def base_at_collision_pos(prev_pos, ship_action, prev_step, step,
  row, col = utils.row_col_from_square_grid_pos(prev_pos, grid_size)
  new_row, new_col = rule_utils.move_ship_row_col(
    row, col, ship_action, grid_size)
  new_pos = new_row*grid_size+new_col
  for i in range(len(step)):
    for other_ship in step[i]['action']:
      if step[i]['action'][other_ship] == "CONVERT":
        if prev_step[0]['observation']['players'][i][2][other_ship][0] == (
          # We ran into a new established shipyard!
          return True
  return False
def ship_loss_count_counterfact(actions, prev_units, obs, grid_size=21,
  # Approximately compute how many ships I would have lost at a certain
  # transition with some actions. Approximate because we assume there are
  # no 3-color ship collisions.
  # Compute the new position of all ships and bases, ignoring base spawns
  my_bases = np.zeros((grid_size, grid_size), dtype=np.bool)
  my_ships = np.zeros((grid_size, grid_size), dtype=np.bool)
  prev_bases = prev_units[1]
  prev_ships = prev_units[2]
  ship_loss = 0
  for b in prev_bases:
    row, col = utils.row_col_from_square_grid_pos(prev_bases[b], grid_size)
    my_bases[row, col] = True
  for ship_k in prev_ships:
    row, col = utils.row_col_from_square_grid_pos(prev_ships[ship_k][0],
    # if debug and row == 0:
    #   import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    a = get_ship_action(ship_k, actions)
    if a == "CONVERT":
      my_bases[row, col] = True
      new_row, new_col = rule_utils.move_ship_row_col(row, col, a, grid_size)
      if my_ships[new_row, new_col]:
        # Self collision
        # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        ship_loss += 1
        my_ships[new_row, new_col] = 1
        ship_halite = prev_ships[ship_k][1]
        for o in obs['rewards_bases_ships'][1:]:
          if o[1][new_row, new_col]:
            # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            ship_loss += 1
          elif o[2][new_row, new_col] and (
              o[3][new_row, new_col] <= ship_halite):
            # Collide with less or equal halite ship
            # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            ship_loss += 1
  return ship_loss
def get_lost_ships_count(player_mapped_actions,
    num_players = len(current_players)
    num_lost_ships = np.zeros(num_players)

    prev_bases = np.stack(
        [rbs[1] for rbs in prev_observation['rewards_bases_ships']]).sum(0) > 0
    grid_size = prev_bases.shape[0]

    new_convert_positions = np.zeros_like(prev_bases)
    for i in range(num_players):
        prev_player = prev_players[i]
        prev_actions = player_mapped_actions[i]
        for ship_k in prev_actions:
            if prev_actions[ship_k] == "CONVERT":
                    prev_player[2][ship_k][0], grid_size)] = 1

    for i in range(num_players):
        prev_player = prev_players[i]
        current_player = current_players[i]
        prev_actions = player_mapped_actions[i]
        was_alive = len(prev_player[2]) > 0 or (len(prev_player[1]) > 0
                                                and prev_player[0] >= 500)
        prev_stacked_ships = np.stack(
            [rbs[2] for rbs in prev_observation['rewards_bases_ships']])
        prev_halite_ships = np.stack(
            [rbs[3] for rbs in prev_observation['rewards_bases_ships']]).sum(0)
        prev_halite_ships[prev_stacked_ships.sum(0) == 0] = -1e-9

