def __init__(self, usb_device_name, app): self._log = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._midi_in, self._midi_out = RtMidiIn(), RtMidiOut() self._connect_midi(usb_device_name) self._midi_in.setCallback(self._midi_message_cb) self._app = app self.enabled = True
class Writer: def __init__(self, port_index): self.device = RtMidiOut() self.device_name = self.device.getPortName(port_index) print("[Device] Output:", self.device_name) self.device.openPort(port_index) def send_cc_momentary(self, channel, cc, label=None): if label: print('[Virtual] send_cc_momentary:', label) self.send_cc_raw(channel, cc, 127) self.send_cc_raw(channel, cc, 0) def send_cc_raw(self, channel, cc, v, label=None): if label: print('[Virtual] send_cc_raw:', label) # see: msg = MidiMessage.controllerEvent(channel, cc, v) self.device.sendMessage(msg)
def __init__(self, midi_controller): self._midi_in, self._midi_out = RtMidiIn(), RtMidiOut() self._connect_midi(midi_controller) self._midi_in.setCallback(self._midi_message_cb) self._osc_client = udp_client.SimpleUDPClient('', 5005) self._osc_client.send_message('/ping', '1') # This part needs to be configurable per mode/user config/DIP switches/etc # At the moment, Arduino Micro MIDI device should do: # -------------- # | 5 6 7 8 | # | 1 2 3 4 | # -------------- # Press Press Press Long # Preset Stomp Looper Press # Mode Mode Mode # 1) Preset 1[10] Stomp1En[20] Undo[30] PresetMod[40] # 2) Preset 2[11] Stomp2En[21] Record[31] StompMode[41] # 3) Preset 3[12] Stomp3En[22] Overdub[32] LooperMod[42] # 4) Preset 4[13] Stomp4En[23] Tuner[43] # 5) Stomp1En[14] Stomp5En[24] Stomp1Sel[44] # 6) Stomp2En[15] Stomp6En[25] Stomp2Sel[45] # 7) Stomp3En[16] Stomp7En[26] Stomp3Sel[46] # 8) Stomp4En[17] TapTempo[27] Stomp4Sel[47] self._cc_osc_translation = { # Presets 10: '/preset/1', 11: '/preset/2', 12: '/preset/3', 13: '/preset/4', 14: '/stomp/1/enable', 15: '/stomp/2/enable', 16: '/stomp/3/enable', 17: '/stomp/4/enable', # Stompboxes 20: '/stomp/1/enable', 21: '/stomp/2/enable', 22: '/stomp/3/enable', 23: '/stomp/4/enable', 24: '/stomp/5/enable', 25: '/stomp/6/enable', 26: '/stomp/7/enable', 27: '/stomp/8/enable', # Looper 30: '/looper/undo', 31: '/looper/record', 32: '/looper/overdub', 33: '/looper/mute_trigger', 34: '/looper/redo', 35: '/looper/insert', 36: '/looper/multiply', 37: '/looper/pause', # Metronome 40: '/metronome/pause', 41: '/metronome/dec_bpm', 42: '/metronome/inc_bpm', 43: '/metronome/tap', 44: '', 45: '', 46: '', 47: '', # Long press 100: '/mode/preset', 101: '/mode/stomp', 102: '/mode/looper', 103: '/mode/metronome', 104: '/stomp/1/select', 105: '/stomp/2/select', 106: '/stomp/3/select', 107: '/stomp/4/select' }
def do_SenderProc(iq, oq, portName): DEBUG = 0 def wait_for(x): s = iq.get(block=True, timeout=2) if s != x: print("%s: OH SHIT (wait_for() %s != %s)" % (__name__, s, x)) device = RtMidiOut() if DEBUG: print('%s: OPENING %s' % (__name__, portName)) device.openVirtualPort(portName) oq.put('init') # the port is open wait_for('start') total = 0 # note on for i in range(128): for j in range(1, 128): if DEBUG: print("%s: Note %i %i" % (__name__, i, j)) m = MidiMessage.noteOn(1, i, j) device.sendMessage(m) wait_for('next') total += 1 # controller for i in range(128): for j in range(128): if DEBUG: print("%s: CC %i %i" % (__name__, i, j)) m = MidiMessage.controllerEvent(1, i, j) device.sendMessage(m) wait_for('next') total += 1 wait_for('done') print('%s: sent %i messages' % (__name__, total))
