文件: robot.py 项目: haudren/pymanoid
    def compute_am_jacobian(self, q, p, dof_indices=None):
        """Compute a matrix J(p) such that the angular momentum with respect to
        the point p is

            L_p(q, qd) = dot(J(q), qd).

        q -- joint angle values
        qd -- joint-angle velocities
        p -- application point, either a fixed point or the instantaneous COM,
        in world coordinates

        J = zeros((3, self.nb_dofs))
        with self.rave:
            self.set_dof_values(q, dof_indices)
            for link in self.rave.GetLinks():
                m = link.GetMass()
                i = link.GetIndex()
                c = link.GetGlobalCOM()
                R = link.GetTransform()[0:3, 0:3]
                I = dot(R, dot(link.GetLocalInertia(), R.T))
                J_trans = self.rave.ComputeJacobianTranslation(i, c)
                J_rot = self.rave.ComputeJacobianAxisAngle(i)
                J += dot(crossmat(c - p), m * J_trans) + dot(I, J_rot)
            if dof_indices is not None:
                return J[:, dof_indices]
            elif self.active_dofs and len(q) == self.nb_active_dofs:
                return J[:, self.active_dofs]
            return J
文件: robot.py 项目: haudren/pymanoid
    def compute_am_hessian(self, q, p, dof_indices=None):
        """Returns a matrix H(q) such that the rate of change of the angular
        momentum with respect to point p is

            Ld_p(q, qd) = dot(J(q), qdd) + dot(qd.T, dot(H(q), qd)),

        where J(q) is the result of self.compute_am_jacobian(q, p).

        q -- joint angle values
        qd -- joint-angle velocities
        p -- application point, either a fixed point or the instantaneous COM,
        in world coordinates

        def crosstens(M):
            assert M.shape[0] == 3
            Z = zeros(M.shape[1])
            T = array([[Z, -M[2, :], M[1, :]],
                       [M[2, :], Z, -M[0, :]],
                       [-M[1, :], M[0, :], Z]])
            return T.transpose([2, 0, 1])  # T.shape == (M.shape[1], 3, 3)

        def middot(M, T):
            """Dot product of a matrix with the mid-coordinate of a 3D tensor.

            M -- matrix with shape (n, m)
            T -- tensor with shape (a, m, b)

            Outputs a tensor of shape (a, n, b).

            return tensordot(M, T, axes=(1, 1)).transpose([1, 0, 2])

        H = zeros((self.nb_dofs, 3, self.nb_dofs))
        with self.rave:
            for link in self.rave.GetLinks():
                m = link.GetMass()
                i = link.GetIndex()
                c = link.GetGlobalCOM()
                R = link.GetTransform()[0:3, 0:3]
                # J_trans = self.rave.ComputeJacobianTranslation(i, c)
                J_rot = self.rave.ComputeJacobianAxisAngle(i)
                H_trans = self.rave.ComputeHessianTranslation(i, c)
                H_rot = self.rave.ComputeHessianAxisAngle(i)
                I = dot(R, dot(link.GetLocalInertia(), R.T))
                H += middot(crossmat(c - p), m * H_trans) \
                    + middot(I, H_rot) \
                    - dot(crosstens(dot(I, J_rot)), J_rot)
            if dof_indices:
                return ((H[dof_indices, :, :])[:, :, dof_indices])
            elif self.active_dofs and len(q) == self.nb_active_dofs:
                return ((H[self.active_dofs, :, :])[:, :, self.active_dofs])
            return H