    def __str__(self):
        result = 'Name: {1}\n  Connector ID: {0}\n  Trans method: {2}\n  \
Source data port:\n{3}\n  Target data port:\n{4}'.format(self.connector_id,
            self.name, self.trans_method,
            indent_string(str(self.source_service_port), num_spaces=4),
            indent_string(str(self.target_service_port), num_spaces=4))
        if self.comment:
            result += 'Comment: {0}\n'.format(self.comment)
        result += 'Visible: {0}\n'.format(self.visible)
        if self.properties:
            result += 'Properties:\n'
            for p in self.properties:
                result += '  {0}: {1}\n'.format(p, self.properties[p])
        return result[:-1] # Lop off the last new line
    def __str__(self):
        result = 'Name: {1}\n  Connector ID: {0}\n  Trans method: {2}\n  \
Source data port:\n{3}\n  Target data port:\n{4}'.format(self.connector_id,
            self.name, self.trans_method,
            indent_string(str(self.source_service_port), num_spaces=4),
            indent_string(str(self.target_service_port), num_spaces=4))
        if self.comment:
            result += 'Comment: {0}\n'.format(self.comment)
        result += 'Visible: {0}\n'.format(self.visible)
        if self.properties:
            result += 'Properties:\n'
            for p in self.properties:
                result += '  {0}: {1}\n'.format(p, self.properties[p])
        return result[:-1] # Lop off the last new line
 def __str__(self):
     result = self.__class__.__name__ + '\n'
     if self.targets:
         result += 'Targets:\n'
         for t in self.targets:
             result += '{0}\n'.format(indent_string(str(t)))
     return result[:-1] # Lop off the last new line
 def __str__(self):
     result = 'ID: {0}\n'.format(self.id)
     if self.configuration_data:
         result += 'Configuration data:\n'
         for d in self.configuration_data:
             result += '{0}\n'.format(indent_string(str(d)))
     return result[:-1] # Lop off the last new line
    def __str__(self):
        result = 'Name: {1}\n  Connector ID: {0}\n  Data type: {2}\n  \
Interface type: {3}\n  Data flow type: {4}\n  Subscription type: {5}\n  Push \
interval: {6}\n  Source data port:\n{7}\n  Target data port:\n{8}\n'.format(\
            self.connector_id, self.name, self.data_type, self.interface_type,
            self.data_flow_type, self.subscription_type, self.push_interval,
            indent_string(str(self.source_data_port), num_spaces=4),
            indent_string(str(self.target_data_port), num_spaces=4))
        if self.comment:
            result += 'Comment: {0}\n'.format(self.comment)
        result += 'Visible: {0}\n'.format(self.visible)
        if self.properties:
            result += 'Properties:\n'
            for p in self.properties:
                result += '  {0}: {1}\n'.format(p, self.properties[p])
        return result[:-1] # Lop off the last new line
    def __str__(self):
        result = 'Name: {1}\n  Connector ID: {0}\n  Data type: {2}\n  \
Interface type: {3}\n  Data flow type: {4}\n  Subscription type: {5}\n  Push \
interval: {6}\n  Source data port:\n{7}\n  Target data port:\n{8}\n'.format(\
            self.connector_id, self.name, self.data_type, self.interface_type,
            self.data_flow_type, self.subscription_type, self.push_interval,
            indent_string(str(self.source_data_port), num_spaces=4),
            indent_string(str(self.target_data_port), num_spaces=4))
        if self.comment:
            result += 'Comment: {0}\n'.format(self.comment)
        result += 'Visible: {0}\n'.format(self.visible)
        if self.properties:
            result += 'Properties:\n'
            for p in self.properties:
                result += '  {0}: {1}\n'.format(p, self.properties[p])
        return result[:-1] # Lop off the last new line
 def __str__(self):
     result = 'ID: {0}\n'.format(self.id)
     if self.configuration_data:
         result += 'Configuration data:\n'
         for d in self.configuration_data:
             result += '{0}\n'.format(indent_string(str(d)))
     return result[:-1]  # Lop off the last new line
 def __str__(self):
