def OAuthManager(once=False, loop_rate=300, max_rows=100): """ Main loop to delete all expired tokens, refresh tokens eligible for refresh and delete all expired OAuth session parameters. It was decided to have only 1 daemon for all 3 of these cleanup activities. :param once: If True, the loop is run just once, otherwise the daemon continues looping until stopped. :param loop_rate: The number of seconds the daemon will wait before running next loop of operations. :param max_rows: Max number of DB rows to deal with per operation. :returns: None """ executable = argv[0] sanity_check(executable=executable, hostname=socket.gethostname()) # make an initial heartbeat live(executable=executable, hostname=socket.gethostname(), pid=os.getpid(), thread=threading.current_thread()) # wait a moment in case all workers started at the same time GRACEFUL_STOP.wait(1) while not GRACEFUL_STOP.is_set(): start = time.time() # issuing the heartbeat for a second time to make all workers aware of each other heartbeat = live(executable=executable, hostname=socket.gethostname(), pid=os.getpid(), thread=threading.current_thread()) total_workers = heartbeat['nr_threads'] worker_number = heartbeat['assign_thread'] + 1 ndeleted = 0 ndeletedreq = 0 nrefreshed = 0 try: # ACCESS TOKEN REFRESH - better to run first (in case some of the refreshed tokens needed deletion after this step) 'oauth_manager[%i/%i]: ----- START ----- ACCESS TOKEN REFRESH ----- ', worker_number, total_workers) 'oauth_manager[%i/%i]: starting to query tokens for automatic refresh', worker_number, total_workers) tokens_for_refresh = get_tokens_for_refresh( total_workers, worker_number, refreshrate=int(loop_rate), limit=max_rows) 'oauth_manager[%i/%i]: starting attempts to refresh %i tokens', worker_number, total_workers, len(tokens_for_refresh)) for token in tokens_for_refresh: retok = refresh_token_oidc(token) if retok: nrefreshed += 1 'oauth_manager[%i/%i]: successfully refreshed %i tokens', worker_number, total_workers, nrefreshed) 'oauth_manager[%i/%i]: ----- END ----- ACCESS TOKEN REFRESH ----- ', worker_number, total_workers) record_counter(counters='oauth_manager.tokens.refreshed', delta=nrefreshed) # waiting 1 sec as DBs does not store milisecond and tokens # eligible for deletion after refresh might not get dleeted otherwise GRACEFUL_STOP.wait(1) # EXPIRED TOKEN DELETION 'oauth_manager[%i/%i]: ----- START ----- DELETION OF EXPIRED TOKENS ----- ', worker_number, total_workers) 'oauth_manager[%i/%i]: starting to delete expired tokens', worker_number, total_workers) ndeleted += delete_expired_tokens(total_workers, worker_number, limit=max_rows)'oauth_manager[%i/%i]: deleted %i expired tokens', worker_number, total_workers, ndeleted) 'oauth_manager[%i/%i]: ----- END ----- DELETION OF EXPIRED TOKENS ----- ', worker_number, total_workers) record_counter(counters='oauth_manager.tokens.deleted', delta=ndeleted) # DELETING EXPIRED OAUTH SESSION PARAMETERS 'oauth_manager[%i/%i]: ----- START ----- DELETION OF EXPIRED OAUTH SESSION REQUESTS ----- ', worker_number, total_workers) 'oauth_manager[%i/%i]: starting deletion of expired OAuth session requests', worker_number, total_workers) ndeletedreq += delete_expired_oauthrequests(total_workers, worker_number, limit=max_rows) 'oauth_manager[%i/%i]: expired parameters of %i authentication requests were deleted', worker_number, total_workers, ndeletedreq) 'oauth_manager[%i/%i]: ----- END ----- DELETION OF EXPIRED OAUTH SESSION REQUESTS ----- ', worker_number, total_workers) record_counter(counters='oauth_manager.oauthreq.deleted', delta=ndeletedreq) except (DatabaseException, DatabaseError) as err: if match('.*QueuePool.*', str(err.args[0])): logging.warning(traceback.format_exc()) record_counter('oauth_manager.exceptions.