def librarize(key):
  s3.add('macros', key, s3.getImg('potentialmacros', key))
  s3.delete('potentialmacros', key)
  pim = PotentialImageMacro.objects.get(key = key)
  pim.active = False
  im = ImageMacro.objects.create(key = key, name = name(pim.fullSizeLink))
  m = Meme.objects.get(threadLink = pim.threadLink)
  m.classification = im
  m.topDist = 0
def potentialize(threadLink, target):
  pims = PotentialImageMacro.objects.filter(active = True).distinct().order_by('created_at')
  if pims.count() > 500:
    #deactivate the oldest pim
    #s3.delete('potentialmacros', pims[0].key)
    #pims[0].active = False
  s3.add('potentialmacros', threadLink, target) 

#Try to name the library image by performing reverse google image search
def name(fullSizeLink):
  headers = {}
  headers['User-Agent'] = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/537.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/24.0.1312.27 Safari/537.17"
  page = requests.get('http://www.google.com/searchbyimage?image_url=' + fullSizeLink, headers=headers).text
  page = page[page.find('Best guess for this image'):]
  page = page[page.find('>'):]
  return page[1 : page.find('<')]

def updateName(macro):
  memes = Meme.objects.filter(classification = macro).distinct().order_by('name')
  mostCommon = memes[0].name
  inCommon = 0
  cnt = 1
  last = memes[0].name
  currStreak = 0
  while cnt < memes.count():
    if memes[cnt].name != '' and memes[cnt].name == last:
      currStreak += 1
      if currStreak > inCommon:
        mostCommon = memes[cnt].name
        inCommon = currStreak
      currStreak = 0
    last = memes[cnt].name
    cnt += 1
  if inCommon == 0:
    memes = Meme.objects.filter(classification = macro).distinct().order_by('topDist')
    for m in memes:
      if m.name != '' and m.name != None:
        macro.name = m.name
        return m.name
    macro.name = ''
    return ''
    macro.name = mostCommon
    return mostCommon
def librarize(key):
  s3.add('macros', key, s3.getImg('potentialmacros', key))
  s3.delete('potentialmacros', key)
  pim = PotentialImageMacro.objects.get(key = key)
  pim.active = False
  im = ImageMacro.objects.create(key = key, name = name(pim.fullSizeLink))
  m = Meme.objects.get(threadLink = pim.threadLink)
  m.classification = im
  m.topDist = 0

def merge(macro, target):
  macroimg = s3.getImg('macros', macro.key)
  backedby = Meme.objects.filter(classification = macro).distinct().count()
  compute.merge(macroimg, target, backedby)
  s3.replace('macros', macro.key, macroimg)

def processItem(arr, target):
  q = Meme.objects.filter(threadLink = arr['threadLink']).distinct()
  #Have we evaluated this submission yet?  Might be worth considering only checking 
  #memes within the last day, or otherwise making the filter stronger
  print "Processing thread: " + arr['threadLink']
  if q.count() > 1:
    print "More than one of the same permalink in db for permalink:" + arr['threadLink']
  if q.count() == 1:
    #if we have, update the score and move on
    print "Repeat submission. Updating score and moving on..."
    m = q[0]
    m.score = arr['score']
    #have not evaluated this submission yet, run tests and store
    #classify.classify() gets 2 elements: image macro/none, strong/weak
    img_corrupt = False
    classification = classify.classify(target, 'macros') 
    if classification[0] == None and classification[1] != None:
      macro = None
      #try classifying on potential libs
      classification = classify.classify(target, 'potentialmacros')
      if classification[0] == None:
        #add image to potential_libs
        p = PotentialImageMacro(thumbnailLink = arr['thumbnailLink'], fullSizeLink = arr['fullSizeLink'],
          score = arr['score'], submitter = arr['author'], source = arr['source'], created = arr['created']
          , threadLink = arr['threadLink'], key = arr['threadLink'].replace('/', ''))
        potentialize(arr['threadLink'].replace('/', ''), target)
        print "Added as potential macro."
      elif classification[1] < 14: #only classify as potential if very confident
        macro = ImageMacro.objects.get(key = classification[0])
        merge(macro, target)
        print "Moved " + classification[0] + " over to the library, and classified this item as such."
      #Unaddressed case: weak classification.  Do not want to classify as potential because
      #doing sois going out on a limb without strong reason to do so.  Also do not want to
      #add it as a potential macro because it is likely reduntant.  
    #Image must be corrput because a value was not attained for closest with distance
    elif classification[1] == None:
      print "Image corrupt"
      macro = None
      img_corrupt = True
      macro = ImageMacro.objects.get(key = classification[0])
      if classification[1] < 25: merge(macro, target)
      print "Classified as " + classification[0]
    m = Meme(classification = macro, thumbnailLink = arr['thumbnailLink'],
          fullSizeLink = arr['fullSizeLink'], score = arr['score'], submitter = arr['author'],
          topDist = classification[1] , topCorr = classification[2] ,
          source = arr['source'], created = arr['created'], threadLink = arr['threadLink'],
          img_corrupt = img_corrupt, name = name(arr['fullSizeLink']))
    if m.classification != None: