def call_service(self): rospy.wait_for_service('/zeroconf/add_listener') try: add_listener = rospy.ServiceProxy('/zeroconf/add_listener', AddListener) r = add_listener('_workstation._tcp') except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Servce call failed: %s"%e
def __init__(self): """ JARVIS User Interface Node """ rospy.on_shutdown(self.cleanup) rospy.wait_for_service('return_grips') self.msg = GoalID() self.newGrips = jarvis_perception.msg.GraspArray() self.legalUtterances = ['upper','lower','top','bottom','back','front','near','far','rear','left','right','anywhere','center'] self.lastUtterance = '' self.axisAlignedBox = '' self.person_trans = '' self.person_rot = '' plotting = True self.likelihood = None self.var = None try: grip_server = rospy.ServiceProxy('return_grips',ReturnGrips) self.grips = grip_server() print self.grips pubgrips = rospy.Publisher('return_grips', jarvis_perception.msg.GraspArray, queue_size=10) except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed: %s"%e
def __init__(self): # ROS initialization: rospy.init_node('pose_manager') self.poseLibrary = dict() self.readInPoses() self.poseServer = actionlib.SimpleActionServer("body_pose", BodyPoseAction, execute_cb=self.executeBodyPose, auto_start=False) self.trajectoryClient = actionlib.SimpleActionClient("joint_trajectory", JointTrajectoryAction) if self.trajectoryClient.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(3.0)): try: rospy.wait_for_service("stop_walk_srv", timeout=2.0) self.stopWalkSrv = rospy.ServiceProxy("stop_walk_srv", Empty) except: rospy.logwarn("stop_walk_srv not available, pose_manager will not stop the walker before executing a trajectory. " +"This is normal if there is no nao_walker running.") self.stopWalkSrv = None self.poseServer.start() rospy.loginfo("pose_manager running, offering poses: %s", self.poseLibrary.keys()); else: rospy.logfatal("Could not connect to required \"joint_trajectory\" action server, is the nao_controller node running?"); rospy.signal_shutdown("Required component missing");
def test_basic_localization(self): global_localization = int(sys.argv[1]) self.target_x = float(sys.argv[2]) self.target_y = float(sys.argv[3]) self.target_a = float(sys.argv[4]) tolerance_d = float(sys.argv[5]) tolerance_a = float(sys.argv[6]) target_time = float(sys.argv[7]) if global_localization == 1: #print 'Waiting for service global_localization' rospy.wait_for_service('global_localization') global_localization = rospy.ServiceProxy('global_localization', Empty) resp = global_localization() rospy.init_node('test', anonymous=True) while(rospy.rostime.get_time() == 0.0): #print 'Waiting for initial time publication' time.sleep(0.1) start_time = rospy.rostime.get_time() # TODO: This should be replace by a pytf listener rospy.Subscriber('/tf', tfMessage, self.tf_cb) while (rospy.rostime.get_time() - start_time) < target_time: #print 'Waiting for end time %.6f (current: %.6f)'%(target_time,(rospy.rostime.get_time() - start_time)) time.sleep(0.1) (a_curr, a_diff) = self.compute_angle_diff() print 'Curr:\t %16.6f %16.6f %16.6f' % (,, a_curr) print 'Target:\t %16.6f %16.6f %16.6f' % (self.target_x, self.target_y, self.target_a) print 'Diff:\t %16.6f %16.6f %16.6f' % (abs(,abs( - self.target_y), a_diff) self.assertNotEquals(, None) self.assertTrue(abs( - self.target_x) <= tolerance_d) self.assertTrue(abs( - self.target_y) <= tolerance_d) self.assertTrue(a_diff <= tolerance_a)
def _setup_ik(self): '''Sets up services for inverse kinematics''' ik_info_srv_name = ('pr2_' + self._side() + '_arm_kinematics_simple/get_ik_solver_info') ik_srv_name = 'pr2_' + self._side() + '_arm_kinematics_simple/get_ik' rospy.wait_for_service(ik_info_srv_name) ik_info_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy(ik_info_srv_name, GetKinematicSolverInfo) solver_info = ik_info_srv() rospy.loginfo('IK info service has responded for ' + self._side() + ' arm.') rospy.wait_for_service(ik_srv_name) self.ik_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy(ik_srv_name, GetPositionIK, persistent=True) rospy.loginfo('IK service has responded for ' + self._side() + ' arm.') # Set up common parts of an IK request self.ik_request = GetPositionIKRequest() self.ik_request.timeout = rospy.Duration(4.0) self.ik_joints = solver_info.kinematic_solver_info.joint_names self.ik_limits = solver_info.kinematic_solver_info.limits ik_links = solver_info.kinematic_solver_info.link_names request = self.ik_request.ik_request request.ik_link_name = ik_links[0] request.pose_stamped.header.frame_id = 'base_link' = self.ik_joints request.ik_seed_state.joint_state.position = [0] * len(self.ik_joints)
def turtlerun(): #T = input('PLease enter the number of T:') pub = rospy.Publisher('/turtlesim1/turtle1/cmd_vel',Twist, queue_size=10) rate = rospy.Rate(50) rospy.wait_for_service('/turtlesim1/turtle1/teleport_absolute') start = rospy.ServiceProxy('/turtlesim1/turtle1/teleport_absolute',TeleportAbsolute) start(5.5,5.5,0.5) T = rospy.get_param("turtlesim1/T") t0 = rospy.get_time() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): now_time = rospy.get_time() t = now_time-t0 x = 3*sin((4*pi*t)/T) y = 3*sin((2*pi*t)/T) dx = 12*pi*cos((4.0*pi*t)/T)/T dy = 6*pi*cos((2.0*pi*t)/T)/T v = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) dx2 = -48*pi*pi*sin((4*pi*t)/T)/(T*T) dy2 = -12*pi*pi*sin((2*pi*t)/T)/(T*T) w = ((dx*dy2)-(dy*dx2)) /((dx*dx) + (dy*dy)) turtlemove = Twist(Vector3(v,0,0),Vector3(0,0,w)) rospy.loginfo(turtlemove) pub.publish(turtlemove) rate.sleep()
def _threadedCall(self, msg): rosMsg = rospy.AnyMsg() rosMsg._buff = msg rospy.wait_for_service(self._addr[1], timeout=5) serviceFunc = rospy.ServiceProxy(self._addr[1], self._srvCls) return serviceFunc(rosMsg)
def talker(): rospy.init_node('random_motors', anonymous=False) r = rospy.Rate(0.5) # 10hz joints = [rospy.get_param("~pan_name", 'pan_joint'), rospy.get_param("~tilt_name", 'tilt_joint')] torque_enable = dict() servo_position = dict() #Configure joints for controller in sorted(joints): try: rospy.loginfo("controller is "+controller) # Torque enable/disable control for each servo torque_service = '/' + controller + '/torque_enable' rospy.wait_for_service(torque_service) torque_enable[controller] = rospy.ServiceProxy(torque_service, TorqueEnable) # Start each servo in the disabled state so we can move them by hand torque_enable[controller](False) # The position controllers servo_position[controller] = rospy.Publisher('/' + controller + '/command', Float64) except: rospy.logerr("Can't contact servo services!") while not rospy.is_shutdown(): for controller in sorted(joints): rand_val = uniform(-2,2) #Send random float to each joint servo_position[controller].publish(rand_val) r.sleep() """
def verify_boards(self, check): if self.has_finished: return False try: rospy.wait_for_service('mcb_conf_results', 15) except: msg = "MCB conf results service not available. Unable to configure MCB's" rospy.logerr(msg) self.finished(False, msg) return False if not self.count_boards(): return False if not self.check_link(): return False if not self.get_serials(): return False if check: return self.check_boards() return True
def test(): rospy.init_node('test') loginfo("Initialized node Controller") rospy.wait_for_service("/move_end_effector_trajectory") joint_action_server = rospy.ServiceProxy("/move_end_effector_trajectory", JointAction) tool_trajectory = rospy.ServiceProxy("/move_tool_trajectory", JointAction) loginfo("Initialized Joint Action Server Proxy") rospy.wait_for_service("/end_effector_position") position_server = rospy.ServiceProxy("/end_effector_position", EndEffectorPosition) loginfo("Initialized position server proxy") # rospy.sleep(5.0) loginfo("Making position call") initial_position = position_server().position loginfo(initial_position) joint_action_server([5.0, 10.0], [Vector3(initial_position.x + 0.1*np.random.rand(), initial_position.y + 0.1*np.random.rand(), initial_position.z + 0.1*np.random.rand()), initial_position], [Vector3(0.11, 0.0, 0.0), Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)]) loginfo(position_server().position.x - initial_position.x) loginfo(position_server().position.y - initial_position.y) loginfo(position_server().position.z - initial_position.z)
def send_results(self, test_result): if self.data_sent: return rospy.wait_for_service('/test_result', 15) self.data_sent = True
def reset_iris_neutral_value(self): if self.dic_sequence_services['checked_sequence_of_missions'] == True: new_service = {} trigger_instant = self._widget.TriggerInstantNeutral.value() new_service['trigger_instant'] = trigger_instant self.dic_sequence_services['last_trigger_time'] = trigger_instant new_service['service_name'] = 'IrisPlusResetNeutral' new_service['inputs_service'] = {} self.dic_sequence_services['list_sequence_services'].append(new_service) else: try: # time out of one second for waiting for service rospy.wait_for_service(self.namespace+'IrisPlusResetNeutral',1.0) try: # request reseting neutral value for iris+ (implicit, with keywords) ResetingNeutral = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.namespace+'IrisPlusResetNeutral', IrisPlusResetNeutral) reply = ResetingNeutral() if reply.received == True: self._widget.ThrottleNeutralValue.setValue(reply.k_trottle_neutral) rospy.logwarn('Service for reseting neutral value succeded') except rospy.ServiceException as exc: rospy.logwarn("Service did not process request: " + str(exc)) rospy.logwarn('Service for reseting neutral value failed') pass except rospy.ServiceException as exc: rospy.logwarn("Service did not process request: " + str(exc)) rospy.logwarn('Service for reseting neutral value failed') pass
def moveBBSrv(req): try: rospy.wait_for_service('scan_base_pose',10) except rospy.ROSException, e: print "Service not available: %s"%e outcome_detectObjectSrv = 'failed'
def calltrig(name): rospy.wait_for_service(name) try: s = rospy.ServiceProxy(name,std_srvs.srv.Trigger) resp = s() except rospy.ServiceException,e: print "Failed: %s" % e
def send_list_of_services(self): # # debug # for service in self.dic_sequence_services['list_sequence_services']: # print(service) # print('\n\n') # request service try: # time out of one second for waiting for service rospy.wait_for_service(self.namespace+'ServiceSequencer',1.0) try: request = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.namespace+'ServiceSequencer', ServiceSequence) service_sequence = json.dumps(self.dic_sequence_services['list_sequence_services']) reply = request(service_sequence = service_sequence) if reply.received == True: # if controller receives message print('Success') except rospy.ServiceException as exc: rospy.logwarn("Service did not process request: " + str(exc)) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: rospy.logwarn("Service did not process request: " + str(exc))
