def main(): dir_data = load_setup(file("directory.conf").read()) directory = [(kid, socket.gethostbyname(ip), port) for (kid, ip, port) in dir_data["directory"] ] special_id = dir_data["special"] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='RSCoin auditor client.') parser.add_argument('--online_audit', action='store_true', help='randomly audit the mintettes behavior during current epoch') parser.add_argument('--local_test', action='store_true', help='test auditing function locally') parser.add_argument('--remote_test', action='store_true', help='') args = parser.parse_args() if args.online_audit: # Create two threads as follows threadNum = 30 for _ in range(threadNum): auditor = Auditor(directory, special_id) try: thread.start_new_thread( auditor.start_online_audit,()) except Exception, e: print "Error: unable to start thread %s" % e while 1: pass
def test_load_balance(): try: dir_data = load_setup(file("directory.conf").read()) directory = dir_data["directory"] except: chars = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"] directory = [(c* 32, "", 8080) for c in chars] hist = defaultdict(int) for _ in range(10000): x = get_authorities(directory, urandom(32), N = 3) for xi in x: hist[xi] += 1 for ki, ni in sorted(hist.iteritems()): print hexlify(ki)[:8], ni
def test_load_balance(): try: dir_data = load_setup(file("directory.conf").read()) directory = dir_data["directory"] except: chars = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"] directory = [(c * 32, "", 8080) for c in chars] hist = defaultdict(int) for _ in range(10000): x = get_authorities(directory, urandom(32), N=3) for xi in x: hist[xi] += 1 for ki, ni in sorted(hist.iteritems()): print hexlify(ki)[:8], ni
def test_setup(): data = """{ "special": "AmodBjXyo2bVqyi1h0e5Kf8hSbGCmalnbF8YwJ0=", "directory": [ ["A/Sw7CRkoXzB2O0A3WfPMSDIbv/pOxd5Co3u9kM=", "", 8080] ] }""" stuff = load_setup(data) secret = "hello1" special = "special" directory = stuff["directory"] public = rscoin.Key(secret, public=False).pub.export() print("\nPublic: %s" % b64encode(public)) # , b64decode public_special = rscoin.Key(special, public=False).pub.export() print("Public (special): %s" % b64encode(public_special)) # , b64decode assert public == directory[0][0] assert public_special == stuff["special"]
def main(): dir_data = load_setup(file("directory.conf").read()) # directory = dir_data["directory"] directory = [(kid, socket.gethostbyname(ip), port) for (kid, ip, port) in dir_data["directory"]] special_id = dir_data["special"] # Options parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='RSCoin client.') parser.add_argument('--dir', action='store_true', help='List mintettes.') parser.add_argument('--mock', action='store_true', help='Do not connect to the network.') parser.add_argument('--balances', action='store_true', help='List balances of all addresses.') parser.add_argument('--issue', nargs=2, metavar=("VALUE", "ADDRESS"), help='Issue a coin to an address.') parser.add_argument('--pay', nargs=3, metavar=("VALUE", "ADDRESS", "CHANGEADDRESS"), help='Pay and address some amount, and return change') parser.add_argument('--newaddress', nargs=1, metavar="NAME", help='Make a new address with a specific name.') parser.add_argument('--storeaddress', nargs=2, metavar=("NAME", "KEYID"), help='Load an address ID with a specific name.') parser.add_argument('--listaddress', action='store_true', help='List all known addresses.') parser.add_argument('--play', nargs=1, metavar="FILE", help='Play a set of transaction cores.') parser.add_argument('--conn', default=20, type=int, metavar="CONNECTIONS", help='Number of simultaneaous connections.') args = parser.parse_args() if args.dir: for (kid, ip, port) in directory: print "%s\t%s\t%s" % (ip, port, b64encode(kid)) elif args.balances: keys = load_keys() active = ActiveTx("activetx.log", keys) for (k, v) in active.balances().iteritems(): print "%s\t%s RSC" % (k, v) elif args.listaddress: keys = load_keys() for k in keys: if k[0] == "#": print "%s\t%s (%s)" % (k, keys[k][2], keys[k][1]) elif args.newaddress: sec_str = urandom(32) k_sec = rscoin.Key(sec_str, public=False) k_pub = k_id = f = file("keychain.txt", "a") data = "#%s sec %s %s" % (args.newaddress[0], b64encode(k_id), b64encode(sec_str)) print data f.write(data + "\n") f.close() elif args.storeaddress: f = file("keychain.txt", "a") data = "#%s pub %s" % (args.storeaddress[0], args.storeaddress[1]) f.write(data + "\n") f.close() elif threads = [None] * args.conn cores = [] for core in