def rosser1_test():

    ## ROSSER1_TEST tests ROSSER1.
    #  Licensing:
    #    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    #  Modified:
    #    10 February 2015
    #  Author:
    #    John Burkardt
    from r8mat_print import r8mat_print

    print ''
    print 'ROSSER1_TEST'
    print '  ROSSER1 computes the ROSSER1 matrix.'

    n = 8
    a = rosser1()
    r8mat_print(n, n, a, '  ROSSER1 matrix:')

    print ''
    print 'ROSSER1_TEST'
    print '  Normal end of execution.'

def rosser1_test ( ):

#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    10 February 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
  from r8mat_print import r8mat_print

  print ''
  print 'ROSSER1_TEST'
  print '  ROSSER1 computes the ROSSER1 matrix.'

  n = 8
  a = rosser1 ( )
  r8mat_print ( n, n, a, '  ROSSER1 matrix:' )

  print ''
  print 'ROSSER1_TEST'
  print '  Normal end of execution.'

def rosser1_determinant_test ( ):

#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    23 February 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
  from rosser1 import rosser1
  from r8mat_print import r8mat_print

  print ''
  print '  ROSSER1_DETERMINANT computes the ROSSER1 determinant.'

  seed = 123456789

  m = 8
  n = m
  a = rosser1 ( )
  r8mat_print ( n, n, a, '  ROSSER1 matrix:' )

  value = rosser1_determinant ( )

  print '  Value =  %g' % ( value )

  print ''
  print '  Normal end of execution.'

def rosser1_determinant_test():

    #  Licensing:
    #    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    #  Modified:
    #    23 February 2015
    #  Author:
    #    John Burkardt
    from rosser1 import rosser1
    from r8mat_print import r8mat_print

    print ''
    print '  ROSSER1_DETERMINANT computes the ROSSER1 determinant.'

    seed = 123456789

    m = 8
    n = m
    a = rosser1()
    r8mat_print(n, n, a, '  ROSSER1 matrix:')

    value = rosser1_determinant()

    print '  Value =  %g' % (value)

    print ''
    print '  Normal end of execution.'

def test_null_right():

    ## TEST_NULL_RIGHT tests right null vectors.
    #  Licensing:
    #    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    #  Modified:
    #    12 March 2015
    #  Author:
    #    John Burkardt
    from a123 import a123
    from a123 import a123_null_right
    from archimedes import archimedes
    from archimedes import archimedes_null_right
    from cheby_diff1 import cheby_diff1
    from cheby_diff1 import cheby_diff1_null_right
    from creation import creation
    from creation import creation_null_right
    from dif1 import dif1
    from dif1 import dif1_null_right
    from dif1cyclic import dif1cyclic
    from dif1cyclic import dif1cyclic_null_right
    from dif2cyclic import dif2cyclic
    from dif2cyclic import dif2cyclic_null_right
    from fibonacci1 import fibonacci1
    from fibonacci1 import fibonacci1_null_right
    from hamming import hamming
    from hamming import hamming_null_right
    from line_adj import line_adj
    from line_adj import line_adj_null_right
    from moler2 import moler2
    from moler2 import moler2_null_right
    from neumann import neumann
    from neumann import neumann_null_right
    from one import one
    from one import one_null_right
    from r8_uniform_ab import r8_uniform_ab
    from r8mat_is_null_right import r8mat_is_null_right
    from r8mat_norm_fro import r8mat_norm_fro
    from r8vec_norm_l2 import r8vec_norm_l2
    from ring_adj import ring_adj
    from ring_adj import ring_adj_null_right
    from rosser1 import rosser1
    from rosser1 import rosser1_null_right
    from zero import zero
    from zero import zero_null_right