     result = 'Timeout: {0}\nSending timing: {1}\n{2}'.format(self.timeout,
             self.sending_timing, Condition.__str__(self))
     if self.preceding_components:
         for pc in self.preceding_components:
             result += '\nPreceding component:\n{0}'.format(\
     return result
 def __str__(self):
     result = 'Sequence: {0}\nTargetEC:\n{1}\n'.format(self.sequence,
     if self.properties:
         result += 'Properties:\n'
         for p in self.properties:
             result += '  {0}: {1}\n'.format(p, self.properties[p])
     return result[:-1] # Lop off the last new line
    def __str__(self):
        result = 'ID: {0}\nAbstract: {1}\nCreation date: {2}\n\
Update date: {3}\nVersion: {4}\n'.format(self.id, self.abstract,
                                         self.creation_date, self.update_date,
        if self.components:
            result += 'Components:\n'
            for c in self.components:
                result += '{0}\n'.format(indent_string(str(c)))
        if self.groups:
            result += 'Groups:\n'
            for g in self.groups:
                result += '{0}\n'.format(indent_string(str(g)))
        if self.data_port_connectors:
            result += 'Data port connectors:\n'
            for c in self.data_port_connectors:
                result += '{0}\n'.format(indent_string(str(c)))
        if self.service_port_connectors:
            result += 'Service port connectors:\n'
            for c in self.service_port_connectors:
                result += '{0}\n'.format(indent_string(str(c)))
        if self.startup:
            result += 'Startup: {0}\n'.format(self.startup)
        if self.shutdown:
            result += 'Shutdown: {0}\n'.format(self.shutdown)
        if self.activation:
            result += 'Activation: {0}\n'.format(self.activation)
        if self.deactivation:
            result += 'Deactivation: {0}\n'.format(self.deactivation)
        if self.resetting:
            result += 'Resetting: {0}\n'.format(self.resetting)
        if self.initializing:
            result += 'Initializing: {0}\n'.format(self.initializing)
        if self.finalizing:
            result += 'Finalizing: {0}\n'.format(self.finalizing)
        if self.comment:
            result += 'Comment: {0}\n'.format(self.comment)
        if self.version_up_log:
            result += 'Version up logs:\n'
            for vl in self.version_up_log:
                result += '{0}\n'.format(indent_string(vl))
        if self.properties:
            result += 'Properties:\n'
            for p in self.properties:
                result += '  {0}: {1}\n'.format(p, self.properties[p])
        return result[:-1]  # Lop off the last new line
    def __str__(self):
        result = 'ID: {0}\nAbstract: {1}\nCreation date: {2}\n\
Update date: {3}\nVersion: {4}\n'.format(self.id, self.abstract,
                                         self.creation_date, self.update_date,
        if self.components:
            result += 'Components:\n'
            for c in self.components:
                result += '{0}\n'.format(indent_string(str(c)))
        if self.groups:
            result += 'Groups:\n'
            for g in self.groups:
                result += '{0}\n'.format(indent_string(str(g)))
        if self.data_port_connectors:
            result += 'Data port connectors:\n'
            for c in self.data_port_connectors:
                result += '{0}\n'.format(indent_string(str(c)))
        if self.service_port_connectors:
            result += 'Service port connectors:\n'
            for c in self.service_port_connectors:
                result += '{0}\n'.format(indent_string(str(c)))
        if self.startup:
            result += 'Startup: {0}\n'.format(self.startup)
        if self.shutdown:
            result += 'Shutdown: {0}\n'.format(self.shutdown)
        if self.activation:
            result += 'Activation: {0}\n'.format(self.activation)
        if self.deactivation:
            result += 'Deactivation: {0}\n'.format(self.deactivation)
        if self.resetting:
            result += 'Resetting: {0}\n'.format(self.resetting)
        if self.initializing:
            result += 'Initializing: {0}\n'.format(self.initializing)
