# -*- coding: utf-8
import sys, os, math, numpy, argparse
import psycopg2 as ppg
import grass.script as g
from rpy2 import robjects as ro
from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr as rin
from progressbar import * 

r_base = rin('base')

class pgwrapper:
	def __init__(self,dbname, srid, host='localhost',user='',passwd=''):
		self.dbname = dbname			# Database name which connect to.
		self.srid = str(srid)			# Identifier of spatial reference system.
		self.host = host			# Host name (default is "localhost")
		self.user = user			# User name for login to the database.
		self.password = passwd			# Password for login to the database. 
		self.connection = self.setConnect()	# Set a onnection to the database
		self.cursor = self.setCursor()		# Generate cursor.

	def setConnect(self):
		conn = ppg.connect(
			"dbname='" + self.dbname + 
			"' user='******' host='" + self.host + 
			"' password='******'")
		return conn

	def tableExists(self, table):
		sql_exists = "SELECT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name='" + table + "')"