def test_to_string(self):
        nd_opt = icmpv6.nd_option_sla(self.nd_length, self.nd_hw_src)
        rs = icmpv6.nd_router_solicit(self.res, nd_opt)
        ic = icmpv6.icmpv6(self.type_, self.code, self.csum, rs)

        nd_opt_values = {'length': self.nd_length,
                         'hw_src': self.nd_hw_src,
                         'data': None}
        _nd_opt_str = ','.join(['%s=%s' % (k, repr(nd_opt_values[k]))
                                for k, v in inspect.getmembers(nd_opt)
                                if k in nd_opt_values])
        nd_opt_str = '%s(%s)' % (icmpv6.nd_option_sla.__name__, _nd_opt_str)

        rs_values = {'res': repr(rs.res),
                     'option': nd_opt_str}
        _rs_str = ','.join(['%s=%s' % (k, rs_values[k])
                            for k, v in inspect.getmembers(rs)
                            if k in rs_values])
        rs_str = '%s(%s)' % (icmpv6.nd_router_solicit.__name__, _rs_str)

        icmp_values = {'type_': repr(self.type_),
                       'code': repr(self.code),
                       'csum': repr(self.csum),
                       'data': rs_str}
        _ic_str = ','.join(['%s=%s' % (k, icmp_values[k])
                            for k, v in inspect.getmembers(ic)
                            if k in icmp_values])
        ic_str = '%s(%s)' % (icmpv6.icmpv6.__name__, _ic_str)

        eq_(str(ic), ic_str)
        eq_(repr(ic), ic_str)
    def test_default_args(self):
        la = icmpv6.nd_option_sla()
        buf = la.serialize()
        res = struct.unpack(icmpv6.nd_option_sla._PACK_STR, str(buf))

        eq_(res[0], icmpv6.ND_OPTION_SLA)
        eq_(res[1], len(icmpv6.nd_option_sla()) / 8)
        eq_(res[2], addrconv.mac.text_to_bin('00:00:00:00:00:00'))

        # with nd_neighbor
        prev = ipv6(nxt=inet.IPPROTO_ICMPV6)
        ic = icmpv6.icmpv6(
        prev.serialize(ic, None)
        buf = ic.serialize(bytearray(), prev)
        res = struct.unpack(icmpv6.icmpv6._PACK_STR, str(buf[:4]))

        eq_(res[0], icmpv6.ND_NEIGHBOR_ADVERT)
        eq_(res[1], 0)
        eq_(res[2], icmpv6_csum(prev, buf))

        res = struct.unpack(icmpv6.nd_neighbor._PACK_STR, str(buf[4:24]))

        eq_(res[0], 0)
        eq_(res[1], addrconv.ipv6.text_to_bin('::'))

        res = struct.unpack(icmpv6.nd_option_tla._PACK_STR, str(buf[24:]))

        eq_(res[0], icmpv6.ND_OPTION_TLA)
        eq_(res[1], len(icmpv6.nd_option_tla()) / 8)
        eq_(res[2], addrconv.mac.text_to_bin('00:00:00:00:00:00'))

        # with nd_router_solicit
        prev = ipv6(nxt=inet.IPPROTO_ICMPV6)
        ic = icmpv6.icmpv6(
        prev.serialize(ic, None)
        buf = ic.serialize(bytearray(), prev)
        res = struct.unpack(icmpv6.icmpv6._PACK_STR, str(buf[:4]))

        eq_(res[0], icmpv6.ND_ROUTER_SOLICIT)
        eq_(res[1], 0)
        eq_(res[2], icmpv6_csum(prev, buf))

        res = struct.unpack(icmpv6.nd_router_solicit._PACK_STR, str(buf[4:8]))

        eq_(res[0], 0)

        res = struct.unpack(icmpv6.nd_option_sla._PACK_STR, str(buf[8:]))

        eq_(res[0], icmpv6.ND_OPTION_SLA)
        eq_(res[1], len(icmpv6.nd_option_sla()) / 8)
        eq_(res[2], addrconv.mac.text_to_bin('00:00:00:00:00:00'))
    def test_default_args(self):
        la = icmpv6.nd_option_sla()
        buf = la.serialize()
        res = struct.unpack(icmpv6.nd_option_sla._PACK_STR, str(buf))

        eq_(res[0], icmpv6.ND_OPTION_SLA)
        eq_(res[1], len(icmpv6.nd_option_sla()) / 8)
        eq_(res[2], addrconv.mac.text_to_bin('00:00:00:00:00:00'))