    print ''
    print 'TEST_NULL_RIGHT'
    print '  A = a test matrix of order M by N'
    print '  x = an N vector, candidate for a right null vector.'
    print ''
    print '  ||A|| = Frobenius norm of A.'
    print '  ||x|| = L2 norm of x.'
    print '  ||A*x||/||x|| = L2 norm of A*x over L2 norm of x.'
    print ''
    print '  Title                    M     N      ',
    print '||A||            ||x||        ||A*x||/||x||'
    print ''
    #  A123
    title = 'A123'
    m = 3
    n = 3
    a = a123()
    x = a123_null_right()
    error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right(m, n, a, x)
    norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro(m, n, a)
    norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2(n, x)
    print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
      % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
    title = 'ARCHIMEDES'
    m = 7
    n = 8
    a = archimedes()
    x = archimedes_null_right()
    error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right(m, n, a, x)
    norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro(m, n, a)
    norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2(n, x)
    print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
      % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
    #  CHEBY_DIFF1
    title = 'CHEBY_DIFF1'
    m = 5
    n = m
    a = cheby_diff1(n)
    x = cheby_diff1_null_right(m, n)
    error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right(m, n, a, x)
    norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro(m, n, a)
    norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2(n, x)
    print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
      % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
    title = 'CREATION'
    m = 5
    n = m
    a = creation(m, n)
    x = creation_null_right(m, n)
    error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right(m, n, a, x)
    norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro(m, n, a)
    norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2(n, x)
    print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
      % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
    #  DIF1
    #  Only has null vectors for N odd.
    title = 'DIF1'
    m = 5
    n = m
    a = dif1(m, n)
    x = dif1_null_right(m, n)
    error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right(m, n, a, x)
    norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro(m, n, a)
    norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2(n, x)
    print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
      % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
    title = 'DIF1CYCLIC'
    m = 5
    n = m
    a = dif1cyclic(n)
    x = dif1cyclic_null_right(m, n)
    error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right(m, n, a, x)
    norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro(m, n, a)
    norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2(n, x)
    print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
      % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
    title = 'DIF2CYCLIC'
    m = 5
    n = m
    a = dif2cyclic(n)
    x = dif2cyclic_null_right(m, n)
    error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right(m, n, a, x)
    norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro(m, n, a)
    norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2(n, x)
    print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
      % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
    title = 'FIBONACCI1'
    m = 5
    n = m
    r8_lo = -5.0
    r8_hi = +5.0
    seed = 123456789
    f1, seed = r8_uniform_ab(r8_lo, r8_hi, seed)
    f2, seed = r8_uniform_ab(r8_lo, r8_hi, seed)
    a = fibonacci1(n, f1, f2)
    x = fibonacci1_null_right(m, n, f1, f2)
    error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right(m, n, a, x)
    norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro(m, n, a)
    norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2(n, x)
    print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
      % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
    #  HAMMING
    title = 'HAMMING'
    m = 5
    n = (2**m) - 1
    a = hamming(m, n)
    x = hamming_null_right(m, n)
    error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right(m, n, a, x)
    norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro(m, n, a)
    norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2(n, x)
    print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
      % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
    #  LINE_ADJ
    title = 'LINE_ADJ'
    m = 7
    n = m
    a = line_adj(n)
    x = line_adj_null_right(m, n)
    error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right(m, n, a, x)
    norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro(m, n, a)
    norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2(n, x)
    print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
      % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
    #  MOLER2
    title = 'MOLER2'
    m = 5
    n = 5
    a = moler2()
    x = moler2_null_right()
    error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right(m, n, a, x)
    norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro(m, n, a)
    norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2(n, x)
    print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
      % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
    #  NEUMANN
    title = 'NEUMANN'
    row_num = 5
    col_num = 5
    m = row_num * col_num
    n = row_num * col_num
    a = neumann(row_num, col_num)
    x = neumann_null_right(row_num, col_num)
    error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right(m, n, a, x)
    norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro(m, n, a)
    norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2(n, x)
    print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
      % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
    #  ONE
    title = 'ONE'
    m = 5
    n = 5
    a = one(m, n)
    x = one_null_right(m, n)
    error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right(m, n, a, x)
    norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro(m, n, a)
    norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2(n, x)
    print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
      % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
    #  RING_ADJ
    #  N must be a multiple of 4 for there to be a null vector.
    title = 'RING_ADJ'
    m = 12
    n = 12
    a = ring_adj(m, n)
    x = ring_adj_null_right(m, n)
    error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right(m, n, a, x)
    norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro(m, n, a)
    norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2(n, x)
    print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
      % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
    #  ROSSER1
    title = 'ROSSER1'
    m = 8
    n = 8
    a = rosser1()
    x = rosser1_null_right()
    error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right(m, n, a, x)
    norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro(m, n, a)
    norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2(n, x)
    print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
      % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
    #  ZERO
    title = 'ZERO'
    m = 5
    n = 5
    a = zero(m, n)
    x = zero_null_right(m, n)
    error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right(m, n, a, x)
    norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro(m, n, a)
    norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2(n, x)
    print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
      % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
    #  Terminate.
    print ''
    print 'TEST_NULL_RIGHT:'
    print '  Normal end of execution.'

