    def _solve_sbl_multicore_impl(self, index):
        Implementation of Lambertian Photometric stereo based on sparse regression (Sparse Bayesian learning)
        Satoshi Ikehata, David P. Wipf, Yasuyuki Matsushita, Kiyoharu Aizawa:
        Robust photometric stereo using sparse regression. CVPR 2012: 318-325

        :param index: an index of a measurement (row of M)
        :return: a row vector of surface normal at pixel index specified by "index"
        A = self.L.T
        b = np.array([self.M[index, :]]).T
        n = rpsnumerics.sparse_bayesian_learning(
            A, b)  # row vector of a surface normal at pixel "index"
        return n.ravel()
    def _solve_sbl(self):
        Lambertian Photometric stereo based on sparse regression (Sparse Bayesian learning)
        Satoshi Ikehata, David P. Wipf, Yasuyuki Matsushita, Kiyoharu Aizawa:
        Robust photometric stereo using sparse regression. CVPR 2012: 318-325

        :return: None

        Compute surface normal : numpy array of surface normal (p \times 3)
        A = self.L.T
        self.N = np.zeros((self.M.shape[0], 3))
        if self.foreground_ind is None:
            indices = range(self.M.shape[0])
            indices = self.foreground_ind

        for index in indices:
            b = np.array([self.M[index, :]]).T
            n = rpsnumerics.sparse_bayesian_learning(A, b)
            self.N[index, :] = n.ravel()
        self.N = normalize(self.N, axis=1)