    def delete_metadata(self, scope, name, key, session=None):
        Delete a key from the metadata column

        :param scope: the scope of did
        :param name: the name of the did
        :param key: the key to be deleted
        if not self.json_implemented(session):
            raise NotImplementedError

            row = session.query(models.DidMeta).filter_by(scope=scope, name=name).one()
            existing_meta = getattr(row, 'meta')
            # Oracle returns a string instead of a dict
            if session.bind.dialect.name in ['oracle', 'sqlite'] and existing_meta is not None:
                existing_meta = json_lib.loads(existing_meta)

            if key not in existing_meta:
                raise exception.KeyNotFound(key)

            existing_meta.pop(key, None)

            row.meta = None

            # Oracle insert takes a string as input
            if session.bind.dialect.name in ['oracle', 'sqlite']:
                existing_meta = json_lib.dumps(existing_meta)

            row.meta = existing_meta
        except NoResultFound:
            raise exception.DataIdentifierNotFound("Key not found for data identifier '%(scope)s:%(name)s'" % locals())
    def _coerce_filter_word_to_model_attribute(self,
        Attempts to coerce a filter word to an attribute of a <model_class>.

        :param model_class: The word.
        :param model_class: The SQL model class.
        :returns: The coerced attribute if successful or the word if not.
        if isinstance(word, str):
            if hasattr(model_class, word):
                return getattr(model_class, word)
                if strict:
                    raise exception.KeyNotFound(
                        "'{}' keyword could not be coerced to model class attribute. Attribute not found."
        return word
    def list_dids(self, scope, filters, type='collection', ignore_case=False, limit=None,
                  offset=None, long=False, recursive=False, session=None):
        Search data identifiers

        :param scope: the scope name.
        :param filters: dictionary of attributes by which the results should be filtered.
        :param type: the type of the did: all(container, dataset, file), collection(dataset or container), dataset, container, file.
        :param ignore_case: ignore case distinctions.
        :param limit: limit number.
        :param offset: offset number.
        :param long: Long format option to display more information for each DID.
        :param session: The database session in use.
        :param recursive: Recursively list DIDs content.
        types = ['all', 'collection', 'container', 'dataset', 'file']
        if type not in types:
            raise exception.UnsupportedOperation("Valid type are: %(types)s" % locals())

        query = session.query(models.DataIdentifier.scope,
            filter(models.DataIdentifier.scope == scope)

        # Exclude suppressed dids
        query = query.filter(models.DataIdentifier.suppressed != true())

        if type == 'all':
            query = query.filter(or_(models.DataIdentifier.did_type == DIDType.CONTAINER,
                                     models.DataIdentifier.did_type == DIDType.DATASET,
                                     models.DataIdentifier.did_type == DIDType.FILE))
        elif type.lower() == 'collection':
            query = query.filter(or_(models.DataIdentifier.did_type == DIDType.CONTAINER,
                                     models.DataIdentifier.did_type == DIDType.DATASET))
        elif type.lower() == 'container':
            query = query.filter(models.DataIdentifier.did_type == DIDType.CONTAINER)
        elif type.lower() == 'dataset':
            query = query.filter(models.DataIdentifier.did_type == DIDType.DATASET)
        elif type.lower() == 'file':
            query = query.filter(models.DataIdentifier.did_type == DIDType.FILE)

        for (k, v) in filters.items():

            if k not in ['created_before', 'created_after', 'length.gt', 'length.lt', 'length.lte', 'length.gte', 'length'] \
                    and not hasattr(models.DataIdentifier, k):
                raise exception.KeyNotFound(k)

            if isinstance(v, string_types) and ('*' in v or '%' in v):
                if v in ('*', '%', u'*', u'%'):
                if session.bind.dialect.name == 'postgresql':
                    query = query.filter(getattr(models.DataIdentifier, k).
                                        like(v.replace('*', '%').replace('_', '\_'),  # NOQA: W605
                    query = query.filter(getattr(models.DataIdentifier, k).
                                        like(v.replace('*', '%').replace('_', '\_'), escape='\\'))  # NOQA: W605
            elif k == 'created_before':
                created_before = str_to_date(v)
                query = query.filter(models.DataIdentifier.created_at <= created_before)
            elif k == 'created_after':
                created_after = str_to_date(v)
                query = query.filter(models.DataIdentifier.created_at >= created_after)
            elif k == 'guid':
                query = query.filter_by(guid=v).\
                    with_hint(models.ReplicaLock, "INDEX(DIDS_GUIDS_IDX)", 'oracle')
            elif k == 'length.gt':
                query = query.filter(models.DataIdentifier.length > v)
            elif k == 'length.lt':
                query = query.filter(models.DataIdentifier.length < v)
            elif k == 'length.gte':
                query = query.filter(models.DataIdentifier.length >= v)
            elif k == 'length.lte':
                query = query.filter(models.DataIdentifier.length <= v)
            elif k == 'length':
                query = query.filter(models.DataIdentifier.length == v)
                query = query.filter(getattr(models.DataIdentifier, k) == v)

        if 'name' in filters:
            if '*' in filters['name']:
                query = query.\
                    with_hint(models.DataIdentifier, "NO_INDEX(dids(SCOPE,NAME))", 'oracle')
                query = query.\
                    with_hint(models.DataIdentifier, "INDEX(DIDS DIDS_PK)", 'oracle')

        if limit:
            query = query.limit(limit)

        if recursive:
            # Get attachted DIDs and save in list because query has to be finished before starting a new one in the recursion
            collections_content = []
            parent_scope = scope

            from rucio.core.did import list_content

            for scope, name, did_type, bytes, length in query.yield_per(100):
                if (did_type == DIDType.CONTAINER or did_type == DIDType.DATASET):
                    collections_content += [did for did in list_content(scope=scope, name=name)]

            # List DIDs again to use filter
            for did in collections_content:
                filters['name'] = did['name']
                for result in self.list_dids(scope=did['scope'], filters=filters, recursive=True, type=type, limit=limit, offset=offset, long=long, session=session):
                    yield result

        if long:
            for scope, name, did_type, bytes, length in query.yield_per(5):
                yield {'scope': scope,
                       'name': name,
                       'did_type': str(did_type),
                       'bytes': bytes,
                       'length': length}
            for scope, name, did_type, bytes, length in query.yield_per(5):
                yield name