import math from std_msgs.msg import String Transforms = open('Transforms.txt', 'w') if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('listener') listener = tf.TransformListener() rate = rospy.Rate(20) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: (T1, Q1) = listener.lookupTransform('/Shoulder', '/map', rospy.Time(0)) (T2, Q2) = listener.lookupTransform('/Elbow', '/map', rospy.Time(0)) (T3, Q3) = listener.lookupTransform('/Hand', '/map', rospy.Time(0)) print(T1, Q1) print(T2, Q2) print(T3, Q3) Transforms.write("Shoulder: \tTransform: " + str(T1[0]) + " " + str(T1[1]) + " " + str(T1[2]) + "\n") Transforms.write("\t\tQuat: " + str(Q1[0]) + " " + str(Q1[1]) + " " + str(Q1[2]) + str(Q1[3]) + "\n") Transforms.write("Elbow: \t\tTransform: " + str(T2[0]) + " " + str(T2[1]) + " " + str(T2[2]) + "\n") Transforms.write("\t\tQuat: " + str(Q2[0]) + " " + str(Q2[1]) + " " + str(Q2[2]) + str(Q2[3]) + "\n") Transforms.write("Hand: \t\tTransform: " + str(T3[0]) + " " +
def __init__(self, drone_id=1): # All variables relating to the status and information of the drone = drone_id self.up_time = 0 self.gps_timestamp = 0 self.fsm_state = State.GROUNDED self.new_mission = False self.upload_done = False self.upload_failed = False self.cmd_try_again = False self.speed_ack = False self.loiter = False = False self.wait = False self.hold = False self.upload_retries = 0 self.mission_id = 0 self.pending_mission_gps = [] self.active_waypoint_gps = GPS() self.active_mission_gps = [] self.active_mission_ml = mavlink_lora_mission_list() self.active_mission_len = 0 self.active_mission_idx = 0 self.dist_to_goal = -1 self.holding_waypoint = GPS() self.gcs_status = DroneInfo.Land # from heartbeat status self.main_mode = "" self.sub_mode = "" self.autopilot = "" self.type = "" self.state = "" # from mav mode self.armed = False self.manual_input = False self.hil_simulation = False self.stabilized_mode = False self.guided_mode = False self.auto_mode = False self.test_mode = False self.custom_mode = False # from statustext self.statustext = deque([], maxlen=BUFFER_SIZE) self.severity = deque([], maxlen=BUFFER_SIZE) # from vfr hud self.ground_speed = 0 self.climb_rate = 0 self.throttle = 0 # from home position self.home_position = GPS() # from drone attitude self.roll = 0 self.pitch = 0 self.yaw = 0 # from drone status self.battery_voltage = 0 self.battery_SOC = 0 self.cpu_load = 0 self.msg_sent_gcs = 0 self.msg_received_gcs = 0 self.msg_dropped_gcs = 0 self.msg_dropped_uas = 0 self.last_heard = rospy.Time().now() # from drone pos self.latitude = 0 self.longitude = 0 self.absolute_alt = 0 self.relative_alt = 0 self.heading = 0 self.clear_mission_pub = rospy.Publisher( "/mavlink_interface/mission/mavlink_clear_all", Empty, queue_size=0) self.upload_mission_pub = rospy.Publisher("/telemetry/new_mission", mavlink_lora_mission_list, queue_size=0) self.set_current_mission_pub = rospy.Publisher( "/telemetry/mission_set_current", Int16, queue_size=10) # TODO add drone id to services self.arm = rospy.ServiceProxy("/telemetry/arm_drone", Trigger) self.disarm = rospy.ServiceProxy("/telemetry/disarm_drone", Trigger) self.takeoff = rospy.ServiceProxy("/telemetry/takeoff_drone", TakeoffDrone) = rospy.ServiceProxy("/telemetry/land_drone", LandDrone) self.set_mode = rospy.ServiceProxy("/telemetry/set_mode", SetMode) self.set_home = rospy.ServiceProxy("/telemetry/set_home", SetHome) self.change_speed = rospy.ServiceProxy("/telemetry/change_speed", ChangeSpeed) self.return_to_home = rospy.ServiceProxy("/telemetry/return_home", Trigger) self.reposition = rospy.ServiceProxy("/telemetry/goto_waypoint", GotoWaypoint) self.upload_mission = rospy.ServiceProxy("/telemetry/upload_mission", UploadMission) # class that handles the missions manually while an upload is in progress self.manual_mission = manual_mission.ManualMission(, target_comp=0, reposition_handle=self.reposition)
def initial_pos_pub(self): # arucoCodeBroadcaster = TransformBroadcaster() # arucoCodeBroadcaster.sendTransform( # (6.56082, 6.63258, 0.0), # (-0.0635783, -0.704243, -0.704243, -0.0635782), #, # "aruco_code", # "map" # ) # this two line is used to stop the while loop # when you using CTRL+C to exit the program signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, quit) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, quit) # listener.waitForTransform("/map", "/camera_init", rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(4.0)) # while not map_camera_trans: # try: # # rospy.sleep(1) # # rospy.loginfo(map_camera_trans) # time_now = # listener.waitForTransform("/map", "/camera_init", time_now, rospy.Duration(4.0)) # # listener.waitForTransform("/map", "/camera_init", rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(1.0)) # (map_camera_trans, map_camera_rot) = listener.lookupTransform('/map', '/camera_init', time_now) # # (map_camera_trans, map_camera_rot) = listener.lookupTransform('/map', '/camera_init', rospy.Time(0)) # except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): # # map_camera_trans = [0, 0, 0] # # map_camera_rot = [0, 0, 0, 0] # # traceback.print_exc() # rospy.loginfo("stop!!!-----------") # continue map_camera_trans = [] listener = tf.TransformListener() rospy.sleep(0.1) # count = 0 while not map_camera_trans: try: # rospy.loginfo(map_camera_trans) # time_now = # listener.waitForTransform("/map", "/camera_init", time_now, rospy.Duration(5.0)) # listener.waitForTransform("/map", "/camera_init", rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(4.0)) # (map_camera_trans, map_camera_rot) = listener.lookupTransform('/map', '/camera_init', time_now) (map_camera_trans, map_camera_rot) = listener.lookupTransform( '/map', '/camera_init', rospy.Time(0)) rospy.loginfo("********Got Trans & Rot********") except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): # except (tf2_ros.LookupException, tf2_ros.ConnectivityException, tf2_ros.ExtrapolationException): # map_camera_trans = [0, 0, 0] # map_camera_rot = [0, 0, 0, 0] # traceback.print_exc() rospy.loginfo("********NO CODE --OR-- NO TF ********") rospy.sleep(0.1) # rospy.loginfo("stop!!!-----------") continue self.count = self.count + 1 self.trans_total[0] = self.trans_total[ 0] + map_camera_trans[0] / self.NUM_USED_FOR_AVRG self.trans_total[1] = self.trans_total[ 1] + map_camera_trans[1] / self.NUM_USED_FOR_AVRG self.rot_total[ 0] = self.rot_total[0] + map_camera_rot[0] / self.NUM_USED_FOR_AVRG self.rot_total[ 1] = self.rot_total[1] + map_camera_rot[1] / self.NUM_USED_FOR_AVRG self.rot_total[ 2] = self.rot_total[2] + map_camera_rot[2] / self.NUM_USED_FOR_AVRG self.rot_total[ 3] = self.rot_total[3] + map_camera_rot[3] / self.NUM_USED_FOR_AVRG # rospy.loginfo(map_camera_trans[0]) # rospy.loginfo(self.trans_total[0]) if self.count >= self.NUM_USED_FOR_AVRG: rospy.loginfo(self.count) self.trans_total_seq[0] = self.trans_total_seq[ 0] + self.trans_total[0] / self.MAX_SEQ_NEED self.trans_total_seq[1] = self.trans_total_seq[ 1] + self.trans_total[1] / self.MAX_SEQ_NEED self.rot_total_seq[0] = self.rot_total_seq[ 0] + self.rot_total[0] / self.MAX_SEQ_NEED self.rot_total_seq[1] = self.rot_total_seq[ 1] + self.rot_total[1] / self.MAX_SEQ_NEED self.rot_total_seq[2] = self.rot_total_seq[ 2] + self.rot_total[2] / self.MAX_SEQ_NEED self.rot_total_seq[3] = self.rot_total_seq[ 3] + self.rot_total[3] / self.MAX_SEQ_NEED self.trans_total = [0, 0, 0] self.rot_total = [0, 0, 0, 0] self.seq = self.seq + 1 self.count = 0 if self.seq >= self.MAX_SEQ_NEED: # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # The following is going to update the /map->/odom TF frame transform # # map_odom_tf = tf.transformations.concatenate_matrices(tf.transformations.translation_matrix( # self.trans_total_seq), tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(self.rot_total_seq)) # inversed_map_odom_tf = tf.transformations.inverse_matrix(map_odom_tf) # # inversed_trans_map_odom = tf.transformations.translation_from_matrix(inversed_map_odom_tf) # inversed_rot_map_odom = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(inversed_map_odom_tf) # self.tf_map_to_odom_br_.sendTransform( # self.trans_total_seq, # self.rot_total_seq, # # inversed_trans_map_odom, # # inversed_rot_map_odom, #, # "map", # "odom" # ) # rospy.loginfo("Published /map->/odom TF frame transform!") # rospy.sleep(5) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- start_pos = PoseWithCovarianceStamped() # start_pos = initpose_aruco # filling header with relevant information start_pos.header.frame_id = "map" start_pos.header.seq = self.seq # start_pos.header.stamp = # filling payload with relevant information gathered from subscribing # to initialpose topic published by RVIZ via rostopic echo initialpose start_pos.pose.pose.position.x = self.trans_total_seq[0] # rospy.loginfo(self.trans_total[0]) start_pos.pose.pose.position.y = self.trans_total_seq[1] start_pos.pose.pose.position.z = 0.0 start_pos.pose.pose.orientation.x = self.rot_total_seq[0] start_pos.pose.pose.orientation.y = self.rot_total_seq[1] start_pos.pose.pose.orientation.z = self.rot_total_seq[2] start_pos.pose.pose.orientation.w = self.rot_total_seq[3] # start_pos.pose.pose.position.x=map_camera_trans[0] # start_pos.pose.pose.position.y=map_camera_trans[1] # start_pos.pose.pose.position.z=0.0 # start_pos.pose.pose.orientation.x=map_camera_rot[0] # start_pos.pose.pose.orientation.y=map_camera_rot[1] # start_pos.pose.pose.orientation.z=map_camera_rot[2] # start_pos.pose.pose.orientation.w=map_camera_rot[3] # start_pos.pose.pose.position.x = 5.0 # start_pos.pose.pose.position.y = 10.0 # start_pos.pose.pose.position.z = 0.0 # start_pos.pose.pose.orientation.x = 0.0 # start_pos.pose.pose.orientation.y = 0.0 # start_pos.pose.pose.orientation.z = -0.694837665627 # start_pos.pose.pose.orientation.w = 0.719166613815 # start_pos.pose.covariance[0] = 0.01 # start_pos.pose.covariance[7] = 0.01 # start_pos.pose.covariance[1:7] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # start_pos.pose.covariance[8:34] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, # 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # start_pos.pose.covariance[35] = 0.001 # rospy.loginfo(start_pos) self.initpose_pub.publish(start_pos) rospy.sleep(1) self.initpose_pub.publish(start_pos) # self.trans_total=[0,0,0] # self.rot_total=[0,0,0,0] self.IF_GOT_INIT = True
