - 1 rootpyhist = Hist(bins) for bin_i in range(nbins): rootpyhist.SetBinContent(bin_i + 1, bin_i+1) rootpyhist.SetBinError(bin_i +1, (bin_i + 1)*0.1) plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10), dpi=100) plt.figure(1) rplt.errorbar(rootpyhist, label='test') plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('y') plt.title('Testing') plt.legend(numpoints=1) plt.axis([bins[0], bins[-1], 0, nbins*1.2]) plt.savefig('plots/AsymBinsExample.png') print 'Done'
def drawSignal(signals, systematics, names, colors, styles, jetPt): if (n_figs == 2): fig, axs = defs.makeRatio(xlog=True, ylog=True, d=d, shareY=False, figsize=(5, 7.5), grid=False) else: fig, axs = defs.makegrid(n_figs / 2, 2, xlog=True, ylog=True, d=d, shareY=False, figsize=(10, 7.5) if n_figs == 4 else (n_figs * 15 / 8, 7.5)) axs = axs.reshape(n_figs) if (n_figs == 2): pT = jetPt[start] axs[0].text( 0.8, 7, d['system'] + '\n' + d['jettype'] + '\n' + d['jetalg'] + '\n' + d['cut'] + '\n' + r'${:02d}\: < p_{{\mathrm{{T,jet}}}} < {:02d}\:\mathrm{{GeV}}/c$'. format(pT[0], pT[1]), fontsize=11) else: axs[1].text(0.12, 0.00002, d['system'] + '\n' + d['jettype'] + '\n' + d['jetalg'] + '\n' + d['cut'], fontsize=11) for signal, system, name, color, j in zip(signals, systematics, names, colors, range(10)): for jT, syst, pT, ax, i in zip(signal[start:], system[start:], jetPt[start:], axs[0:n_figs / 2], range(0, 9)): jT.SetMarkerColor(color) jT.SetMarkerStyle(styles[j]) jT.SetLineColor(color) plot = rplt.errorbar(jT, xerr=False, emptybins=False, axes=ax, label=name, fmt='o', fillstyle='none') #Plot jT histogram, line = plot.get_children()[0] line.set_markersize(mSize) if (styles[j] > 23): line.set_markerfacecolor('none') #line.set_markeredgecolor(color) line.set_color(color) if (n_figs > 2): ax.text( 0.5, 1e2, r'${:02d}\: < p_{{\mathrm{{T,jet}}}} < {:02d}\:\mathrm{{GeV}}/c$' .format(pT[0], pT[1])) ax.set_xlim([xlow, 10]) #Set x-axis limits ax.set_ylim([1e-5, 2e3]) #Set y-axis limits errorboxes = [] for box in syst: x1, x2, y1, y2, yc, error, ratio, ratioerror = box rect = Rectangle((x1, y1), x2 - x1, y2 - y1) errorboxes.append(rect) pc = PatchCollection(errorboxes, facecolor=colorsBox[j], alpha=0.5, edgecolor=colorsBox[j]) ax.add_collection(pc) ax.grid(False) ratios = [] if (j > 0): for syst, sig, div, ax in zip(system[start:], signal[start:], signals[0], axs[n_figs / 2:n_figs + 1]): ratioBoxes = [] N = div.GetNbinsX() for box, i in zip(syst, range(1, N)): y = div.GetBinContent(i) x1, x2, y1, y2, yc, error, ratio, ratioerror = box rect = Rectangle((x1, ratio - ratioerror), x2 - x1, ratioerror * 2) ratioBoxes.append(rect) pc = PatchCollection(ratioBoxes, facecolor=colorsBox[j], alpha=0.5, edgecolor=colorsBox[j]) ax.add_collection(pc) if j > 0: for jT, div in zip(signal, signals[0]): h = jT.Clone() h.Divide(div) ratios.append(h) axs[n_figs / 2].set_ylabel( 'Ratio to {}'.format(names[0]), fontsize=12 ) #Add y-axis labels to left- and righmost subfigures if (n_figs > 4): axs[-1].set_ylabel('Ratio to {}'.format(names[0]), fontsize=12) for ratio, pT, ax in zip(ratios[start:], jetPt[start:], axs[n_figs / 2:n_figs + 1]): plot = rplt.errorbar(ratio, xerr=False, emptybins=False, axes=ax, label='Ratio', fmt='o') #Plot ratio histogram, ax.plot([0, 10], [1, 1], 'k--') line = plot.get_children()[0] line.set_markersize(mSize) if (styles[j] > 23): line.set_markerfacecolor('none') line.set_color(color) #if(i == 0): ax.set_yscale('linear') ax.set_xlim([xlow, 10]) #Set x-axis limits ax.set_ylim([0.1, 2.5]) #Set y-axis limits ax.grid(False) handles, labels = axs[0].get_legend_handles_labels() handles = [ container.ErrorbarContainer(h, has_xerr=False, has_yerr=True) if isinstance(h, container.ErrorbarContainer) else h for h in handles ] axs[0].legend(handles, labels, loc='lower left', numpoints=1, prop={'family': 'monospace'}) #axs[0].legend(loc = 'lower left') axs[0].text(0.11, 3e2, "ALICE", weight='bold') fig.align_labels() plt.savefig("PythonFigures/HighMJetConeJtSignalPtFrom{}To{}.pdf".format( start, end), format='pdf') #Save figure #Draw figure on screen
def trigger_turn_on_curves(): #mod_hists = parsed_linear[0] colors = [ 'green', 'magenta', 'blue', 'red', 'orange', '#cecece', 'yellow', 'cyan', 'purple' ] labels = [ "Jet370", "Jet300", "Jet240", "Jet190", "Jet150", "Jet110", "Jet80", "Jet60", "Jet30" ] hist_labels = [ "HLT_Jet370", "HLT_Jet300", "HLT_Jet240", "HLT_Jet190", "HLT_Jet150", "HLT_Jet110", "HLT_Jet80", "HLT_Jet60", "HLT_Jet30" ] lower_pTs = [370, 300, 240, 190, 150, 110, 80, 60, 30] for i in range(len(hist_labels)): # hist = normalize_hist( mod_hists[hist_labels[i]].hist() ) hist = mod_hists[hist_labels[i]].hist() n_bins = hist.nbins() # Loop through those bins. for j in range(n_bins): current_bin_x = hist.GetBinCenter(j) current_bin_y = hist.GetBinContent(j), if current_bin_x < lower_pTs[i]: hist.SetBinContent(j, 0.) hist.SetColor(colors[i]) hist.SetTitle(labels[i]) rplt.errorbar(hist, zorder=range(len(hist_labels))[len(hist_labels) - i - 1], emptybins=False, xerr=1, yerr=1, ls='None', marker='o', markersize=10, pickradius=8, capthick=5, capsize=8, elinewidth=5, alpha=1.0) # Info about R, pT_cut, etc. extra = Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc="w", fill=False, edgecolor='none', linewidth=0) handles = [extra] labels = ["AK5; $\left| \eta \\right| < 2.5$"] info_legend = plt.gca().legend(handles, labels, loc=7, frameon=0, borderpad=0.1, fontsize=60, bbox_to_anchor=[0.28, 0.92]) plt.gca().add_artist(info_legend) plt.gca().set_xlabel("Trigger Jet $p_T$ [GeV]", fontsize=70, labelpad=50) plt.gca().set_ylabel("Rescaled Events", fontsize=70, labelpad=25) plt.gca().add_artist(logo_box(0.105, 0.99)) plt.gca().xaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(10)) plt.gca().set_yscale('log') handles, labels = plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels() legend = plt.legend(handles[::-1], labels[::-1], frameon=0, fontsize=60, bbox_to_anchor=[0.97, 0.99]) ax = plt.gca().add_artist(legend) outside_text = plt.gca().legend([extra], ["CMS 2011 Open Data"], frameon=0, borderpad=0, fontsize=50, bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.005), loc='lower right') plt.gca().add_artist(outside_text) plt.autoscale() plt.gca().set_ylim(1e2, 1e10) plt.tick_params(which='major', width=5, length=25, labelsize=70) plt.tick_params(which='minor', width=3, length=15) plt.gcf().set_size_inches(30, 24, forward=1) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(default_dir + "trigger_turn_on.pdf") plt.clf()
def main(): start = 4 end = 8 n_figs = end - start title = "Full jets R=0.4" if (os.path.exists('./RootFiles/Fig0.root')): inFile = "RootFiles/Fig0.root" inF = root_open(inFile, 'r') signal = [inF.Get("jTSignalJetPt{:02d}".format(i)) for i in range(8)] jetPt = [ (int('p_{T,jet} : ([\d]*)\.[\d] - ([\d]*).[\d]*', h.GetTitle(), re.M | re.I).group(1)), int('p_{T,jet} : ([\d]*)\.[\d] - ([\d]*).[\d]*', h.GetTitle(), re.M | re.I).group(2))) for h in signal ] #Use regular expressions to extract jet pT range from histogram titles else: filename = "CF_pPb_legotrain/legotrain_CF_pPb_1839_20180613_LHC13bcde.root" print("Number of figs: {}".format(n_figs)) print("Input file: ") print(filename) Mixed_FullJets_R04 = datasetMixed( title, NFIN=0, range=(1, 5), filename=filename, directory='AliJJetJtTask/AliJJetJtHistManager', directory2='AliJJetJtTask_kEMCEJE/AliJJetJtHistManager', color=2, style=24, rebin=2) signal, jetPt = Mixed_FullJets_R04.getSubtracted('JetConeJtWeightBin', 'BgJtWeightBin', jetpt=True) outFile = "Fig0.root" outF = root_open(outFile, "w+") for s, i in zip(signal, range(10)): s.SetName("jTSignalJetPt{:02d}".format(i)) s.Write() outF.Close() n_rows = n_figs // 4 fig, axs = defs.makegrid(4, n_figs // 4, xlog=True, ylog=True, d=d, shareY=True, figsize=(10, 2.5)) axs = axs.reshape(n_figs) axs[1].text(0.12, 0.002, d['system'] + '\n' + d['jettype'] + '\n' + d['jetalg'] + '\n Jet Cone', fontsize=7) for jT, pT, ax, i in zip(signal[start:], jetPt[start:], axs, range(0, 9)): plot = rplt.errorbar(jT, xerr=False, emptybins=False, axes=ax, label=title, fmt='o', fillstyle='none', ecolor='blue') #Plot jT histogram, line = plot.get_children()[0] #line.set_markerfacecolor('none') #line.set_markeredgecolor('red') ax.text( 0.3, 1e2, r'$p_{{T,\mathrm{{jet}}}}$:' '\n' r' {:02d}-{:02d} GeV'.format(pT[0], pT[1])) ax.set_xlim([0.1, 22]) #Set x-axis limits ax.set_ylim([5e-4, 2e3]) #Set y-axis limits ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), horizontalalignment='left') plt.savefig( "PythonFigures/MixedFullJetsR04JetConeJtSignalPtFrom{}To{}.pdf".format( start, end), format='pdf') #Save figure #Draw figure on screen