        # with nd_neighbor
        prev = ipv6(nxt=inet.IPPROTO_ICMPV6)
        ic = icmpv6.icmpv6(
        prev.serialize(ic, None)
        buf = ic.serialize(bytearray(), prev)
        res = struct.unpack(icmpv6.icmpv6._PACK_STR, str(buf[:4]))

        eq_(res[0], icmpv6.ND_NEIGHBOR_ADVERT)
        eq_(res[1], 0)
        eq_(res[2], icmpv6_csum(prev, buf))

        res = struct.unpack(icmpv6.nd_neighbor._PACK_STR, str(buf[4:24]))

        eq_(res[0], 0)
        eq_(res[1], addrconv.ipv6.text_to_bin('::'))

        res = struct.unpack(icmpv6.nd_option_tla._PACK_STR, str(buf[24:]))

        eq_(res[0], icmpv6.ND_OPTION_TLA)
        eq_(res[1], len(icmpv6.nd_option_tla()) / 8)
        eq_(res[2], addrconv.mac.text_to_bin('00:00:00:00:00:00'))

        # with nd_router_solicit
        prev = ipv6(nxt=inet.IPPROTO_ICMPV6)
        ic = icmpv6.icmpv6(
        prev.serialize(ic, None)
        buf = ic.serialize(bytearray(), prev)
        res = struct.unpack(icmpv6.icmpv6._PACK_STR, str(buf[:4]))

        eq_(res[0], icmpv6.ND_ROUTER_SOLICIT)
        eq_(res[1], 0)
        eq_(res[2], icmpv6_csum(prev, buf))

        res = struct.unpack(icmpv6.nd_router_solicit._PACK_STR, str(buf[4:8]))

        eq_(res[0], 0)

        res = struct.unpack(icmpv6.nd_option_sla._PACK_STR, str(buf[8:]))

        eq_(res[0], icmpv6.ND_OPTION_SLA)
        eq_(res[1], len(icmpv6.nd_option_sla()) / 8)
        eq_(res[2], addrconv.mac.text_to_bin('00:00:00:00:00:00'))
    def test_serialize_without_data(self):
        rs = icmpv6.nd_router_solicit(self.res)
        prev = ipv6(6, 0, 0, 8, 64, 255, self.src_ipv6, self.dst_ipv6)
        rs_csum = icmpv6_csum(prev, self.buf)

        icmp = icmpv6.icmpv6(self.type_, self.code, 0, rs)
        buf = buffer(icmp.serialize(bytearray(), prev))

        (type_, code, csum) = struct.unpack_from(icmp._PACK_STR, buf, 0)
        res = struct.unpack_from(rs._PACK_STR, buf, icmp._MIN_LEN)
        data = buf[(icmp._MIN_LEN + rs._MIN_LEN):]

        eq_(type_, self.type_)
        eq_(code, self.code)
        eq_(csum, rs_csum)
        eq_(res[0], self.res)
        eq_(data, '')
    def test_serialize_without_data(self):
        rs = icmpv6.nd_router_solicit(self.res)
        prev = ipv6(6, 0, 0, 8, 64, 255, self.src_ipv6, self.dst_ipv6)
        rs_csum = icmpv6_csum(prev, self.buf)

        icmp = icmpv6.icmpv6(self.type_, self.code, 0, rs)
        buf = buffer(icmp.serialize(bytearray(), prev))

        (type_, code, csum) = struct.unpack_from(icmp._PACK_STR, buf, 0)
        res = struct.unpack_from(rs._PACK_STR, buf, icmp._MIN_LEN)
        data = buf[(icmp._MIN_LEN + rs._MIN_LEN):]

        eq_(type_, self.type_)
        eq_(code, self.code)
        eq_(csum, rs_csum)
        eq_(res[0], self.res)
        eq_(data, '')
    def test_serialize_with_data(self):
        nd_opt = icmpv6.nd_option_sla(self.nd_length, self.nd_hw_src)
        rs = icmpv6.nd_router_solicit(self.res, nd_opt)
        prev = ipv6(6, 0, 0, 16, 64, 255, self.src_ipv6, self.dst_ipv6)
        rs_csum = icmpv6_csum(prev, self.buf +

        icmp = icmpv6.icmpv6(self.type_, self.code, 0, rs)
        buf = buffer(icmp.serialize(bytearray(), prev))

