文件: convert_graz.py 项目: FFM/FFG
class Convert (object) :

        #  54  :  655 # nick == email vorn?
    person_dupes = \
        {  71  :   72
        , 140  :  460
        , 179  :  124
        , 267  :  322
        , 273  :  272 # probably same unnamed person, almost same nick
        , 276  :  272 # yet another dupe with almost same nick
        , 307  :  306
        , 314  :  311
        , 372  :  380 # same phone *and* password (!) different name (!)
        , 424  :  418
        , 440  :  838
        , 617  :  623
        , 669  : 1001 # same person?
        , 686  :  687
        , 708  :  707
        , 709  :  707
        , 718  :  860
        , 729  :  728
        , 741  :  740
        , 755  :  754
        , 776  :  301
        , 799  :  807
        , 820  :  359
        , 821  :  359
        , 831  :  836
        , 852  :  851
        , 892  :  706
        , 903  :  904
        , 973  :  544
        , 1005 : 1007

    person_ignore = dict.fromkeys \
        ((  11
         ,  15
         ,  41
         ,  42
         ,  62
         ,  63
         ,  64
         ,  66
         ,  70
         ,  93
         , 100
         , 106
         , 108
         , 112
         , 118
         , 123
         , 132
         , 136
         , 142
         , 172
         , 174
         , 177
         , 199
         , 209
         , 242
         , 244
         , 245
         , 254
         , 263
         , 266
         , 270
         , 287
         , 313
         , 320
         , 324
         , 338
         , 937
         # Lastname missing:
         ,  34
         ,  69
         , 107
         , 166
         , 168
         , 200
         , 251
         , 260
         , 323
         # Bogus, only initials etc, ignore if no node:
         , 102
         , 103
         , 185
         , 233
         , 299
         , 455
         , 530
         , 845
         , 872
         , 919
         , 955

    def __init__ (self, cmd, scope, debug = False) :
        self.anonymize = cmd.anonymize
        self.verbose   = cmd.verbose
        self.pers_exception = {}
        try :
            pf = open ('pers.csv', 'r')
            cr = csv.reader (pf, delimiter = ';')
            for line in cr :
                self.pers_exception [int (line [0])] = (line [1], line [2])
        except IOError :
            print ("WARN: Can't read additional person data")

        self.debug = debug
        if len (cmd.argv) > 0 :
            f  = open (cmd.argv [0])
        else :
            f = sys.stdin
        self.scope        = scope
        self.ffw          = self.scope.CNDB
        self.pap          = self.scope.GTW.OMP.PAP
        self.networks     = {}

        self.parser       = SQL_Parser (verbose = False, fix_double_encode = 1)
        self.parser.parse (f)
        self.contents     = self.parser.contents
        self.tables       = self.parser.tables
        self.dev_by_id    = {}
        self.ffw_node     = {}
        self.member_by_id = {}
        self.net_by_id    = {}
        self.nicknames    = {}
        self.nifin_by_id  = {}
        self.ntype_by_id  = {}
        self.node_by_id   = {}
        self.person_by_id = {}
        self.phone_ids    = {}
        self.node_pools   = {}
    # end def __init__

    def create (self) :
        self.fugru = self.pap.Adhoc_Group ("Funker Gruppe")
        if self.anonymize :
            self.fake_persons ()
        else :
            self.create_persons ()
        self.create_nettypes ()
        self.scope.commit ()
        self.create_nodes   ()
        self.scope.commit ()
        self.create_networks ()
        self.scope.commit ()
        self.create_devices ()
        self.scope.commit ()
        self.create_interfaces ()
        self.scope.commit ()
        self.create_dns_aliases ()
        self.scope.commit ()
    # end def create

    def create_devices (self) :
        # ignore snmp_ip and snmp_lastseen (only used by three nodes)
        secondary_nodes = {}
        dt = self.ffw.Net_Device_Type.instance (name = 'Generic', raw = True)
        for d in sorted (self.contents ['node'], key = lambda x : x.id) :
            if self.verbose :
                print ("INFO: Dev: %s Node: %s" % (d.id, d.location_id))
            node = None
            n = self.node_by_id.get (d.location_id)
            if n :
                if  (  d.person_id
                    and d.person_id != n.person_id
                    and d.person_id in self.person_by_id
                    ) :
                    if (d.person_id, n.id) in secondary_nodes :
                        node = secondary_nodes [(d.person_id, n.id)]
                        print \
                            ( "INFO: Device (node) %s, (loc) %s: "
                              "existing secondary node for d:%s/n:%s"
                            % (d.id, n.id, d.person_id, n.person_id)
                    else :
                        print \
                            ( "INFO: Device (node) %s, (loc) %s: "
                              "manufacturing secondary node for d:%s/n:%s"
                            % (d.id, n.id, d.person_id, n.person_id)
                        pn   = self.ffw_node.get (n.id)
                        mgr  = self.person_by_id.get (d.person_id)
                        txt  = 'Auto-created node (id: %s) for "%s"' \
                             % (d.location_id, n.name)
                        node = self.ffw.Node \
                            ( name        = '/'.join ((n.name, d.name))
                            , desc        = txt
                            , manager     = mgr
                            , raw         = True
                            , show_in_map = pn.show_in_map
                            , position    = pn.position
                        secondary_nodes [(d.person_id, n.id)] = node
                else :
                    node = self.ffw_node.get (d.location_id)
                    if not node :
                        print \
                            ( "WARN: Node (location) %s "
                              "for dev (node) %s missing" \
                            % (d.location_id, d.id)
            else :
                mgr  = self.person_by_id.get (d.person_id) or self.graz_admin
                node = self.ffw.Node \
                    ( name        = d.name
                    , desc        = 'Auto-created node (id: %s)' % d.location_id
                    , show_in_map = True
                    , manager     = mgr
                    , raw         = True
                print \
                    ( "INFO: Manufacturing Node (loc: %s) for dev (node) %s"
                    % (d.location_id, d.id)
            dev = self.ffw.Net_Device \
                ( left = dt
                , node = node
                , name = d.name
                , desc = d.comment
                , raw  = True
            self.set_creation (dev, d.time)
            self.dev_by_id [d.id] = dev
            if len (self.scope.uncommitted_changes) > 10 :
                self.scope.commit ()
    # end def create_devices

    def create_dns_aliases (self) :
        for dal in self.contents ['dnsalias'] :
            if dal.ip_id not in self.nifin_by_id :
                print \
                    ( 'WARN: ignoring dns_alias %s "%s" IP not found %s'
                    % (dal.id, dal.name, dal.ip_id)
            self.ffw.IP4_DNS_Alias \
                (left = self.nifin_by_id [dal.ip_id], name = dal.name)
            if len (self.scope.uncommitted_changes) > 10 :
                self.scope.commit ()
    # end def create_dns_aliases

    def create_interfaces (self) :
        for iface in self.contents ['ip'] :
            if iface.node_id not in self.dev_by_id :
                print \
                    ( "WARN: Ignoring IP %s %s: no device (node) %s"
                    % (iface.id, iface.ip, iface.node_id)
            dev = self.dev_by_id [iface.node_id]
            ip  = IP4_Address (iface.ip)
            # Originally in a /32 reserved network
            if ip in self.node_ips :
                nw = self.node_ips [ip]
                net = nw.reserve (ip)
                assert ip in net.net_address
                if iface.net_id not in nw.netids :
                    print \
                        ( "WARN: Referenced wrong network: %s %s"
                        % (iface.net_id, ip)
            else :
                net = self.net_by_id [iface.net_id]
            nw  = net.reserve (ip, owner = dev.node.owner)
            nif = self.ffw.Wired_Interface (left = dev, name = iface.name)
            nii = self.ffw.Net_Interface_in_IP4_Network \
                (nif, nw, mask_len = 32, name = iface.name)
            self.nifin_by_id [iface.id] = nii
            if len (self.scope.uncommitted_changes) > 10 :
                self.scope.commit ()
        for ip in self.node_ips :
            self.node_ips [ip].reserve_network ()
    # end def create_interfaces

    def create_nettypes (self) :
        """ Network ranges for reservation
        # Create all rfc1918 networks as top-level pools
        for net_ip in '', '', '' :
            ip   = IP4_Address (net_ip)
            nw   = self.ffw.IP4_Network (ip, owner = self.graz_admin)
            pool = self.ffw.IP4_Pool (name = 'RFC 1918 %s' % net_ip)
            self.ffw.IP4_Network_in_IP4_Pool (nw, pool)

        by_mask    = {}
        pool_by_id = {}
        # first group by netmask
        for nw in self.contents ['nettype'] :
            if not nw.comment :
                print ('WARN: Ignoring nettype %s "%s"' % (nw.id, nw.name))
            pool = pool_by_id [nw.id] = self.ffw.IP4_Pool (name = nw.name)
            if nw.name == 'GRAZ Client Subnet /29' :
                self.ffw.IP4_Pool_permits_Group \
                    (pool, self.fugru, node_quota = 29)
            netmask = None
            try :
                netmask = int (nw.name.split ('/') [-1])
            except ValueError :
            if netmask :
                pool.set (netmask_interval = (netmask,))
            for net_ip in nw.comment.split (',') :
                ip = IP4_Address (net_ip)
                if ip.mask not in by_mask :
                    by_mask [ip.mask] = []
                by_mask [ip.mask].append ((ip, nw.name, nw.id))
        typ = self.ffw.IP4_Network
        for mask in sorted (by_mask) :
            for ip, name, id in by_mask [mask] :
                if id not in self.ntype_by_id :
                    self.ntype_by_id [id] = []
                r = typ.query \
                    ( Q.net_address.CONTAINS (ip)
                    , ~ Q.electric
                    , sort_key = TFL.Sorted_By ("-net_address.mask_len")
                    ).first ()
                reserver = r.reserve if r else typ
                network  = reserver (ip, owner = self.graz_admin)
                self.ntype_by_id [id].append (network)
                self.ffw.IP4_Network_in_IP4_Pool (network, pool_by_id [id])
                if name :
                    network.set_raw (desc = name)
    # end def create_nettypes

    def create_networks (self) :
        self.node_ips     = {}
        ipdict            = {}
        self.ff_net_by_id = {}
        for net in self.contents ['net'] :
            self.ff_net_by_id [net.id] = net
            parents = self.ntype_by_id.get (net.nettype_id, [])
            node    = self.ffw_node.get (net.location_id)
            ip      = IP4_Address (net.netip, net.netmask)
            if parents and ip == parents [0].net_address :
                self.net_by_id [net.id] = parents [0]
            if node :
                owner = node.owner
            else :
                print \
                    ( "WARN: Network %s %s Location %s missing"
                    % (net.id, net.netip, net.location_id)
                owner = self.graz_admin
            parent = None
            for p in parents :
                if ip in p.net_address :
                    parent = p
            else :
                parent = None
                for ps in pyk.itervalues (self.ntype_by_id) :
                    for p in ps :
                        if ip in p.net_address :
                            parent = p
                            print ("Got parent in ntype_by_id: %s" % parent)
                else :
                    parent = self.ffw.IP4_Network.query \
                        ( Q.net_address.CONTAINS (ip)
                        , ~ Q.electric
                        , sort_key = TFL.Sorted_By ("-net_address.mask_len")
                        ).first ()
                    if parent :
                        print ("Got parent by network query: %s" % parent)
            ipdict [ip] = Network (self, ip, node, net.id, parent, owner)

