def test_pager_earthquake_fatality_estimation(self):
        """Fatalities from ground shaking can be computed correctly
            using the Pager fatality model."""
        # Name file names for hazard level, exposure and expected fatalities
        hazard_filename = '%s/itb_test_mmi.asc' % TESTDATA
        exposure_filename = '%s/itb_test_pop.asc' % TESTDATA

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)
        plugin_name = 'PAG Fatality Function'
        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        # Call calculation engine
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(
            layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer], impact_fcn=impact_function)
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()

        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)
        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()
        population = keywords['total_population']
        fatalities = keywords['total_fatalities']

        # Check aggregated values
        expected_population = 85425000.0
        msg = ('Expected population was %f, I got %f'
               % (expected_population, population))
        self.assertEqual(population, expected_population, msg)

        expected_fatalities = 410000.0
        msg = ('Expected fatalities was %f, I got %f'
               % (expected_fatalities, fatalities))
        assert numpy.allclose(
            fatalities, expected_fatalities, rtol=1.0e-5), msg
    def test_earthquake_building_impact_function(self):
        """Earthquake Building Impact Function works as expected."""
        # Name file names for hazard level, exposure and expected fatalities
        hazard_filename = '%s/eq_yogya_2006.asc' % HAZDATA
        exposure_filename = '%s/OSM_building_polygons_20110905.shp' % TESTDATA

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)

        plugin_name = 'Earthquake Building Impact Function'
        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        # Call calculation engine
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer],
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()

        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)
        # calculated_result = I.get_data()
        # print calculated_result.shape
        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()
        impact_summary = keywords['impact_summary']

        # This is the expected number of building might be affected
        # Hazard Level - Buildings Affected
        # Low - 845
        # Medium - 15524
        # High - 122
        message = 'Result not as expected'
        self.assertTrue(format_int(845) in impact_summary, message)
        self.assertTrue(format_int(15524) in impact_summary, message)
        self.assertTrue(format_int(122) in impact_summary, message)
    def test_flood_vector_building_impact_function(self):
        """Test flood building impact function works (flood is polygon)."""
        building = 'test_flood_building_impact_exposure.shp'
        flood_data = 'test_flood_building_impact_hazard.shp'
        plugin_name = 'FloodVectorBuildingImpactFunction'

        hazard_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA, flood_data)
        exposure_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA, building)

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)

        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        # Call calculation engine
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(
            layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer], impact_fcn=impact_function)
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()
        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)

        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()
        buildings_total = keywords['buildings_total']
        buildings_affected = keywords['buildings_affected']

        self.assertEqual(buildings_total, 67)
        self.assertEqual(buildings_affected, 41)
    def test_flood_vector_building_impact_function(self):
        """Test flood building impact function works (flood is polygon)."""
        building = 'test_flood_building_impact_exposure.shp'
        flood_data = 'test_flood_building_impact_hazard.shp'
        plugin_name = 'FloodVectorBuildingImpactFunction'

        hazard_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA, flood_data)
        exposure_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA, building)

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)

        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        # Call calculation engine
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer],
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()
        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)

        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()
        buildings_total = keywords['buildings_total']
        buildings_affected = keywords['buildings_affected']

        self.assertEqual(buildings_total, 67)
        self.assertEqual(buildings_affected, 41)
    def test_flood_raster_building_impact_function(self):
        """Flood raster building impact function works

        This test also exercises interpolation of hazard level (raster) to
        building locations (vector data).
        for haz_filename in ['Flood_Current_Depth_Jakarta_geographic.asc',
            # Name file names for hazard level and exposure
            hazard_filename = '%s/%s' % (HAZDATA, haz_filename)
            exposure_filename = ('%s/OSM_building_polygons_20110905.shp'
                                 % TESTDATA)

            # Calculate impact using API
            hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
            exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)

            plugin_name = 'FloodRasterBuildingImpactFunction'
            impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

            impact_vector = calculate_impact(
                layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer],

            # Extract calculated result
            icoordinates = impact_vector.get_geometry()
            iattributes = impact_vector.get_data()

            # Check
            assert len(icoordinates) == 34960
            assert len(iattributes) == 34960
    def test_volcano_population_evacuation_impact(self):
        """Population impact from volcanic hazard is computed correctly."""
        # Name file names for hazard level, exposure and expected fatalities
        hazard_filename = '%s/donut.shp' % TESTDATA
        exposure_filename = ('%s/pop_merapi_clip.tif' % TESTDATA)

