def sum_costs(G, path, impedance):
    This function calculates the sum of the costs
    of a path created according to the geographic
    scenario graph.

    :param G:       NetworkX graph.
                    Geographic scenario

    :param path:    list
                    The list must contains the id
                    of nodes of the path.

    :param weight:  String or function

    :return:        float
                    The sum of all cost (weight)
                    edges of the path.
    weight = Graph._weight(G, impedance)
    sum_costs = 0

    for i in range(len(path) - 1):
        e = G.adj[path[i]].get(path[i + 1])
        weight_edge = weight(path[i], path[i + 1], e)
        sum_costs += weight_edge

    return sum_costs
def bellman_ford(G, initial_node, target_node, weight):
    weight = Graph._weight(G, weight)
    distance, route = nx.single_source_bellman_ford(G, initial_node,
                                                    target_node, weight)
    return distance, route
def bidirectional_dijkstra(G, initial_node, target_node, weight):
    weight = Graph._weight(G, weight)
    print("dij", initial_node, target_node)
    distance, route = nx.bidirectional_dijkstra(G, initial_node, target_node,
    return distance, route
def _shortest_path_faster(G, source, weight):
    This function returns the single-source shortest path in
    weighted directed graph based on Shortest Path Faster
    Algorithm (SPFA). It is an improvement of the Bellman–
    Ford algorithm.

    The pseudocode of the SPFA:

    :param G:           NetworkX graph.
                        input graph

    :param source:      Float
                        Id of the start node

    :param target:      Float
                        Id of the goal node

    :param weight:      Function

    :return:            List
                        List with all nodes of the
                        shortest path

    weight = Graph._weight(G, weight)
    last_edge = {source: (None, None)}
    pred_edge = {source: None}
    source = [source]
    q = deque(source)
    G_adjacents = G.succ if G.is_directed() else G.adj
    n_G = len(G_adjacents)

    count = {}
    dist = {}
    parent = {}

    inf = float("inf")

    # Initialization
    for i in G.nodes:
        dist.update([(i, inf)])
        parent.update([(i, None)])

    dist.update([(source[0], 0)])

    while q:
        u = q.popleft()

        # for each edge between the node u and their adjacent nodes
        for v, e in G_adjacents[u].items():

            # Relaxing
            new_dist_v = dist.get(u) + weight(u, v, e)

            if new_dist_v < dist.get(v):

                if v in last_edge[u]:
                    print("Error: Negative cost cycle.")
                    return False

                if v in pred_edge and pred_edge[v] == u:
                    last_edge[v] = last_edge[u]
                    last_edge[v] = (u, v)

                dist.update([(v, new_dist_v)])
                parent.update([(v, u)])

                if v not in q:

                    count_v = count.get(v, 0) + 1
                    if count_v == n_G:
                        print("Error: Negative cost cycle")
                        return False
                    count[v] = count_v
                    pred_edge[v] = u

    return dist, parent
if __name__ == '__main__':
    G = ox.graph_from_bbox(-22.796008,

    stop_points = [(-22.820204, -47.085525), (-22.825029, -47.068495),
                   (-22.824376, -47.070952), (-22.82503, -47.07410),
                   (-22.82504, -47.07730),
                   (-24.992554, -47.069115)]  # (-22.816008, -47.075614)]
    # fig1, ax1 = ox.plot_graph(G, node_size=5, edge_color='#333333', bgcolor='k')
    # Graph.save_graph_file(G, '../' + MAPS_DIRECTORY, 'test1')
    weigths = {
        (-22.816639, -47.074891): (50, 'Kg'),
        (-22.818317, -47.083415): (30, 'Kg'),
        (-22.820244, -47.085422): (15, 'Kg'),
        (-22.823953, -47.087718): (12, 'Kg')
    G, nodes_collect_and_coordinates, nodes_collect_and_weights = add_collect_points(
        G, stop_points, weigths)
    G = Graph.set_node_elevation(G, '../' + MAPS_DIRECTORY + '22S48_ZN.tif')
    G = Graph.edge_grades(G)
    Graph.save_graph_file(G, '../' + MAPS_DIRECTORY, 'test.graphml')
    # Graph.plot_graph(G)

    weight = Graph._weight(G, 'weight')
    distance, route = nx.bidirectional_dijkstra(G, 1000000002, 1000000011,