def __init__(self, **kw): Environment.__init__(*(self, ), **kw) # self.EnsureSConsVersion(0,96) opts = { 'TIMER': 'Whether to time execution', 'CHECKPAR': 'Whether to check parameters', 'ENVIRON': 'Additional environment settings', 'CLUSTER': 'Nodes available on a cluster', 'BATCH': 'Parameter file for batch jobs on a cluster' } rsf.conf.set_options(self, opts) root = self.get('RSFROOT', rsf.prog.RSFROOT) self.bindir = os.path.join(root, 'bin') self.sfpen = os.path.join(self.bindir, 'sfpen') self.pspen = os.path.join(self.bindir, 'pspen') self.vppen = os.path.join(self.bindir, 'vppen') # self.runonnode = os.path.join(self.bindir,'runonnode') self.figs = os.environ.get( 'RSFFIGS', os.path.join(root, 'share', 'madagascar', 'figs')) cwd = os.getcwd() self.cwd = cwd # path for binary files self.path = rsf.path.getpath(cwd) tmpdatapath = os.environ.get('TMPDATAPATH', self.path) rsf.path.sconsign(self) self.resdir = resdir self.figdir = re.sub('.*\/((?:[^\/]+)\/(?:[^\/]+)\/(?:[^\/]+))$', self.figs + '/\\1', cwd) self.progsuffix = self['PROGSUFFIX'] # Keep certain environmental variables in the environment for env in keepenv: getenv = os.environ.get(env) if getenv: self.Append(ENV={env: getenv}) self.hostname = socket.gethostname() # Keep environmental variables needed for SLURM for env in list(os.environ.keys()): if 'SLURM_' == env[: 6] or 'TACC_' == env[: 5] or '_ModuleTable' == env[: 12]: self.Append(ENV={env: os.environ[env]}) if sys.platform[:6] == 'cygwin': exe = '' else: exe = '.exe' libdir = os.path.join(root, 'lib') incdir = os.path.join(root, 'include') self.Append(ENV={ 'RSFROOT': root, 'DATAPATH': self.path, 'OMP_NUM_THREADS': os.environ.get('OMP_NUM_THREADS', rsf.node.cpus()), 'TMPDATAPATH': tmpdatapath, 'XAUTHORITY': os.environ.get('XAUTHORITY', os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME'), '.Xauthority')) }, BUILDERS={ 'Retrieve': Retrieve, 'Test': Test, 'Echo': Echo }, LIBPATH=[libdir], CPPPATH=[incdir], F90PATH=[incdir], LIBS=[libs], PROGSUFFIX=exe) self.Prepend(LIBS=[self.get('DYNLIB', '') + 'rsf']) minesjtk = self.get('MINESJTK', None) usejava = self.get('JAVA_HOME', None) if not usejava: usejava = self.get('JAVA_SDK', None) if minesjtk or usejava: classpath = [] classpath.append(os.path.join(libdir, 'rsf.jar')) userclasspath = os.environ.get('CLASSPATH', None) if userclasspath: classpath.append(userclasspath) if minesjtk: classpath.append(minesjtk) self.Append(JAVACLASSPATH=':'.join(classpath)) classpath.append('.') self.Append(ENV={'CLASSPATH': ':'.join(classpath)}) path = { 'darwin': '/opt/local/bin', 'irix': '/usr/freeware/bin', 'cygwin': '/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/lib/lapack:' + libdir } for plat in list(path.keys()): if sys.platform[:len(plat)] == plat: self['ENV']['PATH'] = ':'.join( [path[plat], self['ENV']['PATH']]) pythonpath = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'bin') if os.path.isdir(pythonpath): self['ENV']['PATH'] = ':'.join([pythonpath, self['ENV']['PATH']]) if sys.platform[:6] == 'cygwin': self['ENV']['SYSTEMROOT'] = os.environ.get('SYSTEMROOT') self['PROGPREFIX'] = '' self.view = [] self.prnt = [] self.lock = [] self.test = [] self.coms = [] = [] = [] sys.path.append('../../../Recipes') timer = self.get('TIMER') if timer and timer[0] != 'n' and timer[0] != '0': self.timer = WhereIs('time') + ' ' else: self.timer = '' self.mpirun = self.get('MPIRUN', WhereIs('ibrun') or WhereIs('mpirun')) checkpar = self.get('CHECKPAR') self.checkpar = checkpar and checkpar[0] != 'n' and checkpar[0] != '0' self.environ = self.get('ENVIRON', '') self.batch = self.get('BATCH') = GetOption('num_jobs') # getting information from scons -j cluster = self.get('CLUSTER', os.environ.get('RSF_CLUSTER', 'localhost 1')) hosts = cluster.split() self.nodes = [] for i in range(1, len(hosts), 2): nh = int(hosts[i]) self.nodes.extend([hosts[i - 1]] * nh) self.ip = 0 # self.nodes is a list of CPUs # is the number of jobs # self.ip is the current CPU for key in list(self['ENV'].keys()): self.environ = self.environ + " %s='%s'" % (key, self['ENV'][key])
