文件: builtin.py 项目: Dohxis/lever
def signature(*argtypes, **keywords):
    topc = argc = len(argtypes)
    argc -= keywords.get("optional", 0)
    variadic = keywords.get("variadic", False)
    argi = unroll.unrolling_iterable(range(argc))
    argj = unroll.unrolling_iterable(range(argc, topc))
    def signature_decorator(func):
        def fancy_frame(argv):
            args = ()
            L = len(argv)
            if L < argc or (L > topc and not variadic):
                raise space.unwind(space.LCallError(argc, topc, variadic, L))
            for i in argi:
                arg = argv[i]
                if isinstance(arg, argtypes[i]):
                    args += (arg,)
                    raise expectations_error(i, argtypes[i].interface.name)
            for j in argj:
                if j < L:
                    arg = argv[j]
                    if arg is null:
                        arg = None
                    elif not isinstance(arg, argtypes[j]):
                        raise expectations_error(j, argtypes[j].interface.name)
                    arg = None
                args += (arg,)
            if variadic:
                args += (argv[min(topc, L):],)
            return func(*args)
        fancy_frame.__name__ = func.__name__
        return fancy_frame
    return signature_decorator
def generate_fixed_immutable_subclass(n_storage):
    Generate `W_PointersObject` subclass with immutable storage of fixed size.

    :param n_storage: Number of storage slots.
    :returns: Immutable `W_PointersObject` subclass with fixed slots.
    storage_iter = unrolling_iterable(range(n_storage))
    cls_name = '%s_Immutable_%s' % (W_PointersObject.repr_classname, n_storage)

    class W_FixedImmutable_PointersObject(W_AbstractImmutable_PointersObject):
        """`W_PointersObject` subclass with immutable storage of fixed size."""
        _storages_ = [(STORAGE_ATTR_TEMPLATE % x) for x in storage_iter]
        _attrs_ = _storages_
        _immutable_fields_ = _storages_
        repr_classname = cls_name

        def __init__(self, space, w_cls, pointers_w):
            W_AbstractImmutable_PointersObject.__init__(self, space, w_cls)
            for x in storage_iter:
                setattr(self, STORAGE_ATTR_TEMPLATE % x, pointers_w[x])

        def size(self):
            return n_storage

        def fetch(self, space, n0):
            for x in storage_iter:
                if x == n0:
                    return getattr(self, STORAGE_ATTR_TEMPLATE % x)
            raise IndexError
            return self.storage[n0]

    W_FixedImmutable_PointersObject.__name__ = cls_name

    return W_FixedImmutable_PointersObject
文件: general.py 项目: vishesh/pycket
def make_list_eater(name):
    For generating car, cdr, caar, cadr, etc...
    spec     = name[1:-1]
    unrolled = unroll.unrolling_iterable(reversed(spec))

    contract = "pair?"

    for letter in spec[1::-1]:
        if letter == 'a':
            contract = "(cons/c %s any/c)" % contract
        elif letter == 'd':
            contract = "(cons/c any/c %s)" % contract
            assert False, "Bad list eater specification"

    @expose(name, [values.W_Object])
    def process_list(_lst):
        lst = _lst
        for letter in unrolled:
            if not isinstance(lst, values.W_Cons):
                raise SchemeException("%s: expected %s given %s" % (name, contract, _lst))
            if letter == 'a':
                lst = lst.car()
            elif letter == 'd':
                lst = lst.cdr()
                assert False, "Bad list eater specification"
        return lst
    process_list.__name__ = "do_" + name
    return process_list
    def inner(f):
        name = f.__name__.decode("utf-8")
        doc = f.__doc__.decode("utf-8") if f.__doc__ else None

        if singleAtom is None:
            arity = len(inspect.getargspec(f).args)
            theAtom = getAtom(name, arity)
            arity = singleAtom.arity
            theAtom = singleAtom
        unrolledArity = unrolling_iterable(range(arity))

        class runnableObject(Object):
            def toString(self):
                return u"<%s>" % name

            def auditorStamps(self):
                return _stamps

            def docString(self):
                return doc

            def respondingAtoms(self):
                return {theAtom: doc}

            def recv(self, atom, listArgs):
                if atom is theAtom:
                    args = ()
                    for i in unrolledArity:
                        args += (listArgs[i], )
                    return f(*args)
                    raise Refused(self, atom, listArgs)

        return runnableObject
def _make_arg_unwrapper(func, argstypes, funcname, has_self=False, simple=False):
    argtype_tuples = []
    min_arg = 0
    isdefault = False
    for i, typ in enumerate(argstypes):
        default_value = None
        if isinstance(typ, default):
            isdefault = True
            default_value = typ.default
            typ = typ.typ
            assert not isdefault, "non-default argument %s after default argument" % typ
            min_arg += 1
        unwrapper, errorname = typ.make_unwrapper()
        type_errormsg = "expected %s as argument %s to %s, got " % (
                            errorname, i, funcname)
        argtype_tuples.append((i, unwrapper, isdefault, default_value, type_errormsg))
    unroll_argtypes = unroll.unrolling_iterable(argtype_tuples)
    max_arity = len(argstypes)
    if min_arg == max_arity:
        aritystring = max_arity
        aritystring = "%s to %s" % (min_arg, max_arity)
    errormsg_arity = "expected %s arguments to %s, got " % (
        aritystring, funcname)
    if min_arg == max_arity and not has_self and min_arg in (1, 2) and simple:
        func_arg_unwrap, call1, call2 = make_direct_arg_unwrapper(
            func, min_arg, unroll_argtypes, errormsg_arity)
        func_arg_unwrap = make_list_arg_unwrapper(
            func, has_self, min_arg, max_arity, unroll_argtypes, errormsg_arity)
        call1 = call2 = None
    _arity = Arity(range(min_arg, max_arity+1), -1)
    return func_arg_unwrap, _arity, call1, call2
 def make_methods(size):
     attrs = ["_%s_%s" % (attrname, i) for i in range(size)]
     unrolling_enumerate_attrs = unrolling_iterable(enumerate(attrs))
     def _get_size_list(self):
         return size
     def _get_list(self, i):
         for j, attr in unrolling_enumerate_attrs:
             if j == i:
                 return getattr(self, attr)
         raise IndexError
     def _get_full_list(self):
         res = [None] * size
         for i, attr in unrolling_enumerate_attrs:
             res[i] = getattr(self, attr)
         return res
     def _set_list(self, i, val):
         for j, attr in unrolling_enumerate_attrs:
             if j == i:
                 setattr(self, attr, val)
         raise IndexError
     def _init(self, elems, *args):
         assert len(elems) == size
         for i, attr in unrolling_enumerate_attrs:
             setattr(self, attr, elems[i])
         cls.__init__(self, *args)
     meths = {"_get_list": _get_list, "_get_size_list": _get_size_list, "_get_full_list": _get_full_list, "_set_list": _set_list, "__init__" : _init}
     if immutable:
         meths["_immutable_fields_"] = attrs
     return meths
文件: util.py 项目: yws/pycket-1
    def wrapper(cls):
        This attempts to produce a method which will copy the immutable contents of
        a given data type from the '_immutable_fields_' annotation of the class.