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)

        plugin_name = 'Volcano Polygon Hazard Population'
        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        impact_layer = calculate_impact(layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer],
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()

        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)

        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()

        # Check for expected results:
        for value in ['Merapi', 192055, 56514, 68568, 66971]:
            if isinstance(value, int):
                x = format_int(population_rounding(value))
                x = value
            summary = keywords['impact_summary']
            msg = ('Did not find expected value %s in summary %s' %
                   (x, summary))
            assert x in summary, msg
    def test_volcano_circle_population_impact(self):
        """Volcano function runs circular evacuation zone."""
        # Name file names for hazard level, exposure and expected fatalities
        hazard_filename = '%s/Merapi_alert.shp' % TESTDATA
        exposure_filename = ('%s/glp10ag.asc' % EXPDATA)

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)

        plugin_name = 'Volcano Polygon Hazard Population'
        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        impact_layer = calculate_impact(layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer],
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()

        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)
        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()
        print keywords
        # This is the expected number of people affected
        # Distance [km]	Total	Cumulative
        # 3	     15.800	15.800
        # 5	     17.300	33.100
        # 10	125.000	158.000
        message = 'Result not as expected'
        impact_summary = keywords['impact_summary']
        self.assertTrue(format_int(15800) in impact_summary, message)
        self.assertTrue(format_int(17300) in impact_summary, message)
        self.assertTrue(format_int(125000) in impact_summary, message)
    def test_pager_earthquake_fatality_estimation(self):
        """Fatalities from ground shaking can be computed correctly
            using the Pager fatality model."""
        # Name file names for hazard level, exposure and expected fatalities
        hazard_filename = '%s/itb_test_mmi.asc' % TESTDATA
        exposure_filename = '%s/itb_test_pop.asc' % TESTDATA

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)
        plugin_name = 'PAG Fatality Function'
        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        # Call calculation engine
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer],
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()

        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)
        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()
        population = keywords['total_population']
        fatalities = keywords['total_fatalities']

        # Check aggregated values
        expected_population = 85425000.0
        msg = ('Expected population was %f, I got %f' %
               (expected_population, population))
        self.assertEqual(population, expected_population, msg)

        expected_fatalities = 410000.0
        msg = ('Expected fatalities was %f, I got %f' %
               (expected_fatalities, fatalities))
        assert numpy.allclose(fatalities, expected_fatalities,
                              rtol=1.0e-5), msg
    def test_earthquake_building_impact_function(self):
        """Earthquake Building Impact Function works as expected."""
        # Name file names for hazard level, exposure and expected fatalities
        hazard_filename = '%s/eq_yogya_2006.asc' % HAZDATA
        exposure_filename = '%s/OSM_building_polygons_20110905.shp' % TESTDATA

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)

        plugin_name = 'Earthquake Building Impact Function'
        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        # Call calculation engine
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(
            layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer], impact_fcn=impact_function)
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()

        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)
        # calculated_result = I.get_data()
        # print calculated_result.shape
        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()
        impact_summary = keywords['impact_summary']

        # This is the expected number of building might be affected
        # Hazard Level - Buildings Affected
        # Low - 845
        # Medium - 15524
        # High - 122
        message = 'Result not as expected'
        self.assertTrue(format_int(845) in impact_summary, message)
        self.assertTrue(format_int(15524) in impact_summary, message)
        self.assertTrue(format_int(122) in impact_summary, message)
    def test_flood_population_evacuation_polygon(self):
        """Flood population evacuation (flood is polygon)
        population = 'pop_clip_flood_test.tif'
        flood_data = 'flood_poly_clip_flood_test.shp'
        plugin_name = 'FloodEvacuationFunctionVectorHazard'

        hazard_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA, flood_data)
        exposure_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA, population)

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)

        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        # Call calculation engine
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer],
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()
        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)

        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()
        # print "keywords", keywords
        affected_population = float(keywords['affected_population'])
        total_population = keywords['total_population']

        self.assertEqual(affected_population, 134000)
        self.assertEqual(total_population, 163000)
    def test_volcano_building_impact(self):
        """Building impact from volcanic hazard is computed correctly."""
        # Name file names for hazard level, exposure and expected fatalities
        hazard_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA, 'donut.shp')
        exposure_filename = test_data_path('exposure', 'bangunan.shp')