def __init__(self, **kw): kw.update({'tools': []}) apply(Environment.__init__, (self, ), kw) rsf.conf.set_options(self) sourceforge = '' self.Append(ENV={ 'XAUTHORITY': os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME'), '.Xauthority'), 'DISPLAY': os.environ.get('DISPLAY'), 'RSF_REPOSITORY': os.environ.get('RSF_REPOSITORY', sourceforge), 'RSF_ENSCRIPT': WhereIs('enscript'), 'HOME': os.environ.get('HOME') }, SCANNERS=LaTeXS, BUILDERS={ 'Latify': Latify, 'Pdf': Pdf, 'Wiki': Wiki, 'Build': Build, 'Color': Color, 'Figs': Figs }) path = { 'darwin': ['/sw/bin', '/opt/local/bin'], 'irix': ['/usr/freeware/bin'] } for plat in path.keys(): if sys.platform[:len(plat)] == plat: for pathdir in filter(os.path.isdir, path[plat]): self['ENV']['PATH'] = ':'.join( [pathdir, self['ENV']['PATH']]) tree = rsf.path.dirtree() root = self.get('RSFROOT', rsf.prog.RSFROOT) self.docdir = os.environ.get('RSFBOOK', os.path.join(root, 'share', 'madagascar')) self.figdir = os.environ.get('RSFFIGS', os.path.join(self.docdir, 'figs')) for level in tree: if level: self.docdir = os.path.join(self.docdir, level) rsf.path.mkdir(self.docdir) datapath = rsf.path.datapath() self.path = os.path.dirname(datapath) if datapath[:2] != './': for level in tree[1:]: self.path = os.path.join(self.path, level) rsf.path.mkdir(self.path) self.path = os.path.join(self.path, os.path.basename(datapath)) rsf.path.sconsign(self) if pdfread: self.Append(BUILDERS={'Read': Read, 'Print': Print}) if epstopdf: self.Append(BUILDERS={'PDFBuild': PDFBuild}) if fig2dev: self.Append(BUILDERS={'XFig': XFig}) if latex2html: self.Append(BUILDERS={'HTML': HTML, 'PNGBuild': PNGBuild}) self.imgs = [] if (acroread and ps2eps) or pdf2ps: self.Append(BUILDERS={'PSBuild': PSBuild}) if epstopdf: if mathematica: self.Append(BUILDERS={'Math': Math}) if gnuplot: self.Append(BUILDERS={'Gnuplot': Gnuplot}) if matlab: self.Append(BUILDERS={'Matlab': Matlab}) if haspylab: self.Append(BUILDERS={'Pylab': Pylab}) if sage: self.Append(BUILDERS={'Sage': Sage}) self.scons = [] self.figs = [] self.Dir()
def __init__(self,**kw): apply(Environment.__init__,(self,),kw) self.EnsureSConsVersion(0,96) opts = { 'TIMER':'Whether to time execution', 'CHECKPAR':'Whether to check parameters', 'ENVIRON':'Additional environment settings', 'CLUSTER':'Nodes available on a cluster', 'MPIRUN':'mpirun command' } rsf.conf.set_options(self,opts) root = self.get('RSFROOT',rsf.prog.RSFROOT) self.bindir = os.path.join(root,'bin') self.sfpen = os.path.join(self.bindir,'sfpen') self.pspen = os.path.join(self.bindir,'pspen') self.vppen = os.path.join(self.bindir,'vppen') self.figs = os.environ.get('RSFFIGS',os.path.join(root,'share','madagascar','figs')) cwd = os.getcwd() self.cwd = cwd # path for binary files self.path = rsf.path.getpath(cwd) tmpdatapath = os.environ.get('TMPDATAPATH',self.path) rsf.path.sconsign(self) self.resdir = resdir self.figdir = re.sub('.*\/((?:[^\/]+)\/(?:[^\/]+)\/(?:[^\/]+))$', self.figs+'/\\1',cwd) self.progsuffix = self['PROGSUFFIX'] for env in keepenv: getenv = os.environ.get(env) if getenv: self.Append(ENV={env:getenv}) if sys.platform[:6] == 'cygwin': exe = '' else: exe = '.exe' libdir = os.path.join(root,'lib') incdir = os.path.join(root,'include') self.Append(ENV={'RSFROOT':root, 'DATAPATH':self.path, 'OMP_NUM_THREADS': os.environ.get('OMP_NUM_THREADS',rsf.path.cpus()), 'TMPDATAPATH': tmpdatapath, 'SFPENOPTS': os.environ.get('SFPENOPTS',''), 'XAUTHORITY': os.environ.get('XAUTHORITY', os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME'), '.Xauthority'))}, BUILDERS={'Retrieve':Retrieve, 