文件: city_f.py 项目: Teifion/Rob3
def overlap(c1, c2, debug=False):
	if not _check_area(c1, c2, debug=debug):
		return 0
	acos = math.acos
	sqrt = math.sqrt
	r = map_data.map_image_size(c1.size)/5
	R = map_data.map_image_size(c2.size)/5
	d = path_f.pythagoras((c1.x, c1.y), (c2.x, c2.y))
	if d > r + R: return 0
	if d == 0: return math.pi * max((r*r), (R*R))
	# r is the radius of circle 1
	# R is the radius of circle 2
	# d is the distance of the centre of circle 2 from the centre of circle 1.
	# cos-1 is the inverse cosine operator.
		a = r**2 * acos((d**2 + r**2 - R**2) / (2 * d * r))
		b = R**2 * acos((d**2 + R**2 - r**2) / (2 * d * R))
		c = (-d + r + R) * (d + r - R) * (d - r + R) * (d + r + R)
		c = sqrt(c) / 2
	except Exception as e:
		# It may be that the smaller is completely covered by the bigger
		# C = centre, R = Radius
		# C1 -- C2 -- R2 ----- R1
		R = map_data.map_image_size(c1.size)/2
		S = map_data.map_image_size(c2.size)
		D = path_f.pythagoras(c1, c2)
		# Area = pi * r^2
		if R > S + D:
			return math.pi * (S/2) * (S/2)
		print("Error overlapping %s (%d) with %s (%d)" % (c1.name, c1.id, c2.name, c2.id))
	a = r**2 * acos((d**2 + r**2 - R**2) / (2 * d * r))
	b = R**2 * acos((d**2 + R**2 - r**2) / (2 * d * R))
	c = (-d + r + R) * (d + r - R) * (d - r + R) * (d + r + R)
	c = sqrt(c) / 2
	# print(a + b - c)
	return (a + b - c)
文件: city_f.py 项目: Teifion/Rob3
def overlap_percentage_square(the_city, amount):
	the_city.size = map_data.map_image_size(the_city.population + the_city.slaves)/2.5
	area = the_city.size ** 2
	percentage = (amount / area) * 100
	return max(min(percentage, 100), 0)
文件: city_t.py 项目: Teifion/Rob3
	def test_overlapping(self):
		for the_city, amount, correct_answer in self.city_sets:
			real_area = map_data.map_image_size(the_city.size)/2.5
			real_area = math.pi * (real_area ** 2)
			r = city_f.overlap_percentage(the_city, amount)
				self.assertAlmostEqual(correct_answer, r, places=2)
			except Exception as e:
				print("City size: %d" % the_city.size)
				print("City area: %d" % real_area)
				print("Overlap amount: %d" % amount)
				print("Correct amount: %d" % correct_answer)
				print("Incorrect answer: %d" % r)
def build_supplies(cursor, verbose):
	city_dict = city_q.get_live_cities(cursor)
	city_supply_dict = {}
	for k, v in city_dict.items():
		v.icon_size = map_data.map_image_size(v.population+v.slaves)/4
	if verbose:
		it = cli_f.progressbar(map_resources.data_list, "cities_check.build_supplies: ", 40, with_eta = True)
		it = map_resources.data_list
	for r, x, y in it:
		this_city = (-1, 9999)
		for k, v in city_dict.items():
			dist = path_f.pythagoras((v.x, v.y), (x, y))
			if dist < v.icon_size:
				if this_city[1] > v.founded:
					this_city = (k, v.founded)
		if this_city[0] > 0:
			if this_city[0] not in city_supply_dict:
				city_supply_dict[this_city[0]] = []
	query = "UPDATE cities SET str_supplies = '';"
	try: cursor.execute(query)
	except Exception as e:
		raise Exception("Database error: %s\nQuery: %s" % (str(e.args[0]).replace("\n",""), query))