        mask = 32
        while mask and ipdict :
            # Dict is modified during iteration, use keys ()
            for ip in ipdict.keys () :
                # already found via sibling or network still too big
                if ip.mask < mask or ip not in ipdict :
                assert ip.mask == mask
                nw = ipdict [ip]
                sib = next \
                    ( k for k in ip.parent.subnets (ip.mask)
                        if  ip.is_sibling (k)
                # Sibling has same node? -> join to bigger net
                # Only join networks that *have* a node
                if  (   sib in ipdict
                    and nw.node
                    and ipdict [sib].node == nw.node
                    ) :
                    nw.join (ipdict [sib])
                    del ipdict [ip]
                    del ipdict [sib]
                    ipdict [ip.parent] = nw
                else :
                    del ipdict [ip]
                    if nw.node and nw.ip.mask >= 24 :
                        # Don't reserve now, if allocated we don't want a pool
                        for i in nw.ip.subnets (32) :
                            self.node_ips [i] = nw
                    else :
                        nw.reserve_network ()
            if len (self.scope.uncommitted_changes) > 10 :
                self.scope.commit ()
            mask -= 1
    # end def create_networks

    def create_nodes (self) :
        x_start = 4080
        y_start = 4806
        x_lon   = 15.43844103813
        y_lat   = 47.07177327969
        dx_lon  = 50675.5176
        dy_lat  = 75505.521
        for n in sorted (self.contents ['location'], key = lambda x : x.id) :
            self.node_by_id [n.id] = n
            person_id = self.person_dupes.get (n.person_id, n.person_id)
            if person_id != 0 and person_id not in self.person_by_id :
                # should not happen now
                print ("WARN: Location %s owner %s missing" % (n.id, person_id))
            if person_id == 0 :
                person = self.graz_admin
            else :
                person = self.person_by_id [person_id]
            lat = lon = None
            if n.pixel_x is not None and n.pixel_y is not None :
                lon = "%f" % (x_lon + (n.pixel_x - x_start) / dx_lon)
                lat = "%f" % (y_lat + (n.pixel_y - y_start) / dy_lat)

            node = self.ffw.Node \
                ( name        = n.name
                , desc        = n.comment.strip () or None
                , show_in_map = not n.hidden
                , manager     = person
                , position    = dict (lat = lat, lon = lon)
                , raw         = True
            self.ffw_node [n.id] = node
            self.set_creation (node, n.time)
            if n.street :
                s = ' '.join (x for x in (n.street, n.streetnr) if x)
                adr = self.pap.Address.instance_or_new \
                    ( street  = s
                    , zip     = '8010'
                    , city    = 'Graz'
                    , country = 'Austria'
                    , raw     = True
                node.set (address = adr)
            if n.gallery_link :
                MOM = self.scope.MOM
                abs = 'http://gallery.funkfeuer.at/v/Graz/Knoten/%s/'
                if n.gallery_link.startswith ('http') :
                    abs = "%s"
                url = MOM.Document \
                    (node, url = abs % n.gallery_link, type = 'Gallery')
            if len (self.scope.uncommitted_changes) > 10 :
                self.scope.commit ()
    # end def create_nodes

    def fake_persons (self) :
        self.graz_admin = self.pap.Person \
            ( first_name = 'Graz'
            , last_name  = 'Admin'
            , raw        = True
        mail  = '*****@*****.**'
        email = self.pap.Email (address = mail)
        self.pap.Person_has_Email (self.graz_admin, email)
        auth = self.scope.Auth.Account.create_new_account_x \
            ( mail
            , enabled   = True
            , suspended = True
            , password  = uuid.uuid4 ().hex
        self.pap.Person_has_Account (self.graz_admin, auth)
        for m in sorted (self.contents ['person'], key = lambda x : x.id) :
            self.person_by_id [m.id] = self.graz_admin
    # end def fake_persons

    def create_persons (self) :
        for m in sorted (self.contents ['person'], key = lambda x : x.id) :
            #print ("%s: %r %r" % (m.id, m.firstname, m.lastname))
            if m.id in self.person_ignore :
                print ("INFO: Ignoring anonymous without location: %s" % m.id)
            if m.id in self.pers_exception :
                pe = self.pers_exception [m.id]
                fn, ln = (pyk.decoded (x, 'utf-8') for x in pe)
            else :
                fn = m.firstname.strip ()
                ln = m.lastname.strip ()
            self.member_by_id [m.id] = m
            if m.id in self.person_dupes :
                print ("INFO: Duplicate person: %s" % m.id)
            if not fn or not ln :
                print \
                    ( "WARN: name missing: %s (%r/%r)"
                    % (m.id, m.firstname, m.lastname)
                    , file = sys.stderr
                if not fn and not ln :
                    if m.nick :
                        fn = m.nick
                    else :
                        fn = m.email.split ('@') [0]
                fn = fn or '?'
                ln = ln or '?'
            print ("Person: %s %r/%r" % (m.id, fn, ln))
            person = self.pap.Person \
                ( first_name = fn
                , last_name  = ln
                , raw        = True
            self.pap.Person_in_Group (person, self.fugru)
            self.person_by_id [m.id] = person
            if m.nick :
                self.try_insert_nick (m.nick, m.id, person)
            if m.email :
                mail  = m.email.replace ('[at]', '@')
                email = self.pap.Email (address = mail)
                self.pap.Person_has_Email (person, email)
                if m.email == '*****@*****.**' :
                    g = self.pap.Adhoc_Group ('Admin Group Graz')
                    self.pap.Person_in_Group (person, g)
                    self.graz_admin = g
                auth = self.scope.Auth.Account.create_new_account_x \
                    ( mail
                    , enabled   = True
                    , suspended = True
                    , password  = uuid.uuid4 ().hex
                self.pap.Person_has_Account (person, auth)
            if m.tel :
                self.try_insert_phone (m.tel, m.id, person)
            if len (self.scope.uncommitted_changes) > 10 :
                self.scope.commit ()
        # get data from dupes
        for d_id, m_id in pyk.iteritems (self.person_dupes) :
            # older version of db or dupe removed:
            if d_id not in self.member_by_id or m_id not in self.person_by_id :
            d = self.member_by_id [d_id]
            m = self.member_by_id [m_id]
            person = self.person_by_id [m_id]
            if d.email :
                email = self.pap.Email (address = d.email)
                self.pap.Person_has_Email (person, email)
            if d.nick :
                self.try_insert_nick (d.nick, m_id, person)
            if d.tel :
                self.try_insert_phone (d.tel, m_id, person)
            if len (self.scope.uncommitted_changes) > 10 :
                self.scope.commit ()
    # end def create_persons

    def set_creation (self, obj, create_time) :
        if not create_time :
        if not isinstance (create_time, datetime) :
            create_time = datetime (* create_time.timetuple () [:3])
        create_time = make_naive (create_time)
        self.scope.ems.convert_creation_change (obj.pid, c_time = create_time)
    # end def set_creation

    def try_insert_phone (self, tel, id, person) :
        if tel.startswith ('+430659') :
            tel = '+43650' + tel [6:]
        p = Phone (tel, city = "Graz")
        if p :
            k = str (p)
            t = self.pap.Phone.instance (*p)
            if t :
                eid = self.phone_ids [k]
                prs = self.person_by_id [eid]
                if eid != id :
                    print \
                        ( "WARN: %s/%s %s/%s: Duplicate Phone: %s"
                        % (eid, prs.pid, id, person.pid, tel)
            else :
                self.phone_ids [k] = id
                phone = self.pap.Phone (*p)
                self.pap.Person_has_Phone (person, phone)
    # end def try_insert_phone

    def try_insert_nick (self, nick, id, person) :
        lnick = nick.lower ()
        if lnick in self.nicknames :
            eid = self.nicknames [lnick]
            prs = self.person_by_id [eid]
            if eid != id :
                print \
                    ( "WARN: %s/%s %s/%s Duplicate Nickname: %s"
                    % (eid, prs.pid, id, person.pid, nick)
        else :
            n = self.pap.Nickname (nick, raw = True)
            self.pap.Person_has_Nickname (person, n)
            self.nicknames [lnick] = id
class Convert(object):

    #  54 : 655 # nick == email vorn?
    person_dupes = \
        {  71 :  72
        , 140 : 460
        , 179 : 124
        , 267 : 322
        , 273 : 272 # probably same unnamed person, almost same nick
        , 276 : 272 # yet another dupe with almost same nick
        , 307 : 306
        , 314 : 311
        , 372 : 380 # same phone *and* password (!) different name (!)
        , 424 : 418
        , 440 : 838
        , 617 : 623
        , 669 : 1001 # same person?
        , 686 : 687
        , 708 : 707
        , 709 : 707
        , 718 : 860
        , 729 : 728
        , 741 : 740
        , 755 : 754
        , 776 : 301
        , 799 : 807
        , 820 : 359
        , 821 : 359
        , 831 : 836
        , 852 : 851
        , 892 : 706
        , 903 : 904
        , 973 : 544

    person_ignore = dict.fromkeys \
        ((  11
         ,  15
         ,  41
         ,  42
         ,  62
         ,  63
         ,  64
         ,  66
         ,  70
         ,  93
         , 100
         , 106
         , 108
         , 112
         , 118
         , 123
         , 132
         , 136
         , 142
         , 172
         , 174
         , 177
         , 199
         , 209
         , 242
         , 244
         , 245
         , 254
         , 263
         , 266
         , 270
         , 287
         , 313
         , 320
         , 324
         , 338
         , 937
         # Lastname missing:
         ,  34
         ,  69
         , 107
         , 166
         , 168
         , 200
         , 251
         , 260
         , 323
         # Bogus, only initials etc, ignore if no node:
         , 102
         , 103
         , 185
         , 233
         , 299
         , 455
         , 530
         , 845
         , 872
         , 919
         , 955

    def __init__(self, cmd, scope, debug=False):
        self.anonymize = cmd.anonymize
        self.verbose = cmd.verbose
        self.pers_exception = {}
            pf = open('pers.csv', 'r')
            cr = csv.reader(pf, delimiter=';')
            for line in cr:
                self.pers_exception[int(line[0])] = (line[1], line[2])
        except IOError:
            print "WARN: Can't read additional person data"

        self.debug = debug
        if len(cmd.argv) > 0:
            f = open(cmd.argv[0])
            f = sys.stdin
        self.scope = scope
        self.ffm = self.scope.FFM
        self.pap = self.scope.GTW.OMP.PAP
        self.networks = {}

        self.parser = SQL_Parser(verbose=False, fix_double_encode=1)
        self.contents = self.parser.contents
        self.tables = self.parser.tables
        self.dev_by_id = {}
        self.ffm_node = {}
        self.member_by_id = {}
        self.net_by_id = {}
        self.nicknames = {}
        self.nifin_by_id = {}
        self.ntype_by_id = {}
        self.node_by_id = {}
        self.person_by_id = {}
        self.phone_ids = {}