file([0]): c = core.strip().split() cores += [c] def play_another_song(var): if var is not None and (not isinstance(var, float) or not isinstance(var, float)): print "ERROR", var if cores != []: c = cores.pop() d = play(c, directory) d.addCallback(play_another_song) def replay(): cores += [c] d.addErrback(replay) d.addErrback(play_another_song) else: threads.pop() if threads == []: reactor.stop() for _ in threads: play_another_song(None) t0 = default_timer() t1 = default_timer() print "Overall time: %s" % (t1 - t0) for (ip, v) in sorted(_stats.iteritems()): print "Stats: %s %s" % (ip, v) elif (val, dest_addr, change_addr) = val = int(val) assert isinstance(val, int) and 0 < val keys = load_keys() dest_addr = b64decode(keys["#" + dest_addr][2]) change_addr = b64decode(keys["#" + change_addr][2]) active = ActiveTx("activetx.log", keys) print val xval, txs = active.get_value(int(val)) assert len(txs) > 0 if val <= xval: # build the transactions inTx = [] outTx = [rscoin.OutputTx(dest_addr, val)] if xval - val > 0: outTx += [rscoin.OutputTx(change_addr, xval - val)] inTx_list = [] keys_list = [] for (tx_id, i, key_id, value) in txs: inTx_list += [ rscoin.Tx.parse(active.Tx[(tx_id, i, key_id, value)]) ] keys_list += [rscoin.Key(b64decode(keys[key_id][3]), False)] inTx += [rscoin.InputTx(tx_id, i)] newtx = rscoin.Tx(inTx, outTx) newtx_ser = newtx.serialize() ## Now we sign and remove from the list active.add(newtx_ser) for k in txs: active.remove(k) ## Now run the on-line checking sechash, query_string, core = package_query( newtx, inTx_list, keys_list) print " ".join(core) d = play(core, directory) d.addBoth(r_stop) else: print "Insufficient balance: %s ( < %s)" % (val, xval) elif args.issue: # Parse the basic files. secret = file("secret.key").read() mykey = rscoin.Key(secret, public=False) # Ensure the secret key corresponds to the special public key. assert special_id == [value_str, key_name] = args.issue keys = load_keys() key_id = b64decode(keys["#" + key_name][2]) tx = rscoin.Tx([], [rscoin.OutputTx(key_id, int(value_str))]) sig = mykey.sign( ## Now we test the Commit tx_ser = tx.serialize() #core = map(b64encode, [tx_ser,, sig]) #data = " ".join(["Commit", str(len(core))] + core) data = package_issue(tx, [mykey, sig]) if args.mock: print data else: auths = set(get_authorities(directory, small_dir = [(kid, ip, port) for (kid, ip, port) in directory if kid in auths] d = broadcast(small_dir, data) def r_process(results): for msg in results: parsed = unpackage_commit_response(msg) if parsed[0] != "OK": raise Exception("Response not OK.") pub, sig = parsed[1:] kx = rscoin.Key(pub) if not (kx.verify(, sig) and in auths): raise Exception("Invalid Signature.") auths.remove( active = ActiveTx("activetx.log", keys) active.add(tx_ser) print " ".join(core) d.addCallback(r_process) d.addBoth(r_stop)
from twisted.application import internet, service from rscoin.rscservice import RSCFactory, load_setup import rscoin from base64 import b64encode, b64decode secret = file("secret.key").read() public = rscoin.Key(secret, public=False) print "Public keys: %s" % b64encode( dir_data = file("directory.conf").read() directory = load_setup(dir_data) # [(, "", 8080)] application = service.Application("rscoin") echoService = internet.TCPServer(8080, RSCFactory(secret, directory["directory"], directory["special"], N=3)) echoService.setServiceParent(application)
from twisted.application import internet, service from rscoin.rscservice import RSCFactory, load_setup import rscoin from base64 import b64encode, b64decode secret = file("secret.key").read() public = rscoin.Key(secret, public=False) print "Public keys: %s" % b64encode( dir_data = file("directory.conf").read() directory = load_setup(dir_data) # [(, "", 8080)] application = service.Application("rscoin") echoService = internet.TCPServer( 8080, RSCFactory(secret, directory["directory"], directory["special"], N=3)) echoService.setServiceParent(application)