def read(self, timer_event): timeout = rospy.Duration(0.9) try: self.listen.waitForTransform("base_footprint", "camera_rgb_optical_frame",, timeout) self.trans, self.rot = self.listen.lookupTransform("base_footprint", "camera_rgb_optical_frame", rospy.Time(0)) rospy.loginfo('Obtained transformation base_footprint --> camera_rgb_optical_frame') #Note: it is necessary to use Time(0) here, as this tells the listener to get the latest self.timer.shutdown() # Done so stop timer -- can now use self.trans and self.rot except: pass
def _pose_sending_func(self): ''' Continually sends the desired pose to the controller. ''' r = rospy.Rate(100) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: r.sleep() except rospy.ROSInterruptException: break # get the desired pose as a transform matrix with self._state_lock: ps_des = copy.deepcopy(self._desired_pose_stamped) delta_dist = self._delta_dist if ps_des == None: # no desired pose to publish continue # convert desired pose to transform matrix from goal frame to CONTROLLER_FRAME self._transform_listener.waitForTransform(CONTROLLER_FRAME, ps_des.header.frame_id, rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(4.0)) #trans, rot = self._transform_listener.lookupTransform(CONTROLLER_FRAME, ps_des.header.frame_id, rospy.Time(0)) #torso_H_wrist_des = geom.trans_rot_to_hmat(trans, rot) ps_des.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) ps_des = self._transform_listener.transformPose( CONTROLLER_FRAME, ps_des) torso_H_wrist_des = conversions.pose_to_mat(ps_des.pose) if is not None: p = ps_des.pose.position q = ps_des.pose.orientation, p.y, p.z), (q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w),, '/cci_goal', CONTROLLER_FRAME) # get the current pose as a transform matrix goal_link = self._hand_description.hand_frame # really shouldn't need to do waitForTransform here, since rospy.Time(0) means "use the most # recent available transform". but without this, tf sometimes raises an ExtrapolationException. -jdb self._transform_listener.waitForTransform(CONTROLLER_FRAME, goal_link, rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(4.0)) trans, rot = self._transform_listener.lookupTransform( CONTROLLER_FRAME, goal_link, rospy.Time(0)) torso_H_wrist = geom.trans_rot_to_hmat(trans, rot) # compute difference between actual and desired wrist pose wrist_H_wrist_des =, torso_H_wrist_des) trans_err, rot_err = geom.hmat_to_trans_rot(wrist_H_wrist_des) # scale the relative transform such that the translation is equal # to delta_dist. we're assuming that the scaled angular error will # be reasonable scale_factor = delta_dist / linalg.norm(trans_err) if scale_factor > 1.0: scale_factor = 1.0 # don't overshoot scaled_trans_err = scale_factor * trans_err angle_err, direc, point = transformations.rotation_from_matrix( wrist_H_wrist_des) scaled_angle_err = scale_factor * angle_err wrist_H_wrist_control = transformations.translation_matrix(scaled_trans_err), transformations.rotation_matrix(scaled_angle_err, direc, point)) # find incrementally moved pose to send to the controller torso_H_wrist_control =, wrist_H_wrist_control) desired_pose = conversions.mat_to_pose(torso_H_wrist_control) desired_ps = PoseStamped() desired_ps.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) desired_ps.header.frame_id = CONTROLLER_FRAME desired_ps.pose = desired_pose if is not None: p = desired_ps.pose.position q = desired_ps.pose.orientation, p.y, p.z), (q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w),, '/cci_imm_goal', CONTROLLER_FRAME) # send incremental pose to controller self._desired_pose_pub.publish(desired_ps)
q_mode = False # Used for printing and saving tf_line = '<node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="{child}_tf" args="{p[0]} {p[1]} {p[2]} {q[0]} {q[1]} {q[2]} {q[3]} /{parent} /{child} {prd}" />\n' prd = 100 # This will get replaced if it needs to args.tf_child = args.tf_child[1:] if args.tf_child[0] == '/' else args.tf_child args.tf_parent = args.tf_parent[1:] if args.tf_parent[ 0] == '/' else args.tf_parent listener = tf.TransformListener() p_original = (0, 0, 0) rpy_original = (0, 0, 0) try: listener.waitForTransform(args.tf_parent, args.tf_child, rospy.Time(0), rospy.Duration(1)) (trans, rot) = listener.lookupTransform(args.tf_parent, args.tf_child, rospy.Time(0)) euler = trns.euler_from_quaternion(rot) p_original = trans rpy_original = euler except tf.Exception: print "TF not found, setting everything to zero" def set_bars(p, rpy): cv2.setTrackbarPos("x", "tf", int(toCvLin(p[0]))) cv2.setTrackbarPos("y", "tf", int(toCvLin(p[1]))) cv2.setTrackbarPos("z", "tf", int(toCvLin(p[2]))) cv2.setTrackbarPos("roll", "tf", int(toCvAng(rpy[0])))
def callback(self): print('points recevied') height = width = data = -1*np.ones(width*height) level3_objects = [] num_objs = np.unique(self.id_flags).shape[0] print(np.unique(self.id_flags)) for i in range(1, num_objs): print(self.ar_flags.shape[0], self.id_flags.shape[0], self.map_points.shape[0]) assert self.ar_flags.shape[0] == self.id_flags.shape[0] == self.map_points.shape[0] ar_flags = self.ar_flags[self.id_flags == i] if ar_flags[ar_flags == 3].shape[0] > ar_flags.shape[0]*0.5: level3_objects.append(i) print(level3_objects) if len(level3_objects) == 0: print('no object in level 3') try: (trans_r, rot_r) = self.tflistener.lookupTransform('map', 'base_footprint', rospy.Time(0)) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): return try: (trans_h, rot_h) = self.tflistener.lookupTransform('map', 'human_frame', rospy.Time(0)) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): return trans_r = np.array(trans_r) quat = if quat.w == 0: quat.w = 1 r = R.from_quat([quat.x, quat.y, quat.z, quat.w]) trans_r = r.apply(trans_r) origin_x = origin_y = src_x = int((trans_r[0] - origin_x)/ src_y = int((trans_r[1] - origin_y)/ level3_objects = level3_objects level3_flags = np.zeros(len(level3_objects)) grid_map = grid_map = np.array(grid_map).reshape((height, width)) print(grid_map.shape) indx_h = int((trans_h[0] - origin_x)/ indy_h = int((trans_h[1] - origin_y)/ for i in range(-1, 2, 1): for j in range(-1, 2, 1): grid_map[indx_h + i, indy_h + j] = 1 objs_path = dict() objs_path['res'] = objs_path['origin'] = while(len(level3_objects) > 0): print(level3_objects) path = self.check_nearest_obj(level3_objects, (src_x, src_y), r, grid_map) #[obj_idx, path, dst, i] if path is None: print('cost is too high') continue if path[1] is None or len(path[1]) == 0: print('No path find', path[3]) obj_idx = path[0] level3_flags[obj_idx] = 1 del level3_objects[obj_idx] continue obj_idx = path[0] print('obj_id', path[3], obj_idx) level3_flags[obj_idx] = 1 del level3_objects[obj_idx] #send vel cmd go to target data = -1*np.ones(width*height) objs_path[path[3]] = [] objs_path[path[3]].append(path[1]) for stop in path[1]: stop = np.array(stop) src = np.array([src_x, src_y]) dirt = stop - src # self.pub_vel_command(dirt, rot_r) src = stop data[width*stop[1] + stop[0]] = 100 # #find nearest point in level 1 - 2 cost = 1000000 min_path = None map_points = self.map_points[self.ar_flags == 1] msg = self.xyzrgb_array_to_pointcloud2(map_points, np.ones(map_points.shape), stamp=rospy.get_rostime(), frame_id='test_teapot', seq=None) self.pub_test_temp.publish(msg), 0, 0), tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0),, 'test_teapot', 'map') # moving_stops, idxs = self.find_neareat_point_inlevel1(path[1][-1], map_points, r, np.array([origin_x, origin_y])) # grid_map[grid_map == -1] = 0 # grid_map[grid_map > 0] = 1 # objs_path[path[3]].append(moving_stops) indx_h = int((trans_h[0] - origin_x)/ indy_h = int((trans_h[1] - origin_y)/ moving_stops = [(indx_h, indy_h)] for pid, moving_stop in enumerate(moving_stops): # msg = self.grid_map # = tuple(data) # = # = # = # self.grid_pub.publish(msg) #, 0, 0), # [0, 0, 0, 1], #, # "ar_grid_map", # 'map') planner = AstarPlanner(grid=grid_map) planned_path, cost =[1][-1], (int(moving_stop[0]), int(moving_stop[1]))) print(moving_stop, len(planned_path), cost) min_path = planned_path objs_path[path[3]].append(min_path) #loop send vel cmd and update ar location for stop in min_path: stop = np.array(stop) src = path[1][-1] dirt = stop - src # self.pub_vel_command(dirt, rot_r) src = stop data[width*stop[1] + stop[0]] = 100 # self.pub_pose(stop, self.frame_ids[path[3]]) msg = self.grid_map msg.header.stamp = msg.header.frame_id = 'ar_grid_map' = tuple(data) = = = self.grid_pub.publish(msg), 0, 0), [0, 0, 0, 1],, "ar_grid_map", 'map') self.begin_check = 0 #update occupancy map # assert self.map_points.shape[0] == self.id_flags.shape[0] # points = self.map_points[self.id_flags == 2] # if self.frame_ids[obj_id[1]] == 'teapot_points': # msg = self.xyzrgb_array_to_pointcloud2(points, np.ones(points.shape), stamp=rospy.get_rostime(), frame_id='test_teapot', seq=None) # self.pub_test_temp.publish(msg) #, 0, 0), # tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 0), #, # 'test_teapot', # 'map') # print(grid_map.shape) src = min_path[0] dst = min_path[-1] src_x = dst[0] src_y = dst[1] diff = [dst[0] - src[0], dst[1] - src[1]] print(self.id_flags) print(self.id_flags[path[3]-1]) for point in self.map_points[int(self.id_flags[path[3]-1]):int(self.id_flags[path[3]])]: indx = int((point[0] - origin_x)/ indy = int((point[1] - origin_y)/ grid_map[indx, indy] = 0 grid_map[indx + diff[0], indy + diff[1]] = 1 grid_map[grid_map > 0] = 100 msg = self.grid_map msg.header.stamp = msg.header.frame_id = 'new_grid_map' = tuple(grid_map.reshape(-1)) = = = self.new_grid_pub.publish(msg), 0, 0), [0, 0, 0, 1],, "new_grid_map", 'map') print('sent') if print('writing....') with open("/home/shuwen/pathv2.p", 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(objs_path, f) print("writing saved")