def trigger_efficiency_plot(): mod_hists = parsed_linear[0] lower = 0 upper = 10 colors = ["#e41a1c", "#377eb8", "#4daf4a", "#984ea3", "#ff7f00", "#99cc00", "#a65628", "#f781bf","#999999" ] labels = ["Jet370 / Jet300", "Jet300 / Jet240", "Jet240 / Jet190", "Jet190 / Jet150", "Jet150 / Jet110", "Jet110 / Jet80", "Jet80 / Jet60", "Jet60 / Jet30"] hist_labels = [("HLT_Jet370", "HLT_Jet300"),("HLT_Jet300", "HLT_Jet240"), ("HLT_Jet240", "HLT_Jet190"), ("HLT_Jet190", "HLT_Jet150"), ("HLT_Jet150", "HLT_Jet110"), ("HLT_Jet110", "HLT_Jet80"), ("HLT_Jet80", "HLT_Jet60"), ("HLT_Jet60", "HLT_Jet30") ] #lower_pTs = [370, 300, 240, 190, 150, 110, 80, 60, 30] lower_pTs = [390, 310, 270, 210, 150, 110, 90, 0, 0] #lower_pTs = [0]*9 #lower_pTs = [0 , 420 - 20 , 350-20, 275- 20, 220 -20, 190-20, 130-20, 110-20, 70-20] upper_pTs = [1000000, 480, 390, 310, 270, 210, 150, 110, 90] # upper_pTs = [10000000]*9 # rplt.hist(mod_hists[0].hist()) plots = [] for i in range(len(hist_labels)): first_hist, second_hist = mod_hists[hist_labels[i][0]], mod_hists[hist_labels[i][1]] ratio_hist = first_hist.hist() / second_hist.hist() ratio_hist.SetColor(colors[i]) ratio_hist.SetTitle(labels[i]) #rplt.errorbar(ratio_hist, emptybins=False, xerr=1, yerr=1, ls='None', marker='o', markersize=10, pickradius=8, capthick=5, capsize=8, elinewidth=5, alpha=1.0) plots.append( rplt.errorbar(ratio_hist, emptybins=True, alpha=0.) ) for i in range(len(plots)): data_plot = plots[i] data_x_errors, data_y_errors = [], [] for x_segment in data_plot[2][0].get_segments(): data_x_errors.append((x_segment[1][0] - x_segment[0][0]) / 2.) for y_segment in data_plot[2][1].get_segments(): data_y_errors.append((y_segment[1][1] - y_segment[0][1]) / 2.) data_points_x = data_plot[0].get_xdata() data_points_y = data_plot[0].get_ydata() filtered_x, filtered_y, filtered_x_err, filtered_y_err = [], [], [], [] for x, y, xerr, yerr in zip(data_points_x, data_points_y, data_x_errors, data_y_errors): if x > lower_pTs[i] and x < upper_pTs[i]: print(lower_pTs[i], upper_pTs[i]) filtered_x.append(x) filtered_y.append(y) filtered_x_err.append(xerr) filtered_y_err.append(yerr) plt.errorbar(filtered_x, filtered_y, zorder=range(len(plots))[len(plots) - i - 1], color=colors[i], markeredgecolor=colors[i], label=labels[i], xerr=filtered_x_err, yerr=filtered_y_err, ls='None', alpha=1.0, marker='o', markersize=10, pickradius=8, capthick=5, capsize=8, elinewidth=5) extra = Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc="w", fill=False, edgecolor='none', linewidth=0) plt.autoscale() #plt.gca().set_ylim(1e-3, 7e4) plt.gca().set_xlim(0, 800) cms_turn_on_pTs = [480, 390, 310, 270, 210, 150, 110, 90] for i in range(len(cms_turn_on_pTs)): if cms_turn_on_pTs[i] != 0: source = "MOD" #plt.gca().annotate(str(cms_turn_on_pTs[i]) + " GeV", xy=(cms_turn_on_pTs[i], 1.), xycoords='data', xytext=(-100, 350), textcoords='offset points', color=colors[i], size=50, va="center", ha="center", arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="simple", facecolor=colors[i], zorder=99, connectionstyle="angle3,angleA=0,angleB=90") ) if i == 7: plt.plot([ cms_turn_on_pTs[i], cms_turn_on_pTs[i] ], [ 1e0, 1.09 ], lw=10, ls="dashed", color=colors[i]) elif i == 6: plt.plot([ cms_turn_on_pTs[i], cms_turn_on_pTs[i] ], [ 1e0, 1.11 ], lw=10, ls="dashed", color=colors[i]) elif i == 5: plt.plot([ cms_turn_on_pTs[i], cms_turn_on_pTs[i] ], [ 1e0, 1.13], lw=10, ls="dashed", color=colors[i]) elif i == 4: plt.plot([ cms_turn_on_pTs[i], cms_turn_on_pTs[i] ], [ 1e0, 1.15], lw=10, ls="dashed", color=colors[i]) elif i == 3: plt.plot([ cms_turn_on_pTs[i], cms_turn_on_pTs[i] ], [ 1e0, 1.17 ], lw=10, ls="dashed", color=colors[i]) elif i == 2: plt.plot([ cms_turn_on_pTs[i], cms_turn_on_pTs[i] ], [ 1e0, 1.19 ], lw=10, ls="dashed", color=colors[i]) elif i == 1: plt.plot([ cms_turn_on_pTs[i], cms_turn_on_pTs[i] ], [ 1e0, 1.21], lw=10, ls="dashed", color=colors[i]) elif i == 0: plt.plot([ cms_turn_on_pTs[i], cms_turn_on_pTs[i] ], [ 1e0, 1.23], lw=10, ls="dashed", color=colors[i]) size_val = 60 if i == 7: plt.gca().text((cms_turn_on_pTs[i] ), 1.09 + 0.007, str(cms_turn_on_pTs[i]) , color=colors[i], horizontalalignment='center', size = size_val) elif i == 6: plt.gca().text((cms_turn_on_pTs[i] ), 1.11 + 0.007, str(cms_turn_on_pTs[i]), color=colors[i], horizontalalignment='center', size = size_val) elif i == 5: plt.gca().text((cms_turn_on_pTs[i]), 1.13 + 0.007, str(cms_turn_on_pTs[i]) , color=colors[i], horizontalalignment='center', size = size_val) elif i == 4: plt.gca().text((cms_turn_on_pTs[i] ), 1.15 + 0.007, str(cms_turn_on_pTs[i]), color=colors[i], horizontalalignment='center', size = size_val) elif i == 3: plt.gca().text((cms_turn_on_pTs[i]), 1.17 + 0.007, str(cms_turn_on_pTs[i]) , color=colors[i], horizontalalignment='center', size = size_val) elif i == 2: plt.gca().text((cms_turn_on_pTs[i] ), 1.19 + 0.007, str(cms_turn_on_pTs[i]) , color=colors[i], horizontalalignment='center', size = size_val) elif i == 1: plt.gca().text((cms_turn_on_pTs[i]), 1.21 + 0.007, str(cms_turn_on_pTs[i]) , color=colors[i], horizontalalignment='center', size = size_val) elif i == 0: plt.gca().text((cms_turn_on_pTs[i]), 1.23 + 0.007, str(cms_turn_on_pTs[i]) , color=colors[i], horizontalalignment='center', size = size_val) # Horizontal Line. plt.plot([0] + list(mod_hists[hist_labels[len(hist_labels)-1][0]].hist().x()), [1] * (1 + len(list(mod_hists[hist_labels[len(hist_labels)-1][0]].hist().x()))), color="black", linewidth=5, linestyle="dashed") # Info about R, pT_cut, etc. handles = [extra] labels = ["AK5; $\left| \eta \\right| < 2.4$"] info_legend = plt.gca().legend(handles, labels, loc=7, frameon=0, borderpad=0.1, fontsize=60, bbox_to_anchor=[0.35, 0.92]) plt.gca().add_artist(info_legend) plt.gca().set_xlabel("Trigger Jet $p_T$ [GeV]", fontsize=70, labelpad=50) plt.gca().set_ylabel("Cross Section Ratio", fontsize=70, labelpad=50) plt.gca().add_artist(logo_box(0.1, 0.98)) plt.gca().xaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(10)) plt.gca().set_yscale('linear') plt.gca().set_ylim(0.7, 1.3) plt.gca().set_xlim(0.0, 800) handles, labels = plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels() print(labels[::-1]) legend = plt.legend(handles[::-1][:-8], labels[::-1][:-8], fontsize=40, frameon=0, bbox_to_anchor=[0.99, 0.99]) ax = plt.gca().add_artist(legend) outside_text = plt.gca().legend( [extra], ["CMS 2011 Open Data"], frameon=0, borderpad=0, fontsize=50, bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.005), loc='lower right') plt.gca().add_artist(outside_text) plt.tick_params(which='major', width=5, length=25, labelsize=70) plt.tick_params(which='minor', width=3, length=15) plt.tight_layout() plt.gcf().set_size_inches(27, 27, forward=1) plt.savefig(default_dir + "trigger_efficiency.pdf") plt.clf()
def make_plots( histograms, category, output_folder, histname, show_ratio = False, show_generator_ratio = False, show_before_unfolding = False, utype = 'normalised', preliminary=True ): global variable, phase_space channel = '' if 'electron' in histname: channel = 'electron' elif 'muon' in histname: channel = 'muon' else: channel = 'combined' # Initailise data histograms hist_data = histograms['unfolded'] hist_data.markersize = 2 hist_data.marker = 'o' if category == 'central': hist_data_with_systematics = histograms['unfolded_with_systematics'] hist_data_with_systematics.markersize = 2 hist_data_with_systematics.marker = 'o' # Create base figure to be plotted plt.figure( figsize = CMS.figsize, dpi = CMS.dpi, facecolor = CMS.facecolor ) # Split into 3 for MC/Data ratio and generator ratio and plot if show_ratio and show_generator_ratio: gs = gridspec.GridSpec( 3, 1, height_ratios = [5, 1, 1] ) axes = plt.subplot( gs[0] ) # Split into 2 for MC/Data ratio or generator Ratio and plot elif show_ratio or show_generator_ratio: gs = gridspec.GridSpec( 2, 1, height_ratios = [4, 1] ) axes = plt.subplot( gs[0] ) # Just 1 for plot and setup x axis labels else: axes = plt.axes() x_label = '${}$'.format(variables_latex[variable]) if variable in ['HT', 'ST', 'MET', 'WPT', 'lepton_pt']: x_label += ' [GeV]' plt.xlabel( x_label, CMS.x_axis_title ) # set y axis x-section labels y_label = '' xsectionUnit = '' if utype == 'absolute': y_label = r'$\frac{d\sigma}{d' + variables_latex[variable] + '}\ ' xsectionUnit = 'pb' else : y_label = r'$\frac{1}{\sigma} \frac{d\sigma}{d' + variables_latex[variable] + '}\ ' if variable in ['HT', 'ST', 'MET', 'WPT', 'lepton_pt']: if xsectionUnit is '': y_label += '\scriptstyle(\mathrm{GeV}^{-1})$' pass else: y_label += '\scriptstyle(\mathrm{' y_label += xsectionUnit y_label += '}\ \mathrm{GeV}^{-1})$' elif xsectionUnit is not '': y_label += '\scriptstyle(\mathrm{' y_label += xsectionUnit y_label += '})$' plt.ylabel( y_label, CMS.y_axis_title ) # Set up ticks on axis. Minor ticks on axis for non NJet variables plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_major ) if not variable in ['NJets']: axes.minorticks_on() plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_minor ) # Set raw unfolded data with stat+unfolding uncertianty to be visible hist_data.visible = True # axes.set_yscale('log') # Set raw unfolded data with systematic uncertianty to be visible # label = 'do_not_show' = do not show in legend if category == 'central': hist_data_with_systematics.visible = True rplt.errorbar( hist_data_with_systematics, axes = axes, label = 'do_not_show', xerr = None, capsize = 0, elinewidth = 2, zorder = len( histograms ) + 1 ) # Show stat+unf uncertainty on plot rplt.errorbar( hist_data, axes = axes, label = 'do_not_show', xerr = None, capsize = 15, capthick = 3, elinewidth = 2, zorder = len( histograms ) + 2 ) # And one for a nice legend entry rplt.errorbar( hist_data, axes = axes, label = 'data', xerr = None, yerr = False, capsize = 0, elinewidth = 2, zorder = len( histograms ) + 3 ) dashes = {} for key, hist in sorted( histograms.items() ): zorder = sorted( histograms, reverse = False ).index( key ) # Ordering such that systematic uncertainties are plotted first then central powhegPythia then data if key == 'TTJets_powhegPythia8' and zorder != len(histograms) - 3: zorder = len(histograms) - 3 elif key != 'TTJets_powhegPythia8' and not 'unfolded' in key: while zorder >= len(histograms) - 3: zorder = zorder - 1 # Colour and style of MC hists if not 'unfolded' in key and not 'measured' in key: hist.linewidth = 4 linestyle = None if 'powhegPythia8' in key: linestyle = 'solid' dashes[key] = None hist.SetLineColor( 633 ) elif 'powhegHerwig' in key or 'isr' in key or 'hdamp' in key: hist.SetLineColor( kBlue ) dashes[key] = [25,5,5,5,5,5,5,5] elif 'amcatnloPythia8' in key or 'fsr' in key or 'scale' in key: hist.SetLineColor( 807 ) dashes[key] = [20,5] elif 'madgraphMLM' in key or 'renormalisation' in key or 'topPt' in key: hist.SetLineColor( 417 ) dashes[key] = [5,5] elif 'factorisation' in key or 'ue' in key: hist.SetLineColor( 100 ) dashes[key] = [10,10] elif 'combined' in key or 'semiLepBr' in key: hist.SetLineColor( 200 ) dashes[key] = [20,10] elif 'semiLepBr' in key or 'mass' in key: hist.SetLineColor( 300 ) dashes[key] = [20,10,10,10] elif 'frag' in key or 'Frag' in key: hist.SetLineColor( 400 ) dashes[key] = [10,10,5,5] elif 'erdOn' in key: hist.SetLineColor( 500 ) dashes[key] = [10,10,5,5,5,5] if linestyle != None: hist.linestyle = linestyle # Add hist to plot line, h = rplt.hist( hist, axes = axes, label = measurements_latex[key], zorder = zorder ) # Set the dashes and lines if dashes[key] != None: line.set_dashes(dashes[key]) h.set_dashes(dashes[key]) handles, labels = axes.get_legend_handles_labels() # Making data first in the legend data_label_index = labels.index( 'data' ) data_handle = handles[data_label_index] labels.remove( 'data' ) handles.remove( data_handle ) labels.insert( 0, 'data' ) handles.insert( 0, data_handle ) # Order the rest of the labels in the legend new_handles, new_labels = [], [] zipped = dict( zip( labels, handles ) ) labelOrder = ['data', measurements_latex['TTJets_powhegPythia8'], measurements_latex['TTJets_amcatnloPythia8'], measurements_latex['TTJets_powhegHerwig'], measurements_latex['TTJets_madgraphMLM'], measurements_latex['TTJets_scaleup'], measurements_latex['TTJets_scaledown'], measurements_latex['TTJets_massup'], measurements_latex['TTJets_massdown'], measurements_latex['TTJets_ueup'], measurements_latex['TTJets_uedown'], measurements_latex['TTJets_fsrup'], measurements_latex['TTJets_fsrdown'], measurements_latex['TTJets_isrdown'], measurements_latex['TTJets_isrup'], # measurements_latex['TTJets_alphaSup'], # measurements_latex['TTJets_alphaSdown'], measurements_latex['TTJets_topPt'], measurements_latex['TTJets_factorisationup'], measurements_latex['TTJets_factorisationdown'], measurements_latex['TTJets_renormalisationup'], measurements_latex['TTJets_renormalisationdown'], measurements_latex['TTJets_combinedup'], measurements_latex['TTJets_combineddown'], measurements_latex['TTJets_hdampup'], measurements_latex['TTJets_hdampdown'], measurements_latex['TTJets_erdOn'], measurements_latex['TTJets_QCDbased_erdOn'], measurements_latex['TTJets_GluonMove'], measurements_latex['TTJets_semiLepBrup'], measurements_latex['TTJets_semiLepBrdown'], measurements_latex['TTJets_fragup'], measurements_latex['TTJets_fragdown'], measurements_latex['TTJets_petersonFrag'], ] for label in labelOrder: if label in labels: new_handles.append(zipped[label]) if label == 'data': new_labels.append(measurements_latex['data']) else: new_labels.append(label) # Location of the legend legend_location = (0.95, 0.82) prop = CMS.legend_properties if variable == 'MT': legend_location = (0.05, 0.82) elif variable == 'ST': legend_location = (0.97, 0.82) elif variable == 'WPT': legend_location = (1.0, 0.84) elif variable == 'abs_lepton_eta' or variable =='abs_lepton_eta_coarse': legend_location = (0.97, 0.87) elif variable == 'NJets': # Reduce size of NJets legend prop = {'size':30} # Add legend to plot plt.legend( new_handles, new_labels, numpoints = 1, prop = prop, frameon = False, bbox_to_anchor=legend_location, bbox_transform=plt.gcf().transFigure ) # Title and CMS labels # note: fontweight/weight does not change anything as we use Latex text!!! label, channel_label = get_cms_labels( channel ) plt.title( label,loc='right', **CMS.title ) # Locations of labels logo_location = (0.05, 0.97) channel_location = ( 0.05, 0.9) if preliminary: prelim_location = (0.05, 0.9) channel_location = ( 0.5, 0.97) # preliminary plt.text(prelim_location[0], prelim_location[1], r"\emph{Preliminary}", transform=axes.transAxes, fontsize=42, verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='left' ) # if variable == 'WPT': # logo_location = (0.05, 0.97) # prelim_location = (0.05, 0.9) # channel_location = (0.5, 0.97) # elif variable == 'abs_lepton_eta': # logo_location = (0.05, 0.97) # prelim_location = (0.05, 0.9) # channel_location = ( 0.5, 0.97) # Add labels to plot plt.text(logo_location[0], logo_location[1], r"\textbf{CMS}", transform=axes.transAxes, fontsize=42, verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='left' ) # channel text plt.text(channel_location[0], channel_location[1], r"%s"%channel_label, transform=axes.transAxes, fontsize=40, verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='left' ) # Set y limits on plot ylim = axes.get_ylim() if ylim[0] < 0: axes.set_ylim( ymin = 0.) axes.set_ylim(ymax = ylim[1]*1.1) if variable == 'abs_lepton_eta' or variable == 'abs_lepton_eta_coarse': axes.set_ylim(ymax = ylim[1]*1.6) # Now to show either of the ratio plots if show_ratio: # Set previous x axis ticks and labels to invisible plt.setp( axes.get_xticklabels(), visible = False ) # Go to ratio subplot ax1 = plt.subplot( gs[1] ) # setting the x_limits identical to the main plot x_limits = axes.get_xlim() ax1.set_xlim(x_limits) # Setting tick marks ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.5 ) ) plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_major ) # if not variable in ['NJets']: # ax1.minorticks_on() # ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) ) # plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_minor ) # x axis labels as before x_label = '${}$'.format(variables_latex[variable]) if variable in ['HT', 'ST', 'MET', 'WPT', 'lepton_pt']: x_label += ' (GeV)' if not show_generator_ratio: plt.xlabel( x_label, CMS.x_axis_title ) y_label = '$\\displaystyle\\frac{\\mathrm{pred.}}{\\mathrm{data}}$' plt.ylabel( y_label, CMS.y_axis_title_small ) ax1.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.115, 0.7) # Draw a horizontal line at y=1 for data plt.axhline(y = 1, color = 'black', linewidth = 2) # Create ratios and plot to subplot for key, hist in sorted( histograms.iteritems() ): if not 'unfolded' in key and not 'measured' in key: ratio = hist.Clone() ratio.Divide( hist_data ) line, h = rplt.hist( ratio, axes = ax1, label = 'do_not_show' ) if dashes[key] != None: line.set_dashes(dashes[key]) h.set_dashes(dashes[key]) # Now for the error bands stat_lower = hist_data.Clone() stat_upper = hist_data.Clone() syst_lower = hist_data.Clone() syst_upper = hist_data.Clone() # Plot relative error bands on data in the ratio plot stat_errors = graph_to_value_errors_tuplelist(hist_data) if category == 'central': syst_errors = graph_to_value_errors_tuplelist(hist_data_with_systematics) for bin_i in range( 1, hist_data.GetNbinsX() + 1 ): stat_value, stat_error, _ = stat_errors[bin_i-1] stat_rel_error = stat_error/stat_value stat_lower.SetBinContent( bin_i, 1 - stat_rel_error ) stat_upper.SetBinContent( bin_i, 1 + stat_rel_error ) if category == 'central': syst_value, syst_error_down, syst_error_up = syst_errors[bin_i-1] syst_rel_error_down = syst_error_down/syst_value syst_rel_error_up = syst_error_up/syst_value syst_lower.SetBinContent( bin_i, 1 - syst_rel_error_down ) syst_upper.SetBinContent( bin_i, 1 + syst_rel_error_up ) # Colour if category == 'central': rplt.fill_between( syst_lower, syst_upper, ax1, color = 'gold' ) rplt.fill_between( stat_upper, stat_lower, ax1, color = '0.75', ) # Add legend loc = 'upper left' if variable == 'MET': loc = 'lower left' elif variable == 'HT': loc = 'lower center' elif variable == 'ST': loc = 'lower center' elif variable == 'WPT': loc = 'lower left' elif variable == 'NJets': loc = 'lower left' elif variable == 'abs_lepton_eta' or variable == 'abs_lepton_eta_coarse': loc = 'upper left' elif variable == 'lepton_pt': loc = 'lower left' # legend for ratio plot p_stat = mpatches.Patch(facecolor='0.75', label='Stat.', edgecolor='black' ) p_stat_and_syst = mpatches.Patch(facecolor='gold', label=r'Stat. $\oplus$ Syst.', edgecolor='black' ) l1 = ax1.legend( handles = [p_stat, p_stat_and_syst], loc = loc, frameon = False, prop = {'size':26}, ncol = 2 ) ax1.add_artist(l1) # Setting y limits and tick parameters if variable == 'MET': ax1.set_ylim( ymin = 0.6, ymax = 1.4 ) ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.2 ) ) ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) ) if variable == 'MT': ax1.set_ylim( ymin = 0.8, ymax = 1.2 ) ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.2 ) ) ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) ) elif variable == 'HT': ax1.set_ylim( ymin = 0.6, ymax = 1.4 ) ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.2 ) ) ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) ) elif variable == 'ST': ax1.set_ylim( ymin = 0.6, ymax = 1.4 ) ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.2 ) ) ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) ) elif variable == 'WPT': ax1.set_ylim( ymin = 0.6, ymax = 1.4 ) ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.2 ) ) ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) ) elif variable == 'NJets': ax1.set_ylim( ymin = 0.6, ymax = 1.4 ) ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.2 ) ) ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) ) elif variable == 'abs_lepton_eta' or variable == 'abs_lepton_eta_coarse': ax1.set_ylim( ymin = 0.6, ymax = 1.4 ) ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.2 ) ) ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) ) elif variable == 'lepton_pt': ax1.set_ylim( ymin = 0.6, ymax = 1.4 ) ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.2 ) ) ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) ) if show_generator_ratio: ax2 = None # Remove Data/MC Ratio Axis if show_ratio: plt.setp( ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible = False ) ax2 = plt.subplot( gs[2] ) else: plt.setp( axes.get_xticklabels(), visible = False ) ax2 = plt.subplot( gs[1] ) # setting the x_limits identical to the main plot x_limits = axes.get_xlim() ax2.set_xlim(x_limits) # Setting ticks ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.5 ) ) plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_major ) if not variable in ['NJets']: ax2.minorticks_on() ax2.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) ) plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_minor ) # x axis labels as before x_label = '${}$'.format(variables_latex[variable]) if variable in ['HT', 'ST', 'MET', 'WPT', 'lepton_pt']: x_label += ' [GeV]' plt.xlabel( x_label, CMS.x_axis_title ) y_label = 'Ratio to \n$' + measurements_latex['TTJets_powhegPythia8'] + '$' plt.ylabel( y_label, CMS.y_axis_title_tiny ) #draw a horizontal line at y=1 for central MC plt.axhline(y = 1, color = 'black', linewidth = 2) central_mc = histograms['TTJets_powhegPythia8'] for key, hist in sorted( histograms.iteritems() ): if not 'measured' in key: ratio = None if not 'unfolded_with_systematics' in key: ratio = hist.Clone() ratio.Divide( central_mc ) #divide by central mc sample else: ratio = central_mc.Clone() syst_errors = graph_to_value_errors_tuplelist(hist) for bin_i in range( 1, ratio.GetNbinsX() + 1 ): syst_value, syst_error_down, syst_error_up = syst_errors[bin_i-1] mc = central_mc.GetBinContent(bin_i) data = list(hist.y())[bin_i-1] ratio.SetBinContent( bin_i, data / mc) ratio.SetBinError( bin_i, syst_error_down / mc ) if not 'unfolded' in key: line, h = rplt.hist( ratio, axes = ax2, label = 'do_not_show' ) if dashes[key] != None: line.set_dashes(dashes[key]) h.set_dashes(dashes[key]) elif 'unfolded_with_systematics' in key: ratio.markersize = 2 ratio.marker = 'o' ratio.color = 'black' rplt.errorbar( ratio, axes = ax2, label = 'do_not_show', xerr = None, capsize = 0, elinewidth = 2, zorder = len( histograms ) + 10 ) else: ratio.markersize = 2 ratio.marker = 'o' rplt.errorbar( ratio, axes = ax2, label = 'do_not_show', xerr = None, capsize = 15, capthick = 3, elinewidth = 2, zorder = len( histograms ) + 9 ) if variable == 'MET': ax2.set_ylim( ymin = 0.8, ymax = 1.2 ) ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.5 ) ) ax2.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) ) if variable == 'MT': ax2.set_ylim( ymin = 0.8, ymax = 1.2 ) ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.2 ) ) ax2.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) ) elif variable == 'HT': ax2.set_ylim( ymin = 0.7, ymax = 1.3 ) ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.2 ) ) ax2.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) ) elif variable == 'ST': ax2.set_ylim( ymin = 0.7, ymax = 1.5 ) ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.5 ) ) ax2.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) ) elif variable == 'WPT': ax2.set_ylim( ymin = 0.8, ymax = 1.2 ) ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.5 ) ) ax2.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) ) elif variable == 'NJets': ax2.set_ylim( ymin = 0.7, ymax = 1.5 ) elif variable == 'abs_lepton_eta' or variable == 'abs_lepton_eta_coarse': ax2.set_ylim( ymin = 0.8, ymax = 1.2 ) ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.2 ) ) ax2.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) ) elif variable == 'lepton_pt': ax2.set_ylim( ymin = 0.8, ymax = 1.3 ) ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.2 ) ) ax2.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) ) if CMS.tight_layout: plt.tight_layout() # Save the plots path = '{output_folder}/xsections/{phaseSpace}/{variable}/' path = path.format( output_folder = output_folder, phaseSpace = phase_space, variable = variable ) make_folder_if_not_exists( path ) for output_format in output_formats: filename = path + '/' + histname + '.' + output_format plt.savefig( filename ) del hist_data if 'central' in category: del hist_data_with_systematics plt.close() gc.collect() return
# axes = plt.subplot() try: axes.set_yscale('log'), stacked=True, axes=axes, yerr=False, alpha=0.5, rasterized=True, ec='grey', linewidth=1) if hists['Data'].Integral(): rplt.errorbar(hists['Data'], xerr=False, emptybins=False, axes=axes) except: # print "no data events..." # continue pass for signalsample in signalsamples: # print signalsample # print plottedsignals[histogramName.split("_")[0] ] skip = 1 if any([ thissig in signalsample for thissig in plottedsignals[histogramName.split("_")[0]] ]): skip = 0
def plot_hardest_pt_corresponding_triggers(): properties = parse_file(input_analysis_file, pT_lower_cut=0) pTs = properties['cor_hardest_pT'] trigger_names = properties['trigger_name'] prescales = properties['prescale'] expected_trigger_names = [ "HLT_Jet180U", "HLT_Jet140U", "HLT_Jet100U", "HLT_Jet70U", "HLT_Jet50U", "HLT_Jet30U", "HLT_Jet15U" ] labels = [ "Jet180u", "Jet140u", "Jet100u", "Jet70u", "Jet50u", "Jet30u", "Jet15u" ] colors = ['purple', 'orange', 'brown', 'red', 'blue', 'magenta', 'green'] pt_hists = [] for i in range(0, len(expected_trigger_names)): pt_hists.append( Hist(50, 0, 1000, title=labels[i].upper(), markersize=1.0, color=colors[i], linewidth=5)) found = False for i in range(0, len(pTs)): found = False for j in range(0, len(expected_trigger_names)): if expected_trigger_names[j] in trigger_names[i]: pt_hists[j].Fill(pTs[i], prescales[i]) found = True if not found: print trigger_names[i] pt_hists[len(pt_hists) - 1].Fill(pTs[i], prescales[i]) for k in range(0, len(pt_hists)): rplt.errorbar(pt_hists[k], marker='o', markersize=10, pickradius=8, capthick=5, capsize=8, elinewidth=5) plt.yscale('log') plt.autoscale(True) plt.gca().set_ylim(0.1, 10e8) plt.legend(loc=0, frameon=0) plt.xlabel('$p_T \mathrm{(GeV)}$', fontsize=65) plt.gca().xaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(25)) # plt.gca().yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(50)) plt.tick_params(which='major', width=5, length=25, labelsize=70) plt.tick_params(which='minor', width=3, length=15) ab = AnnotationBbox(OffsetImage(read_png( get_sample_data( "/home/aashish/root-6.04.06/macros/MODAnalyzer/mod_logo.png", asfileobj=False)), zoom=0.15, resample=1, dpi_cor=1), (0.20, 0.845), xycoords='figure fraction', frameon=0) plt.gca().add_artist(ab) preliminary_text = "Prelim. (20\%)" plt.gcf().text(0.265, 0.835, preliminary_text, fontsize=50, weight='bold', color='#444444', multialignment='center') plt.gcf().set_size_inches(30, 21.4285714, forward=1) plt.savefig("plots/" + get_version(input_analysis_file) + "/hardest_pT_corresponding_triggers.pdf") # plt.clf()
"hists/output/%s/hist-%s.root.root" % (signalsample, "_".join(signalsample.split("_")[:2]))) try: hists[signalsample] = signalfile.Get(histogramName).Clone( signalsample) hists[signalsample].SetTitle( r"%s" % signalsample.replace("_", " ").replace("SRAll", "")) if makeCutFlowTables: cutflows[hists[signalsample].GetTitle( )] = cutFlowTools.histToCutFlow(hists[signalsample]) rplt.errorbar(hists[signalsample], axes=axes, yerr=False, xerr=False, alpha=0.9, fmt="--", markersize=0) hists[signalsample].Scale(1. / hists[signalsample].GetBinContent(1)) rplt.errorbar(hists[signalsample], axes=axes2, yerr=False, xerr=False, alpha=0.9, fmt="--", markersize=0) print "%s %f" % (signalsample, hists[signalsample].Integral()) except: continue