def test_null_right ( ):

## TEST_NULL_RIGHT tests right null vectors.
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    12 March 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
  from a123                 import a123
  from a123                 import a123_null_right
  from archimedes           import archimedes
  from archimedes           import archimedes_null_right
  from cheby_diff1          import cheby_diff1
  from cheby_diff1          import cheby_diff1_null_right
  from creation             import creation
  from creation             import creation_null_right
  from dif1                 import dif1
  from dif1                 import dif1_null_right
  from dif1cyclic           import dif1cyclic
  from dif1cyclic           import dif1cyclic_null_right
  from dif2cyclic           import dif2cyclic
  from dif2cyclic           import dif2cyclic_null_right
  from fibonacci1           import fibonacci1
  from fibonacci1           import fibonacci1_null_right
  from hamming              import hamming
  from hamming              import hamming_null_right
  from line_adj             import line_adj
  from line_adj             import line_adj_null_right
  from moler2               import moler2
  from moler2               import moler2_null_right
  from neumann              import neumann
  from neumann              import neumann_null_right
  from one                  import one
  from one                  import one_null_right
  from r8_uniform_ab        import r8_uniform_ab
  from r8mat_is_null_right  import r8mat_is_null_right
  from r8mat_norm_fro       import r8mat_norm_fro
  from r8vec_norm_l2        import r8vec_norm_l2
  from ring_adj             import ring_adj
  from ring_adj             import ring_adj_null_right
  from rosser1              import rosser1
  from rosser1              import rosser1_null_right
  from zero                 import zero
  from zero                 import zero_null_right

