def altitude_range(rpc, x, y, w, h, margin_top=0, margin_bottom=0):
    Computes an altitude range using SRTM data.

        rpc: instance of the rpc_model.RPCModel class
        x, y, w, h: four integers defining a rectangular region of interest
            (ROI) in the image. (x, y) is the top-left corner, and (w, h) are the
            dimensions of the rectangle.
        margin_top: margin (in meters) to add to the upper bound of the range
        margin_bottom: margin (usually negative) to add to the lower bound of
            the range

        lower and upper bounds on the altitude of the world points that are
        imaged by the RPC projection function in the provided ROI. To compute
        these bounds, we use SRTM data. The altitudes are computed with respect
        to the WGS84 reference ellipsoid.
    # TODO: iterate the procedure used here to get a finer estimation of the
    # bounding box on the ellipsoid and thus of the altitude range. For flat
    # regions it will not improve much, but for mountainous regions there is a
    # lot to improve.

    # find bounding box on the ellipsoid (in geodesic coordinates)
    lon_m, lon_M, lat_m, lat_M = geodesic_bounding_box(rpc, x, y, w, h)

    # if bounding box is out of srtm domain, return coarse altitude estimation
    if (lat_m < -60 or lat_M > 60 or cfg['disable_srtm']):
        print("WARNING: returning coarse range from rpc")
        return altitude_range_coarse(rpc, cfg['rpc_alt_range_scale_factor'])

    # sample the bounding box with regular step of 3 arcseconds (srtm
    # resolution)
    ellipsoid_points = sample_bounding_box(lon_m, lon_M, lat_m, lat_M)

    # compute srtm height on all these points
    srtm = common.run_binary_on_list_of_points(ellipsoid_points,
    h = np.ravel(srtm)

    # srtm data may contain 'nan' values (meaning no data is available there).
    # These points are most likely water (sea) and thus their height with
    # respect to geoid is 0. Thus we replace the nans with 0.
    # TODO: this should not be zero, but the geoid/ellipsoid offset
    srtm[np.isnan(h)] = 0

    # extract extrema (and add a +-100m security margin)
    h_m = np.round(h.min()) + margin_bottom
    h_M = np.round(h.max()) + margin_top

    return h_m, h_M
文件: rpc_utils.py 项目: mnhrdt/s2p
def altitude_range(rpc, x, y, w, h, margin_top=0, margin_bottom=0):
    Computes an altitude range using SRTM data.

        rpc: instance of the rpc_model.RPCModel class
        x, y, w, h: four integers defining a rectangular region of interest
            (ROI) in the image. (x, y) is the top-left corner, and (w, h) are the
            dimensions of the rectangle.
        margin_top: margin (in meters) to add to the upper bound of the range
        margin_bottom: margin (usually negative) to add to the lower bound of
            the range

        lower and upper bounds on the altitude of the world points that are
        imaged by the RPC projection function in the provided ROI. To compute
        these bounds, we use SRTM data. The altitudes are computed with respect
        to the WGS84 reference ellipsoid.
    # TODO: iterate the procedure used here to get a finer estimation of the
    # bounding box on the ellipsoid and thus of the altitude range. For flat
    # regions it will not improve much, but for mountainous regions there is a
    # lot to improve.

    # find bounding box on the ellipsoid (in geodesic coordinates)
    lon_m, lon_M, lat_m, lat_M = geodesic_bounding_box(rpc, x, y, w, h)

    # if bounding box is out of srtm domain, return coarse altitude estimation
    if (lat_m < -60 or lat_M > 60 or cfg['disable_srtm']):
        print("WARNING: returning coarse range from rpc")
        return altitude_range_coarse(rpc, cfg['rpc_alt_range_scale_factor'])

    # sample the bounding box with regular step of 3 arcseconds (srtm
    # resolution)
    ellipsoid_points = sample_bounding_box(lon_m, lon_M, lat_m, lat_M)

    # compute srtm height on all these points
    srtm = common.run_binary_on_list_of_points(ellipsoid_points, 'srtm4',
    h = np.ravel(srtm)

    # srtm data may contain 'nan' values (meaning no data is available there).
    # These points are most likely water (sea) and thus their height with
    # respect to geoid is 0. Thus we replace the nans with 0.
    # TODO: this should not be zero, but the geoid/ellipsoid offset
    srtm[np.isnan(h)] = 0

    # extract extrema (and add a +-100m security margin)
    h_m = np.round(h.min()) + margin_bottom
    h_M = np.round(h.max()) + margin_top

    return h_m, h_M
def geocentric_to_geodetic(x, y, z):
    Converts geocentric cartesian coordinates to WGS84 ellipsoidal coordinates.

        x, y, z: the cartesian coordinates of the input point, expressed in the
            geocentric frame.

        lat: latitude, in degrees between -90 and 90
        lon: longitude, between -180 and 180
        alt: altitude, in meters, above the WGS84 reference ellipsoid

    The conversion is made by a commandline tool, CartConvert, which is part of
    the GeographicLib library:
    pts = np.vstack([x, y, z]).T
    out = common.run_binary_on_list_of_points(pts, 'CartConvert', '-r')
    return out[:, 0], out[:, 1], out[:, 2]
def geodetic_to_geocentric(lat, lon, alt):
    Converts WGS84 ellipsoidal coordinates to geocentric cartesian coordinates.

        lat: latitude, in degrees between -90 and 90
        lon: longitude, between -180 and 180
        alt: altitude, in meters, above the WGS84 reference ellipsoid

        x, y, z: the cartesian coordinates of the input point, expressed in the
            geocentric frame.

    The conversion is made by a commandline tool, CartConvert, which is part of
    the GeographicLib library:
    pts = np.vstack([lat, lon, alt]).T
    out = common.run_binary_on_list_of_points(pts, 'CartConvert')
    return out[:, 0], out[:, 1], out[:, 2]