def ResetSimulator(self): try: # time out of one second for waiting for service rospy.wait_for_service(self.namespace+'ResetSimulator',1.0) try: AskForStart = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.namespace+'ResetSimulator', StartSim) # if button is pressed save data if self._widget.ButtonSTART_SIM.isChecked(): # request controller to save data reply = AskForStart(True) if reply.Started == True: # if controller receives message, we know it # print('Reseted') self._widget.SimulatorSuccess.setChecked(True) self._widget.SimulatorFailure.setChecked(False) else: self._widget.SimulatorSuccess.setChecked(False) self._widget.SimulatorFailure.setChecked(True) # else: do nothing except rospy.ServiceException: # print "Service call failed: %s"%e self._widget.SimulatorSuccess.setChecked(False) self._widget.SimulatorFailure.setChecked(True) except: # print "Service not available ..." self._widget.SimulatorSuccess.setChecked(False) self._widget.SimulatorFailure.setChecked(True) pass
def get_path(self, request): print "Waiting for path service" rospy.wait_for_service('/ogmpp_path_planners/plan') print "Service ok" try: pathSrv = rospy.ServiceProxy('/ogmpp_path_planners/plan', OgmppPathPlanningSrv) path = OgmppPathPlanningSrvRequest() path.method = "uniform_prm" = self.robot_x = self.robot_y = request.x = request.y pathRes = pathSrv(path) #~ print pathRes ros_path = Path() ros_path.header.frame_id = "map" _map = OccupancyGrid() for p in self.path: ps = PoseStamped() ps.header.frame_id = "map" ps.pose.position.x = p[0] * + \ ps.pose.position.y = p[1] * + \ print ps ros_path.poses.append(ps) #~ self.path_publisher.publish(ros_path) except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed: %s"%e
def update_kalman(ar_tags): print "started update" rospy.wait_for_service('innovation') update = rospy.ServiceProxy('innovation', NuSrv) listener = tf.TransformListener() while True: try: try: (trans, rot) = listener.lookupTransform(ar_tags['arZ'], ar_tags['ar1'], rospy.Time(0)) except: print "Couldn't look up transform" continue lin = Vector3() quat = Quaternion() lin.x = trans[0] lin.y = trans[1] lin.z = trans[2] quat.x = rot[0] quat.y = rot[1] quat.z = rot[2] quat.w = rot[3] transform = Transform() transform.translation = lin transform.rotation = quat test = update(transform, ar_tags['ar1']) print "Service call succeeded" except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed: %s"%e
def UnArming_Quad(self,base_name=""): #This function is used to arm the quad.""" #Un-Arming the Quad srv_path = self.namespace+'mavros/cmd/arming' # if base_name!="": # srv_path = "/%s/%s"%(base_name,srv_path) try: rospy.logwarn('Un-Arming Quad ...') rospy.wait_for_service(srv_path,2.0) try: arming = rospy.ServiceProxy(srv_path,CommandBool) arming_result=arming(False) if arming_result.success: rospy.logwarn('Quad is Un-Armed!!!!') # return True else: rospy.logwarn('Cannot Un-arm quad') # return False except: rospy.logwarn('Cannot Un-arm quad') # return False except: rospy.logwarn('No connection to Mavros')
def recoveryAction(self, error): if error == ErrorLevel.INFORMATIVE: rospy.loginfo("%s: recovery action %s: INFORMATIVE",, error) elif error == ErrorLevel.ASK_AUTHORIZATION: # TODO: Unused!!! rospy.loginfo("%s: recovery action %s: ASK_AUTHORIZATION",, error) elif error == ErrorLevel.ABORT_MISSION: self.abortMission() elif error == ErrorLevel.CONTROLLED_SURFACE: self.controlledSurface() elif error == ErrorLevel.SURFACE: self.surface() elif error == ErrorLevel.EMERGENCY_SURFACE: self.emergencySurface() elif error == ErrorLevel.DISABLE_PAYLOAD: try: rospy.wait_for_service("digital_output", 5) digital_out_service = rospy.ServiceProxy("digital_output", DigitalOutput) digital_output = DigitalOutputRequest() digital_output.digital_out = 3 digital_output.value = False digital_out_service(digital_output) except rospy.exceptions.ROSException: rospy.logerr("%s, Error disabling payload.", else: rospy.loginfo("%s: recovery action %s: INVALID ERROR CODE",, error)
def ik_test(limb, point, orient): rospy.init_node("rsdk_ik_service_client") ns = "ExternalTools/" + limb + "/PositionKinematicsNode/IKService" iksvc = rospy.ServiceProxy(ns, SolvePositionIK) ikreq = SolvePositionIKRequest() hdr = Header(, frame_id='base') poses = { 'left': PoseStamped( header=hdr, pose=Pose( position= point, orientation=orient ), ), 'right': PoseStamped( header=hdr, pose=Pose( position=point, orientation=orient ), ), } ikreq.pose_stamp.append(poses[limb]) try: rospy.wait_for_service(ns, 5.0) resp = iksvc(ikreq) except (rospy.ServiceException, rospy.ROSException), e: rospy.logerr("Service call failed: %s" % (e,)) return 1
def __init__(self): rospy.init_node("max_sonar") self.sensor = maxSonar() # start channel broadcast using SetupAnalogIn rospy.wait_for_service('arbotix/SetupAnalogIn') analog_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('arbotix/SetupAnalogIn', SetupChannel) req = SetupChannelRequest() req.topic_name = rospy.get_param("~name") = rospy.get_param("~pin") req.rate = int(rospy.get_param("~rate",10)) analog_srv(req) # setup a range message to use self.msg = Range() self.msg.radiation_type = self.sensor.radiation_type self.msg.field_of_view = self.sensor.field_of_view self.msg.min_range = self.sensor.min_range self.msg.max_range = self.sensor.max_range # publish/subscribe = rospy.Publisher("sonar_range", Range) rospy.Subscriber("arbotix/"+req.topic_name, Analog, self.readingCb) rospy.spin()
def __init__(self): self._position_controller_nav_frame = rospy.get_param('~position_controller_nav_frame', 'odom') self._current_pose = None self._robot_frame = rospy.get_param('~robot_frame', 'base_link') self._next_target_tf_name = rospy.get_param('~target_tf_name', 'path_follower_next_target') self._pose_threshold_d = rospy.get_param('~pose_threshold_d', 0.2) self._pose_threshold_r = rospy.get_param('~pose_threshold_r', 0.2) rospy.loginfo('create TransformListener') self._tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() rospy.loginfo('create TransformBroadcaster') self._tf_broadcaster = tf.TransformBroadcaster() set_pose_name = rospy.get_param('~set_pose', '/position_controller/set_target_pos') rospy.loginfo('waiting for %s...' % set_pose_name) rospy.wait_for_service(set_pose_name) self._set_pose = rospy.ServiceProxy(set_pose_name, SetPos) self._set_pose_thread = None # for debug self._path_pub = rospy.Publisher('path_follower_path', Path, queue_size=10) action_name = rospy.get_param('~action_name', '/follow_path') rospy.loginfo('create action server %s', action_name) self.server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer(action_name, FollowPathAction, self.execute, False) self.server.start()
def status(self): rospy.wait_for_service('/qbo_video_record/status') try: status = rospy.ServiceProxy('/qbo_video_record/status', StatusRecord) resStatus = status() except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed: %s"%e
def __init__(self): rospy.wait_for_service("static_map") static_map = rospy.ServiceProxy("static_map", GetMap) try: = static_map().map except: print "error receiving map"
def SaveDataClient(self): try: # time out of one second for waiting for service rospy.wait_for_service(self.namespace+'SaveDataFromGui',1.0) try: AskForSavingOrNot = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.namespace+'SaveDataFromGui', SaveData) # if button is pressed save data if self._widget.ButtonRequestSave.isChecked(): # request controller to save data reply = AskForSavingOrNot(True) if reply.Saving == True: # if controller receives message, we know it print('Saving') else: # request controller to STOP saving data reply = AskForSavingOrNot(False) if reply.Saving == True: # if controller receives message, we know it print('Stopped Saving') except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed: %s"%e except: print "Service not available ..." pass
def nextSolution(self, query): if query.client == self: while not query.finished: rospy.wait_for_service(self.prologNextSolutionService) request = rospy.ServiceProxy(self.prologNextSolutionService, PrologNextSolution) try: response = request(id = str( except rospy.ServiceException, exception: raise Exception( "PrologNextSolution service request failed: %s" % exception) if response.status == PrologNextSolutionResponse.OK: yield json.loads(response.solution) elif response.status == PrologNextSolutionResponse.NO_SOLUTION: query.client = None return elif response.status == PrologNextSolutionResponse.WRONG_ID: query.client = None raise Exception("Prolog query id is invalid: "+ "Another client may have terminated your query") elif response.status == PrologNextSolutionResponse.QUERY_FAILED: query.client = None raise Exception("Prolog query failed: %s" % response.solution) else: query.client = None raise Exception("Prolog query status unknown: %d", response.status)
def send_mission(self, droid_id, mission): service_addr = "/%s_%i/%s" % ( self.prefix, droid_id, Droid.SERVICE_MISSION ) rospy.wait_for_service( service_addr ) send_mission_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy( service_addr, DroidMission ) send_mission_proxy( mission )
def main(): global client_speak rospy.init_node("qbo_first_use") rospy.loginfo("Launching Qbo First Use") file_path = roslib.packages.get_pkg_dir("qbo_first_use") + "/FIRST_FILE" file_exists = True try: with open(file_path) as f: pass except IOError as e: file_exists = False if file_exists: rospy.loginfo("Qbo First Use program has terminated because this isn't Qbo first use") return else: rospy.loginfo("Launching Qbo First use procedure") client_speak = rospy.ServiceProxy("/qbo_talk/festival_say_no_wait", Text2Speach) rospy.wait_for_service("/qbo_talk/festival_say_no_wait") speak_this( "This is my first boot... Please connect me to a local network by following the instructions on the manual" ) open(file_path, "w").close()