def main(): dir_data = load_setup(file("directory.conf").read()) # directory = dir_data["directory"] directory = [(kid, socket.gethostbyname(ip), port) for (kid, ip, port) in dir_data["directory"] ] special_id = dir_data["special"] # Options parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='RSCoin client.') parser.add_argument('--dir', action='store_true', help='List mintettes.') parser.add_argument('--mock', action='store_true', help='Do not connect to the network.') parser.add_argument('--balances', action='store_true', help='List balances of all addresses.') parser.add_argument('--issue', nargs=2, metavar=("VALUE", "ADDRESS"), help='Issue a coin to an address.') parser.add_argument('--pay', nargs=3, metavar=("VALUE", "ADDRESS", "CHANGEADDRESS"), help='Pay and address some amount, and return change') parser.add_argument('--newaddress', nargs=1, metavar="NAME", help='Make a new address with a specific name.') parser.add_argument('--storeaddress', nargs=2, metavar=("NAME", "KEYID"), help='Load an address ID with a specific name.') parser.add_argument('--listaddress',action='store_true', help='List all known addresses.') parser.add_argument('--play', nargs=1, metavar="FILE", help='Play a set of transaction cores.') parser.add_argument('--conn', default=20, type=int, metavar="CONNECTIONS", help='Number of simultaneaous connections.') args = parser.parse_args() if args.dir: for (kid, ip, port) in directory: print "%s\t%s\t%s" % (ip, port, b64encode(kid)) elif args.balances: keys = load_keys() active = ActiveTx("activetx.log", keys) for (k, v) in active.balances().iteritems(): print "%s\t%s RSC" % (k, v) elif args.listaddress: keys = load_keys() for k in keys: if k[0] == "#": print "%s\t%s (%s)" % (k, keys[k][2], keys[k][1]) elif args.newaddress: sec_str = urandom(32) k_sec = rscoin.Key(sec_str, public=False) k_pub = k_id = f = file("keychain.txt", "a") data = "#%s sec %s %s" % (args.newaddress[0], b64encode(k_id), b64encode(sec_str)) print data f.write(data+"\n") f.close() elif args.storeaddress: f = file("keychain.txt", "a") data = "#%s pub %s" % (args.storeaddress[0], args.storeaddress[1]) f.write(data+"\n") f.close() elif threads = [ None ] * args.conn cores = [] for core in file([0]): c = core.strip().split() cores += [ c ] def play_another_song(var): if var is not None and (not isinstance(var, float) or not isinstance(var, float)): print "ERROR", var if cores != []: c = cores.pop() d = play(c, directory) d.addCallback(play_another_song) def replay(failure): cores.append(c) print cores + len(cores) d.addErrback(replay) d.addErrback(play_another_song) else: threads.pop() if threads == []: reactor.stop() for _ in threads: play_another_song(None) t0 = default_timer() t1 = default_timer() print "Overall time: %s" % (t1 - t0) for (ip, v) in sorted(_stats.iteritems()): print "Stats: %s %s" % (ip, v) elif (val, dest_addr, change_addr) = val = int(val) assert isinstance(val, int) and 0 < val keys = load_keys() dest_addr = b64decode(keys["#"+dest_addr][2]) change_addr = b64decode(keys["#"+change_addr][2]) active = ActiveTx("activetx.log", keys) print val xval, txs = active.get_value(int(val)) assert len(txs) > 0 if val <= xval: # build the transactions inTx = [] outTx = [ rscoin.OutputTx(dest_addr, val) ] if xval - val > 0: outTx += [ rscoin.OutputTx(change_addr, xval - val) ] inTx_list = [] keys_list = [] for (tx_id, i, key_id, value) in txs: inTx_list += [ rscoin.Tx.parse(active.Tx[(tx_id, i, key_id, value)]) ] keys_list += [ rscoin.Key(b64decode(keys[key_id][3]), False) ] inTx += [ rscoin.InputTx(tx_id, i) ] newtx = rscoin.Tx(inTx, outTx) newtx_ser = newtx.serialize() ## Now we sign and remove from the list active.add(newtx_ser) for k in txs: active.remove(k) ## Now run the on-line checking sechash, query_string, core = package_query(newtx, inTx_list, keys_list) print " ".join(core) d = play(core, directory) d.addBoth(r_stop) else: print "Insufficient balance: %s ( < %s)" % (val, xval) elif args.issue: # Parse the basic files. secret = file("secret.key").read() mykey = rscoin.Key(secret, public=False) # Ensure the secret key corresponds to the special public key. assert special_id == [value_str, key_name] = args.issue keys = load_keys() key_id = b64decode(keys["#"+key_name][2]) tx = rscoin.Tx([], [rscoin.OutputTx(key_id, int(value_str))]) sig = mykey.sign( ## Now we test the Commit #tx_ser = tx.serialize() #core = map(b64encode, [tx_ser,, sig]) #data = " ".join(["Commit", str(len(core))] + core) data = package_issue(tx, [mykey, sig]) if args.mock: print data else: auths = set(get_authorities(directory, small_dir = [(kid, ip, port) for (kid, ip, port) in directory if kid in auths] d = broadcast(small_dir, data) def r_process(results): for msg in results: parsed = unpackage_commit_response(msg) if parsed[0] != "OK": raise Exception("Response not OK.") pub, sig = parsed[1:] kx = rscoin.Key(pub) if not (kx.verify(, sig) and in auths): raise Exception("Invalid Signature.") auths.remove( ) active = ActiveTx("activetx.log", keys) active.add(tx_ser) print " ".join(core) d.addCallback(r_process) d.addBoth(r_stop)