class WiiMidi(): def __init__(self): self.last = {'wii_btn': ButtonSet(), 'roll': 0, 'pitch': 0} self.midiout = RtMidiOut() self.midiout.openVirtualPort(MIDIPORT_NAME) @staticmethod def is_pressed(btncode, pressed): return (btncode & pressed) == btncode def send_midi(self, midi): data = tuple([x for x in [midi.status, midi.data1, midi.data2] if x]) self.midiout.sendMessage(*data) def process_btn(self, wiidevice, mesg_btn, btnmap): current = self.last['wii_btn'] #Check for new pressed buttons and send the associated midi messages for button in [btn for btn in btnmap.sensitive_buttons(mesg_btn) \ if not btn in self.last['wii_btn'] and \ self.is_pressed(btn.btncode, mesg_btn)]: current.add(button) if button.press_action: self.send_midi(button.get_press_action()) #Check for new released buttons and send the associated midi messages for button in [btn for btn in self.last['wii_btn'] \ if not self.is_pressed(btn.btncode, mesg_btn)]: current.remove(button) if button.release_action: self.send_midi(button.get_release_action()) self.last['wii_btn'] = current def process_acc(self, wiidevice, mesg_acc, axis): axis.set_acc(mesg_acc) roll = convert(axis.roll, math.pi, 127) pitch = convert(axis.pitch, 1.55, 16) if roll != self.last['roll']: self.last['roll'] = roll self.midiout.sendMessage(0xE0, 10, roll) if pitch != self.last['pitch']: self.last['pitch'] = pitch
# /Users/macbook/miniconda3/envs/AIP/bin/pip install rtmidi from rtmidi import MidiMessage, RtMidiIn, RtMidiOut import time import midi_tools midiout = RtMidiOut() midiout.openPort(2) midiin = RtMidiIn() midiin.openPort(2) midi_tools.print_ports(midiin) midi_tools.print_ports(midiout) class MidiConnection: def __init__(self, _channel, _DEBUG=False, _port=0): self.port = _port = _channel self.DEBUG = _DEBUG def output(self, m): midiout.sendMessage(m) if (self.DEBUG): midi_tools.print_message(m) def sendNoteSignal(self, note, vel, wait=.1): m = MidiMessage.noteOn(, note, vel) self.output(m) time.sleep(wait) m = MidiMessage.noteOff(, note)
msg.getNoteNumber()), msg.getVelocity() elif msg.isNoteOff(): print '%s: OFF:' % port, msg.getNoteNumber(), "=", msg.getMidiNoteName( msg.getNoteNumber()) elif msg.isController(): print '%s: CONTROLLER' % port, msg.getControllerNumber( ), msg.getControllerValue() if __name__ == '__main__': # increase stack size to avoid segfault resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CORE, (resource.RLIM_INFINITY, resource.RLIM_INFINITY)) midi_in = RtMidiIn() midi_out = RtMidiOut() print "AVAILABLE PORTS:" for i in range(midi_in.getPortCount()): print " ", i, midi_in.getPortName(i) in_port = raw_input("INPUT PORT (1): ") in_port = 1 if in_port.strip() == "" else int(in_port) out_port = raw_input("OUTPUT PORT (0): ") out_port = 0 if out_port.strip() == "" else int(out_port) server = Server(midi_in, in_port, midi_out, out_port) server.start() print 'HIT ENTER TO EXIT'
def __init__(self): self.last = {'wii_btn': ButtonSet(), 'roll': 0, 'pitch': 0} self.midiout = RtMidiOut() self.midiout.openVirtualPort(MIDIPORT_NAME)
def __init__(self, port_index): self.device = RtMidiOut() self.device_name = self.device.getPortName(port_index) print("[Device] Output:", self.device_name) self.device.openPort(port_index)
if __name__ == '__main__': say("Listening.") # Shows that speech synthesis isn't blocked. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="A MIDI/Keyboard signal router.") parser.add_argument('-v', '--volume', dest="volume", help='Listen for volume key.', action='store_true', required=False) parser.add_argument('-a', '--accent', dest="accent", help='Listen for accent key.', action='store_true', required=False) parser.add_argument('-r', '--record', dest="send_midi_record", help='Send synthetic MIDI record/stop/new', action='store_true', required=False) parser.add_argument('-p', '--play', dest="send_midi_play", help='Send synthetic MIDI play/stop', action='store_true', required=False) ARGS = parser.parse_args() #listen_to_all_keys() listen_to_hot_keys() for i in range(RtMidiIn().getPortCount()): Reader(i) fake_out = RtMidiOut() for i in range(fake_out.getPortCount()): if fake_out.getPortName(i) == VIRTUAL_OUTPUT_NAME: VIRTUAL_OUTPUT = Writer(i) while True: # print("HI") time.sleep(100) #gevent.sleep(1.0) #gevent.spawn_later(0.1, call_obs_api)