def __init__(self,cam_marker_file,base_ee_file): self.ready=False #save file names self.name_cam_marker_file=cam_marker_file self.name_base_ee_file=base_ee_file #count how many camera-marker poses in the file self.camera_marker_file=open(self.name_cam_marker_file,'r') self.num_of_lines_of_cam_marker_file=sum(1 for line in self.camera_marker_file) self.num_of_cam_marker_poses=self.num_of_lines_of_cam_marker_file/3 #initiate marker poses w.r.t camera self.camera_marker_samples=TransformArray() self.camera_marker_samples.header.frame_id="/camera_rgb_optical_frame" #count how many base-end-effector poses in the file self.base_ee_file=open(self.name_base_ee_file,'r') self.num_of_lines_of_base_ee_file=sum(1 for line in self.base_ee_file) self.num_of_base_ee_poses=self.num_of_lines_of_base_ee_file if self.num_of_cam_marker_poses != self.num_of_base_ee_poses: print 'number of camera-marker poses not equal to number of base-ee poses!\n' print 'please ctrl+c to exit\n' #initiate ee poses w.r.t base self.base_ee_samples=TransformArray() self.base_ee_samples.header.frame_id="/base" rospy.wait_for_service('compute_effector_camera_quick') print 'waiting for service to be available ' self.calibrate=rospy.ServiceProxy('compute_effector_camera_quick',compute_effector_camera_quick) print 'service server is ready'
def mommy(baby_name): global x global y global theta rospy.wait_for_service('spawn') try: new_turtle = rospy.ServiceProxy('spawn', Spawn) if baby_name == "angel": resp = new_turtle(5.5, 4.5, 0, baby_name) else: resp = new_turtle(5.5, 6.5, 0, baby_name) except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "%s" % e rospy.wait_for_service(baby_name + '/set_pen') try: changepen = rospy.ServiceProxy(baby_name + '/set_pen', SetPen) changepen(0, 0, 0, 1, 255) except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "%s" % e if __name__ == '__main__': baby_name = rospy.myargv(argv=sys.argv)[1] mommy(baby_name) try: driver(baby_name) except rospy.ROSInterruptException:
def __init__(self, id, initialPosition, tf): = id prefix = "/cf" + str(id) self.initialPosition = np.array(initialPosition) = tf rospy.wait_for_service(prefix + "/set_group_mask") self.setGroupMaskService = rospy.ServiceProxy( prefix + "/set_group_mask", SetGroupMask) rospy.wait_for_service(prefix + "/takeoff") self.takeoffService = rospy.ServiceProxy(prefix + "/takeoff", Takeoff) rospy.wait_for_service(prefix + "/land") self.landService = rospy.ServiceProxy(prefix + "/land", Land) # rospy.wait_for_service(prefix + "/stop") # self.stopService = rospy.ServiceProxy(prefix + "/stop", Stop) rospy.wait_for_service(prefix + "/go_to") self.goToService = rospy.ServiceProxy(prefix + "/go_to", GoTo) rospy.wait_for_service(prefix + "/upload_trajectory") self.uploadTrajectoryService = rospy.ServiceProxy( prefix + "/upload_trajectory", UploadTrajectory) rospy.wait_for_service(prefix + "/start_trajectory") self.startTrajectoryService = rospy.ServiceProxy( prefix + "/start_trajectory", StartTrajectory) rospy.wait_for_service(prefix + "/update_params") self.updateParamsService = rospy.ServiceProxy( prefix + "/update_params", UpdateParams) ### added by The-SS begin self.pubCmdFullState = rospy.Publisher(prefix + '/cmd_full_state', FullState, queue_size=1) self.pubCmdStop = rospy.Publisher(prefix + '/cmd_stop', Empty_msg, queue_size=1) self.worldFrame = '/world'
def __init__(self): rospy.wait_for_service("/next_phase") self.nextPhase = rospy.ServiceProxy("/next_phase", Empty)
def __init__(self): # timing params self.dt_sim = 0.01 # timestep of the simulation self.t_activate = rospy.get_param('/t_activate') self.t_final = rospy.get_param('/t_final') # pop-up scenario params self.s_ego_at_popup = rospy.get_param('/s_ego_at_popup') self.s_obs_at_popup = rospy.get_param('/s_obs_at_popup') self.d_obs_at_popup = rospy.get_param('/d_obs_at_popup') # track params self.track_name = rospy.get_param('/track_name') self.s_begin_mu_segments = rospy.get_param('/s_begin_mu_segments') self.mu_segment_values = rospy.get_param('/mu_segment_values') self.N_mu_segments = len(self.s_begin_mu_segments) self.mu_segment_idx = 0 # vehicle params self.robot_name = rospy.get_param('/robot_name') self.vehicle_width = rospy.get_param('/car/kinematics/l_width') # algo params (from acado) N = 40 dt_algo = 0.1 # set up pausing of gazebo rospy.wait_for_service('gazebo/pause_physics') pause_gazebo = rospy.ServiceProxy('gazebo/pause_physics', Empty) rospy.wait_for_service('gazebo/unpause_physics') unpause_gazebo = rospy.ServiceProxy('gazebo/unpause_physics', Empty) self.s_pause_gazebo = rospy.get_param('/s_pause_gazebo') n_pauses = len(self.s_pause_gazebo) i_pauses = 0 # init node subs pubs rospy.init_node('experiment_manager', anonymous=True) #self.clockpub = rospy.Publisher('/clock', Clock, queue_size=10) self.pathglobalsub = rospy.Subscriber("pathglobal", Path, self.pathglobal_callback) self.statesub = rospy.Subscriber("state", State, self.state_callback) self.carinfosub = rospy.Subscriber("/fssim/car_info", CarInfo, self.fssim_carinfo_callback) self.trajstarsub = rospy.Subscriber("trajstar", Trajectory, self.trajstar_callback) self.obspub = rospy.Publisher('/obs', Obstacles, queue_size=1) self.obsvispub = rospy.Publisher('/obs_vis', Marker, queue_size=1) self.tireparampub = rospy.Publisher('/tire_params', TireParams, queue_size=1) self.ctrl_mode_pub = rospy.Publisher('/ctrl_mode', Int16, queue_size=1) self.statetextmarkerpub = rospy.Publisher('/state_text_marker', Marker, queue_size=1) # init logging vars self.s_begin_log = rospy.get_param('/s_begin_log') self.N_iters_to_save = 60 self.explog_iterationcounter = 0 self.explog_activated = False self.stored_pathglobal = False self.stored_trajstar = False self.stored_trajcl = False self.explog_saved = False # init misc internal variables self.pathglobal = Path() self.received_pathglobal = False self.state = State() self.received_state = False self.trajstar = Trajectory() self.received_trajstar = False self.fssim_carinfo = CarInfo() while(not self.received_pathglobal): print("waiting for pathglobal") time.sleep(self.dt_sim*100) # init experiment variables self.scenario_id = rospy.get_param('/scenario_id') self.traction_adaptive = rospy.get_param('/traction_adaptive') self.tireparams = TireParams() self.obs = Obstacles() self.obs.s = [self.s_obs_at_popup] self.obs.d = [self.d_obs_at_popup] self.obs.R = [0.5] wiggleroom = 1.0 # todo param self.obs.Rmgn = [0.5*self.obs.R[0] + 0.5*self.vehicle_width + wiggleroom] Xobs, Yobs = ptsFrenetToCartesian(np.array(self.obs.s), \ np.array(self.obs.d), \ np.array(self.pathglobal.X), \ np.array(self.pathglobal.Y), \ np.array(self.pathglobal.psi_c), \ np.array(self.pathglobal.s)) self.ctrl_mode = 0 # # 0: stop, 1: cruise_ctrl, 2: tamp # Main loop self.exptime = 0 while (not rospy.is_shutdown()) and self.exptime<self.t_final : if (self.exptime >= self.t_activate): rospy.loginfo_throttle(1, "Running experiment, ctrl mode = %i"%self.ctrl_mode) # HANDLE TRACTION IN SIMULATION s_ego = self.state.s % self.s_lap for i in range(self.N_mu_segments-1): if(self.s_begin_mu_segments[i] <= s_ego <= self.s_begin_mu_segments[i+1]): self.mu_segment_idx = i break if(s_ego >= self.s_begin_mu_segments[-1]): self.mu_segment_idx = self.N_mu_segments-1 mu = self.mu_segment_values[self.mu_segment_idx] #print "s_ego = ", s_ego #print "state.s = ", self.state.s #print "self.N_mu_segments = ", self.N_mu_segments #print "mu_segment_idx = ", self.mu_segment_idx #print "mu in this section = ", self.mu_segment_values[self.mu_segment_idx] # set tire params of sim vehicle if (0.0 <= mu <0.3): # ice B = 4.0 C = 2.0 D = mu E = 1.0 elif (0.3 <= mu < 0.5): # snow B = 5.0 C = 2.0 D = mu E = 1.0 elif (0.5 <= mu < 0.9): # wet B = 12.0 C = 2.3 D = mu E = 1.0 elif (0.9 <= mu < 1.5): # dry B = 10.0 C = 1.9 D = mu E = 0.97 elif (1.5 <= mu < 2.5): # dry + racing tires (gotthard default) B = 12.56; C = 1.38; D = mu; E = 1.0 else: rospy.loginfo_throttle(1, "Faulty mu value in exp manager") self.tireparams.tire_coefficient = 1.0 self.tireparams.B = B self.tireparams.C = C self.tireparams.D = -D self.tireparams.E = E self.tireparams.header.stamp = self.tireparampub.publish(self.tireparams) # POPUP SCENARIO if (self.scenario_id == 1): self.ctrl_mode = 1 # cruise control if(self.state.vx > 5): self.ctrl_mode = 2 # tamp m_obs = self.getobstaclemarker(Xobs,Yobs,self.obs.R[0]) m_obs.color.a = 0.3 # transparent before detect if (self.state.s >= self.s_ego_at_popup): self.obspub.publish(self.obs) m_obs.color.a = 1.0 # non-transparent after detect self.obsvispub.publish(m_obs) # REDUCED MU TURN elif(self.scenario_id == 2): self.ctrl_mode = 1 # pp cruise control from standstill if(self.state.vx > 5): # todo self.ctrl_mode = 2 # tamp cruise control when we get up to speed # RACING else: self.ctrl_mode = 2 # tamp # SEND STOP IF EXIT TRACK dlb = np.interp(self.state.s,self.pathglobal.s,self.pathglobal.dlb) dub = np.interp(self.state.s,self.pathglobal.s,self.pathglobal.dub) if (self.state.d < dlb-1.0 or self.state.d > dub+1.0): # todo get from param self.ctrl_mode = 0 # stop self.ctrl_mode_pub.publish(self.ctrl_mode) # publish text marker (state info) if(self.traction_adaptive): traction_adaptive_str = "on" else: traction_adaptive_str = "off" state_text = "traction_adapt: " + traction_adaptive_str + "\n" \ "vx: " + "%.3f" % self.state.vx + "\n" \ "mu: " + "%.3f" % mu self.statetextmarkerpub.publish(self.gettextmarker(state_text)) # handle pausing of gazebo if (i_pauses < n_pauses): if (self.state.s >= self.s_pause_gazebo[i_pauses]): pause_gazebo() raw_input("Press Enter to continue...") unpause_gazebo() i_pauses += 1 # save data for plot if (self.state.s >= self.s_begin_log and not self.explog_activated): print "STARTED EXPLOG" t_start_explog = copy.deepcopy(self.exptime) self.explog_activated = True # store planned traj self.trajstar_dict = { "X": np.array(self.trajstar.X), "Y": np.array(self.trajstar.Y), "psi": np.array(self.trajstar.psi), "s": np.array(self.trajstar.s), "d": np.array(self.trajstar.d), "deltapsi": np.array(self.trajstar.deltapsi), "psidot": np.array(self.trajstar.psidot), "vx": np.array(self.trajstar.vx), "vy": np.array(self.trajstar.vy), "ax": np.array(, "ay": np.array(self.trajstar.ay), "Fyf": np.array(self.trajstar.Fyf), "Fxf": np.array(self.trajstar.Fxf), "Fyr": np.array(self.trajstar.Fyr), "Fxr": np.array(self.trajstar.Fxr), "Fzf": np.array(self.trajstar.Fzf), "Fzr": np.array(self.trajstar.Fzr), "kappac": np.array(self.trajstar.kappac), "Cr": np.array(self.trajstar.Cr), "t": np.arange(0,(N+1)*dt_algo,dt_algo), } self.stored_trajstar = True # initialize vars for storing CL traj self.X_cl = [] self.Y_cl = [] self.psi_cl = [] self.s_cl = [] self.d_cl = [] self.deltapsi_cl = [] self.psidot_cl = [] self.vx_cl = [] self.vy_cl = [] self.ax_cl = [] self.ay_cl = [] self.t_cl = [] self.Fyf_cl = [] self.Fyr_cl = [] self.Fx_cl = [] if (self.state.s >= self.s_begin_log and self.explog_activated and self.exptime >= t_start_explog + self.explog_iterationcounter*dt_algo): # build CL traj self.X_cl.append(self.state.X) self.Y_cl.append(self.state.Y) self.psi_cl.append(self.state.psi) self.s_cl.append(self.state.s) self.d_cl.append(self.state.d) self.deltapsi_cl.append(self.state.deltapsi) self.psidot_cl.append(self.state.psidot) self.vx_cl.append(self.state.vx) self.vy_cl.append(self.state.vy) self.ax_cl.append( self.ay_cl.append(self.state.ay) self.t_cl.append(self.exptime) self.Fyf_cl.append(self.fssim_carinfo.Fy_f_l+self.fssim_carinfo.Fy_f_r) self.Fyr_cl.append(self.fssim_carinfo.Fy_r) self.Fx_cl.append(self.fssim_carinfo.Fx) # store CL traj as dict if (self.explog_iterationcounter == N): # store N+1 values, same as trajstar self.trajcl_dict = { "X": np.array(self.X_cl), "Y": np.array(self.Y_cl), "psi": np.array(self.psi_cl), "s": np.array(self.s_cl), "d": np.array(self.d_cl), "deltapsi": np.array(self.deltapsi_cl), "psidot": np.array(self.psidot_cl), "vx": np.array(self.vx_cl), "vy": np.array(self.vy_cl), "ax": np.array(self.ax_cl), "ay": np.array(self.ay_cl), "t": np.array(self.t_cl), "Fyf": np.array(self.Fyf_cl), "Fyr": np.array(self.Fyr_cl), "Fx": np.array(self.Fx_cl), } self.stored_trajcl = True self.explog_iterationcounter +=1 # save explog if (self.stored_pathglobal and self.stored_trajstar and self.stored_trajcl and not self.explog_saved): explog = { "pathglobal": self.pathglobal_dict, "trajstar": self.trajstar_dict, "trajcl": self.trajcl_dict, } filepath = "/home/larsvens/ros/tamp__ws/src/saarti/common/logs/" filename = "explog" if(self.scenario_id == 1): filename = filename + "_popup" if(np.min(self.mu_segment_values)>0.8): filename = filename + "_dry" else: filename = filename + "_wet" elif(self.scenario_id == 2): filename = filename + "_reducedmuturn" elif(self.scenario_id == 3): filename = filename + "_racing" if(self.traction_adaptive): filename = filename + "_adaptive" else: filename = filename + "_nonadaptive" filename = filename + ".npy",explog) self.explog_saved = True print("SAVED EXPLOG to " + filepath + filename) else: # not reached activation time rospy.loginfo_throttle(1, "Experiment starting in %i seconds"%(self.t_activate-self.exptime)) # handle exptime self.exptime += self.dt_sim msg = Clock() t_rostime = rospy.Time(self.exptime) msg.clock = t_rostime #self.clockpub.publish(msg) time.sleep(self.dt_sim) print 'simulation finished' # send shutdown signal message = 'run finished, shutting down' print message rospy.signal_shutdown(message)
def __init__(self): srv_nm = 'environment_server_right_arm/get_state_validity' rospy.wait_for_service(srv_nm) self.state_validator = rospy.ServiceProxy(srv_nm, GetStateValidity, persistent=True)
start_time = rospy.get_param('~start_time') if start_time < 0.0: rospy.logerr('Negative start time, setting it to 0.0') start_time = 0.0 start_now = True else: start_now = False else: start_now = True rospy.loginfo('Start time=%.2f s' % start_time) interpolator = rospy.get_param('~interpolator', 'lipb') try: rospy.wait_for_service('init_waypoints_from_file', timeout=30) except rospy.ROSException: raise rospy.ROSException('Service not available! Closing node...') try: init_wp = rospy.ServiceProxy('init_waypoints_from_file', InitWaypointsFromFile) except rospy.ServiceException as e: raise rospy.ROSException('Service call failed, error=%s', str(e)) success = init_wp(Time(rospy.Time.from_sec(start_time)), start_now, String(filename), String(interpolator)) if success: rospy.loginfo('Waypoints file successfully received, ' 'filename=%s', filename)
with open (model_path + "cafe_table/model.sdf", "r") as table_file:'\n', '') # Load Block URDF block_xml = '' with open (model_path + "block/model.urdf", "r") as block_file:'\n', '') # Spawn Table SDF rospy.wait_for_service('/gazebo/spawn_sdf_model') try: spawn_sdf = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/spawn_sdf_model', SpawnModel) resp_sdf = spawn_sdf("cafe_table", table_xml, "/", table_pose, table_reference_frame) except rospy.ServiceException, e: rospy.logerr("Spawn SDF service call failed: {0}".format(e)) # Spawn Block URDF rospy.wait_for_service('/gazebo/spawn_urdf_model') try: spawn_urdf = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/spawn_urdf_model', SpawnModel) resp_urdf = spawn_urdf("block", block_xml, "/", block_pose, block_reference_frame) except rospy.ServiceException, e: rospy.logerr("Spawn URDF service call failed: {0}".format(e)) def delete_gazebo_models(): # This will be called on ROS Exit, deleting Gazebo models # Do not wait for the Gazebo Delete Model service, since # Gazebo should already be running. If the service is not # available since Gazebo has been killed, it is fine to error out try: delete_model = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/delete_model', DeleteModel) resp_delete = delete_model("cafe_table")
print "Got commands from param:\n%s" % commands_string headers = headers_string.split() cmd_all = [[float(x) for x in cur_line.split()] for cur_line in commands_string.split("\n")] cmd = [x for x in cmd_all if len(x) == len(headers)] print "Commands" print cmd arm_controller = 'right_arm_trajectory_controller' arm_query_topic = arm_controller + '/TrajectoryQuery' arm_start_topic = arm_controller + '/TrajectoryStart' print "Waiting Query Service: " + arm_query_topic rospy.wait_for_service(arm_query_topic) print "Found Query Service!" query_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy(arm_query_topic, TrajectoryQuery) query_resp = head_publisher = rospy.Publisher('head_controller/command', JointStates) print "Headers" print headers print "Queried Jointnames:" print query_resp.jointnames print "***** Remapping Arm Commands *****" arm_mapping = [headers.index(x) for x in query_resp.jointnames] print "Mapping:"
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy from turtlesim.srv import SetPen if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('I_am_client') rospy.wait_for_service('/turtle1/set_pen') pen = rospy.ServiceProxy('/turtle1/set_pen', SetPen) # put service call inside a try block to catch exceptions # in case call fails try: pen(255,0,0,10,0) # catch service exception except rospy.ServiceException, error: print "ops! call has failed with this error: ", error
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import rospy from bitbots_msgs.msg import FootPressure from bitbots_msgs.srv import FootScale, FootScaleRequest, FootScaleResponse from std_srvs.srv import Empty, EmptyRequest, EmptyResponse rospy.init_node("pressure_calibration") rospy.loginfo( "Welcome to the foot calibration suite. Press enter when there is no load on the weight cells" ) input() rospy.loginfo("waiting for service /set_foot_zero") rospy.wait_for_service("/set_foot_zero") zero = rospy.ServiceProxy("/set_foot_zero", Empty) if zero(): rospy.loginfo("Successfully set the zero position for all sensors") else: rospy.loginfo("There was an error :(") exit(1) sensors = [ 'left foot, left front', 'left foot, left back', 'left foot, right front', 'left foot, right back', 'right foot, left front', 'right foot, left back', 'right foot, right front', 'right foot, right back', ]
def compare_occmap(occmap1, occmap2): global gettf_client rospy.wait_for_service('GetMapTransform') resp = gettf_client(occmap1, occmap2) return resp.confidence
def initialize_commands(): rospy.init_node('mazesolvernode', anonymous=True) rospy.wait_for_service('make_maze') rospy.wait_for_service('print_maze') rospy.wait_for_service('get_wall') rospy.wait_for_service('get_odom') rospy.wait_for_service('cs1567_move') rospy.wait_for_service('cs1567_turn') rospy.wait_for_service('cs1567_stop_all_motion') # rospy.wait_for_service('constant_command') global make_maze_service, print_maze_service, get_odom_service, get_wall_service global constant_command_service global move_service global turn_service global stop_service global reset_odometry_service make_maze_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('make_maze', MakeNewMaze) print_maze_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('print_maze', Empty) get_wall_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('get_wall', GetMazeWall) get_odom_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('get_odom', GetOdometry) # constant_command_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('constant_command', ConstantCommand) move_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('cs1567_move', CS1567RobotMove) turn_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('cs1567_turn', CS1567RobotTurn) stop_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('cs1567_stop_all_motion', StopAll) reset_odometry_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('cs1567_reset_odometry', CSReset) snd_pub = rospy.Publisher('/mobile_base/commands/sound', Sound) led1_pub = rospy.Publisher('/mobile_base/commands/led1', Led) led2_pub = rospy.Publisher('/mobile_base/commands/led2', Led) make_maze_service(5, 5) print_maze_service() init_maze() solve_maze(4, 4)
def resetWorld(self): rospy.wait_for_service('/gazebo/reset_world') try: self.reset_world_proxy() except rospy.ServiceException as e: print("/gazebo/reset_world service call failed")
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy import math import tf2_ros import geometry_msgs.msg import turtlesim.srv if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('tf2_turtle_listener') tfBuffer = tf2_ros.Buffer() listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(tfBuffer) rospy.wait_for_service('spawn') spawner = rospy.ServiceProxy('spawn', turtlesim.srv.Spawn) turtle_name = rospy.get_param('turtle', 'turtle2') spawner(4, 2, 0, turtle_name) turtle_vel = rospy.Publisher('%s/cmd_vel' % turtle_name, geometry_msgs.msg.Twist, queue_size=1) rate = rospy.Rate(10.0) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: trans = tfBuffer.lookup_transform(turtle_name, 'turtle1', rospy.Time()) except (tf2_ros.LookupException, tf2_ros.ConnectivityException, tf2_ros.ExtrapolationException): rate.sleep() continue
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import rospy from aims_jackal_sim.srv import * import numpy as np if __name__ == "__main__": rospy.wait_for_service('sim_reset') srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('sim_reset', SimReset) resp = srv(np.random.randint(low=0, high=1000)) if resp.result: print('Sim reset successfully.') else: print('Failed to reset sim.')
