def __init__(self, device_id_facedetection, checkpoint_path_face=None, checkpoint_path_landmark=None, model_points_file=None): self.model_size_rescale = 16.0 self.head_pitch = 0.0 self.interpupillary_distance = 0.058 self.eye_image_size = (60, 36) tqdm.write("Using device {} for face detection.".format( device_id_facedetection)) self.face_net = SFDDetector(device=device_id_facedetection, path_to_detector=checkpoint_path_face) self.facial_landmark_nn = self.load_face_landmark_model( checkpoint_path_landmark) self.model_points = self.get_full_model_points(model_points_file)
class LandmarkMethodBase(object): def __init__(self, device_id_facedetection, checkpoint_path_face=None, checkpoint_path_landmark=None, model_points_file=None): download_external_landmark_models() self.model_size_rescale = 16.0 self.head_pitch = 0.0 self.interpupillary_distance = 0.058 self.eye_image_size = (60, 36) tqdm.write("Using device {} for face detection.".format( device_id_facedetection)) self.device = device_id_facedetection self.face_net = SFDDetector(device=device_id_facedetection, path_to_detector=checkpoint_path_face) self.facial_landmark_nn = self.load_face_landmark_model( checkpoint_path_landmark) self.model_points = self.get_full_model_points(model_points_file) def load_face_landmark_model(self, checkpoint_fp=None): import rt_gene.ThreeDDFA.mobilenet_v1 as mobilenet_v1 if checkpoint_fp is None: import rospkg checkpoint_fp = rospkg.RosPack().get_path( 'rt_gene') + '/model_nets/phase1_wpdc_vdc.pth.tar' arch = 'mobilenet_1' checkpoint = torch.load( checkpoint_fp, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)['state_dict'] model = getattr(mobilenet_v1, arch)( num_classes=62) # 62 = 12(pose) + 40(shape) +10(expression) model_dict = model.state_dict() # because the model is trained by multiple gpus, prefix module should be removed for k in checkpoint.keys(): model_dict[k.replace('module.', '')] = checkpoint[k] model.load_state_dict(model_dict) cudnn.benchmark = True model = model.eval() return model def get_full_model_points(self, model_points_file=None): """Get all 68 3D model points from file""" raw_value = [] if model_points_file is None: import rospkg model_points_file = rospkg.RosPack().get_path( 'rt_gene') + '/model_nets/face_model_68.txt' with open(model_points_file) as f: for line in f: raw_value.append(line) model_points = np.array(raw_value, dtype=np.float32) model_points = np.reshape(model_points, (3, -1)).T # index the expansion of the model based. model_points = model_points * (self.interpupillary_distance * self.model_size_rescale) return model_points def get_face_bb(self, image): faceboxes = [] fraction = 4.0 image = cv2.resize(image, (0, 0), fx=1.0 / fraction, fy=1.0 / fraction) detections = self.face_net.detect_from_image(image) for result in detections: # scale back up to image size box = result[:4] confidence = result[4] if gaze_tools.box_in_image(box, image) and confidence > 0.6: box = [x * fraction for x in box] # scale back up diff_height_width = (box[3] - box[1]) - (box[2] - box[0]) offset_y = int(abs(diff_height_width / 2)) box_moved = gaze_tools.move_box(box, [0, offset_y]) # Make box square. facebox = gaze_tools.get_square_box(box_moved) faceboxes.append(facebox) return faceboxes @staticmethod def visualize_headpose_result(face_image, est_headpose): """Here, we take the original eye eye_image and overlay the estimated headpose.""" output_image = np.copy(face_image) center_x = output_image.shape[1] / 2 center_y = output_image.shape[0] / 2 endpoint_x, endpoint_y = gaze_tools.get_endpoint( est_headpose[1], est_headpose[0], center_x, center_y, 100) cv2.line(output_image, (int(center_x), int(center_y)), (int(endpoint_x), int(endpoint_y)), (0, 0, 255), 3) return output_image def ddfa_forward_pass(self, color_img, roi_box_list): img_step = [crop_img(color_img, roi_box) for roi_box in roi_box_list] img_step = [ cv2.resize(img, dsize=(120, 120), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) for