def execute(self): """This method gets called automatically by CmdLineTool, and is the core logic of the program.""" self.config = EngineConfig.EngineConfig(self.configDir(), self.installDir()) # check that process is owned by proper user; files will be owned by that user processOwner = osutil.getusername() dataDirOwner = osutil.ownerForPath(self.config.pgDataDir()) configuredOwner = self.config.tractorEngineOwner() if configuredOwner and processOwner != configuredOwner: raise DBControlToolError, "tractor-dbctl is configured to be run by %s; the owner of this process is %s." \ % (configuredOwner, processOwner) # check that engine owner owns the data directory if dataDirOwner != processOwner: raise DBControlToolError, "The database data dir %s is owned by %s; the owner of this process is %s." \ % (self.config.pgDataDir(), dataDirOwner, processOwner) if self.opts.status: self.status() elif self.opts.start: self.start() elif self.opts.stop: self.stop() elif self.opts.startForEngine: self.startForEngine() elif self.opts.stopForEngine: self.stopForEngine() elif self.opts.init: self.init() elif elif self.opts.destroy: self.destroy() elif self.opts.checkUpgrade: self.checkUpgrade() elif self.opts.upgrade: self.upgrade() elif self.opts.purgeJobs: self.purgeJobs() elif self.opts.purgeArchiveToYearMonth: self.purgeArchiveToYearMonth() elif self.opts.vacuum: self.vacuum() elif self.opts.backup: self.backup() elif self.opts.restore: self.restore() elif self.opts.purgeLogs: self.purgeLogs() elif self.opts.logsUsage: self.tailLog() elif self.opts.tailLog: self.tailLog() elif self.opts.showParams: self.showParams() elif self.opts.updateParams: self.updateParams() else: raise OptionParser.OptionParserError( "No operations were specified. Use --help for options.")
def sendmail(toaddrs, body, fromaddr=None, subject=None, replyto=None, multipart_alternative=True): """Sends an email to the addresses in toaddrs (can be a string if only one address is provided, otherwise must be a list).""" def adddomain(addrs): """appends the mail domain to each address if it isn't found.""" if type(addrs) is not type([]): addrs = [addrs] # add mail domain where needed result = [x for x in addrs if "@" in x] + \ ["%s@%s" % (x, maildomain) for x in addrs if "@" not in x] return result if not fromaddr: fromaddr = getusername() # append the maildomain if need be myfromaddr = adddomain(fromaddr)[0] if multipart_alternative: # multipart mail for mailers msg = MIMEMultipart("alternative") msg.attach(MIMEText(body)) msg.attach(MIMEText(htmlify(body), "html")) else: msg = MIMEText(body) # single part for txt msgs smsbody = body if len(smsbody) > MaxPagerMsgLen: smsbody = body[:MaxPagerMsgLen-3] + "..." smsmsg = MIMEText(smsbody) msg["From"] = myfromaddr smsmsg["From"] = myfromaddr # get a list of the to addresses mytoaddrs = adddomain(toaddrs) # split up the addresses into mailtoaddrs and pagers mailtoaddrs = [a for a in mytoaddrs if "-pager" not in a] pagers = [a for a in mytoaddrs if "pager" in a] msg["To"] = ", ".join(mailtoaddrs) smsmsg["To"] = ", ".join(pagers) # add the reply to address if replyto: msg["Reply-To"] = adddomain(replyto)[0] if subject: msg["Subject"] = subject smsmsg["Subject"] = subject mail = smtplib.SMTP(mailserver) if mailtoaddrs: mail.sendmail(myfromaddr, mailtoaddrs, msg.as_string()) if pagers: mail.sendmail(myfromaddr, pagers, smsmsg.as_string())
def execute(self): """This method gets called automatically by CmdLineTool, and is the core logic of the program.""" self.config = EngineConfig.EngineConfig(self.configDir(), self.installDir()) # check that process is owned by proper user; files will be owned by that user processOwner = osutil.getusername() dataDirOwner = osutil.ownerForPath(self.config.pgDataDir()) configuredOwner = self.config.tractorEngineOwner() if configuredOwner and processOwner != configuredOwner: raise DBControlToolError, "tractor-dbctl is configured to be run by %s; the owner of this process is %s." \ % (configuredOwner, processOwner) # check that engine owner owns the data directory if dataDirOwner != processOwner: raise DBControlToolError, "The database data dir %s is owned by %s; the owner of this process is %s." \ % (self.config.pgDataDir(), dataDirOwner, processOwner) if self.opts.status: self.status() elif self.opts.start: self.start() elif self.opts.stop: self.stop() elif self.opts.startForEngine: self.startForEngine() elif self.opts.stopForEngine: self.stopForEngine() elif self.opts.init: self.init() elif elif self.opts.destroy: self.destroy() elif self.opts.checkUpgrade: self.checkUpgrade() elif self.opts.upgrade: self.upgrade() elif self.opts.purgeJobs: self.purgeJobs() elif self.opts.purgeArchiveToYearMonth: self.purgeArchiveToYearMonth() elif self.opts.vacuum: self.vacuum() elif self.opts.backup: self.backup() elif self.opts.restore: self.restore() elif self.opts.purgeLogs: self.purgeLogs() elif self.opts.logsUsage: self.tailLog() elif self.opts.tailLog: self.tailLog() elif self.opts.showParams: self.showParams() elif self.opts.updateParams: self.updateParams() else: raise OptionParser.OptionParserError("No operations were specified. Use --help for options.")
def sendmail(toaddrs, body, fromaddr=None, subject=None, replyto=None, multipart_alternative=True): """Sends an email to the addresses in toaddrs (can be a string if only one address is provided, otherwise must be a list).""" def adddomain(addrs): """appends the mail domain to each address if it isn't found.""" if type(addrs) is not type([]): addrs = [addrs] # add mail domain where needed result = [x for x in addrs if "@" in x] + \ ["%s@%s" % (x, maildomain) for x in addrs if "@" not in x] return result if not fromaddr: fromaddr = getusername() # append the maildomain if need be myfromaddr = adddomain(fromaddr)[0] if multipart_alternative: # multipart mail for mailers msg = MIMEMultipart("alternative") msg.attach(MIMEText(body)) msg.attach(MIMEText(htmlify(body), "html")) else: msg = MIMEText(body) # single part for txt msgs smsbody = body if len(smsbody) > MaxPagerMsgLen: smsbody = body[:MaxPagerMsgLen - 3] + "..." smsmsg = MIMEText(smsbody) msg["From"] = myfromaddr smsmsg["From"] = myfromaddr # get a list of the to addresses mytoaddrs = adddomain(toaddrs) # split up the addresses into mailtoaddrs and pagers mailtoaddrs = [a for a in mytoaddrs if "-pager" not in a] pagers = [a for a in mytoaddrs if "pager" in a] msg["To"] = ", ".join(mailtoaddrs) smsmsg["To"] = ", ".join(pagers) # add the reply to address if replyto: msg["Reply-To"] = adddomain(replyto)[0] if subject: msg["Subject"] = subject smsmsg["Subject"] = subject mail = smtplib.SMTP(mailserver) if mailtoaddrs: mail.sendmail(myfromaddr, mailtoaddrs, msg.as_string()) if pagers: mail.sendmail(myfromaddr, pagers, smsmsg.as_string())