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure = read_layer(exposure_filename)

        plugin_name = 'Volcano Building Impact'
        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)
        impact_function.parameters['name attribute'] = 'GUNUNG'
        print 'Calculating'
        # Call calculation engine
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(
            layers=[hazard, exposure], impact_fcn=impact_function)
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()

        impact = read_layer(impact_filename)

        keywords = impact.get_keywords()

        # Check for expected results:
        for value in ['Merapi', 5, 86, 91, 1, 21, 22, 6, 107, 113]:
            if isinstance(value, int):
                x = format_int(value)
                x = value
            summary = keywords['impact_summary']
            message = (
                'Did not find expected value %s in summary %s' % (x, summary))
            self.assertIn(x, summary, message)
    def test_volcano_circle_population_impact(self):
        """Volcano function runs circular evacuation zone."""
        # Name file names for hazard level, exposure and expected fatalities
        hazard_filename = '%s/Merapi_alert.shp' % TESTDATA
        exposure_filename = ('%s/glp10ag.asc' % EXPDATA)

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)

        plugin_name = 'Volcano Polygon Hazard Population'
        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        impact_layer = calculate_impact(
            layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer], impact_fcn=impact_function)
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()

        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)
        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()
        print keywords
        # This is the expected number of people affected
        # Distance [km]	Total	Cumulative
        # 3	     15.800	15.800
        # 5	     17.300	33.100
        # 10	125.000	158.000
        message = 'Result not as expected'
        impact_summary = keywords['impact_summary']
        self.assertTrue(format_int(15800) in impact_summary, message)
        self.assertTrue(format_int(17300) in impact_summary, message)
        self.assertTrue(format_int(125000) in impact_summary, message)
    def test_volcano_population_evacuation_impact(self):
        """Population impact from volcanic hazard is computed correctly."""
        # Name file names for hazard level, exposure and expected fatalities
        hazard_filename = '%s/donut.shp' % TESTDATA
        exposure_filename = ('%s/pop_merapi_clip.tif' % TESTDATA)

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)

        plugin_name = 'Volcano Polygon Hazard Population'
        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        impact_layer = calculate_impact(
            layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer], impact_fcn=impact_function)
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()

        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)

        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()

        # Check for expected results:
        for value in ['Merapi', 192055, 56514, 68568, 66971]:
            if isinstance(value, int):
                x = format_int(population_rounding(value))
                x = value
            summary = keywords['impact_summary']
            msg = ('Did not find expected value %s in summary %s'
                   % (x, summary))
            assert x in summary, msg
    def _get_impact_function(self,
        """Helper to run impact function

        This method is based on

        # Calculate impact using API
        # hazard = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        # exposure = read_layer(exposure_filename)

        hazard = Wrapper(qgis_hazard, 'hazard', 'Hazard')
        exposure = Wrapper(qgis_exposure, 'exposure', 'Exposure')

        plugin_list = get_plugins(plugin_name)
        assert len(plugin_list) == 1
        assert plugin_list[0].keys()[0] == plugin_name

        impact_function = plugin_list[0][plugin_name]
        # Set up impact_function extent
        hazard_extent = hazard.get_layer().extent()
        hazard_extent = [
        exposure_extent = exposure.get_layer().extent()
        exposure_extent = [
        extent = [
            max(hazard_extent[0], exposure_extent[0]),
            max(hazard_extent[1], exposure_extent[1]),
            min(hazard_extent[2], exposure_extent[2]),
            min(hazard_extent[3], exposure_extent[3])

        impact_function.parameters = impact_parameters

        # Call calculation engine
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(
            layers=[hazard, exposure],

        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()
        I = read_layer(impact_filename)

        return I
    def _get_impact_function(self,
        """Helper to run impact function