def map_ack_data_callback(self, data): """ This is the main callback. Data is recieved, processed and sent to pose and velocity controllers """ # Compute desired positions and velocities desired = [0 for x in range(12)] for i in range(6): if (data.axes[i] < 0): desired[i] = abs( data.axes[i]) * self.min_pos[i] + self.base_pose[i] else: desired[i] = data.axes[i] * self.max_pos[i] + self.base_pose[i] if i > 2: # Normalize angles desired[i] = cola2_lib.normalizeAngle(desired[i]) for i in range(6, 12): if (data.axes[i] < 0): desired[i] = abs(data.axes[i]) * self.min_vel[i - 6] else: desired[i] = data.axes[i] * self.max_vel[i - 6] # Check if pose controller is enabled for b in range(6): if data.buttons[b] == 1: self.pose_controlled_axis[b] = True if self.actualize_base_pose: self.base_pose[b] = self.last_pose[b] rospy.loginfo("%s: axis %s now is pose",, str(b)) # Check if velocity controller is enabled for b in range(6, 12): if data.buttons[b] == 1: self.pose_controlled_axis[b - 6] = False rospy.loginfo("%s: axis %s now is velocity",, str(b - 6)) if self.nav_init: # Positions world_waypoint_req = WorldWaypointReq() world_waypoint_req.goal.priority = GoalDescriptor.PRIORITY_TELEOPERATION world_waypoint_req.goal.requester = + '_pose' world_waypoint_req.position.north = desired[0] world_waypoint_req.position.east = desired[1] world_waypoint_req.position.depth = desired[2] world_waypoint_req.orientation.roll = desired[3] world_waypoint_req.orientation.pitch = desired[4] world_waypoint_req.orientation.yaw = desired[5] world_waypoint_req.disable_axis.x = not self.pose_controlled_axis[0] world_waypoint_req.disable_axis.y = not self.pose_controlled_axis[1] world_waypoint_req.disable_axis.z = not self.pose_controlled_axis[2] world_waypoint_req.disable_axis.roll = not self.pose_controlled_axis[ 3] world_waypoint_req.disable_axis.pitch = not self.pose_controlled_axis[ 4] world_waypoint_req.disable_axis.yaw = not self.pose_controlled_axis[ 5] world_waypoint_req.header.stamp = rospy.Time().now() # if not world_waypoint_req.disable_axis.pitch: # rospy.logfatal("%s: PITCH IS NOT DISABLED!", # world_waypoint_req.disable_axis.pitch = True if (world_waypoint_req.disable_axis.x and world_waypoint_req.disable_axis.y and world_waypoint_req.disable_axis.z and world_waypoint_req.disable_axis.roll and world_waypoint_req.disable_axis.pitch and world_waypoint_req.disable_axis.yaw): world_waypoint_req.goal.priority = GoalDescriptor.PRIORITY_TELEOPERATION_LOW self.pub_world_waypoint_req.publish(world_waypoint_req) # Velocities body_velocity_req = BodyVelocityReq() body_velocity_req.goal.priority = GoalDescriptor.PRIORITY_TELEOPERATION body_velocity_req.goal.requester = + '_vel' body_velocity_req.twist.linear.x = desired[6] body_velocity_req.twist.linear.y = desired[7] body_velocity_req.twist.linear.z = desired[8] body_velocity_req.twist.angular.x = desired[9] body_velocity_req.twist.angular.y = desired[10] body_velocity_req.twist.angular.z = desired[11] body_velocity_req.disable_axis.x = self.pose_controlled_axis[0] body_velocity_req.disable_axis.y = self.pose_controlled_axis[1] body_velocity_req.disable_axis.z = self.pose_controlled_axis[2] body_velocity_req.disable_axis.roll = self.pose_controlled_axis[3] body_velocity_req.disable_axis.pitch = self.pose_controlled_axis[4] body_velocity_req.disable_axis.yaw = self.pose_controlled_axis[5] # Check if DoF is disable if abs(body_velocity_req.twist.linear.x) < 0.025: body_velocity_req.disable_axis.x = True if abs(body_velocity_req.twist.linear.y) < 0.025: body_velocity_req.disable_axis.y = True if abs(body_velocity_req.twist.linear.z) < 0.025: body_velocity_req.disable_axis.z = True if abs(body_velocity_req.twist.angular.x) < 0.01: body_velocity_req.disable_axis.roll = True if abs(body_velocity_req.twist.angular.y) < 0.01: body_velocity_req.disable_axis.pitch = True if abs(body_velocity_req.twist.angular.z) < 0.01: body_velocity_req.disable_axis.yaw = True # If all DoF are disabled set priority to LOW if (body_velocity_req.disable_axis.x and body_velocity_req.disable_axis.y and body_velocity_req.disable_axis.z and body_velocity_req.disable_axis.roll and body_velocity_req.disable_axis.pitch and body_velocity_req.disable_axis.yaw): body_velocity_req.goal.priority = GoalDescriptor.PRIORITY_TELEOPERATION_LOW # Publish message body_velocity_req.header.stamp = rospy.Time().now() self.pub_body_velocity_req.publish(body_velocity_req)
import time if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('gettf') rate = rospy.Rate(50) map = np.array("icra.pgm")) enemy_pub = rospy.Publisher('enemy_pos', EnemyPos, queue_size=1) enemy_pos = EnemyPos() tflistener = tf.TransformListener() trans01=[6.0, 3.0, 0] quat01 =[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] T01 = np.mat(tflistener.fromTranslationRotation(trans01,quat01)) print T01 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: trans0s, quat0s = tflistener.lookupTransform("/robot_0/odom", "/robot_0/base_footprint",rospy.Time(0)) trans1e, quat1e = tflistener.lookupTransform("/robot_1/odom", "/robot_1/base_footprint", rospy.Time(0)) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): continue T0s = np.mat(tflistener.fromTranslationRotation(trans0s, quat0s)) T1e = np.mat(tflistener.fromTranslationRotation(trans1e, quat1e)) Ts0 = T0s.I Tse=Ts0*T01*T1e T0e = T01 * T1e x0s = int(T0s[0, 3] / 0.05) + 20 y0s = int(T0s[1, 3] / 0.05) + 20 x0e = int(T0e[0, 3] / 0.05) + 20 y0e = int(T0e[1, 3] / 0.05) + 20 A = np.mat([[x0s, 1], [x0e, 1]])
def niryo_demo(): #Approach vector and offset distance to compensate for gripper length approach = [0, 0, -1] grasp_offset = -0.12 moveit_commander.roscpp_initialize(sys.argv) rospy.init_node('moveit_niryo_robot') n = NiryoOne() n.calibrate_auto() n.change_tool(TOOL_GRIPPER_2_ID) global marker_pose robot = None tries = 1 while (robot == None and tries < 5): try: robot = moveit_commander.RobotCommander() except: print("Could not connect to move_it action server") #scene = moveit_commander.PlanningSceneInterface() group_name = "arm" group = moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander(group_name) group.set_planning_time(10) n.activate_learning_mode(False) listener = tf.TransformListener() #Let the buffer fill so we can get the frame list time.sleep(3) frame_list = listener.getFrameStrings() # listener.waitForTransform("camera_color_optical_frame", "ground_link", rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(2.0)) # (trans, quat) = listener.lookupTransform("camera_color_optical_frame", "ground_link", rospy.Time(0)) # camera_static_transform = subprocess.Popen( # ["rosrun", "tf", "static_tranform_publisher", str(trans[0]), str(trans[1]), str(trans[2]), str(quat[0]), str(quat[1]), str(quat[2]), str(quat[3]), "100"]) # print("[INFO] Camera-robot link established, you can remove the ARUCO marker now.") # rospy.sleep(5) #One object only # marker_frame = [e for e in frame_list if e[:7] == "object_"][0] while True: get_object_marker_position() n.open_gripper(TOOL_GRIPPER_2_ID, 200) print("[GRIPPER 2 OPENED]") print("Transforming point from frame: " + marker_pose.header.frame_id) listener.waitForTransform("base_link", marker_pose.header.frame_id, rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(2.0)) # (trans, quat) = listener.lookupTransform("base_link", marker_frame, rospy.Time(0)) marker_point = listener.transformPoint( "base_link", marker_pose) # the marker position in arm base frame marker_pose = geometry_msgs.msg.PointStamped() #print "Translation [x, y, z] = " + str(trans) #print "Orientation [x, y, z, w] = " + str(quat) point = marker_point.point pick_target = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose() pick_target.position.x = point.x + grasp_offset * approach[0] pick_target.position.y = point.y + grasp_offset * approach[1] pick_target.position.z = point.z + grasp_offset * approach[2] pick_target.orientation.x = 0.0 pick_target.orientation.y = 1.0 / math.sqrt(2) pick_target.orientation.z = 0.0 pick_target.orientation.w = 1.0 / math.sqrt(2) group.set_pose_target(pick_target) pprint(pick_target) plan = group.plan() group.go(wait=True) n.close_gripper(TOOL_GRIPPER_2_ID, 200) print("[GRIPPER 2 CLOSED]") place_target = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose() place_target.position.x = pick_target.position.x place_target.position.y = pick_target.position.y place_target.position.z = pick_target.position.z + 0.1 #Lift the cube 10cm place_target.orientation.x = 0.0 place_target.orientation.y = 1.0 / math.sqrt(2) place_target.orientation.z = 0.0 place_target.orientation.w = 1.0 / math.sqrt(2) group.set_pose_target(place_target) plan = group.plan() group.go(wait=True) #Place cube in the -y position of starting position place_target = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose() place_target.position.x = pick_target.position.x place_target.position.y = -pick_target.position.y place_target.position.z = pick_target.position.z place_target.orientation.x = 0.0 place_target.orientation.y = 1.0 / math.sqrt(2) place_target.orientation.z = 0.0 place_target.orientation.w = 1.0 / math.sqrt(2) group.set_pose_target(place_target) plan = group.plan() group.go(wait=True) n.open_gripper(TOOL_GRIPPER_2_ID, 200) print("[GRIPPER 2 OPENED]") #Move to resting position resting_joints = [0, 0.64, -1.39, 0, 0, 0] n.move_joints(resting_joints) n.close_gripper(TOOL_GRIPPER_2_ID, 200) print("[GRIPPER 2 CLOSED]") n.activate_learning_mode(True) moveit_commander.roscpp_shutdown()
#!/usr/bin/env python import roslib import rospy import math import tf import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('pose_listner') listener = tf.TransformListener() rate = rospy.Rate(10) cnt = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: (trans, quaternion) = listener.lookupTransform('world', 'wrist', rospy.Time(0)) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException): continue #pose = np.array(pose) rot = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quaternion) #print("position {}".format(trans)) #print("rotation {}".format(np.degrees(rot))) cnt += 1 plt.scatter(cnt, np.degrees(rot[2]), c='#2ca02c') plt.scatter(cnt, np.degrees(rot[0]), c='#17becf') plt.pause(0.05) rate.sleep()
