    def ramp_up(clients, hatch_stride, boundery_found=False):
        while True:
            if locust_runner.state != STATE_HATCHING:
                if locust_runner.num_clients >= max_locusts:
                    logger.info("Ramp up halted; Max locusts limit reached: %d" % max_locusts)
                    return ramp_down(clients, hatch_stride)

                fail_ratio = RequestStats.sum_stats().fail_ratio
                if fail_ratio > acceptable_fail:
                    logger.info("Ramp up halted; Acceptable fail ratio %d%% exceeded with fail ratio %d%%" % (acceptable_fail*100, fail_ratio*100))
                    return ramp_down(clients, hatch_stride)

                p = current_percentile(percent)
                if p >= response_time_limit:
                    logger.info("Ramp up halted; Percentile response times getting high: %d" % p)
                    return ramp_down(clients, hatch_stride)

                if boundery_found and hatch_stride <= precision:
                    logger.info("Sweet spot found! Ramping stopped at %i locusts" % (locust_runner.num_clients))
                    return remove_listeners()

                logger.info("Ramping up...")
                if boundery_found:
                    hatch_stride = max((hatch_stride/2),precision)
                clients += hatch_stride
                locust_runner.start_hatching(clients, locust_runner.hatch_rate)
    def ramp_down(clients, hatch_stride):
        while True:
            if locust_runner.state != STATE_HATCHING:
                if locust_runner.num_clients < max_locusts:
                    fail_ratio = RequestStats.sum_stats().fail_ratio
                    if fail_ratio <= acceptable_fail:
                        p = current_percentile(percent)
                        if p <= response_time_limit:
                            if hatch_stride <= precision:
                                logger.info("Sweet spot found! Ramping stopped at %i locusts" % (locust_runner.num_clients))
                                return remove_listeners()

                            logger.info("Ramping up...")
                            hatch_stride = max((hatch_stride/2),precision)
                            clients += hatch_stride
                            locust_runner.start_hatching(clients, locust_runner.hatch_rate)
                            return ramp_up(clients, hatch_stride, True)

                logger.info("Ramping down...")
                hatch_stride = max((hatch_stride/2),precision)
                clients -= hatch_stride
                if clients > 0:
                    locust_runner.start_hatching(clients, locust_runner.hatch_rate)
                    logger.warning("No responses met the ramping thresholds, check your ramp configuration, locustfile and \"--host\" address")
                    logger.info("RAMING STOPPED")
                    return remove_listeners()
    def ramp_up(clients, hatch_stride, boundery_found=False):
        while True:
            if locust_runner.state != STATE_HATCHING:
                if locust_runner.num_clients >= max_locusts:
                    logger.info("Ramp up halted; Max locusts limit reached: %d" % max_locusts)
                    return ramp_down(clients, hatch_stride)

                fail_ratio = RequestStats.sum_stats().fail_ratio
                if fail_ratio > acceptable_fail:
                    logger.info("Ramp up halted; Acceptable fail ratio %d%% exceeded with fail ratio %d%%" % (acceptable_fail*100, fail_ratio*100))
                    return ramp_down(clients, hatch_stride)

                p = current_percentile(percent)
                if p >= response_time_limit:
                    logger.info("Ramp up halted; Percentile response times getting high: %d" % p)
                    return ramp_down(clients, hatch_stride)

                if boundery_found and hatch_stride <= precision:
                    logger.info("Sweet spot found! Ramping stopped at %i locusts" % (locust_runner.num_clients))
                    return remove_listeners()

                logger.info("Ramping up...")
                if boundery_found:
                    hatch_stride = max((hatch_stride/2),precision)
                clients += hatch_stride
                locust_runner.start_hatching(clients, locust_runner.hatch_rate)
    def ramp_down(clients, hatch_stride):
        while True:
            if locust_runner.state != STATE_HATCHING:
                if locust_runner.num_clients < max_locusts:
                    fail_ratio = RequestStats.sum_stats().fail_ratio
                    if fail_ratio <= acceptable_fail:
                        p = current_percentile(percent)
                        if p <= response_time_limit:
                            if hatch_stride <= precision:
                                logger.info("Sweet spot found! Ramping stopped at %i locusts" % (locust_runner.num_clients))
                                return remove_listeners()

                            logger.info("Ramping up...")
                            hatch_stride = max((hatch_stride/2),precision)
                            clients += hatch_stride
                            locust_runner.start_hatching(clients, locust_runner.hatch_rate)
                            return ramp_up(clients, hatch_stride, True)

                logger.info("Ramping down...")
                hatch_stride = max((hatch_stride/2),precision)
                clients -= hatch_stride
                if clients > 0:
                    locust_runner.start_hatching(clients, locust_runner.hatch_rate)
                    logger.warning("No responses met the ramping thresholds, check your ramp configuration, locustfile and \"--host\" address")
                    logger.info("RAMING STOPPED")
                    return remove_listeners()
def start_ramping(hatch_rate=None, max_locusts=1000, hatch_stride=100,
          percent=0.95, response_time_limit=2000, acceptable_fail=0.05,
          precision=200, start_count=0, calibration_time=15):
    def ramp_up(clients, hatch_stride, boundery_found=False):
        while True:
            if locust_runner.state != STATE_HATCHING:
                if locust_runner.num_clients >= max_locusts:
                    logger.info("Ramp up halted; Max locusts limit reached: %d" % max_locusts)
                    return ramp_down(clients, hatch_stride)