'Test':Test, 'Echo':Echo}, LIBPATH=[libdir], CPPPATH=[incdir], LIBS=[libs], PROGSUFFIX=exe) self.Prepend(LIBS=[self.get('DYNLIB','')+'rsf']) minesjtk = self.get('MINESJTK',None) usejava = self.get('JAVA_HOME',None) if not usejava: usejava = self.get('JAVA_SDK',None) if minesjtk or usejava: classpath = [] classpath.append(os.path.join(libdir,'rsf.jar')) userclasspath = os.environ.get('CLASSPATH',None) if userclasspath: classpath.append(userclasspath) if minesjtk: classpath.append(minesjtk) self.Append(JAVACLASSPATH=':'.join(classpath)) classpath.append('.') self.Append(ENV={'CLASSPATH':':'.join(classpath)}) path = {'darwin': '/opt/local/bin', 'irix': '/usr/freeware/bin', 'cygwin': '/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/lib/lapack'} for plat in path.keys(): if sys.platform[:len(plat)] == plat: self['ENV']['PATH'] = ':'.join([path[plat], self['ENV']['PATH']]) pythonpath = os.path.join(sys.prefix,'bin') if os.path.isdir(pythonpath): self['ENV']['PATH'] = ':'.join([pythonpath, self['ENV']['PATH']]) if sys.platform[:6] == 'cygwin': self['ENV']['SYSTEMROOT'] = os.environ.get('SYSTEMROOT') self['PROGPREFIX']='' self.view = [] self.prnt = [] self.lock = [] self.test = [] self.coms = [] = [] = [] sys.path.append('../../../Recipes') timer = self.get('TIMER') if timer and timer[0] != 'n' and timer[0] != '0': self.timer = WhereIs('time') + ' ' else: self.timer = '' self.mpirun = self.get('MPIRUN',WhereIs('ibrun') or WhereIs('mpirun')) wsplit = os.environ.get('RSF_WSPLIT', None) if wsplit: self.wsplit = True else: self.wsplit = False raddenv = os.environ.get('RSF_RADDENV', None) if raddenv: self.raddenv = raddenv else: self.raddenv = '' checkpar = self.get('CHECKPAR') self.checkpar = checkpar and checkpar[0] != 'n' and checkpar[0] != '0' self.environ = self.get('ENVIRON','') = GetOption('num_jobs') cluster = self.get('CLUSTER',os.environ.get('RSF_CLUSTER','localhost 1')) hosts = string.split(cluster) self.nodes = [] for i in range(1,len(hosts),2): nh = int(hosts[i]) self.nodes.extend([hosts[i-1]]*nh) self.taskonnode=[] for i in range(len(self.nodes)): self.taskonnode.extend([False]) self.ip = 0 # self.nodes is a list of CPUs # is the number of jobs # self.ip is the current CPU for key in self['ENV'].keys(): self.environ = self.environ + ' %s=%s' % (key,self['ENV'][key])
def __init__(self,**kw): apply(Environment.__init__,(self,),kw) # self.EnsureSConsVersion(0,96) opts = { 'TIMER':'Whether to time execution', 'CHECKPAR':'Whether to check parameters', 'ENVIRON':'Additional environment settings', 'CLUSTER':'Nodes available on a cluster', 'BATCH' : 'Parameter file for batch jobs on a cluster' } rsf.conf.set_options(self,opts) root = self.get('RSFROOT',rsf.prog.RSFROOT) self.bindir = os.path.join(root,'bin') self.sfpen = os.path.join(self.bindir,'sfpen') self.pspen = os.path.join(self.bindir,'pspen') self.vppen = os.path.join(self.bindir,'vppen') self.runonnode = os.path.join(self.bindir,'runonnode') self.figs = os.environ.get('RSFFIGS',os.path.join(root,'share','madagascar','figs')) cwd = os.getcwd() self.cwd = cwd # path for binary files self.path = rsf.path.getpath(cwd) tmpdatapath = os.environ.get('TMPDATAPATH',self.path) rsf.path.sconsign(self) self.resdir = resdir self.figdir = re.sub('.