def write(path, contents, fatal=True, logger=None): """ :param str|None path: Path to file :param str|None contents: Contents to write :param bool|None fatal: Abort execution on failure if True :param callable|None logger: Logger to use :return int: 1 if effectively done, 0 if no-op, -1 on failure """ if not path: return 0 if is_dryrun(): action = "write %s bytes to" % len(contents) if contents else "touch" LOG.debug("Would %s %s", action, short(path)) return 1 ensure_folder(path, fatal=fatal, logger=logger) if logger and contents: logger("Writing %s bytes to %s", len(contents), short(path)) try: with, "wt") as fh: if contents: fh.write(decode(contents)) else: os.utime(path, None) return 1 except Exception as e: return abort("Can't write to %s: %s", short(path), e, fatal=(fatal, -1))
def delete(path, fatal=True, logger=LOG.debug): """ :param str|None path: Path to file or folder to delete :param bool|None fatal: Abort execution on failure if True :param callable|None logger: Logger to use :return int: 1 if effectively done, 0 if no-op, -1 on failure """ islink = path and os.path.islink(path) if not islink and (not path or not os.path.exists(path)): return 0 if is_dryrun(): LOG.debug("Would delete %s", short(path)) return 1 if logger: logger("Deleting %s", short(path)) try: if islink or os.path.isfile(path): os.unlink(path) else: shutil.rmtree(path) return 1 except Exception as e: return abort("Can't delete %s: %s", short(path), e, fatal=(fatal, -1))
def read_json(path, default=None, fatal=True, logger=None): """ :param str|None path: Path to file to deserialize :param dict|list|None default: Default if file is not present, or if it's not json :param bool|None fatal: Abort execution on failure if True :param callable|None logger: Logger to use :return dict|list: Deserialized data from file """ path = resolved_path(path) if not path or not os.path.exists(path): if default is None: return abort("No file %s", short(path), fatal=(fatal, default)) return default try: with, "rt") as fh: data = json.load(fh) if default is not None and type(data) != type(default): return abort("Wrong type %s for %s, expecting %s", type(data), short(path), type(default), fatal=(fatal, default)) if logger: logger("Read %s", short(path)) return data except Exception as e: return abort("Couldn't read %s: %s", short(path), e, fatal=(fatal, default))
def run(program, *args, **kwargs): """Run 'program' with 'args'""" args = flattened(args, split=SHELL) full_path = which(program) logger = kwargs.pop("logger", LOG.debug) fatal = kwargs.pop("fatal", True) dryrun = kwargs.pop("dryrun", is_dryrun()) include_error = kwargs.pop("include_error", False) message = "Would run" if dryrun else "Running" message = "%s: %s %s" % (message, short( full_path or program), represented_args(args)) if logger: logger(message) if dryrun: return message if not full_path: return abort("%s is not installed", short(program), fatal=fatal) stdout = kwargs.pop("stdout", subprocess.PIPE) stderr = kwargs.pop("stderr", subprocess.PIPE) args = [full_path] + args try: path_env = kwargs.pop("path_env", None) if path_env: kwargs["env"] = added_env_paths(path_env, env=kwargs.get("env")) p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, **kwargs) # nosec output, err = p.communicate() output = decode(output, strip=True) err = decode(err, strip=True) if p.returncode and fatal is not None: note = ": %s\n%s" % (err, output) if output or err else "" message = "%s exited with code %s%s" % (short(program), p.returncode, note.strip()) return abort(message, fatal=fatal) if include_error and err: output = "%s\n%s" % (output, err) return output and output.strip() except Exception as e: return abort("%s failed: %s", short(program), e, exc_info=e, fatal=fatal)
def ensure_folder(path, folder=False, fatal=True, logger=LOG.debug, dryrun=None): """ :param str|None path: Path to file or folder :param bool folder: If True, 'path' refers to a folder (file otherwise) :param bool|None fatal: Abort execution on failure if True :param callable|None logger: Logger to use :param bool|None dryrun: If specified, override global is_dryrun() :return int: 1 if effectively done, 0 if no-op, -1 on failure """ if not path: return 0 if folder: folder = resolved_path(path) else: folder = parent_folder(path) if os.path.isdir(folder): if not os.access(folder, os.W_OK): return abort("Folder %s is not writable", folder, fatal=(fatal, -1), logger=logger) return 0 if dryrun is None: dryrun = is_dryrun() if dryrun: LOG.debug("Would create %s", short(folder)) return 1 try: os.makedirs(folder) if logger: logger("Created folder %s", short(folder)) return 1 except Exception as e: return abort("Can't create folder %s: %s", short(folder), e, fatal=(fatal, -1), logger=logger)