	for k, v in city_supply_dict.items():
		vset = [str(r) for r in set(v)]
		query = "UPDATE cities SET str_supplies = '{0}' WHERE id = {1:d};".format(
			",".join(vset), k,
		try: cursor.execute(query)
		except Exception as e:
			raise Exception("Database error: %s\nQuery: %s" % (str(e.args[0]).replace("\n",""), query))
def prospective_founding_order(the_line, groups, debug=False):
	results = founding_order(the_line, groups, debug)
	if not the_line.block.msn_order:
		return order_block.fail(results, "Command not valid in live mode")
	results['queries'] = []
	results['cost'] = ""
	if results['success']:
		# X and Y
		x, y = groups['location'].split(',')
		x = int(x.strip())
		y = int(y.strip())
		# Header
		results['results'] = ["[b]Founded '%s' successfully[/b]" % groups['city_name']]
		# Terrain
		terrain = mapper_q.get_terrain(the_line.the_world.cursor, x, y)
		results['results'].append("Terrain: %s" % map_data.terrain[terrain].title())
		# Supplies
		supplies = []
		icon_size = map_data.map_image_size(int(groups['size']))/4
		for r, rx, ry in map_resources.data_list:
			dist = path_f.pythagoras((rx, ry), (x, y))
			if dist < icon_size:
		if len(supplies) > 1:
			results['results'].append("Supplies: %s" % ", ".join([resource_list.data_dict[s].name for s in supplies]))
		elif len(supplies) == 1:
			results['results'].append("Supply: %s" % ", ".join([resource_list.data_dict[s].name for s in supplies]))
		return results
		return results
文件: city_t.py 项目: Teifion/Rob3
	def test_sizes(self):
		for size, expected in self.city_sets:
			r = map_data.map_image_size(size)
			self.assertEqual(expected, r)
文件: city_f.py 项目: Teifion/Rob3
def overlap_percentage(the_city, amount):
	r = map_data.map_image_size(the_city.size)/5
	area = math.pi * (r ** 2)
	percentage = (amount / area) * 100
	return max(min(percentage, 100), 0)
文件: city_f.py 项目: Teifion/Rob3
def _check_area(c1, c2, debug=False):
	i1 = map_data.map_image_size(c1.size)/2.5
	i2 = map_data.map_image_size(c2.size)/2.5
	c1.left = c1.x - i1/2
	c1.right = c1.x + i1/2
	c1.top = c1.y - i1/2
	c1.bottom = c1.y + i1/2
	c2.left = c2.x - i2/2
	c2.right = c2.x + i2/2
	c2.top = c2.y - i2/2
	c2.bottom = c2.y + i2/2
	xlap, ylap = 0, 0
	if debug:
	# Does this sit to the left, between or right of the other?
	# C1 is Left
	if c1.left <= c2.left and c1.right <= c2.right and c1.right >= c2.left:
		xlap = c1.right - c2.left
		if debug: print("xlap 1 = %d (R1 - L2) (%d - %d)" % (xlap, c1.right, c2.left))
	# C1 is Right
	elif c1.left >= c2.left and c1.right >= c2.right and c1.left <= c2.right:
		xlap = c2.right - c1.left
		if debug: print("xlap 2 = %d (R2 - L1) (%d - %d)" % (xlap, c2.right, c1.left))
	# Between, C1 is bigger
	elif c1.left <= c2.left and c1.right >= c2.right:
		xlap = min(i1, i2)
		if debug: print("xlap 3 = %d min(x1, x2) min(%d, %d)" % (xlap, i1, i2))
	# Between, C2 is bigger
	elif c1.left >= c2.left and c1.right <= c2.right:
		xlap = min(i1, i2)
		if debug: print("xlap 4 = %d min(x1, x2) min(%d, %d)" % (xlap, i1, i2))
	if xlap <= 0:
		if debug: print("xlap <= 0")
