def testcode():

    prices = defineData(startDate = '01-01-2008', stopDate = '31-12-2009', \
                           symList = ['AAPL']) # in-sample dates
    #    optimizeY(prices) # UNCOMMENT to optimize Ybuy/Ysell
    Ybuy = 0.01
    Ysell = 0.01
    holdTime = 21
    X, Y, dates = getXY(prices, Ybuy, Ysell, holdTime)  # X is an ndarray, Y is
    # a 1darray
    #    optimizeParam(X, Y, dates) # UNCOMMENT to optimize leaf size of RTclassLearner
    # or numher of bags of BagClassLearner

    ##### create a learner
    learner = rt.RTclassLearner(leaf_size=75, verbose=False)  # create learner
    split = int(0.6 * len(Y))  # divide into training and cross-val sets
    trainX = X[:split - 1, :]
    trainY = Y[:split - 1]
    trainDates = dates[:split - 1]
    crossValX = X[split:, :]
    crossValY = Y[split:]
    crossValDates = dates[split:]

    #####Training on the entire in-sample data (USE WITH CAUTION)
    #    learner.add_Evidence(X, Y)# train it
    #    pred = learner.query(X)# get the predictions
    #    accuracy = np.sum(pred == Y) / float( len(Y) )
    #    print("In sample results")
    #    print ('Error [%]: ', round(100 - 100 * accuracy, 4) )
    #    # Generate order from in-sample predictions
    #    signal = pd.Series(pred, index = dates)
    #    order = tradingStrategy(signal)
    #    createOrder(order, 'ML_based')
    #    cumReturn, portVals = testcode_marketsim('ML_based', verbose = False)
    #    # Plot entire in-sample data, training indicators and their predictions (USE WITH CAUTION)
    #    plt.figure(figsize = (11,13))
    #    plt.subplot(411)
    #    plt.plot(prices / prices[0], color = 'k', label = 'benchmark')
    #    plt.plot(portVals / portVals[0], color = 'g', label = 'ML-based')
    #    plt.xticks(rotation=30)
    #    plt.ylabel('normalized')
    #    plt.title('cumulative return = {} %'.format(round(cumReturn * 100)))
    #    plotVline(order)
    #    lg = plt.legend(loc = 'best')
    #    lg.draw_frame(False)
    #    plt.subplot(412)
    #    plt.plot(signal / 2)
    #    plt.xlim((prices.index[0], prices.index[-1]))
    #    plt.xticks(rotation=30)
    #    plt.subplot(413)
    #    plt.scatter(X[Y == 0, 1], X[Y == 0, 2], color = 'k', label = 'hold')
    #    plt.scatter(X[Y == 1, 1], X[Y == 1, 2], color = 'g', label = 'buy')
    #    plt.scatter(X[Y == -1, 1], X[Y == -1, 2], color = 'r', label = 'sell')
    #    plt.title('in-sample data and labels before training')
    #    lg = plt.legend(loc = 'best')
    #    lg.draw_frame(True)
    #    plt.subplot(414)
    #    plt.scatter(X[pred == 0, 1], X[pred == 0, 2], color = 'k', label = 'hold')
    #    plt.scatter(X[pred == 1, 1], X[pred == 1, 2], color = 'g', label = 'buy')
    #    plt.scatter(X[pred == -1, 1], X[pred == -1, 2], color = 'r', label = 'sell')
    #    plt.xlabel('Momentum indicator'); plt.ylabel('Crossover indicator')
    #    plt.title('in-sample data and predictions after training')
    #    lg = plt.legend(loc = 'best')
    #    lg.draw_frame(True)
    ######out of sample testing after training on training set
    testPrices = defineData('01-01-2010', '31-12-2011')  # out-of-sample dates
    testX, testY, testDates = getXY(testPrices, Ybuy, Ysell, holdTime)  # testX
    # is an ndarray, testY is a 1darray
    cumRetTest = 0.0
    accTest = 0.0
    reps = 1  # number of configuratiokns of RTclassLearners whose predictions
    # to average over
    start = time.time()
    for j in range(reps):
        learner.add_Evidence(trainX, trainY)  # train it
        pred = learner.query(testX)  # get the predictions
        accTest += np.sum(pred == testY) / float(len(testY))  # accuracy
        # Generate order from out of sample predictions
        signal = pd.Series(pred, index=testDates)
        order = tradingStrategy(signal)
        createOrder(order, 'ML_based')
        cumReturn, portVals = testcode_marketsim('ML_based', verbose=False)
        cumRetTest += cumReturn