        The methods employed here will only work for certain types of class
        specifications (i.e. only works if all the desired fields are present in the
        '_immutable_fields_' annotation of the class definition).
        The mutable fields of the class must be copied separately as well.
        field_names = []

        for base in inspect.getmro(cls):
            if base is object:
            fields = getattr(base, "_immutable_fields_", [])
            field_names.extend(map(strip_immutable_field_name, fields))

        field_names = unrolling_iterable(field_names)

        def copy(self):
            result = objectmodel.instantiate(cls)
            for attr in field_names:
                val = getattr(self, attr)
                setattr(result, attr, val)
            return result
        setattr(cls, copy_method, copy)
        return cls
def _generate_replace_method(cls):
    child_fields = unrolling_iterable(_get_all_child_fields(cls))

    def _replace_child_with(parent_node, old_child, new_child):
        was_replaced = False
        for child_slot in child_fields:
            if child_slot.endswith('[*]'):
                slot_name = child_slot[:-3]
                nodes = getattr(parent_node, slot_name)
                if nodes and old_child in nodes:
                    # update old list, because iterators might have a copy of it
                    for i, n in enumerate(nodes):
                        if n is old_child:
                            nodes[i] = new_child
                    setattr(parent_node, slot_name, nodes[:])  # TODO: figure out whether we need the copy of the list here
                    was_replaced = True
                current = getattr(parent_node, child_slot)
                if current is old_child:
                    setattr(parent_node, child_slot, new_child)
                    was_replaced = True
        # TODO: method recursion is a problem causing specialization more than
        #       once of a node if the containing method is already on the stack
        # if not was_replaced:
        #     raise ValueError("%s was not a direct child node of %s" % (
        #         old_child, parent_node))
        return new_child

    cls._replace_child_with = _replace_child_with
def make_execute_function(name, func):
    # Make a wrapper for 'func'.  The func is a simple bhimpl_xxx function
    # from the BlackholeInterpreter class.  The wrapper is a new function
    # that receives boxed values (but returns a non-boxed value).
    for argtype in func.argtypes:
        if argtype not in ('i', 'r', 'f', 'd', 'cpu'):
            return None
    if list(func.argtypes).count('d') > 1:
        return None
    argtypes = unrolling_iterable(func.argtypes)

    def do(cpu, _, *argboxes):
        newargs = ()
        for argtype in argtypes:
            if argtype == 'cpu':
                value = cpu
            elif argtype == 'd':
                value = argboxes[-1]
                assert isinstance(value, AbstractDescr)
                argboxes = argboxes[:-1]
                argbox = argboxes[0]
                argboxes = argboxes[1:]
                if argtype == 'i': value = argbox.getint()
                elif argtype == 'r': value = argbox.getref_base()
                elif argtype == 'f': value = argbox.getfloatstorage()
            newargs = newargs + (value, )
        assert not argboxes
        return func(*newargs)

    do.func_name = 'do_' + name
    return do
文件: rtuple.py 项目: charred/pypy
def gen_str_function(tuplerepr):
    items_r = tuplerepr.items_r
    str_funcs = [r_item.ll_str for r_item in items_r]
    key = tuplerepr.rstr_ll, tuple(str_funcs)
        return _gen_str_function_cache[key]
    except KeyError:
        autounrolling_funclist = unrolling_iterable(enumerate(str_funcs))

        constant = tuplerepr.rstr_ll.ll_constant
        start    = tuplerepr.rstr_ll.ll_build_start
        push     = tuplerepr.rstr_ll.ll_build_push
        finish   = tuplerepr.rstr_ll.ll_build_finish
        length = len(items_r)

        def ll_str(t):
            if length == 0:
                return constant("()")
            buf = start(2 * length + 1)
            push(buf, constant("("), 0)
            for i, str_func in autounrolling_funclist:
                attrname = 'item%d' % i
                item = getattr(t, attrname)
                if i > 0:
                    push(buf, constant(", "), 2 * i)
                push(buf, str_func(item), 2 * i + 1)
            if length == 1:
                push(buf, constant(",)"), 2 * length)
                push(buf, constant(")"), 2 * length)
            return finish(buf)

        _gen_str_function_cache[key] = ll_str
        return ll_str
 def side_effect_arguments(self):
     # if an item in array p0 is modified or a call contains an argument
     # it can modify it is returned in the destroyed list.
     args = []
     op = self.op
     if self.modifies_complex_object():
         for opnum, i, j in unrolling_iterable(MODIFY_COMPLEX_OBJ):
             if op.getopnum() == opnum:
                 op_args = op.getarglist()
                 if j == -1:
                     args.append((op.getarg(i), None, True))
                     for j in range(i+1,len(op_args)):
                         args.append((op.getarg(j), None, False))
                     args.append((op.getarg(i), op.getarg(j), True))
                     for x in range(j+1,len(op_args)):
                         args.append((op.getarg(x), None, False))
                 return args
     # assume this destroys every argument... can be enhanced by looking
     # at the effect info of a call for instance
     for arg in op.getarglist():
         # if it is a constant argument it cannot be destroyed.
         # neither can a box float be destroyed. BoxInt can
         # contain a reference thus it is assumed to be destroyed
         if arg.is_constant() or arg.type == 'f':
             args.append((arg, None, False))
             args.append((arg, None, True))
     return args
文件: expose.py 项目: vishesh/pycket
def _make_arg_unwrapper(func, argstypes, funcname, has_self=False, simple=False):
    argtype_tuples = []
    min_arg = 0
    isdefault = False
    for i, typ in enumerate(argstypes):
        default_value = None
        if isinstance(typ, default):
            isdefault = True
            default_value = typ.default
            typ = typ.typ
            assert not isdefault, "non-default argument %s after default argument" % typ
            min_arg += 1
        unwrapper, errorname = typ.make_unwrapper()
        type_errormsg = "expected %s as argument %s to %s, got " % (
                            errorname, i, funcname)
        argtype_tuples.append((i, unwrapper, isdefault, default_value, type_errormsg))
    unroll_argtypes = unroll.unrolling_iterable(argtype_tuples)
    max_arity = len(argstypes)
    if min_arg == max_arity:
        aritystring = max_arity
        aritystring = "%s to %s" % (min_arg, max_arity)
    errormsg_arity = "expected %s arguments to %s, got " % (
        aritystring, funcname)
    if min_arg == max_arity and not has_self and min_arg in (1, 2) and simple:
        func_arg_unwrap, call1, call2 = make_direct_arg_unwrapper(
            func, min_arg, unroll_argtypes, errormsg_arity)
        func_arg_unwrap = make_list_arg_unwrapper(
            func, has_self, min_arg, max_arity, unroll_argtypes, errormsg_arity)
        call1 = call2 = None
    _arity = Arity.oneof(*range(min_arg, max_arity+1))
    return func_arg_unwrap, _arity, call1, call2
    def test_unroll_ifs(self):
        operations = unrolling_iterable([
            operator.lt, operator.le, operator.eq, operator.ne, operator.gt,

        def accept(n):

        def f(x, y):
            for op in operations:
                if accept(op):
                    op(x, y)

        graph = self.codetest(f)
        ops = self.all_operations(graph)
        assert ops == {
            'simple_call': 6,
            'bool': 6,
            'lt': 1,
            'le': 1,
            'eq': 1,
            'ne': 1,
            'gt': 1,
            'ge': 1
def generate_call_class(n_arguments):

    arguments_iter = unrolling_iterable(range(n_arguments))

    class call_class(W_Call):
        _immutable_fields_ = [(ARG_ATTR_TEMPLATE % x) for x in arguments_iter]