	# Does this sit to the left, between or right of the other?
	# C1 is Above
	if c1.top <= c2.top and c1.bottom <= c2.bottom and c1.bottom >= c2.top:
		ylap = c1.bottom - c2.top
		if debug: print("ylap 1 = %d (B1 - T2) (%d - %d)" % (ylap, c1.bottom, c2.top))
	# C1 is Below
	elif c1.top >= c2.top and c1.bottom >= c2.bottom and c1.top <= c2.bottom:
		ylap = c2.bottom - c1.top
		if debug: print("ylap 2 = %d (B2 - T1) (%d - %d)" % (ylap, c2.bottom, c1.top))
	# Between, C1 is bigger
	elif c1.top <= c2.top and c1.bottom >= c2.bottom:
		ylap = min(i1, i2)
		if debug: print("ylap 3 = %d min(y1, y2) min(%d, %d)" % (ylap, i1, i2))
	# Between, C2 is bigger
	elif c1.top >= c2.top and c1.bottom <= c2.bottom:
		ylap = min(i1, i2)
		if debug: print("ylap 4 = %d min(y1, y2) min(%d, %d)" % (ylap, i1, i2))
	if ylap <= 0:
		if debug: print("ylap <= 0")
	if debug:
		print("C1: %s x(%s, %s) y(%s, %s) (%s)" % (c1.name, c1.left, c1.right, c1.top, c1.bottom, i1))
		print("C2: %s x(%s, %s) y(%s, %s) (%s)" % (c2.name, c2.left, c2.right, c2.top, c2.bottom, i2))
		print("(%s * %s = %s) -> (%d, %d)" % (xlap, ylap, (xlap*ylap), c1.team, c2.team))
	overlap = (xlap * ylap)
	return overlap
文件: mapper.py 项目: Teifion/Rob3
	def draw_city(self, cursor, city_id):
		city_is_special = False
		# Handles
		the_city = self.city_dict[city_id]
		the_team = self.team_dict[the_city.team]
		team_clean_name = the_team.clean_name()
		# Test for 1 icon	
		image_size = map_data.map_image_size(the_city.size)
		if image_size == 0:
			return ""
		my_left		= (the_city.x - self.left) * 2.5 - (image_size/2.0)
		my_top		= (the_city.y - self.top) * 2.5 - (image_size/2.0)
		# Check it's within the picture size of the map
		if (the_city.x - image_size/2) < self.left:		return ""
		if (the_city.x + image_size/2) > self.right:	return ""
		if (the_city.y - image_size/2) < self.top:		return ""
		if (the_city.y + image_size/2) > self.bottom:	return ""
		#	Mouseover
		# Name
		# clean_name = the_city.name.lower().replace(' ', '').replace("'", "")
		# clean_name = common.js_name(the_city.name.lower().replace(' ', '').replace("'", ''))
		clean_name = safe_re.sub("", the_city.name)
		# safe_re
		# Location
		city_x = the_city.x
		city_y = the_city.y
		if the_team.ir:
			city_title = ["<strong>Team</strong>: %s <span style='font-size:0.9em;'>(IR)</span><br />" % the_team.name]
			city_title = ["<strong>Team</strong>: %s<br />" % the_team.name]
		# Port
		if the_city.port == True:
			city_title.append('Is a port')
			city_title.append('Not a port')
		# Nomadic
		if the_city.nomadic == True:
			city_title.append('<br />Nomadic')
		# Walls
		team_logo = '%s_unwalled.png' % team_clean_name
		has_harbour_walls = False
		# Harbour walls id = 18
		if 18 in the_city.buildings_amount and the_city.buildings_amount[18] > 0:
			has_harbour_walls = True
			city_title.append('<br />Harbour walls')
		if the_city.walls != []:
			if len(the_city.walls) > 1:
				if has_harbour_walls:
					city_title.append('<br />%d walls' % (len(the_city.walls)-1))
					city_title.append('<br />%d walls' % len(the_city.walls))
				if not has_harbour_walls:
					city_title.append('<br />1 wall')
			team_logo = '%s_walled.png' % team_clean_name
		# Supply
		if the_city.supplies != []:
			supply_string = ", ".join([resource_list.data_list[s].name for s in the_city.supplies])
			city_title.append('<br />%s' % supply_string)
		# Terrain
		city_title.append('<br />Terrain type: %s' % map_data.terrain[mapper_q.get_terrain(cursor, city_x, city_y)].title())
		# Area - Used for debugging overlap
		# area = image_size/2.5
		# area = area * area
		# city_title.append("<br />Area: %s" % area)
		# Overlap
		if the_city.overlap > 0:
			city_title.append('<br />Overlap: %s%%' % the_city.overlap)
		# Population
		if the_city.team not in self.personalise:
			city_title.append('<br />Size: %s' % common.approx(the_city.size))
			if the_city.slaves > 0:
				city_title.append('<br />Slaves: %s' % common.approx(the_city.slaves))
			city_title.append('<br />Population: %s' % common.number_format(the_city.population))
			if the_city.slaves > 0:
				city_title.append('<br />Slaves: %s' % common.number_format(the_city.slaves))
		# Artefact
		artefact_count = 0
		if city_id in self.cities_with_artefact:
			for a, the_artefact in self.artefact_dict.items():
				if the_artefact.city == city_id:
					artefact_count += 1
		if artefact_count > 0:
			city_is_special = True
			if artefact_count > 1:
				city_title.append('<br /><strong>City contains %d artefacts</strong>' % artefact_count)
				city_title.append('<br /><strong>City contains an artefact</strong>')
		# Wonder
		if city_id in self.cities_with_wonder:
			for w, the_wonder in self.wonder_dict.items():
				if the_wonder.city == city_id:
					if the_wonder.completed:
						city_title.append('<br /><strong>City contains a wonder</strong>')
						city_is_special = True
						city_title.append('<br /><strong>City contains an uncompleted wonder</strong>')
		# Description
		if the_city.description != '':
			city_title.append('<br />%s' % the_city.description.replace("\\", ""))
		# GM stuff
		if self.gm:
			city_title.append('<br />Image size: %s' % image_size)
		# Info only for the team map
		if the_city.team in self.personalise:
			city_title.append("<br />")