    stop = time.time()
    print("Test sample results")
    print('Error [%]: ', round(100 - 100 * accTest / reps, 4))
    print('Cumulative return [%]: ', round(cumRetTest * 100 / reps, 4))
    print('Elapsed time [s]: ', round(stop - start, 2))

    plt.plot(prices[:split - 1] / prices.values[0], label='train')
    plt.plot(prices[split:] / prices.values[0], label='cross-val')
    plt.plot(testPrices / prices.values[0], label='test')
    lg = plt.legend(loc='best')
def optimizeParam(X, Y, dates):
    @Summary: Optimize leaf size of RTclassLearner or number of bags of 
              BagClassLearner by plotting averaged error and cumulative return 
              for training & cross-val datasets vs. leaf size / number of bags 
    @param X: ndarray, of technical indicators. Examples in rows, features in 
    @param Y: 1darray, of the labels -1 (sell), 0 (hold), and 1 (buy) based on
              future returns after a holding time period
    @returns nothing

    numParam = 1
    tryParam = np.linspace(75, 75,
                           num=numParam)  # values of leaf size / number
    # of bags to iterate over
    fname = 'ML_based'  # name of orders file
    cumRetTrain = np.zeros(numParam)
    cumRetCrossVal = np.zeros(numParam)
    accTrain = np.zeros(len(tryParam))
    accCrossVal = np.zeros(len(tryParam))
    reps = 1000  # number of configurations of RTclassLearners or
    #BagClassLearners whose predictions to average over
    split = int(0.6 * len(Y))  # divide into train and cross-val sets
    trainX = X[:split - 1, :]
    trainY = Y[:split - 1]
    trainDates = dates[:split - 1]
    crossValX = X[split:, :]
    crossValY = Y[split:]
    crossValDates = dates[split:]
    start = time.time()
    for i in range(
            numParam):  # initialize either RTclassLearner/BagClassLearner
        learner = rt.RTclassLearner(leaf_size=tryParam[i],
                                    verbose=False)  # create learner
        #        learner = bl.BagClassLearner(learner = rt.RTclassLearner, kwargs = {"leaf_size":75}, \
        #                            bags = int(tryParam[i]), boost = False, verbose = False) # create BagClassLearner
        print tryParam[i]  # print parameter values during computation
        for j in range(reps):
            learner.add_Evidence(trainX, trainY)  # train on trainX, trainY
            # training sample querying
            pred = learner.query(trainX)  # get the predictions
            accTrain[i] += np.sum(pred == trainY) / float(
                len(trainY))  # accuracy
            signal = pd.Series(
                pred, index=trainDates)  # create Series from predictions
            order = tradingStrategy(signal)
            createOrder(order, fname)  # write order to disk
            cumReturn, portVals = testcode_marketsim(fname, verbose=False)
            cumRetTrain[i] += cumReturn
            # cross-validation sample querying
            pred = learner.query(crossValX)  # get the predictions
            accCrossVal[i] += np.sum(pred == crossValY) / float(len(crossValY))
            signal = pd.Series(pred, index=crossValDates)
            order = tradingStrategy(signal)
            createOrder(order, fname)
            cumReturn, portVals = testcode_marketsim(fname, verbose=False)
            cumRetCrossVal[i] += cumReturn

    stop = time.time()
    print 'Time to calculate error vs the selected parameter: {} s'.format( \
                                                        round( stop - start, 2))
    plt.figure(figsize=(6, 8))
    plt.plot(tryParam, cumRetTrain * 100 / reps, '.-', label='training')
    plt.plot(tryParam, cumRetCrossVal * 100 / reps, '.-', label='cross-val')
    plt.ylabel('cumulative return [%]')
    plt.title('RT Learner (Ybuy = Ysell = 1 %)')  # CHECK Ybuy/Ysell value here
    lg = plt.legend(loc='best')
    print('Cumulative return [%]: ', round(cumRetCrossVal[-1] * 100 / reps, 4))

    plt.plot(tryParam, 100 - 100 * accTrain / reps, '.-', label='training')
    plt.plot(tryParam, 100 - 100 * accCrossVal / reps, '.-', label='cross-val')
    plt.xlabel('leaf size')
    # CHECK leaf size OR number of bags
    lg = plt.legend(loc='best')
    print('Error [%]: ', round(100 - 100 * accCrossVal[-1] / reps, 4))
def optimizeY(prices):
    @Summary: Optimize Ybuy/Ysell parameters by plotting averaged error & 
              cumulative return for training/cross-val datasets vs. Ybuy 
              (assuming Ybuy = Ysell)
    @param prices: Series, contains adj. close price with date indices
    @returns nothing