        def _init_arguments(self, arguments):
            for x in arguments_iter:
                setattr(self, ARG_ATTR_TEMPLATE % x, arguments[x])

        def get_arguments(self):
            result = [None] * n_arguments
            for x in arguments_iter:
                result[x] = getattr(self, ARG_ATTR_TEMPLATE % x)
            return result

        def get_argument(self, index):
            for x in arguments_iter:
                if x == index:
                    return getattr(self, ARG_ATTR_TEMPLATE % x)
            raise IndexError

        def get_number_of_arguments(self):
            return n_arguments

    call_class.__name__ = call_class_name(n_arguments)
    return call_class
def _make_args_class(base, argnames):
    unroll_argnames = unroll.unrolling_iterable(enumerate(argnames))

    class Args(base):
        _attrs_ = _immutable_fields_ = argnames

        def _init_args(self, *args):
            for i, name in unroll_argnames:
                setattr(self, name, args[i])

        def _copy_args(self, other):
            for _, name in unroll_argnames:
                val = getattr(self, name)
                setattr(other, name, val)

        def _get_args(self):
            args = ()
            for i, name in unroll_argnames:
                args += (getattr(self, name), )
            return args

        def tostring(self):
            return "%s%s" % (self.__class__.__name__, len(self._get_args()))

    return Args
        def build(tag, constructor, pieces):
            ipieces = unrolling_iterable(enumerate(pieces + [['span', None]]))

            class Constructor(NT):
                _immutable_ = True
                _immutable_fields_ = (
                    ["_constructorTag", "span"] +
                    [freezeField(field, ty) for field, ty in pieces])

                _constructorTag = tag

                def __init__(self, *args):
                    for i, (piece, _) in ipieces:
                        setattr(self, piece, args[i])

                def asTree(self):
                    l = [constructor]
                    for i, (piece, ty) in ipieces:
                        if ty is None:
                            l.append(getattr(self, piece))
                        elif ty.endswith("*"):
                                [tryAsTree(x) for x in getattr(self, piece)])
                            l.append(tryAsTree(getattr(self, piece)))
                    return l

            Constructor.__name__ = name + "~" + constructor + str(increment())
            irAttrs[constructor] = Constructor
    def get_native_fmtstr(self, fmt):
        lenfmt = len(fmt)
        nat = False
        if lenfmt == 0:
            return None
        elif lenfmt == 1:
            format = fmt[0]  # fine!
        elif lenfmt == 2:
            if fmt[0] == '@':
                nat = True
                format = fmt[1]
                return None
            return None

        chars = [
            'c', 'b', 'B', 'h', 'H', 'i', 'I', 'l', 'L', 'q', 'Q', 'n', 'N',
            'f', 'd', '?', 'P'
        for c in unrolling_iterable(chars):
            if c == format:
                if nat:
                    return '@' + c
                    return c

        return None
 def wrapper(fn):
     if argtypes is None:
         wrapped = fn
         unroll_argtypes = unroll.unrolling_iterable(argtypes)
         def wrapped(otree, *etc):
             args_tuple = ()
             rest = otree
             for type_ in unroll_argtypes:
                 assert isinstance(rest, kt.Pair)
                 arg = rest.car
                 rest = rest.cdr
                 kt.check_type(arg, type_)
                 assert isinstance(arg, type_)
                 args_tuple += (arg,)
             assert kt.is_nil(rest)
             args_tuple += etc
             return fn(*args_tuple)
     if simple:
         comb = kt.SimplePrimitive(wrapped, name)
         comb = kt.Primitive(wrapped, name)
     if not operative:
         comb = kt.Applicative(comb)
     _exports[name] = comb
     return wrapped
    def _rebuild_action_dispatcher(self):
        periodic_actions = unrolling_iterable(self._periodic_actions)

        def action_dispatcher(ec, frame):
            # periodic actions (first reset the bytecode counter)
            for action in periodic_actions:
                action.perform(ec, frame)

            # nonperiodic actions
            action = self._fired_actions_first
            if action:
                # NB. in case there are several actions, we reset each
                # 'action._fired' to false only when we're about to call
                # 'action.perform()'.  This means that if
                # 'action.fire()' happens to be called any time before
                # the corresponding perform(), the fire() has no
                # effect---which is the effect we want, because
                # perform() will be called anyway.  All such pending
                # actions with _fired == True are still inside the old
                # chained list.  As soon as we reset _fired to False,
                # we also reset _next to None and we are ready for
                # another fire().
                while action is not None:
                    next_action = action._next
                    action._next = None
                    action._fired = False
                    action.perform(ec, frame)
                    action = next_action

        self.action_dispatcher = action_dispatcher
文件: executor.py 项目: cimarieta/usp
def make_execute_function(name, func):
    # Make a wrapper for 'func'.  The func is a simple bhimpl_xxx function
    # from the BlackholeInterpreter class.  The wrapper is a new function
    # that receives boxed values (but returns a non-boxed value).
    for argtype in func.argtypes:
        if argtype not in ('i', 'r', 'f', 'd', 'cpu'):
            return None
    if list(func.argtypes).count('d') > 1:
        return None
    argtypes = unrolling_iterable(func.argtypes)
    def do(cpu, _, *argboxes):
        newargs = ()
        for argtype in argtypes:
            if argtype == 'cpu':
                value = cpu
            elif argtype == 'd':
                value = argboxes[-1]
                assert isinstance(value, AbstractDescr)
                argboxes = argboxes[:-1]
                argbox = argboxes[0]
                argboxes = argboxes[1:]
                if argtype == 'i':   value = argbox.getint()
                elif argtype == 'r': value = argbox.getref_base()
                elif argtype == 'f': value = argbox.getfloatstorage()
            newargs = newargs + (value,)
        assert not argboxes
        return func(*newargs)
    do.func_name = 'do_' + name
    return do
 def wrapper(fn):
     if argtypes is None:
         wrapped = fn
         unroll_argtypes = unroll.unrolling_iterable(argtypes)
         def wrapped(otree, *etc):
             args_tuple = ()
             rest = otree
             for type_ in unroll_argtypes:
                 if isinstance(rest, kt.Pair):
                     arg = rest.car
                     rest = rest.cdr
                     kt.check_type(arg, type_)
                     if isinstance(arg, type_):
                         args_tuple += (arg,)
                         kt.signal_type_error(type_, arg)
             if kt.is_nil(rest):
                 args_tuple += etc
                 return fn(*args_tuple)
     if simple:
         comb = kt.SimplePrimitive(wrapped, name)
         comb = kt.Primitive(wrapped, name)
     if not operative:
         comb = kt.Applicative(comb)
     _exports[name] = comb
     return wrapped
    def _rebuild_action_dispatcher(self):
        periodic_actions = unrolling_iterable(self._periodic_actions)

        def action_dispatcher(ec, frame):
            # periodic actions (first reset the bytecode counter)
            for action in periodic_actions:
                action.perform(ec, frame)

