def bleichenbacher_rsa_forge_sig(m):
	Requires e = 3

	# keypair
	pub, priv = rsa.rsa_keygen(1024, 3)

	print "M is '%s'" % m
	h = hashlib.sha1(m).digest()

	block = '\x00\x01\xff\x00' + rsa.ASN1_sha1_prefix + h

	# now add some garbage at the end to play with
	block += (128-len(block))*'\x00'

	# figure out the approximate cube root (since e = 3)
	block_as_num = long(binascii.hexlify(block), 16)
	print "Forged block to start with: ", repr(block)
	#print "as integer: ", block_as_num

	# closest cube root	
	forged_sig = approx_cube_root(block_as_num)+1
	next_cube = forged_sig ** 3

	print "Forged block: ", repr(rsa._tohex(next_cube))
	print "Forged signature: ", repr(forged_sig)

	# check the forged signature
	print "\nChecking forged signature: ", rsa.vuln_pkcs1_verify(pub, m, rsa._tohex(forged_sig))
def rsa_decrypt_with_parity(p):

	oracle, pub, priv = rsa_parity_oracle()

	n = pub[1]
	c = rsa.encrypt(pub, p)

	bs = bits(pub, priv, c, oracle)

	# binary search
	low, high = 0, n
	for b in bs:

		mid = low + (high-low)/2
		if b:
			high = mid
			low = mid

	print rsa._tohex(high)
def unpadded_msg_recovery_oracle():

	pub, oracle = get_rsa_unpadded_dec_oracle(1024)

	m = "Hello World!"
	print "M is '%s'" % m
	c = rsa.encrypt(pub, m)
	print "C is %d\n" % c

	# use the decryption oracle
	print "Using decryption oracle..."
	m2 = oracle(c)
	print "Decrypted '%s'\n" % m2

	print "Testing that decryption oracle will reject this ciphertext"
	print "Using decryption oracle..."
	m2 = oracle(c)

	# pick random S > 1 mod N such that S has a multiplicative inverse mod N
	print "\nSearching for suitable S > 1 mod N"
	E, N = pub
	S, S_inv = None, None
	while True:
		S = random.randint(2, N-1)
		if S == E:
		S_inv = rsa.invmod(S, N)
		if S_inv:

	print "Doing the attack with S == %d, S_inv == %d" % (S, S_inv)

	c_prime = (rsa.modexp(S, E, N) * c) % N
	print "Using decryption oracle..."
	m_prime = long(binascii.hexlify(oracle(c_prime)), 16)
	m2 = rsa._tohex(m_prime * S_inv % N)
	print "Messsage is '%s'" % m2