        if was_alive:
            # Loop over all ships and figure out if a ship was lost unintentionally
            for ship_k in prev_player[2]:
                if not ship_k in current_player[2]:
                    row, col = utils.row_col_from_square_grid_pos(
                        prev_player[2][ship_k][0], grid_size)
                    if (not ship_k in prev_actions) or (
                            ship_k in prev_actions
                            and prev_actions[ship_k] != "CONVERT"):
                        ship_action = None if not ship_k in prev_actions else prev_actions[
                        move_row, move_col = rule_utils.move_ship_row_col(
                            row, col, ship_action, grid_size)
                        if not prev_bases[move_row, move_col]:
                            # Don't count base attack/defense ship loss or self collision
                            # towards the end of the game
                            if (not move_row * grid_size + move_col in [
                                    s[0] for s in current_player[2].values()
                            ]) and (prev_observation['relative_step'] < 0.975):
                                # Don't count self collisions or collisions with a new base
                                if not new_convert_positions[move_row,
                                    if i == verbose_id:
                                        # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                                        print("Lost ship at step",
                                              prev_observation['step'] + 1)
                                num_lost_ships[i] += 1
                    elif prev_actions[ship_k] == "CONVERT" and (
                            prev_observation['relative_step'] >= 0.025) and (
                                prev_observation['relative_step'] <= 0.975):
                        # The ship most likely got boxed in and was forced to convert.
                        # Note that this also counts lost ships due to losing the base.
                        # Discard strategic base conversions (no nearby opponents)
                        ship_halite = prev_player[2][ship_k][1]
                        any_threat_ships = False
                        for d in rule_utils.MOVE_DIRECTIONS[1:]:
                            move_row, move_col = rule_utils.move_ship_row_col(
                                row, col, d, grid_size)
                            if prev_halite_ships[move_row, move_col] >= 0 and (
                                    prev_halite_ships[move_row, move_col] <=
                                ship_threat_player_id = np.where(
                                    prev_stacked_ships[:, move_row,
                                if ship_threat_player_id != i:
                                    any_threat_ships = True
                        if any_threat_ships:
                            if i == verbose_id:
                                print("Lost ship at step",
                                      prev_observation['step'] + 1)
                            num_lost_ships[i] += 1