            # nonperiodic actions
            list = self.fired_actions
            if list is not None:
                self.fired_actions = None
                # NB. in case there are several actions, we reset each
                # 'action._fired' to false only when we're about to call
                # 'action.perform()'.  This means that if
                # 'action.fire()' happens to be called any time before
                # the corresponding perform(), the fire() has no
                # effect---which is the effect we want, because
                # perform() will be called anyway.
                for action in list:
                    action._fired = False
                    action.perform(ec, frame)

        self.action_dispatcher = action_dispatcher
    def test_cutoff(self):
        py.test.skip("cutoff: disabled")
        from rpython.rlib.unroll import unrolling_iterable
        cutoff = 20
        attrs = unrolling_iterable(["s%s" % i for i in range(cutoff + 5)])

        class A(object):
            def __init__(self, y):
                for attr in attrs:
                    setattr(self, attr, y)
            def f(self):
                self.x = 1
                res = 0
                for attr in attrs:
                    res += getattr(self, attr)
                return res

        def h(flag):
            obj = A(flag)
            return obj.f()

        t, wa = self.translate(h, [int])
        wa.cutoff = cutoff
        hgraph = graphof(t, h)
        op_call_f = hgraph.startblock.operations[-1]

        # check that we fished the expected ops
        assert op_call_f.opname == "direct_call"
        assert op_call_f.args[0].value._obj._name == 'A.f'

        result = wa.analyze(op_call_f)
        assert result is top_set
文件: cont.py 项目: uternet/pycket
def _make_args_class(base, argnames):
    unroll_argnames = unroll.unrolling_iterable(enumerate(argnames))

    class Args(base):
        _immutable_fields_ = getattr(base, "_immutable_fields_", []) + argnames

        def _init_args(self, *args):
            for i, name in unroll_argnames:
                setattr(self, name, args[i])

        def _copy_args(self, other):
            for _, name in unroll_argnames:
                val = getattr(self, name)
                setattr(other, name, val)

        def _get_args(self):
            args = ()
            for i, name in unroll_argnames:
                args += (getattr(self, name),)
            return args

        def tostring(self):
            return "%s%s" % (self.__class__.__name__, len(self._get_args()))

    return Args
 def decorator(func):
     len_unwrap_spec = len(unwrap_spec)
     assert len_unwrap_spec == len(inspect.getargspec(func)[0]), "wrong number of arguments"
     unrolling_unwrap_spec = unrolling_iterable(enumerate(unwrap_spec))
     def wrapped(*c_arguments):
         assert len_unwrap_spec == len(c_arguments)
         args = ()
         if IProxy.trace_proxy.is_set():
             print 'Called InterpreterProxy >> %s' % func.func_name,
         assert IProxy.s_frame is not None and IProxy.space is not None and IProxy.interp is not None
             for i, spec in unrolling_unwrap_spec:
                 c_arg = c_arguments[i]
                 if spec is oop:
                     args += (IProxy.oop_to_object(c_arg), )
                 elif spec is str:
                     args += (rffi.charp2str(c_arg), )
                     args += (c_arg, )
             result = func(*args)
             if IProxy.trace_proxy.is_set():
                 print '\t-> %s' % result
             if result_type is oop:
                 assert isinstance(result, model.W_Object)
                 return IProxy.object_to_oop(result)
             elif result_type in (int, float):
                 assert isinstance(result, result_type)
                 return result
             elif result_type is bool:
                 assert isinstance(result, bool)
                 if result:
                     return 1
                     return 0
                 return result
         except error.PrimitiveFailedError:
             if IProxy.trace_proxy.is_set():
                 print '\t-> failed'
             from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import we_are_translated
             if not we_are_translated():
                 import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
             if mapping[result_type] is sqInt:
                 return 0
             elif mapping[result_type] is sqDouble:
                 return 0.0
             elif mapping[result_type] is sqIntArrayPtr:
                 return rffi.cast(sqIntArrayPtr, 0)
             elif mapping[result_type] is sqLong:
                 # XXX: how to return a long 0?
                 return 0
             elif mapping[result_type] is sqStr:
                 return rffi.cast(sqStr, "")
                 raise NotImplementedError(
                     "InterpreterProxy: unknown result_type %s" % (result_type, ))
     wrapped.func_name = "wrapped_ipf_" + func.func_name
     functions.append((func.func_name, f_ptr, wrapped))
     return wrapped
    def _rebuild_action_dispatcher(self):
        periodic_actions = unrolling_iterable(self._periodic_actions)

        def action_dispatcher(ec, frame):
            # periodic actions (first reset the bytecode counter)
            for action in periodic_actions:
                action.perform(ec, frame)

            # nonperiodic actions
            list = self.fired_actions
            if list is not None:
                self.fired_actions = None
                # NB. in case there are several actions, we reset each
                # 'action._fired' to false only when we're about to call
                # 'action.perform()'.  This means that if
                # 'action.fire()' happens to be called any time before
                # the corresponding perform(), the fire() has no
                # effect---which is the effect we want, because
                # perform() will be called anyway.
                for action in list:
                    action._fired = False
                    action.perform(ec, frame)

        self.action_dispatcher = action_dispatcher
 def side_effect_arguments(self):
     # if an item in array p0 is modified or a call contains an argument
     # it can modify it is returned in the destroyed list.
     args = []
     op = self.op
     if self.modifies_complex_object():
         for opnum, i, j in unrolling_iterable(MODIFY_COMPLEX_OBJ):
             if op.getopnum() == opnum:
                 op_args = op.getarglist()
                 if j == -1:
                     args.append((op.getarg(i), None, True))
                     for j in range(i+1,len(op_args)):
                         args.append((op.getarg(j), None, False))
                     args.append((op.getarg(i), op.getarg(j), True))
                     for x in range(j+1,len(op_args)):
                         args.append((op.getarg(x), None, False))
                 return args
     # assume this destroys every argument... can be enhanced by looking
     # at the effect info of a call for instance
     for arg in op.getarglist():
         # if it is a constant argument it cannot be destroyed.
         # neither can a box float be destroyed. BoxInt can
         # contain a reference thus it is assumed to be destroyed
         if arg.is_constant() or arg.type == 'f':
             args.append((arg, None, False))
             args.append((arg, None, True))
     return args
def generate_fixed_immutable_subclass(n_storage):
    Generate `W_PointersObject` subclass with immutable storage of fixed size.

    :param n_storage: Number of storage slots.
    :returns: Immutable `W_PointersObject` subclass with fixed slots.
    storage_iter = unrolling_iterable(range(n_storage))
    cls_name = '%s_Immutable_%s' % (W_PointersObject.repr_classname, n_storage)

    class W_FixedImmutable_PointersObject(W_AbstractImmutable_PointersObject):
        """`W_PointersObject` subclass with immutable storage of fixed size."""
        _storages_ = [(STORAGE_ATTR_TEMPLATE % x) for x in storage_iter]
        _attrs_ = _storages_
        _immutable_fields_ = _storages_
        repr_classname = cls_name

        def __init__(self, space, w_cls, pointers_w):
            W_AbstractImmutable_PointersObject.__init__(self, space, w_cls)
            for x in storage_iter:
                setattr(self, STORAGE_ATTR_TEMPLATE % x, pointers_w[x])

        def size(self):
            return n_storage

        def fetch(self, space, n0):
            for x in storage_iter:
                if x == n0:
                    return getattr(self, STORAGE_ATTR_TEMPLATE % x)
            raise IndexError
            return self.storage[n0]