    # end def __init__

    def create(self):
        if self.anonymize:

    # end def create

    def create_devices(self):
        # ignore snmp_ip and snmp_lastseen (only used by three nodes)
        dt = self.ffm.Net_Device_Type.instance(name='Generic', raw=True)
        for d in sorted(self.contents['node'], key=lambda x: x.id):
            if self.verbose:
                print "INFO: Dev: %s Node: %s" % (d.id, d.location_id)
            node = None
            n = self.node_by_id.get(d.location_id)
            if n:
                if d.person_id and d.person_id != n.person_id:
                    print \
                        ( "WARN: Device (node) %s, (loc) %s: "
                          "person mismatch d:%s n:%s"
                        % (d.id, n.id, d.person_id, n.person_id)
                node = self.ffm_node.get(d.location_id)
                if not node:
                    print "WARN: Node (location) %s for dev (node) %s missing" \
                        % (d.location_id, d.id)
                mgr = self.person_by_id.get(d.person_id) or self.graz_admin
                node = self.ffm.Node \
                    ( name        = d.name
                    , desc        = 'Auto-created node (id: %s)' % d.location_id
                    , show_in_map = True
                    , manager     = mgr
                    , raw         = True
                print "WARN: Manufacturing Node (loc: %s) for dev (node) %s" \
                    % (d.location_id, d.id)
            dev = self.ffm.Net_Device \
                ( left = dt
                , node = node
                , name = d.name
                , desc = d.comment
                , raw  = True
            self.set_creation(dev, d.time)
            self.dev_by_id[d.id] = dev
            if len(self.scope.uncommitted_changes) > 10:

    # end def create_devices

    def create_dns_aliases(self):
        for dal in self.contents['dnsalias']:
            if dal.ip_id not in self.nifin_by_id:
                print 'WARN: ignoring dns_alias %s "%s" IP not found %s' \
                    % (dal.id, dal.name, dal.ip_id)
            self.ffm.IP4_DNS_Alias \
                (left = self.nifin_by_id [dal.ip_id], name = dal.name)
            if len(self.scope.uncommitted_changes) > 10:

    # end def create_dns_aliases

    def create_interfaces(self):
        for iface in self.contents['ip']:
            if iface.node_id not in self.dev_by_id:
                print "WARN: Ignoring IP %s %s: no device (node) %s" \
                    % (iface.id, iface.ip, iface.node_id)
            dev = self.dev_by_id[iface.node_id]
            net = self.net_by_id[iface.net_id]
            ip = IP4_Address(iface.ip)
            if ip not in net.net_address:
                parent = self.ffm.IP4_Network.query \
                    ( Q.net_address.CONTAINS (ip)
                    , ~ Q.electric
                    , sort_key = TFL.Sorted_By ("-net_address.mask_len")
                    ).first ()
                print "WARN: IP %s %s not in net %s %s found %s" \
                    % ( iface.id
                      , iface.ip
                      , iface.net_id
                      , net.net_address
                      , parent.net_address
                net = parent
            nw = net.reserve(ip, owner=dev.node.owner)
            nif = self.ffm.Wired_Interface(left=dev, name=iface.name)
            nii = self.ffm.Net_Interface_in_IP4_Network \
                (nif, nw, mask_len = 32, name = iface.name)
            self.nifin_by_id[iface.id] = nii
            if len(self.scope.uncommitted_changes) > 10:

    # end def create_interfaces

    def create_nettypes(self):
        """ Network ranges for reservation
        by_mask = {}
        # first group by netmask
        for nw in self.contents['nettype']:
            if not nw.comment:
                print 'WARN: Ignoring nettype %s "%s"' % (nw.id, nw.name)
            for net_ip in nw.comment.split(','):
                ip = IP4_Address(net_ip)
                if ip.mask not in by_mask:
                    by_mask[ip.mask] = []
                by_mask[ip.mask].append((ip, nw.name, nw.id))
        typ = self.ffm.IP4_Network
        for mask in sorted(by_mask):
            for ip, name, id in by_mask[mask]:
                if id not in self.ntype_by_id:
                    self.ntype_by_id[id] = []
                r = typ.query \
                    ( Q.net_address.CONTAINS (ip)
                    , ~ Q.electric
                    , sort_key = TFL.Sorted_By ("-net_address.mask_len")
                    ).first ()
                reserver = r.reserve if r else typ
                network = reserver(ip, owner=self.graz_admin)
                if name:

    # end def create_nettypes

    def create_networks(self):
        for net in self.contents['net']:
            parents = self.ntype_by_id.get(net.nettype_id, [])
            node = self.ffm_node.get(net.location_id)
            ip = IP4_Address(net.netip, net.netmask)
            if node:
                owner = node.owner
                print "WARN: Network %s %s Location %s missing" \
                    % (net.id, net.netip, net.location_id)
                owner = self.graz_admin
            parent = None
            for p in parents:
                if ip in p.net_address:
                    parent = p
                parent = None
                for ps in self.ntype_by_id.itervalues():
                    for p in ps:
                        if ip in p.net_address:
                            parent = p
                            print "Got parent in ntype_by_id: %s" % parent
                    parent = self.ffm.IP4_Network.query \
                        ( Q.net_address.CONTAINS (ip)
                        , ~ Q.electric
                        , sort_key = TFL.Sorted_By ("-net_address.mask_len")
                        ).first ()
                    if parent:
                        print "Got parent by network query: %s" % parent
            if parent:
                reserver = parent.reserve
                print "WARN: No parent: new network: %s" % ip
                reserver = self.ffm.IP4_Network
            network = reserver(ip, owner=owner)
            self.net_by_id[net.id] = network
            if node:
                pool = self.ffm.IP4_Pool(left=network, node=node)
            if net.comment:
            if len(self.scope.uncommitted_changes) > 10:

    # end def create_networks

    def create_nodes(self):
        x_start = 4080
        y_start = 4806
        x_lon = 15.43844103813
        y_lat = 47.07177327969
        dx_lon = 50675.5176
        dy_lat = 75505.521
        for n in sorted(self.contents['location'], key=lambda x: x.id):
            self.node_by_id[n.id] = n
            person_id = self.person_dupes.get(n.person_id, n.person_id)
            if person_id != 0 and person_id not in self.person_by_id:
                # should not happen now
                print "WARN: Location %s owner %s missing" % (n.id, person_id)
            if person_id == 0:
                person = self.graz_admin
                person = self.person_by_id[person_id]
            lat = lon = None
            if n.pixel_x is not None and n.pixel_y is not None:
                lon = "%f" % (x_lon + (n.pixel_x - x_start) / dx_lon)
                lat = "%f" % (y_lat + (n.pixel_y - y_start) / dy_lat)

            node = self.ffm.Node \
                ( name        = n.name
                , desc        = n.comment.strip () or None
                , show_in_map = not n.hidden
                , manager     = person
                , position    = dict (lat = lat, lon = lon)
                , raw         = True
            self.ffm_node[n.id] = node
            self.set_creation(node, n.time)
            if n.street:
                s = ' '.join(x for x in (n.street, n.streetnr) if x)
                adr = self.pap.Address.instance_or_new \
                    ( street = s
                    , zip    = '8010'
                    , city   = 'Graz'
                    , country = 'Austria'
            if n.gallery_link:
                MOM = self.scope.MOM
                abs = 'http://gallery.funkfeuer.at/v/Graz/Knoten/%s/'
                if n.gallery_link.startswith('http'):
                    abs = "%s"
                url = MOM.Document \
                    (node, url = abs % n.gallery_link, type = 'Gallery')
            if len(self.scope.uncommitted_changes) > 10:

    # end def create_nodes

    def fake_persons(self):
        self.graz_admin = self.pap.Person \
            ( first_name = 'Graz'
            , last_name  = 'Admin'
            , raw        = True
        mail = '*****@*****.**'
        email = self.pap.Email(address=mail)
        self.pap.Person_has_Email(self.graz_admin, email)
        auth = self.scope.Auth.Account.create_new_account_x \
            ( mail
            , enabled   = True
            , suspended = True
            , password  = uuid.uuid4 ().hex
        self.pap.Person_has_Account(self.graz_admin, auth)
        for m in sorted(self.contents['person'], key=lambda x: x.id):
            self.person_by_id[m.id] = self.graz_admin

    # end def fake_persons

    def create_persons(self):
        for m in sorted(self.contents['person'], key=lambda x: x.id):
            #print "%s: %r %r" % (m.id, m.firstname, m.lastname)
            if m.id in self.person_ignore:
                print "INFO: Ignoring anonymous without location: %s" % m.id
            if m.id in self.pers_exception:
                pe = self.pers_exception[m.id]
                fn, ln = (x.decode('utf-8') for x in pe)
                fn = m.firstname.strip()
                ln = m.lastname.strip()
            self.member_by_id[m.id] = m
            if m.id in self.person_dupes:
                print "INFO: Duplicate person: %s" % m.id
            if not fn or not ln:
                print >> sys.stderr, "WARN: name missing: %s (%r/%r)" \
                    % (m.id, m.firstname, m.lastname)
                if not fn and not ln:
                    if m.nick:
                        fn = m.nick
                        fn = m.email.split('@')[0]
                fn = fn or '?'
                ln = ln or '?'
            print "Person: %s %r/%r" % (m.id, fn, ln)
            person = self.pap.Person \
                ( first_name = fn
                , last_name  = ln
                , raw        = True
            self.person_by_id[m.id] = person
            if m.nick:
                self.try_insert_nick(m.nick, m.id, person)
            if m.email:
                mail = m.email.replace('[at]', '@')
                email = self.pap.Email(address=mail)
                self.pap.Person_has_Email(person, email)
                if m.email == '*****@*****.**':
                    self.graz_admin = person
                auth = self.scope.Auth.Account.create_new_account_x \
                    ( mail
                    , enabled   = True
                    , suspended = True
                    , password  = uuid.uuid4 ().hex
                self.pap.Person_has_Account(person, auth)
            if m.tel:
                self.try_insert_phone(m.tel, m.id, person)
            if len(self.scope.uncommitted_changes) > 10:
        # get data from dupes
        for d_id, m_id in self.person_dupes.iteritems():
            # older version of db or dupe removed:
            if d_id not in self.member_by_id or m_id not in self.person_by_id:
            d = self.member_by_id[d_id]
            m = self.member_by_id[m_id]
            person = self.person_by_id[m_id]
            if d.email:
                email = self.pap.Email(address=d.email)
                self.pap.Person_has_Email(person, email)
            if d.nick:
                self.try_insert_nick(d.nick, m_id, person)
            if d.tel:
                self.try_insert_phone(d.tel, m_id, person)
            if len(self.scope.uncommitted_changes) > 10:

