class TestDIDClients(object): def __init__(self): self.did_client = DIDClient() self.replica_client = ReplicaClient() def test_add_and_list_archive(self): """ ARCHIVE (CLIENT): Add files to archive and list the content.""" scope, rse = 'mock', 'MOCK' archive_file = 'file_' + generate_uuid() + '.zip' files = [] for i in range(10): files.append({ 'scope': scope, 'name': 'lfn.%s' % str(generate_uuid()), 'bytes': 724963570, 'adler32': '0cc737eb', 'type': 'FILE', 'meta': { 'guid': str(generate_uuid()) } }) self.replica_client.add_replicas(rse=rse, files=[{ 'scope': scope, 'name': archive_file, 'bytes': 1, 'adler32': '0cc737eb' }]) self.did_client.add_files_to_archive(scope=scope, name=archive_file, files=files) content = [ fil for fil in self.did_client.list_archive_content(scope=scope, name=archive_file) ] assert_equal(len(content), 10)
class TestArchive(object): def __init__(self): self.dc = DIDClient() self.rc = ReplicaClient() if config_get_bool('common', 'multi_vo', raise_exception=False, default=False): self.vo = {'vo': 'tst'} else: self.vo = {} def test_add_and_list_archive(self): """ ARCHIVE (CLIENT): Add files to archive and list the content """ scope, rse = 'mock', 'MOCK' archive_files = ['file_' + generate_uuid() + '.zip' for _ in range(2)] files = [] for i in range(10): files.append({ 'scope': scope, 'name': 'lfn.%s' % str(generate_uuid()), 'bytes': 724963570, 'adler32': '0cc737eb', 'type': 'FILE', 'meta': { 'guid': str(generate_uuid()) } }) for archive_file in archive_files: self.rc.add_replicas(rse=rse, files=[{ 'scope': scope, 'name': archive_file, 'bytes': 1, 'adler32': '0cc737eb' }]) self.dc.add_files_to_archive(scope=scope, name=archive_file, files=files) content = [ f for f in self.dc.list_archive_content(scope=scope, name=archive_file) ] assert_equal(len(content), 10) def test_list_archive_contents_transparently(self): """ ARCHIVE (CORE): Transparent archive listing """ scope = InternalScope('mock', **self.vo) rse = 'APERTURE_%s' % rse_name_generator() rse_id = add_rse(rse, **self.vo) root = InternalAccount('root', **self.vo) add_protocol( rse_id, { 'scheme': 'root', 'hostname': '', 'port': 1409, 'prefix': '//test/chamber/', 'impl': 'rucio.rse.protocols.xrootd.Default', 'domains': { 'lan': { 'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'delete': 1 }, 'wan': { 'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'delete': 1 } } }) # register archive archive = { 'scope': scope, 'name': '', 'type': 'FILE', 'bytes': 2596, 'adler32': 'beefdead' } archive_client = archive.copy() archive_client['scope'] = archive_client['scope'].external add_replicas(rse_id=rse_id, files=[archive], account=root) # archived files with replicas files_with_replicas = [{ 'scope': scope, 'name': 'witrep-%i-%s' % (i, str(generate_uuid())), 'type': 'FILE', 'bytes': 1234, 'adler32': 'deadbeef' } for i in range(2)] files_with_replicas_client = [] for f in files_with_replicas: new_file = f.copy() new_file['scope'] = new_file['scope'].external files_with_replicas_client.append(new_file) add_replicas(rse_id=rse_id, files=files_with_replicas, account=root) self.dc.add_files_to_archive(scope=scope.external, name=archive_client['name'], files=files_with_replicas_client) res = [ r['pfns'] for r in self.rc.list_replicas(dids=[{ 'scope': scope.external, 'name': f['name'] } for f in files_with_replicas_client], resolve_archives=True) ] assert_equal(len(res), 2) assert_equal(len(res[0]), 2) assert_equal(len(res[1]), 2) for r in res: for p in r: if r[p]['domain'] == 'zip': assert_in('', p) else: assert_not_in( '', p) # archived files without replicas files = [{ 'scope': scope.external, 'name': 'norep-%i-%s' % (i, str(generate_uuid())), 'type': 'FILE', 'bytes': 1234, 'adler32': 'deadbeef' } for i in range(2)] self.dc.add_files_to_archive(scope=scope.external, name=archive_client['name'], files=files) res = [ r['pfns'] for r in self.rc.list_replicas(dids=[{ 'scope': scope.external, 'name': f['name'] } for f in files], resolve_archives=True) ] assert_equal(len(res), 2) for r in res: assert_in('', r.keys()[0]) def test_list_archive_contents_at_rse(self): """ ARCHIVE (CORE): Transparent archive listing at RSE """ scope = InternalScope('mock', **self.vo) root = InternalAccount('root', **self.vo) rse1 = 'APERTURE_%s' % rse_name_generator() rse1_id = add_rse(rse1, **self.vo) add_protocol( rse1_id, { 'scheme': 'root', 'hostname': '', 'port': 1409, 'prefix': '//test/chamber/', 'impl': 'rucio.rse.protocols.xrootd.Default', 'domains': { 