def init_direction_service_client(self, service_name = "/crash_direction_service"): rospy.loginfo('Waiting for Service Server') rospy.wait_for_service(service_name) # wait for the service client /gazebo/delete_model to be running rospy.loginfo('Service Server Found...') self._direction_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(service_name, Trigger) # create the connection to the service self._request_object = TriggerRequest()
def __init__(self, name): """ Init the class """ # Save node name = name # Get config self.get_config() # Create publisher self.pub_thrusters = rospy.Publisher("/cola2_control/thrusters_data", ThrustersData, queue_size = 2) self.pub_external_ra = rospy.Publisher("/cola2_safety/external_recovery_action", RecoveryAction, queue_size = 2) # Init service clients rospy.loginfo("%s: waiting for services", try: rospy.wait_for_service('/cola2_control/set_joystick_axes_to_velocity', 20) self.set_joy_to_vel_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( '/cola2_control/set_joystick_axes_to_velocity', Empty) except rospy.exceptions.ROSException: self.captain_clients = False rospy.logfatal("%s: set joystick axes to velocity service is not available!", self.captain_clients = True try: rospy.wait_for_service('/cola2_control/disable_trajectory', 20) self.abort_mission_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( '/cola2_control/disable_trajectory', Empty) except rospy.exceptions.ROSException: self.captain_clients = False rospy.logfatal("%s: disable trajectory service not available!", try: rospy.wait_for_service('/cola2_control/disable_keep_position', 2) self.abort_keep_pose_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( '/cola2_control/disable_keep_position', Empty) except rospy.exceptions.ROSException: self.captain_clients = False rospy.logfatal("%s: disable keep position service not available!", try: rospy.wait_for_service('/cola2_control/disable_goto', 2) self.abort_goto_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( '/cola2_control/disable_goto', Empty) except rospy.exceptions.ROSException: self.captain_clients = False rospy.logfatal("%s: disable goto service not available!", try: rospy.wait_for_service('/cola2_control/submerge', 2) self.surface_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( '/cola2_control/submerge', Submerge) except rospy.exceptions.ROSException: self.captain_clients = False rospy.logfatal("%s: submerge service not available!", if not self.captain_clients: self.no_captain_clients_timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.4), self.no_captain_clients_message) try: rospy.wait_for_service('/cola2_control/disable_thrusters', 20) self.abort_thrusters_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( '/cola2_control/disable_thrusters', Empty) except rospy.exceptions.ROSException: self.no_disable_thrusters_service_timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.4), self.no_disable_thrusters_message) # Create service self.recovery_srv = rospy.Service('/cola2_safety/recovery_action', Recovery, self.recovery_action_srv) # Show message rospy.loginfo("%s: initialized",
def resetSimulation(self): rospy.wait_for_service('/gazebo/reset_simulation') try: self.reset_simulation_proxy() except rospy.ServiceException as e: print("/gazebo/reset_simulation service call failed")
def main(name, poi_x='*', poi_y='*', poi_z='*', ori_x='*', ori_y='*', ori_z='*', ori_w='*', lin_x='*', lin_y='*', lin_z='*', ang_x='*', ang_y='*', ang_z='*', timeout=None): modelstate = ModelState() pose = Pose() twist = Twist() pose, twist = gazebo_get_model_state.main(str(name), "world", timeout) if (poi_x != '*'): pose.position.x = float(poi_x) if (poi_y != '*'): pose.position.y = float(poi_y) if (poi_z != '*'): pose.position.z = float(poi_z) if (ori_x != '*'): pose.orientation.x = float(ori_x) if (ori_y != '*'): pose.orientation.y = float(ori_y) if (ori_z != '*'): pose.orientation.z = float(ori_z) if (ori_w != '*'): pose.orientation.w = float(ori_w) if (lin_x != '*'): twist.linear.x = float(lin_x) if (lin_y != '*'): twist.linear.y = float(lin_y) if (lin_z != '*'): twist.linear.z = float(lin_z) if (ang_x != '*'): twist.angular.x = float(ang_x) if (ang_y != '*'): twist.angular.y = float(ang_y) if (ang_z != '*'): twist.angular.z = float(ang_z) modelstate.model_name = name modelstate.pose = pose modelstate.twist = twist modelstate.reference_frame = "world" try: if (timeout == None): rospy.wait_for_service('gazebo/set_model_state') else: rospy.wait_for_service('gazebo/set_model_state', int(timeout)) set_model_state_prox = rospy.ServiceProxy('gazebo/set_model_state', SetModelState) set_model_state_prox(modelstate) print("gazebo/set_model_state %s!" % str(name)) except rospy.ServiceException as e: print("Service call failed: %s" % e)
def pr2_mover(object_list): # TODO: Initialize variables dict_list = [] pick_centroids = [] # to be list of tuples (x, y, z) test_scene_num = Int32() = 1 # TODO: Get/Read parameters pick_list_param = rospy.get_param('/object_list') dropbox_param = rospy.get_param('/dropbox') # TODO: Parse parameters into individual variables dropbox = {} for p in dropbox_param: dropbox[p['name']] = p['position'] # TODO: Rotate PR2 in place to capture side tables for the collision map # TODO: Loop through the pick list for pick in pick_list_param: print(pick_list_param) pick_name = pick['name'] pick_group = pick['group'] print("\nLooking for [{}] to be placed in [{}] box.".format( pick_name, pick_group)) object_name = String() = pick_name # TODO: Get the PointCloud for a given object and obtain it's centroid # Index of the object to be picked in the `detected_objects` list pick_cloud = None for i, detected_object in enumerate(object_list): if (detected_object.label == pick_name): pick_cloud = if (pick_cloud == None): print("ERROR:::: {} not found in the detected object list".format( pick_name)) continue points_arr = ros_to_pcl(pick_cloud).to_array() pick_centroid = np.mean(points_arr, axis=0)[:3] pick_centroids.append(pick_centroid) print("\nCentroid found : {}".format(pick_centroid)) pick_pose = Pose() pick_pose.position.x = float(pick_centroid[0]) pick_pose.position.y = float(pick_centroid[1]) pick_pose.position.z = float(pick_centroid[2]) # TODO: Assign the arm to be used for pick_place arm_name = String() if pick['group'] == 'red': = 'left' elif pick['group'] == 'green': = 'right' else: print "ERROR, group must be green or red!" # TODO: Create 'place_pose' for the object place_pose = Pose() place_pose.position.x = dropbox[][0] place_pose.position.y = dropbox[][1] place_pose.position.z = dropbox[][2] # TODO: Create a list of dictionaries (made with make_yaml_dict()) for later output to yaml format yaml_dict = make_yaml_dict(test_scene_num, arm_name, object_name, pick_pose, place_pose) dict_list.append(yaml_dict) # Wait for 'pick_place_routine' service to come up rospy.wait_for_service('pick_place_routine') try: pick_place_routine = rospy.ServiceProxy('pick_place_routine', PickPlace) # TODO: Insert your message variables to be sent as a service request resp = pick_place_routine(test_scene_num, object_name, arm_name, pick_pose, place_pose) print("Response: ", resp.success) except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed: %s" % e
def pr2_mover(object_list): # TODO: Initialize variables object_name_list = [] object_group = [] dropbox_name = [] dropbox_group = [] dropbox_position = [] # TODO: Get/Read parameters object_list_param = rospy.get_param('/object_list') dropbox_list_param = rospy.get_param('/dropbox') # TODO: Parse parameters into individual variables for i in range(len(object_list_param)): object_name_list.append(object_list_param[i]['name']) object_group.append(object_list_param[i]['group']) for i in range(len(dropbox_list_param)): dropbox_name.append(dropbox_list_param[i]['name']) dropbox_group.append(dropbox_list_param[i]['group']) dropbox_position.append(dropbox_list_param[i]['position']) # TODO: Rotate PR2 in place to capture side tables for the collision map labels = [] centroids = [] # to be list of tuples (x, y, z) for object in object_list: labels.append(object.label) points_arr = ros_to_pcl( cntd = np.mean(points_arr, axis=0)[:3] centroids.append( [np.asscalar(cntd[0]), np.asscalar(cntd[1]), np.asscalar(cntd[2])]) # TODO: Loop through the pick list test_no = 3 dict_list = [] for i in range(len(object_list_param)): test_scene_num = Int32() object_name = String() arm_name = String() pick_pose = Pose() place_pose = Pose() = test_no = object_name_list[i] ind = search_in_list(object_name_list[i], labels) if ind == -1: continue # TODO: Get the PointCloud for a given object and obtain it's centroid pick_pose.position.x = centroids[ind][0] pick_pose.position.y = centroids[ind][1] pick_pose.position.z = centroids[ind][2] # TODO: Create 'place_pose' for the object assigned_group_name = object_group[i] ind2 = search_in_list(assigned_group_name, dropbox_group) place_pose.position.x = dropbox_position[ind2][0] place_pose.position.y = dropbox_position[ind2][1] place_pose.position.z = dropbox_position[ind2][2] # TODO: Assign the arm to be used for pick_place = dropbox_name[ind2] # TODO: Create a list of dictionaries (made with make_yaml_dict()) for later output to yaml format yaml_dict = make_yaml_dict(test_scene_num, arm_name, object_name, pick_pose, place_pose) dict_list.append(yaml_dict) # Wait for 'pick_place_routine' service to come up rospy.wait_for_service('pick_place_routine') try: pick_place_routine = rospy.ServiceProxy('pick_place_routine', PickPlace) # TODO: Insert your message variables to be sent as a service request resp = pick_place_routine(test_scene_num, object_name, arm_name, pick_pose, place_pose) print("Response: ", resp.success) except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed: %s" % e