        This method is based on

        # Calculate impact using API
        # hazard = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        # exposure = read_layer(exposure_filename)

        hazard = Wrapper(qgis_hazard, 'hazard', 'Hazard')
        exposure = Wrapper(qgis_exposure, 'exposure', 'Exposure')

        plugin_list = get_plugins(plugin_name)
        assert len(plugin_list) == 1
        assert plugin_list[0].keys()[0] == plugin_name

        impact_function = plugin_list[0][plugin_name]
        # Set up impact_function extent
        hazard_extent = hazard.get_layer().extent()
        hazard_extent = [
        exposure_extent = exposure.get_layer().extent()
        exposure_extent = [
        extent = [
            max(hazard_extent[0], exposure_extent[0]),
            max(hazard_extent[1], exposure_extent[1]),
            min(hazard_extent[2], exposure_extent[2]),
            min(hazard_extent[3], exposure_extent[3])

        impact_function.parameters = impact_parameters

        # Call calculation engine
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(
            layers=[hazard, exposure],

        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()
        I = read_layer(impact_filename)

        return I
    def run(self):
        """ Main function for hazard impact calculation thread.

        Requires three properties to be set before execution
        can take place:

        * Hazard layer - a path to a raster,
        * Exposure layer - a path to a vector points layer.
        * Function - a function that defines how the Hazard assessment
          will be computed.

        After the thread is complete, you can use the filename and
        result accessors to determine what the result of the analysis was::

          calculator = ImpactCalculator()
          rasterPath = os.path.join(TESTDATA, 'xxx.asc')
          vector_path = os.path.join(TESTDATA, 'xxx.shp')
          calculator.setFunction('Flood Building Impact Function')
          myRunner = calculator.getRunner()
          # wait till completion
          myResult = myRunner.result()
          filename = myRunner.filename()

        :raises: InsufficientParametersError

        .. note:: a done signal is emitted when the analysis is complete.
        if (self._hazard_layer is None) or \
                (self._exposure_layer is None) or \
                (self._impact_function is None):
            message =
                'Ensure that hazard, exposure and function are all set before '
                'trying to run the analysis.')
            raise InsufficientParametersError(message)
            layers = [self._hazard_layer, self._exposure_layer]
            self._impact_layer = calculate_impact(
        except MemoryError, e:
            message =
                'An error occurred because it appears that your system does '
                'not have sufficient memory. Upgrading your computer so that '
                'it has more memory may help. Alternatively, consider using a '
                'smaller geographical area for your analysis, or using '
                'rasters with a larger cell size.')
            self._exception = e
            self._traceback = traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])
            self._result = message
    def test_itb_earthquake_fatality_estimation(self):
        """Fatalities from ground shaking can be computed correctly using the
            ITB fatality model (Test data from Hadi Ghasemi)."""
        # Name file names for hazard level, exposure and expected fatalities
        hazard_filename = '%s/itb_test_mmi.asc' % TESTDATA
        exposure_filename = '%s/itb_test_pop.asc' % TESTDATA

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)

        plugin_name = 'ITB Fatality Function'
        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        # Call calculation engine
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer],
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()

        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)
        # calculated_result = I.get_data()
        # print calculated_result.shape
        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()
        # print "keywords", keywords
        population = float(keywords['total_population'])
        fatalities = float(keywords['total_fatalities'])

        # Check aggregated values
        expected_population = population_rounding(85424650.0)
        msg = ('Expected population was %f, I got %f' %
               (expected_population, population))
        assert population == expected_population, msg

        expected_fatalities = population_rounding(40871.3028)
        msg = ('Expected fatalities was %f, I got %f' %
               (expected_fatalities, fatalities))

        assert numpy.allclose(fatalities, expected_fatalities,
                              rtol=1.0e-5), msg

        # Check that aggregated number of fatilites is as expected
        all_numbers = int(
                31.8937368131, 2539.26369372, 1688.72362573, 17174.9261705,
        msg = ('Aggregated number of fatalities not as expected: %i' %
        assert all_numbers == 40871, msg

        x = population_rounding(all_numbers)
        msg = ('Did not find expected fatality value %i in summary %s' %
               (x, keywords['impact_summary']))
        assert format_int(x) in keywords['impact_summary'], msg
    def test_itb_earthquake_fatality_estimation(self):
        """Fatalities from ground shaking can be computed correctly using the
            ITB fatality model (Test data from Hadi Ghasemi)."""
        # Name file names for hazard level, exposure and expected fatalities
        hazard_filename = '%s/itb_test_mmi.asc' % TESTDATA
        exposure_filename = '%s/itb_test_pop.asc' % TESTDATA