def update(self, action_label, is_done): ''' Compute endpoint positions and update data. Should happen at some fixed frequency like 10 hz. Parameters: ----------- action: name of high level action being executed ''' switched = False if not self.action == action_label: if self.action is not None: switched = True self.prev_action = self.action self.action = action_label self.prev_objects.append(self.object) self.object = None if switched or is_done: self.prev_last_goal = self.last_goal self.last_goal = len(["label"]) len_label = len(["label"]) # Count one more if this is the last frame -- since our goal could # not be the beginning of a new action if is_done: len_label += 1 extra = 1 else: extra = 0 rospy.loginfo( "Starting new action: " + str(action_label) + ", prev was from " + str(self.prev_last_goal) + # ' ' + (str(["label"][self.prev_last_goal]) if self.prev_last_goal else "") + " to " + str(self.last_goal) # ' ' + (str(["label"][self.last_goal]) if self.last_goal else "") + )["goal_idx"] += (self.last_goal - self.prev_last_goal + extra) * [self.last_goal] len_idx = len(["goal_idx"]) if not len_idx == len_label: rospy.logerr("lens = " + str(len_idx) + ", " + str(len_label)) raise RuntimeError("incorrectly set goal idx") # action text to check will be the string contents after the colon label_to_check = action_label.split(':')[-1] should_log_this_timestep = (self.object is not None or label_to_check in self.action_labels_to_always_log) if not should_log_this_timestep: # here we check if a smartmove object is defined to determine # if we should be logging at this time. if self.verbose: rospy.logwarn( "passing -- has not yet started executing motion") return True if self.verbose: rospy.loginfo("Logging: " + str(self.action) + ", obj = " + str(self.object) + ", prev = " + str(self.prev_objects)) local_time = # this will get the latest available time latest_available_time_lookup = rospy.Time(0) ##### BEGIN MUTEX with self.mutex: # get the time for this data sample if self.rgb_time is not None: t = self.rgb_time else: t = local_time self.t = t # make sure we keep the right rgb and depth img_jpeg = self.rgb_img depth_png = self.depth_img have_data = False # how many times have we tried to get the transforms attempts = 0 max_attempts = 10 # the number attempts that should # use the backup timestamps backup_timestamp_attempts = 4 while not have_data: try: c_pose = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform( self.base_link, self.camera_frame, t) ee_pose = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform( self.base_link, self.ee_frame, t) if self.object: lookup_object = False # Check for the detected object at the current time. try: obj_pose = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform( self.base_link, self.object, t) lookup_object = True except (tf2.ExtrapolationException, tf2.ConnectivityException) as e: pass if not lookup_object: # If we can't get the current time for the object, # get the latest available. This particular case will be common. # This is because the object detection srcipt can only run when the # arm is out of the way. obj_pose = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform( self.base_link, self.object, latest_available_time_lookup) rgb_optical_pose = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform( self.base_link, self.camera_rgb_optical_frame, t) depth_optical_pose = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform( self.base_link, self.camera_depth_optical_frame, t) all_tf2_frames_as_string = self.tf_buffer.all_frames_as_string( ) self.tf2_dict = {} transform_strings = all_tf2_frames_as_string.split('\n') # get all of the other tf2 transforms # using the latest available frame as a fallback # if the current timestep frame isn't available for transform_string in transform_strings: transform_tokens = transform_string.split(' ') if len(transform_tokens) > 1: k = transform_tokens[1] try: lookup_object = False # Check for the detected object at the current time. try: k_pose = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform( self.base_link, k, t) lookup_object = True except (tf2.ExtrapolationException, tf2.ConnectivityException) as e: pass if not lookup_object: # If we can't get the current time for the object, # get the latest available. This particular case will be common. # This is because the object detection srcipt can only run when the # arm is out of the way. k_pose = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform( self.base_link, k, latest_available_time_lookup) k_pose = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform( self.base_link, k, t) k_xyz_qxqyqzqw = [ k_pose.transform.translation.x, k_pose.transform.translation.y, k_pose.transform.translation.z, k_pose.transform.rotation.x, k_pose.transform.rotation.y, k_pose.transform.rotation.z, k_pose.transform.rotation.w ] self.tf2_dict[k] = k_xyz_qxqyqzqw except (tf2.ExtrapolationException, tf2.ConnectivityException) as e: pass # don't load the yaml because it can take up to 0.2 seconds all_tf2_frames_as_yaml = self.tf_buffer.all_frames_as_yaml() self.tf2_json = json.dumps(self.tf2_dict) have_data = True except (tf2.LookupException, tf2.ExtrapolationException, tf2.ConnectivityException) as e: rospy.logwarn_throttle( 10.0, 'Collector transform lookup Failed: %s to %s, %s, %s' ' at image time: %s and local time: %s ' '\nNote: This message may print >1000x less often than the problem occurs.' % (self.base_link, self.camera_frame, self.ee_frame, str(self.object), str(t), str(latest_available_time_lookup))) have_data = False attempts += 1 # rospy.sleep(0.0) if attempts > max_attempts - backup_timestamp_attempts: rospy.logwarn_throttle( 10.0, 'Collector failed to use the rgb image rosmsg timestamp, ' 'trying latest available time as backup. ' 'Note: This message may print >1000x less often than the problem occurs.' ) # try the backup timestamp even though it will be less accurate t = latest_available_time_lookup if attempts > max_attempts: # Could not look up one of the transforms -- either could # not look up camera, endpoint, or object. raise e if t == latest_available_time_lookup: # Use either the latest available timestamp or # the local timestamp as backup, # even though it will be less accurate if self.rgb_time is not None: t = self.rgb_time else: t = local_time c_xyz_quat = pose_to_vec_quat_list(c_pose) rgb_optical_xyz_quat = pose_to_vec_quat_list(rgb_optical_pose) depth_optical_xyz_quat = pose_to_vec_quat_list(depth_optical_pose) ee_xyz_quat = pose_to_vec_quat_list(ee_pose) if self.object: obj_xyz_quat = pose_to_vec_quat_list(obj_pose) self.current_ee_pose = pm.fromTf(pose_to_vec_quat_pair(ee_pose))["nsecs"].append(np.copy(self.t.nsecs)) # time["secs"].append(np.copy(self.t.secs)) # time["pose"].append( np.copy(ee_xyz_quat)) # end effector pose (6 DOF)["camera"].append(np.copy(c_xyz_quat)) # camera pose (6 DOF) if self.object:["object_pose"].append(np.copy(obj_xyz_quat)) elif 'move_to_home' in label_to_check:["object_pose"].append(self.home_xyz_quat) # TODO(ahundt) should object pose be all 0 or NaN when there is no object? #["object_pose"].append([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) else: raise ValueError("Attempted to log unsupported " "object pose data for action_label " + str(action_label))["camera_rgb_optical_frame_pose"].append(rgb_optical_xyz_quat)["camera_depth_optical_frame_pose"].append( depth_optical_xyz_quat) #plt.figure() #plt.imshow(self.rgb_img) # print("jpg size={}, png size={}".format(sys.getsizeof(img_jpeg), sys.getsizeof(depth_png)))["image"].append(img_jpeg) # encoded as JPEG["depth_image"].append(depth_png)["gripper"].append(self.gripper_msg.gPO / 255.) # TODO(cpaxton): verify if not self.task.validLabel(action_label): raise RuntimeError("action not recognized: " + str(action_label)) action = self.task.index(action_label)["label"].append(action) # integer code for high-level action # Take Mutex --- with self.mutex:["q"].append(np.copy(self.q)) # joint position["dq"].append(np.copy(self.dq)) # joint velocuity["info"].append(np.copy( # string description of current step["rgb_info_D"].append(self.rgb_info.D)["rgb_info_K"].append(self.rgb_info.K)["rgb_info_R"].append(self.rgb_info.R)["rgb_info_P"].append(self.rgb_info.P)["rgb_info_distortion_model"].append( self.rgb_info.distortion_model)["depth_info_D"].append(self.depth_info.D)["depth_info_K"].append(self.depth_info.K)["depth_info_R"].append(self.depth_info.R)["depth_info_P"].append(self.depth_info.P)["depth_distortion_model"].append( self.depth_info.distortion_model) if self.object:["object"].append(np.copy(self.object)) else:["object"].append('none')["all_tf2_frames_as_yaml"].append(all_tf2_frames_as_yaml)[ "all_tf2_frames_from_base_link_vec_quat_xyzxyzw_json"].append( self.tf2_json) return True
def opendoor(req): # main(whole_body, gripper,wrist_wrench) frame = req.handle_pose.header.frame_id hanlde_pos = req.handle_pose.pose # hanlde_pos=geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped() res = OpendoorResponse() cli = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( '/hsrb/omni_base_controller/follow_joint_trajectory', control_msgs.msg.FollowJointTrajectoryAction) vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('/hsrb/command_velocity', geometry_msgs.msg.Twist, queue_size=10) armPub = rospy.Publisher('/hsrb/arm_trajectory_controller/command', JointTrajectory, queue_size=1) robot = hsrb_interface.Robot() whole_body = robot.get('whole_body') gripper = robot.get('gripper') wrist_wrench = robot.get('wrist_wrench') base = robot.get('omni_base') start_theta = base.pose[2] whole_body.move_to_joint_positions({'head_tilt_joint': -0.18}) # with hsrb_interface.Robot() as robot: # whole_body = robot.get('whole_body') # gripper = robot.get('gripper') # wrist_wrench = robot.get('wrist_wrench') try: # Open the gripper #whole_body.move_to_neutral() whole_body.move_to_joint_positions({'head_tilt_joint': -0.18}) grasp_point_client() global recog_pos global is_found print recog_pos.pose.position print("Opening the gripper") #whole_body.move_to_neutral() #whole_body.move_to_joint_positions({'head_tilt_joint': -0.18}) rospy.sleep(2.5) switch = ImpedanceControlSwitch() gripper.command(1.0) # Approach to the door listener = tf.TransformListener() listener.waitForTransform(_ORIGIN_TF, _BASE_TF, rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(4.0)) # translation,rot = listener.lookupTransform(_BASE_TF, _ORIGIN_TF, rospy.Time()) recog_pos.header.frame_id = _ORIGIN_TF recog_pos2 = listener.transformPose(_BASE_TF, recog_pos) print("Approach to the door") grab_pose = geometry.multiply_tuples( geometry.pose(x=recog_pos2.pose.position.x - HANDLE_TO_HAND_POS_X, y=recog_pos2.pose.position.y, z=recog_pos2.pose.position.z, ej=math.pi / 2), geometry.pose(ek=math.pi / 2)) #grab_pose = geometry.multiply_tuples(geometry.pose(x=recog_pos2.pose.position.x-HANDLE_TO_HAND_POS_X/2, # y=recog_pos2.pose.position.y-HANDLE_TO_HAND_POS_X/2, # z=recog_pos2.pose.position.z, #ej=0, # ek=math.pi/2), geometry.pose(ei=math.pi/2)) # grab_pose = geometry.multiply_tuples(geometry.pose(x=recog_pos.pose.position.x-translation[0]-HANDLE_TO_HAND_POS_X, # y=recog_pos.pose.position.y-translation[1], # z=recog_pos.pose.position.z-translation[2], # ej=math.pi/2), # geometry.pose(ek=0.0)) # # geometry.pose(ek=math.pi/2)) rospy.sleep(300) whole_body.move_end_effector_pose(grab_pose, _BASE_TF) rospy.sleep(1) whole_body.move_end_effector_by_line((0, 0, 1), 0.063) # Close the gripper wrist_wrench.reset() switch.activate("grasping") gripper.grasp(-0.01) rospy.sleep(1.0) switch.inactivate() # rospy.sleep(100) # Rotate