def plot_pTs(pT_lower_cut=100, pT_upper_cut=10000): keywords = ['prescale', 'uncor_hardest_pT', 'cor_hardest_pT'] properties = parse_file(input_analysis_file, pT_lower_cut=pT_lower_cut, pT_upper_cut=pT_upper_cut, keywords_to_populate=keywords) uncorrected_pTs = properties['uncor_hardest_pT'] corrected_pTs = properties['cor_hardest_pT'] prescales = properties['prescale'] corrected_pt_hist = Hist(100, 5, 1005, title='Jet Energy Corrected', markersize=3.0, color='black') bin_width_corrected = ( corrected_pt_hist.upperbound() - corrected_pt_hist.lowerbound()) / corrected_pt_hist.nbins() uncorrected_pt_hist = Hist(100, 5, 1005, title='Jet Energy Uncorrected', markersize=3.0, color='orange') bin_width_uncorrected = ( uncorrected_pt_hist.upperbound() - uncorrected_pt_hist.lowerbound()) / uncorrected_pt_hist.nbins() map(uncorrected_pt_hist.Fill, uncorrected_pTs, prescales) map(corrected_pt_hist.Fill, corrected_pTs, prescales) corrected_pt_hist.Scale( 1.0 / (corrected_pt_hist.GetSumOfWeights() * bin_width_corrected)) uncorrected_pt_hist.Scale( 1.0 / (uncorrected_pt_hist.GetSumOfWeights() * bin_width_uncorrected)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[3, 1]) ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0]) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1]) data_plot = rplt.errorbar(corrected_pt_hist, axes=ax0, emptybins=False, marker='o', markersize=10, pickradius=8, capthick=5, capsize=8, elinewidth=5) uncorrected_data_plot = rplt.errorbar(uncorrected_pt_hist, axes=ax0, emptybins=False, marker='o', markersize=10, pickradius=8, capthick=5, capsize=8, elinewidth=5) data_x_errors, data_y_errors = [], [] for x_segment in data_plot[2][0].get_segments(): data_x_errors.append((x_segment[1][0] - x_segment[0][0]) / 2.) for y_segment in data_plot[2][1].get_segments(): data_y_errors.append((y_segment[1][1] - y_segment[0][1]) / 2.) data_points_x = data_plot[0].get_xdata() data_points_y = data_plot[0].get_ydata() data_plot_points_x = [] data_plot_points_y = [] for i in range(0, len(data_points_x)): data_plot_points_x.append(data_points_x[i]) data_plot_points_y.append(data_points_y[i]) uncorrected_data_x_errors, uncorrected_data_y_errors = [], [] for x_segment in uncorrected_data_plot[2][0].get_segments(): uncorrected_data_x_errors.append( (x_segment[1][0] - x_segment[0][0]) / 2.) for y_segment in uncorrected_data_plot[2][1].get_segments(): uncorrected_data_y_errors.append( (y_segment[1][1] - y_segment[0][1]) / 2.) uncorrected_data_points_x = uncorrected_data_plot[0].get_xdata() uncorrected_data_points_y = uncorrected_data_plot[0].get_ydata() uncorrected_data_plot_points_x = [] uncorrected_data_plot_points_y = [] for i in range(0, len(uncorrected_data_points_x)): uncorrected_data_plot_points_x.append(uncorrected_data_points_x[i]) uncorrected_data_plot_points_y.append(uncorrected_data_points_y[i]) data_to_data_y_err = [(b / m) for b, m in zip(data_y_errors, data_plot_points_y)] data_to_data_x_err = [ (b / m) for b, m in zip(data_x_errors, [1] * len(data_plot_points_y)) ] uncorrected_to_corrected_y_err = [ (b / m) for b, m in zip(uncorrected_data_y_errors, data_plot_points_y) ] uncorrected_to_corrected_x_err = [ (b / m) for b, m in zip(uncorrected_data_x_errors, [1] * len(data_plot_points_y)) ] # Legends Begin. legend = ax0.legend(loc=1, frameon=0, fontsize=60, bbox_to_anchor=[1.0, 1.0]) ax0.add_artist(legend) extra = Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc="w", fill=False, edgecolor='none', linewidth=0) if pT_upper_cut != 10000: labels = [ r"$ \textrm{Anti--}k_{t}\textrm{:}~R = 0.5$", r"$p_{T} \in [" + str(pT_lower_cut) + ", " + str(pT_upper_cut) + "]~\mathrm{GeV};\eta<2.4$" ] else: labels = [ r"$ \textrm{Anti--}k_{t}\textrm{:}~R = 0.5$", r"$p_{T} > " + str(pT_lower_cut) + "~\mathrm{GeV};\eta<2.4$" ] ax0.legend([extra, extra], labels, loc=7, frameon=0, borderpad=0.1, fontsize=60, bbox_to_anchor=[0.92, 0.70]) # Legends End. ax0.set_xlabel('$p_T~\mathrm{(GeV)}$', fontsize=75, labelpad=45) ax1.set_xlabel('$p_T~\mathrm{(GeV)}$', fontsize=75, labelpad=45) ax0.set_ylabel('$\mathrm{A.U.}$', fontsize=75, rotation=0, labelpad=75.) ax1.set_ylabel("Ratio \nto \n" + "Corrected" + " ", fontsize=55, rotation=0, labelpad=115, y=0.31) ab = AnnotationBbox(OffsetImage(read_png( get_sample_data("/home/aashish/root/macros/MODAnalyzer/mod_logo.png", asfileobj=False)), zoom=0.15, resample=1, dpi_cor=1), (0.26, 0.93), xycoords='figure fraction', frameon=0) plt.gca().add_artist(ab) preliminary_text = "Prelim. (20\%)" plt.gcf().text(0.32, 0.9215, preliminary_text, fontsize=50, weight='bold', color='#444444', multialignment='center') # Ratio Plot. uncorrected_pt_hist.Divide(corrected_pt_hist) corrected_pt_hist.Divide(corrected_pt_hist) rplt.errorbar(corrected_pt_hist, xerr=data_to_data_x_err, yerr=data_to_data_y_err, axes=ax1, emptybins=False, marker='o', markersize=10, pickradius=8, capthick=5, capsize=8, elinewidth=5) rplt.errorbar(uncorrected_pt_hist, xerr=uncorrected_to_corrected_x_err, yerr=uncorrected_to_corrected_y_err, axes=ax1, emptybins=False, marker='o', markersize=10, pickradius=8, capthick=5, capsize=8, elinewidth=5) ax0.set_yscale('log') ax0.autoscale(True) ax1.autoscale(True) ax0.set_ylim(10e-8, 0.5 * 10e-1) ax1.set_ylim(0., 2.) ax0.set_xlim(0, 1000) ax1.set_xlim(0, 1000) plt.gcf().set_size_inches(30, 30, forward=1) plt.gca().xaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(25)) plt.tick_params(which='major', width=5, length=25, labelsize=70) plt.tick_params(which='minor', width=3, length=15) plt.gca().xaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(25)) # plt.gca().yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(50)) plt.tick_params(which='major', width=5, length=25, labelsize=70) plt.tick_params(which='minor', width=3, length=15) plt.tight_layout(pad=1.08, h_pad=1.08, w_pad=1.08) print "Printing pT spectrum with pT > " + str( pT_lower_cut) + " and pT < " + str(pT_upper_cut) plt.savefig("plots/Version 5/pT/data_pT_data_lower_" + str(pT_lower_cut) + "_pT_upper_" + str(pT_upper_cut) + ".pdf") # plt.clf()
hMeas = Hist(40, -10.0, 10.0) hTrue.SetLineColor('red') hMeas.SetLineColor('blue') # Test with a Gaussian, mean 0 and width 2. for i in xrange(10000): xt = gRandom.Gaus(0.0, 2.0) x = smear(xt) hTrue.Fill(xt) if x != None: hMeas.Fill(x) print "==================================== UNFOLD ===================================" unfold = RooUnfoldBayes(response, hMeas, 4) # OR # unfold= RooUnfoldSvd (response, hMeas, 20); # OR # unfold= RooUnfoldTUnfold (response, hMeas); hReco = unfold.Hreco() h_unfolded = asrootpy(hReco) unfold.PrintTable(cout, hTrue) plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12), dpi=100) rplt.hist(hTrue, label='truth', stacked=False) rplt.hist(hMeas, label='measured', stacked=False) rplt.errorbar(h_unfolded, label='unfolded') plt.xlabel('var') plt.ylabel('Events') plt.title('Unfolding') plt.legend() plt.savefig('plots/RooUnfoldBayesExample.png') print 'Done'
def main(): JetPtBins = [5,10,20,30,40,60,80,100,150,500] jetPt = [(JetPtBins[i],JetPtBins[i+1]) for i in range(8)] print(jetPt) #JetPtCenter = [7.5,15,25,35,50,70,90,125,325] JetPtCenter = [6.5,12.45,23.34,33.83,46.75,67.73,88.01,116.11,194.61] LeadPtMode = [2.0,3.0,5.6,8.9,9.9,14.8,20.7,26.0,34.6] LeadPtMean = [2.35,3.72,6.66,9.59,13.58,17.98,23.27,27.55,31.68] LeadPtError = [0.93,1.69,3.18,4.43,6.74,8.34,9.68,10.27,10.55] JetPtError = [2.5,5,5,5,10,10,10,25,175] JetPtLeadPtG = Graph(len(JetPtCenter)) #Gives jet pT as a function of leading pT JetPtLeadPtGerr = Graph(len(JetPtCenter)) LeadPtJetPtG = Graph(len(JetPtCenter)) LeadPtJetPtGerr = Graph(len(JetPtCenter)) for i,(x,y,e) in enumerate(zip(LeadPtMean,JetPtCenter,JetPtError)): JetPtLeadPtG.SetPoint(i,x,y) JetPtLeadPtGerr.SetPoint(i,x,e) for i,(x,y,e) in enumerate(zip(JetPtCenter,LeadPtMean,LeadPtError)): LeadPtJetPtG.SetPoint(i,x,y) LeadPtJetPtGerr.SetPoint(i,x,e) Njets = 8 topcomment = "_systematics_Triggered" finderName = ["Full jets, Anti-k_\mathrm{T} R = 0.4","Charged Jets, Anti-k_\mathrm{T} R = 0.4"] finderType = ["Full","Charged"] setTitle = ["0","1","2","3","4","5"] finderR = {4,4} iC = 0 logx = 1 doWeight = 1 iS = 0 f = root_open("errors_test.root", 'read') gGausRMS = f.Get("gGausRMS{:02d}".format(iS)) gGausRMSerr = f.Get("gGausRMS{:02d}_Systematics".format(iS)) gGausYield = f.Get("gGausYield{:02d}".format(iS)) gGausYielderr = f.Get("gGausYield{:02d}_Systematics".format(iS)) gGammaRMS = f.Get("gGammaRMS{:02d}".format(iS)) gGammaRMSerr = f.Get("gGammaRMS{:02d}_Systematics".format(iS)) gGammaYield = f.Get("gGammaYield{:02d}".format(iS)) gGammaYielderr = f.Get("gGammaYield{:02d}_Systematics".format(iS)) start = 4 iS = 0 stats = [None if ij < start else f.Get("JetConeJtWeightBinNFin{:02d}JetPt{:02d}_Statistics".format(iS,ij)) for ij in range(8)] fits = [None if ij < start else f.Get("JetConeJtWeightBinNFin{:02d}JetPt{:02d}_FitFunction".format(iS,ij)) for ij in range(8)] print(fits) print(stats) n_figs = 2 # if(n_figs == 2): # fig,axs = defs.makeRatio(xlog=True,ylog=True,d=d,shareY=False,figsize = (5,6),grid=False) # else: # fig, axs = defs.makegrid(n_figs/2,2,xlog=True,ylog=True,d=d,shareY=False,figsize= (10,7.5) if n_figs == 4 else (n_figs*15/8,7.5) ) # axs = axs.reshape(n_figs) # if(n_figs == 2): # pT = jetPt[start] # print(pT) # axs[0].text(0.8,7,d['system'] +'\n'+ d['jettype'] +'\n'+ d['jetalg'] + '\n' + d['cut'] + '\n' + r'${:02d}\:\mathrm{{GeV}}/c < p_{{\mathrm{{T,jet}}}} < {:02d}\:\mathrm{{GeV}}/c$'.format(pT[0],pT[1]),fontsize = 10) # else: # axs[1].text(0.12,0.002,d['system'] +'\n'+ d['jettype'] +'\n'+ d['jetalg'] + '\n' + d['cut'],fontsize = 11) # ratios = [] xs2 = [] for jT,pT,ij,fit in zip(stats[start:],jetPt[start:],range(start,9),fits[start:]): color = colors[1] fig,axs = defs.makeRatio(xlog=True,ylog=True,d=d,shareY=False,figsize = (5,6),grid=False) axs = axs.reshape(n_figs) axs[0].text(0.8,7,d['system'] +'\n'+ d['jettype'] +'\n'+ d['jetalg'] + '\n' + d['cut'] + '\n' + r'${:02d}\:\mathrm{{GeV}}/c < p_{{\mathrm{{T,jet}}}} < {:02d}\:\mathrm{{GeV}}/c$'.format(pT[0],pT[1]),fontsize = 10) ax = axs[0] xs = np.arange(0,xhigh,0.01).tolist() for ii in range(6): print(fit.GetParameter(ii)) #B2 is Gauss normalization #B3 is Gamma normalization gauss = fit.Clone() gauss.SetParameter(3,0) gamma = fit.Clone() gamma.SetParameter(0,0) ys = [fit.Eval(x) for x in xs] ys2 = [gauss.Eval(x) for x in xs] ys3 = [gamma.Eval(x) for x in xs] ax.plot(xs,ys2,'b:',label="Narrow") ax.plot(xs,ys3,'r--',label="Wide") ax.plot(xs,ys,'k',label="Total") jT.SetMarkerColor(color) jT.SetMarkerStyle(24) jT.SetLineColor(color) jT.SetMarkerSize(mSize) plot = rplt.errorbar(jT,xerr=False,emptybins=False,axes=ax,label="ALICE",fmt='o',fillstyle='none') #Plot jT histogram, line = plot.get_children()[0] line.set_markersize(mSize) if(True): line.set_markerfacecolor('none') #line.set_markeredgecolor(color) line.set_color(color) # line.set_markerfacecolor('none') # line.set_markeredgecolor(colors[c]) # line.set_markerfacecolor('none') # line.set_markeredgecolor('none') # line.set_drawstyle('default') # line.set_linestyle('dashed') # line.set_color(colors[c]) if(n_figs > 2): ax.text(0.5,1e2,r'${:02d}\:\mathrm{{GeV}} < p_{{\mathrm{{T,jet}}}} < {:02d}\:\mathrm{{GeV}}$'.format(pT[0],pT[1])) ax.set_xlim([xlow,xhigh]) #Set x-axis limits ax.set_ylim([1e-6,2e3]) #Set y-axis limits #ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(),horizontalalignment='left') x_ = Double() y1 = Double() xe = Double() ye = Double() NC = jT.GetN() y2 = [] y2e = [] xs=[] ex = [] for ii in range(NC): jT.GetPoint(ii,x_,y1) xe = jT.GetErrorX(ii) ye = jT.GetErrorY(ii) x1 = x_*1.0 xs.append(x1) ex.append(xe) if(y1 > 0): y2.append(y1/fit.Eval(x1)) y2e.append(ye/fit.Eval(x1)) else: y2.append(0) y2e.append(0) #ratio = jT.Clone() ratio= Graph(NC) print(xs[::5]) print(y2[::5]) print(ex[::5]) print(y2e[::5]) for x0,y0,x0e,y0e,i in zip(xs,y2,ex,y2e,range(NC)): ratio.SetPoint(i,x0,y0) ratio.SetPointError(i,x0e,x0e,y0e,y0e) ratios.append(ratio) print(ratio) ax = axs[1] #for ratio,pT,ax,color in zip(ratios,jetPt[start:],axs[n_figs/2:n_figs+1],colors[1:]): print("Debug") ratio.SetMarkerColor(color) ratio.SetLineColor(color) ratio.SetMarkerStyle(24) ax.plot([0,20],[1,1],'k--') #ratio.SetMarkerSize(mSize) plot = rplt.errorbar(ratio,xerr=False,emptybins=False,axes=ax,label=r"Ratio",fmt='o',fillstyle='none') #Plot jT histogram, line = plot.get_children()[0] line.set_markersize(mSize) if(True): line.set_markerfacecolor('none') #line.set_markeredgecolor(color) line.set_color(color) #ax.plot(xs2,ratio) ax.set_yscale('linear') ax.set_xlim([xlow,xhigh]) #Set x-axis limits ax.set_ylim([0,2.75]) #Set y-axis limits ax.set_ylabel('Signal/Fit',fontsize=14) #Add y-axis labels to left- and righmost subfigures handles, labels = axs[0].get_legend_handles_labels() handles = [handles[3],handles[2],handles[0],handles[1]] labels = [labels[3],labels[2],labels[0],labels[1]] handles = [container.ErrorbarContainer(h,has_xerr=False,has_yerr=True) if isinstance(h, container.ErrorbarContainer) else h for h in handles] axs[0].legend(handles,labels,loc = 'lower left',numpoints=1) axs[0].text(0.11,3e2,"ALICE",weight='bold') fig.align_labels() print("Save PythonFigures/JtSignalFinalFitJetPt{}.pdf".format(ij)) plt.savefig("PythonFigures/JtSignalFinalFitJetPt{}.pdf".format(ij),format='pdf') #Save figure #Draw figure on screen
h1.fillcolor = 'green' h1.linecolor = 'green' h1.linewidth = 0 h2.fillstyle = 'solid' h2.fillcolor = 'red' h2.linecolor = 'red' h2.linewidth = 0 stack = HistStack() stack.Add(h1) stack.Add(h2) ratio = h3 / (h1 + h2) ratio = Hist.divide(h3, h1 + h2) # plot with matplotlib plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12), dpi=200) subplot(211), stacked=True) rplt.errorbar(h3, xerr=False, emptybins=False) plt.xlabel('Mass', position=(1., 0.), ha='right', fontsize=24) plt.ylabel('Events', position=(0., 1.), va='top', fontsize=24) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) plt.legend(numpoints=1) subplot(212) rplt.errorbar(ratio, emptybins=False) plt.savefig('plots/Hist_with_dataMCRatio_pylab.png')
hl1 = f.Get("btagCSV_l_{0}__rec".format(bin)) hc1 = f.Get("btagCSV_c_{0}__rec".format(bin)) hb1 = f.Get("btagCSV_b_{0}__rec".format(bin)) hl2 = f.Get("btagBDT_l_{0}__rec".format(bin)) hc2 = f.Get("btagBDT_c_{0}__rec".format(bin)) hb2 = f.Get("btagBDT_b_{0}__rec".format(bin)) for h in [hl1, hc1, hb1, hl2, hc2, hb2]: h.Rebin(10) h.Scale(1.0 / h.Integral()) plt.figure(figsize=(6,6)) hl1.color = "green" hc1.color = "blue" hb1.color = "red" rplt.errorbar(hl1, label="udsg") rplt.errorbar(hc1, label="c") rplt.errorbar(hb1, label="b") plt.yscale("log") plt.legend(loc="best", numpoints=1, frameon=False) plt.grid() plt.ylim(0.001,1.0) plt.xlabel("CSV b-discriminator") plt.ylabel("fraction of jets") svfg("plots/btagCSV_{0}.pdf".format(bin)) plt.figure(figsize=(6,6)) hl2.color = "green" hc2.color = "blue" hb2.color = "red" rplt.errorbar(hl2, color="green")
def trigger_prescales(): mod_hists = parsed_linear[0] prescale_hists = {} for key, value in mod_hists.items(): if "prescale" in key: prescale_hists[key.split("_prescale")[0]] = value colors = [ 'green', 'magenta', 'blue', 'red', 'orange', '#cecece', 'yellow', 'cyan', 'purple' ][::-1] legend_labels = [ "Jet370", "Jet300", "Jet240", "Jet190", "Jet150", "Jet110", "Jet80", "Jet60", "Jet30" ][::-1] hist_labels = [ "HLT_Jet370", "HLT_Jet300", "HLT_Jet240", "HLT_Jet190", "HLT_Jet150", "HLT_Jet110", "HLT_Jet80", "HLT_Jet60", "HLT_Jet30" ][::-1] plots = [] for i in range(len(hist_labels)): mod_hist = prescale_hists[hist_labels[i]] hist = mod_hist.hist() hist.SetColor(colors[i]) hist.SetTitle(legend_labels[i]) hist.SetLineWidth(5) # plots.append( rplt.hist(hist, linewidth=10) ) # , markeredgecolor=colors[i], label=labels[i], xerr=filtered_x_err, yerr=filtered_y_err, ls='None', alpha=1.0, marker='o' plots.append( rplt.errorbar(hist, linewidth=5, markeredgecolor=colors[i], marker="o", markersize=15, pickradius=20, yerr=False, capthick=5, capsize=8, elinewidth=5)) plt.autoscale() plt.gca().set_ylim(1e1, 5e8) plt.gca().set_xlim(0.5, 1e6) average_prescales = [ 1.00, 1.00, 4.15, 27.80, 74.71, 575.46, 2151.41, 9848.00, 239202.97 ][::-1] for i in range(0, len(hist_labels)): plt.plot([average_prescales[i], average_prescales[i]], [3e1, 1e2], lw=10, ls="dashed", color=colors[i]) plt.gca().text((average_prescales[i]), 2e1, str(average_prescales[i]), color=colors[i], horizontalalignment='center') # # Info about R, pT_cut, etc. extra = Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc="w", fill=False, edgecolor='none', linewidth=0) handles = [extra] labels = ["AK5; $\left| \eta \\right| < 2.5$"] info_legend = plt.gca().legend(handles, labels, frameon=0, borderpad=0.1, fontsize=60, bbox_to_anchor=[0.30, 0.98]) plt.gca().add_artist(info_legend) plt.gca().set_xlabel("Trigger Prescale", fontsize=70, labelpad=10) plt.gca().set_ylabel("Events", fontsize=70, labelpad=50) plt.gca().add_artist(logo_box(0.103, 1.00)) plt.gca().set_xscale('log') plt.gca().set_yscale('log') handles = plots legend = plt.legend(handles, legend_labels, fontsize=60, frameon=0, bbox_to_anchor=[0.99, 0.99]) ax = plt.gca().add_artist(legend) # plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.ScalarFormatter(useMathText=False)) outside_text = plt.gca().legend([extra], ["CMS 2011 Open Data"], frameon=0, borderpad=0, fontsize=50, bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.005), loc='lower right') plt.gca().add_artist(outside_text) plt.tick_params(which='major', width=5, length=25, labelsize=70, pad=10) plt.tick_params(which='minor', width=3, length=15) # plt.tight_layout() plt.gcf().set_size_inches(30, 24, forward=1) plt.savefig(default_dir + "trigger_prescales.pdf") plt.clf()