    W_FixedImmutable_PointersObject.__name__ = cls_name

    return W_FixedImmutable_PointersObject
文件: rx86.py 项目: zielmicha/pypy
def insn(*encoding):
    def encode(mc, *args):
        rexbyte = 0
        if mc.WORD == 8:
            # compute the REX byte, if any
            for encode_step, arg, extra, rex_step in encoding_steps:
                if rex_step:
                    if arg is not None:
                        arg = args[arg - 1]
                    rexbyte |= rex_step(mc, arg, extra)
        args = (rexbyte, ) + args
        # emit the bytes of the instruction
        orbyte = 0
        for encode_step, arg, extra, rex_step in encoding_steps:
            if arg is not None:
                arg = args[arg]
            orbyte = encode_step(mc, arg, extra, orbyte)
        assert orbyte == 0

    encoding_steps = []
    for step in encoding:
        if isinstance(step, str):
            for c in step:
                encoding_steps.append((encode_char, None, ord(c), None))
            assert type(step) is tuple and len(step) == 4
    encoding_steps = unrolling_iterable(encoding_steps)
    return encode
 def decorator(func):
     len_unwrap_spec = len(unwrap_spec)
     assert len_unwrap_spec == len(inspect.getargspec(func)[0]), "wrong number of arguments"
     unrolling_unwrap_spec = unrolling_iterable(enumerate(unwrap_spec))
     def wrapped(*c_arguments):
         assert len_unwrap_spec == len(c_arguments)
         args = ()
         if IProxy.trace_proxy.is_set():
             print 'Called InterpreterProxy >> %s' % func.func_name,
         assert IProxy.s_frame is not None and IProxy.space is not None and IProxy.interp is not None
             for i, spec in unrolling_unwrap_spec:
                 c_arg = c_arguments[i]
                 if spec is oop:
                     args += (IProxy.oop_to_object(c_arg), )
                 elif spec is str:
                     args += (rffi.charp2str(c_arg), )
                     args += (c_arg, )
             result = func(*args)
             if IProxy.trace_proxy.is_set():
                 print '\t-> %s' % result
             if result_type is oop:
                 assert isinstance(result, model.W_Object)
                 return IProxy.object_to_oop(result)
             elif result_type in (int, float):
                 assert isinstance(result, result_type)
                 return result
             elif result_type is bool:
                 assert isinstance(result, bool)
                 if result:
                     return 1
                     return 0
                 return result
         except error.PrimitiveFailedError:
             if IProxy.trace_proxy.is_set():
                 print '\t-> failed'
             from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import we_are_translated
             if not we_are_translated():
                 import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
             if mapping[result_type] is sqInt:
                 return 0
             elif mapping[result_type] is sqDouble:
                 return 0.0
             elif mapping[result_type] is sqIntArrayPtr:
                 return rffi.cast(sqIntArrayPtr, 0)
             elif mapping[result_type] is sqLong:
                 # XXX: how to return a long 0?
                 return 0
             elif mapping[result_type] is sqStr:
                 return rffi.cast(sqStr, "")
                 raise NotImplementedError(
                     "InterpreterProxy: unknown result_type %s" % (result_type, ))
     wrapped.func_name = "wrapped_ipf_" + func.func_name
     functions.append((func.func_name, f_ptr, wrapped))
     return wrapped
文件: rx86.py 项目: Qointum/pypy
def insn(*encoding):
    def encode(mc, *args):
        rexbyte = 0
        if mc.WORD == 8:
            # compute the REX byte, if any
            for encode_step, arg, extra, rex_step in encoding_steps:
                if rex_step:
                    if arg is not None:
                        arg = args[arg-1]
                    rexbyte |= rex_step(mc, arg, extra)
        args = (rexbyte,) + args
        # emit the bytes of the instruction
        orbyte = 0
        for encode_step, arg, extra, rex_step in encoding_steps:
            if arg is not None:
                arg = args[arg]
            orbyte = encode_step(mc, arg, extra, orbyte)
        assert orbyte == 0

    encoding_steps = []
    for step in encoding:
        if isinstance(step, str):
            for c in step:
                encoding_steps.append((encode_char, None, ord(c), None))
            assert type(step) is tuple and len(step) == 4
    encoding_steps = unrolling_iterable(encoding_steps)
    return encode
def generate_class(cname, fname, n_args):
    from rpython.rlib.unroll import unrolling_iterable
    arg_iter = unrolling_iterable(range(n_args))
    parent = callables['Abstract', n_args]
    assert parent is not None
    signature = Signature.getsignature(fname, n_args)

    class specific_class(parent):
        if n_args == 0:

        def __init__(self, term_name, args, signature):
            parent._init_values(self, args)
            assert self.name() == term_name
            assert args is None or len(args) == n_args

        def name(self):
            return fname

        def signature(self):
            return signature

        def _make_new(self, name, signature):
            cls = specific_class
            return cls(name, None, signature)

    specific_class.__name__ = cname
    return specific_class
def make_int_packer(size, signed, _memo={}):
    key = size, signed
        return _memo[key]
    except KeyError:
    min, max, accept_method = min_max_acc_method(size, signed)
    if size > 1:
        plural = "s"
        plural = ""
    errormsg = "argument out of range for %d-byte%s integer format" % (size,
    unroll_revrange_size = unrolling_iterable(range(size-1, -1, -1))

    def pack_int(fmtiter):
        method = getattr(fmtiter, accept_method)
        value = method()
        if not min <= value <= max:
            raise StructError(errormsg)
        if fmtiter.bigendian:
            for i in unroll_revrange_size:
                x = (value >> (8*i)) & 0xff
            for i in unroll_revrange_size:
                fmtiter.result.append(chr(value & 0xff))
                value >>= 8

    _memo[key] = pack_int
    return pack_int
文件: rtuple.py 项目: juokaz/pypy
def gen_str_function(tuplerepr):
    items_r = tuplerepr.items_r
    key = tuple([r_item.ll_str for r_item in items_r])
        return _gen_str_function_cache[key]
    except KeyError:
        autounrolling_funclist = unrolling_iterable(enumerate(key))

        constant = LLHelpers.ll_constant
        start = LLHelpers.ll_build_start
        push = LLHelpers.ll_build_push
        finish = LLHelpers.ll_build_finish
        length = len(items_r)

        def ll_str(t):
            if length == 0:
                return constant("()")
            buf = start(2 * length + 1)
            push(buf, constant("("), 0)
            for i, str_func in autounrolling_funclist:
                attrname = 'item%d' % i
                item = getattr(t, attrname)
                if i > 0:
                    push(buf, constant(", "), 2 * i)
                push(buf, str_func(item), 2 * i + 1)
            if length == 1:
                push(buf, constant(",)"), 2 * length)
                push(buf, constant(")"), 2 * length)
            return finish(buf)

        _gen_str_function_cache[key] = ll_str
        return ll_str
def make_specialized_class(n):
    iter_n = unrolling_iterable(range(n))
    class cls(W_SmallTupleObject):

        def __init__(self, values):
            assert len(values) == n
            for i in iter_n:
                setattr(self, 'w_value%s' % i, values[i])

        def tolist(self):
            l = [None] * n
            for i in iter_n:
                l[i] = getattr(self, 'w_value%s' % i)
            return l

