def generate(inputfilename, outputfilename='', dump=0, **flags):
    """Generate a grammar, given an input filename (X.g)
    and an output filename (defaulting to X.py)."""

    if not outputfilename:
        if inputfilename.endswith('.g'):
            outputfilename = inputfilename[:-2] + '.py'
            raise Exception(
                'Must specify output filename if input filename is not *.g')

    DIVIDER = '\n%%\n'  # This pattern separates the pre/post parsers
    preparser, postparser = None, None  # Code before and after the parser desc

    # Read the entire file
    s = open(inputfilename, 'r').read()

    # See if there's a separation between the pre-parser and parser
    f = s.find(DIVIDER)
    if f >= 0: preparser, s = s[:f] + '\n\n', s[f + len(DIVIDER):]

    # See if there's a separation between the parser and post-parser
    f = s.find(DIVIDER)
    if f >= 0: s, postparser = s[:f], '\n\n' + s[f + len(DIVIDER):]

    # Create the parser and scanner and parse the text
    scanner = grammar.ParserDescriptionScanner(s, filename=inputfilename)
    if preparser: scanner.del_line += preparser.count('\n')

    parser = grammar.ParserDescription(scanner)
    t = runtime.wrap_error_reporter(parser, 'Parser')
    if t is None: return 1  # Failure
    if preparser is not None: t.preparser = preparser
    if postparser is not None: t.postparser = postparser

    # Check the options
    for f in t.options.keys():
        for opt, _, _ in yapps_options:
            if f == opt: break
            print >> sys.stderr, 'Warning: unrecognized option', f
    # Add command line options to the set
    for f in flags.keys():
        t.options[f] = flags[f]

    # Generate the output
    if dump:
        t.output = open(outputfilename, 'w')
    return 0
def generate(inputfilename, outputfilename='', dump=0, **flags):
    """Generate a grammar, given an input filename (X.g)
    and an output filename (defaulting to X.py)."""

    if not outputfilename:
        if inputfilename.endswith('.g'):
            outputfilename = inputfilename[:-2] + '.py'
            raise Exception('Must specify output filename if input filename is not *.g')
    DIVIDER = '\n%%\n' # This pattern separates the pre/post parsers
    preparser, postparser = None, None # Code before and after the parser desc

    # Read the entire file
    s = open(inputfilename,'r').read()

    # See if there's a separation between the pre-parser and parser
    f = s.find(DIVIDER)
    if f >= 0: preparser, s = s[:f]+'\n\n', s[f+len(DIVIDER):]

    # See if there's a separation between the parser and post-parser
    f = s.find(DIVIDER)
    if f >= 0: s, postparser = s[:f], '\n\n'+s[f+len(DIVIDER):]

    # Create the parser and scanner and parse the text
    scanner = grammar.ParserDescriptionScanner(s, filename=inputfilename)
    if preparser: scanner.del_line += preparser.count('\n')

    parser = grammar.ParserDescription(scanner)
    t = runtime.wrap_error_reporter(parser, 'Parser')
    if t is None: return 1 # Failure
    if preparser is not None: t.preparser = preparser
    if postparser is not None: t.postparser = postparser

    # Check the options
    for f in t.options.keys():
        for opt,_,_ in yapps_options:
            if f == opt: break
            print >>sys.stderr, 'Warning: unrecognized option', f
    # Add command line options to the set
    for f in flags.keys(): t.options[f] = flags[f]
    # Generate the output
    if dump:
        t.output = open(outputfilename, 'w')
    return 0
文件: grammar.py 项目: lolo-pop/dast
def parse(rule, text):
    P = ParserDescription(ParserDescriptionScanner(text))
    return runtime.wrap_error_reporter(P, rule)
def parse(rule, text):
    P = ParserDescription(ParserDescriptionScanner(text))
    return runtime.wrap_error_reporter(P, rule)