  print ''
  print '  A = a test matrix of order M by N'
  print '  x = an N vector, candidate for a right null vector.'
  print ''
  print '  ||A|| = Frobenius norm of A.'
  print '  ||x|| = L2 norm of x.'
  print '  ||A*x||/||x|| = L2 norm of A*x over L2 norm of x.'
  print ''
  print '  Title                    M     N      ',
  print '||A||            ||x||        ||A*x||/||x||'
  print ''
#  A123
  title = 'A123'
  m = 3
  n = 3
  a = a123 ( )
  x = a123_null_right ( )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( n, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
  title = 'ARCHIMEDES'
  m = 7
  n = 8
  a = archimedes ( )
  x = archimedes_null_right ( )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( n, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
  title = 'CHEBY_DIFF1'
  m = 5
  n = m
  a = cheby_diff1 ( n )
  x = cheby_diff1_null_right ( m, n )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( n, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
  title = 'CREATION'
  m = 5
  n = m
  a = creation ( m, n )
  x = creation_null_right ( m, n )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( n, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
#  DIF1
#  Only has null vectors for N odd.
  title = 'DIF1'
  m = 5
  n = m
  a = dif1 ( m, n )
  x = dif1_null_right ( m, n )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( n, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
  title = 'DIF1CYCLIC'
  m = 5
  n = m
  a = dif1cyclic ( n )
  x = dif1cyclic_null_right ( m, n )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( n, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
  title = 'DIF2CYCLIC'
  m = 5
  n = m
  a = dif2cyclic ( n )
  x = dif2cyclic_null_right ( m, n )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( n, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
  title = 'FIBONACCI1'
  m = 5
  n = m
  r8_lo = -5.0
  r8_hi = +5.0
  seed = 123456789
  f1, seed = r8_uniform_ab ( r8_lo, r8_hi, seed )
  f2, seed = r8_uniform_ab ( r8_lo, r8_hi, seed )
  a = fibonacci1 ( n, f1, f2 )
  x = fibonacci1_null_right ( m, n, f1, f2 )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( n, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
  title = 'HAMMING'
  m = 5
  n = ( 2 ** m ) - 1
  a = hamming ( m, n )
  x = hamming_null_right ( m, n )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( n, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
  title = 'LINE_ADJ'
  m = 7
  n = m
  a = line_adj ( n )
  x = line_adj_null_right ( m, n )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( n, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
  title = 'MOLER2'
  m = 5
  n = 5
  a = moler2 ( )
  x = moler2_null_right ( )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( n, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
  title = 'NEUMANN'
  row_num = 5
  col_num = 5
  m = row_num * col_num
  n = row_num * col_num
  a = neumann ( row_num, col_num )
  x = neumann_null_right ( row_num, col_num )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( n, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
#  ONE
  title = 'ONE'
  m = 5
  n = 5
  a = one ( m, n )
  x = one_null_right ( m, n )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( n, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
#  N must be a multiple of 4 for there to be a null vector.
  title = 'RING_ADJ'
  m = 12
  n = 12
  a = ring_adj ( m, n )
  x = ring_adj_null_right ( m, n )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( n, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
  title = 'ROSSER1'
  m = 8
  n = 8
  a = rosser1 ( )
  x = rosser1_null_right ( )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( n, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
  title = 'ZERO'
  m = 5
  n = 5
  a = zero ( m, n )
  x = zero_null_right ( m, n )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_right ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( n, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
#  Terminate.
  print ''
  print 'TEST_NULL_RIGHT:'
  print '  Normal end of execution.'

def test_null_left ( ):

## TEST_NULL_LEFT tests left null vectors.
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    17 March 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
  from a123                import a123
  from a123                import a123_null_left
  from cheby_diff1         import cheby_diff1
  from cheby_diff1         import cheby_diff1_null_left
  from creation            import creation
  from creation            import creation_null_left
  from dif1                import dif1
  from dif1                import dif1_null_left
  from dif1cyclic          import dif1cyclic
  from dif1cyclic          import dif1cyclic_null_left
  from dif2cyclic          import dif2cyclic
  from dif2cyclic          import dif2cyclic_null_left
  from eberlein            import eberlein
  from eberlein            import eberlein_null_left
  from fibonacci1          import fibonacci1
  from fibonacci1          import fibonacci1_null_left
  from lauchli             import lauchli
  from lauchli             import lauchli_null_left
  from line_adj            import line_adj
  from line_adj            import line_adj_null_left
  from moler2              import moler2
  from moler2              import moler2_null_left
  from one                 import one
  from one                 import one_null_left
  from r8_uniform_ab       import r8_uniform_ab
  from r8mat_is_null_left  import r8mat_is_null_left
  from r8mat_norm_fro      import r8mat_norm_fro
  from r8vec_norm_l2       import r8vec_norm_l2
  from ring_adj            import ring_adj
  from ring_adj            import ring_adj_null_left
  from rosser1             import rosser1
  from rosser1             import rosser1_null_left
  from zero                import zero
  from zero                import zero_null_left