        if self.finalizing:
            result += 'Finalizing: {0}\n'.format(self.finalizing)
        if self.comment:
            result += 'Comment: {0}\n'.format(self.comment)
        if self.version_up_log:
            result += 'Version up logs:\n'
            for vl in self.version_up_log:
                result += '{0}\n'.format(indent_string(vl))
        if self.properties:
            result += 'Properties:\n'
            for p in self.properties:
                result += '  {0}: {1}\n'.format(p, self.properties[p])
        return result[:-1] # Lop off the last new line
    def __str__(self):
        result = 'Instance name: {3}\n  ID: {0}\n  Path URI: {1}\n  Active \
configuration set: {2}\n  Composite type: {4}\n  Is required: {5}\n'                                                                    .format(\
                self.id, self.path_uri, self.active_configuration_set,
                self.instance_name, comp_type.to_string(self.composite_type),
        if self.comment:
            result += '  Comment: {0}\n'.format(self.comment)
        result += '  Visible: {0}\n'.format(self.visible)
        if self.data_ports:
            result += '  Data ports:\n'
            for p in self.data_ports:
                result += '{0}\n'.format(indent_string(str(p), num_spaces=4))
        if self.service_ports:
            result += '  Service ports:\n'
            for p in self.service_ports:
                result += '{0}\n'.format(indent_string(str(p), num_spaces=4))
        if self.configuration_sets:
            result += '  Configuration sets:\n'
            for c in self.configuration_sets:
                result += '{0}\n'.format(indent_string(str(c), num_spaces=4))
        if self.execution_contexts:
            result += '  Execution contexts:\n'
            for e in self.execution_contexts:
                result += '{0}\n'.format(indent_string(str(e), num_spaces=4))
        if self.participants:
            result += '  Participants:\n'
            for p in self.participants:
                result += '{0}\n'.format(indent_string(str(p)))
        result += '  Location:\n{0}\n'.format(
            indent_string(str(self.location), num_spaces=4))
        if self.properties:
            result += '  Properties:\n'
            for p in self.properties:
                result += '    {0}: {1}\n'.format(p, self.properties[p])
        return result[:-1]  # Lop off the last new line
    def __str__(self):
        result = 'Instance name: {3}\n  ID: {0}\n  Path URI: {1}\n  Active \
configuration set: {2}\n  Composite type: {4}\n  Is required: {5}\n'.format(\
                self.id, self.path_uri, self.active_configuration_set,
                self.instance_name, comp_type.to_string(self.composite_type),
        if self.comment:
            result += '  Comment: {0}\n'.format(self.comment)
        result += '  Visible: {0}\n'.format(self.visible)
        if self.data_ports:
            result += '  Data ports:\n'
            for p in self.data_ports:
                result += '{0}\n'.format(indent_string(str(p), num_spaces=4))
        if self.service_ports:
            result += '  Service ports:\n'
            for p in self.service_ports:
                result += '{0}\n'.format(indent_string(str(p), num_spaces=4))
        if self.configuration_sets:
            result += '  Configuration sets:\n'
            for c in self.configuration_sets:
                result += '{0}\n'.format(indent_string(str(c), num_spaces=4))
        if self.execution_contexts:
            result += '  Execution contexts:\n'
            for e in self.execution_contexts:
                result += '{0}\n'.format(indent_string(str(e), num_spaces=4))
        if self.participants:
            result += '  Participants:\n'
            for p in self.participants:
                result += '{0}\n'.format(indent_string(str(p)))
        result += '  Location:\n{0}\n'.format(indent_string(str(self.location),
        if self.properties:
            result += '  Properties:\n'
            for p in self.properties:
                result += '    {0}: {1}\n'.format(p, self.properties[p])
        return result[:-1] # Lop off the last new line