def control(): # sp = np.load("xy_sin.npy") state_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/mavros/state", State, state_cb, queue_size=10) rospy.wait_for_service('mavros/cmd/arming') arming_client = rospy.ServiceProxy('mavros/cmd/arming', CommandBool) rospy.wait_for_service('mavros/set_mode') set_mode_client = rospy.ServiceProxy('mavros/set_mode', SetMode) acutator_control_pub = rospy.Publisher("/mavros/actuator_control", ActuatorControl, queue_size=10) local_pos_pub = rospy.Publisher("/mavros/setpoint_position/local", PoseStamped, queue_size=10) mocap_pos_pub = rospy.Publisher("/mavros/mocap/pose", PoseStamped, queue_size=10) imu_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/mavros/imu/data", Imu, imu_cb, queue_size=10) local_pos_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/mavros/local_position/pose", PoseStamped, lp_cb, queue_size=10) local_vel_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/mavros/local_position/velocity", TwistStamped, lv_cb, queue_size=10) act_control_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/mavros/act_control/act_control_pub", ActuatorControl, act_cb, queue_size=10) rospy.init_node('control', anonymous=True) rate = rospy.Rate(50.0) # print("*"*80) while not rospy.is_shutdown() and not current_state.connected: rate.sleep() rospy.loginfo(current_state.connected) # print("#"*80) pose = PoseStamped() # mocap_pose = PoseStamped() offb_set_mode = SetModeRequest() offb_set_mode.custom_mode = "OFFBOARD" arm_cmd = CommandBoolRequest() arm_cmd.value = True last_request = i = 0 act = ActuatorControl() flag1 = False flag2 = False prev_imu_data = Imu() prev_time = # prev_x = 0 # prev_y = 0 # prev_z = 0 # prev_vx = 0 # prev_vy = 0 # prev_vz = 0 prev_omega_x = 0 prev_omega_y = 0 prev_omega_z = 0 prev_vx = 0 prev_vy = 0 prev_vz = 0 delta_t = 0.02 count = 0 theta = 0.0 #rospy.loginfo("Outside") r = np.random.rand(100000, 1) * 5 x_trgt = [] y_trgt = [] row = 0 theta = 0.0 x_step = 0.0 y_step = 0.0 for t in xrange(0, 100000): # val = np.random.uniform(0,0.5)*5 # y_step = 0.0 for p in xrange(0, 50): x_trgt.append(x_step) y_trgt.append(r[t, 0] + y_step) x_step += 0.01 y_step += 0.01 theta += 1.0 / 100 alpha = 0.01 temp = 0.0 y_new = [] for r_n in range(0, len(y_trgt)): temp = temp + alpha * (y_trgt[r_n] - temp) y_new.append(temp) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if current_state.mode != "OFFBOARD" and ( - last_request > rospy.Duration(5.0)): offb_set_mode_response = set_mode_client(offb_set_mode) if offb_set_mode_response.mode_sent: rospy.loginfo("Offboard enabled") flag1 = True last_request = else: if current_state.armed == False: arm_cmd_response = arming_client(arm_cmd) if arm_cmd_response.success: rospy.loginfo("Vehicle armed") flag2 = True last_request = # rospy.loginfo("Inside") curr_time = if flag1 and flag2: x_f.append(float(local_position.pose.position.x)) y_f.append(float(local_position.pose.position.y)) z_f.append(float(local_position.pose.position.z)) vx_f.append(float(local_velocity.twist.linear.x)) vy_f.append(float(local_velocity.twist.linear.y)) vz_f.append(float(local_velocity.twist.linear.z)) # print(local_velocity.twist.linear.x) orientation = [ imu_data.orientation.w, imu_data.orientation.x, imu_data.orientation.y, imu_data.orientation.z ] (roll, pitch, yaw) = quaternion_to_euler_angle( imu_data.orientation.w, imu_data.orientation.x, imu_data.orientation.y, imu_data.orientation.z) r_f.append(float(mt.radians(roll))) p_f.append(float(mt.radians(pitch))) yaw_f.append(float(mt.radians(yaw))) sin_r_f.append(mt.sin(float(mt.radians(roll)))) sin_p_f.append(mt.sin(float(mt.radians(pitch)))) sin_y_f.append(mt.sin(float(mt.radians(yaw)))) cos_r_f.append(mt.cos(float(mt.radians(roll)))) cos_p_f.append(mt.cos(float(mt.radians(pitch)))) cos_y_f.append(mt.cos(float(mt.radians(yaw)))) rs_f.append(float(imu_data.angular_velocity.x)) ps_f.append(float(imu_data.angular_velocity.y)) ys_f.append(float(imu_data.angular_velocity.z)) ix.append(float(ixx)) iy.append(float(iyy)) iz.append(float(izz)) m.append(float(mass)) u0.append(act_controls.controls[0]) u1.append(act_controls.controls[1]) u2.append(act_controls.controls[2]) u3.append(act_controls.controls[3]) pose.pose.position.x = x_trgt[row] pose.pose.position.y = y_new[row] pose.pose.position.z = 3 row = row + 1 x_des.append(0) y_des.append(0) z_des.append(3) sin_y_des.append(yaw) cos_y_des.append(yaw) w_mag.append(0) w_x.append(0) w_y.append(0) w_z.append(0) n_t = curr_time - prev_time #delta_t = float(n_t.nsecs) * 1e-9 a_x.append( (float(local_velocity.twist.linear.x) - prev_vx) / delta_t) a_y.append( (float(local_velocity.twist.linear.y) - prev_vy) / delta_t) a_z.append( (float(local_velocity.twist.linear.z) - prev_vz) / delta_t) prev_vx = float(local_velocity.twist.linear.x) prev_vy = float(local_velocity.twist.linear.y) prev_vz = float(local_velocity.twist.linear.z) aplha_x.append( (float(imu_data.angular_velocity.x) - prev_omega_x) / delta_t) aplha_y.append( (float(imu_data.angular_velocity.y) - prev_omega_y) / delta_t) aplha_z.append( (float(imu_data.angular_velocity.z) - prev_omega_z) / delta_t) ax_f.append(float(imu_data.linear_acceleration.x)) ay_f.append(float(imu_data.linear_acceleration.y)) az_f.append(float(imu_data.linear_acceleration.z)) prev_omega_x = float(imu_data.angular_velocity.x) prev_omega_y = float(imu_data.angular_velocity.y) prev_omega_z = float(imu_data.angular_velocity.z) theta += 0.5 count += 1 local_pos_pub.publish(pose) print('data_points =', data_points, " count = ", count, "row =", row) if (count >= data_points): break prev_time = curr_time rate.sleep() nn1_yaw_input_state = np.array([ vx_f, vy_f, vz_f, rs_f, ps_f, ys_f, sin_r_f, sin_p_f, sin_y_f, cos_r_f, cos_p_f, cos_y_f, u3 ], ndmin=2).transpose() nn1_yaw_grd_truth = np.array([a_x, a_y, a_z], ndmin=2).transpose() nn2_yaw_input_state = np.array([ vx_f, vy_f, vz_f, rs_f, ps_f, ys_f, sin_r_f, sin_p_f, sin_y_f, cos_r_f, cos_p_f, cos_y_f, u0, u1, u2 ], ndmin=2).transpose() nn2_yaw_grd_truth = np.array([aplha_x, aplha_y, aplha_z], ndmin=2).transpose() print('nn1_test_traj_1_input_state :', nn1_yaw_input_state.shape) print('nn1_test_traj_1_grd_truth :', nn1_yaw_grd_truth.shape) print('nn2_test_traj_1_input_state :', nn2_yaw_input_state.shape) print('nn2_test_traj_1_grd_truth :', nn2_yaw_grd_truth.shape)'nn1_test_traj_1_input_state.npy', nn1_yaw_input_state)'nn1_test_traj_1_grd_truth.npy', nn1_yaw_grd_truth)'nn2_test_traj_1_input_state.npy', nn2_yaw_input_state)'nn2_test_traj_1_grd_truth.npy', nn2_yaw_grd_truth) s_test_traj_1 = np.array([ x_f, y_f, z_f, vx_f, vy_f, vz_f, sin_r_f, sin_p_f, sin_y_f, cos_r_f, cos_p_f, cos_y_f, rs_f, ps_f, ys_f, r_f, p_f, yaw_f ], ndmin=2).transpose() u_test_traj_1 = np.array([u0, u1, u2, u3], ndmin=2).transpose() a_test_traj_1 = np.array([ax_f, ay_f, az_f], ndmin=2).transpose() print('s_test_traj_1 :', s_test_traj_1.shape) print('u_test_traj_1 :', u_test_traj_1.shape) print('a_test_traj_1 :', a_test_traj_1.shape)'s_test_traj_1.npy', s_test_traj_1)'u_test_traj_1.npy', u_test_traj_1)'a_test_traj_1.npy', a_test_traj_1)
def main(): tags = {} cup_tags = [] #Wait for the IK service to become available rospy.wait_for_service('compute_ik') rospy.init_node('service_query') right_gripper = baxter_gripper.Gripper('right') left_gripper = baxter_gripper.Gripper('left') right_gripper.calibrate() # left_gripper.calibrate() #Create the function used to call the service compute_ik = rospy.ServiceProxy('compute_ik', GetPositionIK) rospy.wait_for_service('fixed_multi_service') get_ar = rospy.ServiceProxy('fixed_multi_service', ARPose) tag3 = get_ar(3) tag4 = get_ar(4) tag5 = get_ar(5) cup_tags.append(tag3) cup_tags.append(tag4) cup_tags.append(tag5) def get_closest_cup_tag(ar_tag, cup_tags): def dist(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2): return (x1 - x2)**2 + (y1 - y2)**2 + (z1 - z2)**2 minDist = float('inf') minTag = None for T in cup_tags: d = dist(ar_tag.pos_x, ar_tag.pos_y, ar_tag.pos_z, T.pos_x, T.pos_y, T.pos_z) if d < minDist: minDist = d minTag = T return minTag # starting position os.system( 'rosrun cup_grabber -f starting_position' ) left = baxter_interface.Limb('left') right = baxter_interface.Limb('right') grip_left = baxter_interface.Gripper('left', CHECK_VERSION) grip_right = baxter_interface.Gripper('right', CHECK_VERSION) lj = left.joint_names() rj = right.joint_names() def move(curr, trans): a = 14 * np.pi / 180 cx, cy, cz = curr tx, ty, tz = trans nz = tz * np.cos(a) - ty * np.sin(a) ny = tz * np.sin(a) + ty * np.cos(a) return (cx + tx, cy + ny, cz + nz) ################### learning tag3 while tag3.tag_name == 'notfound': tag3 = get_ar(3) print 'tag3 not found' cup_tags[0] = tag3 currxyz = (tag3.pos_x, tag3.pos_y, tag3.pos_z) currori = (-.083, -.02, -.697, .712) currxyz = move(currxyz, (-.1, .11, -.1)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) currxyz = move(currxyz, (0, 0, .17)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) right_gripper.close() currxyz = move(currxyz, (0, .5, 0)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) currxyz = move(currxyz, (-.2, 0, 0)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) currxyz = move(currxyz, (.2, 0, 0)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) currxyz = move(currxyz, (0, -.5, 0)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) currxyz = move(currxyz, (0, 0, -.17)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) tag8 = get_ar(8) tag9 = get_ar(9) tag10 = get_ar(10) if tag8.tag_name != 'notfound': tags[8] = tag8 if tag9.tag_name != 'notfound': tags[9] = tag9 if tag10.tag_name != 'notfound': tags[10] = tag9 ################### learning tag4 while tag4.tag_name == 'notfound': tag4 = get_ar(4) print 'tag4 not found' cup_tags[1] = tag4 currxyz = (tag4.pos_x, tag4.pos_y, tag4.pos_z) currxyz = move(currxyz, (-.1, .11, -.1)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) currxyz = move(currxyz, (0, 0, .17)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) right_gripper.close() currxyz = move(currxyz, (0, .5, 0)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) currxyz = move(currxyz, (-.2, 0, 0)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) currxyz = move(currxyz, (.2, 0, 0)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) currxyz = move(currxyz, (0, -.5, 0)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) currxyz = move(currxyz, (0, 0, -.17)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) tag8 = get_ar(8) tag9 = get_ar(9) tag10 = get_ar(10) if tag8.tag_name != 'notfound': tags[8] = tag8 if tag9.tag_name != 'notfound': tags[9] = tag9 if tag10.tag_name != 'notfound': tags[10] = tag9 ################### learning tag5 while tag5.tag_name == 'notfound': tag5 = get_ar(5) print 'tag5 not found' cup_tags[2] = tag5 currxyz = (tag5.pos_x, tag5.pos_y, tag5.pos_z) currxyz = move(currxyz, (-.1, .1, -.1)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) currxyz = move(currxyz, (0, 0, .17)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) right_gripper.close() currxyz = move(currxyz, (0, .5, 0)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) currxyz = move(currxyz, (-.2, 0, 0)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) currxyz = move(currxyz, (.2, 0, 0)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) currxyz = move(currxyz, (0, -.5, 0)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) currxyz = move(currxyz, (0, 0, -.17)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) tag8 = get_ar(8) tag9 = get_ar(9) tag10 = get_ar(10) if tag8.tag_name != 'notfound': tags[8] = tag8 if tag9.tag_name != 'notfound': tags[9] = tag9 if tag10.tag_name != 'notfound': tags[10] = tag9 ############################################# done sensing the environment ################ pick up bottle with '8' contents cup_tag_near_8 = get_closest_cup_tag(tag8, cup_tags) curr = None if cup_tag_near_8.tag_name == '3': currxyz = (tag3.pos_x, tag3.pos_y, tag3.pos_z) curr = 3 elif cup_tag_near_8.tag_name == '4': currxyz = (tag4.pos_x, tag4.pos_y, tag4.pos_z) curr = 4 elif cup_tag_near_8.tag_name == '5': currxyz = (tag5.pos_x, tag5.pos_y, tag5.pos_z) curr = 5 currxyz = move(currxyz, (-.1, .1, -.1)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) currxyz = move(currxyz, (0, 0, .17)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) right_gripper.close() currxyz = move(currxyz, (0, .5, 0)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) os.system('cd ~/Desktop/baxter-waiter/src/cup_grabber/src') os.system( 'rosrun cup_grabber -f left_starting_position' ) os.system('cd ~/Desktop/baxter-waiter/src/cup_grabber/src') os.system( 'rosrun cup_grabber -f right_pouring' ) currxyz = move(currxyz, (0, -.5, 0)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) currxyz = move(currxyz, (0, 0, -.17)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) ################ pick up bottle with '9' contents cup_tag_near_9 = get_closest_cup_tag(tag9, cup_tags) if cup_tag_near_9.tag_name == '3': currxyz = (tag3.pos_x, tag3.pos_y, tag3.pos_z) curr = 3 elif cup_tag_near_9.tag_name == '4': currxyz = (tag4.pos_x, tag4.pos_y, tag4.pos_z) curr = 4 elif cup_tag_near_9.tag_name == '5': currxyz = (tag5.pos_x, tag5.pos_y, tag5.pos_z) curr = 5 currxyz = move(currxyz, (-.1, .1, -.1)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) currxyz = move(currxyz, (0, 0, .17)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) right_gripper.close() currxyz = move(currxyz, (0, .5, 0)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) os.system('cd ~/Desktop/baxter-waiter/src/cup_grabber/src') os.system( 'rosrun cup_grabber -f right_pouring' ) currxyz = move(currxyz, (0, -.5, 0)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) currxyz = move(currxyz, (0, 0, -.17)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) ################ pick up bottle with '10' contents cup_tag_near_10 = get_closest_cup_tag(tag10, cup_tags) if cup_tag_near_10.tag_name == '3': currxyz = (tag3.pos_x, tag3.pos_y, tag3.pos_z) curr = 3 elif cup_tag_near_10.tag_name == '4': currxyz = (tag4.pos_x, tag4.pos_y, tag4.pos_z) curr = 4 elif cup_tag_near_10.tag_name == '5': currxyz = (tag5.pos_x, tag5.pos_y, tag5.pos_z) curr = 5 currxyz = move(currxyz, (-.1, .1, -.1)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) currxyz = move(currxyz, (0, 0, .17)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) right_gripper.close() currxyz = move(currxyz, (0, .5, 0)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) os.system('cd ~/Desktop/baxter-waiter/src/cup_grabber/src') os.system( 'rosrun cup_grabber -f right_pouring' ) currxyz = move(currxyz, (0, -.5, 0)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) currxyz = move(currxyz, (0, 0, -.17)) requestIK('right_gripper', 'right_arm', currxyz, currori, compute_ik) os.system('cd ~/Desktop/baxter-waiter/src/cup_grabber/src') os.system('rosrun cup_grabber -f serve') os.system('cd ~/Desktop/baxter-waiter/src/cup_grabber/src') os.system('rosrun cup_grabber -f dab')
goal_pose = Odometry() goal_pose.header.stamp = goal_pose.header.frame_id = 'world' goal_pose.pose.pose.position = Point(pose[0][0]+x_offset, pose[0][1]+y_offset, 0.) return goal_pose def get_result(result_aux): global result = if __name__ == '__main__': pub = rospy.Publisher('move_usv/goal', Odometry, queue_size=10) rospy.init_node('patrol') rate = rospy.Rate(1) # 10h rospy.Subscriber("move_usv/result", Float64, get_result) rospy.wait_for_service('/gazebo/unpause_physics') rospy.wait_for_service('/gazebo/pause_physics') rospy.wait_for_service('/gazebo/reset_simulation') unpause = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/unpause_physics', Empty) pause = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/pause_physics', Empty) resetSimulation = rospy.ServiceProxy('/gazebo/reset_simulation', Empty) #unpause() simulationNumber = 1 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: rospy.logerr("Simulation number %d", simulationNumber) for pose in waypoints: goal = goal_pose(pose) pub.publish(goal)
def keyPressEvent(self, event): key = event.key() # If we have constructed the drone controller and the key is not generated from an auto-repeating key if controller is not None and not event.isAutoRepeat(): # Handle the important cases first! if key == KeyMapping.ThrottleCut: controller.SendEmergency() elif key == KeyMapping.Emergency: controller.SendLand() # modify to prevent damage to quad elif key == KeyMapping.Takeoff: controller.SendTakeoff() elif key == KeyMapping.Land: controller.SendLand() elif key == KeyMapping.Linear: controller.SendLinear() elif key == KeyMapping.Circle: controller.SendCircle() elif key == KeyMapping.Spiral: controller.SendSpiral() elif key == KeyMapping.Snake: controller.SendSnake() elif key == KeyMapping.Ready: controller.SendReady() elif key == KeyMapping.ToggleProcessing: controller.StartStop() elif key == KeyMapping.CamChange: rospy.wait_for_service('ardrone/togglecam') try: switchcam = rospy.ServiceProxy('ardrone/togglecam', ToggleCam) switchcam() except rospy.ServiceException, e: print "Service call failed: %s" % e elif key == KeyMapping.ProcessImg: if self.processImagesBool == False: self.processImagesBool = True print "Image processing is turned on" super(KeyboardController, self).EnableImageProcessing() else: self.processImagesBool = False print "Image processing is turned off" super(KeyboardController, self).DisableImageProcessing() else: # Now we handle moving, notice that this section is the opposite (+=) of the keyrelease section if key == KeyMapping.YawLeft: self.yaw_velocity += 1 elif key == KeyMapping.YawRight: self.yaw_velocity += -1 elif key == KeyMapping.PitchForward: self.pitch += 1 elif key == KeyMapping.PitchBackward: self.pitch += -1 elif key == KeyMapping.RollLeft: self.roll += 1 elif key == KeyMapping.RollRight: self.roll += -1 elif key == KeyMapping.IncreaseAltitude: self.z_velocity += 1 elif key == KeyMapping.DecreaseAltitude: self.z_velocity += -1 # finally we set the command to be sent. The controller handles sending this at regular intervals controller.SetCommand(self.roll, self.pitch, self.yaw_velocity, self.z_velocity)
def onMessage(self, payload, isBinary): # Debug if isBinary: print("Binary message received: {0} bytes".format(len(payload))) else: print("Text message received: {0}".format(payload.decode('utf8'))) # Do stuff # pub = rospy.Publisher('blockly', String, queue_size=10) # time.sleep(1) # pub.publish("blockly says: "+payload.decode('utf8')) # Simple text protocol for communication # first line is the name of the method # next lines are body of message message_text = payload.decode('utf8') message_data = message_text.split('\n', 1) if len(message_data) > 0: method_name = message_data[0] if len(message_data) > 1: method_body = message_data[1] if method_name.startswith('play'): CodeStatus.set_current_status(CodeStatus.RUNNING) BlocklyServerProtocol.build_ros_node(method_body) rospy.loginfo('The file generated contains...') os.system('cat') if method_name == 'play2': CodeExecution.run_process(['python', '']) elif method_name == 'play3': CodeExecution.run_process(['python3', '']) else: rospy.logerr('Called unknown method %s', method_name) else: if 'pause' == method_name: CodeStatus.set_current_status(CodeStatus.PAUSED) elif 'resume' == method_name: CodeStatus.set_current_status(CodeStatus.RUNNING) elif 'end' == method_name: #End execution global pid print("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@") try: print("kill pid="+str(pid)) os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL) ros_nodes = rosnode.get_node_names() except NameError: print("execution script not running.") pass if '/imu_talker' in ros_nodes: #brain ##set default values pub = rospy.Publisher('/statusleds', String, queue_size=10, latch=True) msg = 'blue_off' pub.publish(msg) msg = 'orange_off' pub.publish(msg) if '/crab_leg_kinematics' in ros_nodes: #spider print("spider running") pub = rospy.Publisher('/joy', Joy, queue_size=10, latch=True) msg = Joy() msg.header.stamp = rate = rospy.Rate(10) valueAxe = 0.0 valueButton = 0 for i in range (0, 20): msg.axes.append(valueAxe) for e in range (0, 17): msg.buttons.append(valueButton) pub.publish(msg) print("DEFAULT MESSAGES SENT") if '/mavros' in ros_nodes: #rover print("rover") pub = rospy.Publisher('/mavros/rc/override', OverrideRCIn, queue_size=10) msg = OverrideRCIn() msg.channels[0] = 1500 msg.channels[1] = 0 msg.channels[2] = 1500 msg.channels[3] = 0 msg.channels[4] = 0 msg.channels[5] = 0 msg.channels[6] = 0 msg.channels[7] = 0 pub.publish(msg) print("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@") elif method_name.startswith('control'): robot = method_name.split('control_')[1] if robot.startswith('spider'): direction = robot.split('spider_')[1] pub = rospy.Publisher('/joy', Joy, queue_size=10) msg = Joy() msg.header.stamp = rate = rospy.Rate(10) valueAxe = 0.0 valueButton = 0 for i in range (0, 20): msg.axes.append(valueAxe) for e in range (0, 17): msg.buttons.append(valueButton) if direction == 'up':#forward msg.axes[1] = 1 elif direction == 'down':#backwards msg.axes[1] = -1 elif direction == 'left':#turn left #msg.axes[0] = 1 msg.axes[2] = 1 elif direction == 'right':#turn rigth #msg.axes[0] = -1 msg.axes[2] = -1 pub.publish(msg) rate.sleep() elif robot.startswith('rover'): direction = robot.split('rover_')[1] rospy.wait_for_service('/mavros/set_mode') change_mode = rospy.ServiceProxy('/mavros/set_mode', SetMode) resp1 = change_mode(custom_mode='manual') print (resp1) if 'True' in str(resp1): pub = rospy.Publisher('mavros/rc/override', OverrideRCIn, queue_size=10) r = rospy.Rate(10) #2hz msg = OverrideRCIn() throttle_channel=2 steer_channel=0 speed_slow = 1558 #speed_turbo = 2000 #dangerous speed = speed_slow if direction == 'up':#forward msg.channels[throttle_channel]=speed msg.channels[steer_channel]=1385 #straight elif direction == 'down':#backwards msg.channels[throttle_channel]=1450 #slow msg.channels[steer_channel]=1385 #straight elif direction == 'left':#turn left msg.channels[throttle_channel]=speed msg.channels[steer_channel]=1285 elif direction == 'right':#turn rigth msg.channels[throttle_channel]=speed msg.channels[steer_channel]=1485 start = time.time() flag=True while not rospy.is_shutdown() and flag: sample_time=time.time() if ((sample_time - start) > 0.5): flag=False pub.publish(msg) r.sleep() else: rospy.logerr('Called unknown method %s', method_name)
def main(): global objInfos rospy.init_node('sequencer') move_to_homepose = rospy.ServiceProxy('iktest_controller/move_to_homepose', Trigger) move_to_cup_offset = rospy.ServiceProxy( 'iktest_controller/move_to_cup_offset', OffsetMove) pick_up_dice_above = rospy.ServiceProxy( 'iktest_controller/pick_up_dice_above', OffsetMove) pick_up_dice = rospy.ServiceProxy('iktest_controller/pick_up_dice', OffsetMove) pour_dice = rospy.ServiceProxy('iktest_controller/pour_dice', Trigger) #rospy.wait_for_service('iktest_controller/move_to_cup_offset', 3.0) rospy.wait_for_service('iktest_controller/pick_up_dice', 3.0) close_grip = rospy.ServiceProxy('gripper_controller_test/close_grip', Trigger) open_grip = rospy.ServiceProxy('gripper_controller_test/open_grip', Trigger) # Stored offset pose information ''' dice_pose = Pose( position = Point( x = 0.776647640113, y =-0.0615496888226, z = -0.210376983209), orientation = Quaternion( x = 0.981404960951, y = -0.19031770757, z = 0.016510737149, w = -0.0187314806041 ) ) ''' # Main process loop while (True): # Step 1: pour dices out of the cup open_grip() move_to_homepose() rospy.sleep(1) pour_dice() # Step 2: Start loop of picking up dices cnt_round = 0 FAILURE_TIME = 0 while FAILURE_TIME < 10: cnt_round += 1 if cnt_round > 15: break print "---------- THE %dth ROUND ------------" % cnt_round move_to_homepose() dice_pose = call_cv_service_detect_all_dices() if dice_pose is None: print "No dice" FAILURE_TIME += 1 continue else: print "Detect the dice ... " def set_dice_orientation(dice_pose): dice_pose.position.z = -0.207973876142 dice_pose.orientation.x = 0.5 dice_pose.orientation.y = 0.0 dice_pose.orientation.z = 0.0 dice_pose.orientation.w = -0.0 print "The dice pos detected by camera is:\n", dice_pose return dice_pose def set_dice_above(dice_pose): dice_pose.position.z += 0.1 print "The above position for the dice is:\n", dice_pose return dice_pose dice_pose = set_dice_orientation(dice_pose) # set quaternion # -------------------------------------- #OFFSET_Z=0.06 #dice_pose.position.z = dice_pose.position.z +OFFSET_Z dice_pose = set_dice_above(dice_pose) pick_up_dice_above(dice_pose) # Refine dice_pose = call_cv_service_detect_all_dices() # dice_pose = call_cv_service_detect_one_dice() if dice_pose is None: print "During refining the dice pos, no dice is found." FAILURE_TIME += 1 continue else: print "Refine dice pos successful" ''' # -------------- Publish dice info to the topic pretend.state="Dice Read" pretend.turn=1 pretend.roll=cnt_round pretend.dice1=1 pretend.dice2=2 pretend.dice3=3 pretend.dice4=4 pretend.dice5=5 pretend.dice1color='b' pretend.dice2color='b' pretend.dice3color='r' pretend.dice4color='bl' pretend.dice5color='y' nobj=len(objInfos) nthobj=0 if nobj>nthobj: pretend.dice1=objInfos[nthobj].value pretend.dice1color=objInfos[nthobj].color nthobj=1 if nobj>nthobj: pretend.dice1=objInfos[nthobj].value pretend.dice1color=objInfos[nthobj].color nthobj=2 if nobj>nthobj: pretend.dice1=objInfos[nthobj].value pretend.dice1color=objInfos[nthobj].color nthobj=3 if nobj>nthobj: pretend.dice1=objInfos[nthobj].value pretend.dice1color=objInfos[nthobj].color nthobj=4 if nobj>nthobj: pretend.dice1=objInfos[nthobj].value pretend.dice1color=objInfos[nthobj].color # -------------- ''' # Gripper goes to the pos which is OFFSET_Z above the dice dice_pose = set_dice_orientation(dice_pose) #dice_pose.position.z = dice_pose.position.z +OFFSET_Z dice_pose = set_dice_above(dice_pose) pick_up_dice_above(dice_pose) rospy.sleep(1) # Gripper goes to grab the dice dice_pose.position.z = dice_pose.position.z - 0.1 print "Height of dice: ", dice_pose.position.z pick_up_dice(dice_pose) #//need Offset rospy.sleep(1) rospy.loginfo("Sequence complete.") break return
import rospy import dynamic_reconfigure.client def callback(config): rospy.loginfo( "Config set to {int_param}, {double_param}, {str_param}, {bool_param}, {size}" .format(**config)) if __name__ == "__main__": rospy.init_node("dynamic_client") rospy.wait_for_service("dynamic_tutorials") client = dynamic_reconfigure.client.Client("dynamic_tutorials", timeout=30, config_callback=callback) r = rospy.Rate(0.1) x = 0 b = False while not rospy.is_shutdown(): x = x + 1 if x > 10: x = 0 b = not b client.update_configuration({ "int_param": x, "double_param": (1 / (x + 1)),
import object_manipulation_msgs.msg import geometry_msgs.msg import sensor_msgs.msg from numpy import * import openravepy import pickle if __name__ == '__main__': env = openravepy.Environment() body = env.ReadKinBodyXMLFile('data/ketchup.kinbody.xml') env.AddKinBody(body, True) trimesh = env.Triangulate(body) env.Remove(body) env.Destroy() rospy.init_node('graspplanning_test') rospy.wait_for_service('GraspPlanning') GraspPlanningFn = rospy.ServiceProxy( 'GraspPlanning', object_manipulation_msgs.srv.GraspPlanning) req = object_manipulation_msgs.srv.GraspPlanningRequest() req.arm_name = 'arm' = object_manipulation_msgs.msg.GraspableObject.POINT_CLUSTER = 'Base' offset = [0.3, -0.05, 0.3] = [ geometry_msgs.msg.Point32(p[0] + offset[0], p[1] + offset[1], p[2] + offset[2]) for p in trimesh.vertices ] sensor_msgs.msg.ChannelFloat32( name='indices', values=trimesh.indices.flatten().tolist())) req.collision_object_name = ''
def __init__(self): rospy.wait_for_service('testit/bringup') rospy.wait_for_service('testit/teardown') rospy.wait_for_service('testit/status') rospy.wait_for_service('testit/test') rospy.wait_for_service('testit/results') rospy.wait_for_service('testit/bag/collect') rospy.wait_for_service('testit/clean') rospy.wait_for_service('testit/uppaal/annotate/coverage') rospy.wait_for_service('testit/uppaal/extract/failure') rospy.wait_for_service('testit/shutdown') rospy.wait_for_service('testit/credits') rospy.wait_for_service('testit/optimize') rospy.wait_for_service('testit/learn') self.bringup_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('testit/bringup', testit.srv.Command) self.teardown_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('testit/teardown', testit.srv.Command) self.status_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('testit/status', testit.srv.Command) self.test_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('testit/test', testit.srv.Command) self.learn_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('testit/learn', testit.srv.Command) self.results_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('testit/results', testit.srv.Command) self.bag_collect_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('testit/bag/collect', testit.srv.Command) self.clean_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('testit/clean', testit.srv.Command) self.uppaal_annotate_coverage_service = rospy.ServiceProxy( 'testit/uppaal/annotate/coverage', testit.srv.Command) self.uppaal_extract_failure_service = rospy.ServiceProxy( 'testit/uppaal/extract/failure', testit.srv.Command) self.shutdown_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('testit/shutdown', testit.srv.Command) self.credits_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('testit/credits', testit.srv.Command) self.optimize_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('testit/optimize', testit.srv.Command) self.log_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('testit/log', testit.srv.Command)