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)

        plugin_name = 'ITB Fatality Function'
        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        # Call calculation engine
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(
            layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer], impact_fcn=impact_function)
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()

        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)
        # calculated_result = I.get_data()
        # print calculated_result.shape
        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()
        # print "keywords", keywords
        population = float(keywords['total_population'])
        fatalities = float(keywords['total_fatalities'])

        # Check aggregated values
        expected_population = population_rounding(85424650.0)
        msg = ('Expected population was %f, I got %f'
               % (expected_population, population))
        assert population == expected_population, msg

        expected_fatalities = population_rounding(40871.3028)
        msg = ('Expected fatalities was %f, I got %f'
               % (expected_fatalities, fatalities))

        assert numpy.allclose(fatalities, expected_fatalities,
                              rtol=1.0e-5), msg

        # Check that aggregated number of fatilites is as expected
        all_numbers = int(numpy.sum([31.8937368131,
        msg = ('Aggregated number of fatalities not as expected: %i'
               % all_numbers)
        assert all_numbers == 40871, msg

        x = population_rounding(all_numbers)
        msg = ('Did not find expected fatality value %i in summary %s'
               % (x, keywords['impact_summary']))
        assert format_int(x) in keywords['impact_summary'], msg
    def test_calculate_impact(self):
        """Test calculating impact."""
        eq_path = test_data_path('hazard', 'earthquake.tif')
        building_path = test_data_path('exposure', 'buildings.shp')

        eq_layer = read_layer(eq_path)
        building_layer = read_layer(building_path)

        impact_function = EarthquakeBuildingFunction.instance()
        impact_function.hazard = SafeLayer(eq_layer)
        impact_function.exposure = SafeLayer(building_layer)
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(impact_function)

文件: 项目: vck/inasafe
    def test_calculate_impact(self):
        """Test calculating impact."""
        eq_path = test_data_path('hazard', 'earthquake.tif')
        building_path = test_data_path('exposure', 'buildings.shp')

        eq_layer = read_layer(eq_path)
        building_layer = read_layer(building_path)

        impact_function = EarthquakeBuildingFunction.instance()
        impact_function.hazard = SafeLayer(eq_layer)
        impact_function.exposure = SafeLayer(building_layer)
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(impact_function)

def direct_execution():

    arg = AnalysisArguments.read_arguments()


    registry = ImpactFunctionManager().registry

    function = registry.get_instance(arg.impact_function_name)
    function.hazard = SafeLayer(read_layer(arg.hazard_filename))
    function.exposure = SafeLayer(read_layer(arg.exposure_filename))

    impact = calculate_impact(function)
    qgis_impact = safe_to_qgis_layer(impact)

    generate_styles(impact, qgis_impact)

    copy_impact_layer(impact, arg.impact_filename)
def direct_execution():

    arg = AnalysisArguments.read_arguments()


    registry = ImpactFunctionManager().registry

    function = registry.get_instance(arg.impact_function_name)
    function.hazard = SafeLayer(read_layer(arg.hazard_filename))
    function.exposure = SafeLayer(read_layer(arg.exposure_filename))

    impact = calculate_impact(function)
    qgis_impact = safe_to_qgis_layer(impact)

    generate_styles(impact, qgis_impact)

    copy_impact_layer(impact, arg.impact_filename)
    def test_flood_population_evacuation(self):
        """Flood population evacuation"""
        population = 'people_jakarta_clip.tif'
        flood_data = 'flood_jakarta_clip.tif'
        plugin_name = 'FloodEvacuationFunction'

        hazard_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA, flood_data)
        exposure_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA, population)

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)
        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        # Call calculation engine
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(
            layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer], impact_fcn=impact_function)
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()
        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)

        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()
        # print "keywords", keywords
        evacuated = float(keywords['evacuated'])
        total_needs_full = keywords['total_needs']
        total_needs_weekly = OrderedDict([
            [x['table name'], x['amount']] for x in
        total_needs_single = OrderedDict([
            [x['table name'], x['amount']] for x in

        expected_evacuated = 63400
        self.assertEqual(evacuated, expected_evacuated)
        self.assertEqual(total_needs_weekly['Rice [kg]'], 177520)
        self.assertEqual(total_needs_weekly['Family Kits'], 12680)
        self.assertEqual(total_needs_weekly['Drinking Water [l]'], 1109500)
        self.assertEqual(total_needs_weekly['Clean Water [l]'], 4247800)
        self.assertEqual(total_needs_single['Toilets'], 3170)
    def test_classified_hazard_population_impact_function(self):
        """Categorised Hazard Population IF works as expected."""
        # Name file names for hazard level, exposure and expected fatalities
        hazard_filename = '%s/jakarta_flood_category_123.asc' % HAZDATA
        exposure_filename = '%s/Population_Jakarta_geographic.asc' % TESTDATA