			# Buildings?
			# in_progress_dict, city_buildings = the_city.get_buildings()
			walls		= []
			buildings	= []
			in_progress = []
			for b, a in the_city.buildings_amount.items():
				if self.building_dict[b].wall == True: walls.append(self.building_dict[b].name)
				if self.building_dict[b].wall != True: buildings.append(self.building_dict[b].name)
			for b, p in the_city.buildings.items():
				if p > 0:
			if len(buildings) > 0:
				city_title.append("<br /><strong>Buildings</strong>: %s" % ", ".join(buildings))
			if len(walls) > 0:
				city_title.append("<br /><strong>Walls</strong>: %s" % ", ".join(walls))
			if len(in_progress) > 0:
				city_title.append("<br /><strong>In progress</strong>: %s" % ", ".join(in_progress))
		if the_city.founded == common.current_turn():
			new_city_style = "border: 1px solid #FFA;"
			city_title.append("<br />Founded: <strong>Turn %d</strong>" % the_city.founded)
		elif city_is_special:
			# new_city_style = "border: 2px dotted #FFF;"
			new_city_style = ""
			team_logo = '%s_special.png' % team_clean_name
			new_city_style = ""
			city_title.append("<br />Founded: Turn %d" % the_city.founded)
		# Land controlled?
		# control = ""
		# if the_city.team in self.personalise:
		# 	control_image_size = map_control_size(the_city.size)
		# 	if control_image_size == 0:
		# 		return ""
		# 	c_left		= (the_city.x - self.left) * 2.5 - (control_image_size/2.0)
		# 	c_top		= (the_city.y - self.top) * 2.5 - (control_image_size/2.0)
		# 	control = """<img class="city_icon" src="%(icon_path)scontrol.png" style="top:%(top)spx; left: %(left)spx;" width="%(image_size)s" height="%(image_size)s" />""" % {
		# 		"icon_path":	self.icon_path,
		# 		"top":			c_top,
		# 		"left":			c_left,
		# 		"image_size":	control_image_size,
		# 	}
		# # Output - Function float
		# output = """<img class="city_icon" id="{0[clean_name]}" src="{0[icon_path]}{0[team_logo]}" style="top:{0[top]}px; left:{0[left]}px;" width="{0[image_size]}" height="{0[image_size]}" onmouseover="$('#{0[clean_name]}_hover').fadeIn(250);" onmouseout="$('#{0[clean_name]}_hover').hide(250);"/>""".format({
		# 	"icon_path":	self.icon_path,
		# 	"clean_name":	clean_name,
		# 	"top": my_top,
		# 	"left": my_left,
		# 	"image_size": image_size,
		# 	"team_logo": team_logo,
		# })
		# Output - Fixed float
		output = """<img class="city_icon" id="{clean_name}" src="{icon_path}{team_logo}" style="top:{top}px; left:{left}px;{new_city}" width="{image_size}" height="{image_size}" onmouseover="$('#{clean_name}_hover').fadeIn(250);" onmouseout="$('#{clean_name}_hover').hide(250);"/>""".format(
			icon_path =		self.icon_path,
			clean_name =	clean_name,
			top =			my_top,
			left =			my_left,
			image_size =	image_size,
			team_logo =		team_logo,
			new_city =		new_city_style,
		if self.mouseover == 1:
			hover_top = my_top - 5
			hover_top = min(self.height*2.5 - 125, hover_top)
			hover_left = my_left + image_size + 20
			hover_left = max(hover_left, 5)
			if hover_left > ((self.width * 2.5) - 350):
				hover_left = my_left - 350
			# Floater
			self.append_last.append("""<div id="%(clean_name)s_hover" class="city_hover" style="top:%(hover_top)spx; left:%(hover_left)spx;"><div class="city_title">%(name)s&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;%(city_x)s,%(city_y)s</div>%(city_title)s</div>""" % {
				"name": the_city.name,
				"clean_name": clean_name,
				"hover_top": hover_top,
				"hover_left": hover_left,
				"city_x": the_city.x,
				"city_y": the_city.y,
				"city_title": "".join(city_title),
		# Now return it
		return "".join(output)