%s', err.__class__.__name__) elif match('.*ORA-03135.*', str(err.args[0])): logging.warning(traceback.format_exc()) record_counter('oauth_manager.exceptions.%s', err.__class__.__name__) else: logging.critical(traceback.format_exc()) record_counter('oauth_manager.exceptions.%s', err.__class__.__name__) except Exception as err: logging.critical(traceback.format_exc()) record_counter('oauth_manager.exceptions.%s', err.__class__.__name__) tottime = time.time() - start 'oauth_manager[%i/%i]: took %f seconds to delete %i tokens, %i session parameters and refreshed %i tokens', worker_number, total_workers, tottime, ndeleted, ndeletedreq, nrefreshed) record_timer(stat='oauth_manager.duration', time=1000 * tottime) if once: break else:'oauth_manager[%i/%i]: Sleeping for %i seconds.', worker_number, total_workers, loop_rate) GRACEFUL_STOP.wait(loop_rate) die(executable=executable, hostname=socket.gethostname(), pid=os.getpid(), thread=threading.current_thread())'oauth_manager[%i/%i]: graceful stop done', worker_number, total_workers)
def OAuthManager(once=False, loop_rate=300, max_rows=100, sleep_time=300): """ Main loop to delete all expired tokens, refresh tokens eligible for refresh and delete all expired OAuth session parameters. It was decided to have only 1 daemon for all 3 of these cleanup activities. :param once: If True, the loop is run just once, otherwise the daemon continues looping until stopped. :param loop_rate: obsolete, please use sleep_time instead. The number of seconds the daemon will wait before running next loop of operations. :param max_rows: Max number of DB rows to deal with per operation. :param sleep_time: The number of seconds the daemon will wait before running next loop of operations. :returns: None """ if sleep_time == OAuthManager.__defaults__[3] and loop_rate != OAuthManager.__defaults__[1]: sleep_time = loop_rate executable = 'oauth-manager' sanity_check(executable=executable, hostname=socket.gethostname()) # make an initial heartbeat heartbeat = live(executable=executable, hostname=socket.gethostname(), pid=os.getpid(), thread=threading.current_thread()) prepend_str = 'oauth_manager [%i/%i] : ' % (heartbeat['assign_thread'], heartbeat['nr_threads']) logger = formatted_logger(logging.log, prepend_str + '%s') # wait a moment in case all workers started at the same time GRACEFUL_STOP.wait(1) while not GRACEFUL_STOP.is_set(): start = time.time() # issuing the heartbeat for a second time to make all workers aware of each other heartbeat = live(executable=executable, hostname=socket.gethostname(), pid=os.getpid(), thread=threading.current_thread()) prepend_str = 'oauth_manager [%i/%i] : ' % (heartbeat['assign_thread'], heartbeat['nr_threads']) logger = formatted_logger(logging.log, prepend_str + '%s') ndeleted = 0 ndeletedreq = 0 nrefreshed = 0 try: # ACCESS TOKEN REFRESH - better to run first (in case some of the refreshed tokens needed deletion after this step) logger(logging.INFO, '----- START ----- ACCESS TOKEN REFRESH ----- ') logger(logging.INFO, 'starting to query tokens for automatic refresh') nrefreshed = refresh_jwt_tokens(heartbeat['nr_threads'], heartbeat['assign_thread'] + 1, refreshrate=int(sleep_time), limit=max_rows) logger(logging.INFO, 'successfully refreshed %i tokens', nrefreshed) logger(logging.INFO, '----- END ----- ACCESS TOKEN REFRESH ----- ') record_counter(name='oauth_manager.tokens.refreshed', delta=nrefreshed) except (DatabaseException, DatabaseError) as err: if match('.*QueuePool.*', str(err.args[0])): logger(logging.WARNING, traceback.format_exc()) record_counter('oauth_manager.exceptions.{exception}', labels={'exception': err.__class__.__name__}) elif match('.*ORA-03135.