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)

        plugin_name = 'Classified Hazard Population Impact Function'
        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        # Call calculation engine
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(
            layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer], impact_fcn=impact_function)
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()

        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)
        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()
        impact_summary = keywords['impact_summary']

        # This is the expected number
        # Akbar: I check the exposure data (
        #, the total population is
        #       355bio. This results makes sense then
        # Total Population Affected - 99,219,000
        # Population in High risk areas - 38,940,000
        # Population in Medium risk areas - 29,341,000
        # Population in Low risk areas - 30,939,000
        # Population Not Affected - 256,770,000
        message = 'Result not as expected'
        self.assertTrue(format_int(99219000) in impact_summary, message)
        self.assertTrue(format_int(38940000) in impact_summary, message)
        self.assertTrue(format_int(29341000) in impact_summary, message)
        self.assertTrue(format_int(30939000) in impact_summary, message)
        self.assertTrue(format_int(256770000) in impact_summary, message)
    def test_classified_hazard_population_impact_function(self):
        """Categorised Hazard Population IF works as expected."""
        # Name file names for hazard level, exposure and expected fatalities
        hazard_filename = '%s/jakarta_flood_category_123.asc' % HAZDATA
        exposure_filename = '%s/Population_Jakarta_geographic.asc' % TESTDATA

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)

        plugin_name = 'Classified Hazard Population Impact Function'
        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        # Call calculation engine
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer],
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()

        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)
        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()
        impact_summary = keywords['impact_summary']

        # This is the expected number
        # Akbar: I check the exposure data (
        #, the total population is
        #       355bio. This results makes sense then
        # Total Population Affected - 99,219,000
        # Population in High risk areas - 38,940,000
        # Population in Medium risk areas - 29,341,000
        # Population in Low risk areas - 30,939,000
        # Population Not Affected - 256,770,000
        message = 'Result not as expected'
        self.assertTrue(format_int(99219000) in impact_summary, message)
        self.assertTrue(format_int(38940000) in impact_summary, message)
        self.assertTrue(format_int(29341000) in impact_summary, message)
        self.assertTrue(format_int(30939000) in impact_summary, message)
        self.assertTrue(format_int(256770000) in impact_summary, message)
    def test_flood_population_evacuation(self):
        """Flood population evacuation"""
        population = 'people_jakarta_clip.tif'
        flood_data = 'flood_jakarta_clip.tif'
        plugin_name = 'FloodEvacuationFunction'

        hazard_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA, flood_data)
        exposure_filename = os.path.join(TESTDATA, population)

        # Calculate impact using API
        hazard_layer = read_layer(hazard_filename)
        exposure_layer = read_layer(exposure_filename)
        impact_function = get_plugin(plugin_name)

        # Call calculation engine
        impact_layer = calculate_impact(layers=[hazard_layer, exposure_layer],
        impact_filename = impact_layer.get_filename()
        impact_layer = read_layer(impact_filename)

        keywords = impact_layer.get_keywords()
        # print "keywords", keywords
        evacuated = float(keywords['evacuated'])
        total_needs_full = keywords['total_needs']
        total_needs_weekly = OrderedDict([[x['table name'], x['amount']]
                                          for x in total_needs_full['weekly']])
        total_needs_single = OrderedDict([[x['table name'], x['amount']]
                                          for x in total_needs_full['single']])

        expected_evacuated = 63400
        self.assertEqual(evacuated, expected_evacuated)
        self.assertEqual(total_needs_weekly['Rice [kg]'], 177520)
        self.assertEqual(total_needs_weekly['Family Kits'], 12680)
        self.assertEqual(total_needs_weekly['Drinking Water [l]'], 1109500)
        self.assertEqual(total_needs_weekly['Clean Water [l]'], 4247800)
        self.assertEqual(total_needs_single['Toilets'], 3170)