 def __init__(
     pkg_name: str,
     msg_name: str,
     line_text: str,
         msg_spec = None
         msg_spec = parse_message_string(
         if len(msg_spec.fields) > 1:
             raise ValueError("'line_text' must be only one line")
     self._msg_spec: typing.Optional[MessageSpecification] = msg_spec
     self._raw_line_text = line_text
def convert_msg_to_idl(package_dir, package_name, input_file, output_dir):
    assert package_dir.is_absolute()
    assert not input_file.is_absolute()
    assert input_file.suffix == '.msg'

    abs_input_file = package_dir / input_file
    print(f'Reading input file: {abs_input_file}')
    abs_input_file = package_dir / input_file
    content = abs_input_file.read_text(encoding='utf-8')
    msg = parse_message_string(package_name, input_file.stem, content)

    output_file = output_dir / input_file.with_suffix('.idl').name
    abs_output_file = output_file.absolute()
    print(f'Writing output file: {abs_output_file}')
    data = {
        'pkg_name': package_name,
        'relative_input_file': input_file.as_posix(),
        'msg': msg,

    expand_template('msg.idl.em', data, output_file, encoding='iso-8859-1')
    return output_file
文件: __init__.py 项目: ros2/rosidl
def convert_msg_to_idl(package_dir, package_name, input_file, output_dir):
    assert package_dir.is_absolute()
    assert not input_file.is_absolute()
    assert input_file.suffix == '.msg'

    abs_input_file = package_dir / input_file
    print('Reading input file: {abs_input_file}'.format_map(locals()))
    abs_input_file = package_dir / input_file
    content = abs_input_file.read_text(encoding='utf-8')
    msg = parse_message_string(package_name, input_file.stem, content)

    output_file = output_dir / input_file.with_suffix('.idl').name
    abs_output_file = output_file.absolute()
    print('Writing output file: {abs_output_file}'.format_map(locals()))
    data = {
        'pkg_name': package_name,
        'relative_input_file': input_file,
        'msg': msg,

    expand_template('msg.idl.em', data, output_file)
    return output_file
def test_extract_message_comments():
    # multi line file-level comment
    msg_spec = parse_message_string('pkg', 'Foo', '# comment 1\n#\n# comment 2\nbool value')
    assert len(msg_spec.annotations) == 1
    assert 'comment' in msg_spec.annotations
    assert len(msg_spec.annotations['comment']) == 3
    assert msg_spec.annotations['comment'][0] == ' comment 1'
    assert msg_spec.annotations['comment'][1] == ''
    assert msg_spec.annotations['comment'][2] == ' comment 2'

    assert len(msg_spec.fields) == 1
    assert len(msg_spec.fields[0].annotations) == 1
    assert 'comment' in msg_spec.fields[0].annotations
    assert not msg_spec.fields[0].annotations['comment']

    # file-level comment separated from field-level comment
    msg_spec = parse_message_string('pkg', 'Foo', '# comment 1\n\n# comment 2\nbool value')
    assert len(msg_spec.annotations) == 1
    assert 'comment' in msg_spec.annotations
    assert len(msg_spec.annotations['comment']) == 1
    assert msg_spec.annotations['comment'] == [' comment 1']

    assert len(msg_spec.fields) == 1
    assert len(msg_spec.fields[0].annotations) == 1
    assert 'comment' in msg_spec.fields[0].annotations
    assert len(msg_spec.fields[0].annotations['comment']) == 1
    assert msg_spec.fields[0].annotations['comment'][0] == ' comment 2'

    # file-level comment, trailing and indented field-level comment
    msg_spec = parse_message_string(
        'pkg', 'Foo', '# comment 1\nbool value  # comment 2\n   # comment 3\nbool value2')
    assert len(msg_spec.annotations) == 1
    assert 'comment' in msg_spec.annotations
    assert len(msg_spec.annotations['comment']) == 1
    assert msg_spec.annotations['comment'] == [' comment 1']

    assert len(msg_spec.fields) == 2
    assert len(msg_spec.fields[0].annotations) == 1
    assert 'comment' in msg_spec.fields[0].annotations
    assert len(msg_spec.fields[0].annotations['comment']) == 2
    assert msg_spec.fields[0].annotations['comment'][0] == ' comment 2'
    assert msg_spec.fields[0].annotations['comment'][1] == ' comment 3'

    assert len(msg_spec.fields[1].annotations) == 1
    assert 'comment' in msg_spec.fields[1].annotations
    assert len(msg_spec.fields[1].annotations['comment']) == 0