    # end def create_persons

    def set_creation(self, obj, create_time):
        if not create_time:
        if not isinstance(create_time, datetime):
            create_time = datetime(*create_time.timetuple()[:3])
        create_time = make_naive(create_time)
        self.scope.ems.convert_creation_change(obj.pid, c_time=create_time)

    # end def set_creation

    def try_insert_phone(self, tel, id, person):
        if tel.startswith('+430659'):
            tel = '+43650' + tel[6:]
        p = Phone(tel, city="Graz")
        if p:
            k = str(p)
            t = self.pap.Phone.instance(*p)
            if t:
                eid = self.phone_ids[k]
                prs = self.person_by_id[eid]
                if eid != id:
                    print "WARN: %s/%s %s/%s: Duplicate Phone: %s" \
                        % (eid, prs.pid, id, person.pid, tel)
                self.phone_ids[k] = id
                phone = self.pap.Phone(*p)
                self.pap.Person_has_Phone(person, phone)

    # end def try_insert_phone

    def try_insert_nick(self, nick, id, person):
        lnick = nick.lower()
        if lnick in self.nicknames:
            eid = self.nicknames[lnick]
            prs = self.person_by_id[eid]
            if eid != id:
                print "WARN: %s/%s %s/%s Duplicate Nickname: %s" \
                    % (eid, prs.pid, id, person.pid, nick)
            n = self.pap.Nickname(nick, raw=True)
            self.pap.Person_has_Nickname(person, n)
            self.nicknames[lnick] = id
class Convert (object) :

    person_dupes = \
        { 179 : 124
        , 267 : 322
        , 307 : 306
        , 372 : 380 # same phone *and* password (!) different name (!)
        , 424 : 418
        , 617 : 623
        , 686 : 687
        , 708 : 707
        , 709 : 707
        , 718 : 860
        , 729 : 728
        , 741 : 740
        , 755 : 754
        , 776 : 301
        , 799 : 807
        , 820 : 359
        , 821 : 359
        , 831 : 836
        , 852 : 851
        , 892 : 706
        , 903 : 904

    def __init__ (self, cmd, scope, debug = False) :
        self.debug = debug
        if len (cmd.argv) > 0 :
            f  = open (cmd.argv [0])
        else :
            f = sys.stdin
        self.scope        = scope
        self.ffm          = self.scope.FFM
        self.pap          = self.scope.GTW.OMP.PAP
        self.networks     = {}

        self.parser       = SQL_Parser (verbose = False, fix_double_encode = 1)
        self.parser.parse (f)
        self.contents     = self.parser.contents
        self.tables       = self.parser.tables
        self.member_by_id = {}
        self.person_by_id = {}
        self.nicknames    = {}
        self.node_by_id   = {}
        self.phone_ids    = {}
    # end def __init__

    def create (self) :
        self.create_persons ()
        self.create_nodes   ()
        self.create_devices ()
    # end def create

    def create_devices (self) :
        # ignore snmp_ip and snmp_lastseen (only used by three nodes)
        # FIXME: Use smokeping?
        # FIXME: hastinc?
        for d in self.contents ['node'] :
            if d.location_id not in self.node_by_id :
                print "WARN: Ignoring device (node) %s with location_id %s" \
                    % (d.id, d.location_id)
            n = self.node_by_id [d.location_id]
            if d.person_id and d.person_id != n.person_id :
                print "person %s: d:%s n:%s" % (d.id, d.person_id, n.person_id)
    # end def create_devices

    def create_nodes (self) :
        x_start = 4080
        y_start = 4806
        x_lon   = 15.43844103813
        y_lat   = 47.07177327969
        dx_lon  = 50675.5176
        dy_lat  = 75505.521
        for n in sorted (self.contents ['location'], key = lambda x : x.id) :
            self.node_by_id [n.id] = n
            person_id = self.person_dupes.get (n.person_id, n.person_id)
            if person_id not in self.person_by_id :
                print "WARN: Location %s owner %s missing" % (n.id, person_id)
            person = self.person_by_id [person_id]

            lat = lon = None
            if n.pixel_x is not None and n.pixel_y is not None :
                lon = "%f" % (x_lon + (n.pixel_x - x_start) / dx_lon)
                lat = "%f" % (y_lat + (n.pixel_y - y_start) / dy_lat)

            node = self.ffm.Node \
                ( name        = n.name
                , show_in_map = not n.hidden
                , manager     = person
                , position    = dict (lat = lat, lon = lon)
                , raw         = True
            if n.street :
                s = ' '.join (x for x in (n.street, n.streetnr) if x)
                adr = self.pap.Address.instance_or_new \
                    ( street = s
                    , zip    = '8010'
                    , city   = 'Graz'
                    , country = 'Austria'
                self.pap.Node_has_Address (node, adr)
            if n.gallery_link :
                abs = 'http://gallery.funkfeuer.at/v/Graz/Knoten/%s/'
                if n.gallery_link.startswith ('http') :
                    abs = "%s"
                url = self.pap.Url.instance_or_new \
                    (abs % n.gallery_link, desc = 'Gallery')
                self.pap.Node_has_Url (node, url)
            #print "%4d %s %s %r %s %s %s %r" % \
            #    (n.id, n.hastinc, n.time, n.street, n.streetnr, n.gps_lon, n.gps_lat, n.comment)
    # end def create_nodes

    def create_persons (self) :
        for m in sorted (self.contents ['person'], key = lambda x : x.id) :
            #print "%s: %r %r" % (m.id, m.firstname, m.lastname)
            self.member_by_id [m.id] = m
            if m.id in self.person_dupes :
                print "INFO: Duplicate person: %s" % m.id
            if not m.firstname or not m.lastname :
                print >> sys.stderr, "WARN: name missing: %s (%s/%s)" \
                    % (m.id, m.firstname, m.lastname)
            person = self.pap.Person \
                ( first_name = m.firstname.strip ()
                , last_name  = m.lastname.strip ()
                , raw        = True
            self.person_by_id [m.id] = person
            if m.nick :
                self.try_insert_nick (m.nick, m.id, person)
            if m.email :
                email = self.pap.Email (address = m.email)
                self.pap.Person_has_Email (person, email)
            if m.tel :
                self.try_insert_phone (m.tel, m.id, person)
        # get data from dupes
        for d_id, m_id in self.person_dupes.iteritems () :
            # older version of db or dupe removed:
            if d_id not in self.member_by_id or m_id not in self.person_by_id :
            d = self.member_by_id [d_id]
            m = self.member_by_id [m_id]
            person = self.person_by_id [m_id]
            if d.email :
                email = self.pap.Email (address = d.email)
                self.pap.Person_has_Email (person, email)
            if d.nick :
                self.try_insert_nick (d.nick, m_id, person)
            if d.tel :
                self.try_insert_phone (d.tel, m_id, person)
    # end def create_persons

    def set_creation (self, obj, create_time) :
        create_time = make_naive (create_time)
        self.scope.ems.convert_creation_change (obj.pid, c_time = create_time)
    # end def set_creation

    def try_insert_phone (self, tel, id, person) :
        p = Phone (tel, city = "Graz")
        if p :
            k = str (p)
            t = self.pap.Phone.instance (*p)
            if t :
                eid = self.phone_ids [k]
                prs = self.person_by_id [eid]
                if eid != id :
                    print "WARN: %s/%s %s/%s: Duplicate Phone: %s" \
                        % (eid, prs.pid, id, person.pid, tel)
            else :
                self.phone_ids [k] = id
                phone = self.pap.Phone (*p)
                self.pap.Person_has_Phone (person, phone)
    # end def try_insert_phone

    def try_insert_nick (self, nick, id, person) :
        lnick = nick.lower ()
        if lnick in self.nicknames :
            eid = self.nicknames [lnick]
            prs = self.person_by_id [eid]
            if eid != id :
                print "WARN: %s/%s %s/%s Duplicate Nickname: %s" \
                    % (eid, prs.pid, id, person.pid, nick)
        else :
            n = self.pap.Nickname (nick, raw = True)
            self.pap.Person_has_Nickname (person, n)
            self.nicknames [lnick] = id
文件: convert_graz.py 项目: FFM/FFM
class Convert (object) :

        #  54 : 655 # nick == email vorn?
    person_dupes = \
        {  71 :  72
        , 140 : 460
        , 179 : 124
        , 267 : 322
        , 273 : 272 # probably same unnamed person, almost same nick
        , 276 : 272 # yet another dupe with almost same nick
        , 307 : 306
        , 314 : 311
        , 372 : 380 # same phone *and* password (!) different name (!)
        , 424 : 418
        , 440 : 838
        , 617 : 623
        , 669 : 1001 # same person?
        , 686 : 687
        , 708 : 707
        , 709 : 707
        , 718 : 860
        , 729 : 728
        , 741 : 740
        , 755 : 754
        , 776 : 301
        , 799 : 807
        , 820 : 359
        , 821 : 359
        , 831 : 836
        , 852 : 851
        , 892 : 706
        , 903 : 904
        , 973 : 544

    person_ignore = dict.fromkeys \
        ((  11
         ,  15
         ,  41
         ,  42
         ,  62
         ,  63
         ,  64
         ,  66
         ,  70
         ,  93
         , 100
         , 106
         , 108
         , 112
         , 118
         , 123
         , 132
         , 136
         , 142
         , 172
         , 174
         , 177
         , 199
         , 209
         , 242
         , 244
         , 245
         , 254
         , 263
         , 266
         , 270
         , 287
         , 313
         , 320
         , 324
         , 338
         , 937
         # Lastname missing:
         ,  34
         ,  69
         , 107
         , 166
         , 168
         , 200
         , 251
         , 260
         , 323
         # Bogus, only initials etc, ignore if no node:
         , 102
         , 103
         , 185
         , 233
         , 299
         , 455
         , 530
         , 845
         , 872
         , 919
         , 955

    def __init__ (self, cmd, scope, debug = False) :
        self.anonymize = cmd.anonymize
        self.verbose   = cmd.verbose
        self.pers_exception = {}
        try :
            pf = open ('pers.csv', 'r')
            cr = csv.reader (pf, delimiter = ';')
            for line in cr :
                self.pers_exception [int (line [0])] = (line [1], line [2])
        except IOError :
            print "WARN: Can't read additional person data"

        self.debug = debug
        if len (cmd.argv) > 0 :
            f  = open (cmd.argv [0])
        else :
            f = sys.stdin
        self.scope        = scope
        self.ffm          = self.scope.FFM
        self.pap          = self.scope.GTW.OMP.PAP
        self.networks     = {}

