def write(self, sheet, rowindex, colindex, label, style="odd"): """ Write a label/value into the XLS worksheet @param sheet: the worksheet @param rowindex: the row index @param colindex: the column index @param label: the label/value to write @param style: style name (S3XLS styles) """ styles = self.styles if not styles: self.styles = styles = S3XLS._styles() style = styles.get(style) if not style: import xlwt style = xlwt.XFStyle() label = s3_str(label) # Adjust column width col = sheet.col(colindex) curwidth = col.width or 0 adjwidth = max(len(label) * 240, 2480) if label else 2480 col.width = max(curwidth, adjwidth) row = sheet.row(rowindex) row.write(colindex, label, style)