  print ''
  print 'TEST_NULL_LEFT'
  print '  A = a test matrix of order M by N'
  print '  x = an M vector, candidate for a left null vector.'
  print ''
  print '  ||A|| = Frobenius norm of A.'
  print '  ||x|| = L2 norm of x.'
  print '  ||A''*x||/||x|| = L2 norm of A\'*x over L2 norm of x.'
  print ''
  print '  Title                    M     N      ',
  print '||A||            ||x||        ||A\'*x||/||x||'
  print ''
#  A123
  title = 'A123'
  m = 3
  n = 3
  a = a123 ( )
  x = a123_null_left ( )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_left ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( m, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
  title = 'CHEBY_DIFF1'
  m = 5
  n = m
  a = cheby_diff1 ( n )
  x = cheby_diff1_null_left ( m, n )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_left ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( m, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
  title = 'CREATION'
  m = 5
  n = m
  a = creation ( m, n )
  x = creation_null_left ( m, n )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_left ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( m, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
#  DIF1
  title = 'DIF1'
  m = 5
  n = 5
  a = dif1 ( m, n )
  x = dif1_null_left ( m, n )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_left ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( m, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
  title = 'DIF1CYCLIC'
  m = 5
  n = m
  a = dif1cyclic ( n )
  x = dif1cyclic_null_left ( m, n )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_left ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( m, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
  title = 'DIF2CYCLIC'
  m = 5
  n = 5
  a = dif2cyclic ( n )
  x = dif2cyclic_null_left ( m, n )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_left ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( m, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
  title = 'EBERLEIN'
  m = 5
  n = 5
  r8_lo = -5.0
  r8_hi = +5.0
  seed = 123456789
  alpha, seed = r8_uniform_ab ( r8_lo, r8_hi, seed )
  a = eberlein ( alpha, n )
  x = eberlein_null_left ( m, n )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_left ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( m, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
  title = 'FIBONACCI1'
  m = 5
  n = m
  r8_lo = -5.0
  r8_hi = +5.0
  seed = 123456789
  f1, seed = r8_uniform_ab ( r8_lo, r8_hi, seed )
  f2, seed = r8_uniform_ab ( r8_lo, r8_hi, seed )
  a = fibonacci1 ( n, f1, f2 )
  x = fibonacci1_null_left ( m, n, f1, f2 )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_left ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( m, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
  title = 'LAUCHLI'
  m = 6
  n = m - 1
  r8_lo = -5.0
  r8_hi = +5.0
  seed = 123456789
  alpha, seed = r8_uniform_ab ( r8_lo, r8_hi, seed )
  a = lauchli ( alpha, m, n )
  x = lauchli_null_left ( alpha, m, n )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_left ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( m, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
  title = 'LINE_ADJ'
  m = 7
  n = m
  a = line_adj ( n )
  x = line_adj_null_left ( m, n )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_left ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( m, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
  title = 'MOLER2'
  m = 5
  n = m
  a = moler2 ( )
  x = moler2_null_left ( )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_left ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( m, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
#  ONE
  title = 'ONE'
  m = 5
  n = 5
  a = one ( m, n )
  x = one_null_left ( m, n )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_left ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( m, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
#  N must be a multiple of 4 for there to be a null vector.
  title = 'RING_ADJ'
  m = 12
  n = 12
  a = ring_adj ( m, n )
  x = ring_adj_null_left ( m, n )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_left ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( m, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
  title = 'ROSSER1'
  m = 8
  n = 8
  a = rosser1 ( )
  x = rosser1_null_left ( )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_left ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( m, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
  title = 'ZERO'
  m = 5
  n = 5
  a = zero ( m, n )
  x = zero_null_left ( m, n )
  error_l2 = r8mat_is_null_left ( m, n, a, x )
  norm_a_frobenius = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, a )
  norm_x_l2 = r8vec_norm_l2 ( m, x )
  print '  %-20s  %4d  %4d  %14g  %14g  %10.2g' \
    % ( title, m, n, norm_a_frobenius, norm_x_l2, error_l2 )
#  Terminate.
  print ''
  print 'TEST_NULL_LEFT:'
  print '  Normal end of execution.'