        self.parser       = SQL_Parser (verbose = False, fix_double_encode = 1)
        self.parser.parse (f)
        self.contents     = self.parser.contents
        self.tables       = self.parser.tables
        self.dev_by_id    = {}
        self.ffm_node     = {}
        self.member_by_id = {}
        self.net_by_id    = {}
        self.nicknames    = {}
        self.nifin_by_id  = {}
        self.ntype_by_id  = {}
        self.node_by_id   = {}
        self.person_by_id = {}
        self.phone_ids    = {}
    # end def __init__

    def create (self) :
        if self.anonymize :
            self.fake_persons ()
        else :
            self.create_persons ()
        self.create_nettypes ()
        self.scope.commit ()
        self.create_nodes   ()
        self.scope.commit ()
        self.create_networks ()
        self.scope.commit ()
        self.create_devices ()
        self.scope.commit ()
        self.create_interfaces ()
        self.scope.commit ()
        self.create_dns_aliases ()
        self.scope.commit ()
    # end def create

    def create_devices (self) :
        # ignore snmp_ip and snmp_lastseen (only used by three nodes)
        dt = self.ffm.Net_Device_Type.instance (name = 'Generic', raw = True)
        for d in sorted (self.contents ['node'], key = lambda x : x.id) :
            if self.verbose :
                print "INFO: Dev: %s Node: %s" % (d.id, d.location_id)
            node = None
            n = self.node_by_id.get (d.location_id)
            if n :
                if d.person_id and d.person_id != n.person_id :
                    print \
                        ( "WARN: Device (node) %s, (loc) %s: "
                          "person mismatch d:%s n:%s"
                        % (d.id, n.id, d.person_id, n.person_id)
                node = self.ffm_node.get (d.location_id)
                if not node :
                    print "WARN: Node (location) %s for dev (node) %s missing" \
                        % (d.location_id, d.id)
            else :
                mgr  = self.person_by_id.get (d.person_id) or self.graz_admin
                node = self.ffm.Node \
                    ( name        = d.name
                    , desc        = 'Auto-created node (id: %s)' % d.location_id
                    , show_in_map = True
                    , manager     = mgr
                    , raw         = True
                print "WARN: Manufacturing Node (loc: %s) for dev (node) %s" \
                    % (d.location_id, d.id)
            dev = self.ffm.Net_Device \
                ( left = dt
                , node = node
                , name = d.name
                , desc = d.comment
                , raw  = True
            self.set_creation (dev, d.time)
            self.dev_by_id [d.id] = dev
            if len (self.scope.uncommitted_changes) > 10 :
                self.scope.commit ()
    # end def create_devices

    def create_dns_aliases (self) :
        for dal in self.contents ['dnsalias'] :
            if dal.ip_id not in self.nifin_by_id :
                print 'WARN: ignoring dns_alias %s "%s" IP not found %s' \
                    % (dal.id, dal.name, dal.ip_id)
            self.ffm.IP4_DNS_Alias \
                (left = self.nifin_by_id [dal.ip_id], name = dal.name)
            if len (self.scope.uncommitted_changes) > 10 :
                self.scope.commit ()
    # end def create_dns_aliases

    def create_interfaces (self) :
        for iface in self.contents ['ip'] :
            if iface.node_id not in self.dev_by_id :
                print "WARN: Ignoring IP %s %s: no device (node) %s" \
                    % (iface.id, iface.ip, iface.node_id)
            dev = self.dev_by_id [iface.node_id]
            net = self.net_by_id [iface.net_id]
            ip  = IP4_Address (iface.ip)
            if ip not in net.net_address :
                parent = self.ffm.IP4_Network.query \
                    ( Q.net_address.CONTAINS (ip)
                    , ~ Q.electric
                    , sort_key = TFL.Sorted_By ("-net_address.mask_len")
                    ).first ()
                print "WARN: IP %s %s not in net %s %s found %s" \
                    % ( iface.id
                      , iface.ip
                      , iface.net_id
                      , net.net_address
                      , parent.net_address
                net = parent
            nw  = net.reserve (ip, owner = dev.node.owner)
            nif = self.ffm.Wired_Interface (left = dev, name = iface.name)
            nii = self.ffm.Net_Interface_in_IP4_Network \
                (nif, nw, mask_len = 32, name = iface.name)
            self.nifin_by_id [iface.id] = nii
            if len (self.scope.uncommitted_changes) > 10 :
                self.scope.commit ()
    # end def create_interfaces

    def create_nettypes (self) :
        """ Network ranges for reservation
        by_mask = {}
        # first group by netmask
        for nw in self.contents ['nettype'] :
            if not nw.comment :
                print 'WARN: Ignoring nettype %s "%s"' % (nw.id, nw.name)
            for net_ip in nw.comment.split (',') :
                ip = IP4_Address (net_ip)
                if ip.mask not in by_mask :
                    by_mask [ip.mask] = []
                by_mask [ip.mask].append ((ip, nw.name, nw.id))
        typ = self.ffm.IP4_Network
        for mask in sorted (by_mask) :
            for ip, name, id in by_mask [mask] :
                if id not in self.ntype_by_id :
                    self.ntype_by_id [id] = []
                r = typ.query \
                    ( Q.net_address.CONTAINS (ip)
                    , ~ Q.electric
                    , sort_key = TFL.Sorted_By ("-net_address.mask_len")
                    ).first ()
                reserver = r.reserve if r else typ
                network  = reserver (ip, owner = self.graz_admin)
                self.ntype_by_id [id].append (network)
                if name :
                    network.set_raw (desc = name)
    # end def create_nettypes

    def create_networks (self) :
        for net in self.contents ['net'] :
            parents = self.ntype_by_id.get (net.nettype_id, [])
            node    = self.ffm_node.get (net.location_id)
            ip      = IP4_Address (net.netip, net.netmask)
            if node :
                owner = node.owner
            else :
                print "WARN: Network %s %s Location %s missing" \
                    % (net.id, net.netip, net.location_id)
                owner = self.graz_admin
            parent = None
            for p in parents :
                if ip in p.net_address :
                    parent = p
            else :
                parent = None
                for ps in self.ntype_by_id.itervalues () :
                    for p in ps :
                        if ip in p.net_address :
                            parent = p
                            print "Got parent in ntype_by_id: %s" % parent
                else :
                    parent = self.ffm.IP4_Network.query \
                        ( Q.net_address.CONTAINS (ip)
                        , ~ Q.electric
                        , sort_key = TFL.Sorted_By ("-net_address.mask_len")
                        ).first ()
                    if parent :
                        print "Got parent by network query: %s" % parent
            if parent :
                reserver = parent.reserve
            else :
                print "WARN: No parent: new network: %s" % ip
                reserver = self.ffm.IP4_Network
            network = reserver (ip, owner = owner)
            self.net_by_id [net.id] = network
            if node :
                pool = self.ffm.IP4_Pool (left = network, node = node)
            if net.comment :
                network.set_raw (desc = net.comment)
            if len (self.scope.uncommitted_changes) > 10 :
                self.scope.commit ()
    # end def create_networks

    def create_nodes (self) :
        x_start = 4080
        y_start = 4806
        x_lon   = 15.43844103813
        y_lat   = 47.07177327969
        dx_lon  = 50675.5176
        dy_lat  = 75505.521
        for n in sorted (self.contents ['location'], key = lambda x : x.id) :
            self.node_by_id [n.id] = n
            person_id = self.person_dupes.get (n.person_id, n.person_id)
            if person_id != 0 and person_id not in self.person_by_id :
                # should not happen now
                print "WARN: Location %s owner %s missing" % (n.id, person_id)
            if person_id == 0 :
                person = self.graz_admin
            else :
                person = self.person_by_id [person_id]
            lat = lon = None
            if n.pixel_x is not None and n.pixel_y is not None :
                lon = "%f" % (x_lon + (n.pixel_x - x_start) / dx_lon)
                lat = "%f" % (y_lat + (n.pixel_y - y_start) / dy_lat)

            node = self.ffm.Node \
                ( name        = n.name
                , desc        = n.comment.strip () or None
                , show_in_map = not n.hidden
                , manager     = person
                , position    = dict (lat = lat, lon = lon)
                , raw         = True
            self.ffm_node [n.id] = node
            self.set_creation (node, n.time)
            if n.street :
                s = ' '.join (x for x in (n.street, n.streetnr) if x)
                adr = self.pap.Address.instance_or_new \
                    ( street = s
                    , zip    = '8010'
                    , city   = 'Graz'
                    , country = 'Austria'
                node.set (address = adr)
            if n.gallery_link :
                MOM = self.scope.MOM
                abs = 'http://gallery.funkfeuer.at/v/Graz/Knoten/%s/'
                if n.gallery_link.startswith ('http') :
                    abs = "%s"
                url = MOM.Document \
                    (node, url = abs % n.gallery_link, type = 'Gallery')
            if len (self.scope.uncommitted_changes) > 10 :
                self.scope.commit ()
    # end def create_nodes

    def fake_persons (self) :
        self.graz_admin = self.pap.Person \
            ( first_name = 'Graz'
            , last_name  = 'Admin'
            , raw        = True
        mail  = '*****@*****.**'
        email = self.pap.Email (address = mail)
        self.pap.Person_has_Email (self.graz_admin, email)
        auth = self.scope.Auth.Account.create_new_account_x \
            ( mail
            , enabled   = True
            , suspended = True
            , password  = uuid.uuid4 ().hex
        self.pap.Person_has_Account (self.graz_admin, auth)
        for m in sorted (self.contents ['person'], key = lambda x : x.id) :
            self.person_by_id [m.id] = self.graz_admin
    # end def fake_persons

    def create_persons (self) :
        for m in sorted (self.contents ['person'], key = lambda x : x.id) :
            #print "%s: %r %r" % (m.id, m.firstname, m.lastname)
            if m.id in self.person_ignore :
                print "INFO: Ignoring anonymous without location: %s" % m.id
            if m.id in self.pers_exception :
                pe = self.pers_exception [m.id]
                fn, ln = (x.decode ('utf-8') for x in pe)
            else :
                fn = m.firstname.strip ()
                ln = m.lastname.strip ()
            self.member_by_id [m.id] = m
            if m.id in self.person_dupes :
                print "INFO: Duplicate person: %s" % m.id
            if not fn or not ln :
                print >> sys.stderr, "WARN: name missing: %s (%r/%r)" \
                    % (m.id, m.firstname, m.lastname)
                if not fn and not ln :
                    if m.nick :
                        fn = m.nick
                    else :
                        fn = m.email.split ('@') [0]
                fn = fn or '?'
                ln = ln or '?'
            print "Person: %s %r/%r" % (m.id, fn, ln)
            person = self.pap.Person \
                ( first_name = fn
                , last_name  = ln
                , raw        = True
            self.person_by_id [m.id] = person
            if m.nick :
                self.try_insert_nick (m.nick, m.id, person)
            if m.email :
                mail  = m.email.replace ('[at]', '@')
                email = self.pap.Email (address = mail)
                self.pap.Person_has_Email (person, email)
                if m.email == '*****@*****.**' :
                    self.graz_admin = person
                auth = self.scope.Auth.Account.create_new_account_x \
                    ( mail
                    , enabled   = True
                    , suspended = True
                    , password  = uuid.uuid4 ().hex
                self.pap.Person_has_Account (person, auth)
            if m.tel :
                self.try_insert_phone (m.tel, m.id, person)
            if len (self.scope.uncommitted_changes) > 10 :
                self.scope.commit ()
        # get data from dupes
        for d_id, m_id in self.person_dupes.iteritems () :
            # older version of db or dupe removed:
            if d_id not in self.member_by_id or m_id not in self.person_by_id :
            d = self.member_by_id [d_id]
            m = self.member_by_id [m_id]
            person = self.person_by_id [m_id]
            if d.email :
                email = self.pap.Email (address = d.email)
                self.pap.Person_has_Email (person, email)
            if d.nick :
                self.try_insert_nick (d.nick, m_id, person)
            if d.tel :
                self.try_insert_phone (d.tel, m_id, person)
            if len (self.scope.uncommitted_changes) > 10 :
                self.scope.commit ()
    # end def create_persons

