def main():
    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Import advanced enough po’s from branches to trunk.")
    parser.add_argument('-t', '--threshold', type=float, help="Import threshold, as a percentage.")
    parser.add_argument('-s', '--strict', action="store_true", help="Raise an error if a po is broken.")
    parser.add_argument('langs', metavar='ISO_code', nargs='*', help="Restrict processed languages to those.")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    ret = 0

    threshold = float(settings.IMPORT_MIN_LEVEL) / 100.0
    if args.threshold is not None:
        threshold = float(args.threshold) / 100.0

    for lang in os.listdir(BRANCHES_DIR):
        if (args.langs and lang not in args.langs) or lang in IMPORT_LANGUAGES_SKIP:
        po = os.path.join(BRANCHES_DIR, lang, ".".join((lang, "po")))
        if os.path.exists(po):
            po_is_rtl = os.path.join(BRANCHES_DIR, lang, RTL_PREPROCESS_FILE)
            msgs = utils.I18nMessages(iso=lang, kind='PO', src=po)
            lvl = 0.0
            if msgs.nbr_msgs:
                lvl = msgs.nbr_trans_msgs / msgs.nbr_msgs
            if lvl > threshold:
                if msgs.parsing_errors and args.strict:
                    print("{:<10}: {:>6.1%} done, but BROKEN, skipped.".format(lang, lvl))
                    ret = 1
                    if os.path.exists(po_is_rtl):
                        out_po = os.path.join(TRUNK_PO_DIR, ".".join((lang, "po")))
                        out_raw_po = os.path.join(TRUNK_PO_DIR, "_".join((lang, "raw.po")))
                        keys = []
                        trans = []
                        for k, m in msgs.msgs.items():
                        trans = rtl_preprocess.log2vis(trans)
                        for k, t in zip(keys, trans):
                            msgs.msgs[k].msgstr = t
                        msgs.write(kind='PO', dest=out_po)
                        # Also copies org po!
                        shutil.copy(po, out_raw_po)
                        print("{:<10}: {:>6.1%} done, enough translated messages, processed and copied to trunk."
                              "".format(lang, lvl))
                        shutil.copy(po, TRUNK_PO_DIR)
                        print("{:<10}: {:>6.1%} done, enough translated messages, copied to trunk.".format(lang, lvl))
                if msgs.parsing_errors and args.strict:
                    print("{:<10}: {:>6.1%} done, BROKEN and not enough translated messages, skipped".format(lang, lvl))
                    ret = 1
                    print("{:<10}: {:>6.1%} done, not enough translated messages, skipped.".format(lang, lvl))
    return ret
def main():
    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Import advanced enough po’s " \
                                                 "from branches to trunk.")
    parser.add_argument('-t', '--threshold', type=int,
                        help="Import threshold, as a percentage.")
    parser.add_argument('-s', '--strict', action="store_true",
                        help="Raise an error if a po is broken.")
    parser.add_argument('langs', metavar='ISO_code', nargs='*',
                        help="Restrict processed languages to those.")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    ret = 0

    threshold = float(settings.IMPORT_MIN_LEVEL) / 100.0
    if args.threshold is not None:
        threshold = float(args.threshold) / 100.0

    for lang in os.listdir(BRANCHES_DIR):
        if args.langs and lang not in args.langs:
        po = os.path.join(BRANCHES_DIR, lang, ".".join((lang, "po")))
        if os.path.exists(po):
            po_is_rtl = os.path.join(BRANCHES_DIR, lang, RTL_PREPROCESS_FILE)
            msgs, state, stats = utils.parse_messages(po)
            tot_msgs = stats["tot_msg"]
            trans_msgs = stats["trans_msg"]
            lvl = 0.0
            if tot_msgs:
                lvl = float(trans_msgs) / float(tot_msgs)
            if lvl > threshold:
                if state["is_broken"] and args.strict:
                    print("{:<10}: {:>6.1%} done, but BROKEN, skipped." \
                          "".format(lang, lvl))
                    ret = 1
                    if os.path.exists(po_is_rtl):
                        out_po = os.path.join(TRUNK_PO_DIR,
                                              ".".join((lang, "po")))
                        out_raw_po = os.path.join(TRUNK_PO_DIR,
                                                  "_".join((lang, "raw.po")))
                        keys = []
                        trans = []
                        for k, m in msgs.items():
                        trans = rtl_preprocess.log2vis(trans)
                        for k, t in zip(keys, trans):
                            # Mono-line for now...
                            msgs[k]["msgstr_lines"] = [t]
                        utils.write_messages(out_po, msgs, state["comm_msg"],
                        # Also copies org po!
                        shutil.copy(po, out_raw_po)
                        print("{:<10}: {:>6.1%} done, enough translated " \
                              "messages, processed and copied to trunk." \
                              "".format(lang, lvl))
                        shutil.copy(po, TRUNK_PO_DIR)
                        print("{:<10}: {:>6.1%} done, enough translated " \
                              "messages, copied to trunk.".format(lang, lvl))
                if state["is_broken"] and args.strict:
                    print("{:<10}: {:>6.1%} done, BROKEN and not enough " \
                          "translated messages, skipped".format(lang, lvl))
                    ret = 1
                    print("{:<10}: {:>6.1%} done, not enough translated " \
                          "messages, skipped.".format(lang, lvl))
    return ret