def save_json(data, path, fatal=True, logger=None, sort_keys=True, indent=2, **kwargs): """ Args: data (object | None): Data to serialize and save path (str | None): Path to file where to save fatal (bool | None): Abort execution on failure if True logger (callable | None): Logger to use sort_keys (bool): Save json with sorted keys indent (int): Indentation to use **kwargs: Passed through to `json.dump()` Returns: (int): 1 if saved, -1 if failed (when `fatal` is False) """ if data is None or not path: return abort("No file %s", short(path), fatal=fatal) try: path = resolved_path(path) ensure_folder(path, fatal=fatal, logger=None) if is_dryrun():"Would save %s", short(path)) return 1 if hasattr(data, "to_dict"): data = data.to_dict() if indent: kwargs.setdefault("separators", (",", ': ')) with open(path, "wt") as fh: json.dump(data, fh, sort_keys=sort_keys, indent=indent, **kwargs) fh.write("\n") if logger: logger("Saved %s", short(path)) return 1 except Exception as e: return abort("Couldn't save %s: %s", short(path), e, fatal=(fatal, -1))
def make_executable(path, fatal=True): """ :param str|None path: chmod file with 'path' as executable :param bool|None fatal: Abort execution on failure if True :return int: 1 if effectively done, 0 if no-op, -1 on failure """ if is_executable(path): return 0 if is_dryrun(): LOG.debug("Would make %s executable", short(path)) return 1 if not os.path.exists(path): return abort("%s does not exist, can't make it executable", short(path), fatal=(fatal, -1)) try: os.chmod(path, 0o755) # nosec return 1 except Exception as e: return abort("Can't chmod %s: %s", short(path), e, fatal=(fatal, -1))
def load(self, path=None, fatal=True, logger=None): """ :param str|None path: Load this object from file with 'path' (default: self._path) :param bool|None fatal: Abort execution on failure if True :param callable|None logger: Logger to use """ self.reset() if path: self._path = path self._source = short(path) else: path = getattr(self, "_path", None) if path: self.set_from_dict(read_json(path, default={}, fatal=fatal, logger=logger))
def get_lines(path, max_size=TEXT_THRESHOLD_SIZE, fatal=True, default=None): """ :param str|None path: Path of text file to return lines from :param int|None max_size: Return contents only for files smaller than 'max_size' bytes :param bool|None fatal: Abort execution on failure if True :param list|None default: Object to return if lines couldn't be read :return list|None: Lines from file contents """ if not path or not os.path.isfile(path) or ( max_size and os.path.getsize(path) > max_size): # Intended for small text files, pretend no contents for binaries return default try: with, "rt", errors="ignore") as fh: return fh.readlines() except Exception as e: return abort("Can't read %s: %s", short(path), e, fatal=(fatal, default))
def _file_op(source, destination, func, adapter, fatal, logger, must_exist=True): """ Call func(source, destination) :param str|None source: Source file or folder :param str|None destination: Destination file or folder :param callable func: Implementation function :param callable adapter: Optional function to call on 'source' before copy :param bool|None fatal: Abort execution on failure if True :param callable|None logger: Logger to use :param bool must_exist: If True, verify that source does indeed exist :return int: 1 if effectively done, 0 if no-op, -1 on failure """ if not source or not destination or source == destination: return 0 action = func.__name__[1:] indicator = "<-" if action == "symlink" else "->" psource = parent_folder(source) pdest = resolved_path(destination) if psource != pdest and psource.startswith(pdest): return abort("Can't %s %s %s %s: source contained in destination", action, short(source), indicator, short(destination), fatal=(fatal, -1)) if is_dryrun(): LOG.debug("Would %s %s %s %s", action, short(source), indicator, short(destination)) return 1 if must_exist and not os.path.exists(source): return abort("%s does not exist, can't %s to %s", short(source), action.title(), short(destination), fatal=(fatal, -1)) try: # Delete destination, but ensure that its parent folder exists delete(destination, fatal=fatal, logger=None) ensure_folder(destination, fatal=fatal, logger=None) if logger: note = adapter(source, destination, fatal=fatal, logger=logger) if adapter else "" if logger: logger("%s %s %s %s%s", action.title(), short(source), indicator, short(destination), note) func(source, destination) return 1 except Exception as e: return abort("Can't %s %s %s %s: %s", action, short(source), indicator, short(destination), e, fatal=(fatal, -1))