    def set_creation (self, obj, create_time) :
        if not create_time :
        if not isinstance (create_time, datetime) :
            create_time = datetime (* create_time.timetuple () [:3])
        create_time = make_naive (create_time)
        self.scope.ems.convert_creation_change (obj.pid, c_time = create_time)
    # end def set_creation

    def try_insert_phone (self, tel, id, person) :
        if tel.startswith ('+430659') :
            tel = '+43650' + tel [6:]
        p = Phone (tel, city = "Graz")
        if p :
            k = str (p)
            t = self.pap.Phone.instance (*p)
            if t :
                eid = self.phone_ids [k]
                prs = self.person_by_id [eid]
                if eid != id :
                    print "WARN: %s/%s %s/%s: Duplicate Phone: %s" \
                        % (eid, prs.pid, id, person.pid, tel)
            else :
                self.phone_ids [k] = id
                phone = self.pap.Phone (*p)
                self.pap.Person_has_Phone (person, phone)
    # end def try_insert_phone

    def try_insert_nick (self, nick, id, person) :
        lnick = nick.lower ()
        if lnick in self.nicknames :
            eid = self.nicknames [lnick]
            prs = self.person_by_id [eid]
            if eid != id :
                print "WARN: %s/%s %s/%s Duplicate Nickname: %s" \
                    % (eid, prs.pid, id, person.pid, nick)
        else :
            n = self.pap.Nickname (nick, raw = True)
            self.pap.Person_has_Nickname (person, n)
            self.nicknames [lnick] = id
class Convert (object) :

    def __init__ (self, cmd, scope, debug = False) :
        self.debug     = debug
        self.verbose   = cmd.verbose
        self.anonymize = cmd.anonymize
        if len (cmd.argv) > 0 :
            f  = open (cmd.argv [0])
        else :
            f = sys.stdin
        self.ip4nets = {}
        self.ip6nets = {}
        if cmd.network :
            for n in cmd.network :
                ip, comment = n.split (';', 1)
                if ':' in ip :
                    ip = IP6_Address (ip)
                    self.ip6nets [ip] = comment
                else :
                    ip = IP4_Address (ip)
                    self.ip4nets [ip] = comment
        olsr = get_olsr_container (cmd.olsr_file)
        self.olsr_nodes   = {}
        for t in olsr.topo.forward.iterkeys () :
            self.olsr_nodes [t]   = True
        for t in olsr.topo.reverse.iterkeys () :
            self.olsr_nodes [t]   = True
        self.olsr_mid     = olsr.mid.by_ip
        self.olsr_hna     = olsr.hna
        self.rev_mid      = {}
        for k, v in self.olsr_mid.iteritems () :
            if k not in self.olsr_nodes :
                pyk.fprint ("WARN: MIB %s: not in OLSR Topology" % k)
            #assert k in self.olsr_nodes
            for mid in v :
                assert mid not in self.rev_mid
                self.rev_mid [mid] = True
        self.spider_info  = pickle.load (open (cmd.spider_dump, 'rb'))
        self.spider_devs  = {}
        self.spider_iface = {}
        for ip, dev in self.spider_info.iteritems () :
            if self.verbose :
                pyk.fprint ("IP:", ip)
            # ignore spider errors
            if not isinstance (dev, Guess) :
            dev.mainip = ip
            dev.done   = False
            for iface in dev.interfaces.itervalues () :
                iface.done = False
                for ip4 in iface.inet4 :
                    i4 = ip4.ip
                    # ignore rfc1918, link local, localnet
                    if unroutable (i4) :
                    if  (   i4 in self.spider_devs
                        and self.spider_devs [i4] != dev
                        ) :
                        pyk.fprint ("WARN: Device %s/%s not equal:" % (ip, i4))
                        pyk.fprint ("=" * 60)
                        pyk.fprint (dev.verbose_repr ())
                        pyk.fprint ("-" * 60)
                        pyk.fprint (self.spider_devs [i4].verbose_repr ())
                        pyk.fprint ("=" * 60)
                    elif (   i4 in self.spider_iface
                         and self.spider_iface [i4] != iface
                         ) :
                        assert dev == self.spider_devs [i4]
                        spif = self.spider_iface [i4]
                        pyk.fprint \
                            ( "WARN: Interfaces %s/%s of dev-ip %s share ip %s"
                            % (iface.name, spif.name, ip, i4)
                        spif.names.append (iface.name)
                        if iface.is_wlan :
                            spif.is_wlan = iface.is_wlan
                            spif.wlan_info = getattr (iface, 'wlan_info', None)
                        if self.verbose :
                            pyk.fprint ("=" * 60)
                            pyk.fprint (iface)
                            pyk.fprint (spif)
                            pyk.fprint ("-" * 60)
                            pyk.fprint (dev.verbose_repr ())
                            pyk.fprint ("=" * 60)
                        iface = spif
                    self.spider_devs  [i4] = dev
                    self.spider_iface [i4] = iface
                    iface.device = dev
            if ip not in self.spider_devs :
                pyk.fprint ("WARN: ip %s not in dev" % ip)
                if self.verbose :
                    pyk.fprint ("=" * 60)
                    pyk.fprint (dev.verbose_repr ())
                    pyk.fprint ("=" * 60)
                name = 'unknown'
                assert name not in dev.interfaces
                iface = Interface (4711, name)
                iface.done = False
                dev.interfaces [name] = iface
                iface.device = dev
                iface.append_inet4 (Inet4 (ip, None, None, iface = name))
                self.spider_iface [ip] = iface
                self.spider_devs  [ip] = dev

        self.scope          = scope
        self.ffm            = self.scope.FFM
        self.pap            = self.scope.GTW.OMP.PAP
        self.mentor         = {}
        self.rsrvd_nets     = {}
        self.ffm_node_by_id = {}
        self.node_by_id     = {}
        self.ip_by_ip       = {}
        self.email_ids      = {}
        self.phone_ids      = {}
        self.person_by_id   = {}
        self.member_by_id   = {}
        self.dev_by_node    = {}
        self.cons_dev       = {}

        self.parser         = SQL_Parser \
            (verbose = False, fix_double_encode = True)
        self.parser.parse (f)
        self.contents       = self.parser.contents
        self.tables         = self.parser.tables
    # end def __init__

    def set_last_change (self, obj, change_time, create_time) :
        change_time = make_naive (change_time)
        create_time = make_naive (create_time)
        self.scope.ems.convert_creation_change \
            (obj.pid, c_time = create_time, time = change_time or create_time)
        #pyk.fprint (obj, obj.creation_date, obj.last_changed)
    # end def set_last_change

    def create_nodes (self) :
        scope = self.scope
        for n in self.contents ['nodes'] :
            if len (scope.uncommitted_changes) > 100 :
                scope.commit ()
            gps = None
            if n.gps_lat_deg is None :
                assert n.gps_lat_min is None
                assert n.gps_lat_sec is None
                assert n.gps_lon_deg is None
                assert n.gps_lon_min is None
                assert n.gps_lon_sec is None
            elif n.gps_lat_min is None :
                assert n.gps_lat_sec is None
                assert n.gps_lon_min is None
                assert n.gps_lon_sec is None
                if self.anonymize :
                    lat = "%2.2f" % n.gps_lat_deg
                    lon = "%2.2f" % n.gps_lon_deg
                else :
                    lat = "%f" % n.gps_lat_deg
                    lon = "%f" % n.gps_lon_deg
                gps = dict (lat = lat, lon = lon)
            else :
                assert n.gps_lat_deg == int (n.gps_lat_deg)
                assert n.gps_lat_min == int (n.gps_lat_min)
                assert n.gps_lon_deg == int (n.gps_lon_deg)
                assert n.gps_lon_min == int (n.gps_lon_min)
                lat = "%d d %d m" % (int (n.gps_lat_deg), int (n.gps_lat_min))
                lon = "%d d %d m" % (int (n.gps_lon_deg), int (n.gps_lon_min))
                if n.gps_lat_sec is not None :
                    lat = lat + " %f s" % n.gps_lat_sec
                if n.gps_lon_sec is not None :
                    lon = lon + " %f s" % n.gps_lon_sec
                gps = dict (lat = lat, lon = lon)
                if self.anonymize :
                    lat = n.gps_lat_deg + n.gps_lat_min + (n.gps_lat_sec or 0)
                    lon = n.gps_lon_deg + n.gps_lon_min + (n.gps_lon_sec or 0)
                    gps = dict (lat = "%2.2f" % lat, lon = "%2.2f" % lon)
            id = self.person_dupes.get (n.id_members, n.id_members)
            owner = self.person_by_id.get (id)
            if self.anonymize :
                manager = owner
                owner   = None
            elif not isinstance (owner, self.pap.Person) :
                assert len (owner.actor) == 1
                manager = iter (owner.actor).next ()
            elif id in self.companies or id in self.associations :
                manager = owner
                assert len (manager.acts_for) == 1
                owner   = iter (manager.acts_for).next ()
            elif n.id_tech_c and n.id_tech_c != n.id_members :
                manager = self.person_by_id.get (n.id_tech_c)
                assert (manager)
                pyk.fprint ("INFO: Tech contact found: %s" % n.id_tech_c)
            else :
                manager = owner
                owner   = None
            # node with missing manager has devices, use 0xff admin as owner
            if not manager and n.id in self.dev_by_node :
                manager = self.person_by_id.get (1)
                pyk.fprint \
                    ( "WARN: Node %s: member %s not found, using 1"
                    % (n.id, n.id_members)
            if manager :
                node = self.ffm.Node \
                    ( name        = n.name
                    , position    = gps
                    , show_in_map = n.map
                    , manager     = manager
                    , owner       = owner
                    , raw         = True
                self.set_last_change (node, n.changed, n.created)
                assert (node)
                self.ffm_node_by_id [n.id] = node
            else :
                pyk.fprint \
                    ( "ERR:  Node %s: member %s not found"
                    % (n.id, n.id_members)
    # end def create_nodes

