def calculate_impact(layers,
    """Calculate impact levels as a function of list of input layers

    :param layers: List of Raster and Vector layer objects to be used for
    :type layers: list

    :param impact_function: An instance of impact function.
    :type impact_function: safe.impact_function.base.ImpactFunction

    :param extent: List of [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] the coordinates of the
        bounding box.
    :type extent: list

    :param check_integrity: If true, perform checking of input data integrity
    :type check_integrity: bool

        filename of resulting impact layer (GML). Comment is embedded as
        metadata. Filename is generated from input data and date.

        The admissible file types are tif and asc/prj for raster and
        gml or shp for vector data

        1. All layers are in WGS84 geographic coordinates
        2. Layers are equipped with metadata such as names and categories

    LOGGER.debug('calculate_impact called with:\nLayers: %s\nFunction:%s' %
                 (layers, impact_function))

    # Input checks
    if check_integrity:

    # Set extent if it is provided
    if extent is not None:
        impact_function.requested_extent = extent

    # Start time
    start_time = datetime.now()

    # Pass input layers to plugin
    F = impact_function.run(layers)

    # End time
    end_time = datetime.now()

    # Elapsed time
    elapsed_time = end_time - start_time
    # Don's use this - see https://github.com/AIFDR/inasafe/issues/394
    # elapsed_time_sec = elapsed_time.total_seconds()
    elapsed_time_sec = elapsed_time.seconds + (elapsed_time.days * 24 * 3600)

    # Eet current time stamp
    # Need to change : to _ because : is forbidden in keywords
    time_stamp = end_time.isoformat('_')

    # Get user
    user = getpass.getuser().replace(' ', '_')

    # Get host
    host_name = gethostname()

    # Get input layer sources
    # NOTE: We assume here that there is only one of each
    #       If there are more only the first one is used
    for cat in ['hazard', 'exposure']:
        L = extract_layers(layers, 'category', cat)
        keywords = L[0].get_keywords()
        not_specified = tr('Not specified')
        if 'title' in keywords:
            title = keywords['title']
            title = not_specified

        if 'source' in keywords:
            source = keywords['source']
            source = not_specified

        if 'subcategory' in keywords:
            subcategory = keywords['subcategory']
            subcategory = not_specified

        F.keywords['%s_title' % cat] = title
        F.keywords['%s_source' % cat] = source
        F.keywords['%s_subcategory' % cat] = subcategory

    F.keywords['elapsed_time'] = elapsed_time_sec
    F.keywords['time_stamp'] = time_stamp[:19]  # remove decimal part
    F.keywords['host_name'] = host_name
    F.keywords['user'] = user

    msg = 'Impact function %s returned None' % str(impact_function)
    verify(F is not None, msg)

    # Set the filename : issue #1648
    # EXP + On + Haz + DDMMMMYYYY + HHhMM.SS.EXT
    # FloodOnBuildings_12March2015_10h22.04.shp
    exp = F.keywords['exposure_subcategory'].title()
    haz = F.keywords['hazard_subcategory'].title()
    date = end_time.strftime('%d%B%Y').decode('utf8')
    time = end_time.strftime('%Hh%M.%S').decode('utf8')
    prefix = u'%sOn%s_%s_%s-' % (haz, exp, date, time)
    prefix = replace_accentuated_characters(prefix)

    # Write result and return filename
    if F.is_raster:
        extension = '.tif'
        # use default style for raster
        extension = '.shp'
        # use default style for vector

    # Check if user directory is specified
    settings = QSettings()
    default_user_directory = settings.value('inasafe/defaultUserDirectory',

    if default_user_directory:
        output_filename = unique_filename(dir=default_user_directory,
        output_filename = unique_filename(prefix=prefix, suffix=extension)

    F.filename = output_filename

    # Establish default name (layer1 X layer1 x impact_function)
    if not F.get_name():
        default_name = ''
        for layer in layers:
            default_name += layer.name + ' X '

        if hasattr(impact_function, 'plugin_name'):
            default_name += impact_function.plugin_name
            # Strip trailing 'X'
            default_name = default_name[:-2]


    # FIXME (Ole): If we need to save style as defined by the impact_function
    # this is the place

    # Return layer object
    return F
文件: core.py 项目: warex03/WebSAFE
def calculate_impact(layers, impact_fcn):
    """Calculate impact levels as a function of list of input layers

        layers: List of Raster and Vector layer objects to be used for analysis

        impact_fcn: Function of the form f(layers)

        filename of resulting impact layer (GML). Comment is embedded as
        metadata. Filename is generated from input data and date.