    numParam = 13
    tryParam = np.logspace(-4, -1, num=numParam)  # values of Ybuy = Ysell
    # to iterate over
    fname = 'ML_based'  # name of orders file
    cumRetTrain = np.zeros(numParam)
    cumRetCrossVal = np.zeros(numParam)
    accTrain = np.zeros(numParam)
    accCrossVal = np.zeros(numParam)
    learner = rt.RTclassLearner(leaf_size=5, verbose=False)  # create learner
    reps = 100  # number of RTclassLearners whose predictions to average over
    start = time.time()
    for i in range(numParam):  # X is a ndarray, Y is a 1darray
        X, Y, dates = getXY(prices, Ybuy=tryParam[i], Ysell=tryParam[i])
        split = int(0.6 * len(Y))  # divide into train and cross-val sets
        trainX = X[:split - 1, :]
        trainY = Y[:split - 1]
        trainDates = dates[:split - 1]
        crossValX = X[split:, :]
        crossValY = Y[split:]
        crossValDates = dates[split:]
        print tryParam[i]  # print parameter values during computation
        for j in range(reps):
            learner.add_Evidence(trainX, trainY)  # train on trainX, trainY
            # training sample querying
            pred = learner.query(trainX)  # get the predictions
            accTrain[i] += np.sum(pred == trainY) / float(
                len(trainY))  # accuracy
            signal = pd.Series(
                pred, index=trainDates)  # create Series from predictions
            order = tradingStrategy(signal)
            createOrder(order, fname)  # write order to disk
            cumReturn, portVals = testcode_marketsim(fname, verbose=False)
            cumRetTrain[i] += cumReturn
            # cross-validation sample querying
            pred = learner.query(crossValX)  # get the predictions
            accCrossVal[i] += np.sum(pred == crossValY) / float(len(crossValY))
            signal = pd.Series(pred, index=crossValDates)
            order = tradingStrategy(signal)
            createOrder(order, fname)
            cumReturn, portVals = testcode_marketsim(fname, verbose=False)
            cumRetCrossVal[i] += cumReturn

    stop = time.time()
    print 'Time to calculate cumulative return & error vs the selected parameters: {} s' \
                                                        .format(stop - start)
    plt.figure(figsize=(6, 8))
    plt.semilogx(tryParam * 100,
                 cumRetTrain * 100 / reps,
    plt.semilogx(tryParam * 100,
                 cumRetCrossVal * 100 / reps,
    plt.ylabel('cumulative return [%]')
    plt.title('Random Decision Tree (leaf size = 5)')
    lg = plt.legend(loc='best')

    plt.semilogx(100 * tryParam,
                 100 - 100 * accTrain / reps,
    plt.semilogx(100 * tryParam,
                 100 - 100 * accCrossVal / reps,
    plt.xlabel('Ybuy or Ysell [% change]')
    plt.ylabel('error [%]')
    lg = plt.legend(loc='best')
    split = int(0.6 * len(Y))  # divide into training and cross-val sets
    trainX = X[:split - 1, :]
    trainY = Y[:split - 1]
    trainDates = dates[:split - 1]
    crossValX = X[split:, :]
    crossValY = Y[split:]
    crossValDates = dates[split:]

    learner.addEvidence(X, Y)  # Training on the entire in-sample data
    pred = learner.query(X)  # get the predictions
    accuracy = np.sum(pred == Y) / float(len(Y))
    print("In sample results")
    print ('Error [%]: ', round(100 - 100 * accuracy, 4))

    signal = pd.Series(pred, index=dates)  # Generate order from in-sample predictions
    order = tradingStrategy(signal)
    createOrder(order, 'ML_Strat')
    cumReturn, portVals = testcode_marketsim('ML_Strat', verbose=False)

    # Plot entire in-sample data, training indicators and their predictions
    plt.figure(figsize=(11, 13))
    plt.plot(prices / prices[0], color='k', label='benchmark')
    plt.plot(portVals / portVals[0], color='g', label='ML-based')
    plt.title('cumulative return = {} %'.format(round(cumReturn * 100)))
    lg = plt.legend(loc='best')