    # first id is the one to remove, the second one is the correct one
    person_dupes = dict (( (373, 551) # checked, real dupe
                         , (338, 109) # checked, real dupe
                         , (189, 281) # checked, 189 contains almost no data
                                      # and 189 has no nodes
                         , (285, 284) # checked, real dupe
                         , (299, 297) # checked, real dupe
                         , (300, 462) # checked, real dupe
                         , (542, 586) # checked, real dupe
                         , (251, 344) # checked, real dupe
                         , (188, 614) # checked, real dupe
                         , (177, 421) # checked, real dupe
                         , (432, 433) # checked, real dupe, merge addresses
                         , ( 26, 480) # probably: almost same nick, merge adrs
                         , ( 90, 499) # FIXME: same person? merge adrs?
                                      #  90 has node 1110
                                      # 499 has node 1105 and 812
                                      # two accounts, one for HTL, one private?
                                      # maybe create company?
                                      # make company owner of 1110 and
                                      # 499 tech-c of all nodes?
                         , (505, 507) # checked, real dupe
                         , (410, 547) # checked, real dupe
                         , (712, 680) # checked, real dupe
                         , (230, 729) # checked, real dupe
                         , (375, 743) # checked, real dupe
                         , (755, 175) # checked, real dupe
                         , (219, 759) # Probably same (nick similar), merge adr
                         , (453, 454) # checked, real dupe
                         , (803, 804) # checked, real dupe
                         , (295, 556) # same gmx address, merge adr
                         , (697, 814) # checked, real dupe
                         , (476, 854) # checked, real dupe
                         , (312, 307) # checked, real dupe
                         , (351, 355) # checked, real dupe
                         , (401, 309) # checked, real dupe
                         , (871, 870) # checked, real dupe
                         , (580, 898) # checked, real dupe
                         , (894, 896) # checked, real dupe
                         , (910, 766) # checked, real dupe
                         , (926, 927) # checked, real dupe
                         , (938, 939) # checked, real dupe
                         , (584, 939) # not entirely sure but all
                                      # lowercase in both records
                                      # indicates same person
                         , (756, 758) # checked, real dupe
                         , (  0,   1) # ignore Funkfeuer Parkplatz
    rev_person_dupes = dict ((v, k) for k, v in person_dupes.iteritems ())

    merge_adr = dict.fromkeys ((432, 26, 759, 295))

    phone_bogus   = dict.fromkeys \
        (( '01111111'
        ,  '1234567'
        ,  '0048334961656'
        ,  '001123456789'
        ,  '+972 1234567'
        ,  '003468110524227'
        ,  '1234'
        ,  '0'
        ,  '-'
        ,  '+49 1 35738755'
        ,  '974 5517 9729'
        ,  '0525001340'
        ,  '59780'
        ,  '1013'

    companies         = dict.fromkeys ((112, ))
    associations      = dict.fromkeys ((146, 176, 318, 438, 737, 809))
    company_actor     = {134 : 37}
    association_actor = {  1 : 15, 838 : 671}
    person_disable    = dict.fromkeys ((263, 385, 612, 621))
    person_remove     = dict.fromkeys ((549, 608))

    def try_insert_phone (self, person, m, x, c) :
        if x :
            p = None
            if x in self.phone_bogus :
            try :
                p = Phone (x, m.town, c)
            except ValueError, err :
                if str (err).startswith ('WARN') :
                    pyk.fprint (err)
            if not p :
            t = self.pap.Phone.instance (* p)
            k = str (p)
            if t :
                eid = self.phone_ids [k]
                prs = self.person_by_id [eid]
                if  (  prs.pid == person.pid
                    or self.pap.Subject_has_Phone.instance (person, t)
                    ) :
                    return # don't insert twice
                pyk.fprint \
                    ( "WARN: %s/%s %s/%s: Duplicate phone: %s"
                    % (eid, prs.pid, m.id, person.pid, x)
            else :
                t = self.pap.Phone (* p)
                self.phone_ids [k] = m.id
            self.pap.Subject_has_Phone (person, t)
class Convert(object):
    def __init__(self, cmd, scope, debug=False):
        self.debug = debug
        self.verbose = cmd.verbose
        self.anonymize = cmd.anonymize
        if len(cmd.argv) > 0:
            f = open(cmd.argv[0])
            f = sys.stdin
        self.ip4nets = {}
        self.ip6nets = {}
        if cmd.network:
            for n in cmd.network:
                ip, comment = n.split(';', 1)
                if ':' in ip:
                    ip = IP6_Address(ip)
                    self.ip6nets[ip] = comment
                    ip = IP4_Address(ip)
                    self.ip4nets[ip] = comment
        olsr = get_olsr_container(cmd.olsr_file)
        self.olsr_nodes = {}
        for t in olsr.topo.forward.iterkeys():
            self.olsr_nodes[t] = True
        for t in olsr.topo.reverse.iterkeys():
            self.olsr_nodes[t] = True
        self.olsr_mid = olsr.mid.by_ip
        self.olsr_hna = olsr.hna
        self.rev_mid = {}
        for k, v in self.olsr_mid.iteritems():
            if k not in self.olsr_nodes:
                pyk.fprint("WARN: MIB %s: not in OLSR Topology" % k)
            #assert k in self.olsr_nodes
            for mid in v:
                assert mid not in self.rev_mid
                self.rev_mid[mid] = True
        self.spider_info = pickle.load(open(cmd.spider_dump, 'rb'))
        self.spider_devs = {}
        self.spider_iface = {}
        for ip, dev in self.spider_info.iteritems():
            if self.verbose:
                pyk.fprint("IP:", ip)
            # ignore spider errors
            if not isinstance(dev, Guess):
            dev.mainip = ip
            dev.done = False
            for iface in dev.interfaces.itervalues():
                iface.done = False
                for ip4 in iface.inet4:
                    i4 = ip4.ip
                    # ignore rfc1918, link local, localnet
                    if unroutable(i4):
                    if (i4 in self.spider_devs
                            and self.spider_devs[i4] != dev):
                        pyk.fprint("WARN: Device %s/%s not equal:" % (ip, i4))
                        pyk.fprint("=" * 60)
                        pyk.fprint("-" * 60)
                        pyk.fprint("=" * 60)
                    elif (i4 in self.spider_iface
                          and self.spider_iface[i4] != iface):
                        assert dev == self.spider_devs[i4]
                        spif = self.spider_iface[i4]
                        pyk.fprint \
                            ( "WARN: Interfaces %s/%s of dev-ip %s share ip %s"
                            % (iface.name, spif.name, ip, i4)
                        if iface.is_wlan:
                            spif.is_wlan = iface.is_wlan
                            spif.wlan_info = getattr(iface, 'wlan_info', None)
                        if self.verbose:
                            pyk.fprint("=" * 60)
                            pyk.fprint("-" * 60)
                            pyk.fprint("=" * 60)
                        iface = spif
                    self.spider_devs[i4] = dev
                    self.spider_iface[i4] = iface
                    iface.device = dev
            if ip not in self.spider_devs:
                pyk.fprint("WARN: ip %s not in dev" % ip)
                if self.verbose:
                    pyk.fprint("=" * 60)
                    pyk.fprint("=" * 60)
                name = 'unknown'
                assert name not in dev.interfaces
                iface = Interface(4711, name)
                iface.done = False
                dev.interfaces[name] = iface
                iface.device = dev
                iface.append_inet4(Inet4(ip, None, None, iface=name))
                self.spider_iface[ip] = iface
                self.spider_devs[ip] = dev

        self.scope = scope
        self.ffm = self.scope.FFM
        self.pap = self.scope.GTW.OMP.PAP
        self.mentor = {}
        self.rsrvd_nets = {}
        self.ffm_node_by_id = {}
        self.node_by_id = {}
        self.ip_by_ip = {}
        self.email_ids = {}
        self.phone_ids = {}
        self.person_by_id = {}
        self.member_by_id = {}
        self.dev_by_node = {}
        self.cons_dev = {}

        self.parser         = SQL_Parser \
            (verbose = False, fix_double_encode = True)
        self.contents = self.parser.contents
        self.tables = self.parser.tables

    # end def __init__

    def set_last_change(self, obj, change_time, create_time):
        change_time = make_naive(change_time)
        create_time = make_naive(create_time)
        self.scope.ems.convert_creation_change \
            (obj.pid, c_time = create_time, time = change_time or create_time)
        #pyk.fprint (obj, obj.creation_date, obj.last_changed)

    # end def set_last_change

    def create_nodes(self):
        scope = self.scope
        for n in self.contents['nodes']:
            if len(scope.uncommitted_changes) > 100:
            gps = None
            if n.gps_lat_deg is None:
                assert n.gps_lat_min is None
                assert n.gps_lat_sec is None
                assert n.gps_lon_deg is None
                assert n.gps_lon_min is None
                assert n.gps_lon_sec is None
            elif n.gps_lat_min is None:
                assert n.gps_lat_sec is None
                assert n.gps_lon_min is None
                assert n.gps_lon_sec is None
                if self.anonymize:
                    lat = "%2.2f" % n.gps_lat_deg
                    lon = "%2.2f" % n.gps_lon_deg
                    lat = "%f" % n.gps_lat_deg
                    lon = "%f" % n.gps_lon_deg
                gps = dict(lat=lat, lon=lon)
                assert n.gps_lat_deg == int(n.gps_lat_deg)
                assert n.gps_lat_min == int(n.gps_lat_min)
                assert n.gps_lon_deg == int(n.gps_lon_deg)
                assert n.gps_lon_min == int(n.gps_lon_min)
                lat = "%d d %d m" % (int(n.gps_lat_deg), int(n.gps_lat_min))
                lon = "%d d %d m" % (int(n.gps_lon_deg), int(n.gps_lon_min))
                if n.gps_lat_sec is not None:
                    lat = lat + " %f s" % n.gps_lat_sec
                if n.gps_lon_sec is not None:
                    lon = lon + " %f s" % n.gps_lon_sec
                gps = dict(lat=lat, lon=lon)
                if self.anonymize:
                    lat = n.gps_lat_deg + n.gps_lat_min + (n.gps_lat_sec or 0)
                    lon = n.gps_lon_deg + n.gps_lon_min + (n.gps_lon_sec or 0)
                    gps = dict(lat="%2.2f" % lat, lon="%2.2f" % lon)
            id = self.person_dupes.get(n.id_members, n.id_members)
            owner = self.person_by_id.get(id)
            if self.anonymize:
                manager = owner
                owner = None
            elif not isinstance(owner, self.pap.Person):
                assert len(owner.actor) == 1
                manager = iter(owner.actor).next()
            elif id in self.companies or id in self.associations:
                manager = owner
                assert len(manager.acts_for) == 1
                owner = iter(manager.acts_for).next()
            elif n.id_tech_c and n.id_tech_c != n.id_members:
                manager = self.person_by_id.get(n.id_tech_c)
                assert (manager)
                pyk.fprint("INFO: Tech contact found: %s" % n.id_tech_c)
                manager = owner
                owner = None
            # node with missing manager has devices, use 0xff admin as owner
            if not manager and n.id in self.dev_by_node:
                manager = self.person_by_id.get(1)
                pyk.fprint \
                    ( "WARN: Node %s: member %s not found, using 1"
                    % (n.id, n.id_members)
            if manager:
                node = self.ffm.Node \
                    ( name        = n.name
                    , position    = gps
                    , show_in_map = n.map
                    , manager     = manager
                    , owner       = owner
                    , raw         = True
                self.set_last_change(node, n.changed, n.created)
                assert (node)
                self.ffm_node_by_id[n.id] = node
                pyk.fprint \
                    ( "ERR:  Node %s: member %s not found"
                    % (n.id, n.id_members)

