def cv2ros(rvecs,tvecs): """Transform pose from openCV solvePNP output format to ROS TransformRTStampedWithHeader format. Args: rvecs: in format [rx, ry, rz] units : radians tvecs: in format [tx, ty, tz] units : meters (type: list) Returns: An HTM (type: TransformRTStampedWithHeader) """ # ROS pose ros_pose = TransformRTStampedWithHeader() # ROS position ros_pose.transform.translation.x = tvecs[0] ros_pose.transform.translation.y = tvecs[1] ros_pose.transform.translation.z = tvecs[2] # Ros orientation angle = sqrt(rvecs[0] ** 2 + rvecs[1] ** 2 + rvecs[2] ** 2) direction = [i / angle for i in rvecs[0:3]] np_T = tf.rotation_matrix(angle, direction) np_q = tf.quaternion_from_matrix(np_T) ros_pose.transform.rotation.x = np_q[0] ros_pose.transform.rotation.y = np_q[1] ros_pose.transform.rotation.z = np_q[2] ros_pose.transform.rotation.w = np_q[3] return ros_pose
def __init__(self): self.criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS + cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER, 100, 1e-16) np.set_printoptions(precision=16) self.robotSpeed = 0.0 self.cam_mtx = np.array( [[9.68727469e+02, 0.00000000e+00, 1.02687381e+03], [0.00000000e+00, 9.68978580e+02, 7.74022724e+02], [0, 0, 1]], np.float32) self.cam_dist = np.array( [0.07588704, 0.04285212, -0.00064595, 0.00132813, -0.25794438], np.float32) self.objp = self.createObjectpoints(5, 8, 0.04) self.pose = TransformRTStampedWithHeader() rospy.init_node('chkbd_pose_estimation', anonymous=True) = rospy.Publisher('kin_chkbd_rt_tf', TransformRTStampedWithHeader, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('/rgb/image_raw', Image, self.transform_from_image, queue_size=1) #rospy.Subscriber('joint_states', JointState, self.update_speed, queue_size = 3) rospy.spin()
def np2ros_RTStampedWithHeader(np_pose): """Transform pose from np.array format to ROS Pose format. Args: np_pose: A pose in np.array format (type: np.array) Returns: An HTM (type: Pose). """ # ROS pose ros_pose = TransformRTStampedWithHeader() # ROS position ros_pose.transform.translation.x = np_pose[0, 3] ros_pose.transform.translation.y = np_pose[1, 3] ros_pose.transform.translation.z = np_pose[2, 3] # ROS orientation np_q = tf.quaternion_from_matrix(np_pose) ros_pose.transform.rotation.x = np_q[0] ros_pose.transform.rotation.y = np_q[1] ros_pose.transform.rotation.z = np_q[2] ros_pose.transform.rotation.w = np_q[3] return ros_pose
def __init__(self): self.pose = TransformRTStampedWithHeader() rospy.init_node('chkbd_pose_estimation', anonymous=True) = rospy.Publisher('kin_chkbd_rt_tf', TransformRTStampedWithHeader, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('/pose', PoseStamped, self.transform_from_image, queue_size=1) rospy.spin()