*', str(err.args[0])): logger(logging.WARNING, traceback.format_exc()) record_counter('oauth_manager.exceptions.{exception}', labels={'exception': err.__class__.__name__}) else: logger(logging.CRITICAL, traceback.format_exc()) record_counter('oauth_manager.exceptions.{exception}', labels={'exception': err.__class__.__name__}) except Exception as err: logger(logging.CRITICAL, traceback.format_exc()) record_counter('oauth_manager.exceptions.{exception}', labels={'exception': err.__class__.__name__}) try: # waiting 1 sec as DBs does not store milisecond and tokens # eligible for deletion after refresh might not get dleeted otherwise GRACEFUL_STOP.wait(1) # EXPIRED TOKEN DELETION logger(logging.INFO, '----- START ----- DELETION OF EXPIRED TOKENS ----- ') logger(logging.INFO, 'starting to delete expired tokens') ndeleted += delete_expired_tokens(heartbeat['nr_threads'], heartbeat['assign_thread'] + 1, limit=max_rows) logger(logging.INFO, 'deleted %i expired tokens', ndeleted) logger(logging.INFO, '----- END ----- DELETION OF EXPIRED TOKENS ----- ') record_counter(name='oauth_manager.tokens.deleted', delta=ndeleted) except (DatabaseException, DatabaseError) as err: if match('.*QueuePool.*', str(err.args[0])): logger(logging.WARNING, traceback.format_exc()) record_counter('oauth_manager.exceptions.{exception}', labels={'exception': err.__class__.__name__}) elif match('.*ORA-03135.*', str(err.args[0])): logger(logging.WARNING, traceback.format_exc()) record_counter('oauth_manager.exceptions.{exception}', labels={'exception': err.__class__.__name__}) else: logger(logging.CRITICAL, traceback.format_exc()) record_counter('oauth_manager.exceptions.{exception}', labels={'exception': err.__class__.__name__}) except Exception as err: logger(logging.CRITICAL, traceback.format_exc()) record_counter('oauth_manager.exceptions.{exception}', labels={'exception': err.__class__.__name__}) try: # DELETING EXPIRED OAUTH SESSION PARAMETERS logger(logging.INFO, '----- START ----- DELETION OF EXPIRED OAUTH SESSION REQUESTS ----- ') logger(logging.INFO, 'starting deletion of expired OAuth session requests') ndeletedreq += delete_expired_oauthrequests(heartbeat['nr_threads'], heartbeat['assign_thread'] + 1, limit=max_rows) logger(logging.INFO, 'expired parameters of %i authentication requests were deleted', ndeletedreq) logger(logging.INFO, '----- END ----- DELETION OF EXPIRED OAUTH SESSION REQUESTS ----- ') record_counter(name='oauth_manager.oauthreq.deleted', delta=ndeletedreq) except (DatabaseException, DatabaseError) as err: if match('.*QueuePool.*', str(err.args[0])): logger(logging.WARNING, traceback.format_exc()) record_counter('oauth_manager.exceptions.{exception}', labels={'exception': err.__class__.__name__}) elif match('.*ORA-03135.*', str(err.args[0])): logger(logging.WARNING, traceback.format_exc()) record_counter('oauth_manager.exceptions.{exception}', labels={'exception': err.__class__.__name__}) else: logger(logging.CRITICAL, traceback.format_exc()) record_counter('oauth_manager.exceptions.{exception}', labels={'exception': err.__class__.__name__}) except Exception as err: logger(logging.CRITICAL, traceback.format_exc()) record_counter('oauth_manager.exceptions.{exception}', labels={'exception': err.__class__.__name__}) tottime = time.time() - start logger(logging.INFO, 'took %f seconds to delete %i tokens, %i session parameters and refreshed %i tokens', tottime, ndeleted, ndeletedreq, nrefreshed) record_timer(name='oauth_manager.duration', time=1000 * tottime) if once: break else: daemon_sleep(start_time=start, sleep_time=sleep_time, graceful_stop=GRACEFUL_STOP) die(executable=executable, hostname=socket.gethostname(), pid=os.getpid(), thread=threading.current_thread()) logger(logging.INFO, 'graceful stop done')