文件: mapper_j.py 项目: Teifion/Rob3
	def draw_city(self, cursor, city_id):
		city_is_special = False
		# Handles
		the_city = self.city_dict[city_id]
		the_team = self.team_dict[the_city.team]
		# Test for 1 icon
		image_size = map_data.map_image_size(the_city.size)
		# Check it's within the picture size of the map
		if (the_city.x - image_size/2) < self.left:		return
		if (the_city.x + image_size/2) > self.right:	return
		if (the_city.y - image_size/2) < self.top:		return
		if (the_city.y + image_size/2) > self.bottom:	return
		output = {}
		# System type stuff
		output['pixel_x'] = (the_city.x - self.left) * 2.5 - (image_size/2.0)
		output['pixel_y'] = (the_city.y - self.top) * 2.5 - (image_size/2.0)
		# Owner
		output['team.id'] = the_team.id
		output['team.name'] = the_team.name
		# Key stats
		output['id'] = the_city.id
		output['name'] = the_city.name
		output['x'] = the_city.x
		output['y'] = the_city.y
		output['port'] = the_city.port
		output['nomadic'] = the_city.nomadic
		output['founded'] = the_city.founded
		# Walls
		output['harbour_walls'] = False
		if 18 in the_city.buildings_amount and the_city.buildings_amount[18] > 0:# Harbour walls id = 18
			output['harbour_walls'] = True
		output['wall_count'] = 0
		if the_city.walls != []:
			if len(the_city.walls) > 1:
				if output['harbour_walls']:
					output['wall_count'] = len(the_city.walls) - 1
					output['wall_count'] = len(the_city.walls)
			elif not output['harbour_walls']:
				output['wall_count'] = len(the_city.walls)
		# Supplies and Terrain
		output['supplies'] = the_city.supplies
		output['terrain'] = map_data.terrain[mapper_q.get_terrain(cursor, the_city.x, the_city.y)].title()
		city_loc = (the_city.x - (the_city.x % 10), the_city.y - (the_city.y % 10))
		output['continent'] = path_f.get_map_continent_tiles(cursor).get(city_loc, -1)
		# Overlap
		output['supplies'] = the_city.overlap
		# Population
		if the_city.team not in self.personalise:
			output['size'] = common.napprox(the_city.size)
			output['slaves'] = common.napprox(the_city.slaves)
			output['size'] = the_city.size
			output['population'] = the_city.population
			output['slaves'] = the_city.slaves
		# Artefact
		artefact_count = 0
		if city_id in self.cities_with_artefact:
			for a, the_artefact in self.artefact_dict.items():
				if the_artefact.city == city_id:
					artefact_count += 1
		output['artefacts'] = artefact_count
		# Wonder
		output['wonder'] = "None"
		if city_id in self.cities_with_wonder:
			for w, the_wonder in self.wonder_dict.items():
				if the_wonder.city == city_id:
					if the_wonder.completed:
						output['wonder'] = "Complete"
						output['wonder'] = "Incomplete"
		# Description
		output['description'] = the_city.description
		# # Info only for the team map
		# if the_city.team in self.personalise:
		# 	walls		= []
		# 	buildings	= []
		# 	in_progress = []
		# 	for b, a in the_city.buildings_amount.items():
		# 		if self.building_dict[b].wall == True: walls.append(self.building_dict[b].name)
		# 		if self.building_dict[b].wall != True: buildings.append(self.building_dict[b].name)
		# 	for b, p in the_city.buildings.items():
		# 		if p > 0:
		# 			in_progress.append(self.building_dict[b].name)
		# 	if len(buildings) > 0:
		# 		city_title.append("<br /><strong>Buildings</strong>: %s" % ", ".join(buildings))
		# 	if len(walls) > 0:
		# 		city_title.append("<br /><strong>Walls</strong>: %s" % ", ".join(walls))
		# 	if len(in_progress) > 0:
		# 		city_title.append("<br /><strong>In progress</strong>: %s" % ", ".join(in_progress))
		# Now return it
		return output