img in img_step ] _input = [facial_landmark_transform(img).unsqueeze(0) for img in img_step], 0) with torch.no_grad(): _input = param = self.facial_landmark_nn(_input).cpu().numpy().astype( np.float32) return [ predict_68pts(p.flatten(), roi_box) for p, roi_box in zip(param, roi_box_list) ] def get_subjects_from_faceboxes(self, color_img, faceboxes): face_images = [ gaze_tools.crop_face_from_image(color_img, b) for b in faceboxes ] subjects = [] roi_box_list = [ parse_roi_box_from_bbox(facebox) for facebox in faceboxes ] initial_pts68_list = self.ddfa_forward_pass(color_img, roi_box_list) roi_box_refined_list = [ parse_roi_box_from_landmark(initial_pts68) for initial_pts68 in initial_pts68_list ] pts68_list = self.ddfa_forward_pass(color_img, roi_box_refined_list) for pts68, face_image, facebox in zip(pts68_list, face_images, faceboxes): np_landmarks = np.array((pts68[0], pts68[1])).T subjects.append( TrackedSubject(np.array(facebox), face_image, np_landmarks)) return subjects
class LandmarkMethodBase(object): def __init__(self, device_id_facedetection, checkpoint_path_face=None, checkpoint_path_landmark=None, model_points_file=None): download_external_landmark_models() self.model_size_rescale = 16.0 self.head_pitch = 0.0 self.interpupillary_distance = 0.058 self.eye_image_size = (60, 36) tqdm.write("Using device {} for face detection.".format( device_id_facedetection)) self.device = device_id_facedetection self.face_net = SFDDetector(device=device_id_facedetection, path_to_detector=checkpoint_path_face) self.facial_landmark_nn = self.load_face_landmark_model( checkpoint_path_landmark) self.model_points = self.get_full_model_points(model_points_file) def load_face_landmark_model(self, checkpoint_fp=None): import rt_gene.ThreeDDFA.mobilenet_v1 as mobilenet_v1 if checkpoint_fp is None: import rospkg checkpoint_fp = rospkg.RosPack().get_path( 'rt_gene') + '/model_nets/phase1_wpdc_vdc.pth.tar' arch = 'mobilenet_1' checkpoint = torch.load( checkpoint_fp, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)['state_dict'] model = getattr(mobilenet_v1, arch)( num_classes=62) # 62 = 12(pose) + 40(shape) +10(expression) model_dict = model.state_dict() # because the model is trained by multiple gpus, prefix module should be removed for k in checkpoint.keys(): model_dict[k.replace('module.', '')] = checkpoint[k] model.load_state_dict(model_dict) cudnn.benchmark = True model = model.eval() return model def get_full_model_points(self, model_points_file=None): """Get all 68 3D model points from file""" raw_value = [] if model_points_file is None: import rospkg model_points_file = rospkg.RosPack().get_path( 'rt_gene') + '/model_nets/face_model_68.txt' with open(model_points_file) as f: for line in f: raw_value.append(line) model_points = np.array(raw_value, dtype=np.float32) model_points = np.reshape(model_points, (3, -1)).T # index the expansion of the model based. model_points = model_points * (self.interpupillary_distance * self.model_size_rescale) return model_points def change_to_prevIndex(self, boxes, prev_boxes): del_idx = [] copy_boxes = np.copy(boxes) result_idx = [] if prev_boxes[0][0] != 0: for b in range(len(boxes)): pb_idx = b min = sys.maxsize for pb in range(len(prev_boxes)): diff = abs(boxes[b][0] - prev_boxes[pb][0]) if diff < min: min = diff pb_idx = pb result_idx.append(pb_idx) if (len(boxes) < len(prev_boxes)) and len(result_idx) != 0: for idx in range(len(prev_boxes) - 1, -1, -1): if idx not in result_idx: del_idx.append(idx) print("idx is not in idx_result :", "idx:", idx, "result_idx", result_idx) # print("bodxes:",boxes, "prev:", prev_boxes) for i in range(len(result_idx)): if result_idx[i] > idx: result_idx[i] -= 1 for i in range(len(boxes)): boxes[result_idx[i]] = copy_boxes[i] for i in range(len(boxes)): if i > len(prev_boxes) - 1: prev_boxes.append(boxes[i]) else: prev_boxes[i] = boxes[i] return del_idx def get_init_value(self, image): faceboxes = self.get_face_bb(image) bbox_l = [] for facebox in faceboxes: bbox_l.append(facebox[0]) return len(faceboxes), bbox_l def get_face_bb(self, image): faceboxes = [] fraction = 4.0 image = cv2.resize(image, (0, 0), fx=1.0 / fraction, fy=1.0 / fraction) detections = self.face_net.detect_from_image(image) for result in detections: # scale back up to image size box = result[:4] confidence = result[4] if gaze_tools.box_in_image(box, image) and confidence > 0.6: box = [x * fraction for x in box] # scale back up diff_height_width = (box[3] - box[1]) - (box[2] - box[0]) offset_y = int(abs(diff_height_width / 2)) box_moved = gaze_tools.move_box(box, [0, offset_y]) # Make box square. facebox = gaze_tools.get_square_box(box_moved) faceboxes.append(facebox) return faceboxes @staticmethod def visualize_headpose_result(img, facebox, est_headpose, people, GTlabel=[]): #ese_headpose = (phi_head, theta_head) """Here, we take the original eye eye_image and overlay the estimated headpose.""" output_image = np.copy(img) box_point = np.copy(facebox) center_x = (box_point[2] + box_point[0]) / 2 center_y = (box_point[3] + box_point[1]) / 2 endpoint_x, endpoint_y = gaze_tools.get_endpoint( est_headpose[1], est_headpose[0], center_x, center_y, 100) # flip vector #flip_endpoint_x, flip_endpoint_y = gaze_tools.get_endpoint(est_headpose[1], -est_headpose[0], center_x, center_y, 100) # cv2.arrowedLine(output_image, (int(center_x), int(center_y)), (int(flip_endpoint_x), int(flip_endpoint_y)), (0, 0, 255),2) headpose_error = 0 if GTlabel != []: GT_endpoint_x, GT_endpoint_y = gaze_tools.get_endpoint( GTlabel[2], GTlabel[1], center_x, center_y, 100) headpose_error = gaze_tools.get_error( [GT_endpoint_x, GT_endpoint_y], [endpoint_x, endpoint_y], [center_x, center_y]) #Smoothing # endpoint_x ,endpoint_y =people.getEndpointAverage(endpoint_x, endpoint_y, "headpose") cv2.arrowedLine(output_image, (int(center_x), int(center_y)), (int(endpoint_x), int(endpoint_y)), (0, 0, 255), 2) return output_image, headpose_error # def visualize_headpose_result(face_image, est_headpose): # """Here, we take the original eye eye_image and overlay the estimated headpose.""" # output_image = np.copy(face_image) # # center_x = output_image.shape[1] / 2 # center_y = output_image.shape[0] / 2 # # endpoint_x, endpoint_y = gaze_tools.get_endpoint(est_headpose[1], est_headpose[0], center_x, center_y, 100) # # cv2.arrowedLine(output_image, (int(center_x), int(center_y)), (int(endpoint_x), int(endpoint_y)), (0, 0, 255), # 2) # return output_image def ddfa_forward_pass(self, color_img, roi_box_list): # facebox위치에서 크기만큼 이미지를 자름 ->크롭 얼굴 이미지 리스트., 120x120으로 사이즈 조절 img_step = [crop_img(color_img, roi_box) for roi_box in roi_box_list] img_step = [ cv2.resize(img, dsize=(120, 120), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) for img in img_step ] _input = [facial_landmark_transform(img).unsqueeze(0) for img in img_step], 0) with torch.no_grad(): _input = #model return param = self.facial_landmark_nn(_input).cpu().numpy().astype( np.float32) return [ predict_68pts(p.flatten(), roi_box) for p, roi_box in zip(param, roi_box_list) ] def get_subjects_from_faceboxes(self, color_img, faceboxes): #face crop face_images = [ gaze_tools.crop_face_from_image(color_img, b) for b in faceboxes ] subjects = [] #각 facebox의 x,y좌표의 min,max 총 4개의 요소를 가진 리스트를 가지는 리스트 #0~4 까지 각각 xmin, ymin. xmax, ymax roi_box_list = [ parse_roi_box_from_bbox(facebox) for facebox in faceboxes ] initial_pts68_list = self.ddfa_forward_pass(color_img, roi_box_list) roi_box_refined_list = [ parse_roi_box_from_landmark(initial_pts68) for initial_pts68 in initial_pts68_list ] #plot landmark point pts68_list = self.ddfa_forward_pass(color_img, roi_box_refined_list) #face_image를 color_img로 변경함. for pts68, face_image, facebox in zip(pts68_list, face_images, faceboxes): np_landmarks = np.array((pts68[0], pts68[1])).T subjects.append( TrackedSubject(np.array(facebox), face_image, np_landmarks)) return subjects