    def save_resource(self):
        """Accept the add/edit of the current resource.
        # --
        # Hackorama to get this working outside the method that the
        # parameters where defined in.
        parameters_widget = [
            self.parameters_scrollarea.layout().itemAt(i) for i in
        parameters = parameters_widget.widget().get_parameters()

        # To store parameters, we need the english version.
        translated_to_english = dict(
            (y, x) for x, y in list(self.resource_parameters.items()))
        resource = {}
        for parameter in parameters:
            resource[translated_to_english[parameter.name]] = parameter.value

        # verify the parameters are ok - create a throw-away resource param
            parameter = ResourceParameter()
            parameter.name = resource['Resource name']
            parameter.help_text = resource['Resource description']
            # Adding in the frequency property. This is not in the
            # FloatParameter by default, so maybe we should subclass.
            parameter.frequency = resource['Frequency']
            parameter.description = NeedsProfile.format_sentence(
                resource['Readable sentence'],
            parameter.minimum_allowed_value = float(
                resource['Minimum allowed'])
            parameter.maximum_allowed_value = float(
                resource['Maximum allowed'])
            parameter.unit.name = resource['Unit']
            parameter.unit.plural = resource['Units']
            parameter.unit.abbreviation = resource['Unit abbreviation']
            parameter.value = float(resource['Default'])
        except ValueOutOfBounds as e:
            warning = self.tr(
                'Problem - default value is invalid') + '\n' + str(e)
            # noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyArgumentList
            QMessageBox.warning(None, 'InaSAFE', warning)
        except InvalidMaximumError as e:
            warning = self.tr(
                'Problem - maximum value is invalid') + '\n' + str(e)
            # noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyArgumentList
            QMessageBox.warning(None, 'InaSAFE', warning)
        except InvalidMinimumError as e:
            warning = self.tr(
                'Problem - minimum value is invalid') + '\n' + str(e)
            # noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyArgumentList
            QMessageBox.warning(None, 'InaSAFE', warning)
        # end of test for parameter validity

    def get_needs_parameters(self):
        """Get the minimum needs resources in parameter format

        :returns: The minimum needs resources wrapped in parameters.
        :rtype: list
        parameters = []
        for resource in self.minimum_needs['resources']:
            parameter = ResourceParameter()
            parameter.name = resource['Resource name']
            parameter.help_text = resource['Resource description']
            # Adding in the frequency property. This is not in the
            # FloatParameter by default, so maybe we should subclass.
            parameter.frequency = resource['Frequency']
            parameter.description = self.format_sentence(
                resource['Readable sentence'], resource)
            parameter.minimum_allowed_value = float(
                resource['Minimum allowed'])
            parameter.maximum_allowed_value = float(
                resource['Maximum allowed'])
            parameter.unit.name = resource['Unit']
            parameter.unit.plural = resource['Units']
            parameter.unit.abbreviation = resource['Unit abbreviation']
            parameter.value = float(resource['Default'])
            # choose highest precision between resource's parameters
            # start with default of 1
            precisions = [1]
            precision_influence = [
                'Maximum allowed', 'Minimum allowed', 'Default'
            for element in precision_influence:
                resource_element = str(resource[element])
                if resource[element] is not None and '.' in resource_element:

            parameter.precision = max(precisions)

        prov_parameter = TextParameter()
        prov_parameter.name = tr('Provenance')
        prov_parameter.description = tr('The provenance of minimum needs')
        prov_parameter.help_text = tr('The provenance of minimum needs')
            prov_parameter.value = self.provenance
        except TypeError:
            prov_parameter.value = ''

        return parameters
    def save_resource(self):
        """Accept the add/edit of the current resource.
        # --
        # Hackorama to get this working outside the method that the
        # parameters where defined in.
        parameters_widget = [
            self.parameters_scrollarea.layout().itemAt(i) for i in
        parameters = parameters_widget.widget().get_parameters()

        # To store parameters, we need the english version.
        translated_to_english = dict(
            (y, x) for x, y in list(self.resource_parameters.items()))
        resource = {}
        for parameter in parameters:
            resource[translated_to_english[parameter.name]] = parameter.value

        # verify the parameters are ok - create a throw-away resource param
            parameter = ResourceParameter()
            parameter.name = resource['Resource name']
            parameter.help_text = resource['Resource description']
            # Adding in the frequency property. This is not in the
            # FloatParameter by default, so maybe we should subclass.
            parameter.frequency = resource['Frequency']
            parameter.description = NeedsProfile.format_sentence(
                resource['Readable sentence'],
            parameter.minimum_allowed_value = float(
                resource['Minimum allowed'])
            parameter.maximum_allowed_value = float(
                resource['Maximum allowed'])
            parameter.unit.name = resource['Unit']
            parameter.unit.plural = resource['Units']
            parameter.unit.abbreviation = resource['Unit abbreviation']
            parameter.value = float(resource['Default'])
        except ValueOutOfBounds as e:
            warning = self.tr(
                'Problem - default value is invalid') + '\n' + str(e)
            # noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyArgumentList
            QMessageBox.warning(None, 'InaSAFE', warning)
        except InvalidMaximumError as e:
            warning = self.tr(
                'Problem - maximum value is invalid') + '\n' + str(e)
            # noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyArgumentList
            QMessageBox.warning(None, 'InaSAFE', warning)
        except InvalidMinimumError as e:
            warning = self.tr(
                'Problem - minimum value is invalid') + '\n' + str(e)
            # noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyArgumentList
            QMessageBox.warning(None, 'InaSAFE', warning)
        # end of test for parameter validity

    def get_needs_parameters(self):
        """Get the minimum needs resources in parameter format