    # end def create_nodes

    # first id is the one to remove, the second one is the correct one
    person_dupes = dict((
        (373, 551)  # checked, real dupe
        (338, 109)  # checked, real dupe
        (189, 281)  # checked, 189 contains almost no data
        # and 189 has no nodes
        (285, 284)  # checked, real dupe
        (299, 297)  # checked, real dupe
        (300, 462)  # checked, real dupe
        (542, 586)  # checked, real dupe
        (251, 344)  # checked, real dupe
        (188, 614)  # checked, real dupe
        (177, 421)  # checked, real dupe
        (432, 433)  # checked, real dupe, merge addresses
        (26, 480)  # probably: almost same nick, merge adrs
        (90, 499)  # FIXME: same person? merge adrs?
        #  90 has node 1110
        # 499 has node 1105 and 812
        # two accounts, one for HTL, one private?
        # maybe create company?
        # make company owner of 1110 and
        # 499 tech-c of all nodes?
        (505, 507)  # checked, real dupe
        (410, 547)  # checked, real dupe
        (712, 680)  # checked, real dupe
        (230, 729)  # checked, real dupe
        (375, 743)  # checked, real dupe
        (755, 175)  # checked, real dupe
        (219, 759)  # Probably same (nick similar), merge adr
        (453, 454)  # checked, real dupe
        (803, 804)  # checked, real dupe
        (295, 556)  # same gmx address, merge adr
        (697, 814)  # checked, real dupe
        (476, 854)  # checked, real dupe
        (312, 307)  # checked, real dupe
        (351, 355)  # checked, real dupe
        (401, 309)  # checked, real dupe
        (871, 870)  # checked, real dupe
        (580, 898)  # checked, real dupe
        (894, 896)  # checked, real dupe
        (910, 766)  # checked, real dupe
        (926, 927)  # checked, real dupe
        (938, 939)  # checked, real dupe
        (584, 939)  # not entirely sure but all
        # lowercase in both records
        # indicates same person
        (756, 758)  # checked, real dupe
        (0, 1)  # ignore Funkfeuer Parkplatz
    rev_person_dupes = dict((v, k) for k, v in person_dupes.iteritems())

    merge_adr = dict.fromkeys((432, 26, 759, 295))

    phone_bogus   = dict.fromkeys \
        (( '01111111'
        ,  '1234567'
        ,  '0048334961656'
        ,  '001123456789'
        ,  '+972 1234567'
        ,  '003468110524227'
        ,  '1234'
        ,  '0'
        ,  '-'
        ,  '+49 1 35738755'
        ,  '974 5517 9729'
        ,  '0525001340'
        ,  '59780'
        ,  '1013'

    companies = dict.fromkeys((112, ))
    associations = dict.fromkeys((146, 176, 318, 438, 737, 809))
    company_actor = {134: 37}
    association_actor = {1: 15, 838: 671}
    person_disable = dict.fromkeys((263, 385, 612, 621))
    person_remove = dict.fromkeys((549, 608))

    def try_insert_phone(self, person, m, x, c):
        if x:
            p = None
            if x in self.phone_bogus:
                p = Phone(x, m.town, c)
            except ValueError, err:
                if str(err).startswith('WARN'):
            if not p:
            t = self.pap.Phone.instance(*p)
            k = str(p)
            if t:
                eid = self.phone_ids[k]
                prs = self.person_by_id[eid]
                if (prs.pid == person.pid
                        or self.pap.Subject_has_Phone.instance(person, t)):
                    return  # don't insert twice
                pyk.fprint \
                    ( "WARN: %s/%s %s/%s: Duplicate phone: %s"
                    % (eid, prs.pid, m.id, person.pid, x)
                t = self.pap.Phone(*p)
                self.phone_ids[k] = m.id
            self.pap.Subject_has_Phone(person, t)
class Convert(object):

    person_dupes = \
        { 179 : 124
        , 267 : 322
        , 307 : 306
        , 372 : 380 # same phone *and* password (!) different name (!)
        , 424 : 418
        , 617 : 623
        , 686 : 687
        , 708 : 707
        , 709 : 707
        , 718 : 860
        , 729 : 728
        , 741 : 740
        , 755 : 754
        , 776 : 301
        , 799 : 807
        , 820 : 359
        , 821 : 359
        , 831 : 836
        , 852 : 851
        , 892 : 706
        , 903 : 904

    def __init__(self, cmd, scope, debug=False):
        self.debug = debug
        if len(cmd.argv) > 0:
            f = open(cmd.argv[0])
            f = sys.stdin
        self.scope = scope
        self.ffm = self.scope.FFM
        self.pap = self.scope.GTW.OMP.PAP
        self.networks = {}

        self.parser = SQL_Parser(verbose=False, fix_double_encode=1)
        self.contents = self.parser.contents
        self.tables = self.parser.tables
        self.member_by_id = {}
        self.person_by_id = {}
        self.nicknames = {}
        self.node_by_id = {}
        self.phone_ids = {}

    # end def __init__

    def create(self):

    # end def create

    def create_devices(self):
        # ignore snmp_ip and snmp_lastseen (only used by three nodes)
        # FIXME: Use smokeping?
        # FIXME: hastinc?
        for d in self.contents['node']:
            if d.location_id not in self.node_by_id:
                print "WARN: Ignoring device (node) %s with location_id %s" \
                    % (d.id, d.location_id)
            n = self.node_by_id[d.location_id]
            if d.person_id and d.person_id != n.person_id:
                print "person %s: d:%s n:%s" % (d.id, d.person_id, n.person_id)

    # end def create_devices

    def create_nodes(self):
        x_start = 4080
        y_start = 4806
        x_lon = 15.43844103813
        y_lat = 47.07177327969
        dx_lon = 50675.5176
        dy_lat = 75505.521
        for n in sorted(self.contents['location'], key=lambda x: x.id):
            self.node_by_id[n.id] = n
            person_id = self.person_dupes.get(n.person_id, n.person_id)
            if person_id not in self.person_by_id:
                print "WARN: Location %s owner %s missing" % (n.id, person_id)
            person = self.person_by_id[person_id]

            lat = lon = None
            if n.pixel_x is not None and n.pixel_y is not None:
                lon = "%f" % (x_lon + (n.pixel_x - x_start) / dx_lon)
                lat = "%f" % (y_lat + (n.pixel_y - y_start) / dy_lat)

            node = self.ffm.Node \
                ( name        = n.name
                , show_in_map = not n.hidden
                , manager     = person
                , position    = dict (lat = lat, lon = lon)
                , raw         = True
            if n.street:
                s = ' '.join(x for x in (n.street, n.streetnr) if x)
                adr = self.pap.Address.instance_or_new \
                    ( street = s
                    , zip    = '8010'
                    , city   = 'Graz'
                    , country = 'Austria'
                self.pap.Node_has_Address(node, adr)
            if n.gallery_link:
                abs = 'http://gallery.funkfeuer.at/v/Graz/Knoten/%s/'
                if n.gallery_link.startswith('http'):
                    abs = "%s"
                url = self.pap.Url.instance_or_new \
                    (abs % n.gallery_link, desc = 'Gallery')
                self.pap.Node_has_Url(node, url)
            #print "%4d %s %s %r %s %s %s %r" % \
            #    (n.id, n.hastinc, n.time, n.street, n.streetnr, n.gps_lon, n.gps_lat, n.comment)

    # end def create_nodes

    def create_persons(self):
        for m in sorted(self.contents['person'], key=lambda x: x.id):
            #print "%s: %r %r" % (m.id, m.firstname, m.lastname)
            self.member_by_id[m.id] = m
            if m.id in self.person_dupes:
                print "INFO: Duplicate person: %s" % m.id
            if not m.firstname or not m.lastname:
                print >> sys.stderr, "WARN: name missing: %s (%s/%s)" \
                    % (m.id, m.firstname, m.lastname)
            person = self.pap.Person \
                ( first_name = m.firstname.strip ()
                , last_name  = m.lastname.strip ()
                , raw        = True
            self.person_by_id[m.id] = person
            if m.nick:
                self.try_insert_nick(m.nick, m.id, person)
            if m.email:
                email = self.pap.Email(address=m.email)
                self.pap.Person_has_Email(person, email)
            if m.tel:
                self.try_insert_phone(m.tel, m.id, person)
        # get data from dupes
        for d_id, m_id in self.person_dupes.iteritems():
            # older version of db or dupe removed:
            if d_id not in self.member_by_id or m_id not in self.person_by_id:
            d = self.member_by_id[d_id]
            m = self.member_by_id[m_id]
            person = self.person_by_id[m_id]
            if d.email:
                email = self.pap.Email(address=d.email)
                self.pap.Person_has_Email(person, email)
            if d.nick:
                self.try_insert_nick(d.nick, m_id, person)
            if d.tel:
                self.try_insert_phone(d.tel, m_id, person)

    # end def create_persons

    def set_creation(self, obj, create_time):
        create_time = make_naive(create_time)
        self.scope.ems.convert_creation_change(obj.pid, c_time=create_time)

    # end def set_creation

    def try_insert_phone(self, tel, id, person):
        p = Phone(tel, city="Graz")
        if p:
            k = str(p)
            t = self.pap.Phone.instance(*p)
            if t:
                eid = self.phone_ids[k]
                prs = self.person_by_id[eid]
                if eid != id:
                    print "WARN: %s/%s %s/%s: Duplicate Phone: %s" \
                        % (eid, prs.pid, id, person.pid, tel)
                self.phone_ids[k] = id
                phone = self.pap.Phone(*p)
                self.pap.Person_has_Phone(person, phone)

    # end def try_insert_phone

    def try_insert_nick(self, nick, id, person):
        lnick = nick.lower()
        if lnick in self.nicknames:
            eid = self.nicknames[lnick]
            prs = self.person_by_id[eid]
            if eid != id:
                print "WARN: %s/%s %s/%s Duplicate Nickname: %s" \
                    % (eid, prs.pid, id, person.pid, nick)
            n = self.pap.Nickname(nick, raw=True)
            self.pap.Person_has_Nickname(person, n)
            self.nicknames[lnick] = id