    def _load_file_caches(self):
        """Load and unroll locally cached files

        We want to avoid making any calls for column data here
        and just load what has been stored locally for now
        self._fs_data = FlyscriptDir('Profiler', 'data')

        columns_filename = 'columns-' + self.version + '.pcl'
        self._columns_file = self._fs_data.get_data(columns_filename)
        if self._columns_file.data is None:
            self._columns_file.data = dict()

        areas_filename = 'areas-' + self.version + '.json'
        self._areas_file = self._fs_data.get_config(areas_filename)
        if self._areas_file.data is None:
            self._areas_file.data = self.api.report.areas()

        self._areas_dict = dict(self._genareas(self._areas_file.data))
class Profiler(rvbd.common.service.Service):
    """The Profiler class is the main interface to interact with a Profiler
    Appliance.  Primarily this provides an interface to reporting.

    def __init__(self, host, port=None, auth=None):
        """Establishes a connection to a Profiler appliance.

        `host` is the name or IP address of the Profiler to connect to

        `port` is the TCP port on which the Profiler appliance listens.
                 if this parameter is not specified, the function will
                 try to automatically determine the port.

        `auth` defines the authentication method and credentials to use
                 to access the Profiler.  It should be an instance of
                 rvbd.common.UserAuth or rvbd.common.OAuth.

        `force_version` is the API version to use when communicating.
                 if unspecified, this will use the latest version supported
                 by both this implementation and the Profiler appliance.

        See the base [Service](common.html#service) class for more information
        about additional functionality supported.
        super(Profiler, self).__init__("profiler", host, port,

        self.api = _api1.Handler(self)

        self.groupbys = DictObject.create_from_dict(_constants.groupbys)
        self.realms = _constants.realms
        self.centricities = _constants.centricities

        self._info = None

        self.columns = ColumnContainer(self._unique_columns())
        self.areas = AreaContainer(self._areas_dict.iteritems())

    def _load_file_caches(self):
        """Load and unroll locally cached files

        We want to avoid making any calls for column data here
        and just load what has been stored locally for now
        self._fs_data = FlyscriptDir('Profiler', 'data')

        columns_filename = 'columns-' + self.version + '.pcl'
        self._columns_file = self._fs_data.get_data(columns_filename)
        if self._columns_file.data is None:
            self._columns_file.data = dict()

        areas_filename = 'areas-' + self.version + '.json'
        self._areas_file = self._fs_data.get_config(areas_filename)
        if self._areas_file.data is None:
            self._areas_file.data = self.api.report.areas()

        self._areas_dict = dict(self._genareas(self._areas_file.data))

    def _verify_cache(self, refetch=False):
        """Retrieve all the possible combinations of
        groupby, centricity and realm using the rule shown under
        the search_columns method.

        By default, all these permutations will be checked against
        the current local cache file, and any missing keys will be
        retrieved from the server.

        `refetch` will force an api refresh call from the machine even if
                the data can be found in local cache.
        columns = list()
        write = False
        for realm in self.realms:
            if realm == 'traffic_flow_list' or realm == 'identity_list':
                centricities = ['hos']
                centricities = self.centricities

            for centricity in centricities:
                if realm == 'traffic_summary':
                    groupbys = [x for x in self.groupbys.values() if x != 'thu']
                elif realm == 'traffic_overall_time_series':
                    groupbys = ['tim']
                elif realm == 'identity_list':
                    groupbys = ['thu']
                    groupbys = ['hos']

                for groupby in groupbys:
                    _hash = make_hash(realm, centricity, groupby)
                    if refetch or _hash not in self._columns_file.data:
                        logger.debug('Requesting columns for triplet: %s, %s, %s' % (realm, centricity, groupby))
                        api_call = self.api.report.columns(realm,
                                                           centricity, groupby)
                        # generate Column objects from json
                        api_columns = self._gencolumns(api_call)
                        # compare against objects we've already retrieved
                        existing = [c for c in columns if c in api_columns]
                        new_columns = [c for c in api_columns if c not in existing]

                        # add them to data, preserving existing objects
                        self._columns_file.data[_hash] = existing + new_columns
                        write = True
        if write:

    def _unique_columns(self):
        """Pull unique columns from _columns_file (a dict of lists)
        def unique(seq):
            seen = set()
            for lst in seq:
                for c in lst:
                    if c in seen:
                    yield c
        return list(unique(self._columns_file.data.values()))

    def _parse_area(self, area):
        if isinstance(area, types.StringTypes):
            if area not in self._areas_dict:
                raise ValueError('{0} is not a valid area type for this'
            return self._areas_dict[area]

    def _gencolumns(self, columns):
        """Return a list of Column objects from a list of json columns
        res = []
        for c in columns:
            key = c['strid'].lower()[3:]
            res.append(Column(c['id'], key, c['name'], json=c))
        return res

    def _genareas(self, areas):
        res = list()
        for area in areas:
            res.append((area['name'].replace(' ', '_'), area['id']))
        return res

    def _fetch_info(self):
        if self._info is None:
            self._info = self.api.common.info()

    def version(self):
        """Returns the software version of the Profiler"""
        return self._info['sw_version']

    def get_columns(self, columns, groupby=None):
        """Return valid Column objects for list of columns

        `columns` is a list of strings and/or Column objects

        `groupby` will optionally ensure that the selected
                  columns are valid for the given groupby
        res = list()
        if groupby:
            groupby_cols = self.search_columns(groupbys=[groupby])
            groupby_cols = None

        colnames = set(c.key for c in self.columns)

        for column in columns:
            if isinstance(column, types.StringTypes):
                cname = column
                    # usually a Column class
                    cname = column.key
                except AttributeError:
                    # likely json-dict
                    cname = column['strid'].lower()[3:]

            if cname not in colnames:
                raise RvbdException('{0} is not a valid column '
                                    'for this profiler'.format(column))
            if groupby_cols and cname not in groupby_cols:
                raise RvbdException('{0} is not a valid column '
                                    'for groupby {1}'.format(column, groupby))
        return res

    def get_columns_by_ids(self, ids):
        """Return Column objects that have ids in list of strings `ids`.

        `ids` is a list of integer ids
        res = [self.columns[i] for i in ids]
        return res

    def search_columns(self, realms=None, centricities=None, groupbys=None):
        """Identify columns given one or more values for the triplet.

        Results will be based on the following relationship table:

            | realm                       | centricity | groupby              |
            | traffic_summary             | hos,int    | all (except thu)     |
            | traffic_overall_time_series | hos,int    | tim                  |
            | traffic_flow_list           | hos        | hos                  |
            | identity_list               | hos        | thu                  |

        result = set()

        if realms is None:
            realms = self.realms
        if centricities is None:
            centricities = self.centricities
        if groupbys is None:
            groupbys = self.groupbys.values()

        datakeys = self._columns_file.data.keys()
        search_keys = [make_hash(*p) for p in itertools.product(realms,

        keys = [k for k in datakeys if k in search_keys]
        for key in keys:
            result.update(x for x in self._columns_file.data[key])
        return list(result)

    def logout(self):
        """Issue logout command to profiler machine.
        if self.conn:
            except AttributeError:
            super(Profiler, self).logout()