        :returns: The minimum needs resources wrapped in parameters.
        :rtype: list
        parameters = []
        for resource in self.minimum_needs['resources']:
            parameter = ResourceParameter()
            parameter.name = resource['Resource name']
            parameter.help_text = resource['Resource description']
            # Adding in the frequency property. This is not in the
            # FloatParameter by default, so maybe we should subclass.
            parameter.frequency = resource['Frequency']
            parameter.description = self.format_sentence(
                resource['Readable sentence'],
            parameter.minimum_allowed_value = float(
                resource['Minimum allowed'])
            parameter.maximum_allowed_value = float(
                resource['Maximum allowed'])
            parameter.unit.name = resource['Unit']
            parameter.unit.plural = resource['Units']
            parameter.unit.abbreviation = resource['Unit abbreviation']
            parameter.value = float(resource['Default'])
            # choose highest precision between resource's parameters
            # start with default of 1
            precisions = [1]
            precision_influence = [
                'Maximum allowed', 'Minimum allowed', 'Default']
            for element in precision_influence:
                resource_element = str(resource[element])
                if resource[element] is not None and '.' in resource_element:

            parameter.precision = max(precisions)

        prov_parameter = TextParameter()
        prov_parameter.name = tr('Provenance')
        prov_parameter.description = tr('The provenance of minimum needs')
        prov_parameter.help_text = tr('The provenance of minimum needs')
            prov_parameter.value = self.provenance
        except TypeError:
            prov_parameter.value = ''

        return parameters
    def test_all(self):
        """Basic test of all properties."""
        unit = Unit()
        unit.name = 'metre'
        unit.plural = 'metres'
        unit.abbreviation = 'm'
        unit.description = (
            '<b>metres</b> are a metric unit of measure. There are 100 '
            'centimetres in 1 metre.'),
        unit.help_text = 'Help for metre unit'

        parameter = ResourceParameter()
        parameter.is_required = True
        parameter.minimum_allowed_value = 1.0
        parameter.maximum_allowed_value = 2.0
        parameter.value = 1.123
        parameter.frequency = 'weekly'
        parameter.unit = unit

        self.assertEqual(1.123, parameter.value)
        self.assertDictEqual(unit.serialize(), parameter.unit.serialize())
        self.assertEqual('weekly', parameter.frequency)
    def test_all(self):
        """Basic test of all properties."""
        unit = Unit()
        unit.name = 'metre'
        unit.plural = 'metres'
        unit.abbreviation = 'm'
        unit.description = (
            '<b>metres</b> are a metric unit of measure. There are 100 '
            'centimetres in 1 metre.'),
        unit.help_text = 'Help for metre unit'

        parameter = ResourceParameter()
        parameter.is_required = True
        parameter.minimum_allowed_value = 1.0
        parameter.maximum_allowed_value = 2.0
        parameter.value = 1.123
        parameter.frequency = 'weekly'
        parameter.unit = unit

        self.assertEqual(1.123, parameter.value)
        self.assertDictEqual(unit.serialize(), parameter.unit.serialize())
        self.assertEqual('weekly', parameter.frequency)
    def test_init(self):
        """Test init."""
        unit_feet = Unit('130790')

        unit_metres = Unit('900713')

        resource_parameter = ResourceParameter()
        resource_parameter.name = 'Flood Depth'
        resource_parameter.is_required = True
        resource_parameter.precision = 3
        resource_parameter.minimum_allowed_value = 1.0
        resource_parameter.maximum_allowed_value = 2.0
        resource_parameter.help_text = 'The depth of flood.'
        resource_parameter.description = (
            'A <b>test _description</b> that is very long so that you need '
            'to read it for one minute and you will be tired after read this '
            'description. You are the best user so far. Even better if you '
            'read this description loudly so that all of your friends will be '
            'able to hear you')
        resource_parameter.unit = unit_feet
        resource_parameter.allowed_units = [unit_metres, unit_feet]
        resource_parameter.value = 1.12

        widget = ResourceParameterWidget(resource_parameter)

        expected_value = resource_parameter.name
        real_value = widget.label.text()
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)

        expected_value = resource_parameter.value
        real_value = widget.get_parameter().value
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)


        expected_value = 1.5
        real_value = widget.get_parameter().value
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)


        expected_value = 1.556
        real_value = widget.get_parameter().value
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)


        expected_value = 2
        real_value = widget.get_parameter().value
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)
    def test_init(self):
        """Test init."""
        unit_feet = Unit('130790')

        unit_metres = Unit('900713')

        resource_parameter = ResourceParameter()
        resource_parameter.name = 'Flood Depth'
        resource_parameter.is_required = True
        resource_parameter.precision = 3
        resource_parameter.minimum_allowed_value = 1.0
        resource_parameter.maximum_allowed_value = 2.0
        resource_parameter.help_text = 'The depth of flood.'
        resource_parameter.description = (
            'A <b>test _description</b> that is very long so that you need '
            'to read it for one minute and you will be tired after read this '
            'description. You are the best user so far. Even better if you '
            'read this description loudly so that all of your friends will be '
            'able to hear you')
        resource_parameter.unit = unit_feet
        resource_parameter.allowed_units = [unit_metres, unit_feet]
        resource_parameter.value = 1.12

        widget = ResourceParameterWidget(resource_parameter)

        expected_value = resource_parameter.name
        real_value = widget.label.text()
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)

        expected_value = resource_parameter.value
        real_value = widget.get_parameter().value
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)


        expected_value = 1.5
        real_value = widget.get_parameter().value
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)


        expected_value = 1.556
        real_value = widget.get_parameter().value
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)


        expected_value = 2
        real_value = widget.get_parameter().value
        message = 'Expected %s get %s' % (expected_value, real_value)
        self.assertEqual(expected_value, real_value, message)