        (type_, code, csum) = struct.unpack_from(icmp._PACK_STR, buf, 0)
        res = struct.unpack_from(rs._PACK_STR, buf, icmp._MIN_LEN)
        (nd_type, nd_length, nd_hw_src) = struct.unpack_from(
            nd_opt._PACK_STR, buf, icmp._MIN_LEN + rs._MIN_LEN)
        data = buf[(icmp._MIN_LEN + rs._MIN_LEN + 8):]

        eq_(type_, self.type_)
        eq_(code, self.code)
        eq_(csum, rs_csum)
        eq_(res[0], self.res)
        eq_(nd_type, self.nd_type)
        eq_(nd_length, self.nd_length)
        eq_(nd_hw_src, addrconv.mac.text_to_bin(self.nd_hw_src))
    def test_to_string(self):
        nd_opt = icmpv6.nd_option_la(self.nd_hw_src)
        rs = icmpv6.nd_router_solicit(self.res, self.nd_type, self.nd_length,
        ic = icmpv6.icmpv6(self.type_, self.code, self.csum, rs)

        nd_opt_values = {'hw_src': self.nd_hw_src, 'data': None}
        _nd_opt_str = ','.join([
            '%s=%s' % (k, repr(nd_opt_values[k]))
            for k, v in inspect.getmembers(nd_opt) if k in nd_opt_values
        nd_opt_str = '%s(%s)' % (icmpv6.nd_option_la.__name__, _nd_opt_str)

        rs_values = {
            'res': repr(rs.res),
            'type_': repr(self.nd_type),
            'length': repr(self.nd_length),
            'data': nd_opt_str
        _rs_str = ','.join([
            '%s=%s' % (k, rs_values[k]) for k, v in inspect.getmembers(rs)
            if k in rs_values
        rs_str = '%s(%s)' % (icmpv6.nd_router_solicit.__name__, _rs_str)

        icmp_values = {
            'type_': repr(self.type_),
            'code': repr(self.code),
            'csum': repr(self.csum),
            'data': rs_str
        _ic_str = ','.join([
            '%s=%s' % (k, icmp_values[k]) for k, v in inspect.getmembers(ic)
            if k in icmp_values
        ic_str = '%s(%s)' % (icmpv6.icmpv6.__name__, _ic_str)

        eq_(str(ic), ic_str)
        eq_(repr(ic), ic_str)
    def test_serialize_with_data(self):
        nd_opt = icmpv6.nd_option_sla(self.nd_length, self.nd_hw_src)
        rs = icmpv6.nd_router_solicit(self.res, nd_opt)
        prev = ipv6(6, 0, 0, 16, 64, 255, self.src_ipv6, self.dst_ipv6)
        rs_csum = icmpv6_csum(prev, self.buf +

        icmp = icmpv6.icmpv6(self.type_, self.code, 0, rs)
        buf = buffer(icmp.serialize(bytearray(), prev))

        (type_, code, csum) = struct.unpack_from(icmp._PACK_STR, buf, 0)
        res = struct.unpack_from(rs._PACK_STR, buf, icmp._MIN_LEN)
        (nd_type, nd_length,
         nd_hw_src) = struct.unpack_from(nd_opt._PACK_STR, buf,
                                         icmp._MIN_LEN + rs._MIN_LEN)
        data = buf[(icmp._MIN_LEN + rs._MIN_LEN + 8):]

        eq_(type_, self.type_)
        eq_(code, self.code)
        eq_(csum, rs_csum)
        eq_(res[0], self.res)
        eq_(nd_type, self.nd_type)
        eq_(nd_length, self.nd_length)
        eq_(nd_hw_src, addrconv.mac.text_to_bin(self.nd_hw_src))
 def test_init(self):
     rs = icmpv6.nd_router_solicit(self.res)
     eq_(rs.res, self.res)
     eq_(rs.option, None)
 def test_init(self):
     rs = icmpv6.nd_router_solicit(self.res)
     eq_(rs.res, self.res)
     eq_(rs.type_, None)
     eq_(rs.length, None)
     eq_(, None)
 def test_init(self):
     rs = icmpv6.nd_router_solicit(self.res)
     eq_(rs.res, self.res)
     eq_(rs.option, None)
 def test_init(self):
     rs = icmpv6.nd_router_solicit(self.res)
     eq_(rs.res, self.res)
     eq_(rs.type_, None)
     eq_(rs.length, None)
     eq_(, None)