                fail_ratio = RequestStats.sum_stats().fail_ratio
                if fail_ratio > acceptable_fail:
                    logger.info("Ramp up halted; Acceptable fail ratio %d%% exceeded with fail ratio %d%%" % (acceptable_fail*100, fail_ratio*100))
                    return ramp_down(clients, hatch_stride)

                p = current_percentile(percent)
                if p >= response_time_limit:
                    logger.info("Ramp up halted; Percentile response times getting high: %d" % p)
                    return ramp_down(clients, hatch_stride)

                if boundery_found and hatch_stride <= precision:
                    logger.info("Sweet spot found! Ramping stopped at %i locusts" % (locust_runner.num_clients))
                    return remove_listeners()

                logger.info("Ramping up...")
                if boundery_found:
                    hatch_stride = max((hatch_stride/2),precision)
                clients += hatch_stride
                locust_runner.start_hatching(clients, locust_runner.hatch_rate)

    def ramp_down(clients, hatch_stride):
        while True:
            if locust_runner.state != STATE_HATCHING:
                if locust_runner.num_clients < max_locusts:
                    fail_ratio = RequestStats.sum_stats().fail_ratio
                    if fail_ratio <= acceptable_fail:
                        p = current_percentile(percent)
                        if p <= response_time_limit:
                            if hatch_stride <= precision:
                                logger.info("Sweet spot found! Ramping stopped at %i locusts" % (locust_runner.num_clients))
                                return remove_listeners()

                            logger.info("Ramping up...")
                            hatch_stride = max((hatch_stride/2),precision)
                            clients += hatch_stride
                            locust_runner.start_hatching(clients, locust_runner.hatch_rate)
                            return ramp_up(clients, hatch_stride, True)

                logger.info("Ramping down...")
                hatch_stride = max((hatch_stride/2),precision)
                clients -= hatch_stride
                if clients > 0:
                    locust_runner.start_hatching(clients, locust_runner.hatch_rate)
                    logger.warning("No responses met the ramping thresholds, check your ramp configuration, locustfile and \"--host\" address")
                    logger.info("RAMING STOPPED")
                    return remove_listeners()

    if hatch_rate:
        locust_runner.hatch_rate = hatch_rate
    if start_count > 0:
        locust_runner.start_hatching(start_count, hatch_rate)
    logger.info("RAMPING STARTED")
    ramp_up(start_count, hatch_stride)
def start_ramping(hatch_rate=None, max_locusts=1000, hatch_stride=100,
          percent=0.95, response_time_limit=2000, acceptable_fail=0.05,
          precision=200, start_count=0, calibration_time=15):
    def ramp_up(clients, hatch_stride, boundery_found=False):
        while True:
            if locust_runner.state != STATE_HATCHING:
                if locust_runner.num_clients >= max_locusts:
                    logger.info("Ramp up halted; Max locusts limit reached: %d" % max_locusts)
                    return ramp_down(clients, hatch_stride)

                fail_ratio = RequestStats.sum_stats().fail_ratio
                if fail_ratio > acceptable_fail:
                    logger.info("Ramp up halted; Acceptable fail ratio %d%% exceeded with fail ratio %d%%" % (acceptable_fail*100, fail_ratio*100))
                    return ramp_down(clients, hatch_stride)

                p = current_percentile(percent)
                if p >= response_time_limit:
                    logger.info("Ramp up halted; Percentile response times getting high: %d" % p)
                    return ramp_down(clients, hatch_stride)

                if boundery_found and hatch_stride <= precision:
                    logger.info("Sweet spot found! Ramping stopped at %i locusts" % (locust_runner.num_clients))
                    return remove_listeners()

                logger.info("Ramping up...")
                if boundery_found:
                    hatch_stride = max((hatch_stride/2),precision)
                clients += hatch_stride
                locust_runner.start_hatching(clients, locust_runner.hatch_rate)

    def ramp_down(clients, hatch_stride):
        while True:
            if locust_runner.state != STATE_HATCHING:
                if locust_runner.num_clients < max_locusts:
                    fail_ratio = RequestStats.sum_stats().fail_ratio
                    if fail_ratio <= acceptable_fail:
                        p = current_percentile(percent)
                        if p <= response_time_limit:
                            if hatch_stride <= precision:
                                logger.info("Sweet spot found! Ramping stopped at %i locusts" % (locust_runner.num_clients))
                                return remove_listeners()

                            logger.info("Ramping up...")
                            hatch_stride = max((hatch_stride/2),precision)
                            clients += hatch_stride
                            locust_runner.start_hatching(clients, locust_runner.hatch_rate)
                            return ramp_up(clients, hatch_stride, True)

                logger.info("Ramping down...")
                hatch_stride = max((hatch_stride/2),precision)
                clients -= hatch_stride
                if clients > 0:
                    locust_runner.start_hatching(clients, locust_runner.hatch_rate)
                    logger.warning("No responses met the ramping thresholds, check your ramp configuration, locustfile and \"--host\" address")
                    logger.info("RAMING STOPPED")
                    return remove_listeners()

    if hatch_rate:
        locust_runner.hatch_rate = hatch_rate
    if start_count > 0:
        locust_runner.start_hatching(start_count, hatch_rate)
    logger.info("RAMPING STARTED")
    ramp_up(start_count, hatch_stride)