the handle whole_body.impedance_config = 'grasping' traj = JointTrajectory() whole_body.move_end_effector_by_line((0, 1, 0), -0.120) rospy.sleep(1.5) try: whole_body.move_end_effector_by_line((0, 0, 1), 0.2) rospy.sleep(1) except: pirnt("hi!") rospy.sleep(1) try: whole_body.move_end_effector_by_line((0, 1, 0), 0.06) rospy.sleep(1) except: print("hi") gripper.command(1.0) rospy.sleep(2) tw = geometry_msgs.msg.Twist() tw.linear.x = 0 tw.linear.y = 0.3 tw.linear.z = 0 vel_pub.publish(tw) rospy.sleep(2) tw1 = geometry_msgs.msg.Twist() tw1.linear.x = 0.5 tw1.linear.y = 0.1 tw1.linear.z = 0 vel_pub.publish(tw1) rospy.sleep(2) # traj = JointTrajectory() # # This controller requires that all joints have values # traj.joint_names = ["arm_lift_joint", "arm_flex_joint", "arm_roll_joint", "wrist_flex_joint", "wrist_roll_joint"] # p = JointTrajectoryPoint() # current_positions = [latest_positions[name] for name in traj.joint_names] # current_positions[0] = latest_positions["arm_lift_joint"]-0.0675 # current_positions[1] = latest_positions["arm_flex_joint"]-0.02 # current_positions[2] = latest_positions["arm_roll_joint"] # current_positions[3] = latest_positions["wrist_flex_joint"] # current_positions[4] = latest_positions["wrist_roll_joint"]-0.65 # p.positions = current_positions # p.velocities = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] # p.time_from_start = rospy.Time(3) # traj.points = [p] #armPub.publish(traj) #rospy.sleep(3.0) # print("finishing rotating handle") # ## Move by End-effector line # whole_body.impedance_config = 'compliance_hard' # whole_body.move_end_effector_by_line((0.0,0.0,1), 0.45) print("pull the door") print("test 1") base.go_rel(0.0, 0.6, 0.0, 300) rospy.sleep(3) base.go_rel(0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 300) rospy.sleep(2) base.go_rel(0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 300) rospy.sleep(2) base.go_rel(0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 300) rospy.sleep(2) base.go_rel(0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 300) rospy.sleep(2) whole_body.move_to_neutral() rospy.sleep(4) res.success = True except Exception as e: rospy.logerr(e) print "Failed to open door" res.success = False return res
def loop(self): """ the main loop of the robot. At each iteration, depending on its mode (i.e. the finite state machine's state), if takes appropriate actions. This function shouldn't return anything """ try: (translation,rotation) = self.trans_listener.lookupTransform('/map', '/base_footprint', rospy.Time(0)) self.x = translation[0] self.y = translation[1] euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(rotation) self.theta = euler[2] except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): pass # logs the current mode if not(self.last_mode_printed == self.mode): print('-------------Current Mode---------------') rospy.loginfo("Current Mode: %s", self.mode) print('----------------------------------------') self.last_mode_printed = self.mode # checks which mode it is in and acts accordingly if self.mode == Mode.IDLE: # send zero velocity self.stay_idle() if not self.exploring: print('YAY WE ARE DONE!') elif self.mode == Mode.POSE: # moving towards a desired pose if self.close_to(self.x_g,self.y_g,self.theta_g,POS_EPS): self.mode = Mode.IDLE else: self.go_to_pose() elif self.mode == Mode.STOP: # at a stop sign if self.has_stopped(): self.init_crossing() else: self.stay_idle() elif self.mode == Mode.CROSS: # crossing an intersection if self.has_crossed(): self.mode = Mode.NAV else: self.nav_to_pose() elif self.mode == Mode.NAV: if self.close_to(self.x_g,self.y_g,self.theta_g,POS_EPS): # waypoint reached if self.close_to(self.firestation_x,self.firestation_y,self.firestation_theta,3*POS_EPS): # at firestation if (self.exploring): self.wait_for_instr() else: if np.any(self.to_rescue): self.init_rescue() else: self.mode = Mode.IDLE else: # non-firestation waypoint reached if (self.exploring): pass else: self.init_rescue() else: # waypoint not yet reached self.nav_to_pose() pass elif self.mode == Mode.WAIT_FOR_INSTR: pass elif self.mode == Mode.RESCUE: # save the animal! if self.has_rescued(): self.update_waypoint() else: pass else: raise Exception('This mode is not supported: %s' % str(self.mode))
def get_height(self): return, self.base_link_frame, rospy.Time(0))[0][2]
def getImageMsg(data, spot_wrapper, inverse_target_frame): """Takes the image, camera, and TF data and populates the necessary ROS messages Args: data: Image proto spot_wrapper: A SpotWrapper object inverse_target_frame: A frame name to be inversed to a parent frame. Returns: (tuple): * Image: message of the image captured * CameraInfo: message to define the state and config of the camera that took the image * TFMessage: with the transforms necessary to locate the image frames """ tf_msg = TFMessage() for frame_name in data.shot.transforms_snapshot.child_to_parent_edge_map: if data.shot.transforms_snapshot.child_to_parent_edge_map.get( frame_name).parent_frame_name: try: transform = data.shot.transforms_snapshot.child_to_parent_edge_map.get( frame_name) new_tf = TransformStamped() local_time = spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime( data.shot.acquisition_time) new_tf.header.stamp = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) parent = transform.parent_frame_name child = frame_name if inverse_target_frame == frame_name: geo_tform_inversed = SE3Pose.from_obj( transform.parent_tform_child).inverse() new_tf.header.frame_id = frame_name new_tf.child_frame_id = transform.parent_frame_name new_tf.transform.translation.x = geo_tform_inversed.position.x new_tf.transform.translation.y = geo_tform_inversed.position.y new_tf.transform.translation.z = geo_tform_inversed.position.z new_tf.transform.rotation.x = geo_tform_inversed.rotation.x new_tf.transform.rotation.y = geo_tform_inversed.rotation.y new_tf.transform.rotation.z = geo_tform_inversed.rotation.z new_tf.transform.rotation.w = geo_tform_inversed.rotation.w else: new_tf.header.frame_id = transform.parent_frame_name new_tf.child_frame_id = frame_name new_tf.transform.translation.x = transform.parent_tform_child.position.x new_tf.transform.translation.y = transform.parent_tform_child.position.y new_tf.transform.translation.z = transform.parent_tform_child.position.z new_tf.transform.rotation.x = transform.parent_tform_child.rotation.x new_tf.transform.rotation.y = transform.parent_tform_child.rotation.y new_tf.transform.rotation.z = transform.parent_tform_child.rotation.z new_tf.transform.rotation.w = transform.parent_tform_child.rotation.w tf_msg.transforms.append(new_tf) except Exception as e: print('Error: {}'.format(e)) image_msg = Image() local_time = spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime(data.shot.acquisition_time) image_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) image_msg.header.frame_id = data.shot.frame_name_image_sensor image_msg.height = data.shot.image.rows image_msg.width = data.shot.image.cols # Color/greyscale formats. # JPEG format if data.shot.image.format == image_pb2.Image.FORMAT_JPEG: image_msg.encoding = "rgb8" image_msg.is_bigendian = True image_msg.step = 3 * data.shot.image.cols = # Uncompressed. Requires pixel_format. if data.shot.image.format == image_pb2.Image.FORMAT_RAW: # One byte per pixel. if data.shot.image.pixel_format == image_pb2.Image.PIXEL_FORMAT_GREYSCALE_U8: image_msg.encoding = "mono8" image_msg.is_bigendian = True image_msg.step = data.shot.image.cols = # Three bytes per pixel. if data.shot.image.pixel_format == image_pb2.Image.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_U8: image_msg.encoding = "rgb8" image_msg.is_bigendian = True image_msg.step = 3 * data.shot.image.cols = # Four bytes per pixel. if data.shot.image.pixel_format == image_pb2.Image.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_U8: image_msg.encoding = "rgba8" image_msg.is_bigendian = True image_msg.step = 4 * data.shot.image.cols = # Little-endian uint16 z-distance from camera (mm). if data.shot.image.pixel_format == image_pb2.Image.PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_U16: image_msg.encoding = "16UC1" image_msg.is_bigendian = False image_msg.step = 2 * data.shot.image.cols = camera_info_msg = DefaultCameraInfo() local_time = spot_wrapper.robotToLocalTime(data.shot.acquisition_time) camera_info_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time(local_time.seconds, local_time.nanos) camera_info_msg.header.frame_id = data.shot.frame_name_image_sensor camera_info_msg.height = data.shot.image.rows camera_info_msg.width = data.shot.image.cols camera_info_msg.K[0] = data.source.pinhole.intrinsics.focal_length.x camera_info_msg.K[2] = data.source.pinhole.intrinsics.principal_point.x camera_info_msg.K[4] = data.source.pinhole.intrinsics.focal_length.y camera_info_msg.K[5] = data.source.pinhole.intrinsics.principal_point.y camera_info_msg.P[0] = data.source.pinhole.intrinsics.focal_length.x camera_info_msg.P[2] = data.source.pinhole.intrinsics.principal_point.x camera_info_msg.P[5] = data.source.pinhole.intrinsics.focal_length.y camera_info_msg.P[6] = data.source.pinhole.intrinsics.principal_point.y return image_msg, camera_info_msg, tf_msg
def publish(self, waypoints): lane = Lane() lane.header.frame_id = '/world' lane.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) lane.waypoints = waypoints
import turtlesim.srv if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('current_pose_from_tf') tfBuffer = tf2_ros.Buffer() listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(tfBuffer) current_pub = rospy.Publisher("/current_pose", geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped, queue_size=1) rate = rospy.Rate(10.0) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: trans = tfBuffer.lookup_transform("map", "base_link", rospy.Time()) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): continue cmd = geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped() cmd.header.stamp = cmd.header.frame_id = "map" cmd.pose.position.x = trans.transform.translation.x cmd.pose.position.y = trans.transform.translation.y cmd.pose.position.z = trans.transform.translation.z cmd.pose.orientation.w = trans.transform.rotation.w cmd.pose.orientation.x = trans.transform.rotation.x cmd.pose.orientation.y = trans.transform.rotation.y cmd.pose.orientation.z = trans.transform.rotation.z current_pub.publish(cmd)
