DIO = 19 CLK = 13 #STB = 06, 26 STB = 6 # instanciante my TMboards TM = TMBoards(DIO, CLK, STB, 0) TM.clearDisplay() # some LEDs manipulation TM.leds[0] = True # turn on led 0 (1st led of the 1st board) #TM.leds[12] = True # turn on led 12 (5th led of the 2nd board, since there is 8 leds per board) TM.segments[ 1] = '0' # display '0' on the display 1 (2nd 7-segment display of the 1st board) TM.segments[ 4] = '98.76' # display '9876' on the 7-segment display number 4, 5, 6 and 7 (the point is on segment 5) TM.segments[3, 1] = True # turn on the segment #1 of the 7-segment number 3 #TM.segments[8] = '01234567' #TM.leds = (True, False, True) # set the three first leds # while True: a = TM.getData(0) # b=TM.getData(1) TM.segments[0] = ''.join("%02d" % x for x in a) # TM.segments[8] = ''.join("%02d" % x for x in b) sleep(0.01)
waitLcd(1) # Mod if (os.path.getctime(configGet('domo', 'jsonFile', 'modPath')) > lastRefreshMod): logMsg(5, "Fichier mod modifié") lastRefreshMod=t if (lastHashMod != hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open(configGet('domo', 'jsonFile', 'modPath'), 'rb'))).hexdigest()): logMsg(4, "Fichier mod est différent (hash md5)") with open(configGet('domo', 'jsonFile', 'modPath')) as f4: JsonModRelay = json.load(f4) lastRefreshMod = refreshMod(JsonModRelay) lastHashMod = hashlib.md5(file_as_bytes(open(configGet('domo', 'jsonFile', 'modPath'), 'rb'))).hexdigest() waitLcd(1) # Gestion boutton (en attente de la lib ?) bouttonArray =TM.getData(0) idButton=0 for etatBoutton in bouttonArray: if (etatBoutton != 0): if (etatBoutton == 16): idButtonReal=idButton+4+1 else: idButtonReal=idButton+1 # Etat Suivant : modNow=JsonModRelay[str(idButtonReal)] if modNow == 0: modNext=1 elif modNow == 3: modNext=0 else: modNext=3