def __init__(self, args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: """Initialize the Rotkehlchen object May Raise: - SystemPermissionError if the given data directory's permissions are not correct. """ self.lock = Semaphore() self.lock.acquire() # Can also be None after unlock if premium credentials did not # authenticate or premium server temporarily offline self.premium: Optional[Premium] = None self.user_is_logged_in: bool = False configure_logging(args) self.sleep_secs = args.sleep_secs if args.data_dir is None: self.data_dir = default_data_directory() else: self.data_dir = Path(args.data_dir) if not os.access(self.data_dir, os.W_OK | os.R_OK): raise SystemPermissionError( f'The given data directory {self.data_dir} is not readable or writable', ) self.args = args self.msg_aggregator = MessagesAggregator() self.greenlet_manager = GreenletManager(msg_aggregator=self.msg_aggregator) self.exchange_manager = ExchangeManager(msg_aggregator=self.msg_aggregator) # Initialize the AssetResolver singleton AssetResolver(data_directory=self.data_dir) = DataHandler(self.data_dir, self.msg_aggregator) self.cryptocompare = Cryptocompare(data_directory=self.data_dir, database=None) self.coingecko = Coingecko() self.icon_manager = IconManager(data_dir=self.data_dir, coingecko=self.coingecko) self.greenlet_manager.spawn_and_track( after_seconds=None, task_name='periodically_query_icons_until_all_cached', method=self.icon_manager.periodically_query_icons_until_all_cached, batch_size=ICONS_BATCH_SIZE, sleep_time_secs=ICONS_QUERY_SLEEP, ) # Initialize the Inquirer singleton Inquirer( data_dir=self.data_dir, cryptocompare=self.cryptocompare, coingecko=self.coingecko, ) # Keeps how many trades we have found per location. Used for free user limiting self.actions_per_location: Dict[str, Dict[Location, int]] = { 'trade': defaultdict(int), 'asset_movement': defaultdict(int), } self.lock.release() self.shutdown_event = gevent.event.Event()
def __init__(self, args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: """Initialize the Rotkehlchen object This runs during backend initialization so it should be as light as possible. May Raise: - SystemPermissionError if the given data directory's permissions are not correct. """ # Can also be None after unlock if premium credentials did not # authenticate or premium server temporarily offline self.premium: Optional[Premium] = None self.user_is_logged_in: bool = False configure_logging(args) self.sleep_secs = args.sleep_secs if args.data_dir is None: self.data_dir = default_data_directory() else: self.data_dir = Path(args.data_dir) self.data_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not os.access(self.data_dir, os.W_OK | os.R_OK): raise SystemPermissionError( f'The given data directory {self.data_dir} is not readable or writable', ) self.main_loop_spawned = False self.args = args self.api_task_greenlets: List[gevent.Greenlet] = [] self.msg_aggregator = MessagesAggregator() self.greenlet_manager = GreenletManager( msg_aggregator=self.msg_aggregator) self.exchange_manager = ExchangeManager( msg_aggregator=self.msg_aggregator) # Initialize the GlobalDBHandler singleton. Has to be initialized BEFORE asset resolver GlobalDBHandler(data_dir=self.data_dir) = DataHandler(self.data_dir, self.msg_aggregator) self.cryptocompare = Cryptocompare(data_directory=self.data_dir, database=None) self.coingecko = Coingecko() self.icon_manager = IconManager(data_dir=self.data_dir, coingecko=self.coingecko) self.assets_updater = AssetsUpdater(self.msg_aggregator) # Initialize the Inquirer singleton Inquirer( data_dir=self.data_dir, cryptocompare=self.cryptocompare, coingecko=self.coingecko, ) # Keeps how many trades we have found per location. Used for free user limiting self.actions_per_location: Dict[str, Dict[Location, int]] = { 'trade': defaultdict(int), 'asset_movement': defaultdict(int), } self.task_manager: Optional[TaskManager] = None self.shutdown_event = gevent.event.Event()
def __init__(self, args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: """Initialize the Rotkehlchen object May Raise: - SystemPermissionError if the given data directory's permissions are not correct. """ self.lock = Semaphore() self.lock.acquire() # Can also be None after unlock if premium credentials did not # authenticate or premium server temporarily offline self.premium: Optional[Premium] = None self.user_is_logged_in: bool = False configure_logging(args) self.sleep_secs = args.sleep_secs if args.data_dir is None: self.data_dir = default_data_directory() else: self.data_dir = Path(args.data_dir) if not os.access(self.data_dir, os.W_OK | os.R_OK): raise SystemPermissionError( f'The given data directory {self.data_dir} is not readable or writable', ) self.args = args self.msg_aggregator = MessagesAggregator() self.greenlet_manager = GreenletManager( msg_aggregator=self.msg_aggregator) self.exchange_manager = ExchangeManager( msg_aggregator=self.msg_aggregator) = DataHandler(self.data_dir, self.msg_aggregator) self.cryptocompare = Cryptocompare(data_directory=self.data_dir, database=None) # Initialize the Inquirer singleton Inquirer(data_dir=self.data_dir, cryptocompare=self.cryptocompare) self.lock.release() self.shutdown_event = gevent.event.Event()