def check_nearest_obj(self, obj_list, src, r, grid_map): min_dist = 10000000 min_path = None for obj_idx, i in enumerate(obj_list): try: (trans_ar, rot_ar) = self.tflistener.lookupTransform('map', self.frame_ids[i], rospy.Time(0)) except (tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): return [obj_idx, None, None, i] trans_ar = np.array(trans_ar) trans_ar = r.apply(trans_ar) indx = int((trans_ar[0] - indy = int((trans_ar[1] - shifts = list(product(np.arange(-2, 2, 1), np.arange(-2, 2, 1))) for shift_x, shift_y in shifts: dst = (indx + shift_x, indy + shift_y) # grid_map[grid_map == 0] = 1 grid_map[grid_map == -1] = 0 grid_map[grid_map > 0] = 1 planner = AstarPlanner(grid=grid_map) path, cost =, dst) print(cost) if cost < min_dist and len(path) > 0: min_dist = cost min_path = [obj_idx, path, dst, i] return min_path
if __name__ == "__main__": try: rospy.init_node("imu_node", anonymous=True) # retrieves module corresponding to sensor module and class in rosparam # load imu configuration into workspace imu_cfg = rospy.get_param(rospy.get_namespace(), 0) try: assert (imu_cfg is not 0) except AssertionError: raise ValueError( "Imu configuration could not be found in spacecraft cfg file!") # find correct sensor whose name ends with "imu" imu_cfg = [ value for key, value in imu_cfg.iteritems() if key.endswith("imu") ][0] sensor_module = importlib.import_module("rospace_lib.sensor." + imu_cfg["module"]) sensor_class = getattr(sensor_module, imu_cfg["class"]) rate_gyro = sensor_class() import_sensor_lib = importlib.import_module("matplotlib.text") last_callback_time = rospy.Time(0, 0) subs = rospy.Subscriber("pose", PoseVelocityStamped, callback_IMU_pose) publish_IMU_message() except rospy.ROSInterruptException: pass
def process_trajectory(self, traj): num_points = len(traj.points) # make sure the joints in the goal match the joints of the controller if set(self.joint_names) != set(traj.joint_names): res = FollowJointTrajectoryResult().INVALID_JOINTS msg = 'Incoming trajectory joints do not match the joints of the controller' rospy.logerr(msg) rospy.logerr(' self.joint_names={}' % (set(self.joint_names))) rospy.logerr(' traj.joint_names={}' % (set(traj.joint_names))) self.action_server.set_aborted(result=res, text=msg) return # make sure trajectory is not empty if num_points == 0: msg = 'Incoming trajectory is empty' rospy.logerr(msg) self.action_server.set_aborted(text=msg) return # correlate the joints we're commanding to the joints in the message # map from an index of joint in the controller to an index in the trajectory lookup = [traj.joint_names.index(joint) for joint in self.joint_names] durations = [0.0] * num_points # find out the duration of each segment in the trajectory durations[0] = traj.points[0].time_from_start.to_sec() for i in range(1, num_points): durations[i] = (traj.points[i].time_from_start - traj.points[i - 1].time_from_start).to_sec() if not traj.points[0].positions: res = FollowJointTrajectoryResult().INVALID_GOAL msg = 'First point of trajectory has no positions' rospy.logerr(msg) self.action_server.set_aborted(result=res, text=msg) return trajectory = [] time = + rospy.Duration(0.01) for i in range(num_points): seg = Segment(self.num_joints) if traj.header.stamp == rospy.Time(0.0): seg.start_time = (time + traj.points[i].time_from_start ).to_sec() - durations[i] else: seg.start_time = ( traj.header.stamp + traj.points[i].time_from_start).to_sec() - durations[i] seg.duration = durations[i] # Checks that the incoming segment has the right number of elements. if traj.points[i].velocities and len( traj.points[i].velocities) != self.num_joints: res = FollowJointTrajectoryResult().INVALID_GOAL msg = 'Command point %d has %d elements for the velocities' % ( i, len(traj.points[i].velocities)) rospy.logerr(msg) self.action_server.set_aborted(result=res, text=msg) return if len(traj.points[i].positions) != self.num_joints: res = FollowJointTrajectoryResult().INVALID_GOAL msg = 'Command point %d has %d elements for the positions' % ( i, len(traj.points[i].positions)) rospy.logerr(msg) self.action_server.set_aborted(result=res, text=msg) return for j in range(self.num_joints): if traj.points[i].velocities: seg.velocities[j] = traj.points[i].velocities[lookup[j]] if traj.points[i].positions: seg.positions[j] = traj.points[i].positions[lookup[j]] trajectory.append(seg) rospy.loginfo('Trajectory start requested at %.3lf, waiting...', traj.header.stamp.to_sec()) rate = rospy.Rate(self.update_rate) while traj.header.stamp > time: time = rate.sleep() end_time = traj.header.stamp + rospy.Duration(sum(durations)) seg_end_times = [ rospy.Time.from_sec(trajectory[seg].start_time + durations[seg]) for seg in range(len(trajectory)) ] rospy.loginfo( 'Trajectory start time is %.3lf, end time is %.3lf, total duration is %.3lf', time.to_sec(), end_time.to_sec(), sum(durations)) self.trajectory = trajectory traj_start_time = for seg in range(len(trajectory)): rospy.logdebug( 'current segment is %d time left %f cur time %f' % (seg, durations[seg] - (time.to_sec() - trajectory[seg].start_time), time.to_sec())) rospy.logdebug('goal positions are: %s' % str(trajectory[seg].positions)) # first point in trajectories calculated by OMPL is current position with duration of 0 seconds, skip it if durations[seg] == 0: rospy.logdebug( 'skipping segment %d with duration of 0 seconds' % seg) continue multi_packet = {} for port, joints in self.port_to_joints.items(): vals = [] for joint in joints: j = self.joint_names.index(joint) start_position = self.joint_states[joint].current_pos if seg != 0: start_position = trajectory[seg - 1].positions[j] desired_position = trajectory[seg].positions[j] desired_velocity = max( self.min_velocity, abs(desired_position - start_position) / durations[seg]) self.msg.desired.positions[j] = desired_position self.msg.desired.velocities[j] = desired_velocity # probably need a more elegant way of figuring out if we are dealing with a dual controller if hasattr(self.joint_to_controller[joint], "master_id"): master_id = self.joint_to_controller[joint].master_id slave_id = self.joint_to_controller[joint].slave_id master_pos, slave_pos = self.joint_to_controller[ joint].pos_rad_to_raw(desired_position) spd = self.joint_to_controller[joint].spd_rad_to_raw( desired_velocity) vals.append((master_id, master_pos, spd)) vals.append((slave_id, slave_pos, spd)) else: motor_id = self.joint_to_controller[joint].motor_id pos = self.joint_to_controller[joint].pos_rad_to_raw( desired_position) spd = self.joint_to_controller[joint].spd_rad_to_raw( desired_velocity) vals.append((motor_id, pos, spd)) multi_packet[port] = vals for port, vals in multi_packet.items(): self.port_to_io[port].set_multi_position_and_speed(vals) while time < seg_end_times[seg]: # check if new trajectory was received, if so abort current trajectory execution # by setting the goal to the current position if self.action_server.is_preempt_requested(): msg = 'New trajectory received. Aborting old trajectory.' multi_packet = {} for port, joints in self.port_to_joints.items(): vals = [] for joint in joints: cur_pos = self.joint_states[joint].current_pos motor_id = self.joint_to_controller[joint].motor_id pos = self.joint_to_controller[ joint].pos_rad_to_raw(cur_pos) vals.append((motor_id, pos)) multi_packet[port] = vals for port, vals in multi_packet.items(): self.port_to_io[port].set_multi_position(vals) self.action_server.set_preempted(text=msg) rospy.logwarn(msg) return rate.sleep() time = # Verifies trajectory constraints for j, joint in enumerate(self.joint_names): if self.trajectory_constraints[ j] > 0 and self.msg.error.positions[ j] > self.trajectory_constraints[j]: res = FollowJointTrajectoryResult().PATH_TOLERANCE_VIOLATED msg = 'Unsatisfied position constraint for %s, trajectory point %d, %f is larger than %f' % \ (joint, seg, self.msg.error.positions[j], self.trajectory_constraints[j]) rospy.logwarn(msg) self.action_server.set_aborted(result=res, text=msg) return # let motors roll for specified amount of time rospy.sleep(self.goal_time_constraint) for i, j in enumerate(self.joint_names): rospy.logdebug( 'desired pos was %f, actual pos is %f, error is %f' % (trajectory[-1].positions[i], self.joint_states[j].current_pos, self.joint_states[j].current_pos - trajectory[-1].positions[i])) # Checks that we have ended inside the goal constraints for (joint, pos_error, pos_constraint) in zip(self.joint_names, self.msg.error.positions, self.goal_constraints): if pos_constraint > 0 and abs(pos_error) > pos_constraint: res = FollowJointTrajectoryResult().GOAL_TOLERANCE_VIOLATED msg = 'Aborting because %s joint wound up outside the goal constraints, %f is larger than %f' % \ (joint, pos_error, pos_constraint) rospy.logwarn(msg) self.action_server.set_aborted(result=res, text=msg) break else: res = FollowJointTrajectoryResult().SUCCESSFUL msg = 'Trajectory execution successfully completed' rospy.loginfo(msg) self.action_server.set_succeeded(result=res, text=msg)
def wait_for_time(): """Wait for simulated time to begin. """ while rospy.Time().now().to_sec() == 0: pass
def __init__(self): # Give the node a name rospy.init_node('calibrate_linear', anonymous=False) # Set rospy to execute a shutdown function when terminating the script rospy.on_shutdown(self.shutdown) # How fast will we check the odometry values? self.rate = 10 r = rospy.Rate(self.rate) # Set the distance to travel self.test_distance = 1.0 # meters self.speed = 1.0 # meters per second self.tolerance = 0.01 # meters self.odom_linear_scale_correction = 1.0 self.start_test = True # Publisher to control the robot's speed self.cmd_vel = rospy.Publisher('/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=5) # The base frame is base_footprint for the TurtleBot but base_link for Pi Robot self.base_frame = rospy.get_param('~base_frame', '/base_link') # The odom frame is usually just /odom self.odom_frame = rospy.get_param('~odom_frame', '/odom') # Initialize the tf listener self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() # Give tf some time to fill its buffer rospy.sleep(2) # Make sure we see the odom and base frames self.tf_listener.waitForTransform(self.odom_frame, self.base_frame, rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(60.0)) rospy.loginfo("Bring up rqt_reconfigure to control the test.") self.position = Point() # Get the starting position from the tf transform between the odom and base frames self.position = self.get_position() x_start = self.position.x y_start = self.position.y move_cmd = Twist() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # Stop the robot by default move_cmd = Twist() if self.start_test: # Get the current position from the tf transform between the odom and base frames self.position = self.get_position() # Compute the Euclidean distance from the target point distance = sqrt( pow((self.position.x - x_start), 2) + pow((self.position.y - y_start), 2)) # Correct the estimated distance by the correction factor distance *= self.odom_linear_scale_correction # How close are we? error = distance - self.test_distance # Are we close enough? if not self.start_test or abs(error) < self.tolerance: self.start_test = False params = False rospy.loginfo(params) else: # If not, move in the appropriate direction move_cmd.linear.x = copysign(self.speed, -1 * error) else: self.position = self.get_position() x_start = self.position.x y_start = self.position.y self.cmd_vel.publish(move_cmd) r.sleep() # Stop the robot self.cmd_vel.publish(Twist())