'lan': { 'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'delete': 1 }, 'wan': { 'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'delete': 1 } } }) rse2 = 'BLACKMESA_%s' % rse_name_generator() rse2_id = add_rse(rse2, **self.vo) add_protocol( rse2_id, { 'scheme': 'root', 'hostname': '', 'port': 1409, 'prefix': '//lambda/complex/', 'impl': 'rucio.rse.protocols.xrootd.Default', 'domains': { 'lan': { 'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'delete': 1 }, 'wan': { 'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'delete': 1 } } }) # register archive archive1 = { 'scope': scope, 'name': '', 'type': 'FILE', 'bytes': 2596, 'adler32': 'beefdead' } archive2 = { 'scope': scope, 'name': '', 'type': 'FILE', 'bytes': 5432, 'adler32': 'deadbeef' } add_replicas(rse_id=rse1_id, files=[archive1], account=root) add_replicas(rse_id=rse2_id, files=[archive2], account=root) # archived files with replicas archived_file = [{ 'scope': scope.external, 'name': 'zippedfile-%i-%s' % (i, str(generate_uuid())), 'type': 'FILE', 'bytes': 4322, 'adler32': 'beefbeef' } for i in range(2)] self.dc.add_files_to_archive(scope=scope.external, name=archive1['name'], files=archived_file) self.dc.add_files_to_archive(scope=scope.external, name=archive2['name'], files=archived_file) res = [ r['pfns'] for r in self.rc.list_replicas(dids=[{ 'scope': f['scope'], 'name': f['name'] } for f in archived_file], rse_expression=rse1, resolve_archives=True) ] res = self.rc.list_replicas(dids=[{ 'scope': f['scope'], 'name': f['name'] } for f in archived_file], metalink=True, rse_expression=rse1, resolve_archives=True) assert_in('APERTURE', res) assert_not_in('BLACKMESA', res) res = self.rc.list_replicas(dids=[{ 'scope': f['scope'], 'name': f['name'] } for f in archived_file], metalink=True, rse_expression=rse2, resolve_archives=True) assert_in('BLACKMESA', res) assert_not_in('APERTURE', res)
class TestArchive(object): def __init__(self): self.dc = DIDClient() self.rc = ReplicaClient() def test_add_and_list_archive(self): """ ARCHIVE (CLIENT): Add files to archive and list the content """ scope, rse = 'mock', 'MOCK' archive_files = ['file_' + generate_uuid() + '.zip' for _ in range(2)] files = [] for i in range(10): files.append({ 'scope': scope, 'name': 'lfn.%s' % str(generate_uuid()), 'bytes': 724963570, 'adler32': '0cc737eb', 'type': 'FILE', 'meta': { 'guid': str(generate_uuid()) } }) for archive_file in archive_files: self.rc.add_replicas(rse=rse, files=[{ 'scope': scope, 'name': archive_file, 'bytes': 1, 'adler32': '0cc737eb' }]) self.dc.add_files_to_archive(scope=scope, name=archive_file, files=files) content = [ f for f in self.dc.list_archive_content(scope=scope, name=archive_file) ] assert_equal(len(content), 10) def test_list_archive_contents_transparently(self): """ ARCHIVE (CORE): Transparent archive listing """ scope = 'mock' rse = 'APERTURE_%s' % rse_name_generator() add_rse(rse) add_protocol( rse, { 'scheme': 'root', 'hostname': '', 'port': 1409, 'prefix': '//test/chamber/', 'impl': 'rucio.rse.protocols.xrootd.Default', 'domains': { 'lan': { 'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'delete': 1 }, 'wan': { 'read': 1, 'write': 1, 'delete': 1 } } }) # register archive archive = { 'scope': scope, 'name': '', 'type': 'FILE', 'bytes': 2596, 'adler32': 'beefdead' } add_replicas(rse=rse, files=[archive], account='root') # archived files with replicas files_with_replicas = [{ 'scope': scope, 'name': 'witrep-%i-%s' % (i, str(generate_uuid())), 'type': 'FILE', 'bytes': 1234, 'adler32': 'deadbeef' } for i in xrange(2)] add_replicas(rse=rse, files=files_with_replicas, account='root') self.dc.add_files_to_archive(scope=scope, name=archive['name'], files=files_with_replicas) res = [ r['pfns'] for r in self.rc.list_replicas(dids=[{ 'scope': scope, 'name': f['name'] } for f in files_with_replicas]) ] assert_equal(len(res), 2) assert_equal(len(res[0]), 2) assert_equal(len(res[1]), 2) for r in res: for p in r: if r[p]['domain'] == 'zip': assert_in('', p) else: assert_not_in( '', p) # archived files without replicas files = [{ 'scope': scope, 'name': 'norep-%i-%s' % (i, str(generate_uuid())), 'type': 'FILE', 'bytes': 1234, 'adler32': 'deadbeef' } for i in xrange(2)] self.dc.add_files_to_archive(scope=scope, name=archive['name'], files=files) res = [ r['pfns'] for r in self.rc.list_replicas(dids=[{ 'scope': scope, 'name': f['name'] } for f in files]) ] assert_equal(len(res), 2) for r in res: assert_in('', r.keys()[0]) del_rse(rse)