*\/((?:[^\/]+)\/(?:[^\/]+)\/(?:[^\/]+))$', self.figs+'/\\1',cwd) self.progsuffix = self['PROGSUFFIX'] # Keep certain environmental variables in the environment for env in keepenv: getenv = os.environ.get(env) if getenv: self.Append(ENV={env:getenv}) self.hostname = socket.gethostname() # Keep environmental variables needed for SLURM for env in os.environ.keys(): if 'SLURM_' == env[:6] or 'TACC_' == env[:5] or '_ModuleTable' == env[:12]: self.Append(ENV={env:os.environ[env]}) if sys.platform[:6] == 'cygwin': exe = '' else: exe = '.exe' libdir = os.path.join(root,'lib') incdir = os.path.join(root,'include') self.Append(ENV={'RSFROOT':root, 'DATAPATH':self.path, 'OMP_NUM_THREADS': os.environ.get('OMP_NUM_THREADS',rsf.node.cpus()), 'TMPDATAPATH': tmpdatapath, 'XAUTHORITY': os.environ.get('XAUTHORITY', os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME'), '.Xauthority'))}, BUILDERS={'Retrieve':Retrieve, 'Test':Test, 'Echo':Echo}, LIBPATH=[libdir], CPPPATH=[incdir], F90PATH=[incdir], LIBS=[libs], PROGSUFFIX=exe) self.Prepend(LIBS=[self.get('DYNLIB','')+'rsf']) minesjtk = self.get('MINESJTK',None) usejava = self.get('JAVA_HOME',None) if not usejava: usejava = self.get('JAVA_SDK',None) if minesjtk or usejava: classpath = [] classpath.append(os.path.join(libdir,'rsf.jar')) userclasspath = os.environ.get('CLASSPATH',None) if userclasspath: classpath.append(userclasspath) if minesjtk: classpath.append(minesjtk) self.Append(JAVACLASSPATH=':'.join(classpath)) classpath.append('.') self.Append(ENV={'CLASSPATH':':'.join(classpath)}) path = {'darwin': '/opt/local/bin', 'irix': '/usr/freeware/bin', 'cygwin': '/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/lib/lapack'} for plat in path.keys(): if sys.platform[:len(plat)] == plat: self['ENV']['PATH'] = ':'.join([path[plat], self['ENV']['PATH']]) pythonpath = os.path.join(sys.prefix,'bin') if os.path.isdir(pythonpath): self['ENV']['PATH'] = ':'.join([pythonpath, self['ENV']['PATH']]) if sys.platform[:6] == 'cygwin': self['ENV']['SYSTEMROOT'] = os.environ.get('SYSTEMROOT') self['PROGPREFIX']='' self.view = [] self.prnt = [] self.lock = [] self.test = [] self.coms = [] = [] = [] sys.path.append('../../../Recipes') timer = self.get('TIMER') if timer and timer[0] != 'n' and timer[0] != '0': self.timer = WhereIs('time') + ' ' else: self.timer = '' self.mpirun = self.get('MPIRUN',WhereIs('ibrun') or WhereIs('mpirun')) raddenv = os.environ.get('RSF_RADDENV', None) if raddenv: self.raddenv = raddenv else: self.raddenv = '' checkpar = self.get('CHECKPAR') self.checkpar = checkpar and checkpar[0] != 'n' and checkpar[0] != '0' self.environ = self.get('ENVIRON','') self.batch = self.get('BATCH') = GetOption('num_jobs') # getting information from scons -j cluster = self.get('CLUSTER',os.environ.get('RSF_CLUSTER','localhost 1')) hosts = string.split(cluster) self.nodes = [] for i in range(1,len(hosts),2): nh = int(hosts[i]) self.nodes.extend([hosts[i-1]]*nh) self.ip = 0 # self.nodes is a list of CPUs # is the number of jobs # self.ip is the current CPU # Karl Schleicher kls. I'll move hosts.txt back to the current working # directory. This method of pscons rsh to remote nodes only works # for one pscons in the current working directory, otherwise the # multiple tasks will write to the same file and make a mess! # Esteban noticed this in December 2015. # kls Karl Schleicher This can be trapped by making sure no hosts.txt # already exists and exiting with an error. hosts.txt will need to be # deleted at the end. That will be a project for another day! # YOu cannot append pid to hosts.txt, or the next time you run, # the command wil be different and scons wilL think it needs to be # rerun. if len(self.nodes) > 1: self.hosts = self.cwd + '/hosts.txt' print "using %s to keep track of nodes in use by pscons."%self.hosts # I would like to delete hosts.txt file at end of scons. Cannot just # delete in def End(self). Need to do after all the scons command # complete. kls if (os.path.isfile(self.hosts)): # would like to delete at end and make error message here it exists. os.unlink(self.hosts) hosts_fd=open(self.hosts,'w') hosts_fd.write("numnodes %4d\n"%len(self.nodes)) hosts_fd.write("host state\n") for host in self.nodes: hosts_fd.write(string.ljust(host,40)+string.ljust("notrunning",10)+"\n") hosts_fd.close() for key in self['ENV'].keys(): # quote the env values because stampede has env variable # SLURM_NODE_ALIASES=(null) This makes problems in the ssh to nodes. # on stampede there are many env keys starting with SLURM_ or # TACC_ that include list of nodes or queue_job_number. There # will make pscons rerun the tasks. Some are harmless but # clutter the printed job output. They can be safely removed if (key[:6]!='SLURM_' and key[:5]!='TACC_' and key[:12]!='_ModuleTable'): self.environ = self.environ + " %s='%s'" %(key,self['ENV'][key])