        The admissible file types are tif and asc/prj for raster and
        gml or shp for vector data

        1. All layers are in WGS84 geographic coordinates
        2. Layers are equipped with metadata such as names and categories

        'calculate_impact called with:\nLayers: %s\nFunction:%s' % (
            layers, impact_fcn))
    # Input checks

    # Get an instance of the passed impact_fcn
    impact_function = impact_fcn()

    # Start time
    start_time = datetime.now()

    # Pass input layers to plugin
    F = impact_function.run(layers)

    # End time
    end_time = datetime.now()

    # Elapsed time
    elapsed_time = end_time - start_time
    # Don's use this - see https://github.com/AIFDR/inasafe/issues/394
    # elapsed_time_sec = elapsed_time.total_seconds()
    elapsed_time_sec = elapsed_time.seconds + (elapsed_time.days * 24 * 3600)

    # Eet current time stamp
    # Need to change : to _ because : is forbidden in keywords
    time_stamp = end_time.isoformat('_')

    # Get user
    user = getpass.getuser().replace(' ', '_')

    # Get host
    host_name = gethostname()

    # Get input layer sources
    # NOTE: We assume here that there is only one of each
    #       If there are more only the first one is used
    for cat in ['hazard', 'exposure']:
        L = extract_layers(layers, 'category', cat)
        keywords = L[0].get_keywords()
        not_specified = tr('Not specified')
        if 'title' in keywords:
            title = keywords['title']
            title = not_specified

        if 'source' in keywords:
            source = keywords['source']
            source = not_specified

        F.keywords['%s_title' % cat] = title
        F.keywords['%s_source' % cat] = source

    F.keywords['elapsed_time'] = elapsed_time_sec
    F.keywords['time_stamp'] = time_stamp[:19]  # remove decimal part
    F.keywords['host_name'] = host_name
    F.keywords['user'] = user

    msg = 'Impact function %s returned None' % str(impact_function)
    verify(F is not None, msg)

    # Write result and return filename
    if F.is_raster:
        extension = '.tif'
        # use default style for raster
        #extension = '.shp'
        extension = '.json' ######################################################################################################################
        # use default style for vector

    tempdir = "/vagrant/webapp/data/impact"
    output_filename2 = unique_filename(suffix=extension, dir=tempdir)
    print output_filename2
    output_filename = "/vagrant/webapp/data/impact/impact.json"
    F.filename = output_filename

    # Establish default name (layer1 X layer1 x impact_function)
    if not F.get_name():
        default_name = ''
        for layer in layers:
            default_name += layer.name + ' X '

        if hasattr(impact_function, 'plugin_name'):
            default_name += impact_function.plugin_name
            # Strip trailing 'X'
            default_name = default_name[:-2]


    # FIXME (Ole): If we need to save style as defined by the impact_function
    #              this is the place

    # Return layer object
    return F
def calculate_impact(layers, impact_fcn, extent=None, check_integrity=True):
    """Calculate impact levels as a function of list of input layers

        layers: List of Raster and Vector layer objects to be used for analysis

        impact_fcn: Function of the form f(layers)

        extent:     List of [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
                    the coordinates of the bounding box.

        check_integrity:    If true, perform checking of input data integrity

        filename of resulting impact layer (GML). Comment is embedded as
        metadata. Filename is generated from input data and date.

        The admissible file types are tif and asc/prj for raster and
        gml or shp for vector data

        1. All layers are in WGS84 geographic coordinates
        2. Layers are equipped with metadata such as names and categories

    # Input checks
    if check_integrity:

    # Get an instance of the passed impact_fcn
    impact_function = impact_fcn()
    # Set extent if it is provided
    if not extent is None:

    # Pass input layers to plugin
    F = impact_function.run(layers)

    # Get input layer sources
    # NOTE: We assume here that there is only one of each
    #       If there are more only the first one is used
    for cat in ['hazard', 'exposure']:
        L = extract_layers(layers, 'category', cat)
        keywords = L[0].get_keywords()
        not_specified = tr('Not specified')
        if 'title' in keywords:
            title = keywords['title']
            title = not_specified

        if 'source' in keywords:
            source = keywords['source']
            source = not_specified

        F.keywords['%s_title' % cat] = title
        F.keywords['%s_source' % cat] = source

    msg = 'Impact function %s returned None' % str(impact_function)
    verify(F is not None, msg)

    # Write result and return filename
    if F.is_raster:
        extension = '.tif'
        # use default style for raster
        extension = '.shp'
        # use default style for vector

    tempdir = "/vagrant/server/data/impact"
    output_filename2 = unique_filename(suffix=extension, dir=tempdir)

    #output_filename = unique_filename(suffix=extension)
    #output_filename = '/vagrant/backend/data/impact/impact.shp'
    #F.filename = output_filename2

    # Establish default name (layer1 X layer1 x impact_function)
    if not F.get_name():
        default_name = ''
        for layer in layers:
            default_name += layer.name + ' X '

        if hasattr(impact_function, 'plugin_name'):
            default_name += impact_function.plugin_name
            # Strip trailing 'X'
            default_name = default_name[:-2]


    # FIXME (Ole): If we need to save style as defined by the impact_function
    #              this is the place

    # Return layer object
    return F