def strPython(self, bits, badBytes, noTab=False, paddingByteStr=None, paddingLen=0): if (noTab): tab = '' else: tab = '\t' if (not paddingByteStr and (paddingLen > 0)): paddingByteStr = validByteStr(badBytes) res = "" res += tab + "# -------------------\n" res += tab + "# " + string_exploit("Padding goes there\n") res += tab + "# -------------------\n" res += tab + "from struct import pack\n" if (paddingLen == 0): res += tab + "p = ''\n" else: res += tab + "p = '" + paddingByteStr + "' * " + str( paddingLen) + '\n' for i in range(0, len(self.ROPChains)): info_string = tab + "# "+'-'*len([i])+'\n'\ + tab + "# "+string_exploit([i]+'\n')\ +tab+"# "+'-'*len([i]) chain_string = self.ROPChains[i].strPython( bits, badBytes, init=False, noTab=noTab) + "\n" res += info_string + chain_string return res
def strPython(self, bits, badBytes): res = "" res += "\t# -------------------\n" res += "\t# " + string_exploit("Padding goes there\n") res += "\t# -------------------\n" res += "\tfrom struct import pack\n" res += "\tp = ''\n" for i in range(0, len(self.ROPChains)): info_string = "\t# "+'-'*len([i])+'\n'\ +"\t# "+string_exploit([i]+'\n')\ +"\t# "+'-'*len([i]) chain_string = self.ROPChains[i].strPython( bits, badBytes, init=False) + "\n" res += info_string + chain_string return res
def strConsole(self, bits, badBytes): res = "" for i in range(0, len(self.ROPChains)): info_string = "\t"+'-'*len([i])+'\n'\ +string_exploit('\t'[i]+'\n')\ +"\t"+'-'*len([i])+'\n' chain_string = self.ROPChains[i].strConsole(bits, badBytes) + '\n' res += info_string + chain_string return res
CMD_LOAD = "load" CMD_CONFIG = "config" CMD_EXIT = "exit" CMD_SEARCH = "semantic" CMD_EXPLOIT = "exploit" helpStr = banner([ string_bold('Main Commands'), string_special('(For more info about a command type <cmd -h>)') ]) helpStr += '\n\t' + string_bold( CMD_LOAD) + ': \t\tload gadgets from a binary file' helpStr += '\n\n\t' + string_semantic(string_bold(CMD_SEARCH)) + \ ': \tEnter semantic-mode (Search for'+'\n\t\t\tgadgets and ROPChains)' helpStr += '\n\n\t' + string_exploit(string_bold(CMD_EXPLOIT)) + \ ': \tEnter exploit-mode (Automated exploit'+'\n\t\t\tgeneration features)' helpStr += '\n\n\t' + string_bold(CMD_HELP) + ': \t\tprint available commands' helpStr += '\n\t' + string_bold(CMD_EXIT) + ': \t\texit ROPGenerator' def main(): print(string_ropg(string_bold(ASCII_art))) initLogs() finish = False promptSession = PromptSession(ANSI(u"(" + string_ropg(u'main') + u")> ")) while (not finish): try: user_input = promptSession.prompt() args = user_input.split() argslen = len(args)
CMD_EXIT = "exit" helpStr = banner([ string_bold('Exploit-Mode Commands'), string_special('(For more info about a command type <cmd -h>)') ]) helpStr += '\n\t' + string_bold(CMD_PWN) + ': \t\tbuild an exploit' helpStr += '\n\t' + string_bold(CMD_SYSCALL) + ': \tcall a system function' helpStr += '\n\t' + string_bold(CMD_CALL) + ':\t\tcall a regular function' helpStr += '\n\t' + string_bold(CMD_SHELLCODE) + ': \tmanage shellcodes' helpStr += '\n\n\t' + string_bold(CMD_HELP) + ': \t\tshow this help' helpStr += '\n\t' + string_bold(CMD_MAIN) + ': \t\treturn to the main menu' helpStr += '\n\t' + string_bold(CMD_EXIT) + ': \t\texit ROPGenerator' promptSession = PromptSession(ANSI(u"(" + string_exploit(u'exploit') + u")> ")) def exploit_mode(): """ Returns ------- True if ROPGenerator must continue False if ROPGenerator must be closed """ finish = False while (not finish): try: # Get command user_input = promptSession.prompt()