        # same source code, but builds and returns a resizable list
        getitems_copy = func_with_new_name(tolist, 'getitems_copy')

        def length(self):
            return n

        def getitem(self, index):
            for i in iter_n:
                if index == i:
                    return getattr(self,'w_value%s' % i)
            raise IndexError

        def setitem(self, index, w_item):
            for i in iter_n:
                if index == i:
                    setattr(self, 'w_value%s' % i, w_item)
            raise IndexError

        def eq(self, space, w_other):
            if n != w_other.length():
                return space.w_False
            for i in iter_n:
                item1 = getattr(self,'w_value%s' % i)
                item2 = w_other.getitem(i)
                if not space.eq_w(item1, item2):
                    return space.w_False
            return space.w_True

        def hash(self, space):
            mult = 1000003
            x = 0x345678
            z = n
            for i in iter_n:
                w_item = getattr(self, 'w_value%s' % i)
                y = space.int_w(space.hash(w_item))
                x = (x ^ y) * mult
                z -= 1
                mult += 82520 + z + z
            x += 97531
            return space.wrap(intmask(x))

    cls.__name__ = "W_SmallTupleObject%s" % n
    return cls
def _findall_call_oopspec():
    prefix = 'opt_call_stroruni_'
    result = []
    for name in dir(OptString):
        if name.startswith(prefix):
            value = getattr(EffectInfo, 'OS_' + name[len(prefix):])
            assert is_valid_int(value) and value != 0
            result.append((value, getattr(OptString, name)))
    return unrolling_iterable(result)
    def make_execute_token(self, *ARGS):
        """Build and return a function for executing the given JIT token.

        Each chunk of compiled code is represented by an integer "function id".
        We need to look up the id, build the necessary frame, and then call the
        helper function "jitInvoke" to execute the compiled function.
        #  This is mostly copied from llsupport/llmodel.py, but with changes
        #  to invoke the external javascript helper thingy.
        lst = [(i, history.getkind(ARG)[0]) for i, ARG in enumerate(ARGS)]
        kinds = unrolling_iterable(lst)

        def execute_token(executable_token, *args):
            clt = executable_token.compiled_loop_token
            assert isinstance(clt, CompiledLoopTokenASMJS)
            funcid = clt.func.compiled_funcid
            loopid = clt.compiled_loopid
            frame_info = clt.func.frame_info
            frame = self.gc_ll_descr.malloc_jitframe(frame_info)
            ll_frame = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, frame)
            locs = clt._ll_initial_locs
            if SANITYCHECK:
                assert len(locs) == len(args)
            if not self.translate_support_code:
                prev_interpreter = LLInterpreter.current_interpreter
                LLInterpreter.current_interpreter = self.debug_ll_interpreter
                # Store each argument into the frame.
                for i, kind in kinds:
                    arg = args[i]
                    num = locs[i]
                    if kind == history.INT:
                        self.set_int_value(ll_frame, num, arg)
                    elif kind == history.FLOAT:
                        self.set_float_value(ll_frame, num, arg)
                        assert kind == history.REF
                        self.set_ref_value(ll_frame, num, arg)
                llop.gc_writebarrier(lltype.Void, ll_frame)
                # Send the threadlocaladdr.
                if self.translate_support_code:
                    ll_tlref = llop.threadlocalref_addr(llmemory.Address)
                    ll_tlref = rffi.cast(llmemory.Address,
                # Invoke it via the helper.
                ll_frameadr = self.cast_ptr_to_int(ll_frame)
                ll_tladdr = self.cast_adr_to_int(ll_tlref)
                ll_frameadr = support.jitInvoke(funcid, ll_frameadr, ll_tladdr,
                ll_frame = self.cast_int_to_ptr(ll_frameadr, llmemory.GCREF)
                if not self.translate_support_code:
                    LLInterpreter.current_interpreter = prev_interpreter
            return ll_frame

        return execute_token
文件: api.py 项目: Darriall/pypy
def make_wrapper(space, callable, gil=None):
    names = callable.api_func.argnames
    argtypes_enum_ui = unrolling_iterable(enumerate(zip(callable.api_func.argtypes,
        [name.startswith("w_") for name in names])))
    fatal_value = callable.api_func.restype._defl()
    gil_acquire = (gil == "acquire" or gil == "around")
    gil_release = (gil == "release" or gil == "around")
    assert gil is None or gil_acquire or gil_release

    def wrapper(*args):
        from pypy.module.cpyext.pyobject import make_ref, from_ref
        from pypy.module.cpyext.pyobject import Reference
        # we hope that malloc removal removes the newtuple() that is
        # inserted exactly here by the varargs specializer
        if gil_acquire:
            after = rffi.aroundstate.after
            if after:
        rffi.stackcounter.stacks_counter += 1
        llop.gc_stack_bottom(lltype.Void)   # marker for trackgcroot.py
        retval = fatal_value
        boxed_args = ()
            if not we_are_translated() and DEBUG_WRAPPER:
                print >>sys.stderr, callable,
            assert len(args) == len(callable.api_func.argtypes)
            for i, (typ, is_wrapped) in argtypes_enum_ui:
                arg = args[i]
                if is_PyObject(typ) and is_wrapped:
                    if arg:
                        arg_conv = from_ref(space, rffi.cast(PyObject, arg))
                        arg_conv = None
                    arg_conv = arg
                boxed_args += (arg_conv, )
            state = space.fromcache(State)
                result = callable(space, *boxed_args)
                if not we_are_translated() and DEBUG_WRAPPER:
                    print >>sys.stderr, " DONE"
            except OperationError, e:
                failed = True
            except BaseException, e:
                failed = True
                if not we_are_translated():
                    message = repr(e)
                    import traceback
                    message = str(e)
文件: runner.py 项目: Darriall/pypy
    def make_execute_token(self, *ARGS):
        """Build and return a function for executing the given JIT token.

        Each chunk of compiled code is represented by an integer "function id".
        We need to look up the id, build the necessary frame, and then call the
        helper function "jitInvoke" to execute the compiled function.
        #  This is mostly copied from llsupport/llmodel.py, but with changes
        #  to invoke the external javascript helper thingy.
        lst = [(i, history.getkind(ARG)[0]) for i, ARG in enumerate(ARGS)]
        kinds = unrolling_iterable(lst)

        def execute_token(executable_token, *args):
            clt = executable_token.compiled_loop_token
            assert isinstance(clt, CompiledLoopTokenASMJS)
            funcid = clt.func.compiled_funcid
            loopid = clt.compiled_loopid
            frame_info = clt.func.frame_info
            frame = self.gc_ll_descr.malloc_jitframe(frame_info)
            ll_frame = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, frame)
            locs = clt._ll_initial_locs
            if SANITYCHECK:
                assert len(locs) == len(args)
            if not self.translate_support_code:
                prev_interpreter = LLInterpreter.current_interpreter
                LLInterpreter.current_interpreter = self.debug_ll_interpreter
                # Store each argument into the frame.
                for i, kind in kinds:
                    arg = args[i]
                    num = locs[i]
                    if kind == history.INT:
                        self.set_int_value(ll_frame, num, arg)
                    elif kind == history.FLOAT:
                        self.set_float_value(ll_frame, num, arg)
                        assert kind == history.REF
                        self.set_ref_value(ll_frame, num, arg)
                llop.gc_writebarrier(lltype.Void, ll_frame)
                # Send the threadlocaladdr.
                if self.translate_support_code:
                    ll_tlref = llop.threadlocalref_addr(
                    ll_tlref = rffi.cast(llmemory.Address,
                # Invoke it via the helper.
                ll_frameadr = self.cast_ptr_to_int(ll_frame)
                ll_tladdr = self.cast_adr_to_int(ll_tlref)
                ll_frameadr = support.jitInvoke(funcid, ll_frameadr, ll_tladdr, loopid)
                ll_frame = self.cast_int_to_ptr(ll_frameadr, llmemory.GCREF)
                if not self.translate_support_code:
                    LLInterpreter.current_interpreter = prev_interpreter
            return ll_frame

