	def __init__(self, name, rpi_apscheduler, rpi_events, rpi_config, dbuff_rpififo=None):

		### Get the Dbx error event
		self._eventDbErr 	= rpi_events.eventErrList["DBXJob"]

		### Get the custom config parameters
		self._config = rpi_config

		### The FIFO buffer (deque)
		self.imageFIFO = rpififo.rpiFIFOClass([], self._config['list_size'])

		### Init base class
		super().__init__(name, rpi_apscheduler, rpi_events)
	def __init__(self, name, rpi_apscheduler, rpi_events, rpi_config, cam_rpififo=None):

		### Get the Dbx error event
		#self._eventDbErr 	= rpi_events.eventErrList["DBXJob"]

		### Get the custom config parameters
		self._config = rpi_config

		### Get FIFO buffer for images from the camera (deque)
		self._imageFIFO = cam_rpififo

		### The FIFO buffer for the uploaded images (deque)
		self.imageUpldFIFO = rpififo.rpiFIFOClass([], 576)
		self.imageUpldFIFO.crtSubDir = ''

		### Init base class
		super().__init__(name, rpi_apscheduler, rpi_events)