    # trailing field-level comment, next field-level comment
    msg_spec = parse_message_string(
        'pkg', 'Foo', 'bool value  # comment 2\n# comment 3\nbool value2')
    assert len(msg_spec.annotations) == 1
    assert 'comment' in msg_spec.annotations
    assert len(msg_spec.annotations['comment']) == 0

    assert len(msg_spec.fields) == 2
    assert len(msg_spec.fields[0].annotations) == 1
    assert 'comment' in msg_spec.fields[0].annotations
    assert len(msg_spec.fields[0].annotations['comment']) == 1
    assert msg_spec.fields[0].annotations['comment'][0] == ' comment 2'

    assert len(msg_spec.fields[1].annotations) == 1
    assert 'comment' in msg_spec.fields[1].annotations
    assert len(msg_spec.fields[1].annotations['comment']) == 1
    assert msg_spec.fields[1].annotations['comment'][0] == ' comment 3'

    # field-level comment with a unit
    msg_spec = parse_message_string(
        'pkg', 'Foo', 'bool value  # comment [unit]')

    assert len(msg_spec.fields) == 1
    assert len(msg_spec.fields[0].annotations) == 2
    assert 'comment' in msg_spec.fields[0].annotations
    assert len(msg_spec.fields[0].annotations['comment']) == 1
    assert msg_spec.fields[0].annotations['comment'][0] == ' comment'

    assert 'unit' in msg_spec.fields[0].annotations
    assert msg_spec.fields[0].annotations['unit'] == 'unit'
def test_parse_message_string():
    msg_spec = parse_message_string('pkg', 'Foo', '')
    assert msg_spec.base_type.pkg_name == 'pkg'
    assert msg_spec.base_type.type == 'Foo'
    assert len(msg_spec.fields) == 0
    assert len(msg_spec.constants) == 0

    msg_spec = parse_message_string('pkg', 'Foo', '#comment\n \n  # comment')
    assert len(msg_spec.fields) == 0
    assert len(msg_spec.constants) == 0

    with pytest.raises(InvalidFieldDefinition):
        parse_message_string('pkg', 'Foo', 'bool  # comment')

    msg_spec = parse_message_string('pkg', 'Foo', 'bool foo')
    assert len(msg_spec.fields) == 1
    assert msg_spec.fields[0].type.type == 'bool'
    assert msg_spec.fields[0].name == 'foo'
    assert msg_spec.fields[0].default_value is None
    assert len(msg_spec.constants) == 0

    msg_spec = parse_message_string('pkg', 'Foo', 'bool foo 1')
    assert len(msg_spec.fields) == 1
    assert msg_spec.fields[0].type.type == 'bool'
    assert msg_spec.fields[0].name == 'foo'
    assert msg_spec.fields[0].default_value
    assert len(msg_spec.constants) == 0

    with pytest.raises(InvalidResourceName):
        parse_message_string('pkg', 'Foo', 'Ty_pe foo')
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        parse_message_string('pkg', 'Foo', 'bool] foo')
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        parse_message_string('pkg', 'Foo', 'bool[max]] foo')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
        parse_message_string('pkg', 'Foo', 'bool foo\nbool foo')
    assert 'foo' in str(e)

    msg_spec = parse_message_string('pkg', 'Foo', 'bool FOO=1')
    assert len(msg_spec.fields) == 0
    assert len(msg_spec.constants) == 1
    assert msg_spec.constants[0].type == 'bool'
    assert msg_spec.constants[0].name == 'FOO'
    assert msg_spec.constants[0].value

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        parse_message_string('pkg', 'Foo', 'pkg/Bar foo=1')
    with pytest.raises(NameError):
        parse_message_string('pkg', 'Foo', 'bool foo=1')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
        parse_message_string('pkg', 'Foo', 'bool FOO=1\nbool FOO=1')
    assert 'FOO' in str(e)