def callback(msg, tfBuffer): global occdata global im2arr global width global height global resolution # create numpy array occdata = np.array([]) # compute histogram to identify percent of bins with -1 occ_counts = np.histogram(occdata, occ_bins) # calculate total number of bins total_bins = * width = height = # log the info rospy.loginfo('Width: %i Height: %i',, rospy.loginfo('Unmapped: %i Unoccupied: %i Occupied: %i Total: %i', occ_counts[0][0], occ_counts[0][1], occ_counts[0][2], total_bins) # find transform to convert map coordinates to base_link coordinates # lookup_transform(target_frame, source_frame, time) trans = tfBuffer.lookup_transform('map', 'base_link', rospy.Time(0)) cur_pos = trans.transform.translation cur_rot = trans.transform.rotation rospy.loginfo(['Trans: ' + str(cur_pos)]) rospy.loginfo(['Rot: ' + str(cur_rot)]) # get map resolution map_res = resolution = # get map origin struct has fields of x, y, and z map_origin = # get map grid positions for x, y position grid_x = int(round((cur_pos.x - map_origin.x) / map_res)) grid_y = int(round((cur_pos.y - map_origin.y) / map_res)) rospy.loginfo(['Grid Y: ' + str(grid_y) + ' Grid X: ' + str(grid_x)]) # make occdata go from 0 instead of -1, reshape into 2D oc2 = occdata + 1 # set all values above 1 (i.e. above 0 in the original map data, representing occupied locations) oc3 = (oc2 > 1).choose(oc2, 2) # reshape to 2D array using column order odata = np.uint8(oc3.reshape(,, order='F')) # set current robot location to 0 rospy.loginfo(['len odata is', len(odata)]) if len(odata) > 1: odata[grid_x][grid_y] = 0 # create image from 2D array using PIL img = Image.fromarray(odata.astype(np.uint8)) # find center of image i_centerx = / 2 i_centery = / 2 # translate by curr_pos - centerxy to make sure the rotation is performed # with the robot at the center # using tips from: # translation_m = np.array([[1, 0, (i_centerx - grid_y)], [0, 1, (i_centery - grid_x)], [0, 0, 1]]) # Image.transform function requires the matrix to be inverted tm_inv = np.linalg.inv(translation_m) # translate the image so that the robot is at the center of the image img_transformed = img.transform((,, Image.AFFINE, data=tm_inv.flatten()[:6], resample=Image.NEAREST) # convert quaternion to Euler angles orientation_list = [cur_rot.x, cur_rot.y, cur_rot.z, cur_rot.w] (roll, pitch, yaw) = euler_from_quaternion(orientation_list) rospy.loginfo(['Yaw: R: ' + str(yaw) + ' D: ' + str(np.degrees(yaw))]) # rotate by 180 degrees to invert map so that the forward direction is at the top of the image rotated = img_transformed.rotate(np.degrees(-yaw) + 180) # we should now be able to access the map around the robot by converting # back to a numpy array: im2arr = np.array(rotated) im2arr = np.array(rotated)
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy from laser_assembler.srv import AssembleScans2 from sensor_msgs.msg import PointCloud2 rospy.init_node("assemble_scans_to_cloud") rospy.wait_for_service("assemble_scans2") assemble_scans = rospy.ServiceProxy('assemble_scans2', AssembleScans2) pub = rospy.Publisher("/point_Cloud", PointCloud2, queue_size=2) r = rospy.Rate(10) while True: try: resp = assemble_scans(rospy.Time(0, 0), rospy.get_rostime()) print "Got cloud with %u points" % len( pub.publish( except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "service call failed: %s" % e r.sleep()
def spin(self): # state s = self.sensor_state odom = Odometry(header=rospy.Header(frame_id=self.odom_frame), child_frame_id=self.base_frame) js = JointState(name=[ "left_wheel_joint", "right_wheel_joint", "front_castor_joint", "back_castor_joint" ], position=[0, 0, 0, 0], velocity=[0, 0, 0, 0], effort=[0, 0, 0, 0]) r = rospy.Rate(self.update_rate) last_cmd_vel = 0, 0 last_cmd_vel_time = rospy.get_rostime() last_js_time = rospy.Time(0) # We set the retry count to 0 initially to make sure that only # if we received at least one sensor package, we are robust # agains a few sensor read failures. For some strange reason, # sensor read failures can occur when switching to full mode # on the Roomba. sensor_read_retry_count = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): last_time = s.header.stamp curr_time = rospy.get_rostime() # SENSE/COMPUTE STATE try: self.sense(s) transform = self.compute_odom(s, last_time, odom) # Future-date the joint states so that we don't have # to publish as frequently. js.header.stamp = curr_time + rospy.Duration(1) except select.error: # packet read can get interrupted, restart loop to # check for exit conditions continue except DriverError: if sensor_read_retry_count > 0: rospy.logwarn( 'Failed to read sensor package. %d retries left.' % sensor_read_retry_count) sensor_read_retry_count -= 1 continue else: raise sensor_read_retry_count = self._SENSOR_READ_RETRY_COUNT # Reboot Create if we detect that charging is necessary. if s.charging_sources_available > 0 and \ s.oi_mode == 1 and \ s.charging_state in [0, 5] and \ s.charge < 0.93*s.capacity: rospy.loginfo("going into soft-reboot and exiting driver") self._robot_reboot() rospy.loginfo("exiting driver") break # Reboot Create if we detect that battery is at critical level switch to passive mode. if s.charging_sources_available > 0 and \ s.oi_mode == 3 and \ s.charging_state in [0, 5] and \ s.charge < 0.15*s.capacity: rospy.loginfo("going into soft-reboot and exiting driver") self._robot_reboot() rospy.loginfo("exiting driver") break # PUBLISH STATE self.sensor_state_pub.publish(s) self.odom_pub.publish(odom) if self.publish_tf: self.publish_odometry_transform(odom) # 1hz, future-dated joint state if curr_time > last_js_time + rospy.Duration(1): self.joint_states_pub.publish(js) last_js_time = curr_time self._diagnostics.publish(s, self._gyro) if self._gyro: self._gyro.publish(s, last_time) # ACT if self.req_cmd_vel is not None: # check for velocity command and set the robot into full mode if not plugged in if s.oi_mode != self.operate_mode and s.charging_sources_available != 1: if self.operate_mode == 2: self._robot_run_safe() else: self._robot_run_full() # check for bumper contact and limit drive command req_cmd_vel = self.check_bumpers(s, self.req_cmd_vel) # Set to None so we know it's a new command self.req_cmd_vel = None # reset time for timeout last_cmd_vel_time = last_time else: #zero commands on timeout if last_time - last_cmd_vel_time > self.cmd_vel_timeout: last_cmd_vel = 0, 0 # double check bumpers req_cmd_vel = self.check_bumpers(s, last_cmd_vel) # send command self.drive_cmd(*req_cmd_vel) # record command last_cmd_vel = req_cmd_vel r.sleep()
temp_flag = 0 pre_position = [0, 0, 0] pre_pose = [1, 0, 0, 0] temp = [1, 0, 0, 0] rate = rospy.Rate(50.0) limits = 0.015 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: trans = tfBuffer.lookup_transform('world', 'controller_LHR_FF777F05', rospy.Time()) # rospy.loginfo(trans) except (tf2_ros.LookupException, tf2_ros.ConnectivityException, tf2_ros.ExtrapolationException): rospy.loginfo("error") rate.sleep() continue if vrb.trigger_pressed_event == 1: pre_position[0] = trans.transform.translation.x pre_position[1] = trans.transform.translation.y pre_position[2] = trans.transform.translation.z pre_pose[0] = trans.transform.rotation.x pre_pose[1] = trans.transform.rotation.y pre_pose[2] = trans.transform.rotation.z pre_pose[3] = trans.transform.rotation.w
def broadcast_frame(self, msg): self.num_objects = # print ('we have the frame') ################## Place Positions ####################### if self.listen.frameExists("/root") and self.listen.frameExists( "/world"): # print ('we have the frame') t = self.listen.getLatestCommonTime("/root", "/world") translation, quaternion = self.listen.lookupTransform( "/root", "/world", rospy.Time(0)) # Identity matrix. Set the requ rot n trans wrt obj frame requrd_rot = (np.pi / 2, 0, 0) # in radians requrd_trans = (0.15, -0.2, 0.1) # calculate and get an offset frame w/o ref to objct frame pose = self.getOffsetPoses(translation, quaternion, requrd_rot, requrd_trans) trans_1 = tuple(pose[:3]) quat_1 = tuple(pose[3:]) self.broadcast.sendTransform(trans_1, quat_1,, "scissors_place_position", "root") if self.listen.frameExists("/root") and self.listen.frameExists( "/world"): # print ('we have the frame') t = self.listen.getLatestCommonTime("/root", "/world") translation, quaternion = self.listen.lookupTransform( "/root", "/world", rospy.Time(0)) # Identity matrix. Set the requ rot n trans wrt obj frame requrd_rot = (np.pi / 2, 0, 0) # in radians requrd_trans = (0.5, -0.2, 0.1) # calculate and get an offset frame w/o ref to objct frame pose = self.getOffsetPoses(translation, quaternion, requrd_rot, requrd_trans) trans_1 = tuple(pose[:3]) quat_1 = tuple(pose[3:]) self.broadcast.sendTransform(trans_1, quat_1,, "water_place_position", "root") if self.listen.frameExists("/root") and self.listen.frameExists( "/world"): # print ('we have the frame') t = self.listen.getLatestCommonTime("/root", "/world") translation, quaternion = self.listen.lookupTransform( "/root", "/world", rospy.Time(0)) # Identity matrix. Set the requ rot n trans wrt obj frame requrd_rot = (np.pi / 2, 0, 0) # in radians requrd_trans = (0.3, -0.2, 0.1) # calculate and get an offset frame w/o ref to objct frame pose = self.getOffsetPoses(translation, quaternion, requrd_rot, requrd_trans) trans_1 = tuple(pose[:3]) quat_1 = tuple(pose[3:]) self.broadcast.sendTransform(trans_1, quat_1,, "hammer_place_position", "root") if self.listen.frameExists("/root") and