    return num_lost_ships
def decide_not_converted_ship_actions(
    config, observation, player_obs, env_config, not_converted_ship_keys,
    my_next_bases, my_next_ships, obs_halite, verbose,
    convert_first_ship_on_None_action=True, nearby_ship_grid=3):
  ship_actions = {}
  num_ships = len(not_converted_ship_keys)
  halite_deposited = 0
  if not not_converted_ship_keys.size:
    return ship_actions, my_next_ships, halite_deposited
  # Select ship actions sequentially in the order of the most halite on board
  ship_halite = np.array(
    [player_obs[2][k][1] for k in not_converted_ship_keys])
  ship_keys_ordered_ids = np.argsort(-ship_halite)
  ship_halite = ship_halite[ship_keys_ordered_ids]
  my_ships = observation['rewards_bases_ships'][0][2].astype(np.int)
  opponent_ships = np.stack([
    rbs[2] for rbs in observation['rewards_bases_ships'][1:]]).sum(0)
  halite_ships = np.stack([
    rbs[3] for rbs in observation['rewards_bases_ships']]).sum(0)
  # Compute values that will be useful in the calculation for all ships
  grid_size = obs_halite.shape[0]
  smoothed_friendly_bases = rule_utils.smooth2d(my_next_bases)
  my_smoothed_ships, ships_kernel = rule_utils.smooth2d(
    my_ships, return_kernel=True)
  smoothed_halite = rule_utils.smooth2d(obs_halite)
  # Select the best option: go to most salient halite, return to base or stay
  # at base.
  my_next_ships = np.zeros_like(my_next_ships)
  # List all positions you definitely don't want to move to. Initially this
  # only contains enemy bases and eventually also earlier ships.
  bad_positions = np.stack([rbs[1] for rbs in observation[
  # Fixed rule to decide when there should be a focus on collecting halite
  should_collect_halite = my_next_bases.sum() > 0 or num_ships > 1
  for ship_i, ship_k in enumerate(
    row, col = utils.row_col_from_square_grid_pos(
        player_obs[2][ship_k][0], grid_size)
    # Subtract the own influence of the ship from my_smoothed_ships
    my_smoothed_ships = rule_utils.add_warped_kernel(
      my_smoothed_ships, -ships_kernel, row, col)
    move_scores = np.zeros(len(rule_utils.MOVE_DIRECTIONS))
    for i, move_dir in enumerate(rule_utils.MOVE_DIRECTIONS):
      new_row, new_col = rule_utils.move_ship_row_col(
        row, col, move_dir, grid_size)
      # Going to a position where I already occupy a ship or a position of an
      # enemy ship is very bad
      if bad_positions[new_row, new_col]:
        move_scores[i] -= 1e9
      if move_dir is None:
        # Collecting halite is good, if we have a backup base in case the ship
        # gets destroyed
        move_scores[i] += config['halite_collect_constant']*max(
          0, obs_halite[row, col])*should_collect_halite
      # Going closer to halite is good
      move_scores[i] += config['nearby_halite_move_constant']*(
        smoothed_halite[row, col] - smoothed_halite[new_row, new_col])
      # Moving on top of halite is good, when the collect halite mode is active
      move_scores[i] += config['nearby_onto_halite_move_constant']*(
        obs_halite[new_row, new_col])*should_collect_halite
      # Going closer to my other ships is bad
      move_scores[i] -= config['nearby_ships_move_constant']*(
        my_smoothed_ships[new_row, new_col])
      # Going closer to my bases is good, the more halite I have on the ship
      move_scores[i] += config['nearby_base_move_constant']*(
        smoothed_friendly_bases[new_row, new_col])*ship_halite[ship_i]
      # Going right on top of one of my bases is good, the more halite I have
      # on board of the ship
      move_scores[i] += config['nearby_move_onto_base_constant']*(
        my_next_bases[new_row, new_col])*ship_halite[ship_i]
      # Consider nearby enemy ships in a nearby_ship_grid*nearby_ship_grid
      # from the new position and assign penalty/gain points for possible
      # collisions / approachments as a function of the halite on board of
      # other ships
      for row_increment in range(-nearby_ship_grid, nearby_ship_grid+1):
        for col_increment in range(-nearby_ship_grid, nearby_ship_grid+1):
          distance_to_new = np.abs(row_increment) + np.abs(col_increment)
          if distance_to_new <= nearby_ship_grid:
            other_row = (new_row + row_increment) % grid_size
            other_col = (new_col + col_increment) % grid_size
            if opponent_ships[other_row, other_col]:
              halite_diff = halite_ships[other_row, other_col] - halite_ships[
                row, col]
              if halite_diff == 0:
                # Equal halite - impose a penalty of half a spawn cost for
                # moving closer due to the risk of collision
                dist_kernel = 1/((distance_to_new+1)**2)
                move_scores[i] -= config[
              elif halite_diff > 0:
                # I can steal the opponent's halite - moving closer is good,
                # proportional to the difference in cargo on board.
                dist_kernel = 1/((distance_to_new+1)**2)
                move_scores[i] += config[
                # I risk losing my halite - moving closer is bad, proportional
                # to the difference in cargo on board.
                dist_kernel = 1/((max(0, distance_to_new-1)+1)**2)
                move_scores[i] += config[
      if verbose:
          smoothed_halite[new_row, new_col]),
          obs_halite[new_row, new_col])*should_collect_halite,
          my_smoothed_ships[new_row, new_col]),
          smoothed_friendly_bases[new_row, new_col])*ship_halite[ship_i],
          my_next_bases[new_row, new_col])*ship_halite[ship_i]
    if verbose:
      print("Ship {} move scores: {}".format(ship_k, move_scores))
    move_id = np.argmax(move_scores)
    move_dir = rule_utils.MOVE_DIRECTIONS[move_id]
    new_row, new_col = rule_utils.move_ship_row_col(
      row, col, move_dir, grid_size)
    my_next_ships[new_row, new_col] = 1
    bad_positions[new_row, new_col] = 1
    if move_dir is None:
      halite_deposited += ship_halite[ship_i]*my_next_bases[new_row, new_col]
      ship_actions[str(ship_k)] = str(move_dir)
    # Restore the updated influence of the moved ship to my_smoothed_ships
    if ship_i < (num_ships - 1):
      my_smoothed_ships = rule_utils.add_warped_kernel(
        my_smoothed_ships, ships_kernel, new_row, new_col)
  if not should_collect_halite and convert_first_ship_on_None_action:
    convert_cost =  env_config.convertCost
    remaining_budget = player_obs[0]
    if num_ships == 1 and remaining_budget >= convert_cost:
      ship_actions[str(ship_k)] = rule_utils.CONVERT
  return ship_actions, my_next_ships, halite_deposited