        return execute_token
def _findall_call_oopspec():
    prefix = 'opt_call_stroruni_'
    result = []
    for name in dir(OptString):
        if name.startswith(prefix):
            value = getattr(EffectInfo, 'OS_' + name[len(prefix):])
            assert is_valid_int(value) and value != 0
            result.append((value, getattr(OptString, name)))
    return unrolling_iterable(result)
    def make_execute_token(self, *ARGS):
        # The JIT backend must generate functions with the following
        # signature: it takes the jitframe and the threadlocal_addr
        # as arguments, and it returns the (possibly reallocated) jitframe.
        # The backend can optimize OS_THREADLOCALREF_GET calls to return a
        # field of this threadlocal_addr, but only if 'translate_support_code':
        # in untranslated tests, threadlocal_addr is a dummy container
        # for errno tests only.
        FUNCPTR = lltype.Ptr(
            lltype.FuncType([llmemory.GCREF, llmemory.Address],

        lst = [(i, history.getkind(ARG)[0]) for i, ARG in enumerate(ARGS)]
        kinds = unrolling_iterable(lst)

        def execute_token(executable_token, *args):
            clt = executable_token.compiled_loop_token
            assert len(args) == clt._debug_nbargs
            addr = executable_token._ll_function_addr
            func = rffi.cast(FUNCPTR, addr)
            #llop.debug_print(lltype.Void, ">>>> Entering", addr)
            frame_info = clt.frame_info
            frame = self.gc_ll_descr.malloc_jitframe(frame_info)
            ll_frame = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, frame)
            locs = executable_token.compiled_loop_token._ll_initial_locs
            prev_interpreter = None  # help flow space
            if not self.translate_support_code:
                prev_interpreter = LLInterpreter.current_interpreter
                LLInterpreter.current_interpreter = self.debug_ll_interpreter
                for i, kind in kinds:
                    arg = args[i]
                    num = locs[i]
                    if kind == history.INT:
                        self.set_int_value(ll_frame, num, arg)
                    elif kind == history.FLOAT:
                        self.set_float_value(ll_frame, num, arg)
                        assert kind == history.REF
                        self.set_ref_value(ll_frame, num, arg)
                if self.translate_support_code:
                    ll_threadlocal_addr = llop.threadlocalref_addr(
                    ll_threadlocal_addr = rffi.cast(
                        llmemory.Address, self._debug_errno_container)
                llop.gc_writebarrier(lltype.Void, ll_frame)
                ll_frame = func(ll_frame, ll_threadlocal_addr)
                if not self.translate_support_code:
                    LLInterpreter.current_interpreter = prev_interpreter
            #llop.debug_print(lltype.Void, "<<<< Back")
            return ll_frame

        return execute_token
文件: small_list.py 项目: rjnw/pycket
        def make_class(size):
            attrs = ["_%s_%s" % (attrname, i) for i in range(size)]
            unrolling_enumerate_attrs = unrolling_iterable(enumerate(attrs))

            def _get_size_list(self):
                return size
            def _get_list(self, i):
                for j, attr in unrolling_enumerate_attrs:
                    if j == i:
                        return getattr(self, attr)
                raise IndexError
            def _get_full_list(self):
                res = [None] * size
                for i, attr in unrolling_enumerate_attrs:
                    res[i] = getattr(self, attr)
                return res
            def _set_list(self, i, val):
                for j, attr in unrolling_enumerate_attrs:
                    if j == i:
                        if nonull:
                            assert val is not None
                        setattr(self, attr, val)
                raise IndexError
            def _init(self, elems, *args):
                assert len(elems) == size
                for i, attr in unrolling_enumerate_attrs:
                    val = elems[i]
                    if nonull:
                        assert val is not None
                    setattr(self, attr, elems[i])
                cls.__init__(self, *args)

            # Methods for the new class being built
            methods = {
                gettername     : _get_list,
                listsizename   : _get_size_list,
                listgettername : _get_full_list,
                settername     : _set_list,
                "__init__"     : _init,

            newcls = type(cls)("%sSize%s" % (cls.__name__, size), (cls, ), methods)

            if _immutable_:
                setattr(newcls, "_immutable_", True)
                newcls = add_clone_method(newcls)

            if immutable:
                setattr(newcls, "_immutable_fields_", attrs)
                newcls = add_clone_method(newcls)

            if "_attrs_" in cls.__dict__:
                setattr(newcls, "_attrs_", attrs)

            return newcls
    def test_unroll_setattrs(self):
        values_names = unrolling_iterable(enumerate(['a', 'b', 'c']))

        def f(x):
            for v, name in values_names:
                setattr(x, name, v)

        graph = self.codetest(f)
        ops = self.all_operations(graph)
        assert ops == {'setattr': 3}
    def test_unroll_setattrs(self):
        values_names = unrolling_iterable(enumerate(["a", "b", "c"]))

        def f(x):
            for v, name in values_names:
                setattr(x, name, v)

        graph = self.codetest(f)
        ops = self.all_operations(graph)
        assert ops == {"setattr": 3}
        def make_class(size):
            attrs = ["_%s_%s" % (attrname, i) for i in range(size)]
            unrolling_enumerate_attrs = unrolling_iterable(enumerate(attrs))

            def _get_size_list(self):
                return size
            def _get_list(self, i):
                for j, attr in unrolling_enumerate_attrs:
                    if j == i:
                        return getattr(self, attr)
                raise IndexError
            def _get_full_list(self):
                res = [None] * size
                for i, attr in unrolling_enumerate_attrs:
                    res[i] = getattr(self, attr)
                return res
            def _set_list(self, i, val):
                for j, attr in unrolling_enumerate_attrs:
                    if j == i:
                        if nonull:
                            assert val is not None
                        setattr(self, attr, val)
                raise IndexError
            def _init(self, elems, *args):
                assert len(elems) == size
                for i, attr in unrolling_enumerate_attrs:
                    val = elems[i]
                    if nonull:
                        assert val is not None
                    setattr(self, attr, elems[i])
                cls.__init__(self, *args)
            def _clone(self):
                # Allocate and fill in small list values
                result = objectmodel.instantiate(newcls)
                for _, attr in unrolling_enumerate_attrs:
                    value = getattr(self, attr)
                    setattr(result, attr, value)
                return result

            # Methods for the new class being built
            methods = {
                gettername          : _get_list,
                listsizename        : _get_size_list,
                listgettername      : _get_full_list,
                settername          : _set_list,
                "__init__"          : _init,
                "_clone_small_list" : _clone,

            if immutable:
                methods["_immutable_fields_"] = attrs

            newcls = type(cls)("%sSize%s" % (cls.__name__, size), (cls, ), methods)
            return newcls
文件: builtin.py 项目: Eirikur/lever
def signature(*argtypes, **keywords):
    topc = argc = len(argtypes)
    argc -= keywords.get("optional", 0)
    variadic = keywords.get("variadic", False)
    argi = unroll.unrolling_iterable(range(argc))
    argj = unroll.unrolling_iterable(range(argc, topc))

    def signature_decorator(func):
        def fancy_frame(argv):
            args = ()
            L = len(argv)
            if L < argc or (L > topc and not variadic):
                raise space.unwind(space.LCallError(argc, topc, variadic, L))
            for i in argi:
                arg = argv[i]
                if isinstance(arg, argtypes[i]):
                    args += (arg, )
                    args += (space.cast(arg, argtypes[i], u"arg:%d" % i), )
            for j in argj:
                if j < L:
                    arg = argv[j]
                    if arg is null:
                        arg = None
                    elif not isinstance(arg, argtypes[j]):
                        arg = space.cast(arg, argtypes[j], u"arg:%d" % j)
                    arg = None
                args += (arg, )
            if variadic:
                args += (argv[min(topc, L):], )
            return func(*args)

        fancy_frame.__name__ = func.__name__
        spec_table[fancy_frame] = spec_table[func] = (
            argc, topc - argc, variadic, list(inspect.getargspec(func)[0]),
            [t.interface for t in argtypes])
        source_table[fancy_frame] = source_table[func] = get_source_location(
        return fancy_frame

    return signature_decorator
    def decorator(func):
        if unwrap_spec is None:
            assert num_args is not None

            def wrapped(w_arguments):
                assert len(w_arguments) == num_args
                w_result = func(w_arguments)
                return w_result

            return wrapped

        # unwrap_spec not None.
        len_unwrap_spec = len(unwrap_spec)
        assert num_args is None or num_args == len_unwrap_spec
        actual_arglen = len(inspect.getargspec(func)[0])

        assert (len_unwrap_spec == actual_arglen), \
            "wrong number of unwrap arguments (%d for %d) in %r" % (
                len_unwrap_spec, actual_arglen, func)
        unrolling_unwrap_spec = unrolling_iterable(enumerate(unwrap_spec))

        def wrapped(w_arguments):
            assert len(w_arguments) == len_unwrap_spec
            args = ()
            for i, spec in unrolling_unwrap_spec:
                w_arg = w_arguments[i]
                if False: pass
                elif spec is generic:
                    assert isinstance(w_arg, model.W_Object)
                    args += (w_arg, )
                elif spec is int:
                    assert isinstance(w_arg, model.W_Integer)
                    args += (w_arg.value(), )
                elif spec is float:
                    assert isinstance(w_arg, model.W_Float)
                    args += (w_arg.value(), )
                elif spec is long:
                    assert isinstance(w_arg, model.W_Bignumber)
                    args += (w_arg.value(), )
                elif spec is str:
                    assert isinstance(w_arg, model.W_String)
                    args += (w_arg.value(), )
                elif spec is list:
                    assert isinstance(w_arg, model.W_Constructor)
                    t = w_arg.get_tag()
                    assert t.arity() == 2
                    args += (plist(w_arg), )
                    raise NotImplementedError("unknown unwrap_spec %s" %
                                              (spec, ))
            w_result = func(*args)
            return w_result

        return wrapped
文件: llmodel.py 项目: mozillazg/pypy
    def make_execute_token(self, *ARGS):
        # The JIT backend must generate functions with the following
        # signature: it takes the jitframe and the threadlocal_addr
        # as arguments, and it returns the (possibly reallocated) jitframe.
        # The backend can optimize OS_THREADLOCALREF_GET calls to return a
        # field of this threadlocal_addr, but only if 'translate_support_code':
        # in untranslated tests, threadlocal_addr is a dummy container
        # for errno tests only.
        FUNCPTR = lltype.Ptr(lltype.FuncType([llmemory.GCREF, llmemory.Address],

        lst = [(i, history.getkind(ARG)[0]) for i, ARG in enumerate(ARGS)]
        kinds = unrolling_iterable(lst)

        def execute_token(executable_token, *args):
            clt = executable_token.compiled_loop_token
            assert len(args) == clt._debug_nbargs
            addr = executable_token._ll_function_addr
            func = rffi.cast(FUNCPTR, addr)
            #llop.debug_print(lltype.Void, ">>>> Entering", addr)
            frame_info = clt.frame_info
            frame = self.gc_ll_descr.malloc_jitframe(frame_info)
            ll_frame = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, frame)
            locs = executable_token.compiled_loop_token._ll_initial_locs
            prev_interpreter = None   # help flow space
            if not self.translate_support_code:
                prev_interpreter = LLInterpreter.current_interpreter
                LLInterpreter.current_interpreter = self.debug_ll_interpreter
                for i, kind in kinds:
                    arg = args[i]
                    num = locs[i]
                    if kind == history.INT:
                        self.set_int_value(ll_frame, num, arg)
                    elif kind == history.FLOAT:
                        self.set_float_value(ll_frame, num, arg)
                        assert kind == history.REF
                        self.set_ref_value(ll_frame, num, arg)
                if self.translate_support_code:
                    ll_threadlocal_addr = llop.threadlocalref_addr(
                    ll_threadlocal_addr = rffi.cast(llmemory.Address,
                llop.gc_writebarrier(lltype.Void, ll_frame)
                ll_frame = func(ll_frame, ll_threadlocal_addr)
                if not self.translate_support_code:
                    LLInterpreter.current_interpreter = prev_interpreter
            #llop.debug_print(lltype.Void, "<<<< Back")
            return ll_frame
        return execute_token
    def test_unroll_twice(self):
        operations = unrolling_iterable([1, 2, 3])

        def f(x):
            for num1 in operations:
                for num2 in operations:
                    x = x + (num1 + num2)
            return x

        graph = self.codetest(f)
        ops = self.all_operations(graph)
        assert ops['add'] == 9
    def test_unroll_twice(self):
        operations = unrolling_iterable([1, 2, 3])

        def f(x):
            for num1 in operations:
                for num2 in operations:
                    x = x + (num1 + num2)
            return x

        graph = self.codetest(f)
        ops = self.all_operations(graph)
        assert ops["add"] == 9
    def test_unroller(self):
        l = unrolling_iterable(range(10))

        def f(tot):
            for v in l:
                tot += v
            return tot * 3

        assert f(0) == sum(l) * 3

        graph = self.codetest(f)
        ops = self.all_operations(graph)
        assert ops == {"inplace_add": 10, "mul": 1}
    def install_marshaller((tag, s_tuple)):
        def dump_tuple(buf, x):
            w_long(buf, len(x))
            for i, itemdumper in unroll_item_dumpers:
                itemdumper(buf, x[i])

        itemdumpers = [get_marshaller(s_item) for s_item in s_tuple.items]
        unroll_item_dumpers = unrolling_iterable(enumerate(itemdumpers))
        dumper_annotations = [get_dumper_annotation(itemdumper)
                              for itemdumper in itemdumpers]
        s_general_tuple = annmodel.SomeTuple(dumper_annotations)
        add_dumper(s_general_tuple, dump_tuple)
文件: nanopass.py 项目: dckc/typhon
        def build(constructor, pieces):
            ipieces = unrolling_iterable(enumerate(pieces))
            class Constructor(NT):
                _immutable_ = True
                _immutable_fields_ = [freezeField(field, ty)
                                      for field, ty in pieces]

                def __init__(self, *args):
                    for i, (piece, _) in ipieces:
                        setattr(self, piece, args[i])

            Constructor.__name__ = constructor + str(increment())
            irAttrs[constructor] = Constructor