def __init__(self, **kw): kw.update({"tools": []}) apply(Environment.__init__, (self,), kw) rsf.conf.set_options(self) # sourceforge = '' github = "" self.Append( ENV={ "XAUTHORITY": os.path.join(os.environ.get("HOME"), ".Xauthority"), "DISPLAY": os.environ.get("DISPLAY"), "RSF_REPOSITORY": os.environ.get("RSF_REPOSITORY", github), "RSF_ENSCRIPT": WhereIs("enscript"), "HOME": os.environ.get("HOME"), }, SCANNERS=LaTeXS, BUILDERS={"Latify": Latify, "Pdf": Pdf, "Wiki": Wiki, "Build": Build, "Color": Color, "Figs": Figs}, ) path = {"darwin": ["/sw/bin", "/opt/local/bin"], "irix": ["/usr/freeware/bin"]} for plat in path.keys(): if sys.platform[: len(plat)] == plat: for pathdir in filter(os.path.isdir, path[plat]): self["ENV"]["PATH"] = ":".join([pathdir, self["ENV"]["PATH"]]) tree = rsf.path.dirtree() root = self.get("RSFROOT", rsf.prog.RSFROOT) self.docdir = os.environ.get("RSFBOOK", os.path.join(root, "share", "madagascar")) self.figdir = os.environ.get("RSFFIGS", os.path.join(self.docdir, "figs")) for level in tree: if level: self.docdir = os.path.join(self.docdir, level) rsf.path.mkdir(self.docdir) datapath = rsf.path.datapath() self.path = os.path.dirname(datapath) if datapath[:2] != "./": for level in tree[1:]: self.path = os.path.join(self.path, level) rsf.path.mkdir(self.path) self.path = os.path.join(self.path, os.path.basename(datapath)) rsf.path.sconsign(self) if pdfread: self.Append(BUILDERS={"Read": Read, "Print": Print}) if epstopdf: self.Append(BUILDERS={"PDFBuild": PDFBuild}) if fig2dev: self.Append(BUILDERS={"XFig": XFig}) if latex2html: self.Append(BUILDERS={"HTML": HTML, "PNGBuild": PNGBuild}) self.imgs = [] if (acroread and ps2eps) or pdf2ps: self.Append(BUILDERS={"PSBuild": PSBuild}) if epstopdf: if mathematica: self.Append(BUILDERS={"Math": Math}) if gnuplot: self.Append(BUILDERS={"Gnuplot": Gnuplot}) if matlab: self.Append(BUILDERS={"Matlab": Matlab}) if haspylab: self.Append(BUILDERS={"Pylab": Pylab}) if sage: self.Append(BUILDERS={"Sage": Sage}) self.scons = [] self.figs = [] self.Dir()
def __init__(self,**kw): kw.update({'tools':[]}) apply(Environment.__init__,(self,),kw) rsf.conf.set_options(self) # sourceforge = '' github = '' self.Append(ENV={'XAUTHORITY': os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME'),'.Xauthority'), 'DISPLAY': os.environ.get('DISPLAY'), 'RSF_REPOSITORY': os.environ.get('RSF_REPOSITORY',github), 'RSF_ENSCRIPT': WhereIs('enscript'), 'HOME': os.environ.get('HOME')}, SCANNERS=LaTeXS, BUILDERS={'Latify':Latify, 'Pdf':Pdf, 'Wiki':Wiki, 'Build':Build, 'Color':Color, 'Figs':Figs}) path = {'darwin': ['/sw/bin','/opt/local/bin'], 'irix': ['/usr/freeware/bin']} for plat in path.keys(): if sys.platform[:len(plat)] == plat: for pathdir in filter(os.path.isdir,path[plat]): self['ENV']['PATH'] = ':'.join([pathdir, self['ENV']['PATH']]) tree = rsf.path.dirtree() root = self.get('RSFROOT',rsf.prog.RSFROOT) self.docdir = os.environ.get('RSFBOOK',os.path.join(root,'share','madagascar')) self.figdir = os.environ.get('RSFFIGS',os.path.join(self.docdir,'figs')) for level in tree: if level: self.docdir = os.path.join(self.docdir,level) rsf.path.mkdir(self.docdir) datapath = rsf.path.datapath() self.path = os.path.dirname(datapath) if datapath[:2] != './': for level in tree[1:]: self.path = os.path.join(self.path,level) rsf.path.mkdir(self.path) self.path = os.path.join(self.path,os.path.basename(datapath)) rsf.path.sconsign(self) if pdfread: self.Append(BUILDERS={'Read':Read,'Print':Print}) if epstopdf: self.Append(BUILDERS={'PDFBuild':PDFBuild}) if fig2dev: self.Append(BUILDERS={'XFig':XFig}) if latex2html: self.Append(BUILDERS={'HTML':HTML,'PNGBuild':PNGBuild}) self.imgs = [] if (acroread and ps2eps) or pdf2ps: self.Append(BUILDERS={'PSBuild':PSBuild}) if epstopdf: if mathematica: self.Append(BUILDERS={'Math':Math}) if gnuplot: self.Append(BUILDERS={'Gnuplot':Gnuplot}) if matlab: self.Append(BUILDERS={'Matlab':Matlab}) if haspylab: self.Append(BUILDERS={'Pylab':Pylab}) if sage: self.Append(BUILDERS={'Sage':Sage}) self.scons = [] self.figs = [] self.Dir()
def __init__(self,**kw): apply(Environment.__init__,(self,),kw) # self.EnsureSConsVersion(0,96) opts = { 'TIMER':'Whether to time execution', 'CHECKPAR':'Whether to check parameters', 'ENVIRON':'Additional environment settings', 'CLUSTER':'Nodes available on a cluster', 'BATCH' : 'Parameter file for batch jobs on a cluster' } rsf.conf.set_options(self,opts) root = self.get('RSFROOT',rsf.prog.RSFROOT) self.bindir = os.path.join(root,'bin') self.sfpen = os.path.join(self.bindir,'sfpen') self.pspen = os.path.join(self.bindir,'pspen') self.vppen = os.path.join(self.bindir,'vppen') self.runonnode = os.path.join(self.bindir,'runonnode') self.figs = os.environ.get('RSFFIGS',os.path.join(root,'share','madagascar','figs')) cwd = os.getcwd() self.cwd = cwd # path for binary files self.path = rsf.path.getpath(cwd) tmpdatapath = os.environ.get('TMPDATAPATH',self.path) rsf.path.sconsign(self) self.resdir = resdir self.figdir = re.sub('.*\/((?:[^\/]+)\/(?:[^\/]+)\/(?:[^\/]+))$', self.figs+'/\\1',cwd) self.progsuffix = self['PROGSUFFIX'] # Keep certain environmental variables in the environment for env in keepenv: getenv = os.environ.get(env) if getenv: self.Append(ENV={env:getenv}) # Keep environmental variables needed for SLURM for env in os.environ.keys(): if 'SLURM_' == env[:6] or 'TACC_' == env[:5] or '_ModuleTable' == env[:12]: self.Append(ENV={env:os.environ[env]}) if sys.platform[:6] == 'cygwin': exe = '' else: exe = '.exe' libdir = os.path.join(root,'lib') incdir = os.path.join(root,'include') self.Append(ENV={'RSFROOT':root, 'DATAPATH':self.path, 'OMP_NUM_THREADS': os.environ.get('OMP_NUM_THREADS',rsf.node.cpus()), 'TMPDATAPATH': tmpdatapath, 'XAUTHORITY': os.environ.get('XAUTHORITY', os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME'), '.Xauthority'))}, BUILDERS={'Retrieve':Retrieve, 'Test':Test, 'Echo':Echo}, LIBPATH=[libdir], CPPPATH=[incdir], F90PATH=[incdir], LIBS=[libs], PROGSUFFIX=exe) self.Prepend(LIBS=[self.get('DYNLIB','')+'rsf']) minesjtk = self.get('MINESJTK',None) usejava = self.get('JAVA_HOME',None) if not usejava: usejava = self.get('JAVA_SDK',None) if minesjtk or usejava: classpath = [] classpath.append(os.path.join(libdir,'rsf.jar')) userclasspath = os.environ.get('CLASSPATH',None) if userclasspath: classpath.append(userclasspath) if minesjtk: classpath.append(minesjtk) self.Append(JAVACLASSPATH=':'.join(classpath)) classpath.append('.') self.Append(ENV={'CLASSPATH':':'.join(classpath)}) path = {'darwin': '/opt/local/bin', 'irix': '/usr/freeware/bin', 'cygwin': '/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/lib/lapack'} for plat in path.keys(): if sys.platform[:len(plat)] == plat: self['ENV']['PATH'] = ':'.join([path[plat], self['ENV']['PATH']]) pythonpath = os.path.join(sys.prefix,'bin') if os.path.isdir(pythonpath): self['ENV']['PATH'] = ':'.join([pythonpath, self['ENV']['PATH']]) if sys.platform[:6] == 'cygwin': self['ENV']['SYSTEMROOT'] = os.environ.get('SYSTEMROOT') self['PROGPREFIX']='' self.view = [] self.prnt = [] self.lock = [] self.test = [] self.coms = [] = [] = [] sys.path.append('../../../Recipes') timer = self.get('TIMER') if timer and timer[0] != 'n' and timer[0] != '0': self.timer = WhereIs('time') + ' ' else: self.timer = '' self.mpirun = self.get('MPIRUN',WhereIs('ibrun') or WhereIs('mpirun')) raddenv = os.environ.get('RSF_RADDENV', None) if raddenv: self.raddenv = raddenv else: self.raddenv = '' checkpar = self.get('CHECKPAR') self.checkpar = checkpar and checkpar[0] != 'n' and checkpar[0] != '0' self.environ = self.get('ENVIRON','') self.batch = self.get('BATCH') = GetOption('num_jobs') # getting information from scons -j cluster = self.get('CLUSTER',os.environ.get('RSF_CLUSTER','localhost 1')) hosts = string.split(cluster) self.nodes = [] for i in range(1,len(hosts),2): nh = int(hosts[i]) self.nodes.extend([hosts[i-1]]*nh) self.ip = 0 # self.nodes is a list of CPUs # is the number of jobs # self.ip is the current CPU # Esteban Diaz comment: [email protected] # This bit of the code conflicts with our configuration at mines # maybe the file could be named hosts-(uname).txt # In our cluster config, we have several sconstructs that # try to write the same file. Hence, it produces problems. #self.hosts = self.path + 'hosts.txt' #if (os.path.isfile(self.hosts)): # os.unlink(self.hosts) #hosts_fd=open(self.hosts,'w') #hosts_fd.write("numnodes %4d\n"%len(self.nodes)) #hosts_fd.write("host state\n") #for host in self.nodes: # hosts_fd.write(string.ljust(host,40)+string.ljust("notrunning",10)+"\n") #hosts_fd.close() for key in self['ENV'].keys(): # quote the env values because stampede has env variable # SLURM_NODE_ALIASES=(null) This makes problems in the ssh to nodes. self.environ = self.environ + " %s='%s'" % (key,self['ENV'][key])
def __init__(self, **kw): apply(Environment.__init__, (self, ), kw) # self.EnsureSConsVersion(0,96) opts = { 'TIMER': 'Whether to time execution', 'CHECKPAR': 'Whether to check parameters', 'ENVIRON': 'Additional environment settings', 'CLUSTER': 'Nodes available on a cluster', 'BATCH': 'Parameter file for batch jobs on a cluster' } rsf.conf.set_options(self, opts) root = self.get('RSFROOT', rsf.prog.RSFROOT) self.bindir = os.path.join(root, 'bin') self.sfpen = os.path.join(self.bindir, 'sfpen') self.pspen = os.path.join(self.bindir, 'pspen') self.vppen = os.path.join(self.bindir, 'vppen') self.runonnode = os.path.join(self.bindir, 'runonnode') self.figs = os.environ.get( 'RSFFIGS', os.path.join(root, 'share', 'madagascar', 'figs')) cwd = os.getcwd() self.cwd = cwd # path for binary files self.path = rsf.path.getpath(cwd) tmpdatapath = os.environ.get('TMPDATAPATH', self.path) rsf.path.sconsign(self) self.resdir = resdir self.figdir = re.sub('.*\/((?:[^\/]+)\/(?:[^\/]+)\/(?:[^\/]+))$', self.figs + '/\\1', cwd) self.progsuffix = self['PROGSUFFIX'] # Keep certain environmental variables in the environment for env in keepenv: getenv = os.environ.get(env) if getenv: self.Append(ENV={env: getenv}) self.hostname = socket.gethostname() # Keep environmental variables needed for SLURM for env in os.environ.keys(): if 'SLURM_' == env[: 6] or 'TACC_' == env[: 5] or '_ModuleTable' == env[: 12]: self.Append(ENV={env: os.environ[env]}) if sys.platform[:6] == 'cygwin': exe = '' else: exe = '.exe' libdir = os.path.join(root, 'lib') incdir = os.path.join(root, 'include') self.Append(ENV={ 'RSFROOT': root, 'DATAPATH': self.path, 'OMP_NUM_THREADS': os.environ.get('OMP_NUM_THREADS', rsf.node.cpus()), 'TMPDATAPATH': tmpdatapath, 'XAUTHORITY': os.environ.get('XAUTHORITY', os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME'), '.Xauthority')) }, BUILDERS={ 'Retrieve': Retrieve, 'Test': Test, 'Echo': Echo }, LIBPATH=[libdir], CPPPATH=[incdir], F90PATH=[incdir], LIBS=[libs], PROGSUFFIX=exe) self.Prepend(LIBS=[self.get('DYNLIB', '') + 'rsf']) minesjtk = self.get('MINESJTK', None) usejava = self.get('JAVA_HOME', None) if not usejava: usejava = self.get('JAVA_SDK', None) if minesjtk or usejava: classpath = [] classpath.append(os.path.join(libdir, 'rsf.jar')) userclasspath = os.environ.get('CLASSPATH', None) if userclasspath: classpath.append(userclasspath) if minesjtk: classpath.append(minesjtk) self.Append(JAVACLASSPATH=':'.join(classpath)) classpath.append('.') self.Append(ENV={'CLASSPATH': ':'.join(classpath)}) path = { 'darwin': '/opt/local/bin', 'irix': '/usr/freeware/bin', 'cygwin': '/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/lib/lapack' } for plat in path.keys(): if sys.platform[:len(plat)] == plat: self['ENV']['PATH'] = ':'.join( [path[plat], self['ENV']['PATH']]) pythonpath = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'bin') if os.path.isdir(pythonpath): self['ENV']['PATH'] = ':'.join([pythonpath, self['ENV']['PATH']]) if sys.platform[:6] == 'cygwin': self['ENV']['SYSTEMROOT'] = os.environ.get('SYSTEMROOT') self['PROGPREFIX'] = '' self.view = [] self.prnt = [] self.lock = [] self.test = [] self.coms = [] = [] = [] sys.path.append('../../../Recipes') timer = self.get('TIMER') if timer and timer[0] != 'n' and timer[0] != '0': self.timer = WhereIs('time') + ' ' else: self.timer = '' self.mpirun = self.get('MPIRUN', WhereIs('ibrun') or WhereIs('mpirun')) raddenv = os.environ.get('RSF_RADDENV', None) if raddenv: self.raddenv = raddenv else: self.raddenv = '' checkpar = self.get('CHECKPAR') self.checkpar = checkpar and checkpar[0] != 'n' and checkpar[0] != '0' self.environ = self.get('ENVIRON', '') self.batch = self.get('BATCH') = GetOption('num_jobs') # getting information from scons -j cluster = self.get('CLUSTER', os.environ.get('RSF_CLUSTER', 'localhost 1')) hosts = string.split(cluster) self.nodes = [] for i in range(1, len(hosts), 2): nh = int(hosts[i]) self.nodes.extend([hosts[i - 1]] * nh) self.ip = 0 # self.nodes is a list of CPUs # is the number of jobs # self.ip is the current CPU # Karl Schleicher kls. I'll move hosts.txt back to the current working # directory. This method of pscons rsh to remote nodes only works # for one pscons in the current working directory, otherwise the # multiple tasks will write to the same file and make a mess! # Esteban noticed this in December 2015. # kls Karl Schleicher This can be trapped by making sure no hosts.txt # already exists and exiting with an error. hosts.txt will need to be # deleted at the end. That will be a project for another day! # YOu cannot append pid to hosts.txt, or the next time you run, # the command wil be different and scons wilL think it needs to be # rerun. if len(self.nodes) > 1: self.hosts = self.cwd + '/hosts.txt' print "using %s to keep track of nodes in use by pscons." % self.hosts # I would like to delete hosts.txt file at end of scons. Cannot just # delete in def End(self). Need to do after all the scons command # complete. kls if (os.path.isfile(self.hosts)): # would like to delete at end and make error message here it exists. os.unlink(self.hosts) hosts_fd = open(self.hosts, 'w') hosts_fd.write("numnodes %4d\n" % len(self.nodes)) hosts_fd.write("host state\n") for host in self.nodes: hosts_fd.write( string.ljust(host, 40) + string.ljust("notrunning", 10) + "\n") hosts_fd.close() for key in self['ENV'].keys(): # quote the env values because stampede has env variable # SLURM_NODE_ALIASES=(null) This makes problems in the ssh to nodes. # on stampede there are many env keys starting with SLURM_ or # TACC_ that include list of nodes or queue_job_number. There # will make pscons rerun the tasks. Some are harmless but # clutter the printed job output. They can be safely removed if (key[:6] != 'SLURM_' and key[:5] != 'TACC_' and key[:12] != '_ModuleTable'): self.environ = self.environ + " %s='%s'" % (key, self['ENV'][key])