def plot_efficiencies(efficiency_data, efficiency_mc, scale_factor, fit_data, fit_mc, fit_SF, fit_function, x_limits, x_title, y_title, save_as_name): # plot with matplotlib plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16), dpi=200, facecolor='white') gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1, height_ratios=[5, 1]) ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[0]) ax0.minorticks_on() ax0.grid(True, 'major', linewidth=2) ax0.grid(True, 'minor') plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) ax0.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.1f')) rplt.errorbar(efficiency_data, xerr=True, emptybins=True, axes=ax0) rplt.errorbar(efficiency_mc, xerr=False, emptybins=True, axes=ax0) ax0.set_xlim(x_limits) plt.ylabel(y_title, CMS.y_axis_title) plt.title(r'e+jets, CMS Preliminary, $\mathcal{L}$ = 5.1 fb$^{-1}$ at $\sqrt{s}$ = 7 TeV', CMS.title) plt.legend(['data', r'$\mathrm{t}\bar{\mathrm{t}}$ MC'], numpoints=1, loc='lower right', prop=CMS.legend_properties) #add fits x = numpy.linspace(fit_data.GetXmin(), fit_data.GetXmax(), fit_data.GetNpx()) function_data = frompyfunc(fit_data.Eval, 1, 1) plot(x, function_data(x), axes=ax0, color = 'black', linewidth = 2) x = numpy.linspace(fit_mc.GetXmin(), fit_mc.GetXmax(), fit_mc.GetNpx()) function_mc = frompyfunc(fit_mc.Eval, 1, 1) plot(x, function_mc(x), axes=ax0, color = 'red', linewidth = 2) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[1]) #disable labels for plot 1 plt.setp(ax0.get_xticklabels(minor = True), visible=False) plt.setp(ax0.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) ax1.minorticks_on() ax1.grid(True, 'major', linewidth=2) ax1.grid(True, 'minor') ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(1.)) ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(0.5)) ax1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.1f')) ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%d')) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_major) plt.tick_params(**CMS.axis_label_minor) plt.xlabel(x_title, CMS.x_axis_title) plt.ylabel('data/MC', CMS.y_axis_title) rplt.errorbar(scale_factor, xerr=True, emptybins=False, axes=ax1) ax1.set_xlim(x_limits) #add fit formulas ax0.text(0.1, 0.15, '$\epsilon$ = ' + get_fitted_function_str(fit_data, fit_function), verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='left', transform=ax0.transAxes, color='black', fontsize=60, bbox = dict(facecolor = 'white', edgecolor = 'none', alpha = 0.5)) ax0.text(0.1, 0.05, '$\epsilon$ = ' + get_fitted_function_str(fit_mc, fit_function), verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='left', transform=ax0.transAxes, color='red', fontsize=60, bbox = dict(facecolor = 'white', edgecolor = 'none', alpha = 0.5)) ax1.text(0.1, 0.10, '$\epsilon$ = ' + get_fitted_function_str(fit_SF, fit_function), verticalalignment='bottom', horizontalalignment='left', transform=ax1.transAxes, color='green', fontsize=60, bbox = dict(facecolor = 'white', edgecolor = 'none', alpha = 0.5)) #add scale factor fit x = numpy.linspace(fit_SF.GetXmin(), fit_SF.GetXmax(), fit_SF.GetNpx()) function_SF = frompyfunc(fit_SF.Eval, 1, 1) plot(x, function_SF(x), axes=ax1, color = 'green', linewidth = 2) if 'jet_pt' in trigger_under_study: ax1.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%d')) plt.draw() labels = [item.get_text() for item in ax1.get_xmajorticklabels()] minor_labels = [item.get_text() for item in ax1.get_xminorticklabels()] new_labels, new_minor_labels = [], [] keep_labels = ['20','50','100','150','200'] for label in labels: if not label in keep_labels: label = '' new_labels.append(label) for label in minor_labels: if not label in keep_labels: label = '' new_minor_labels.append(label) ax1.set_xticklabels(new_labels) ax1.set_xticklabels(new_minor_labels, minor = True) plt.tight_layout() for output_format in output_formats: plt.savefig(output_folder + save_as_name + '_efficiency_matplot.' + output_format)
def trigger_efficiency_plot(): mod_hists = parsed_linear[0] colors = [ 'green', 'magenta', 'blue', 'red', 'orange', '#cecece', 'yellow', 'cyan', 'purple' ] labels = [ "Jet140U / 100U", "Jet100U / 70U", "Jet70U / 50U", "Jet50U / 30U", "Jet30U / 15U\_HNF", "" ] labels = [ "Jet370 / Jet300", "Jet300 / Jet240", "Jet240 / Jet190", "Jet190 / Jet150", "Jet150 / Jet110", "Jet 110 / Jet80", "Jet80 / Jet60", "Jet60 / Jet30" ] hist_labels = [("HLT_Jet370", "HLT_Jet300"), ("HLT_Jet300", "HLT_Jet240"), ("HLT_Jet240", "HLT_Jet190"), ("HLT_Jet190", "HLT_Jet150"), ("HLT_Jet150", "HLT_Jet110"), ("HLT_Jet110", "HLT_Jet80"), ("HLT_Jet80", "HLT_Jet60"), ("HLT_Jet60", "HLT_Jet30")] lower_pTs = [370, 300, 240, 190, 150, 110, 80, 60, 30] # rplt.hist(mod_hists[0].hist()) plots = [] for i in range(len(hist_labels)): first_hist, second_hist = mod_hists[hist_labels[i][0]], mod_hists[ hist_labels[i][1]] ratio_hist = first_hist.hist() / second_hist.hist() ratio_hist.SetColor(colors[i]) ratio_hist.SetTitle(labels[i]) # rplt.errorbar(ratio_hist, emptybins=False, xerr=1, yerr=1, ls='None', marker='o', markersize=10, pickradius=8, capthick=5, capsize=8, elinewidth=5, alpha=1.0) plots.append(rplt.errorbar(ratio_hist, emptybins=True, alpha=0.)) for i in range(len(plots)): data_plot = plots[i] data_x_errors, data_y_errors = [], [] for x_segment in data_plot[2][0].get_segments(): data_x_errors.append((x_segment[1][0] - x_segment[0][0]) / 2.) for y_segment in data_plot[2][1].get_segments(): data_y_errors.append((y_segment[1][1] - y_segment[0][1]) / 2.) data_points_x = data_plot[0].get_xdata() data_points_y = data_plot[0].get_ydata() filtered_x, filtered_y, filtered_x_err, filtered_y_err = [], [], [], [] for x, y, xerr, yerr in zip(data_points_x, data_points_y, data_x_errors, data_y_errors): if x > lower_pTs[i]: filtered_x.append(x) filtered_y.append(y) filtered_x_err.append(xerr) filtered_y_err.append(yerr) plt.errorbar(filtered_x, filtered_y, zorder=range(len(plots))[len(plots) - i - 1], color=colors[i], markeredgecolor=colors[i], label=labels[i], xerr=filtered_x_err, yerr=filtered_y_err, ls='None', alpha=1.0, marker='o', markersize=10, pickradius=8, capthick=5, capsize=8, elinewidth=5) extra = Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc="w", fill=False, edgecolor='none', linewidth=0) plt.autoscale() plt.gca().set_ylim(1e-3, 7e4) """ cms_turn_on_pTs = [250, 200, 150, 120, 70] for i in range(0, len(hist_labels)): ''' if cms_turn_on_pTs[i] != 0: source = "MOD" plt.gca().annotate(str(cms_turn_on_pTs[i]) + " GeV", xy=(cms_turn_on_pTs[i], 1.), xycoords='data', xytext=(-100, 350), textcoords='offset points', color=colors[i], size=50, va="center", ha="center", arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="simple", facecolor=colors[i], zorder=99, connectionstyle="angle3,angleA=0,angleB=90") ) ''' plt.plot([ cms_turn_on_pTs[i], cms_turn_on_pTs[i] ], [ 1e0, 2e1 ], lw=10, ls="dashed", color=colors[i]) plt.gca().text((cms_turn_on_pTs[i]), 3e1, str(cms_turn_on_pTs[i]) + " GeV", color=colors[i], horizontalalignment='center') """ # Horizontal Line. plt.plot([0] + list(mod_hists[hist_labels[i][0]].hist().x()), [1] * (1 + len(list(mod_hists[hist_labels[i][0]].hist().x()))), color="black", linewidth=5, linestyle="dashed") # Info about R, pT_cut, etc. handles = [extra] labels = ["AK5; $\left| \eta \\right| < 2.5$"] info_legend = plt.gca().legend(handles, labels, loc=7, frameon=0, borderpad=0.1, fontsize=60, bbox_to_anchor=[0.28, 0.92]) plt.gca().add_artist(info_legend) plt.gca().set_xlabel("Trigger Jet $p_T$ [GeV]", fontsize=70, labelpad=50) plt.gca().set_ylabel("Ratio", fontsize=70, labelpad=50) plt.gca().add_artist(logo_box(0.114, 0.98)) plt.gca().xaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(10)) plt.gca().set_yscale('log') handles, labels = plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels() legend = plt.legend(handles[::-1][:-5], labels[::-1][:-5], fontsize=60, frameon=0, bbox_to_anchor=[0.99, 0.99]) ax = plt.gca().add_artist(legend) outside_text = plt.gca().legend([extra], ["CMS 2011 Open Data"], frameon=0, borderpad=0, fontsize=50, bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.005), loc='lower right') plt.gca().add_artist(outside_text) plt.tick_params(which='major', width=5, length=25, labelsize=70) plt.tick_params(which='minor', width=3, length=15) plt.tight_layout() plt.gcf().set_size_inches(30, 24, forward=1) plt.savefig(default_dir + "trigger_efficiency.pdf") plt.clf()
# ) save_hdict("sob.root", hists) #Now the plotting part tf ="sob.root") h_bkg_s = tf.Get("total_background_sob_shapes_fit_s") h_bkg_b = tf.Get("total_background_sob_shapes_fit_b") h_sig_s = tf.Get("total_signal_sob_shapes_fit_s") h_sig_p = tf.Get("total_signal_sob_shapes_prefit") h_data = tf.Get("data_obs_sob_shapes_prefit") rplt.hist(h_bkg_s) rplt.errorbar(h_data) color_signal = (40.0 / 255.0, 154.0 / 255.0, 249.0 / 255.0) plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4)) a1 = plt.axes([0.0, 0.20, 1.0, 0.8]) plot_data = rplt.errorbar(h_data, marker="o", color="black", label="data", capsize=0) #rplt.hist(hs2["bkg"] + hs2["sig"], fill=True, color="blue", lw=0); plot_bkg = rplt.hist(h_bkg_s, lw=2, linecolor="black", label="Background") h_bkg_b.linestyle = "dashed"
def make_plots( histograms, category, output_folder, histname, show_ratio = True, show_before_unfolding = False ): global variable, phase_space channel = 'electron' if 'electron' in histname: channel = 'electron' elif 'muon' in histname: channel = 'muon' else: channel = 'combined' # plot with matplotlib hist_data = histograms['unfolded'] if category == 'central': hist_data_with_systematics = histograms['unfolded_with_systematics'] hist_measured = histograms['measured'] hist_data.markersize = 2 hist_data.marker = 'o' if category == 'central': hist_data_with_systematics.markersize = 2 hist_data_with_systematics.marker = 'o' hist_measured.markersize = 2 hist_measured.marker = 'o' hist_measured.color = 'red' plt.figure( figsize = CMS.figsize, dpi = CMS.dpi, facecolor = CMS.facecolor ) if show_ratio: gs = gridspec.GridSpec( 2, 1, height_ratios = [5, 1] ) axes = plt.subplot( gs[0] ) else: axes = plt.axes() if variable in ['NJets', 'abs_lepton_eta', 'lepton_eta']: plt.xlabel( '$%s$' % variables_latex[variable], CMS.x_axis_title ) else: plt.xlabel( '$%s$ [GeV]' % variables_latex[variable], CMS.x_axis_title ) if not variable in ['NJets']: axes.minorticks_on() if variable in ['NJets', 'abs_lepton_eta', 'lepton_eta']: plt.ylabel( r'$\frac{1}{\sigma} \frac{d\sigma}{d' + variables_latex[variable] + '}$', CMS.y_axis_title ) else: plt.ylabel( r'$\frac{1}{\sigma} \frac{d\sigma}{d' + variables_latex[variable] + '} \left[\mathrm{GeV}^{-1}\\right]$', CMS.y_axis_title ) plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_major ) if not variable in ['NJets']: plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_minor ) hist_data.visible = True if category == 'central': hist_data_with_systematics.visible = True rplt.errorbar( hist_data_with_systematics, axes = axes, label = 'do_not_show', xerr = None, capsize = 0, elinewidth = 2, zorder = len( histograms ) + 1 ) rplt.errorbar( hist_data, axes = axes, label = 'do_not_show', xerr = None, capsize = 15, capthick = 3, elinewidth = 2, zorder = len( histograms ) + 2 ) rplt.errorbar( hist_data, axes = axes, label = 'data', xerr = None, yerr = False, zorder = len( histograms ) + 3 ) # this makes a nicer legend entry if show_before_unfolding: rplt.errorbar( hist_measured, axes = axes, label = 'data (before unfolding)', xerr = None, zorder = len( histograms ) ) dashes = {} for key, hist in sorted( histograms.items() ): zorder = sorted( histograms, reverse = False ).index( key ) if key == 'powhegPythia8' and zorder != len(histograms) - 3: zorder = len(histograms) - 3 elif key != 'powhegPythia8' and not 'unfolded' in key: while zorder >= len(histograms) - 3: zorder = zorder - 1 if not 'unfolded' in key and not 'measured' in key: hist.linewidth = 4 # setting colours linestyle = None if 'amcatnlo_HERWIG' in key or 'massdown' in key: hist.SetLineColor( kBlue ) dashes[key] = [25,5,5,5,5,5,5,5] elif 'madgraphMLM' in key or 'scaledown' in key: hist.SetLineColor( 417 ) dashes[key] = [5,5] elif 'MADGRAPH_ptreweight' in key: hist.SetLineColor( kBlack ) elif 'powhegPythia8' in key: linestyle = 'solid' dashes[key] = None hist.SetLineColor( 633 ) elif 'massup' in key or 'amcatnlo' in key: hist.SetLineColor( 807 ) dashes[key] = [20,5] elif 'MCATNLO' in key or 'scaleup' in key: hist.SetLineColor( 619 ) dashes[key] = [5,5,10,5] if linestyle != None: hist.linestyle = linestyle line, h = rplt.hist( hist, axes = axes, label = measurements_latex[key], zorder = zorder ) if dashes[key] != None: line.set_dashes(dashes[key]) h.set_dashes(dashes[key]) handles, labels = axes.get_legend_handles_labels() # making data first in the list data_label_index = labels.index( 'data' ) data_handle = handles[data_label_index] labels.remove( 'data' ) handles.remove( data_handle ) labels.insert( 0, 'data' ) handles.insert( 0, data_handle ) new_handles, new_labels = [], [] zipped = dict( zip( labels, handles ) ) labelOrder = ['data', measurements_latex['powhegPythia8'], measurements_latex['amcatnlo'], measurements_latex['amcatnlo_HERWIG'], measurements_latex['madgraphMLM'], measurements_latex['scaleup'], measurements_latex['scaledown'], measurements_latex['massup'], measurements_latex['massdown'] ] for label in labelOrder: if label in labels: new_handles.append(zipped[label]) new_labels.append(label) legend_location = (0.97, 0.82) if variable == 'MT': legend_location = (0.05, 0.82) elif variable == 'ST': legend_location = (0.97, 0.82) elif variable == 'WPT': legend_location = (1.0, 0.84) elif variable == 'abs_lepton_eta': legend_location = (1.0, 0.94) plt.legend( new_handles, new_labels, numpoints = 1, prop = CMS.legend_properties, frameon = False, bbox_to_anchor=legend_location, bbox_transform=plt.gcf().transFigure ) label, channel_label = get_cms_labels( channel ) # title plt.title( label,loc='right', **CMS.title ) # CMS text # note: fontweight/weight does not change anything as we use Latex text!!! logo_location = (0.05, 0.98) prelim_location = (0.05, 0.92) channel_location = ( 0.05, 0.86) if variable == 'WPT': logo_location = (0.03, 0.98) prelim_location = (0.03, 0.92) channel_location = (0.03, 0.86) elif variable == 'abs_lepton_eta': logo_location = (0.03, 0.98) prelim_location = (0.03, 0.92) channel_location = (0.03, 0.86) plt.text(logo_location[0], logo_location[1], r"\textbf{CMS}", transform=axes.transAxes, fontsize=42, verticalalignment='top',horizontalalignment='left') # preliminary plt.text(prelim_location[0], prelim_location[1], r"\emph{Preliminary}", transform=axes.transAxes, fontsize=42, verticalalignment='top',horizontalalignment='left') # channel text plt.text(channel_location[0], channel_location[1], r"\emph{%s}" %channel_label, transform=axes.transAxes, fontsize=40, verticalalignment='top',horizontalalignment='left') ylim = axes.get_ylim() if ylim[0] < 0: axes.set_ylim( ymin = 0.) if variable == 'WPT': axes.set_ylim(ymax = ylim[1]*1.3) elif variable == 'abs_lepton_eta': axes.set_ylim(ymax = ylim[1]*1.3) else : axes.set_ylim(ymax = ylim[1]*1.2) if show_ratio: plt.setp( axes.get_xticklabels(), visible = False ) ax1 = plt.subplot( gs[1] ) if not variable in ['NJets']: ax1.minorticks_on() #ax1.grid( True, 'major', linewidth = 1 ) # setting the x_limits identical to the main plot x_limits = axes.get_xlim() ax1.set_xlim(x_limits) ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.5 ) ) if not variable in ['NJets']: ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) ) if variable in ['NJets', 'abs_lepton_eta', 'lepton_eta']: plt.xlabel('$%s$' % variables_latex[variable], CMS.x_axis_title ) else: plt.xlabel( '$%s$ [GeV]' % variables_latex[variable], CMS.x_axis_title ) plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_major ) if not variable in ['NJets']: plt.tick_params( **CMS.axis_label_minor ) plt.ylabel( '$\\frac{\\textrm{pred.}}{\\textrm{data}}$', CMS.y_axis_title ) ax1.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.115, 0.8) #draw a horizontal line at y=1 for data plt.axhline(y = 1, color = 'black', linewidth = 2) for key, hist in sorted( histograms.iteritems() ): if not 'unfolded' in key and not 'measured' in key: ratio = hist.Clone() ratio.Divide( hist_data ) #divide by data line, h = rplt.hist( ratio, axes = ax1, label = 'do_not_show' ) if dashes[key] != None: h.set_dashes(dashes[key]) stat_lower = hist_data.Clone() stat_upper = hist_data.Clone() syst_lower = hist_data.Clone() syst_upper = hist_data.Clone() # plot error bands on data in the ratio plot stat_errors = graph_to_value_errors_tuplelist(hist_data) if category == 'central': syst_errors = graph_to_value_errors_tuplelist(hist_data_with_systematics) for bin_i in range( 1, hist_data.GetNbinsX() + 1 ): stat_value, stat_error, _ = stat_errors[bin_i-1] stat_rel_error = stat_error/stat_value stat_lower.SetBinContent( bin_i, 1 - stat_rel_error ) stat_upper.SetBinContent( bin_i, 1 + stat_rel_error ) if category == 'central': syst_value, syst_error_down, syst_error_up = syst_errors[bin_i-1] syst_rel_error_down = syst_error_down/syst_value syst_rel_error_up = syst_error_up/syst_value syst_lower.SetBinContent( bin_i, 1 - syst_rel_error_down ) syst_upper.SetBinContent( bin_i, 1 + syst_rel_error_up ) if category == 'central': rplt.fill_between( syst_lower, syst_upper, ax1, color = 'yellow' ) rplt.fill_between( stat_upper, stat_lower, ax1, color = '0.75', ) loc = 'upper left' # if variable in ['ST']: # loc = 'upper right' # legend for ratio plot p_stat = mpatches.Patch(facecolor='0.75', label='Stat.', edgecolor='black' ) p_stat_and_syst = mpatches.Patch(facecolor='yellow', label=r'Stat. $\oplus$ Syst.', edgecolor='black' ) l1 = ax1.legend(handles = [p_stat, p_stat_and_syst], loc = loc, frameon = False, prop = {'size':26}, ncol = 2) # ax1.legend(handles = [p_stat_and_syst], loc = 'lower left', # frameon = False, prop = {'size':30}) ax1.add_artist(l1) if variable == 'MET': ax1.set_ylim( ymin = 0.8, ymax = 1.2 ) ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.5 ) ) # ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) ) if variable == 'MT': ax1.set_ylim( ymin = 0.8, ymax = 1.2 ) ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.2 ) ) ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) ) elif variable == 'HT': ax1.set_ylim( ymin = 0.8, ymax = 1.37 ) ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.2 ) ) ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) ) elif variable == 'ST': ax1.set_ylim( ymin = 0.7, ymax = 1.5 ) ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.5 ) ) ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) ) elif variable == 'WPT': ax1.set_ylim( ymin = 0.8, ymax = 1.2 ) ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.5 ) ) ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) ) elif variable == 'NJets': ax1.set_ylim( ymin = 0.7, ymax = 1.5 ) elif variable == 'abs_lepton_eta': ax1.set_ylim( ymin = 0.8, ymax = 1.2 ) ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.2 ) ) ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) ) elif variable == 'lepton_pt': ax1.set_ylim( ymin = 0.8, ymax = 1.3 ) ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.2 ) ) ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator( MultipleLocator( 0.1 ) ) if CMS.tight_layout: plt.tight_layout() path = '{output_folder}/{centre_of_mass_energy}TeV/{phaseSpace}/{variable}/' path = path.format( output_folder = output_folder, centre_of_mass_energy = measurement_config.centre_of_mass_energy, phaseSpace = phase_space, variable = variable ) make_folder_if_not_exists( path ) for output_format in output_formats: filename = path + '/' + histname + '.' + output_format plt.savefig( filename ) del hist_data, hist_measured plt.close() gc.collect()