self.listen.frameExists( "/world"): # print ('we have the frame') t = self.listen.getLatestCommonTime("/root", "/world") translation, quaternion = self.listen.lookupTransform( "/root", "/world", rospy.Time(0)) # Identity matrix. Set the requ rot n trans wrt obj frame requrd_rot = (np.pi / 2, 0, 0) # in radians requrd_trans = (0.3, -0.4, 0.1) # calculate and get an offset frame w/o ref to objct frame pose = self.getOffsetPoses(translation, quaternion, requrd_rot, requrd_trans) trans_1 = tuple(pose[:3]) quat_1 = tuple(pose[3:]) self.broadcast.sendTransform(trans_1, quat_1,, "bowl_place_position", "root") if self.listen.frameExists("/root") and self.listen.frameExists( "/world"): # print ('we have the frame') t = self.listen.getLatestCommonTime("/root", "/world") translation, quaternion = self.listen.lookupTransform( "/root", "/world", rospy.Time(0)) # Identity matrix. Set the requ rot n trans wrt obj frame requrd_rot = (np.pi / 2, 0, 0) # in radians requrd_trans = (0.2, -0.4, 0.1) # calculate and get an offset frame w/o ref to objct frame pose = self.getOffsetPoses(translation, quaternion, requrd_rot, requrd_trans) trans_1 = tuple(pose[:3]) quat_1 = tuple(pose[3:]) self.broadcast.sendTransform(trans_1, quat_1,, "chip_place_position", "root") if self.listen.frameExists("/root") and self.listen.frameExists( "/world"): # print ('we have the frame') t = self.listen.getLatestCommonTime("/root", "/world") translation, quaternion = self.listen.lookupTransform( "/root", "/world", rospy.Time(0)) # Identity matrix. Set the requ rot n trans wrt obj frame requrd_rot = (np.pi / 2, 0, 0) # in radians requrd_trans = (0.5, -0.4, 0.1) # calculate and get an offset frame w/o ref to objct frame pose = self.getOffsetPoses(translation, quaternion, requrd_rot, requrd_trans) trans_1 = tuple(pose[:3]) quat_1 = tuple(pose[3:]) self.broadcast.sendTransform(trans_1, quat_1,, "lemon_place_position", "root") if self.listen.frameExists("/root") and self.listen.frameExists( "/world"): # print ('we have the frame') t = self.listen.getLatestCommonTime("/root", "/world") translation, quaternion = self.listen.lookupTransform( "/root", "/world", rospy.Time(0)) # Identity matrix. Set the requ rot n trans wrt obj frame requrd_rot = (np.pi / 2, 0, 0) # in radians requrd_trans = (0.5, -0.45, 0.1) # calculate and get an offset frame w/o ref to objct frame pose = self.getOffsetPoses(translation, quaternion, requrd_rot, requrd_trans) trans_1 = tuple(pose[:3]) quat_1 = tuple(pose[3:]) self.broadcast.sendTransform(trans_1, quat_1,, "banana_place_position", "root")
def __init__(self): try: self.position_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/current_position', Point, queue_size=10) self.heading_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/current_heading', Float32, queue_size=10) self.offset_change_x_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber( '/offset_change_x', Float32, self.callback_offset_change_x) self.offset_change_y_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber( '/offset_change_y', Float32, self.callback_offset_change_y) self.offset_change_theta_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber( '/offset_change_theta', Float32, self.callback_offset_change_theta) self.offset_x = 0 self.offset_y = 0 self.offset_theta = 0 self.pnt = Point() self.heading = Float32() self.isFirst = True self.loop_cnt = 0 self.isGoodToGo = False self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() self.odom_frame = '/odom' try: self.tf_listener.waitForTransform(self.odom_frame, '/base_footprint', rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(1.0)) self.base_frame = '/base_footprint' except (tf.Exception, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.LookupException): try: self.tf_listener.waitForTransform(self.odom_frame, '/base_link', rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(1.0)) self.base_frame = '/base_link' except (tf.Exception, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.LookupException): rospy.loginfo( "Cannot find transform between /odom and /base_link or /base_footprint" ) rospy.signal_shutdown("tf Exception") while (True): #wait for 2 sec after booting to set poistion&heading if self.isGoodToGo == False: if self.loop_cnt == 200: self.isGoodToGo = True else: self.loop_cnt = self.loop_cnt + 1 else: (trans, rot) = self.tf_listener.lookupTransform( self.odom_frame, self.base_frame, rospy.Time(0)) self.pnt = Point(*trans) = euler_from_quaternion(rot)[2] if self.isFirst: self.offset_x = self.pnt.x self.offset_y = self.pnt.y self.offset_theta = self.isFirst = False self.pnt.x = self.pnt.x - self.offset_x self.pnt.y = self.pnt.y - self.offset_y = normalize_rad( - self.offset_theta) self.position_publisher.publish(self.pnt) self.heading_publisher.publish(self.heading) sleep(0.01) except (tf.Exception, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.LookupException): rospy.loginfo("TF Exception at") sys.exit() except Exception as e: print(e) sys.exit()
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=("Extracts grayscale and event images from a ROS bag and " "saves them as TFRecords for training in TensorFlow.")) parser.add_argument("--bag", dest="bag", help="Path to ROS bag.", required=True) parser.add_argument("--prefix", dest="prefix", help="Output file prefix.", required=True) parser.add_argument("--output_folder", dest="output_folder", help="Output folder.", required=True) parser.add_argument( "--max_aug", dest="max_aug", help="Maximum number of images to combine for augmentation.", type=int, default=6) parser.add_argument( "--n_skip", dest="n_skip", help="Maximum number of images to combine for augmentation.", type=int, default=1) parser.add_argument("--start_time", dest="start_time", help="Time to start in the bag.", type=float, default=0.0) parser.add_argument("--end_time", dest="end_time", help="Time to end in the bag.", type=float, default=-1.0) args = parser.parse_args() bridge = CvBridge() n_msgs = 0 left_event_image_iter = 0 right_event_image_iter = 0 left_image_iter = 0 right_image_iter = 0 first_left_image_time = -1 first_right_image_time = -1 left_events = [] right_events = [] left_images = [] right_images = [] left_image_times = [] right_image_times = [] left_event_count_images = [] left_event_time_images = [] left_event_image_times = [] right_event_count_images = [] right_event_time_images = [] right_event_image_times = [] cols = 346 rows = 260 print("Processing bag") bag = Bag(args.bag) left_tf_writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter( os.path.join(args.output_folder, args.prefix, "left_event_images.tfrecord")) right_tf_writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter( os.path.join(args.output_folder, args.prefix, "right_event_images.tfrecord")) # Get actual time for the start of the bag. t_start = bag.get_start_time() t_start_ros = rospy.Time(t_start) # Set the time at which the bag reading should end. if args.end_time == -1.0: t_end = bag.get_end_time() else: t_end = t_start + args.end_time eps = 0.1 for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages( topics=[ '/davis/left/image_raw', '/davis/right/image_raw', '/davis/left/events', '/davis/right/events' ], start_time=rospy.Time(max(args.start_time, eps) - eps + t_start), end_time=rospy.Time(t_end)): # Check to make sure we're working with stereo messages. if not ('left' in topic or 'right' in topic): print( 'ERROR: topic {} does not contain left or right, is this stereo?' 'If not, you will need to modify the topic names in the code.'. format(topic)) return # Counter for status updates. n_msgs += 1 if n_msgs % 500 == 0: print("Processed {} msgs, {} images, time is {}.".format( n_msgs, left_event_image_iter, t.to_sec() - t_start)) isLeft = 'left' in topic if 'image' in topic: width = msg.width height = msg.height if width != cols or height != rows: print( "Image dimensions are not what we expected: set: ({} {}) vs got:({} {})" .format(cols, rows, width, height)) return time = msg.header.stamp if time.to_sec() - t_start < args.start_time: continue image = np.asarray(bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, msg.encoding)) image = np.reshape(image, (height, width)) if isLeft: cv2.imwrite( os.path.join( args.output_folder, args.prefix, "left_image{:05d}.png".format(left_image_iter)), image) if left_image_iter > 0: left_image_times.append(time) else: first_left_image_time = time left_event_image_times.append(time.to_sec()) # filter events we added previously left_events = filter_events( left_events, left_event_image_times[-1] - t_start) left_image_iter += 1 else: cv2.imwrite( os.path.join( args.output_folder, args.prefix, "right_image{:05d}.png".format(right_image_iter)), image) if right_image_iter > 0: right_image_times.append(time) else: first_right_image_time = time right_event_image_times.append(time.to_sec()) # filter events we added previously right_events = filter_events( right_events, left_event_image_times[-1] - t_start) right_image_iter += 1 elif 'events' in topic and # Add events to list. for event in ts = event.ts event = [ event.x, event.y, (ts - t_start_ros).to_sec(), (float(event.polarity) - 0.5) * 2 ] if isLeft: # add event if it was after the first image or we haven't seen the first image if first_left_image_time == -1 or ts > first_left_image_time: left_events.append(event) elif first_right_image_time == -1 or ts > first_right_image_time: right_events.append(event) if isLeft: if len(left_image_times) >= args.max_aug and\ left_events[-1][2] > (left_image_times[args.max_aug-1]-t_start_ros).to_sec(): left_event_image_iter = _save_events( left_events, left_image_times, left_event_count_images, left_event_time_images, left_event_image_times, rows, cols, args.max_aug, args.n_skip, left_event_image_iter, args.prefix, 'left', left_tf_writer, t_start_ros) else: if len(right_image_times) >= args.max_aug and\ right_events[-1][2] > (right_image_times[args.max_aug-1]-t_start_ros).to_sec(): right_event_image_iter = _save_events( right_events, right_image_times, right_event_count_images, right_event_time_images, right_event_image_times, rows, cols, args.max_aug, args.n_skip, right_event_image_iter, args.prefix, 'right', right_tf_writer, t_start_ros) left_tf_writer.close() right_tf_writer.close() image_counter_file = open( os.path.join(args.output_folder, args.prefix, "n_images.txt"), 'w') image_counter_file.write("{} {}".format(left_event_image_iter, right_event_image_iter)) image_counter_file.close()